tv The Kelly File FOX News February 6, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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other stuff. we'll have that on friday's factor. all right? should be interesting. again, thank you for joining us tonight. ms. megyn is next, i am bill o'reilly, and please remember that the stops here, so definitely we're looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly, live in new york city. and tonight. explosive developments into the investigation of the president targeting the irs' critics. >> this is something in a two-year time frame, you expect -- >> we looked at the just released e-mails from the woman at the center of this scandal and see what she wanted to keep secret and why. >> plus, new controversy over what the president told bill o'reilly. >> the notion that we would hide the ball for political purpose when is a week later we all said in fact there is a terrorist attack taking place. that wouldn't be a very good
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cover-up. see why the results to that answer resulted in big back lash from top senators. and why did they just relax the rules designed to keep people with terror ties from coming to the united states? >> plus, does you see the story about bill clinton and actress elizabeth hurley? the story behind that tonight on "the kelly file." big development tonight after the irs scandal after two days of explosive allegations and a newly discovered bombshell which we'll show you. the scandal over the irs unfairly targeting the conservatives jumped back into the headlines this week after bill o'reilly pressed president obama regarding their ongoing questions on the super bowl, and appeared to down play it.
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>> you're saying there was no corruption? >> no, there was some bony-headed decisions. >> but no corruption. >> not even a smidgen of corruption. >> the president apparently forget about the criminal probabprobe, but putting that aside they said the guidance was not malicious, saying the tax agency simply wanted to make sure that groups were not too political for exempt status. even though the conservatives got it 100 to 7, against the liberal liberals. when they looked into it, the attorney general found the behavior was totally inappropriate. an irs employee named lois lerner said what we did was wrong but also was totally innocent. well, now, this new e-mail reveals that despite all the
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denials, it was innocent, we were pledging along, didn't try to hide anything, trying to do what was best. the u.s. treasury and guess who? lois lerner and the irs were discussing cracking down on groups. she did the mea culpa in may of 2013, and they wanted to make sure it stayed quote, off of plan. we'll show you this e-mail, the chairman of the house, ways and means committee pressed the issue at a hearing yesterday. >> the committee has found irs e-mails from 2012 in which the irs and treasury discussed working on regulations quote, off plan, i'm sure that means hidden from the public. >> jay christian adams, good to see you again.
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we have the e-mail, it is pretty lengthy, goes on and on, from a woman named ruth madrigal, to among others, lois lerner, and what the e-mail says is look, don't know who in your organization is keeping tabs on those applying for c-4's, the tax except status, but since we mentioned them as addressed off plan i have my radar up. she goes on to talk about a court ruling that she believes will be very helpful to them that justifies the irs really giving it to those who are pacs. who are super pacs, who are openly political. she thinks it will be super helpful to go after groups who are applying for tax exempt status, like the groups who are targeted. do i have it about right? >> you do, megyn, and what it shows is a concerted administration full-court press leading up to the 2012 election
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to do anything they could to shut up conservative groups. to make them quiet, to them. lois lerner is with the irs but she is dealing with treasury officials, treasury officials now are involved in this targeting of conservative organizations. this is a big deal. but understand the entire administration from the very top, white house counsel like bob bauer were hyper paranoid about citizens united, a supreme court case that let free speech flow. and they wanted to find new ways to shut people up, like true the vote and the tea party organizations. and the irs and the treasury department in that e-mail is going full board trying to figure out how to do it. >> and what wound up happening, they targeted these conservative groups. it delayed their applications. hundreds of them basically gave up or didn't ultimately get approval because the process was so onerous, they needed donor
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lists and all sorts of information that was not appropriate to ask for. so that is how the irs went about sort of cracking down on them. now, today, chris, they're trying to -- oh, we're very -- it was inappropriate. but what we would like to do is just push through this new rule that is going to stop them from doing any voter registration activity from backing any candidates, doing all this sort of stuff that had been previously allowed. now they shouldn't do this because this new rule just cut them off before it even applies, and trust us at the irs we'll apply that rule fairly. >> yeah, these are new irs regulations that were issued over the thanksgiving weekend. and what they're trying to do is stop the debate, regulate speech and crack down on political opponents like pro life groups or pro constitution groups. or groups that oppose the administration on barack obama. they want to stop them from even
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talking about these issues. they want to stop a catholic-related organization from saying that a certain person voted a certain way if they say it within 30 days of the election. this is a way for government to get bigger, for washington to exert more power and for free speech to diminish. >> but they say we are only do that in response to the scandal of what we were doing before. that is the only reason we have proposed this rule. and then comes this e-mail. >> yeah, and it is like well, we got caught doing it the bad way and the tricky and slimy way. now we're going to issue proper regulations, i mean, that is what the irs is saying. and all the speech regulators in academia, they didn't like this sort of thing, the fact that the irs got caught dirty and now they're trying to do it nice and proper and issue regulations. >> and although they say it was in response to what happened before we have the e-mail saying
