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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 7, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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this is what keeps the lights on. tonight. hello, everyone. i'm eric bolling along with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, dana perino, and greg gutfield. dana is moving. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." jay leno's first night on the tonight show was on may 25th, 1992. he made tens of millions of americans laugh. but we rarely got a glimpse of the softer side of jay. last night was the exception. >> this has been the greatest 22 years of my life. first year of this show, i lost my mom. second year, i lost my dad. then my brother died.
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and after that, i was pretty much out of family. and the folks here became my family. and i'm really excited for jammi fallen. you know, it's fun to kind of be the old guy and sit back here and see where the next generation takes this great institution, and in closing, i want to quote johnny carson, who was the greatest guy to ever do this job. and he said, i bid you all a heartfelt -- >> all right, it wasn't entirely sentimental. here's part of his classic monologue. listen. >> thank you, everybody. i don't like good-byes. nbc does. i don't. i don't care for them. well, tonight is our last show for real. and see, i don't need to get fired three times. i get the hint. the worst thing about losing this job, i'm no longer covered by nbc. i have to sign up for obamacare. >> he had to get one of those in there. >> that made me smile a big old
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grin because that was a cute one. i love this guy. i don't want to say good-bye, jay. i want to say hello. i hope he gets picked up someplace else. >> bob, are you a jay leno fan? >> bob is crying. >> are you welling up? >> hell no. i was waiting to see whether his cat and dog died. >> terrible. >> look, it's sad, but listen. i don't follow these late night shows but it's amazing to me how many people do and how much they care about them. there are so many people about the people, if they get in trouble or fired. can't they have a no-drama late night show? i don't understand it. >> i don't know. >> no drama like right here. for example, if dana has her wi-fi go off, that's no drama. >> or the dreams. >> i had dreams of "the five" last night. was want really a comedy. >> what do you think of that? he really poured out his heart at the end. >> not easy to do, not easy to say good-bye to a thing you
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helped build, that all of the good-byes, it takes forever. i'm not for the big, long good-bye. i feel like we have been doing this for a month. saying good-bye to jaly leno. but we're going to see him do more. so i think it's interesting to see people that talented figure out a way to reinvent themselves as either younger people come up or technology changes. how can you continue to do amazing things every day? so i look forward to seeing what it is and trying to follow in his footsteps. not from a comedic standpoint. >> do you want to say a good-bye or a jimmy fallon hello? >> i can do anything you want. >> you are very talented. how about the good-bye? >> people are calling it the end of an era. it's not the end of an era. johnny carson leaving was the end of an era because everybody watched him. when johnny carson left, he left. jay leno is not going to leave. you don't understand. he's done this twice. we're like going through his
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marriages. for him, work is marriage. in three weeks he's going to be back doing another show, warning to jay, 3:00 a.m. is mine. as for jimmy fallon, leno constantly talked about jimmy fall fallon, and there was a strategy behind this. the strategy is screw you conan, because every time he says jimmy fallon is the next johnny carson, he's basically saying, conan, this is because you got me canned. it's like making out with your girlfriend in front of your ex. people are saying jay is gracious. he's not. it's a strategy. >> hang in there. jay was on his game, delivering a funny yet poignant monologue. more fun followed. oprah, jack black, and others delivered a raucous musical tribude in the form of musical parody. >> so long farewell, you'll be back here next year.
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♪ so long farewell ♪ i'm here so what the hell ♪ for you last show i'll do the tarzan yell ♪ ♪ so long farewell you really raised the bar ♪ ♪ if you were me you'd buy them all a car ♪ >> that was cute. >> that was fun. >> again, not a big moment for anyone under 40. >> yep. >> most people have no idea because they're watching tv differently. people aren't going and saying, oh, my god, the tonight show is on, the way it used to be. people are watching tv at different times of the day. for example -- >> or internet. >> nothing compared to how people felt when braet breaking bad" ended or when mad men ends. >> are you projecting? >> why? >> because i take the opposite of that.
