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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  February 5, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST

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tiered wedding cake and another cake this three hours. top three earn $500 and move on to the finals in march. that looks pretty col. >> pretty. >> i am sure you could be convinced. >> thanks for joining us. fox news alert. waiting to hear from the white house after the jaw- dropping testimony on the thorough affect of obama care. welcome to hq. i am bill hemmer. you are not alisyn. >> no, i am heather childress in for alisyn camerota. telling the house committee that the obama care creates a disincentive for people to work. >> our briefing room in dc, ed, republicans will say it confirms their warnings about health care and the economy and all of the stuff they said for three and half years now.
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>> reporter: that's right, bill. the republicans are saying look, it confirms the suspicion that the health care law is killing jobs and democrats here in the house and capitol hill are pushing back that that is not what the cbo said. they suggested you may have full- time workers who might decide to be part- time because they are working full- time without health insurance and might find it better for the family and health care to be a part- time worker. and republicans like paul ryan said that will hurt the middle class and democrat chris van holland insists that the republicans are overplaying this. >> by 2017 cbo projects that people will be working fewer hours because of the incentives in the law. the affect will be severe. >> when one misinterpretation gets out of the box it takes the long time for the truth to catch
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up. >> reporter: the cbo is an independent group on capitol hill and the umpire and arbitrator. and the white house has used them many times before to back up the claps on the health care law and so for them to raise this now is a problem politically. >> what will the white house likely say about this. we heard lines about extended freedom and not looked into a job you don't want to have if you don't want to work there? >> reporter: right, we got a preview from the top economic advisor in the podium trying to say if you have someone working 60 hours a week and they come down to 35 hours a week and they have health care, that is better choice for the family and security of health care, i pressed him on what does it mean if you cut your hours in half, don't you have less money in the pocket. pru assumably they will have
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less take home play and put in the economy. >> we just described that, that is a hypothetical example. >> reporter: what is it? >> that is completely fair. again, it is a choice they are making. they had a 65 hour week job and no health care options and now you give them a new option they didn't have. a brand new thing. >> reporter: white house officials say that republicans are leaving out the part of the report that health care premiums are coming down while republicans predicted the opposite. >> reporter: quickly ed, jason was out there fast yesterday. did the white house know it was coming? >> reporter: folks in both parties get a head part that the cbo is coming out with reports about the budget situation and the health care law is an important part of that. they sprung in action and conference calls before the
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white house briefing and jason furman is a top economic adviser. while it is taken out of context they think. they know it is a problem for them. >> we'll so how jay carney explains it, ed. great to see you, heather? >> damaging testimony for the white house. nina easton senior edouter and columnist and a fox news contributor, what is your take on this? you listen to the white house, less jobs is a good thing and it is a choice, republicans say that is what they warned about all along. 2.3 million less full- time jobs in the work force in the next ten years. >> yes, this two and half million jobs they are portraying as voluntary reductions. they haven't studied that the companies will higher fewer
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workers in order not to insure them in the system. that was not addressed in this. i think the big concern here is that people in the lower end of the spectrum will make less money. and this white house wants to have a vibrant middle-class and you have a disincentive to work. it combines with other disincentives and a rise in disability insurance roles and a rise in food stamps and a rise in housing subsidies and you have a built in bombing cushion of disincentives to work that lowers economic growth. regardless of whether it is a choice or not. the number remains the same. 2.5 million jobs lost and what is the impact on the overall economy. that is something that the white house is not talking about.
