tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 11, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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your day with fox and friends first. each weekday morning at 5:00 a.m . we'll see you back here tomorrow night. as always, thank you for being with us. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> this is stuff that you do in a banana republic. it's as if the law is simply a back board on which obama writes any number he wants. >> what is the truth about changes the president is making to the affordable healthcare law? tonight we have analysis and give it to you straight. sink gel mom is ho is raising three kids has to keep a job because of healthcare can now spend some time raising those kids, that's a family value. >> but somebody has to pay for that family value and that's what is causing the civil war over entitlements. how much county middle class take?
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also tonight, a wild stunt in new york city has authorities teed off. is it legal on zombie mania. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the truth about obamacare and the entitlement culture. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. the congressional budget office is the federal agency that keeps track of taxpayer money. as everybody knows, the obamacare law will require the taxpayers to fund insurance payments to americans who don't have very much money. in a recent report, the cbo clearly said that those receiving free healthcare will have less incentive to work because their health needs will be assured.
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so, if they are in a job they don't like, they don't have to keep the job and can live off entitlements and/or the underground economy. that report hurts the democratic party which champions obamacare and other entitlements. so, here's the democratic spin. >> what cbo said is that many american workers would have freedom. now, that's a good word. freedom to do things that they couldn't do. the single mom who is raising three kids has to keep a job because of healthcare can now spend some time raising those kids. that's a family value. >> we want people to have the freedom to be a writer, to be a photographer, to make music, to paint, people would no longer be job locked by their policy but have the freedom to follow their passion. >> the problem is that you and i, working americans, will have to pay for that passion. so the simple question becomes is that fair? talking points has no problem paying for safety
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net entitlements and, as you may know, we give away millions of dollars to the poor. but now i'm being asked to pay for somebody's passion by supporting their health insurance. nancy pelosi might like to know that at one time i painted. houses. and it was hard, hot work in the summer i i did it because i needed money for college. i was passionate about college because i played football and i was on the newspaper. but no one paid me for that passion. i painted. i paid. so thought democratic party in america has lost that message because its vision is now one of supporting people rather than providing opportunities for folks to support themselves in the marketplace, it's clear what senator schumer and free people so they can do other things. but other things might not
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include getting better jobs if they got those their obamacare subsidies go away. are we all getting this? finally the cbo report does have good news for president obama and the democrats it says that health insurance costs will probably decline about 15% from the original first alert forecast. does that override all the go other stuff? you make the call. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. president obama has changed another part of the affordable healthcare law allowing some companies buying mandatory health insurance for their employees until 2016. the president did this without consulting congress which passed the law in the first place. that has angered many, including charles krauthammer who joins us now from washington. so last night you said this was a banana repub best of luck reaction. isn't that a bit harsh? >> i think it's anunder statement. he gets out there in the presidential balcony with
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vetat at his side and spreads out trinkets for the crowd and makes announcement. here it's done in the federal register what why are getting is the same thing. this is the 27th time that obama unilateral amended a law that has passed congress. you are not allowed to do that. >> let me stop you there. the obama administration says quote: the supreme court held more than 25 years ago that agos charged with creating statutes have inherent authority to exercise discretion to insure that their statutes are enforced in a manner achieve statutory goals and consistent with other administrative policies. they are saying that basically if you can make the law better and it's better for the folks you can do the little delays and the little shifts. that's what the obama administration says. >> so let's look at what they did.
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they delayed for the second time the employer mandate. now, how are you going to pretend that that is a way to better implement the law? that's a way to not implement the law. >> i agree with that. >> it is a contradiction of this supposed excuse for why it is -- this is not an adjustment. this is not sort of a gradual entering into this thing. this is not a way to improve the employer mandate. this is a way to negate the employer mandate. >> i agree with that as well. >> and i don't like it either but they shouldn't have written it into the law. >> there is two things in play. >> change it you simply delete it and you amend the law. that's how you are supposed to do it. >> there are two things in play. number one, i think they have the legal authority to do. this and that contradicts a lot of republicans and conservatives who say they don't. >> on what basis? >> on the basis of the supreme court would allow a tweaking. >> this is not a tweaking.