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we're discussing what we're doing with this rule. as far back as 2012 it was in the works with lois lerner. >> and don't forget, megyn, it won't affect unions, that is why are they're doing it. >> so it shuts up one group but doesn't shut up a whole other. good to see you. new fallout today, the irs' targeting of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status. this as the irs proposes a new rule that would allow it to tighten the rules and other groups. she spoke about how life changed after she filed for tax exceemp status for her conservative-leaning business. she says after doing business for 20 years without a single interruption of law enforcement, her business became the focus of more than a dozen visits by
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federal agents. the republican congressman jim jordan says that is no coincidence. but one democrat on the panel is quick to respond. >> in 20 years of business, the irs never visited. >> you can respond, even though i gave you plenty of extra time. the gentleman is recognized for another minute. >> so where is your proof, other than the connecting dots that may or may not be connected that osha was politically motivated. >> i didn't say proof. >> you want us to believe it is a coincidence. and you want us all to believe by innuendo there is something wrong. >> 20 different times in four years they visit this lady's place of business and audit her personal records and you expect us to believe that just -- >> i don't expect you to believe anything. you can believe whatever you choose to believe. >> well you can believe it is all a coincidence. >> no, i didn't say that either. i believe in fact-based
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empirical oversight. and innuendo, and drawing conclusions and paranoia do not substitute for fact-based empirical oversight. >> here are the facts, she filed for an application of c-4 status and subsequently was visited by osha, atf, and was audited by the irs. >> mr. chairman. >> i would say mr. chairman you should be on the panel given your views. >> republican ohio congressman jim jordan was the chair of that committee hearing today and is with us today, good to see you, congressman. what a spirited exchange, you being accused of paranoia, of mccarthyism -- >> well, what happened to katherine should frighten every single business in america.
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in 20 years no irs agency has ever visited her business. and her organization is having an impact in making elections fair. >> let's get up to speed where you are. she founded "true the vote" which works with voters in texas. she has never bothered and has a manufacturing business with her husband. having never been bothered, after she applies for her voter registration, she gets two fbi visits, an osha visit, the irs audit, and the osha inspector said i don't even know what i'm doing here. and now you say that is no coincidence and you say it is not paranoia. >> anyone with common sense in this great country of ours knows it is not a coincidence. they came down on this lady exercising her first amendment rights to political speech making our election systems fair and better. and the full way the federal government comes down on them.
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and my democrat colleagues say oh, it just happened, it was not planned. nobody with any brain, any common sense will believe that. katherine was tremendous, a courageous woman coming forward and telling the truth so the american people know what exactly this government did. and to -- >> but the reason this is significant, among others, is because if this is true, if she was targeted in this way then it expands it well beyond the irs and it is targeting. it suggests the irs was communicating with other groups in the federal government to try to exact retribution by the groups who were disliked, like katherine's group. >> and what it also does is make the president's statement on sunday when bill o'reilly interviewed him, saying there is not a smidgen of corruption, it makes that statement even more ridiculous. >> now, the point your democratic colleagues make is
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you don't have the smoking gun, if you believe this is true, where is the witness, the e-mail, that wican show us ther is coordination. >> i wish we did, the treasury drags their feet, the irs drags their feet giving us the documents we subpoenaed. but what we do know is, jay sokolove, 41 clients he represents, the fbi and the justice department, not any of these clients have been interviewed. and yet the fbi leaks to "the wall street journal" and says nobody is going to be recommended for prosecution. the president says there is not a smidgen of corruption, and the person heading the investigation has the interest in the financial success because she gave $650,000 to his campaign. so no wonder the president can be so confident. this is a sham of an investigation, that is what troubles us, as katherine has testified and showed us the
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coordination that took place. >> yes, the woman heavily participating in the investigation is the maxed out obama donor and wants the president to stay in office. good to see you, congressman. good to be with you. shortly after the hearing wrapped up, the witness we just discussed made what is called an unusual move. she filed a formal ethics complaint against congressman elijah cummings. now, she accused him of intimidation, and he denied it. "the kelly file" asked for comment but he has not answered yet. let's advance the story by taki taking it to the ethics complaint by the congressman, why bring him into it specifically? >> he is the ranking member of that committee, and frankly, megyn, the thought of having to sit before my accuser and be silent in the face of what he did, it was unconscionable.