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i find moving on from jay a little tough for me to do. >> it's because of the 20 years and you feel as though you have aged with him? >> i kind of grew up with jay. we went through, you know, bin laden, first black president. >> don't worry. dana is right. we haven't said good-bye. we're almost been a year to say good-bye to him as he's been on the air, but you know, the fact is he's going to be doing anything. he's the kind of guy who cannot sit down. johnny carson went into genius retreat. he disappeared. went to malibu, wouldn't come out, wouldn't talk to people. i thought it was cool. jay was cool. i thought kim kardashian was o going to be there? >> you can see in the white dress. >> i like this, i really like him. i think he's a winner. i don't know why they let him go. i like him better than jimmy fallon. i'm sorry, always have. i do. you don't? >> oprah took that singing part seriously. >> i don't like the blubbering over this.
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>> we can only blubber -- >> six minutes more. so get your game face on. okay? yeah, i think oprah took it seriously because carol burnett, she knows she can't sing well, so she was going for it, but oprah tried to sing well. >> she didn't do a bad job. >> here she is. i guess the heat was down. >> it looks like you have a type. >> that was the one thing. there was a reason for just about everyone. >> trying for the under 40. trying for the under 40 crowd. >> a demographic. how about this? the results of a star-studded what's next with jay montage. check it out. >> why don't you take all this newfound time and develop an interesting hobby like working on old cars. >> actually, jay does work on old cars. he's got a whole garage full of them. >> okay, well maybe jay with your newfound time, you could finally invite me over to your [ bleep ] garage.
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>> jay, do what i do. use your down time to paint. i love it. check it out. >> jay. i know you're happily married to a wonderful woman who you would never cheat on, but if mavis ever gives you a one-time hall pass, i'm your girl. >> why would i give a [ bleep ] what he does? he's a grown man. let him figure it out for himself. i got a job. hoar he would do this. a lot of people who are sitting around to do nothing to make money, they sell meth. you could do that. >> oh, my gosh. >> you're liking it more now. >> well, that part was pretty funny. >> i'm amazed at the promotion and the expense and all of the effort. obviously, a lot of effort on the staff level, a lot of love for jay leno. they wanted to make the good-bye as warm as possible, and they have put a lot of money into it. will they put corresponding number of resources behind jimmy fallon's rollout?
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are we going to talk about jimmy fallon for the next month? but i will be interested to see what kind of promotion they try to hold that audience that jay leno has -- he leaves with a 15-year high in terms of the ratings. >> this is also part of, i think, the fallon promotion because they're trying to get everybody to watch and get a lot of fans to make people's eyeballs focus back on "the tonight show" again. this is the first part and we'll see what fallon can bring. the staff loves him. he is beloved. he's a class act. people don't have anything bad to say about him. and he'll subsidize the staff salaries. >> not everybody. >> except for you. >> i like leno. not a fan of his writing staff. for some reason, they have a knack of coming up with jokes days after they have appeared elsewhere. >> you know any of them? >> a few. >> they made fun of me on the show and i still like him. >> well, they make a fortune on the show because there's not a
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lot of expense except for the host you have to play, and few other people. by and large, they make a whole lot of money. >> one other trick, the reason they spend so much time and effort on the late night show is because when you turn the show off that night, you turn the tv back on in the morning, you want your tv show. >> did you see martha stewart asking him for a date. like she was doing that in another instance. >> and she didn't ask you. remember, we were setting that up? >> are you still available? >> she's not bob's type. >> she's -- >> we try it one more time. we circle back. >> no, we're not. >> did we circle back? >> yes, we dpid. >> conan o'brien, david letterman, and jimmy fallon shared the spotlight with jay. here's how they say good-bye. >> nbc has the olympics. it's a big deal. nbc will finally get to show somebody who is okay with passing the torch. >> our friend jay leno, 22 years as host of the tonight show. 22 years. that's remarkable, isn't it? now retiring, congratulations on
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a wonderful run. and i'll tell you something. if i was jay leno, and i was retiring, you know what i would do? i would go out and buy myself a car. >> jay, thank you very much. he's been a great guy. i'm going to miss him. >> all right, we'll give -- i don't know, david letterman, has he completely lost it? >> he's tired. >> what is that? >> i don't know. >> i could have come up with -- no, i think a lot of these jokes are recycled. if you get one good singer, one in a night would be a success. >> conan's was good. >> how come nobody is ever replacing letterman? why is everybody trying to go for one seat? >> what about that? >> i'm serious. he's sitting there like ruling the roost, and everybody, like conan in the chair, then leno in the chair, then fallon in the chair. >> cbs doesn't play this game of having these other hoeshs. i want to say, we were watching that. dana said, this is the longest monologue in television, and i want to say that to play off a
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certain host, it is rather long, and jay, and we have enjoyed it, but man, stop. >> you're done with it? we're done with it? >> i say good-bye. >> tied it up with a bow? all right, you must stay with us because bob is going to make good on a super bowl bet he lost to me. he's going to settle it by wearing this little number here, this blouse. >> give me a break. give me a break. >> this hot little number. >> you get out of here. are you kidding me? >> no way that's fitting bob. you're going to look so good in that, bob. >> you're going to look great in snakeskin and cream. definitely your color. >> next, the olympic games begin with its newest event, slopestyle. we'll show you. >> plus, did bob costas really hail comrade vlad as a peace maker?
