tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News February 9, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST
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eric holder gives new same sex privileges. but krit take critics charge it another overreach and ignore as key stream court ruling. a live report from right here in washington. and the president says boneheaded decisions not corruption are behind the ira targeting of conservative groove groups. but some you law make respect say why is the president pre-judging an investigation not yet over. and obama care means more won't be, working.
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republicans say evidence obama care sooig is a job killer. but democrats say it means new freedom. america's news headquarters live starting right now. this is no time to rest on our laurels. this is no time to back down, to give up, or to give into the unjust and the unequal status quo. >> the department of justice announces new federal benefits for same 60s couples despite a ruling from the supreme court last year. so is this the latest example of the obama administration going around congress to push through its agenda? >> eric holder says he wants to recognize gay marriages to the greatest extent possible under the law. so for example starting monday,
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same sex married couples cannot be compelled to testify against each other in federal court. even in states where same-sex marriage is not recognized. sfwlt federal government will not use state views a basis to object to someone invoking this right. >> supreme court ruled last year that federal benefits could not be debbed to legally married same 60s couples. but the court left the door open for states to determine who is allowed to be married. 33 states have laws defining marriage as between one man and one woman. the family research council which advocates for traditional marriage says the federal government should not be trying to, quote, force these states to change their definition of marriage. >> we do believe this is yet another example of the lawlessness of the obama administration and going well beyond what any court has required or what any statute says, and instead pushing their
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own liberal ideological agenda to the maximum extent possible. >> on capitol hill, reaction to holder's announcement was mixed. >> the attorney general is saying we'll apply the same rules as we do for other married couples for the same-sex couples when it comes to our courts. >> it appears to be another example of the obama administration imposing its will on the states. >> attorney general holder also announced the department of justice will recognize married, gay and lesbian couples in bankruptcy cases and in the rules governing federal inmates. >> all right, molly, thank you very much. president obama says there isn't even a smidge on that on of corn the irs. but there are plenty of skeptics including a number of lawmakers who want to though why the
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president is pre-judging an investigation that hasn't even wrapped up yet. ron desantis was front and center into this matter. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> i have to say that some of these stories that we heard from people saying they were targeted vr we compelling, but they also seemed very shattered by the questions about why they haven't been contacted by investigator up they told their stories on capitol hill. what is your take on how the investigations are or are not proceed something. >> it seems this has been a sham investigation. when the allegations first came out, it was admitted misconduct by the irs. who one disputed that. the president said it was serious, he'd get to the bottom of it. but unfortunately, no steps have been said to talk to these groups or these victims and to push ahead. of course nobody has been held
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accountable at all. and as the hearing pointed out, the justice department appointed a career employee who is a max out obama donor. you can donate, it doesn't mean you can't be bear, but when you have misconduct involving an administration targeting people who are dissenting from its policy, i think it would give people more confidence in the investigation if you had somebody other than a loyal foot soldier or the army of hope and change. >> the president in his interview ahead of the super bowl with bill o'reilly as you heard said there is not even a smidgeon of corruption and yet because these are u unresolved, there are a lot of questions about does the president know something we don't know and all these questions came up in a here and some of the colleagues have signed on to a letter to the attorney general asking if the president is being briefed,
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if not, why is he speaking out on something that has not yet been resolved. do you think the white house could salvage this at least from a pr standpoint by saying, listen being maybe we haven't handled this correctly? because the president as you mentioned came out very forcefully in the beginning on the front he said of this saying he was outraged and he would make sure whatever happened with the irs was accounted for and wouldn't happen again. >> so here is the thing. i think at this point, in order for the american people to have confidence in what is going on, there needs to be a special prosecutor appointed. at first i thought maybe that wasn't necessary because we had congress proceeding, the justice department. but now i think he needs to do that. and wouldn't be it good if he appointed a conservative republican, if he really believe there is is no corruption, appoint a conservative republican, let him go through the investigation. and if there is really a finding of that, then guys like me will be more likely to accept that. if he continues doing what sk
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done, people on our side of the aisle won't have confidence in the drought cououtcome of the investigation. >> let's get real. what are the odds that that actually happens? >> we should step up to the plate and say it's our job to if you said government agencies such as the ir sflt, we'll have a chance to do these appropriations bills and we should say a special prosecutor should be appointed and drop this new 501-c-4 rules which essentially disadvantaged conservative groups. and we will require that in order to fund the irs. and then we'll see what the president has. but we have to use you aour pow we want to see these things dealt with appropriately. >> and do you agree with a witness who testified that essentially a federal agency has been weaponized by the government? >> figuratively speaking, i think when you look at the number of inquiries that this individual faced, i don't think
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that that was a coincidence and i two think that individual was targeted. >> all right, congressman, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. this brings us to this week's out of the inbox segment. why did the attorney general let a democrat have a main role? seems corrupt to me. here is your answer. the woman playing the key role is a career lawyer in the d.o.j. civil rights division. she has donated nearly $7,000 to president obama's campaigns and democratic national committee. but the doj says holder did nothing improper and also points out that legally the department cannot question employees about their political leanings. but you're not the only one who sea as potential conflict here. darrell issa has asked the justice department's inspector general to look into this.