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>> they are going to argue it is. >> this is a suspension of a provision in the law because it is going to hurt employment. >> okay. >> that's not going to change next year or the year after. >> let me get my second point out because it's more in line with what you are thinking i disagree with you, i think the supreme court would uphold, this all right? based upon what's happened in the past. you know what the court is, the court said it was constitutional when clearly i believe it was not. i believe the supreme court made a big mistake on the constitutionality ruling of obamacare. but that is that however, here's where it gets complicated. there is no doubt that this is being done for political reasons. that the democratic party has taken water and so has the president because this isn't working as you just rightly pointed out. it's not working. so they are not doing it for the good of the folks. they are doing it for the political gain of the democratic party. that is where you can can get them. >> and that, of course, is the second argument to
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undermine this excuse that somehow it's a way to better implement the law. the only reason they are doing it is because it's going to hurt employment. they know that and, again, that won't change in a year or two. so at this moment is in no way making it easier. it's simply denying that this is going to happen time as you or two. say the motive for this is because it is going to hurt employment and small businesses letting people go or reducing their hours so they reduce the number of full-time workers and get under the 50 worker limit at which point there is no employer mandate because of that, people are going to lose their job. >> that's right. >> involuntarily and they are going to get hurt at the pells and thus they are doing. this which totally undermines the argument that it's a way to improve implementation. >> that's right. >> this is bay to do non-implementation. >> the argument has to be this is a political move. it's not a move to improve
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the law for the good of the folks. there the supreme court ruling falls apart. so just a little message to those who hate obamacare. that's where you should be. not the other. that's a loser. now we are going to hold charles over against his will. can you see he doesn't want to be held over but we are holding him over to talk about the drug war in america which getting quite chaotic. later, is it legal on why mexico is not extraditing two men charged with killing border patrol agent brian terry. the factor is coming right back. low prices,
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get a crack pipe for 25 cents. >> a not for profit organization has installed crack pipe vending machines in vancouver's troubled downside east neighborhood. the portland hotel society is operating a pair of machines which dispense pirate glass pipes for 25 cents a piece. many provide pipes for drug users but generally on a one pipe per person day basis. the group says allowing users to buy as many pipes as they want will curb the spread of disease as fewer pipes will be reused. >> with the legalization of marijuana in washington state and colorado, k. crack pipe vending machines here be far behind? joining us once again from washington charles krauthammer. so, there is a lot of things in play here with this drug war deal. i mean, there is the criminality of it. there is the addiction quote quotient. we saw philip seymour hoffman kill himself with
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heroin. per miss could you say activity poland and portugal. >> that's a hotel in vancouver you really want to check in with the family, isn't it? >> no. and it's disgusting. >> but that's the point. >> vancouver is a beautiful town, have you been? >> no. >> it's beautiful. and this drug culture there has ruined the downtown area. just as it did in zukerman, switzerland, go. >> but that's the point. it's precisely because you wouldn't want to check into that hotel. and you wouldn't want to hang out in that neighborhood. and you wouldn't want to live in zurk or amsterdam where they have in needle exchange programs because they don't work and kill people in the end it looks like compassion i can understand the motives. when you are dealing with drugs of this kind and we saw what it did to hoffman. we have seen what it has done to a whole atry celebrities and noncelebrities. this stuff kills. it kills slowly, it kills
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quickly. what a society has to do despite the fact that it causes corruption, it causes huge expense, it causes hypocrisy and enriches drug lords, you have got to admit all the negatives of the war on drugs, none the less, it keeps the number of people who suffer lower than it ordinarily would be. >> but the argument against your philosophy is harm reduction. i'm sure you have heard that harm reduction. this is being led by the "new york times" and other liberal media organs. that the u.s. prisons are full of people on drug wraps. so if you legalize the whole thing and regulate it number one the state gets more money and taxation. number two, you take the criminality out of drug use even though it's addictive force you have 10% of the population addicted to alcohol. the liberals don't seem to think that's a bad thing to add to that because that's what would happen. and then children would just be devastated. but, it's an overall message