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all right, you like that?
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the winter olympics is under way in sochi, russia. the games go on until february 23rd. now president obama won't be there, but he talked to bob costas about his relationship with vladimir putin. >> we tend to have pretty plubl conversations. the one thing i will give mr. putin credit for is when we sit down and talk, there's not a lot of beating around the bush or niceties. it's all business, and i tell him where i strongly disagree with him, and he does the same. >> a lot to say about that. cos on putin, and evidently, he sees him as some kind of peacemaker. sglin the past year, putin brokered a deal to allow syria to avoid a u.s. military strike by giving up its chemical weapons, and helped bring iran to the negotiating table over its nuclear intentions. >> well, this is a fox news alert, because bob costas apparently has a gigantic russian man crush on vladimir.
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that's how i see it. >> that's the only -- >> he was doing himself a vl vlad-i-cat. what is he doing? >> let me say, first of all, i am a very, very, very big fan of bob costas' sports. he is very good. he's lasted a very long time. remember when he did that thing in the nfl about guns? i saw him, he was upset with "the five." he was upset, upset with me because i said something about it. i talked to him at the train station. i said, bob, it was a little shock to me that you would be talking about guns at halftime. this sort of the same thing. this is a very complex issue here, what putin's role was in syria and in riran. neither which of probably were very good. i wish, because i like him so much, he would do what he does best, which is stick with sports. >> or what they should do at nbc -- i'm sorry.
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>> no, go. >> they have the olympics team that is writing the copy for somebody like bob costas to read from the teleprompter, and what they need to have is somebody from the political desk or state department, an nbc reporter who covers the state department. if he isn't going to be up to date on the tragedy in syria, somebody else should be there to help him, and they should fact check it and say, this doesn't exactly sound right. bob costas as he's reading it, does it not occur to him, we're going to call president putin a peacemaker? i think they fell down on the job staff wise. >> so nbc hosting the olympics. bob costas works for nb krrb. nbc in a world of hurt because people are saying this is go to be the no-show olympics. they're doing everything to make it look less corrupt, he's the
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peacekeeper. but i agree with you, dana, when he reads that, he has to be saying, am i reading something i would be saying? i agree with you. i think he's reading something from the political arm of nbc saying read this bah we have to smooth this over. there are terror threats, reports of hotels falling apart. corruption, issues on where they stand on gay marriage. they're trying to downplay all that. >> is nbc some kind of russian propaganda network? >> there's also something he said about his crackdown on gay rights. he didn't go completely in the bag with putin. however, costas' opinions are not why you hire costas. the only person to know that is costas. to talk a bit about obama talking about russian exceptionalism that he finds his tough-guy world so silly, the same why he finds our exceptionalism a bit weird, but that's okay if you can beat him. the problem with laughing at
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putin is that they're making obama into his own nesting doll. putin is a bad guy, but he's good at it. obama is a good guy who is bad at it. >> yeah, and obama, you saw he made that statement. i speak strongly to him, because he knows putin doesn't respect him. that's a fact. he just does not. >> i have a feeling bob costas when he talked about guns was very heartfelt about it. he believed it and wanted to take that opportunity. on this one, i agree with dana. somebody wrote this. they could have sat down with bob costas, read that, and said bob, this is not right. it's just -- this guy has caused more trouble for us in eastern europe and more eastern european countries and he's one of the greatest modern mass murderers in the world. >> costas' eyeball was very red. i don't know if you saw that last night, and droopy. it should be the official mascot. >> i got something good for you. you ready for it?