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thank you for the question, greg. if you have a story out there you want to hear more about, or you want to hear about something we haven't touched on yet, check it out, these are all the ways to get in touch with america's news headquarters. we'll gut you some answers. et y. a report from the nonpartisan congressional budget office is causing major headaches. the cbo says health care reform will mean that more than 2 million americans will no longer be working full-time jobs in the coming years. today republicans and democrats are out in force giving very different interpretations of exactly what those hard numbers mean. >> this will debate falls along part sap lines and it was played out today on the sunday talk shows. democrats say the affordable care act provides a new measure of freedom and republicans say it's a terrible blow to an already struggling economy.
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>> we have a 35 year low in terms of labor participation. and yet you have democrats almost giddy about the fact that now we'll have fewer people in the workforce. that doesn't help the workers. it doesn't help in terms of fighting poverty. >> figures analyzing obama care come from the nonpartisan congressional budget office. they show that some 2.3 million workers will leave full-time employment by 20201 as a result of the health care law. now, republicans say this number is larger than expected and will have a negative impact on economic growth. some are calling it devastating. but democrats say it provides workers with more choices. they won't be locked in to jobs they don't want just to keep their health care benefits. >> cbo said many american workers would have freedom to come things they couldn't do, the single mom who is raising three kids has to keep a job
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because of health care can now spend time raising hose kids, that's a family value. >> and there there is one thing for sure, obamacare is shaping up to be a major political issue during the upcoming midterm elections. >> steve, thank you very much. just after a framework for immigration reform, john boehner tapped the brakes all but ruling out passing any immigration legislation before the midterm elections this fall. but is the issue truly off the table and why between the speaker dial it back? congressman steve king, republican from iowa, has been a vocal opponent and joins us live. so the speaker said part of it is because the president is going around modifying laws and not stick to go laws and how could we get the american people to trust us to pass immigration reform if we don't know the president len force it as you all would pass it. is that the only reason you
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think the speaker backed off on pushing for reform? >> it's far from the only reason, but it's the one that can be articulated the best a t resonates across the party. his overreach is starting to penetrate now. for about more than a year, there has been some intense polling that has gone on and the immigrant community has been examined by the pollsters thoroughly and we're starting to understand what it really means. freshmen and sophomore class are getting up to speed and learning the implications. jeff sessions has put out really good information on how this impacts the labor force. and the as the reality comes forward, i think its came together when 3 to 4 to 1 out of
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the american public said don't do this and most said don't do this while we have this president because we have seen the president violate his open oath of office. you can't do business with him. and there is no data that support this is is good for america. >> and so why republican leadership pressing this so hard then? when quinn pipiac asked people what are the top priority, immigration was at the bottom of the list. so why then the gop leadership when they have so much am you munition with the failures of obamacare to date would pivot to something like immigration. >> it's an interesting question and i would add to that point that you made that the president gave a speech to america from hawaii during his christmas vacation when he chastised congress for going home to visit our families over congress. we should have stayed and solved nation's problems and he laid out the three lead issues he wanted to push for, increased
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minimum wage, at some unemployment benefits and pass comprehensive immigration reform. not a coincidence that all three of those unify democrats and divide republicans. that was the clarion call for democrats to get behind that. john boehner should have seen that because that was just essentially a naked employ to divide republicans. so the only way to rational size that fits within the last paragraph of an op-ed i wrote last week. will is mark zuckerberg money, bill gates money, google money, george soros money. so i will say the logical foundation doesn't,. so i will say the logical foundation doesn't exist.bill g george soros money. so i will say the logical foundation doesn't exist. >> no secret there is tension between you and the speaker. he reportedly referred to you by a word we cannot use on the air.
