tv Hannity FOX News February 8, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PST
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>> have a great weekend. set your dvrs soyou never miss an episode of "the five." see you back here monday. "special report" on deck. the o'reilly factor is on, tonight. >> i know you standard the problem because you are a community organizer from chicago. i don't see the pressure from the federal government to go in and say this is wrong. this is killing futures of babies and children. >> did you notice i used the words community organizer in my question to the president? well, some say that was an insult. we will talk about it tonight. this really businesses pisses me off. accuse of minority casting. >> bare in mind i'm trying to keep up. >> here is a crystal story.
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ted new jent has a story about paul mccartney that you will not soon forget. >> let it be, let it be. >> caution, you are about to enter the nond. the factor begins right now hi i'm bill o'reilly, handling the truth. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. well, this has been a very interesting week on the factor as the whole country continues digest my interview with president obama last sunday. and, if you believe me, and i hope you do, all i was trying to get at was the truth. but as you know some americans have trouble with that. >> colonel did you order the code red? >> you don't have to answer that question. >> i'll answer the question. you want answers? >> i think i'm entitled. >> you want answers? >> i want the truth. >> you can't handle the
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truth! >> well, not to overdo the word but it is true that some people cannot handle the truth. there are a number of important things being debated in america right now. tonight, cut through the fog. on immigration republican party now says it will not try to get reform this year. that's a mistake. 68% of americans according to a new fox news poll want the federal government to develop an immigration policy that allows some kind of pathway to citizenship for the undocumented. 68%. so the truth is, republicans are hurting themselves by continuing to dodge the issue. on the subject of obamacare, despite the president believing the new law is functioning better, the truth is, it is still chaos. as i mentioned to the president according to a recent a.p. poll only 8% of people actually using the obamacare web site say it's running very well nobody knows about the future the healthcare law hurting more
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americans than it's helping. how about the irs situation? the truth is that that the powerful agency did target conservative groups scrutiny. the irs did misuse its power. but the president doesn't believe that even though the evidence is overwhelming. on iran, the obama administration is doing the right thing. the truth is: if you do you not engage the mullahs, they will develop the nuke anyway and cause more trouble along the way. so the compromise with iran is slowing down the nuke development and possibly getting that country to behave like a civilized nation. it's worth a try on benghazi, libya, the truth is did not control the situation before during or after. did the president participate in a coverup? we don't know. will we find out? i believe we will. and finally on social justice and poverty, the truth is brutal. 10% of malcolm jenkins will
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always be poor because they are irresponsible in a variety of ways. 5% of the population is poor through no fault of their own and shows people should be helped. continuing it develop a than j state by providing cradle to grave entitlements are not going to help poor. so will abuse the entitlements they are given. some will settle for the minimum. the new testament quotes jesus as saying the poor, you will always have with you. doesn't moan we should not try to help the poor, but it does mean we should have discipline in the process. and that's the truth that's the memo. now joining us from washington sabrina shaffer director of the independent's women's forum a media analyst and author of the book you are the brand. all right. where am i going wrong, doctor? >> there are some areas where you are right, bill. if you want to talk one
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wrong give me a wrong. >> on the issue of the poor, here are the numbers that i look at. i'm not exactly sure where you you get 10% of the people. sounded like to me listen they are going to be the way they are leave it the way it is because we can't help them. >> 15% under the poverty line, break down of that 10%, i believe, are poor because of. crop drop out of high school statistics. women who have kids under 18 with no husbands. i'munder estimating that, i think. >> true. we have no choice but to provide them drug and alcohol assistance. to provide child care for the women who want to work who. to be a part of it. >> you are in the theoretical. >> no, it's not. it's not theoretical how you get child care, bill. >> my contention is this, 10% no matter what you give or do for them are going to throw it right out the window. >> what are you going to do.