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>> what did he do? >> well, he filed over a period of months beginning in october of 2012, he filed three lettes s that he sent to me, asserting that he was opening an investigation. he sends this on the house oversight and government reform. the funny thing i found out about it from an l.a. times reporter who called for comment after the congressman had down a series of news shows, talking about what he believed to be the activities of "true the vote" based on fundamentally flawed information. didn't call me first. just went public. went to the press on a defamation, per se, national tour. >> so this is what he says about why he did that. here he is. >> letters were sent out as the ranking member, i am the ranking member of this committee. i did nothing different than what mr. issa has done when
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looking into situations. >> he basically says he had to investigate your group. that protecting the right to vote is very important to him. but as i mentioned before many on the left do not like groups like yours because they think rather than sniffing out voter fraud what you mean to do is suppress the vote. >> all he would have had to have done was contact us and ask us for our information. but he didn't. he sent a letter and then went public for what was undoubtedly a healthy publicity bump for him. meanwhile, me, a private citizen, not a government employee, not an appointee, i didn't even have my private status at that point. what was there to oversee? but he singled me out for his purposes. >> and on the subject you were there to testify, we went through the list with congressman jordan. two fbi visits, osha visits, you heard the exchange, could this
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be a coincidence? it is either coincidence or it is paranoia, winter or the other. your thoughts. >> i think it is the weaponizing of government. and regardless of your political affiliations we should all, as americans, be troubled about what is happening. i am a living example of what really is happening. and i submit that this goes very deep into the west wing of the white house. >> i should point out that of course, they have denied that. that the inspector general has not attributed this to specific political targeting. but the investigation is ongoinongoin ongoing, despite what the president said. and this remains to be seen how it will officially come out. katherine, thank you for joining us. thank you so much. and breaking tonight, a new security warning for air travellers, homeland security now banning all liquids in any carriage heading to the olympics. >> megyn, it is liquids, gels,
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and powders in the carry-on, that means they will not be able to be carried on. liquids of more than 3.4 ounces have been banned since 2006, and dhs has not said yet why that rule is not good enough to stop this threat. the white house press secretary jay carney says there is no indication that the threat level will be raised. listen to him. >> there is information, if the ic receives information that changes our assessment about whether or not americans ought to travel to sochi we would certainly make that information available. >> delta is the only u.s. airline that has non-stop flights to russia. and now russian-bound passengers cannot check in on line or at the kiosk, they must go to the
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security. >> life is full of risks, we're fine, we feel good about looking forward to the competition. >> we should note that in 1976, a cubana airlines jet was attacked by anti-castro forces. it was brought down, 78 people died, including the cuban fencing team. the plane was brought down by a too toothpaste. and more on questions that were said to bill rylo'reilly o benghazi. and i'll have more questions from the top democrat. just ahead. and why did the administration just quietly relax the rules designed to keep people with possible terror ties from coming to america. that is next. and later, it now looks like the lawyer who volunteered to go
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to bat for a cop killer is about to get a huge job with the department of justice. the widow of the murdered cop is here tonight. plus, new fallout from the academy awards disqualifying a christian film from a shot at an oscar, we'll hear from the woman who was now denied her moment in who was now denied her moment in th [ male aouncer ] we all think about life insurance. but when we start worrying about tomorrow, we miss out on the thin that matter today. ♪ at axa, we fer advice and help you break down your insurance goals into small, mageable steps. because when you plan for tomorrow, it helps you live for today. can we help you take a small step? for advice, retirement, and life insurance, connect with axa. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan --
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and at least one senator is calling it deeply alarming. micha michael cutler is a retired immigration specialist. it is one example they give to allow a farmer, who regularly pays a toll to a resistance group in order to cross the bridge to take his food into market to then not be banned from the united states for doing that. >> how thoroughly do they want to vet these people? how thoroughly? there was just a hearing done by the house judiciary committee december 12th about how the members of the drug cartel have been gaining political asylum, to evade mexico, or carry out violence in the united states in furtherance of their drug activities. if you look at the 911 report, megyn, the immigration benefit fraud, including the dreamers, people getting green cards by lying and so forth is what enabled the terrorists to not
