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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 10, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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guy they had here in custody in the united states. that guy's going to jail. for 30 years. all others potentially involved, we'll have to wait and see. that will do it. hello, everyone. i'm kimberly guilfoyle along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfield. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." really, bob? >> bombshell documents obtained by the washington free beacon detail hillary clinton's time as first lady, painting her as a ruthless political operative. the papers are a collection of letters from diane blair, one of clinton's closest friends and advisers who took copious notes of her conversations with hillary leading up to blair's death in 2000. among the revelations, clinton
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referred to monica lewinsky as a narcicisstic loony toon, and also called for a single payer health system in 1993. boy, does she sound qualified to be president. you don't want to get on her hit list. does any of this sound bleevlable to you, relevant to 2016? >> the part where ms. blair called hillary clinton, portrayed her as ruthless, driven. hillary clinton was excusing bill clinton's daleiances because she was concerned about how it would look for the family, a, and b, for the pledz. unbelievable. unbelievable. so insightful. really long piece, but it reads really quickly, like you're sitting on a beach reading a novel. so many insights into the way hillary saw the presidency. maybe she looked the other way because she thought she was going to be there some day. >> daleiances. is that what you called them? >> that's a plight word. >> a nice way to say it. okay. >> do you disagree? >> not my turn.
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go ahead. >> it could be. >> let me just say this. i think these revelations are meaningless. did anybody not think hillary clinton is not a ruthless political person? is there anything new to that? no. the fact she called the bimbo a loony toon. >> it's her fault that a 50-year-old president was fooling around with a 21-year-old intern. >> 21, i think it was, and she was of ancient. what could you say? it was a bad idea. was anybody really surprised that bill clinton was going to have a dalliance? >> well, okay. >> not with her. and i think most people in america will say, didn't we already deal with this in 19nath1998? do we have to keep talking about this? however, the clintons own their past, their present, and they hope they're in charge of their future and can own that as well.
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in this report and the hillary papers, it says she called lewinsky a narcicisstic loony toon. that's probably the nicest thing she said about her, because they decided, i assume they decided as a family or she as a individual decided this is how i want to shape my future. i agree with bob. it's probably not a lot -- making a mountain out of a mole hill. what's wrong with being ruthless and driven? don't you want a president who is ruthless and driven on behalf of america? i'm not saying for hillary clinton, but i think it's not a distraction to call her ruthless and driven. >> i notice you didn't defend the press on her comments about the ego-driven. >> was saving it for the next round. >> i want kim jong-un to cry for his mother. >> what is the opposite of ruthless? ruthful? you don't want somebody who is ruthful. you want somebody who is ruthless. she's truly the anti-feminist
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icon. her husband cheats like crazy, and what does she do? she blames herself and the intern. if that was a republican woman, she would have mocked her for this type of subserveiance. hillary said about bill that he never had sex, quote, within any real meaning, end quote. how it to have a wife like that to set a bar so high for infidelity, he could sleep with the entire glast of "glee" and she would be, go ahead. i don't think you should mistake these revelations as meaningful journalism because people, the media and hillary know that billgazi is more interesting than benghazi. his infidelities will now be useful to hillary to distract from the real damaging stuff. >> also, hillary said he was weak. that he wasn't tough enough. he didn't fire enough people. >> ruthless. >> wasn't ruthless enough. i understand what you're saying, this is years later, but then
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again, you're getting insight as to what kind of ruthless president. maybe you want that. >> let me ask you something, eric. one of the criticisms of obama is he should fire people, and i think hillary would. >> she was doing this as first lady. >> i get you. >> it was very clear in that white house, and i spent a lot of time there. she was after people, and he refused. she w he was so loyal to a fault, or maybe there was more psychology, but he didn't want to let people know. name me one person who was in the first term who wasn't of significance. >> i can't think of one. >> obama doesn't, either. >> i'll tell you one on the commercial break. she said the press has big egos and no brains. we might agree. i'm kidding, but she's going to theed the press. the press is not going to bend overbackwards to help her. >> can we bring up the fact how weird it is to have a close friend who keeps copious note of
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you. >> who, buy, then dies. >> i don't want anybody taking notes of what i'm doing because it would be very embarrassing. >> i keep all those notes you write every day when you put them in the trash. >> considering what happens when she does win, bill will be back in the white house. which means he has two and a half years to get everything out of his system before then, so we should lock up our daughters, our mothers, our grandmothers and sheep until he gets back in the white house. >> as you said, they set the bar, so it doesn't matter, right? at that point, nothing matters. >> from a policy nisative, the best think you can have is bill clinton back in the white house. people asked who would you like to have the in white house right now over anybody who has been in the white house in the last 30 years, they would say bill clinton. >> no way. >> where is that poll? >> people love bill clinton. he's the most beloved figure in american politics. >> i would take regan or either of the bushes.