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i don't write. >> you set up a safety net for the poor, all right? but, they have to work for it. they have to drug test for it it -- >> -- absolutely. >> they have to do things for it what do you think sabrina. >> i think that first of all i agree with you bill, there is a lot of good people on both sides of the political i'll who have good intentions even if we disagree on policy prescriptions. when it comes to the issue of poverty and social justice. i think one of the worst things is that the president and others in the democratic party sort of perpetuate myths about those people. that's problematic because those policies are set upon that the one that bothers me the most is the wage gap that women are in poverty because they only make 77 cents on the dollar to men. >> we blew that up 91% now is what women are making toward men. >> right. focusingen in-other mistakes. >> iran. >> we went over obamacare. >> obamacare you are right
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they screwed it up at the beginning i sue your interview with the president is he wrong to say listen it's working better and give us a break. i will tell you where i disagree. i feel it is the best way to go even though the implementation is horrible. there is no alternative, bill. >> let me tell you -- >> -- go ahead. >> my truth is. this when you have have 30, 40 million americans who do not have healthcare, unless there is another alternative that makes sense, it you have to make this the best it can be. >> but there is another alternative. okay, sabrina, go ahead. >> one thing i agree with steve a lot of americans agree with steve that they still want a government-run healthcare that is a big problem for republicans right now. the question is how do you put forth alternative that people are going to understand and want to get behind. one of the big problems that we're seeing is that the administration knew all of these problems be the security problems, the loss of income, the loss of jobs. they just didn't want to admit it to the northern people. >> they oversold it? >> absolutely. >> the republicans did nothing other than say the president is no good. it's a bad plan.
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their truth. >> i'm not going to defend the republicans. >> my view is the republican's truth is that if it were against obama will win. frankly that's not a plan. >> that's what i said about immigration. have you got to put forth something better than just saying we're not going to do it. >> you are right on that. >> on obamacare and the 30 million that are uninsured, already have medicaid, all all right, they already have the emergency rooms that have to take people. >> charity care. >> what you have now if you opened up to full competition and don't limit what "insurance companies can do state by state, then you drive the cost down for the folks. but you still keep your medicaid and i would open clinics, i would open federal clinics for free treatment and diagnostic care for the poor. you can do it without this colossal. it's not going to work. >> my truth is this i'm a capitalist as are you and you have done pretty well. if that plan had worked and support it why haven't we
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seen that before. >> we haven't had a market in healthcare for decades. >> by whom. >> by the democratic party. >> respectfully, bill, if the people really wanted a different kind of plan other than say -- >> -- they do now. >> they do now. >> looks like just getting to see. >> healthcare dollars. >> they are just getting to see the tip of this disaster when the doctors start walking out, and not taking it, then j can't go back to the status quo, bill, that's the plan. >> explain to the american people. >> i predict this will be repealed. last word, sabryna,. >> explain to the american people what a system would look like where your healthcare dollars are not tied to your place of employment where you own and control those healthcare dollars where you can compete to buy in an individual marketplace the way that businesses can to get the same incentives. >> can't cherry pick the healthiest people. what about the poorest of the poor and sickest of the sick. you don't make a lot of money off those folks. >> we all want to help those people. >> you do it as i said in a disciplined way. very interesting discussion. thank you very much. next on the rundown, herald is right and i am wrong on
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eating healthier,tion by drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. fridays with geraldo segment tonight. very sad report. we had a discussion where he was right and i was wrong. >> brought up that he was a community organizer. >> no, i didn't. i never used that i never said that. >> you did so say that. >> and i did so say that about president obama. but i had forgotten because it was so inconsequential. the q ampled a is why the federal government isn't distressing discussing the descent congratulation of families in the poor precincts. >> would you say it's been a hallmark of your administration to make that issue? because i don't believe it has. i know you have given the speeches. and i know you understand the problem because you are
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a community organizer from chicago. all right? but i don't see the pressure from the federal government to go in and say this is wrong this is killing future of babies and children. >> so you think that by me referring to the president as a community organizer which of course he was that's an insult, rivera. you think i insulted him by saying that. >> first of all this isn't the first time you were wrong. you are wrong on immigration by your ownyou and i had a clasc confrontation on immigration reform. >> criminal illegal immigration. >> immigration reform. >> wait, when we almost had a brawl on this set we were talking about criminal illegal aliens not law abiding. >> i disagree. you are leaning in to the president there. >> you had the high ground, you just lost it. but, here is the key question. i was referring to him because he should be very sensitive to this issue because he has direct