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how is that relationship now, will it be patched up, can you work together on other issues? >> the speaker has had a number of opportunities to clear that up and he's declined it every opportunity. so is that essentially a public confession that what he said on the house floor to a couple of liberal democrats was true, it was not denied. it isn't up to me to demand an apology. instead, i will go forward maintaining the decorum necessary to be effective in this job. it's interesting, though, that i and others have been lectured about having verb allege discipline when we see that that doesn't exist within our own speaker.allege discipline when we see that that doesn't exist within our own speaker. >> clearly he's upset with comments you've made that he feels don't help the conversation. anything you want to say on those? >> yes, i would say everything i've said has been factually
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true. but it didn't support his agenda. so is that the behavior when you can't win the argument, you start calling names. and if you don't have the day take and philosophical found days, you call names. a lot of the positions i've taken enjoy broad support and that complaint kpt complaint be. >> that definitely seems to be playing out. congressman, thank you very much for coming on. all right. do you think immigration reform will make a comeback this year? tweet us. we'll use some of your answers later on. coming up, we'll hear from a democratic congressman on both
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of the issues we've talked about. immigration reform and investigations into the irs targeting conservative groups. plus, the president of hobby lobby gearing up for a supreme court showdown over the hhs contraceptive mandate speaking out for the first time on camera. he told us excloous susively ab what is at stake. >> do people in america that have a business, are they able to operate that business according to their deeply held religious beliefs. we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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irs situation. how do you think -- what is the best way at this point for people to get answers and for these victims who say they haven't been interviewed by the authorities to get their stories out there other than this kind of hearing? >> i went to the hearing as a member of the overitem sand government reform committee to listen, to hear the government reform committee to listen, to hear the concerns. y but unfortunately mr. jordan and mr. issa has used it more for grand standing than really getting to the facts of the matter. so that we can then work together to try to address the issue going forward. i have expressed concern about the fact that tea party groups, occupy groups, progressive groups were singled out and reviewed for additional
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screening for tax exempt status just like the naacp was under the bush administration. and so i think there should be some consideration given to the concerns. but i don't think the committee soo jump to a conclusion or try to point the finger at the president or the white house when there is no evidence to support those claims. >> so let's just talk hard numbers here found by the committee. more than 100 conservative groups were targeted more extensive questioning for in-depth questions about their dough authorizes, about their relationships with any candidates. seven progressive groups were targeted. all seven were approved for tax exempt status. less than 50% made it through. so just on hard data, does that give the impression that conservative groups were targeted in a different way than, say, progressive groups?