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>> he's interesting. there's a challenge to republicans because there's no one as interesting as bubby. >> drama, people are over it. they sit there and think do we really have to go through this another eight years. people might like bill clinton, but every time you see bill clinton, there's a part of you in the back of your mind that thinks, wow, he was doing that in the oval office while he was president. >> and they won't be able to escape it, so may they have decided to embrace it. >> it's rare that people are going to think about that. with all due respect, she brings a lot of interesting drama to the white house. for a republican presidency, there would be no drama. >> maybe we want no drama. how about policy and jobs. >> a lot of people said that about clinton, they wished he wasn't so beleaguered with the problems and scandals. he could have gotten more done. imagine if he had applied himself. >> get him, eric. >> go ahead. >> ronald regan after jimmy carter trashed the economy.
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bill clinton, to his credit, rode the coattails of the internet bubble, and that worked for him, but it was nowhere near the regan economic growth numbers and gdp numbers. can i point something out? hillary clinton in a "new york times" interview, talked about not being in favor of a single-payer system as far as health care goes. yet in these documents, ms. blair said behind the scenes, she was saying that in the media, but she really was all for a single-payer system. >> like bob. >> like a government system or a competitive government, quasi government system would not work, which is what, it completely was different from what she was telling the media. >> that's the most damaging thing because people are going to say we get the drama, what happened? whatever. benghazi is a piece of it. rather than what they did in the past, what would she be like as president? if one of the things she used to advocate in her private moments,
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that she wanted a single-payer system, let's have her argue that. stand up and make the case to the american people that's the kind of health care system we want. >> that would be insightful. >> she went on record saying this. her feelings have evolved. that was 20 years ago. >> do you think they have evolved back now? >> i wish they would. >> don't you think it's politically expedient? >> no, i think back then, she believed it, and now she doesn't think it would work. i happen to think it would. >> did she not say it at the time? >> yes, she did. >> not now, but 20 years ago. >> when you were 19. >> but my point is, while she's telling the media one thing, she's telling her best friend the exact opposite the way i understand it. >> let me bring up one other tidbit. how about general petraeus, dana, our friend, the comments he had about hillary being supportive, saying in the aftermath, the wake of benghazi, he thought she handled herself, conducted herself in a good way.
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>> i love the democrats are trying to use general petraeus' endorsement of hillary clinton as the cover for all the things after the things that happened iptheir past. but he learned a great lesson in leadership, which is forgiveness. he forgave the democrats that horrible hearing and he was able to separate politics from policy, and i take him at his word. she would be a good president. maybe she would be a better president, but i have also another feeling about this. when you're in an interview, if somebody says, do you think so or so would be a good president, unless you want to trash them, you typically say yes. >> i think his words were more enthusiastic than that. he said she would be an exceptional president. yes, he thought benghazi was a mistake, but it wasn't an epic scandal. i think petraeus, yeah, they're going tos you petraeus. you used petraeus for your own purposes. we're going to need him here. >> petraeus seems to be
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referring after benghazi, not what was going on during or, oh, what difference does it make, or any of that? cleaning it up after. >> she was excellent with the generals when it came to when she was on the armed services committee. they loved her. >> she's gault a good reputation with them, that's true. >> the bigger point is how easy it is nowadays to attain power and hold on to it for decades despite doing so little. we're a country that thrived on competition, but we can't go beyond two parties with the same faces. whether it's the left or right, we have the same jerks paraded out in front of us, and we just accept them. maybe we're tired of the clintons, the bushes. >> that's how you got obama. >> that's true, maybe the greatest progressive president in the history of the democrats. that was the right thing to do. >> that's a good point. >> they have to find their obama. they haveened fount their obama yet, which is why they're going to lose to hillary. >> we're going to talk more
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about 2016 and the look ahead later in the show. we came up with someone we thought would be fresh and new. directly ahead on "the five," it's raging after the cbo's dismal report about obamacare and the impact on jobs and the economy. now they're scrambling to defend the health care law any way they can. you'll hear their spin coming up next. peace of mind is important when you're running a business.
