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tv   Housecall  FOX News  February 9, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PST

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. >> i'm jamie colby and i guarantee you will be glad you tuned in today for house call. >> welcome to sunday house call. joining us is dr. mark segal, professor of medical and unlocking the skred code of sickness. >> wait, there is more. you get two opinions. chairman and professor of urology. chief of robotics surgery. doctors, welcome. >> great to have you here. there was a new warning that came out from the american heart association and a lot of people
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are confused. what it said was women are actually at higher risk of having a stroke than men. doctor, why would that be true and is it? >> i want women to listen carefully. this is extremely important. it's the american heart association and the american stroke association. the reason is that women get strokes more than 50% of people who get strokes are women. more women than men. it's the number three cause of death among women and number four among men. why women? it's specific reasons. women when they are pregnant are at higher risks especially with high blood pressure. preeclampsia. if if you are on birth control, it increases your risk. if you are going on birth control pills, get your blood pressure tested. if you have high blood pressure and on birth control pills, your risks are up. smoking increases the risks across the board. if women are on birth control
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and smoking, the risk goes up. if you are smeth and smoke the risk goes up. here's what i really want people to know. i'm not trying to scare people. migraine headaches, very, very common in women. times more than men. if if you have migraines and stroke, your risk of stroke goes up. all of these things. they add up to women being higher risk. exercise more, eat fruits and vegetables, don't smoke, cut down on alcohol. >> what's new about this warning? they always said that people who have migraines, particularly women are more at risk for stroke. if you are smoking and pregnant, change the channel. there is no hope for you. >> we don't want you to change the channel. the truth is that so far everything we have spoken about in the past has been high blood pressure, cholesterol and has been also diabetes. those were the risk factors.
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going back to the question, what's new about this, there is some association between migraines and people who have migraines and visual and ring it is in the ears, et cetera with stroke. this is something new. they also want to you know that if you are going to welcome pregnant, check your blood pressure. when you are in pregnancy, it's too late because it's hard to start the medication as a result. this goes on and on. 137,000 women and men are dying from stroke. it's a serious problem. we want to make sure we prevent it. if you are a smoker and on birth control, these are factors. women in general -- >> we don't have the answer about why women are more at risk. is it they don't recognize the symptoms? >> no, no. there is a physiological difference between women and men. there is disorders in the vessels that as a result of
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hormonal changes whether it's birth control or smoking or all these other risks that can change that, stress can do this. depression can do this. those are the changes that can cause this. what i want you folks to know, if somebody is having a stroke right in front of you, you need to know about this. arm weakness and slurred speech at times. it's brain loss. >> the ability to go to the hospital and get not anecdotes for stroke, but time matters. what about hormone replacement therapy? should we reconsider women of a certain age to do that because if you change the structure you can put yourself more or less at risk? >> that's an excellent point and the hormonal shifts are the issue. that's why there is an increase with birth control and hormone
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replacement therapy. as women get older, a trial fibrillation and higher cholesterol. women are living longer and the most important thing, we are not looking forward enough. today we will get women to look for it more. women can have more subtle signs. they gave out the symptoms of stroke. with women it can be more subtle. that's another thing. be on the look out for these symptoms. >> does baby as 3ri7b help? >> it's not for everyone, but yes. >> if your blood pressure is over 100, you should take aspirin or calcium pills if you have severe blood pressure before you get pregnant, you want to dheak. if you have migraines or stop smoking or you mentioned if you are over 75, women over 75 need to look for a trial fibrillation and those are the risk factors are. that's the guideline. >> american academy of
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obstetrics and gynecology is too lax on what they make women do. they let you go in with too high of blood pressure. they say what were your guidelines. i say lower. i want women to have controlled blood pressure when they are pregnant. >> they are starting on something else. the guidelines for breast cancer, urging women who are 50 to 75 to now have a mammogram every two years. how does this change? >> it was. previously the american cancer society recommends getting a mammogram every year. it starts at the age of 40 and i'm glad jamie is wearing red. that's awareness for the heart and mammograms. american cancer society recommends from 40 to 84 every year. that's quite expensive. that's about $10 billion. the second package started from the u.s. passports in 2009. this study published in internal medicine coming in told you you
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are not going to miss a lot of cancers, but it will be less costly when you save about $7 billion. $3.5 billion package. the worst of all of them is the european ones. mammograms every other year from 50 to 70. not after that. that's $2.6 billion. the big question the country needs to ask, what is the price of saving someone's life. when the cancer spreads, the cost of me taft sis is $250,000 per person per year. we are in this program always, all of us have been a big advocate of screening. whether it's a mammogram or for men. you should know that knowledge. risk stratification and know your genetics is absolutely -- >> i agree with what david is going with this. this information and knowledge is power. if we do mammograms and find a problem, women want to know. here's the data.