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>> well, the full context of those numbers are that there were actually some 200,000 applicants in a two year period from 2010 to 2012 for tax exempt status. in one year alone, there were some 73,000 applications, 22,000 were not approved based on the fact that they at the present time meet tdidn't meet the requirements. and out of that matter, only 300 were put in this category of be on the look skrout.and out of t0 were put in this category of be on the look skrout.requirements. and out of that matter, only 300 were put in this category of be on the look skrout. so when you look at the full cop text, particularly after the citizen you united decision that opened the floodgate,o skrout. so when you look at the full cop text, particularly after the citizen you united decision that opened the floodgate,ut skrout. so when you look at the full cop text, particularly after the citizen you united decision that opened the floodgate,skrout. so when you look at the full cop text, particularly after the citizen you united decision that opened the floodgate,. so when you look at the full cop text, particularly after the citizen you united decision that opened the floodgate, it begs the question how much targeting was there really. and we still haven't gotten the answers to those questions. >> so just so we're on the record, none of the progressive groups were stopped. they all got their tax exempt status. many conservative groups still
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waiting. one was cakatherine, a small business owner, coffin serve difference group she started up. she said in 20 year, never had any trouble with any federal agency, but after she got involve wrd this, tried to push back, sher business was visited by the atf, by osha, and subjected to multiple irs audits is that too much of a coincidence? >> i can't make a determination about all the actions of the irs based on one person's experience. i listened to miss katherine's testimony and i do think that there were some concerns particularly around the number of questions that the irs review person were asking her. but there appeared to be some questions around whether or not the her organization was engaged in more political activity than
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the law or the regulation allows. and let me make this point. we can address this whole problem if my colleagues on the other side would work with us and the administration to bring the federal regulation in compliance with federal law. that says that only tax exempt status should be given to organizations that are created for the exclusive purpose of social welfare. and with the regulation, that's what's created a lot of these problems to begin with. i respect the concerns of miss katherine and others who have wrought their iss brought their issues forward. i will continue to listen. but i'm looking to address the overall issues and that is compliance with the federal standard. >> congressman, thank you very much for your time. we know the issue about those new rules that may come with 501-c-4s will smashipark a whol
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debate about that so we'll talk more about that. but we thank you for your time today. >> thank you, shannon. in just a few weeks, the supreme court will hear a challenge from two companies fighting back against the hhs contraception mandate which would force them to guarantee that their proceed es have cost free access to 20 specific contraceptives. for the first time, the president of one of those companies hobby lobby is talking to us on camera about why his company decided to take on the government. here is what steve green told me exxlufs sfly earl why pep. >> what we want to do is just stay out of the process. there are women that will choose some of these products and that we would just as soon stay between them and their doctor and not bring us into it, but the government is forcing us to be in the mist of that by saying we have to offer these products at no cost to our employees. and so weert ones that are being imposed upon.
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and that is really the crux of what our lawsuit is all about. >> the green family was started and still operates hobby lobby and are devout christians. green says his company would face fines of $1.3 million a day if it doesn't comply with the mandate which is on hold for them now. the justices will hear that case march 25. stay with us. powerful advocacy group launches an ad blitz over obamacare. there are ads on both sides. a digital political editor joins us live to weigh in. and an inside look at america's shield in the sky. it is fascinating. you don't want to miss that. let's say you pay your guy arnd 2 percent to manage your money. that's not much, you think
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except it's 2 peent every year. go to e*trade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert. it's low. it's guidance on your terms not ours. e*trade. less for us, more for you. i can't believe your mom has a mom cave! today i have new campbell's chuy spicy chicken quesadilla soup. she gives me chunky before every game. i'm very souperstitious. haha, that's a good one! haha! [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right.
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a. a new ad blitz is under way. but first a check of your other headlines making you news today. >> philip seymour hoffman's heroin dealer says he could have saved the 46-year-old actor. robert feinberg also told the post that he didn't sell the actor the 73 bags of heroin found in his home when he died. hoffman was found dead one week ago this his new york apparen y apparently. a group of house republicans introduced a proposal that would require people to show an i.d. before making a purchase with food stamps trying to combat fraud. a northern california company is recalling more than 8 million pounds of beef becauses if diseased animals were
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processed before a full inspection. they were shipped to stores in texas, california, florida and illinois. they were processed between january 1, 2013 and january 7, 2014. and the u.s. sweeps the gold medals for the new slopes style snowboarding event. jamie anderson took home the gold for the women's event one day after sage kotsenburg did the same in the men's. >> thank you so much, steve. well, the olympics are in full swing, so how are things going in sochi is this host of fox sports live joins us by phone. jay, thank you so much for making time for us. you've just come from team figure skating. how are things going? >> reporter: thanks for having me. it's a pleasure. yeah, i was just over at the iceberg skating palace.