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experience. when somebody refers to me as a high school teacher, and education discussion i take this as a compliment. >> this was not a classic interview. what you had with you and president obama was a culture class it was almost as if you were two equals with on sit world views coming together for a confrontation. it was the president of most of the white guys guys in ameria that's you and barack obama the president of almost everybody else and the discussion was at that level. it wasn't with the classic decorum and deference you pay the office. it has only been 44 men in the history of the country that have been president. this was not that. you and the president and i'm your biggest fan and one of the few people in this neighborhood that will call you out when you are wrong
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when you said to the united states of america. you didn't use the you said you are a community organizer from chicago. that's like me to sell you are a carbell ice cream salesman from long island you are a radical long haired lawyer. >> he didn't take offense at it. he said yes. he knew what i was talking about. >> total and measured man. >> you are so wrong on this. there was no disrespect the offense was profound and unsettling to me. i don't want to play race here. the fact that he is the first black president to me the way i have been brought up in the civil rights movement, you really want to make sure that you accord him all of the respect and dignity you would to george w. bush or william jefferson clinton or george h.w. bush. >> it's not my job to be a social scientist or to please you geraldo rivera who is looking more like a
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cartel member every day, okay? it's not my job to do that. >> i'm not going to start picking you apart that's my job. i got it, i asked him the tough questions that nobody else, no one has asked him. and, the reaction all over othe world because now we are discussing all of this, this is what journalists do you strip him of miss majesty so to speak. >> i didn't believe a president has majesty. is he not a king he is not the mayor of hartford. is he a direct descendant of george washington, abraham lincoln and teddy roosevelt and dwight highway hour. >> i respect the office. here is the deal. is he accountable to the people. i'm the people's voice. i have to ask the question and did i in a polite way. >> this was dramaization of the divide in this country.
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to you with represent two halves of america. i don't in any way diminish the righteousness of your positions on these issues. you were right about the disintegration of the inner city family. but, because you were right. it was obscured by the fact that i you demeanized him. he is the occupant of the oval office. >> he is proud of that and he should be. when you work in a forum when you are a community organizer to help poor people that is something you should be proud of. just like i'm proud of being a high school teacher. >> you were mitt romney's older brother only shorter and more confident. >> you see it through race and i didn't believe any race at all. >> don't minimize what i'm saying don't do that to me. >> you said that yourself he is the first black president i have to go in deference. >> we have to be deferential to whomever occupies that office. >> no, journalists have to get to the truth this was
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less journalism than it was a debate between coequals representing different world views. >> no, we got a lot of stuff on the record. >> you and barack obama both know how to solve all the problems neither of you have anything other n. common other than your height. >> not much taller. you are wrong about that he doesn't know what he is doing there. he was right that i didn't call him -- i didn't do it with any attempt to diminish him at all. i respect him. and the office of the presidency. and i thought i brought that all right, geraldo, always lively okay. buy his coffee from colombia. >> you and barack obama like the game used to play basketball. >> we were supposed to. he said he would spot me 10 out of 11 on one on one. still waiting. we are asking you to vote in our bill o' poll. please grade my interview with the president. a to f, we know what mr. rivera is giving me. and we will give you the results on monday. directly ahead, lou dobbs on obamacare and the continuing
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soft economy. then later, jerry seinfeld under fire because he doesn't have enough minority people in his comedy biz. take a look at this upcoming. the conversation about her mortgage didn't start here. it began on her vacation in europe on the day she arrived in london. someone set up a bogus hotspot, stole her identity and opened some credit cards in her name. but she's not worried. checking her credit report and score at allowed her to better address the issue... ...and move right in. experian. live credit confident.™ jim, i adore the pool at sion your to make. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotel's robes are fabulous. i have 12 of them! 12? shhhh, i'm worth it... what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick
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lou's the boss segment tonight, january jobs report soft, no surprise as the u.s. economy continues to muddle along there is no doubt about obamacare and income inauguration. a report from the brookings institution says the poor will benefit from the affordable healthcare act big time. here now to explain fox news anchor lou dobbs. so even i can understand it. >> understood. >> here is the affordable care act that people are having trouble signing up for. but in the long run the study says that the bottom
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20% of people economically are going to benefit, right? how? >> they are going to see their income as a result of the affordable care act rise by about 6%. but the brookings institution report is important because it shows that every other income group, the other four of the five combine -- quintiles will have to pay more. >> poor people by getting their healthcare subsidized by not having write a check, it's given to them and the government sends them money to pay for it or whatever they do. all right. their income is going to rise because of that. not a bad thing though. right? >> nod a bad thing at all. >> okay. except for one little part of it, and that that the president assured us that this would be taxed the wealthy and the money would move from the top five or 10%. >> everybody. it's the guy making 45, 50 grand. >> actually, $21,000 a year you start getting hit. >> all right. so anything above 25,000. >> imagine that.