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only enter the united states, but imbed themselves with terrorists. if you look at 2003, ramsey usef that set off the bomb and killed multiple people, got political asylum. >> we're not trying to let osama bin laden's people into the country, we're trying to let for example, a syrian refugee into the country. just because that person was forced to deal with a terrorist, served somebody in a restaurant, such as that, they would be ban ed. but we don't have a system that can screen who is good and who is bad. >> well, the stronger lists, the guy that shot up the cia, in 1993, a month before the first trade center bombing was involved in a shooting with a bunch of cia people in virginia. >> what do you make of the fact the president did this unilaterally? >> well, again it is the continuing deal. as he said, he has a pen and a
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phone. we're supposed to be a country of checks and balances. one of the responsibilities they need to have is oversight, not overlook, what happens here is you have a president who doesn't care what the congress or the law says. he has contempt for the law, and has contempt for what the authority says the congress is supposed to have. >> senator patrick leahy really, really wants this and thinks it will be very good. >> thank you so much for covering the topic. new cover on the super bowl controversy with bill o'reilly. and whether the president has changed his story again on benghazi. i had a chance to grill the top democrat on the house intel committee on that. >> if you think of an act of terr terror is synonymous in the president's mind with a terror attack, then why two weeks later did the president decline to go that far? that is next. and did you see the wild reports
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about actress liz hurley and president bill clinton? now it has been debunked. we'll tell you how it got to be a huge story. the story behind it all just ahead. [ female announcer ] you know the little song he'll hum as he gets dressed... you know the shirt he'll choo... the wine he'll order. you know him. yet now, after exploring vineyards in the hills of italy, he doesn't order the wine he always orders. he asks to be surprised... and for that moment, he's new to you. princess cruises, come bacnew. ♪ afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation.
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interview with the president continues to generate controversy. today, three u.s. senators sent a scathing letter to the president, demanding explanations for why benghazi happened. >> in the aftermath, what became clear was that the security was lax. >> but that contradicts what the u.n. ambassador susan rice said just days after the attack. >> well, we obviously did have a strong security presence. >> so which was it? security was strong or lax? the senator is also taking issue with this claim. >> the notion that we would hide the ball for political purposes when a week later we all said in fact, there was a terrorist attack taking place, that wouldn't be a very good cover-up. >> the lawmakers point out, however, that the president was not calling this a terrorist attack a week later. in fact, on "the view" two weeks later he specifically declined
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to go that far. >> i heard hillary clinton say that it was an act of terrorism. is it? >> we're still doing an investigation. we don't have all the information yet. >> finally, the senators demand accountability. >> make no mistake, justice will be done. >> and yet the senators are right, in almost 17 months none of the terrorists have been brought to justice. joining me now, democratic ranking member on the house intel committee. adam schiff, sir, let's start with that one, the security was lax, and the senators want an answer then for why susan rice said five days later we obviously had a strong security presence. >> well, look, i think the president, secretary clinton, and ambassador rice will acknowledge and have acknowledged that the security was insufficient. by definition when you have an attack that claims the lives of americans serving overseas,
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there was an attack on the security. i don't think you can take that small snippet and inflate it to mean she thought the security was ample. plainly it was not. >> a strong, strong but not ample. is that what you say her message was? >> no, what her message was in those immediate days after the attack was based on the intelligence assessment that we had at the time, that there was a demonstration that proved not to be the case. but as the senate report is confirmed, what the accountability review board found is that none of this was done for the purposes of political spin. so i think you could take isolated snippets as my colleagues had and try to inflate it into some sort of inconsistent. but the consistency is that all the reviews found there was no politicalization of the intelligence. >> and what about what the president claims is a revisionist history, on what was
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a terrorist attack, this wound up being a major issue in the presidential campaign, as well. he told bill o'reilly that he was calling it a terrorist attack a week after it happened. and then i just played you that news sound two weeks later, refusing to go that far. >> and of course as you know, megyn, the president referred to it as a terror attack the day after it took place. >> no, he called it an act of terror. >> sounds like the same thing to me. >> then why didn't he tell enjoy behar, i have already said that, the day after it was an act of terror, which is synonymous. he didn't say that. we wouldn't succumb to these acts of terror, that pretty much sums up he called it an act of terror. >> then why wasn't he embracing that term? >> i think all of us recognize that you shoot our pg's at an