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all right, the fallout continues from last week's dismal congressional budget office report, projecting obamacare would end in 2 million people leaving the work force. >> first of all, i highly doubt the first week in november 2014, voter whose are undecided in the senate race will be undecided on the report. they want to keep the focus on obamacare? they're obsessed with that, and voters see through it.
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most americans and almost every swing volter, they don't want to have a political fight about health care. they want it to be implemented and fixed. >> keith ellison said it's good because americans are already working way too hard. >> we're going to have parent being able to come home, working reasonable hours. people are going to be able to retire. people might be able to cook dinner rather than have to order out and get take-out. americans work way more than the average industrialized countries around the world. you know, we might want to look at our work balance -- our work/life balance. >> okay, before everyone explodes, let me just say, one of the things, eric, that gives people the choice to stay home or spend time, is tax rates. people have to work harder in order to pay their tax bills, in my opinion. what did you make of the point? >> bizarre comments from representative ellison, but to his credit, he's staying
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consistent. work is bad, hard work is worse. getting stuff is good, but the best part of this is plouffe and ellison are outright admitting they're going to defend this in 2014. if the republicans are smart, stay on the obamacare message. stay on work. ellison opened it up, plouffe opened it up, put it on a platter. stay away from libidos and stay on jobs and work. >> he said republicans are obsessed with obamacare. isn't that what a lot of political pundits should be, the republicans should be focused on obamacare to get through the 2014 election? >> ellison is the perfect perk to talk about how bad work is, because he's a political hack whose only function is to moan about how bad maamerica is. no wonder he thinks work is expensable. obamacare is considered lib rating. if you use that logic, so is prison and death because you
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don't work there, either. it's based on a toxic notion than jobs or work, unless it draw s attention to itself, the left somehow things everybody has these ideal tv jobs like being a dancer or an architect, and every other job where you make something is worthless, you're not a human being anymore, you're a robot, and it's arrogant and stupid. >> bob, one of the things that happened before we came out here is the white house and obama administration announced they're going to delay yet again the employer mandate. does it on its face look exceedingly political, that a prdz can delay any part of the law for political reasons. >> i certainly hope it's political. it's a good idea. listen, a couple other things. you keep saying liberal liberals. >> that's what they are. >> all thinking things are bad things. most of these people are in jobs
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they don't like. they stay there because they get health insurance. >> if they like it or not, you judge who likes their job, who made you the king of what's a good job? >> that's who ellison was talking about, most of the people -- >> i listened to your guys' crap. >> you have been talking all over his table. >> and it's coming over here. let my out of here. >> let me take a supposition that a lot of people didn't like the jobs they were in, they would like to do something else. >> what if i felt you didn't like your job, bob? >> what is this? >> go ahead. i just want to know how you can make that judgment. >> this is the problem with 4-1, i can't get a word. go ahead, move on. >> come on. >> no, i'm done. i am done. i'm done. i am done. i am done. >> okay, while he pouts, i want you to take a look at this report from cbs evening news last night so it's not necessarily about how obamacare is not working. it's actually how it is working and what's happening to families and major news corporations
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picking it up and running stories like this. >> the exclusion of a major provider like seattle children's from a major insurance network in this market is unprecedented. we're seeing denials of care, disruptions in care. we're seeing a great deal of confusion, and at times, anger and frustration on the part of these families who bought insurance thinking that their children were going to be covered and they have in fact found it's a false promise. >> kimberly, as a mom, what would that be like if you thought your child had insurance, had an important problem. you go to the hospital to get it taken care of and you find it's not covered. >> i remember, it's very anxiety producing, our insurance changed between december and february, and i was scrambling to get ronan his surgery before the end of the year, and it's expensive. that's stressful for families bah they decide, do we put something off? how many of your bills can you
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pay. especially when your president is making promises that he's doing something supposedly in the best interest of the country, that it's going to be better for each family, and it turns out not to be, that jobs will be lost and people will not be covered and expenses and premiums will go up. what is good about that? >> we don't know, but we'll have plenty of time to talk about it. the republicans and democrats both have said obamacare is the issue of 2014. too bad the individuals in america don't have a lobbyist like the businesses who just got obamacare delayed for another year. university football star announces he's gay, and how is nfl reacting to that? the report is up next on "the five." so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right, no hidd fees. it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh...