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let's listen to this. fantastic, slopestyle, but first, here's what bob costas had to say, and we're going to chat it out. >> i think the president of the ioc should be johnny knoxville. because basically, the stuff is just jackass stuff evented and called olympic sports. >> you mean that in the best possible way. >> in the kindest possible sense. >> all right, what did you say? >> that goatee. >> is he your inspiration? do you have a man crush on him? >> i'm supposedly going to have to shave this off by the end of the weekend. look, if you see that sport there, okay, it's kind of like extreme games. we gets, he likes those sports, young people like those kind of sports. it's not just downhill skiing. it's snowboarding, freestyling. >> i think it's fun. >> they're going after the young demo. i think it's actually smart to do that. evolve with the demo. >> what do you think? >> who is the jimmy fallon of nbc sports? because it seems to me there is like a passing of the torch,
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maybe it should be in order for 2016. >> you have it out for costas, don't you? >> no, i don't. i'm the one who told you to give him the advice at the train sdagz. >> exactly. >> more free pr advice. >> i think slopestyle -- >> i like it. >> is not so much a sport. or is a showing off of technique. you're not racing against somebody, which is different, but i'm torn because it takes practice to do that. and anything that requires practice requires discipline. and if you can have people, you know, understand the value of discipline, it's a good thing. >> they want to focus -- >> actually, they're war worrie about safety? i don't think he's afraid of risks. >> can i read into his comments? >> sure. >> i'm not going to win it.
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>> the olympics, you can get sponsorship, but that's not where the money is. if he gets hurt on a course that he doesn't think is properly man tained and gets hurt, he won't make the money later. >> he also wants to go for his third straight gold in the halfpipe. >> the guy i interviewed in sochi, i wonder if that was louis. it took away from my favorite sport, guys in cross country skiing take their guns, lie down. >> biathlon. is that what it's called? >> riveting television. >> i love it. i love it. directly ahead, republicans aren't going to pursue immigration reform until president obama can be trusted. never. you're going to hear from speaker john boehner on that when "the five" returns. it's called an ad-lib. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah. everybody knows that. did you know there is an oldest trick in the book?
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break. which we're not going to talk about. we're going to talk about this topic. a week ago, house hpens floated the idea of passing immigration this year, 2014, but yesterday, speaker boehner hit the brakes saying they're not going to move forward until the president gains their trust. >> the american people, including many of my members. don't trust that the reform that we're talking about will be implemented as it was intended to be. it's going to be difficult to move any immigration legislation until that changes. >> charles krauthammer is someone who thinks they made the right decision. >> republicans are absolutely right to say that if you cannot trust the president to carry out the law faithfully, and he hasn't even carried out faithy his own law which he has mondayed 17 times and will continue to amend. how do you expect him to carry
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out a law in which he's going to have to compromise on enforcement. it's absolutely right. not this year. work on health care reform, win the senate, and do it next year. >> it sounded like president obama was sending the cops to arrest charles krauthammer. eric, interestingly on immigration reform, you thought it was a bad idea for republicans to push it this year, but even people you wouldn't have expected to think it was a bad idea were telling john boehner, not just members of the congress, but the pundits and everyone saying this is not the right time. do you think it's the right tactic? >> comprehensive immigration reform could and should happen. it just shouldn't happen right now. get through the next election. you have a winning hand. obamacare is a colossal failure. hang that against every democrat you're running against. win the house back, win the senate, and start working on the other things later. i'm not saying it shouldn't happen. close the borders and increase legal immigration, but don't muddle the message.