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80 to 90% sensitive at picking up early breast cancer. 98% and five-year survival rate. laura who pea spoke to who is the lead author in the study. there is no evidence that early screening really saves lives. first of all, this quality of life to consider. not a woman wants to know they have breast cancer. it's up to the doctor and these guidelines. this is what laura said. the author of the study. i think it should be every year as a starting point. then say what's the risk point? if you have dense breasts, it's harder to follow. you need to follow a trend. every year should be a starting point. if i say every other year, they will never come. every year will be longer than that. i think it's an art. once you have the information of an abnormal mammogram, do you do a second or a biopsy. you go to the best radiologist
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you have and the best surgeon you can find. you do the right test. it's about the art of the medicine and not the test. >> you are going to find false positives that can lead to treatment and damages, but i said not every one needs biopsy. >> and self examinations. self examination, self examination. this is the month to talk about it as well. meanwhile, drinking distilled water may have benefits, but is it good for you and better than other water? even though it's missing certain minerals, the doctors are going to answer that. >> the tragic death of phillip seymour hoffman turned a spotlight on the horrors of heroin addiction. doctor segal goes inside the rehab facility to give us a firsthand look at the toll of heroin addiction. a good deal or not. looking at there's no buyer's remorse.
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. welcome back. there not words that can describe the tragedy with the death of actor phillip seymour hoffman, but it sheds a new light on heroin addiction. it can happen to anyone. our own dr. segal had a look at the real face of a horrible addiction. dr. segal? >> when i went in the door of phoenix house, i came up to someone and i said can you tell me where so and so was. i thought marco looked like. he didn't look like my expectation of a heroin addict. there is an 80% increase. 80% of the time it starts with this. this is him with his beautiful young baby. it started this way with him. he went on prescription pain killers after a knee operation and the doctor didn't top the
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prescribe them anyone. he was addicted after a couple of uses and he ended up at phoenix house. this guy is an electrician. he caught his first house at the age of 20. he is a success story. now he said love for his wife and young daughter will get him back. let's take a look. >> people are shooting up one bag of dope and dying. >> why? >> i think you don't know what's in the bags. you don't know. you are taking a risk. you are depending on someone else to put someone in that bag and you don't know what it is. those cravings are so deep that you are willing to take the chance to get the next fix. people think of a certain picture that they painted of what an addict is. it's the manager of a company and the employees are working in this process. i met doctors and i met priests and lawyers.
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all going through the same thing. i have to remind myself when i wake up that i have been given the gift of breathing again. if i stay that day and do what i'm supposed to do, got willing i can do it again. >> he's a great human being. he said you don't know what is in the bags. they are mixed with fentanyl now. you don't know the strength. you overdose and stop and the euphoria drives people in. >> to stop this epidemic. >> we need to educate our children. if you look at heroin, for example, the starting age is about 14. it's coming to suburbs. it's not part of the inner city anymore. you are seeing the rich affluent kids getting involved and the numbers have doubled. it used to be about 156,000 in 2002 and now it's 400,000. the reason being is it's cheap and extremely addictive and
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dangerous. on the way to college, there is peer pressure and the problem is this craving part. if you can't get out, people go to rehab, for example. >> if they are lucky enough. >> if they make it that far and they go from days to two weeks. i think you have have to educate the children. >> can i ask you a question as a surgeon? the doctor wrote a prescription automatically and i picked it up for 30 vicodin. >> it's a very excellent point. i was about to say this. this is a big message to ourselves as doctors. we are writing too many narcotics for no good reason. 80 percent per of these heroin addicts are starting with this medication and they get hooked on them and can't get out of them. that's when they get into the heroin. what's the message to the children? lock up the pharmacy drugs in the cabinets and make sure there is no exposure.
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>> the question to emphasize this. you get a different rush from heroin than the pain killers. >> if they are good, that's better. >> the euphoria and the heroin is cheap. >> i asked you that question before. seeing him with his beautiful baby that he doesn't get the euphoria he needs from that beautiful girl. good luck to him. >> drinking distilled water can help you avoid consuming impurities they say, but really when you drink water, distilled water, other water, bottled water, the doctors will fill us in. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water.