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welcome back, everybody. the fastest seven again. three sporty stories. seven speedy minutes, and one spirited host. first up, the 2014 sochi olympics kicked off with pomp and circumstance. they hired game of thrones actor to narrate the festivities while describing some of the history of russia. he dropped this bomb. >> the empire that ascended to affirm a colossal footprint. the revolution that burst one of modern history's pivotal experiments. but its politics has long shaped our sense of who they are. its passion that endures. >> so nbc is called communism a pivotal experiment. tens of millions of people dead. a bizarre choice of words, nbc, it's a package, by the way. you saw that, was want like some guy commenting and he threw something out there. >> this was put together. there was a script. they added all the footage to
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it. highly produced, as we say. problem is, like nbc is walking a tightrope. what are they supposed to do? disrespect russia in their montage? no, but at the same time, they're sort of indorsing the history of rush a accinism, allf this, and is that a good idea t people, dollars. >> bring it around. >> i think if you look at historically, he talked about the difference between czarrest and communists. they were horrible people, as were the communists, but change in the revolution did give hope to the people in the country. it turned out to be not the best system in the country, but it turned out to be better than the czarist. >> dana, some people are saying, you know, maybe they shouldn't be taken to task for that. maybe they should be taking more
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to task for cutting the piece from the antidefamation piece where they cut a piece out. >> i don't know why n bbc alway seems to get itself in this situation. you remember the whole america under god when they had the pledge of allegiance. >> they edited it out. pivotal experiment. i would lick to see how many times it was in the edit base, and how many things putin has seen. do his people show him the coverage? or does he just think this is the best thing that ever happened? >> what do you think, greg? are you okay with nbc classifying communism as a pivotal experience. >> it's a combination of happy arrogance and showmanship. there's a lot of people who frankly don't know anything that happened before 1999. >> absolutely. >> we have a lot of people who have become less and less interested in history and more interested in what going on right now, thanks to the internet and stuff like that. are the olympics the time and
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place to explain the evils of communist. >> no. >> but when you tart doing stuff like that, somebody has to step in and say this is wrong. if you start glossing over history. ussr was a corrupt prison throughout the 20th century. now the prison is open, there's still corruption. i feel bad for the citizens. >> i have to move on. university of missouri defensive end michael sam, a top prospect to be drafted into the nfl, came out over the weekend, declaring he was gay. listen. >> came to tell the world that i am an openly proud gay man. >> how does it feel to say those words to the world? >> it's a load off my chest. i told my teammates this past august that i came out to my teammates, and they took it great. they rallied around me, they supported me, and i couldn't have asked for better teammates. >> bobby, you take this one first. the first openly gay player in the nfl. >> i think that's fine. i think there are others, and i think it gives an opportunity
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for those people, if they want to, to come forward. look, we're into the year 2014. it's time for us to put this behind us. he can play basketball like nobody else -- >> you mean football. >> football. i think the idea is a good idea. >> some uproar going back and forth. initially, his draft pick dropped by 70 points, but apparently, it bounced back. >> i would hope that's just an aberration and not people thinking -- he made a brave step, this is important to him. i personally don't care if anybody is gay or not gay, but if he feels like he wants to announce that to the world, great. >> there were some scouts or executives in the nfl who said that would be disruptive in the locker room. you thoughts on it? >> there's always opinions like that. it's always exciting to hear when somebody is gay. sherman hemsly, jib neighbors, zachary quinto. >> jim neighbors? >> i know, hard to believe.