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>> you are going to have to pay more and then the other people don't have any money get -- okay. what we want to do is tell the truth and folks decide if they want that system or not. all right. now, the stock market like every day is like 400 points down and the next day it's 300 points up. this isn't stability this isn't capitalism, this is speculation, what? there is speculation without question. what we have here is a very volatile period and i would advise investors to be very cautious. >> you don't buy anything, you sit it out here talking about making a bottom when you make that decision. this is a period of in which we are watching the economy move forward grudgingly. watching the markets sore and collapse by 300 or 400 points. it's not the time do you
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know maria. >> i do. work together 30 years ago. >> i think we are just like hiring everybody from cnn and nbc anybody who is good we are hiring them. what are they going to be left over there? hiring everybody? hired you. >> i can tell you unkindly, it doesn't much matter who. >> the economy at the fox news channel is good because we hire you from cnn he hire maria from cnb. >> all the in the world lieu dobbs is waiting it out. >> without question. what i'm saying is to average investors. >> you are not selling either, right? >> no, i'm not. but the fact of the matter is, it's not time to be entailed as retail investor. if time to buy. >> fire that advisor. >> don't fire them but the fact is -- >> -- lay back for a while. >> be very very careful. >> okay.
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lou dobbs, everybody, there he is. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. 50th anniversary of beatle main i can't. rocker ted nugent was there as the beatles exploded in the u.s.a. a great paul mccartney story for us. then, jerry seinfeld, a little peeved about being the target of some diversity controversy. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. here in philaden access a philly cheesesteak anytime, day or night. just like you can access geico anytime, day or night. there is only one way to celebrate this unique similarity. witness the cheesesteak shuffle. ♪ cheesesteak, cheesesteak ♪ ♪ it's the cheesesteak shuffle! huh! ♪ ♪ every day, all day, cheesesteak, cheesesteak! ♪ ♪ every night, all night cheesesteak, cheesesteak! ♪ ♪ 9 a.m. cheesesteak! ♪ 2 p.m. cheesesteak! ♪ 4 a.m. cheesesteak! ♪ any time (ruh!) >>geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. unlike the bargain brand, depend gives you new fit-flex®,
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new new jent nobody's everybody in the rock world. sometimes new jent's politics can make things a bit dicey. >> so your place in the music world, you know, most of them are avowed liberal people. how do they treat you? >> they treat me wonderfully. you know, there have been some real frikdz over the years. in fact, some artists i use the name generously have actually dedicated their albums to their family and friends and then had a big f you ted new jent on their record. they have come aren't. i guess they put down the dope temporarily and they have realized i'm just a detroit guitar player that stands up for the right thing. >> the love fest is indescribable. i have great things. i have been doing this for over 50 years you sold 45 minute records.
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mccarthy, have you ever run across. >> no. but this is a great mccarthy story this crystallizes the whole thing. paul mccartney was being interviewedviewedviewed in detry years ago with his new band on the run ♪ band on the run. >> of course where would any of our quality of life be without the beatles ♪ these words are my girl. >> and the incredible gifts of paul mccartney. paul is doing an interview in detroit where i'm god by the way. i was just voted the number one guitarist of all times in detroit. paul was giving an interview and interviewer asked him what do you think of our inner city madman ted new jent. he went into a tirade how i'm a coward because iaughter is that can't shoot back. >> he is he a vegan and serious vegan. >> and so they called me to respond. because they thought get ted we will get ted to go in here on this one. paul condemned me and said i never had a good musical idea in my life. it was really hateful.