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that should be the only focus. >> do you think they have a point, greg, that the reason they say they're not going to move forward is that they don't trust that the president once they pass the bill, wouldn't try to amend it through executive orders since he gave a speech saying he would do just that? >> it's a good political argument, but going back to what eric said, you don't give up your wallet to a mugger if you have the gun. they have the power. they don't have to do this. but the left are winning in one way, in defining the sense for borders as uniphobic. if that's true, it means the combination on my gym locker is bigoted because it excludes other people from getting in. >> i wouldn't want to go in there. >> you can't have freedom without frontiers and limits enhance liberty. that's why you have do the enforcement of the borders first. if you put amnesty before enforcement, you can't collect a cover charge after everybody is in the party. >> that is so true. >> bob, do you think they could maybe, in congress, just try to hit a couple of singles, get on
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base? for example, do the h-1 visa, we're going from football to babel, so i thought i would help. they could do a few of those things rather than a huge bill that america doesn't have the stomach for? >> here's the problem that boehner had. he was smart enough to realize that the republicans needed to do something on hispanics because they're getting absolutely clobbers at the voting booth. this will not help him. i tell you the reason he couldn't get this is his caucus wouldn't go along with it. they were listening to the pundits. i would do something, anything, but the republicans now are going on three decades of being essentially anti-hispanic in the view of hispanics. i don't get it. >> it's a view but it's not true. >> a view is what goes to the polling patbooth. >> it's also about being comprehensive. you're talking about doing something, but everybody has comprehensive pushed down their
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throat. >> where did you come up with three decades? well -- >> bush had -- >> i think president bush did, but when president bush then tried to pass immigration reform in 2007, it was really -- well, everybody didn't play ball, but mostly the democrats made a political decision not to do it that year. that was a political decision in the wrong way. >> where i get is goes back to 1986 when regan did his, so the amnesty bill. he was opposed by most of the republicans. it was not a bad bill. the problem is they didn't enforce it among employers. that's where it goes back. >> what do you make of this, right decision, not the right time? >> this is what i think. no offense, call it like it is. grade the paper. f. f, f, on obamacare. now, why am i going to award you if i'm the american people orthe senators and say go ahead and do immigration? i quite frankly haven't been shown you have been able to do a good job of any of the other things that precede it. you haven't fixed obamacare.
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more jobs are going to be lost, so why are we going to shove through immigration quickly, without support, and then have another big mess -- >> that's because part of you that is hispanic, but you're a commonwealth so you can come here anytime you want to. >> look at bob. look at the face. >> you watch ufc, the fighting? >> yeah. >> if you have a choke hold on the guy and he's about to go out, obamacare. >> obamacare. >> don't go for another hold. >> god bless obamacare. if i'm a republic, i'm for taking obamacare all the way to the election. don't let anything get in the way. >> who are you doing? >> jesse. >> i thought you were doing some democratic politicians who pretend to have a southern accent. ahead. valentine's day in just a week. greg has pointered for all the men out there on what to do for their honeys. and later -- >> honeys? >> that's what they wrote. >> you don't have to say what they wrote. >> murder she wrote.
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bauble, then, after that, this is what you are not going to want to miss. why do you do that to me? you ruin my teases. and bob is going to slip into something a little more comfortable. he is settling a bet he lost to eric. you don't want to miss that. dear future olympian, one day you'll be standing on a podium. and here's exactly how you'll get there. you'll work hard, and you'll fall hard. you'll lose sometimes when you really should have won. you'll win sometimes when no one thought you had a shot. and you'll never, ever stop. we know this. because you're one of us. at citi, we believe in everyone's potential, which is why citi and evan are giving bac to help future athletes every step of the way.
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let's see what you got. rv -- covered.
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why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. ahoy, mateys. house? hello, dear. hello. hello. van with airbrushed fire-breathing dragons. ah! check. thank you. the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive. sorry. i hate balloons. i hate valentine's day balloons. >> balloons don't like you either. >> valentine's day is a week away. since no man plans this far in advance, what if they did? it's on a friday, so you can't get out of it by saying you have a big day of work tomorrow. there are some tips. don't pick a new spot and avoid
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themes. unfamiliar plus exotic equals diarrhea. avoid restaurants with valentine's day specials that require a coupon. love is different than getting your car washed. don't pick an unusually fancy joint. that reminds her of the mead k mediocrity of your usual spot. if you normally eat at mcdonald's go to a different mcdonald. gifts should be worn. something that hangs around is depressing. i think of helium balloons and cats. as much as an acquaintance would like it, don't do it. i'm not sending one to maria bartiromo, even though i think she winked at me. don't ask what she'll want for valentine's day because she's say nothing. if you're single, don't propose. do you buy a car because it's the indy 500? no. they say they don't want flowers, they want flowers.