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lance bass. it's never a big deal when somebody says they're straight, but i think that's wrong. it's homophobic because you're turning it into an act. it turns everybody into a bunch of gossips, especially the media. >> it's great if it makes people feel more comfortable. if there's solidarity for others who are struggling with it. of course, there are gay guys in the nfl, come on. >> who, and how do you know? >> if you're worried about the locker room thing, why do they let women coraspond in the locker room to report on the game? >> let's move on. we have to do this quick. next up, you make the call. oklahoma state basketball star marcus smart fell into the fans at the rival texas tech stadium. a texas tech super fan allegedly yelled quote, piece of crap, at smart. here's the video. >> going the other way. marcus fouled on the way up.
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>> smart has been suspended by ot state. we asked, who crossed the line. we start with you, our resident sports expert? >> he did, the player, i think because i don't like it when people can't control their anger, their emotions. he's the player, he needs to be the one saying walking away from that. why do you need to push a fan? >> can you imagine if this guy was playing at madison square garden? >> that's a compliment. >> it's like going after a commenter on youtube. it lowers you. you have to remind yourself you're the player and they're watching you play, and after the game, shoot them. >> okay. >> go ahead. >> so he's, what, 19 years old? something like that. the background on it is that he is very well regarded, well respected by his teammates, coach, really good guy. so they don't have anything bad to say about him. he acted poorly. i think he handled the press
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afterwards very well in terms of his statements. saying i'm a role model, people look up to me. he got off with three games suspended, and that superfan has been problematic, but he's not going to be attending the games anymore. >> i think the guy should have been suspended. >> i heard it on fox. >> he lost his temmer, he shouldn't have lost his temper, but that fat punk ought to be off the court and never be brought back. i agree with greg, i would shoot him in the parking lot. >> what are you talking about? >> i was kidding, bob. >> you play sports, you have to leave it to them. otherwise it messes with you. >> they don't want to superfan there. >> rosie o'donnell will return to her old show "the view" after seven years and reveal her teenage son wants to join the military. sounds wonderful, right? well, maybe not in her eyes. we'll show you rosie's surprising reaction next up on "the five."
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during a return visit to something called "the view" rosie o'donnell spoke of her son joining themalitary. >> he's 18. there he is in his military uniform. he's been accepted to the s citad citadel. he's very into the military because how do you annoy a left wing liberal pacifist mother? you become a millty man. i i, why? he said, only in america could someone who came from a horrible childhood adopt a kid like me, owe something to the country. i said, no, my son, you owe something to me. >> rosie's response as a parent pointed to a refreshing revolution in rebellion. what when the parents are the radicals, the impulsive, the
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eternally wrong. what happens when it's the parents, not their kids, that are the whacked out progs who think 9/11 was an inside job or america sucks? isn't that reflected in the rebellious child as a reaction to his boring parents. now it's been reversed. tradition is now the modern rebellion. structure and discipline are the new sex and drugs. all the bad boys and girls working from the same script. it meant infantile activism and no deviation from dissent. you can be a rebel and a sheep as long as it's agreed upon by all parties, not all the shouty brats have broen up, and it's about time. after 40 years of crapping on america, we long for the rise of a true rebel, what we call the patriot, a noble creature that rejects theatrics in favor of thankfulness. might have sounded silly in the '60s, but now he's cooler than
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kanye. >> did you fall asleep during that, bob. >> i didn't, greg. it was very emotional and moving. >> wasn't anything about obama. >> no, no, i was thinking about this. i think it must drive her crazy that he's going to the citadel. >> she seemed proud, though, right? >> i think the fact that he's doing it, first, he thinks it's cool to get in, and secondly, he means what he says, it's good for his country, but i take exception to saying the radicals in the '60s and '70s, there were causes that mattered to us, whether it was the civil rights movement or the women's muovemet or the vietnam war, we made a difference. >> that's true, you had a lot of movements. >> i'll let that one go because i could have gotten you. that was right down the middle. >> i know, i couldn't resist it. eric, i think she actually is really very proud of it, but her attitude, i thought, was refreshing, i guess.