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>> you combine it with the fact that fewer percent of the population is working now than historically. and that is a labor participation rate. and more people staying at home and you add this on top of that and what that means, newer dollars in people's pockets to spend and that means that an economy that is dampened with lower growth and job sprukz production. and a less of a tax base to draw from exactly. and this is created by subsidized health insurance. and i think you have to look at it in terms of the over all economy, too. and everything that is going on all disincentives to work out there and impact in the lower level and impact on lower level middle-class. >> you talk about disincentives and what the white house is
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saying. this is a good thing and more benefits are encouraging people to work less. that is the argument against republicans when you look at insurance argument. and that is how they are justifying. >> they are trying to say it gives you more choice and a chance. this portability argument is the strongest argument they have on obama care when it comes to appealing to people and not only do you get insurance and move to attractive jobs. that is the case they are trying to make. and once again, it means fewer jobs and less income and it is going to be you know, you mentioned unemployment insurance and that is another program that is going through the roof. and that actually creates disincentive to work. there are studies that show people wait to the last-minute and on unemployment insurance,
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they wait until the benefits run out. >> yes. they say it is not the case. >> yeah. and all the way around. it slides in the face. and thanks for joining us. >> meanwhile union leaders raising concerns and making a public display of roaching out to mitch mcconnell. a long- time opponent of the affordable care act. stewart varny. twice if one day. i win, i am the lucky one. what does it say about the union leader and the riowa ft with the white house obama care. >> a top union guy request a meeting with the leading republican and they discuss obama care, you know there is a rift between the unions and obama care. and it was donald taylor.
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he heads the national hotels union and right through that rift to meet with mitch mcconnell republican leader in the senate. prior to that meeting, mr. taylor already said he was bitterly disappointed with obama care and before that another union leader that leads the labor union he said to harry reid, look we have concerns about obama care and we want changes and you are not listening to us. there is a public splins and th obama care. >> we'll go to the issues as to why? issue number one. the unions want the president to keep his pledge. pledge on what? >> the pledge from the president if you like your plan you can keep it. the unions want to president to keep that pledge. a lot of union guys will be switched off their plan and they are insisting that the president live up to his promise. if you like the plan keep it. >> second issue you believe it
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undermines the unions themselves and they themselves are reaching the conclusion? >> yes obama care undermines the reasons to join a union in the first place. union officers have good health care plans and they are genous. and they will taxed and some of those plans may with withdrawn. if they are withdrawn why join the union. >> they get the cadillac plans and high- end ones we refer to? >> yes. >> you are saying that the union leaders are trying to head it off or are they hearing approximate it from the members? >> i think they are hearing about it from the members and they are angry with obama care, they went to the republican leader in the senate to do something about it. >> we'll see if mitch mcconnell listens or the white house listens or either. >> another hearing on capitol
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hill on the irs targeting controversy. they are facing congress for the first time. mike emmanuel joins us live from the capitol with more. >> reporter: heather, after the hearing, the new irs commissioner apologized to tea party groups for the treatment they received from the tax collection agency. during the hearing, the new irs commissioner expressed this concern. >> the management problems associated with 501 c4 application have shaken the public's trust in the irs. >> he was not at the irs when they targeted conservative groups seeking tax exempt status. there are currently six investigations going on to what went on to the applications of the conservative groups. there was some discussion for him bringing bonus back to the irs. 62.5 in performance awards. there were fireworks when
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chairman dave kemp suggesting that irs regulations were drafted privately as a way to attack the conservative groups. >> i am sure that means hidden from the publicment would you agree if the treasury and irs fabricated the ratione for the rule change it would raise questions about the integrity of the rule- making process. >> i want to you to get the documents you need. >> he is not spending a lot of time looking back at what went wrong in the irs. he said the fix and investigations under way will take care of. that he is trying to lead the tax collection agency forward. >> thank you, mike emmanuel. so the question is, will the irs be able to restore the american's trust. what must the tax agency do? >> in the meantime. yet again, the path of a powerful storm. there is snow and sleet and freezing rain.
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we have it all, right? >> yes. >> travel is treacherous. >> and a big drug bust. the a cowed someone on the right side of the law and thousands of criminal cases are compromised. >> senate republicans say they have an alternate plan to obama care. allowed him to identify and better address the issue. then drive off into the sunset. experian.
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zy or cool "meow" or "wf"?
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exactly the way you want it ... until boom! your mattress a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. an innovative design that lets couples sleep together in individualized comfort. he's the softy: his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. as your needs change, you can adjust your sleep number bed, so you can sleep better together. e ultimate sleep numr event is on now only at a sleep number store. with queen mattresses as low as $599.99 know better sleewith sleep number.