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and don't forget mom or her allergies. get tulips. forget cactus. some people sit on them. sometimes they mind. finally, always have a plan b. if a night goes bad, have a twister mat at home. it's how dobbs and i keep things fresh. >> poor lou. i'm going to go to the guys because it's harder. eric, do you do anything or do you wait until the last minute? >> i do stuff. i tried to get a resser vashz last week, and they're booked for next week. >> olive garden? >> no, not olive garden. a place dana wears well. >> which one? >> don't say it because -- >> i can't say. >> they didn't give you a resser vashz, you shouldn't say. >> i won't say. >> it's numbers. >> 21. >> that's bob's date's age. >> actually, that's the alleged age. >> that's what you tell the police. i thought she was 21. >> the most delicious candy
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ever. >> do you do anything on valentine's day that's any different than what you do every night? >> one thing you said in the monologue is important. guys, if you're out there and you're single, do nothing on valentine's day. nothing. because i'm telling you, they get on your back anyway about getting married, right? they want to dig at you. valentine's day, you're giving them a free pass. don't do that. i'm telling you, it's a bad idea. stay home, go to a massage parlor, but do not go out with anybody on valentine's day. >> wow, that's a strong statement, dana. what's the worst thing a guy should do and what's the worst gift you ever got? >> i am a little older now, so i don't like to get calories. >> you're 53. >> i don't like anyone to give me calories. when you say they should be eaten or die in a vase or worn on the wrist, i wouldn't do -- no calories. >> i like calories. >> i know, but you're a blessed person. >> i think i have almost eaten
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that whole place of chocolate. >> you have places to put those. >> but i have to replenish. >> what was your most memorable gift? i'm sure it came with four wleels. >> couple cars, jewelry, watches, and then one time, though, in a downer year, i got a cactus with a card that said watch out for pricks. that's not a good gift. >> not a good gift. >> you know, if it were me who said that, i would be pulled upstairs. >> cactuses -- that was funny. >> so that was four of your husbands -- >> i only had two husbands. >> did you ever expect a guy to propose to you -- anyone here propose on valentine's day? >> no, it all happened in mexico. i always got engaged there. >> don't they have valentine's day in mexico. >> whoever marries you again, i have only piece of advice, p prenuptial. for you. >> that's right.
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>> i was going to say something when you said you asked for resser vashzs. what are you going to do with your wife? now, i won't say it. >> this is the thing that, it's like, what do you do for the rest of the year with this? >> haven't we brought this dog out three days in a row? >> don't do anything bad to it. >> hug it. >> you use it to transport narcotics. >> ahead, the beatles invaded america 50 years ago today. who could forget their classic hits like who are you and won't get fooled again. we'll look back at the impact of this legendary canadian trio when we return. ♪ [ male announcer ] to truck guys, the truck is everything. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeable truck, good things happen. this is the ram 1500. the 2014 motor trend truck of the year.
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50 years ago today, the beatles arrived in america. john, paul, george, and ringo landed at jfk airport here in new york city on february 7th, 1964. rock 'n' roll changed forever. i'm the only one old enough at the table to remember this. >> that's a fact. >> sorry, jack. >> okay. >> but i will say this. do you agree that the beatles
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changed america forever? >> me? >> yes. >> worst band ever. worst band ever. >> how could you say that? are you kidding me? >> rolling stones, the who, led zeppelin, arrowsmith, those are real bands. i don't know what that puff stuff was. i have been listening to this for 50 years. >> the white album? >> a couple songs, but that's it. >> that's sacrilegious. >> go ahead? >> i don't like them either. but i like elvis. >> i can't believe -- i'm sorry i did this segment. all right, greg, i'm sure you love them. >> to me, the beatles are probab probably not only the most successful at what they were doing, they were experimental, which was unusual, and the best thing about the beatles and they broke up. look how pathetic the who and the rolling stones and arrowsmith look now. arrowsmith looks like a gaggle of bridge ladies.