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to the society that do what you want. do what you want. we'll let you do whatever you want. isn't that right? look. i don't know, there are some people who think that if you legalize it, you regulate it, it will cause less harm. they are living on the moon. if you legal -- if you have stores for heroin, stores for crack, stores for, you know, psycho active hallucinogenic drugs which can alter your life especially if you are a teenager, you know that's going to increase the use and it will increase the use inevitably in young people. there is simply no getting around that the one place where you want to do prevention is young people. once you have got an addict, there are all kinds of arguments about what you do when you have an addict do. you do maintenance with methadone? even that is an extremely ineffective. there is nothing that is ultimately effective. >> there is one thing, in
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singapore, which has no drug addiction at all, zero. >> they hang people. >> the dealers? you know what they do with the users? >> tell me. >> mandatory drug rehab. if they are found with hard drugs, 22 months they go for in patient rehab they cannot leave. that's taking away the marketplace. there is nobody to sell to. that's how they solved it in singapore because it was such an intense problem coming over the causeway from malaysia. >> look, i think what they -- what the singapore legal system does is something extreatment we wouldn't go to. we don't hang drug dealers. i don't think we should. i am against the death penalty even more serious cases. but, in a society where you don't have that, then you have to decide where you are going to intervene. and i think having them
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arrested and making it illegal is absolutely essential. because, once these things are proliferating and we will see in colorado and in washington state we're going to have to study this over a few years. is there an increase in the use of marijuana among the underaged who are not supposed to have access. >> sure there will be. >> you and i know are going to get access the same way they get access to beer and alcohol? of course. is there going to be increase in traffic accidents? all of these things are worthy of study. but you should never contemplate legalization of this hard stuff that can kill. smoking dope won't kill you, it makes you stupid and it wastes your life. but this other stuff will kill and you cannot have a civilized society that allows that to be open and market it, even if it's regulated. >> all right, charles. as always, we appreciate it. charles big best seller things that matter remaining a huge success in the marketplace. directly ahead, crowley and colmes with their takes on
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continuing now with the impact segment should america surrender its war on drugs. most law enforcement people believe that would be a disaster. >> going down the path to legalization in this country is reckless and irresponsible set up factors, sir. i get that i'm talking about the long-term impact of legalization in the united states it scares us, the treatment people are afraid. the education people are afraid joining us now monica
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crowley and alan colmes. crack pipes in the vending machines in vancouver? >> it's so beyond anything. if you were to ask any parent if your son or daughter were addicted to crack cocaine would you provide them the tools to keep doing that drug or provide them with the tools to get off 00 drug. >> whitney houston's mother and amy winehouse's parents did everything possible. they lost those fights if you talk to anybody who is adistricted to any of these powerful narcotics would you provide them with the means to continue to do it or would you try to do everything -- >> -- colmes would provide it? >> yes i would. >> a town like vancouver you are right this beautiful town would you just raised a question colmes would do it? >> let me explain. the free needle exchange program has worked. number two decrease in drug
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use in vancouver because of these pipes. >> again, i have no -- you have no data. >> yes, i do. there was a study done by the british columbia center excellence and h.i.v. aids. >> wait a minute, colmes, that's an advocacy group. >> just because you don't like the answer. >> you can't quote studies from groups that have an agenda. >> i don't know that they have an agenda. >> give me the name of the group again. >> look, you don't like the name of the group. that is a studsy that has been done. furthermore, let me say. this when beam use dirty paraphernalia and get hepatitis c and h.i.v., we pay for that as a taxpayer it is a good idea to make sure that the paraphernalia is clean and that leads to recovery on the part of these people. >> look -- >> -- how does it lead to recovery? >> because they are in a clean environment. they think it gets. >> get a crack pipe from a machine they are going to get clean. >> they are not getting sicker and getting h.i.v. and hepatitis c which happens when you use unclean paraphernalia. >> colmes is doing the harm
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reduction thing. >> right. actually, that's the argument that they make. commune cable diseases like h.i.v. and hepatitis c. actually the likelihood of getting those diseases from a contaminated crack pipe very low indeed. it's not the same as using a needle. this is the minister of public safety for canada stephan blainy. he opposes this and he says no, we support treatment for drug use. to get these people off drugs. we don't support providing them the means to continue their addiction. and they also say -- he also said we believe law enforcement should enforce the law. this is sanctioned -- what this does, bill, is it sends a signal that this is okay. >> there is no doubt about it? >> also makes the paraphernalia as well as the drugs more available, more open, cheaper. with the state sanctioning it. it's completely outrageous. >> i have a choice. >> how is the war on drugs working out pretty good so far? number one illegal drug use country in the world. >> i don't think it's working out pretty good. put me in charge? >> what are you going to do. >> number one, you sell hard narcotics you get a minimum