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american consulate -- megyn, in that second interview. >> listen, i'm doing you a favor because my viewers want an answer to this. and they're not satisfied because i get the e-mails. they're not satisfied. so i'm giving you as a democrat and the opportunity to -- i'm going to let you finish, but i don't like dodging away from the question, i want to keep you on point. if you think an act of terror is synonymous in the president's mind with "terror attack," then why two weeks later did the president decline to go that far when enjoy behar ask him, was this a terror attack? >> you know, i think -- somebody talking about a terror attack, and a terrorist attack, is q quibbling over a term. he did say it the very next day in the interview you have now subsequently quoted where you gave just a little snippet of the president's comments. he was saying he didn't want to get into the details during the
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pending investigation. he was not saying this was not a terrorist attack, and to claim it is something different i think is just misleading. >> you're telling me according to you, no, i gave you the chance to answer. he was just asking was it a terrorist attack. you're telling me, according to you he should have said yes, as i already said a day after it was a terrorist attack. but i don't want to get into all the details. >> we've already had one presidential election over this and that argument failed. the american people quite recognized that benghazi -- >> these three senators want answers to this. i know many people think these are not legitimate questions. >> with all due respect to the insatiable interest with this on fox news, and my colleagues, we've just received yet another report, a bipartisan report from the intelligence committee saying there was no cover-up. when will you take no for an answer? when will you take there is
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nothing there? >> the senators, sir, i'm not the one who wrote this letter, these are the senators on the committee who are upset about this. >> but if you look at the actual work product of the committee they don't agree with the thrust of that letter. the work product of the committee, debunks for the third time, the conspiracy theory is hard to believe to begin with. megyn, you would have to believe that general petraeus was lying, that director morrell was lying, and general clapper was lying, why? because they all wanted jobs in a future hillary clinton administration? it is a preposterous theory. >> i know there are some on the internet that believe in conspiracy theories, i'm not asking that. i'm just asking you about inconsistent statements in the president's remarks and his own inconsistent statements. i know the viewers have questions about this, i know you say it is a non-statement, four americans are dead and there are
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a lot of unanswered questions. >> that doesn't make this a very important issue, it is a very important issue. the only part of the letter i agree with we ought to keep our focus on where are we in the hunt to get these people to justice? i've been saying all along that the benghazi theory questions are a terrible distraction from the work we need to do to bring these people to justice. i would rather focus on that than continue to re-hash our theories. >> thanks for being here. >> you bet, my pleasure. we actually are already pouring into that interview on twitter, follow me on megyn kelly, let me know what you think. and following the academy rewards, rescinding an award for a christian movie. and megyn, the woman who
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sang that song said that hollywood shunned christ. she is a quadraplegic whose husband has to help. she spoke of jesus being shunned. when it was nominated against songs, producers were shocked and delighted. listen to a sample of the song. >> i'm alone yet not alone ♪ god is the light ♪ >> yet instead of embracing the song, they lashed out. the hollywood reporter said they even hired private investigators to see if the film met the
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criteria. it was only until they sent e-mails that they called it "undue influence" and pulled the nomination. even though every film, and every nominee campaigns in hollywood with billboards and full page ads sending copies to the members. on the kelly file, an academy award winning director thinks this is very strange behavior on the academy's part. >> from december into january, there is a lot of lobbying going on for the films and their categories, and why was this one singled out? >> yet, the film appears to have any or very little recourse. >> thank you, trace. coming up, it looks like the lawyer who volunteered to go to bat for a cop killer, is despite all the controversy about to get the big job with the department of justice. the widow of the murdered cop is here next. and i was absolutely outraged by president obama to
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meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! well it now looks like the controversial lawyer who volunteered to go to bat for a cop killer is about to get a top spot with the department of justice. heading up the civil rights division. it was more than three decades ago when fellow officer daniel faulkner was shot in the face, as the man was standing over the dying officer who was just trying to do his job. abu jamal never denied it, but his death sentence was commuted.