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welcome back a former crime lab chemist in florida accused of selling stolen drug evident. he replaced seized pain killers he was responsible for testing with over the counter drugs. officials say evidence from hundreds of those cases may have been compromised. >> he was put in a position of trust and he violated that trust. we'll look at protocols to insure it doesn't happen again. >> joseph graves facing a string of charges. he has already resigned.
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senate republicans put together the most comprehensive and source alternative to date. north carolina richard burr one of those three septemberors with me from washington. >> great, bill. >> i want to talk about your plan and idea. republicans have said for three and half years, there is a better way to do this and this will hurt the economy. and i know you are going to make the case in a moment here that what the cbo put out a if i weres your worst fears. before we go there though, the white house said actually this will give you more freedom. you don't want to work full- time you can work 35 hours a week and allow you to have better choice and an american dream can come true. >> you would expect that out of an administration whose plan has raised the cost of health care for everybody yet they say the price went down. and 6 million people were knocked off insurance and 2
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million enrolled and 4 million in the hole right now. even though it is a snapshot of employment and means that americans will work less hours and make less money and pay more for health care. what tom coburn and orin hatch and i tried to do. how do we make health care affordable for all americans regardless of the income and whether they have an income. >> they say not 2.throw million who will lose jobs tis the full- time workers will choose to work part- time. what do you think of that argument? >> i think any time you have an incentive for people less productive and
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individuals 300 percent poverty and below to help them purchase insurance. and eliminate the employer and individual man date and create a marketplace which has at the lost a 15 percent reduction in the affects of premium cost and empower individuals to go in the marketplace and pick a plan that meets their age, their income and health conditions which i think puts them in charge of their health care. and we extend the same benefit to individuals on medicaid that are not pregnant women and elderly and disabled. let them take the tax credit and purchase coverage in the private marketplace. >> i know three republicans with the idea. do you have any democrat colleagues that came to you whether on or off of the record
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and say that is a great idea. i can get behind that? >> it is amazing to see health care economist of all stripes look at the plan and say there is good things in here. it is not a bill we interviewed. it is a draft piece of legislation that we went and solicited people to give us best ideas and comments on it. the president said he has a phone. i hope he learns to use. it >> so i did not hear a clear answer as to whether the democratic colleagues think senator you have a good idea. do you have any support from the other side. >> there is a lot of intchlt no democrat is going to publicly say i am ready to throw the affordable act over. it is the president's signature legislation. it is time to talk about real solutionses and reassure the american people that coveraging
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is in their future. >> thank you, senator, appreciate your time. coming up the family of brian terry, his murder was linked to fast and furruous. >> there are questions that remain and we are anxious to found out those answers. >> we have more of that interview and plus brian's final moments serving our country on the southern border. >> and a high- speed chase and the drunk driver involved is going the wrong way. how this all ends in a moment. plus the new survey and blowing the lid off of the american dating scene and showing that people don't just rely on cupid to fall in love. >> what? >> they hold hands. >> we'll see.
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finding true love is not easy or cheap either. a new survey finds that single americans spend 60 bucks a month on dating and some do it on line. one thing people hate the most is when the partners will not talk about the previous relationship. >> when they won't stop talking about it. >> if they want a date you will have to spend more than 60 bucks a month. >> that is star bucks. >> we want to know this hour. >> what is the best way to impress a date? >> send me a tweet.