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federal sentence 20 years. >> fine. >> number two? if you are addicted to narcotics, you get treatment mandatory. you have to get it. >> treatment or set in jail. >> you would have to be in a location that is secured. i would take the market away. there would be fewer people to sell to and, therefore, the risk/reward goes crazy. i have a checklist for you colmes. >> sure. >> number one, you like to legalize all drugs, right? >> they all should be legal. >> number two, if you couldn't buy the drugs, if you were an addict and you you couldn't hold a job, all right, you wo money to buy the drugs? >> no, i didn't say that at all. >> how would they -- >> -- i would get them into treatment. >> force them? >> if necessary. as you you said, that's not. >> you would legalize drug use and force them. >> people who had -- were addicted if they could not function in society would have to get treatment. >> all right. now, you, alan colmes, would kick in their door, drug test them and send them away. >> i'm not going to kick in the door drug testing if
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people can't function, if they're on the streets. >> that's encouraging so you would force them into rehab? >> it depends upon the decision you are not going to go into people's houses. >> you would give people who are destitute because of drug addiction free housing? you would do that. food stamps you would do that. >> people who need it. >> you can't make any money. >> you yourself are for a government net for this. >> not for drug addicts. >> you are not making people better by putting them in jail. the taxpayers are subsidizing people in jail because your vision held for years on these drug offices. >> your vision is legalize narcotics and if people can't buy them, because they don't have any money because they can't work, you are going to give them the entitlements, you milwaukee the last word? >> you have the state sanctions this kind of behavior whether it's vancouver or amsterdam you are saying the start of a roll back of some of the legalization provisions why? because it has such a corrosive effect on society. it's become a stoned mess over there for the most part. you get a society full of walter whites and people addicted to their products.
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>> that was the methamphetamine show walter white. >> yes, breaking bad. >> broke his arm and episode would have been over. >> that would be breaking the law, wouldn't. >> it war on drugs is tough to. >> monica, look, we are not fighting it the right way. we are not fighting it smart. >> that may be true i agree with that. >> put me in charge, within five years -- >> -- are you going to run for office? >> no i just want to be in charge of the war on drugs. >> you have my vote. >> the cartel wouldn't want that. monica, colmes, thank you. meant more as the factor moves along this evening. more with trouble in the north. out west a huge drought is this the apocalypse. then, is it legal on why mexico has not extradited two men charged with killing border patrol agent brian border patrol agent brian legs up! legs up?
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. unresolved problem segment tonight, we are having a terrible winter here in the northeast. in the south, there are very big problems as well. also dry weather in california crippling the nation's largest state. joining us from now from state cleaning pennsylvania joe bass bastardi. the infrastructure isn't prepared for it why is the south getting so much cold and bad weather? it's a set up for the winter we analyzed this earlier. we had a storm first alert forecast for the united states. we went back and looked at maps back to 1917, 1918, noticed we saw the sea
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surface temperatures very similar a and predicted a similar winter which drove a lot of of artic air into the united states. when you have artic air coming down, it's going to try to fight back. the warm air is going to try to fight back in that fight zone has been over the south heart of the winter they get occasional storms. >> the artic air usually stops the middle of the country and then in the sun belt so-called sun belt they are not used to the artic air coming down that far south. now, you say it's the water temperatures in the ocean that drives all this. >> sure. >> right? >> well, it drives a lot of it. it depends on the situation. but when you see -- when someone drops an ocean temperature map in your lap that looks like what you have now, you say i have seen that before. maybe we should first alert forecast the same type of thing. because what happens is that releases heat into the atmosphere. it forces a big ridge in western canada. when you get a ridge in western canada it comes down the slide into the eastern and central part of the united states. >> water temperature in the atlantic is warmer than