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and debo adegbile is up for a huge job at the doj, and it is a position that thousands of police officers around the country do not want him to have. despite all of that, today his nomination was approved for a vote in the senate floor. and you know what the democrats did with the nuclear option? basically, they now control whether this guy will be confirmed or not. but it is not going to happen before mr. faulkner's widow weighs in. that woman is maureen faulkner. good to see you. >> hi, megyn. >> and this can be approved by the democrats who control the senate. this man likely will go to head up the department of justice's civil rights division. and you have written a passionate letter saying you find it it -- revolting.
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>> i do, i am going to do everything i can not to allow this man to become in the justice for civil rights. please, i beg you to go on and look at the youtube. and when he was the director of litigation, the people that were under him, that he directed. watch what they do. not only did they defend him, but they tout him. they praise him. they talk about what a wonderful man he is. it is an absolute disgrace. i will be in washington. and i will be in that senate committee when this vote goes through. >> i know you're planning on going. and i know you will have the support of at least six major law enforcement agencies that say they, too, have been totally ignored by the administration on why they do not want this man heading up this top spot at the doj. you are not alone, maureen. >> thank you, i know i'm not alone. and it is just -- it has had me
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so upset over the past couple of days. i just found out about the judiciary committee meeting the day before it happened. i would have been on a plane. i would have been in washington. i would have been in that room. i couldn't get a flight out. >> and yet you know they say look, he is just a lawyer defending his clients. lots of lawyers defend bad clients and they shouldn't be held to account for that. >> i believe that people do in the country, should have defense. and they should be able to have people defend them. but in a situation like this, this man chose to particularly pick out this case. and him and his attorneys, not only defended this case but they touted this murderer on what a wonderful person he is. and how -- >> some of his underlings, not he, potentially. >> and they -- megyn, they talk
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. a widely published allegation of a shocking affair has now been retracted just after it was first published. an actor claims to have knowledge of a former relationship between former president bill clinton and actress elizabeth hurley, while mr. clinton was in the white house, and he says oh, wait, none of that was true. >> the well known actor was tom
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sizemore who also has a well-known drug and alcohol problem. and now he is blaming that drug and alcohol problem. the audiotape goes on to have sizemore bragging about giving former president clinton elizabeth hurley's phone number. that started the affair. listen to the audiotape. >> so i take my phone out and thought for a second, maybe i should ask -- he gave me a withering look and said [ bleep ]. and the commander-in-chief of the united states of america, the buck stops here. give me her [ bleep ] number right now. >> now sizemore says he made the whole thing up. it was during some drug-fuelled haze four or five years ago. listen now to the explanation. >> i'm not denying i said these things. i don't remember saying them. but it is an old videotape. and there are rantings of a guy, it has been well chronicled, who
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had a severe drug problem. although i said none of it is true. >> you heard it right. old videotape. well, he says he didn't make the claim four or five years ago, it was just a few weeks ago. and we should note that on that audiotape, sizemore says he couldn't put the clinton affair in his book because his manager would not let him. we should note the book came out just last year, not four or five years ago. as for liz hurley, she tweeted, ludicrously written stories about me and bill clinton. tom sizemore may have more expla explaining to do. >> the manager looks so uncomfortable, just like, i told him not to do this. trace, thank you. we would like your reactions, send us your tweet at the top of the hour. i wonder where your courage is. [ police radio, indistinct ]
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. so this lois lerner e-mail, we're going to post it at the top show, send me an e-mail and let me know what you think. this is "the kelly file." good night. >> welcome to "hannity" tonight, we have a jam-packed edition to the show, tonight, america are you ready? >> russia is responding to the latest warning about explosives in toothpaste. with only 24 hours until the opening ceremony we have to ask, how safe is sochi? >> no, i am not planning on marching in the parade. >> another big attack on catholics as new york city mayor bill de blasio plans to boycott the st. patrick's day parade. so does nancy pelosi think fox news is fair and balanced? >> the president's opinion or
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