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and they asked me what my response was. and i go well, there is only response i can give to paul mccartney, thank you, paul for enriching our lives with the greatest music the sound track. >> good for you. >> if he wants tofu i will will shoot him tofu. >> ted, you don't have to shoot tofu. >> it's more fun if you do. >> rap, jay-z, huge. >> politically correct. this might offend my political connect. >> the rap thing has almost taken over the music industry and you say? >> have a nice day with that. but i come from the original soul brothers. james browns, the wilson pictures, sam and dave, bow dividely ♪ who do you love. these guys just reeked of american celebratory be as good as you can be and deliver the best music possible. that was the inspiration for all my fellow musicians even
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though this day. no get the rap thick because my son rocco does a spiritual rap or hip hop type thing ♪ i'll be fine alone. >> which i cringed at first but i also support my son in his own musical vision and his own musical dreams. i don't get that music. if i want funky and driving rhythms, i goal to james brown or this new guy bruno mars ♪ amazing love >> i goal to earth, wind and fire ♪ do you remember >> last question, you are antidrug. >> hard core. >> hard core antidrug so am i, as you know. what about the legalization of marijuana thing? what do you think of that? >> i will try to capsulize it. would you want your pilot high? would you want your butcher high? who would you want to be high in your life? and after 50 years of rock
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and rolling, holding my gifted musicians in my arms, as they died, you can't convince me that it's a victimless crime or it's individual choice. you clearly identified that you get high to disconnect what are the benefits to disconnecting? i disconnect but i do it in a tree stand with a sharp stick so i'm at least getting meat when i get high. >> there is a purpose. >> there is a purpose. >> all right. ted nugent, everybody, one of a kind. a great interview. and good time. tell you that i am wearing a red tie tonight. the highlight the battle against heart disease in america. all of us know someone who has succumb to that if you can help the heart charities, please do so. when we come right back, jerry seinfeld under fire and jay leno's last ♪ [ screaming ]
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>> people had tweeted me interviewing jerry seinfeld. ask about gender drstd on the show. >> yeah, people think it's the census or something? [ laughter ] >> this has got to represent the actual pie chart of america? who cares? it's just funny. funny is the world that i live in. you are funny. i'm interested. you are not funny, i'm not interested. and i have no interest in agenda or race or anything like that. >> well, here now to comment fox news anchor gretchen carlson. you see her on the real story at 2:00 p.m. and the always provocative bernard mcguirk. i know you agree with seinfeld. >> of course. >> because you are the whitest guy in the world. look how white he is and he has got makeup on. >> that's a slur. >> wow, usually the blondes that get it. >> you don't have makeup on but you should have makeup. your face and head is blinding me. >> oh, come on. >> no, it is. i can't see him. the light hits the head and bang is he so white. >> taking advantage of
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disabled people. it's something i can't help and you are attacking me. >> i know you agree with seinfeld look, is he trying to put on a funny show. he doesn't have any black guys on seinfeld but he hangs with chris rock and all of that right? >> that's right. yeah, the seinfeld thing, of course, ended years ago but he did get heat for that and, to be fair, in the seinfeld thing, he did -- he basically parodied jewish culture if he did have black people on and parodied black people he would be considered racist. he got more out this controversy than the 4-million-dollar super bowl ad that he did. these people, who are these people that are -- >> there are, carlson, there are -- i had a letter from a lady the other day, i should have read it on the air going she counts how many women as opposed to men. >> come on, people need more to do with their time. this is permeated culture bernard and bill. this has perm nateed culture where you have reporters asking jerry seinfeld.