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you can send me a tweet to bill hemmer and healther childers. >> that is to star bucks. >> and now dash cam video shoes a woman driving the wrong way on a highway reaching speeds of 90 miles per hour. police in utah releasing the video. the sergeant was on the way home and in a marked patrol car when a chrysler passed him going southbound in the now lane. they caught up with the driver and she was drunk. all of this in the meddle the night. that is a good thing because the road was mostly empty and no one was injured. >> stunning new details on the murder of a border patrol agent, his name brian terry and william has the story. what did you find? >> reporter: police, bill, found two fast and furious guns in the crime scene but because homeland security never released an incident report we didn't
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know what happened the night terrory died. now thanks to court documents. terry and five other agents tracked a crew two days in the desert. and terry died in a fire fight. but 52 minutes later, their shift was over and replaced by another team and brian would have gone home for christmas. two nights prior they confronted the work crew and they fled. no weapons were found at the time. but smugglers returned and retrieved a ca che of weapons and later killed terry. the smugglers approached with assault weapons and when agents recounts, i heard shooting coming from the wash. and i heard agent terry say i am hit. i went to agent terry to administer first ad. i can't feel my legs and i am paralyzed and agent terry lost
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consciousness and died at the scene. >> the answers are few and far between. we are still looking for information. we are still looking to understand how an operation such as fast and furious was put into place as ill conceived as it was. >> reporter: the men pled guilty to felony murder and two others are in custody and oronnous is set to get a 30 year sentence on monday. someone stashed those weapons in the desert. we don't know. who there is a principle and police called plus one. you bring a comboif i will bring a gun. and you bring a gun i bring ben bags. others say the agents department have freedom to use lethal force. >> william, thank you from los
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angeles on that. >> still to come. tremendous explosion and fire after a train explodes and goes off of the rails and disaster forcing people from their home. >> and president obama teaming up with bill clinton and meeting with democrats anxious over the midterms. will that help to put their minds at ease? >> ion't know. and this winter whallop. millions hit by snow, sleet and freezing rain and cars spinning out of control and thousands of flights are grounded. where the storm moves next. >> it is very cold. they don't want them there for an extended period of time. we don't want them to get hit and a noninjury accident turn into a injury accident. cúp,@sb
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huh...fifteen minutes cúp,@sb could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller?
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your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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time for a quick check of the headlines, a washington navy yard building where a gunman fatally shot 12 people in september will be renamed. the building 197 will be named after joshua barnett humries. >> and moscow. hundreds forced from their homes and 32 car with liquidified gas went off the tracks and burst in flames. two- time olympics medallist taking himself out of the running of a snow boarding
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competition in sochi. he found it intimidating and deciding to concentrate on the half pike. >> looked like he injured his wrist and two of the snow borders got hurt. >> tough decision to making competitive but maybe the safe one. >> he cut his hair too. and bring home the gold. >> that might be lucky. >> extreme weather alert. another major winter storm affecting millions and snarling traffic in the midwest and northeast. thousands of flights are cancelled and that ice is making the roads dangerous. mike tobin on the move. >> reporter: bill what i want to draw your attention to is not the lanes of traffic but all the way over the median those are the now lanes and traffic is moving slow because of a pile up
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of four tractor trailers and jack-knifed have been cleared, a few of the lanes. moments i- 65 now was closed ten miles deep. and again, they are four trailers that were traveling fast and jack knifed and piled up. the bad news people go snarled. and good news, not much in the way of injuries. two injured. transportation is the difficulty of the day. mostly trucks moving. i don't see a lot of civilian or passenger cars like that one in the foreground coming this way. and we start to look at air travel. right now between o'hare and midway airport. more than 400 flights are cancelled and you know the rule of them. as o'hare goes and chicago goes, the rest of the country slows down because of connecting flights. word to the wise. call ahead and check the internet. most of the snow has calmed down
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and we have a lot of wind and drifting. we'll get back to the highways and runways in the airport there is a lot of pile ups and drifts. >> okay, looks like alaska out. there mike is there in northwestern indiana. president obama is set to meet with senate democrats. iran and key stone and facing a tough fight to hang on to control. >> at mr. obama side will be a former president clinton. and both news contributors, how are you doing? >> great. >> we are warm, too. >> kirsten. you want to call on bill clinton and will he save the day. how does that go over? >> democrats love him. i don't know if he can save the day. this is just to reassure members of the senate. that is not going to help when it comes to keeping the senate
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in the control of the democrats, because you have a lot of members who are up for reelection and are in conservative states that the president lost and have to distance themselves from the president, because they are not going to get reelected if it they don't. >> dave, they want to maintain control of the senate and win back the house. have they given up winning back the house? >> i think realistically they have given up winning the house. and they are looking at urban strategy and the senate has 4 or 5 seats and kirsten is on to something. bill clinton, i call him the mighty mouse in cartoon sense. i come to save the day. president obama does the interview with bill o'rielly and tries to look statesmen like and appealing. but as we have seen the playbook. i am a cynic as many americans because we don't have serious meeting with the leadership and
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white house and co-equal cooperation on solution and the economic pain is the reality that americans face in spite of the interviews, and in spite of the social media campaign. >> give us a sense on the democratic side, what sort of fences need to be mended here. you bring in bill clinton and sounds loc a mediation and like a intervention. maybe neither one is accurate or maybe they are both accurate. how big is the gap between the white house policies, that they are hanging on to and the red state democrats that are running for their political lives at the moment? >> look, the thing is, you have people who have a different constitiency than a lot of democrats, six of them in the red states that are targeted by the republicans. i don't think that there is any. it is not that there is a fence that needs to be mended between them and the president.