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>> i think clerly she's peopling with pride, and rightly so, she should be. how i wish your monologue were true, though. i wish kids now were going to berebellious by being patriotic and joining the military. you think back just two years ago, occupy wall street and all those nut jobs and all the communists that joined their cause. hopefully, hopefully people see that and go, look, here's rosie o'donnell, her partner, they raised a fine young son who is going to be a military guy, and more kids to it, great. >> you know what the answer is here? send more children to rosie o'donnell. >> or send more children off to useless wars. >> i think, look, as a mom, i'm proud of her for raising her son, for adopting parker. i think this is fantastic that he's going to serve the country and going to the citadel. i like this story a lot. maybe he's going to be a positive influence on her. how about that in. >> how did you know all the wall street people were communists? >> the communist group joined
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the occupy group. >> they kind of were, let's face it. >> they had a legitimate grievance. >> i had a dream one time that rosie o'donnell said something mean about me, but i didn't realize it was a dream for like three weeks. i was really upset. >> that's a medical condition, when you confuse -- >> what do you think that means? >> if you can't tell the difference between your waking and leaping life, that could lead to some serious problems. >> i was working some seriously long hours at the time. i was so upset. i remember the dream. >> she actually gave me a shot, a real one, when i came to work for fox. she said, there's a guy, calls himself a liberal. he's an ant hole -- >> what did she call you, an ant hole? >> all right. >> good story. >> it's up lifting. >> wow, unusual for you. >> i know. up next, general david petraeus thinks hillary would make a great president. why would he say that?
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that's according to a new book, and bob agrees. there's a surprise. we'll break down the political ramifications of the hillary papers on her possible 2016 return, when "the five" returns. ♪ ♪ so you canet out of your element. so you can explore a new frontier and a dient discipline. get two times the points on travel and dining at restaurants from chase sapphire preferred. so you can be inspired by great food once again.
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new revelations we discussed earlier affect hillary in 2016? according to petraeus, if they're like benghazi, not much at all. in a new book entitled hrc, out tomorrow, he said, quote, she would make a tremendous president. like a lot of great leaders, her most impressive qualities were most visible in tough times. in the wake of the benghazi attacks, for example, she was extraordinarily resolute, determined and in control. let me just say, i'm not sure if petraeus is going to matter much as somebody who would indorse hillary. i think hillary frankly has got some problems on her left. and i'm not sure that petraeus necessarily helps that right now. she's trying to move to the left a little bit, but she staked herself out at a centrist, like her husband, and this is a party in the primaries at least are
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dominated by progressives. >> didn't, in the last few weeks, you said you don't even think she's going to be the nominee. >> i said she would never get a free ride, and she won't. >> some people think she's never going to run. >> i think she'll be the nominee, but she could not be. top runners tend to stumble. she is not going to get a free ride. only presidents who seek re-election get free rides in primaries and caucuses. i have never, ever heard of a mamger party candidate who was the front runner in the party not having challengers, and i believe she will this time. greg, you have any thoughts on it? >> i think the idea that she has problems on the left is a bit of kabuki theater so it makes her look like she's a centrist. oh, my god, liberals don't like her. the big question will be, will there be democrats willing to cross her and bill a second time? because if hillary does win, you'll be washing bill's underwear down by the river. >> i think there's something to be said about that.
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>> oh, my gosh. >> that machine is formidable, and they're marrying up the obama and clinton money machines. that's going to drain most of the money out of the democratic caucus, but i still say somebody will take the shot because they're going to assume or hope she's going to stumble. then i would push the bigger question, is does she have to run left to defeat somebody seriously? no, there won't be a serious candidate. elizabeth warren or somebody else will -- >> well, i was starting to give you my assessment. she won't have to be as far left, and when she beats the republican, the republican probably will be way far right because there's so many of them. >> and there are also the r rumblings of some people saying she's actually not going to run. >> i would find that very unusual. >> you know what i'm thrilled about. we're running out of time, and you forgot that petraeus thought she was going to be a great president. >> that was my tactic. >> right? >> see how beautiful.