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you could see how preteshed he was at this. thankly i totally agree with him. this be like the show girls should suddenly have more boys on it so everyone is equal. guess what nobody could watch. >> it then they could change the name to boys and girl if they did that. >> this is how stupid. that's why there is choice this society and a bunch of cable channels. >> i don't think there is anybody watching the show, not one person in the factor right now who thinks that seinfeld. >> you will hear from them. >> the crazy left wing loons don't watch the show. all they do is stare at the computer and be directed. all right, jay leno last night. did you guys watch it -- did you stay up late carlson. >> i saw clips today. >> did you have enough decency to watch day jay leno's last program. >> i'm a mom at home and doing other stuff. >> forget it. you don't have to get up early anymore. >> did you watch it. >> of course. >> you have to get up early. >> exactly. i do my research and then i'm here too. it was great it was moving. i'm sorry to see the guy go. it's a big blunder on their part. they are bringing in a guy who is younger because their
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shallow mind set puts a premium on youth that's not deserved. because the guy does hash tags and youtube and plays beer pong. it's so stupid. this guy jay leno had a good five, ten years left in him. >> he we will see. fallon is a talented guy. >> and a nice guy. >> there is a lot of competition late night. i want to get into a -- survey about jay leno and who he picked on the most as far as politicians. and the winner was, roll the tape. >> hillary clinton said she hasn't driven a car since 1996. >> woo! >> when asked why, she said well hard to keep her eyes on the road and on bill at the same time. >> bill clinton won big time. >> well, come on, huge material to talk about with bill clinton. no surprise there. here is what i loved about jay leno is that he wasn't afraid to make jokes about republicans and democrats. and oftentimes you don't see that in -- >> -- no. >> remember snl at the beginning when president obama was on the scene they went on the record and said there is nothing funny about
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him. >> now they have jay farrell who does a great. >> they do. in the beginning they didn't think he was funny. >> do you think snl this saturday night are they on live? i don't even know if they're on live. the olympics are on? >> yeah the olympics are on. >> will they do a parody of my interview with the president? >> they should. i was thinking oh, man. >> who is going to play you? >> i don't know. jay farrell both parts. >> jay farrell is not playing you. >> not enough. >> tina thompson will play you. >> pinhead. do you have pinhead? >> are you calling me pain head? >>. no you have a pinhead of the week? >> i do. i chose somebody because i don't want to you yell at me. >> don't tell because we have to take a little break. we will be back with carlson and mcguirk in a moment they will have the pinheads of the week. i have one that you will be surprised about. then some factor viewers want to know what happened behind the scenes when i interviewed president obama last week. we will give you inside stuff ahead. let's say you pay your guy arnd 2 percent to manage your money.
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>> the entrepreneurship of america because people would no longer be job-locked by their policy but have the -- the freedom to follow their passion. >> job locked. that seems pretty benign, carlson, what's the beef. >> that's because she is is not telling the whole story. she is making it sound like people will just suddenly find their passion. by the way, i'm all for people finding their passion. i'm not for people sitting at home and just collecting subsidies instead of going out and trying to find a job. >> what was the point of pointing out that she wants
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everybody to be able to paint? >> this was about the cbo report that came out this week on obamacare thated youenly said more than 12.3 million before 2021 are not gsd golden globe to find jobs anymore because of obamacare. >> doug elmendorf number crunching guy testifying today it will be a disincentive for people to go find work. >> then they can go find their passion if they can't work. >> that's not true. >> they can find it wherever it may be. >> maybe some will but i think people are going to take advantage. >> carlson says pelosi is the pinhead of the week and have you chosen the new more of new york city bill de blasio who outrageously mcguirk for you and i will not attend the saint patrick's day parade. roll it. >> no, i am not planning on marching in the parade. vicinity in the past in my capacity as elected official. i will be participating in a number of other events to honor the irish heritage of this city and the
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contributions of irish americans but i simply disagree with the organizers of that parade in their exclusion of some individuals in this city. >> now the organizers of the ancient hibernians and they don't want people to march under a gay banner, it's been going on for years, right. >> that's right. the controversy peaked in the early 990s, he is bringing it back. the regression we were worried about in new york city has begun. listen, i support gay rights. there is also other groups have rights as well. it's a private event. it honors saint patrick. it's sort of a religious event. cordal dollan sort of fish united states and apparently. >> bill de blasio you. >> you can march if you are gay you can't have a banner that says i'm gay. if the catholic religion if you are practicing. not if you are gay if you practice that's wrong. de blasio is being politically correct. that's what he is doing. >> maybe a little bit of
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religious bigot. >> if there was a gay pride parade they would have o'reilly on one side and hannity holding a banner on the other. they would say you can't do it. >> they wouldn't, they would let us do that and mock us. >> my pinhead of the week is the speaker of the house, john boehner. roll it. >> there is widespread doubt about whether this administration can be trusted to enforce our laws. and it's going to be difficult to move any immigration legislation until that changes. >> now, is he a pinhead because i believe that john boehner is secretly a democrat. i think is he a quizling. he never says what you need to say. >> which is what? >> here is our immigration plan. this is what we would like to do. this is what we think is best for the country. >> why does that make him a democrat. >> it's always the party of. no people hearing this, who aren't republicans and you know, who aren't conservative, they are going to go they don't want to do anything. they don't want to do