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they just have different views on this and the white house has begin them a broad berth to be able to distance themselves as much as they need to. and this happens all of the time when you have an unpopular president, we saw it with george bush. the white house gave republicans lee way to distance themselves. i don't think there is personal animositty or anything like that. they have differences. >> you have many democrats not showing up at events for the presidentment north carolina, kay haggin stayed in washington because the senate was in session and distancing herself from the support of obama care, david, what do you think will be the biggest issue that causes the greatest rift with the democrats in the midterm? >> it is clearly obama care. kirsten, your birth state of alaska 33 percent rating for the
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president. and look at fundmental dishonesty with the politicians. i hear what they say about george bush. it is clear when presidents are unpopular you run away from them. but the democrats voted for obama care without reading it. and something they have caused is hurting americans in so many ways and we so it rolling out more and more today. the cbo report. if you work 65 hours it is okay to work 35 or 40. those are earning losses and productivity and reflected in real numbers and not just politics. we look at productivity of 36 years lows in this country and part- time jobs becoming the norm. it is dishonesty by the democrats, >> can you refought that? which part. i would need a five- minute segment to go through all of those issues. first of all the cbo number. that is the republican interpretation of it.
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and i think if people. >> but david's point that the democrats voted for it? >> they did vote for. it everyone is not running away from the president. you have a handful of people in red states and it is notes inially over obama care. it is the key stone pipeline in a couple of instances and i don't think it is accurate to say every democrat is running away. >> there will be more time to debate this. see you soon. >> thank you. >> and have you heard about can vs. and what will you not find on store shelves anymore. will thissy set a trend for other big retailers to follow. >> and irs pushing the tax agency back in the spotlight. what must it do to restore america's trust as the president makes reassurances to those who have doubts. snus are saying no corruption. >> there were boneheaded decision.
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>> boneheaded no mass kor rupgz. >> not a smi gion of corruption. ♪
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and we are list lesing to the podium obviously and waiting to get official reaction from the white house about the cbo director and the testimony that obama care is a disincentive to work. what about all of that and big hot headline today. >> and a quick check on what is happening in the real story here is gretchen carlsson. >> do you flash your head lights to warn other drivers about speed traps? i do it all of the time and thank another driver for simply telling you about it. a new ruling on whether or not you can legally do that and safety concerns for american athletes in russia and unbelievable hacking information affecting our athletes and visitors. we'll tell you what is happening are getting off of the airplane.