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what a beautiful venue that is. they have done a great job with the venues over here in sochi. it was an amazing crowd over there. russians really, really into it. they have some amazing skaters and the americans did very well. they got a bronze in the team figure skating competition and this is a new event. so everyone is sort of getting used to it. you have the single skaters on the men's and women he a side and then the pairs and the ice dancers. the crowd was incredible. russians took the gold. but americans did very well with the bronze. so so far at these games, it's been a good one for the usa. >> so let me ask you about the overall atmosphere there because there have been a lot of questions. we see the tweets and the pictures and the nonworking showers and toilets and all kinds of thing there is. do you think that has been overblown? what has been your experience in do you have running water? >> mr. murdoch just as he makes sure we're all safe and happy at fox news,in do you have running water? >> mr. murdoch just as he makes sure we're all safe and happy at fox news,?in do you have running water? >> mr. murdoch just as he makes sure we're all safe and happy at
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fox news,in do you have running? >> mr. murdoch just as he makes sure we're all safe and happy at fox news,n do you have running ? >> mr. murdoch just as he makes sure we're all safe and happy at fox news, do you have running w? >> mr. murdoch just as he makes sure we're all safe and happy at fox news,do you have running wa? >> mr. murdoch just as he makes sure we're all safe and happy at fox news, he's made sure we are safe and happy here. we have running water and great food and i to position it's a little overblown. i know some of my colleagues have had some issues with hotels especially up in the mouchbt continue cluster where all the downhill events and though boarding es are taking place. i know some people have been asked to share rooms which is ridiculous considering they had the time to get the hotels ready. but i do think most has been overblown. it's certainly not the most developed part of the world. but at the same time, i really believe they have done a wonderful vob. t job. the veb have not uhes have spectacular and for the most part, russians have been super welcoming. volunteers are friendly and fun. it's changed high perception of the are yorussian people. >> jay, thanks for a little firsthand account. stay safe.
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>> take care. an obamacare ad blitz is under way in states where vulnerable democrats are up for election. let's talk about it with fox news digital politics editor and host of you ypower play. hi, there, chris. no surprise that we know that democrats in red states like mark pryor and others will take some heat here. debbie wasserman schultz said democrats will run on obamacare this year. >> well -- >> she says they will stick to it. >> mary read said democrats would be running for obama and he'd be coming to share states. >> running from him, a lot of them. >> well, look, the reality is people would like to make this election year more complicated than it is.
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it's pretty straight forward. there is obamacare with an overlay of the economy. so in a midterm election, a referendum on how the implementation of how obamacare is going. >> as i've heard, not so smooth. >> not super. and then there is an overlay of the economy on that, the two issues are interrelated. but is the country going in the right direction? when you see the low approval to obamacare, coupled with a strong sense that -- this is among some 70% or 65% of americans that the country is going in the wrong direction, that means that the party in power is going to lose seats. everybody knows it. and for democrats, they haven't yet figured out a way to talk about this issue or deal with it and you see that when you hear people, democrats say things like you can keep your doctor or your insurance if you're willing to pay more. they're still looking for a way to talk about this issue. >> and so we know that the president had a heating with
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several of these folks. we also know now that there is talk of delaying by three years some of this. they say if you want to stay with a substandard plan, you can do that. a lot of people say that works for my life. so now discussion of possibly pushing that for another two or three years? would that be helpful to democrats this fall? >> think about this way. there was a lot of discussion about the congressional budget office report that week and because it pointed out sn essentially obamacare is a tax on work and people would work less as a result. a lot of discussion about that. less looked at were the fact that 6 million or 7 million people will be thrown out of their employer based insurance as a consequence of the law and that is this year. so for all of the talk that we have heard, we're now getting in to about phase three of
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implementation. and tase three happens, it will touch more people than ever. and being able to say that 26-year-olds can stay on their parents' insurance and they can't cancel people with pre-existing conditions doesn't work as well, the nice parts about obama care don't work as well when millions maybe 10 million or 20 million people are experiencing disruption in their own lives as a consequence. >> when it shows up in our lives and our kids and their insurance, that influences people's decision making. so we'll see. great to have you you. coming up, missile development efforts by rogue nations are a very dangerous threat. grif jen kin jen kin joins us liver. and now one group in nevada is finding out that no such thing as a free lunch could apply to them even though they're behind bars. male announ] a classic macaroni & cheese from stouffer's