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anything. they don't want to do anything. you are handing a gift to the democratic party. get out there and say this is what is fair. this is what we would like to do. we understand there are 12 million human beings that we have to deal with here in this country one way or the other and here is how we would like to handle it but, no. >> but there is a reason why he is not doing that. is he not doing that because there is a rift between the republican party. >> is he not doing that because he is pandering to the talk radio. >> talk radio he is afraid of them. >> i respect that opinion, by the way. i don't think it's a realistic opinion. can't deport 12 million people, all right? and i think it hurts the republican party. it drives away hispanic voters who don't really pay close attention. >> it's inevitable anyway. it's inevitable. >> going to have to get something here. >> these guys, remember, george w. bush, the icon. >> tried it. >> he wanted immigration reform. >> there are a lot of republicans that do. we don't trust these people. all right, so you don't trust them. put out a better plan. make them look foolish. don't give them a hand
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grenade and that's why speaker boehner is the pinhead of the week. >> okay. >> very logical. >> factor tip of the day. behind the scenes stuff from my interview with the president last sunday. the tip moments away. (meow mix jingle) right on cue. (laughs) it's more than just a meal, it's meow mix mealtime. with wholesome ingredients and irresistible taste, no wonder it's the only one cats ask for by name. factor tip of the day, some inside stuff about the presidential interview in a moment. but first we would like to tell
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everybody that ms. megyn kelly, brian kilmeade, and myself will be doing a benefit to raise money for the schools in manhattan, on the campus of the c.w. post campus, april 3rd. go to billo', for more, and miller and i have concerts at the arena, honolulu at the blaze del, we have all the information on billo' and now, from california, as a republican i was set. the former defense secretary leon panetta was not called to testify about the incident in benghazi. i think he is an honorable man who would not lie and did testify in front of the senate committee. now there is new information. and atlanta, bill, way to go grilling the congressman. do you know why the house oversight committee is reluctant
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to do so to call leon panetta? i don't know, i don't know why they are now, but the challenge has been made. and wisconsin, bill, you are dead on about the president's mindset from his point of view. many things don't really matter because the end justifies the means. albuquerque, new mexico, bill, it was disconcerting to hear you and megyn joking about the ongoing problems in russia. what were you thinking? well, linda, perhaps two things, reporting what was happening in the olympic games and why did they pick sochi over salzburg,. you can't even take a shower in russia, that is why putin has his shirt off just in case rain comes in so he can take a shower real fast. and bill, who appointed you drug
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czar? you're obsessed. feeling a bit insecure. i feel like legalizing marijuana is harming the nation, if you see it differently. and bill, my husband and i would like to have talking points over dinner. depends on who you're serving, talking points can be fussy, and bill, can you let my husband know that urchin number four is due in october? wow. so you have been doing a little more than reading, haven't you, victoria? congratulations to you guys. i'm happy to make the announcement. daniel, greeley, colorado, my words to describe "killing jesus," unput downable. i don't know if that is an actual word but it works for me. finally, the factor tip of the day, we have questions for bill o'reilly. premium members, we hope you sign up. s post it on the message board about the presidential
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interview. john asks did the president give you any inside baseball on the financial stuff? you know, we talk about financials and history, we both have questions about those things, the president now says he is cutting the debt. so there is no use to get into it. he has his rap down on that. and mary wants to know what happens after the interview is over. the president signed my notes so we can auction them off at the fisher house. and we'll tell you more about that on monday, and he posted a few pictures, very nice, no angst at all. and joe points out most of the questions were deflected. most politicians dodge, you know that. as i told geraldo it really is worth reading the entire transcript of the interview which is posted on billo' and most of them of posted if you're a premium member, you get one of my killing books free and lis wiehl's book free. do we have to come to your house? this is the best deal ever.
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so check it out over the weekend. and that is it for us. please check out the fox news factor website, different from billo' o'reilly@f o' the word of the day, don't be captious, and i know it is a lot of addresses and a lot of stuff, i understand, sorry to burden you, again, thank you for joining us, i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here and we're def
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♪ good saturday morning to you. it is february the 8th. i'm ainsley earhardt. eye hijack eer tries to take ov an airplane. we know the identity of the man who tried to bring terror to the winter games what authorities are saying about him. >> i'm mike in for clayton. was nbc's narrator for the sochi games praising communism? >> revolution that birth one of modern history's modern experiments. but if politics --
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