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. back now is waund housecall. for our weekly segment, should i worry about everything that worries us. one thing worrying one viewer who wrote us saying, quote, many years ago, my doctor told me to drink distilled water to avoid sodium causing fluid reextension. but drinking only distilled water all this time, have you been missing minerals? dr. samadi, i thought you're not supposed to drink distilled water, just put it in your iron. >> he gave him the answer. distilled wine is going through a lot of the purification. you remove all the contan namts, and all the minerals. you don't want to drink that and it's not a good one. springwater is okay, but people think it's coming from the mountain. it's springwater. it's fresh. it's great for you. but those bottled water also have a problem because they had all these bpas and arsenic and other things in them. for me, the best one is the tap water with the carbon activated filter. that's the best one you can
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have. and there's a site that i want you to go to. you can check the quality of your water based on the zip code and see what kind of water you're drinking. but if you have one of these carbon activated ones, you keep the minerals, keep the good ones and you get rid of the copper and lead contaminates. >> but the springwater is supposed to be great for you. >> apparently not. >> but sometimes you look at it and it says municipal water supply some place. what's that? >> exactly the point. >> jersey. >> listen, i want to start back with distilled water to answer the viewer's question again. the purpose for distilled water might be if you're in haiti after that problem or even here with hurricane sandy where you can't be sure there's going to be bacteria or viruses in the water. then you might distill it. i agree with david, i'm not if favor of it, but he's not like to have a big problem with
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mineral loss from having drank distilled water. you know why? 95% of the minerals, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, 95% of it comes from the food we eat. 5% from the water. the estimates are you would have to eat 1800 glasses of water, tap water, to get the amount of magnesium you need for daily requirements. so over a long period of time, it ain't the greatest thing that he's doing, but i don't think it's going to land him in the hospital for a magnesium deficiency. so it's not my choice that i don't think he should worry about it. >> i wonder if they bottle that distilled water, though tb in a bpa bottle. >> the big question is what do they think of bpa? and we're learning more and more that this is causing more infertility and changes trough againized and parts about diabetes and cancer. so you want to be careful with bottled water. >> great information. i was fooled by the pretty picture on the bottled water that it was coming from the falls or -- >> and look at the label. look at it.
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it says municipal water supply some place sometimes. >> so interesting. >> i've seen you drink from the tap water. >> so fluid res really important to keep everything moving in your body, you know what i'm talking about. but now it promises to rejuvenate your body. yeah, rejuvenate. colon cleansing, could it be doing more harm than good, though? the doctors weigh in on that. you know we cover everything here on "sunday housecall." this is an important one. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection.
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well, spas used to offer just facials and massages. but this is one of the latest trends. colon cleansing. but is it beneficial at all? could it be dangerous? dr. siegel, you first. >> i say it's never beneficial and it could be dangerous. and if it's hydro therapy, we're
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talking about a tube here, you can perforate the colon. and i have a question for my patients out there. why is it you're so afraid of having to prep for a colonoscopy and you have these things which is the same thing? a prep for a colonoscopy, at least i have a medical reason for it and there's no evidence that preps for colonoscopy, when you go on a liquid diet and clean your system that this has long-term health benefits. these cleanses disturb the colon. we have good bacteria that could be harmed by this. we need that good bacteria and the electrolytes. we have a delicate balance in the kop kol yoen. >> delicate being the optimum word. dr. smad sa mmadi, who are the people offering this? >> this is fda approved. why? because it started off by -- colon ofkpy, severe constipation
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and radiological images. then this would work. but then it would be before you went to the red carpet, you wanted to lose five pounds, boost your immunity -- >> how does it boost your immunity? >> they looked at 20 different papers and they came with no medical benefit from this. i say the colon is not meant to be clean. we need those bacteria in order to -- you want to clean your colon, change your diet and make sure you eat all the fruits and vegetables and low saturated fat, everything else. >> i'm all for bowel rest, liquid diet with plenty of nutrients, but take out the cleansing. >> some people have complications with perforation, so we're not a big fan of it. not to lose weight. >> we lived years without it, so why -- >> it's dangerous. >> it's a quick fix, but there's no medical benefit. >> i'm sure other things could get things going, if you know
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what i'm saying. we tackle all sorts of topics here. thank you so much. that's going to do it for us. so great to have you here. coming up now, "media buzz" with howard kurtz. >> here's howie. >> send your questions on on the buzz beater sunday, bill o'reiley fans thought it was about time someone pressed the president about the lingering scandal. barack obama backers loved the way he stuck it to fox news. and the country got a super bowl showdown far better than the football game. >> you think i'm a little unfair to you? >> absolutely, of course you are, bill. but i like you, anyway. regardless of whether it's fair or not, it is -- it has made fox news very successful. >> but if i'm unfair -- >> here is what you guys are going to have to figure out is what you're going to do when i'm gone. >> was o'reiley just pushing conservative hot buttons, as his detractors say? was obama's anti-fox s


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