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any proof that rogue nation like iran or north korea were a threat to us, look at yesterday's headlines that iranian warships steaming toward the u.s.. in this one of a kind and i say that because it's the only army battalion that is forward deployed on american soil because they are working 24/7, 365 to defend our nation with our ground based missile enter sectors. fort greeley in alaska, brave men and women working very hard. and we're taking you inside this story tonight. we travel to alaska on fox files at 9:00. one of three stories that we've got. >> and it looks like it was brutally cold out there. >> i have to give a shout on the to the 49th missile defense battalion because at this moment, it's negative 24. it's dark. you have to keep your morale up and you're inside this war room some of these guys that have to look at everything going up in
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the sky. we call it our shield in the sky because if something goes up, with very to shoot it down. >> also on fox files tonight, greta has a special report that will take us inside other top issues and things going on on the other side of the world. >> very rare access. she traveled with reverend franklin graham to where they expect millions of refugees. and in other parts of iraq, violence is driving them out of those areas. so this one area in cukurdistans amazing. just incredible to see. >> and also a special report, too. fox files 9:00 eastern. thanks. coming up, some inmates in nevada have finding out crime really doesn't pay. in fact it literally might cost
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a plan to make inmates pay for some of the things they get behind bars. they would be charged for meals and doctor visits. the county says the plan would save taxpayers millions but the aclu says it could bring up a major legal fight. we'll keep you updated. valentine's day is a big money baker for a lot of american businesses. but the economy may be making cupids out there more cautious this year. senior business correspondent brenda buttner has details. >> seems some of you aren't feeling the love for valentine's day. the national retail federation says cautious consumers don't want to play cupid and aren't splurging this year. 54% will celebrate the holiday. the average person will spend a bit more than 130 bucks on cards, gift, dinner and more. what is the gift most 067b
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given? candy. but when it comes to spending the sweetest ones are men by a lot. in fact men spend twice as much as women. on average a girl takes less than $50 out of her wallet, 9 average guy more than $100 on his sweetie. many choose not holiday specific presents. yet no matter how frugal we are, it's not a dog's life for pets. 20% of us buy gifts for our furry friends about you only have five more days, so get moving. flowers and other v day goodys get more expensive if you you wait until the last minute. >> supply and demand 37. thank you. and for many of you, valentine's day isn't complete without sweet treats. nearly $700 million will be spent in the u.s..
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according to russell stover, more than half of all valentine's day chocolate comes in a heart shaped box. they have all kinds of different themes, too. we want to know how you are celebrating valentine's day this year. let us know. tweet us. and thanks to russell stover for sending in all these valentine's goodies. what halvf happens to them, i d know. we asked, you answered. your twitter responses next. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support gularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'.
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so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title.
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we're girl scouts from the nation's capital. on behalf of the girl scouts of the usa, we want to say thank you to all the members of the military for your service and your sacrifice. to show you just how much we appreciate you you, we want you to take these girl scout cookies on behalf of all of us and fox news. and don't forget, national girl scout cookie weekend begins
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february 7. for more information, logon to www.girl check out this sweet story from sochi. a pair of canadian sisters took the gold and silver medals for moguls. they shared their moment and held hands as they took the b y podium. their older sister was smiling proudly as she also cop peempet the finals. ♪ >> check it out, mother and son due getting acclaim for their incredible dance performance. this is kathy and blake bunker performing at blake's biggest wedding. i love my mom, but she did not have those guest moves. to guests, it wasn't too much of a surprise. kathy actually own as dance studio.
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nice work. we love hearing from you you at home. we've been asking do you think immigration reform will make a comeback? john wrote, no, i think it's over for 2014, 2015 and maybe another thing. will says the election might get it back on the agenda. don't think anything will become law this year. thank you so much for sharing. of course we'll keep a close eye on that. that is it for us here in washington. fox news sunday is next. chris wallace will have xus x. clus sif interviews with congressman mike mccaul and representative adam schiff. thanks so much for watching fox news where we remain proud and fearless.
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more problems for obamacare as a nonpartisan group finds health care will mean 2 million fewer jobs. >> obamacare is clearly part of the problem. your report points out weak spots in our economy. low investment, high unemployment, people leaving the workforce. >> when one misinterpretation gets out of 9 bof the box early takes the truth a long time to catch up. >> we'll you discuss the latest ver controversy with roy
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