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>> was trying to be a political analyst and not just dump it on, allay it on you. >> i don't get it. hillary clinton was the one who viewed the video when the four caskets were at andrews air force base. >> what difference does it make. >> and she testified. >> okay for political analysts. >> general petraeus, great patriot, great hero. i don't get it. just don't get it. >> he might know a little more than you do about it. and benghazi is simply not going to be a voting issue. >> he does have something in common with bill. and she stuck by bill. >> i don't think -- >> i think the opinion of petraeus does matter. and i think this does help her, and that's why it's sort of questionable. i hear what eric is saying, but obviously, if this is what he thinks and believes, he should say it. >> all right. "one more thing" is up next.
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we're open to it. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. time now for some sochi. >> sochi? >> we're the big winners. that's the big news here. gold medal. watch her nail it, jamie anderson. check it out. >> here we go, jamie, solid on the rails. >> amazing, i love it. look how talented and the air she got there. very, very cool. bob likes this a lot.
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>> unbelievable. unbelievable. >> take a look. take a look, here it is. and that's it. that is the gold, ladies and gentlemen. for usa in the slopestyle in the olympics. we're certainly proud about that. tremendous moment for the u.s. and hopefully we're going to have some more, right? greg, what have you got for me? >> very disturbing video, kimberly. you know, we think we're in the year 2014, but sometimes it feels like the 1950s. i was at the gym, and the "today" show was on with kath y lee and hoda, and they introduced a new segment where they teach women household chores. in this case, they're teaching them how to sweep the floor. this is disgusting they would do something like this. it's sexist, and they have a man, a man, of course, teaching them how to sweep the floor. hoda, cakathie lee, you are offensive. i hope you address this tomorrow
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on your show. america deserves an apology. >> what are they wearing on their feet? >> i have no idea. >> you know what it's for. >> what do you mean? >> they didn't do the broom well, i didn't think. >> were those little booties? why can't you sweep in heels? >> you know what? sexist. >> terrible. >> telling you. i sweep in heels. >> i had somebody sweep in heels before. >> not sleep in heels, sweep in heels. >> oh, oh, oh. >> for free? okay, sorry. >> did you forget we're -- >> eric? >> so, here's a tease. dana and i spent some time with some good boys and good girls. here are a couple pictures. we were at the westminster dog show. tomorrow, we're going to roll some of the footage. i think we were there two years ago, is that right? >> yeah. he was sleeping.
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>> did you have anybody photo bomb you. >> huge number of "the five" fans. we'll tell you all about it. before we go, dana has america's dog in jasper, but -- >> oh, my goodness. look at that. >> he's a good boy. freedo. that's my boy. all right, that's it. see you tomorrow. watch that. >> we're not done, though. >> watch us -- no, no. >> from the show, okay. >> ricky bobby. >> clint eastwood, who is actually one of my favorite movie stars, although his politics suck. he has a starring role in the a.a at&t pebble beach proham. a little thing was added to it this year. the head of the tournament, a guy by the name of steve john, tournament director, choked on a piece of cheese, and clint, my man, stepped forward, but his arms around the
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heimlich maneuver, and saved his life. something similar happened to me when my friend eric did that, and roger. i know how the guy feels to be back alive. clint, another good role, buddy. >> how do you choke on cheese? >> you know how many people say next time choking on a shrimp. >> and remember when he choked on the chicken bones when i beat you in the contest and then you threw up. >> you didn't beat me. >> yes, i did. it's on youtube. what did you say? >> they go, and they throw them away. >> unbelievable. >> this is terrible. >> you can find that on page 84 of the beckel almanac. i want to pay tribute to jim ducy. he was the father of steve doocy and four other children. he leaves behind eight children and eight grandchildren. he was an amazing part of the
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community in kansas. he died on saturday, and the funeral will be on wednesday, so we wish the family good luck in dealing with all of the sadness that comes with that. i know that the family is all gathered together. >> don't forget the set your dvrs to never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" up next. >> this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier. in washington, another day, another delay. president obama slamming the brakes on another key part of his namesake health care law. shannon breen with the latest revision to obamacare. >> late today, the administration did admit another change is on the horizon for a second time, a year-long delay to the employer mandate. this time, for entities with between 50 and 99 employees. thd the new rules, they will not face penalties for noncompliance until at least january of 2016. they will have to certify they have not trimmed their work force just to fit in this category.


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