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and what drove a woman to threaten to shoot a co-workers >> and new irs chief hammered by the house committee about why he reinstated bonuses as his agencies investigated for targeting conservative groups? what is going o. president of citizens united, thank you for joining us first of all and my first question to you, what can the irs do to re-establish trust with the american people? >> i think the irs commissioner is out of touch with reality. he's out of touch with the american people. look, what the irs did was unconsignable and the american people don't trust them and without congressional notice or approval by a single hand reinstating the bonuses. it is an outrage and congress needs to act and cut his budget. >> he said that he wants to re-establish trust. but at the same time david, it is unclear and some would say
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she's not going to in fact whether barbara bosserman lead investigator for the department of justice will be allowed to testify. if you want to re-establish trust allow her to testifyine though she is controversial for donating $6,000. >> one, she knows better. she is a lawyer, understands the rules as a lawyer and prosecutor. she should be recusing herself. she shouldn't wait on eric holder or anyone else. she should recuse herself for having donated $6,000 for obama's campaign. that is appearance of the conflict of interest should negate her in her own mind and she should do that for the good of the investigation. that's the first thing that has to happen. >> i will throw another name out to you. lois lerner what about her? >> lois lerner came and
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testified and tried to use the fifth amendment and she tried to claim she had a fifth amendment right of self incrimination and then ended up giving some testimony and that is called into question. they are worried about what can she say versus what she can't say. in the 1990s when i served as chief investigator for that very committee, we called in well, ou i the fbi director and janet reno and numbous prosecutor and numbous counsels for testimony for our full committee when they could not answer the question they didn't and told us why. but to say with a blank prosecutor cannot come and testify is outrageous and goes against the clinton administration and janet reno. >> president obama's interview with bill o'rielly. he used words bonehead decision
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making and not a smidgeon of corruption. but the investigation continues. and so where do we go from here? >> it is interesting. how can he say there is an ongoing investigation and multiple investigations yet he can state that there is nothing going to come from them? that is very upsetting to the conservatives on the committee and that's why they are asking tough questions. if he is a donor and supporter of barak obama. does he understand that nothing comes from it? >> thank you for the shame time we appreciate. it >> you know there is a major nasty winter storm out there. it is on the move. millions of americans are feeling. this word of a another storm that is behind it.
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what is up for that? >> and a new ad campaign to kick the habit. will it be convincing? ?.
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the nation's second largest drugstore chain kicking the habit. cvs phasing out cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco from its stores starting october 1st. the first national pharmacy chain to do so, by the way. the move all part of the plan to
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focus more on providing health care of the company has more than 7,600 stores nationwide. >> meanwhile there's a new push under way to help americans quit smoking, cdc releasing anti-tobacco ads this week. some ads feature a woman who died from cancer blamed on cigarettes and those ads were shot in her final days. jonathan has that live in atlanta on this. jonathan. >> reporter: hi, bill. well, a lot of viewers are going to remember terry hall. she's the north carolina woman who and in earlier cdc ads demonstrating how smoking-related illness affected her life. she died last september. just days before she insisted on bringing a camera crew into her hospital room to shut this ad. watch.
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>> teens ar target of a related campaign. these ads dramatize effects on immediate concerns, independence and how they look. watch. >> what's a pack of smokes cost? your teeth. smoking can cause serious gum disease that makes you more likely to lose them. what are cigarettes costing you. >> tobacco doesn't just kill, it disab disables, disfigures. this is something the ads show and unfortunately is a reality for millions of americans. >> bill, anti-smoking advocates are hoping these ads fuel a trend making cigarettes more difficult to buy and less attractive to smoke. >> certainly get your attention.
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jonathan serrie, thanks, in atlanta. >> tough to watch. a new survey shows how much people spend on average for a date. so we want to know what is the best way to impress a date. >> spend more money, guys. >> not necessarily. no, no, no. >> that's the key. >> a walk in the park. >> your best tweets are next. cool.
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best way to impress a date. >> i said spend money. >> jeff said best way to impress a date? take her back stage to meet lady gaga. of course that would work. >> nick said best way to impress
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a date. use an iron! #puns. >> just be yourself and don't put on a lie. >> trip says, you should not only hear your date, you should listen to your date. >> yes. >> what did you say? >> i said this show is brought to you by dr. drew. we've got to run. >> i'm heather in for alisyn camerota. >> bye-bye. hi, everyone. fox news alert. right now president obama is meeting with senate dems delivering remarks at their issues conference but he's not alone. former president bill clinton is there as well. this as the dems plot their strategy and legislative agenda for 2014. very important. very important year because of the midterm elections when controlled congress is up for grab. more on that conference and calling in president clinton to help straight ahead. another fox news alert. hi,


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