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rock is not for the ages. they broke up, that made them great. there are only a few bands that aren't embarrassing as they get older, u2 and the melvins, but mostly, they're grotesque. >> didn't they -- >> in the early '70s. >> most of these guys are brain dead. do you like the beatles? >> i always thought of the beatles as my parents' band. a lot of people know the words to the songs so you can sing along. >> it wasn't for my time, either? i don't understand this. >> i think the oakerage guys is a good band that stays together. >> okay. >> i would like to apologize to all the beatles fans out there for my colleagues. >> greg, you really consider the beatles rock 'n' roll? >> of course. george harrison is an amazing guitarist. incredible guitarist. john lennon wrote incredible melo melodies. not crazy about the lyrics, but -- >> i'm not saying they're not
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talented as individual musicians, but when i think of rock 'n' roll, i think of more -- >> poison. >> can i just explain? can i explain why they were important? you know a lot about music, but when elvis presley was really the first king of rock 'n' roll because he merged gospel and blues, that's what the beatles did. when they came here, they changed, they got rid of that stuff that i liked. they were a transitional group. >> that's true. >> a lot of music from the '70s, i would include led zeppelin, which is a fantastic band, that were influenced by the beatles. remember, they went psychedelic. if we listen to revolver, this is a band that did weird stuff that was picked up. >> "one more thing" is next. >> bob's woman blouse is next. e [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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all righty, time for "one more thing." if you remember, right before the super bowl, we had a bet. bob took the broncos. i took the seahawks. the loser would be wearing the other's chis of wardrobe. i chose a beautiful blouse for bob. bob -- >> show the ruffles. >> plus sized triple x, but i have to tell you --
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>> this is so mean. >> you're getting a lot of yucks out of this. you have no idea what this is going to cost you. you have no idea how this is going to cost you. >> this is like having jay behaar cohost? >> how do you fill those out? >> what? you're filling it out. >> it was the most disgusting thing you could have found. >> so don't bet me. >> i'll bet you before the year is out, you're going to wish you never bet. >> politics. you need to bet him something on politics. >> that's a good idea. >> he wears stuff on his head and body anyway. >> we'll come back. >> no, you're not. >> it looks like a snake actually ate bob, and the head is sticking out of the mouth. >> of course, bob, why did you wear -- why are you wearing your shirt underneath? >> because, eric, i didn't have
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time to get it off, that's why. >> i had to help button it. >> what color would you wear with this? >> all right, here we go. i'll go quickly. quickly, tomorrow, it's been trending the last two weeks in a row, give us a favor, let it trend foorm. we'll talk about the battle of the os, barack obama and bill o'reilly. >> so cool. >> bad news in the world of crime fighting. the actor who played mcgruff the crime dog, the mascot that encouraged children to not embrace or trust people who were suspicious, generally people in trench coats, like myself, they raided his home, found 1,000 pot plandz, 9,000 rounds of ammo and weapons and a grenade launcher. he truly did take a bite out of crime and kept it. >> that wasn't from the onion? that's not a joke? >> no, it's not a joke, almounli got taken, but i'm sure.
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>> we just talked about it the other day. >> isn't that strange the way the world works? >> maybe we talked about him and then they busted him. >> we should check in on that mcgruff. >> dana, you're up. >> last night, remember when shawn was on here, sean hannity, and we asked him why he loved the show? i said, i don't get enough feedback and would like to know from the viewers what they like. i did an unofficial twitter focus group. i'm going to read three of the many twits. you talk about serious issues and talking like we're at the table, and one more thing, jasper is great. >> that's why you're doing this. >> i like "the five" for intelligence, humor, beauty, and the bozo. >> and it's a silly thing, but i like when they play good music when going to and coming back from commercials, too. lots more where that came from, but i loved the unofficial twitter focus group. >> how do you know they weren't talking about me? >> bob is looking so feminine
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and cute in his shirt with his box of chocolates. >> i have an amazing "one more thing" today. we're proud to announce the birth of zoey sky williams, born this morning at 9:35 a.m. 20 1/2 inches, 6 pounds, 12 ounces and a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful baby girl. of foxy williams w s vossy wil and works here at fox. so excited. >> i'm glad he's here. >> yes. >> excited. >> she keeps that ridiculous calendar or jasper on the wall. >> there's a bunch of bikers on the wall outside. they wanted me to give you this. >> and congratulations to pj, by the way, who is a proud father. very happy to have a little boy chase and now zoey. >> congrats. >> who is going to pick that up? >> now you have done it, bob. >> now you have gone and done it. >> that was one heck of a week.
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>> have a great weekend. set your dvrs soyou never miss an episode of "the five." see you back here monday. "special report" on deck. with a van susteren starts right now. nbc must really hate their viewers. first they bump number one jay leno and now their lead olympic guy bob costas drinking the russian kool-aid or maybe it's just that disgusting tap water over there. >> gluten has been a fixture on the international stage for almost 15 years as either president or prime minister. that's far longer than any other leader among the world's most influential nations. just in the past year, putin brokered a deal to allow syria to avoid a u.s. military strike by giving up its chemical weapons. and help bring iran to the negotiating table over its nuclear intentions. and he has repeatedly show cased his confidence to ta


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