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usual? is that what it is? >> the water in the atlantic is warmer but in this particular situation, it's what we keyed on in the pacific ocean? that's colder though. >> no, no. you have a lot of warm water in the north pacific right now. >> okay. >> that's what we keyed on. and the warm water off the eastern seaboard of the united states, that supplies energy to try to fight back to some extent as you are about to see because the fight between the cold and the warm is going to produce this storm up the east coast. >> all right. we are going to get whacked tomorrow night. what about the drought in california? this is like one of the worst droughts in the history of the state, correct? >> well, yes and. no it's a short-term bad drought and it's part of a long-term pattern. that i'm identified this 10 years ago when we said the tropical pacific, the tropical pacific when that would start to cool, that's when california, the southern united states, the plains and the southeast would go into a very dry situation. it's the 1950s all over again. i keep saying that opeople,
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i actually did talks on this 10 years ago and what happens is when you warm the pacific, when you get the pacific in its warm cycle in the tropical pacific, california gets a lot of rain, we saw that in the 80's, 90's, into the early 2,000s when it turns around like it did in the 50s and six this is what happens, unfortunately there are a lot more people living in california, the south and the southeast part of the united states than used to live there. >> all right. but with all of this turmoil and the climate, that's going to make food price goes up. particularly in california. because there is a lot of food that's grown there. how long is that drought going to last? >> well, it's a multi-year drought now. we said it was going to start coming on once the pacific flipped into its cool cycle. the tropical pacific. have you got to understand there suspect more energy in the tropics than there is way up to the north. that's what happens when something is very warm and humid. it adds more energy to the atmosphere. this is a multidecadle type thing until we see the cycle
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switch back again. >> you don't know the first alert forecast? >> i think california -- i think california is drier than normal overall for the next ten years. >> next 10 years? >> when you get to the pacific northwest, it's wetter than normal. >> all right. well -- all right, joe. >> bill, this is nothing. >> way too complicated for me. >> it's nothing that hasn't happened before. >> i know, i'm not panicking. >> i'm sorry. i'm not building an ark. >> people want to go crazy, no need for it. >> all right. joe. when we come back, is it legal on another controversy involving alleged mexican killers of a u.s. border patrol agent. also a zombie stunt here in new york city that did not go over well. legal is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ where you think you're gonna go ♪ ♪ when your time's all gone?
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thanks for staying with us, bill o'reilly. three hot topics beginning with the murder of brian terry in 2010. yesterday 37-year-old manuel a was sentenced to 30 years in prison for killing mr. terry. told authorities there were four other men in the shootout with the border patrol agent. two have been arrested in mexico. one september 2012, the other a year later. they still have not been extradited back to the
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u.s.a. why not? here now attorneys and fox news analysts kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl, all right, wiehl, why not? >> i understand your impatience with this but the mexico u.s. treaty does not allow for the president to come in for example and just on executive order turn this over. it's a very long process that goes back and forth through diplomatic channels, through a judge finally has to sign off on it? >> which judge. >> federal judge. we can't even get the information of had that federal judge. >> that's because they don't want to give it to you. >> they don't want to tell you. >> but the u.s. authorities won't give it to us either. we don't know. it's hung up with a judge somewhere in mexico. >> some mexican judge, remember we got the guy out the marine who was unfairly taken. >> ham, right. >> put him in jail and said to the president hey look you either get the guy out or i will call for a boycott and then the next day the guy was out. >> political. >> this is similar because this mexican judge who we don't know they won't tell us who it is. tomorrow can pick up the pen and sign the extradition papers and back here. it's the same con they always do.
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the one thing is capital punishment because, mexico and i understand that. they won't-extradite anybody if they can be executed by a foreign country. these guys wouldn't be subjected to that. >> here is the interesting part. specifically the prosecutor has gone out of her way to not mention these are death penalty eligible crimes. >> the u.s.a. wants them back they will give them a 30 to 35 the other guy got. >> mexicans are dragging their feet because they just want to be annoying. they want to annoy everyone. >> use it to barter for something else. >> yeah. that's what it is. they don't care about the kerry family or justice. they want to annoy us. >> historically it's taken between six months and six years to extra dies somebody from mexico they can. >> it's incumbent upon mexico to make sure and the president should take it upon himself to oversee this that the proper thing -- >> -- secretary of state. >> secretary of state but nevertheless they should intervene and make sure. >> if i'm president obama
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quietly not publicly, i pick up the phone to my mexican counterpart and i say look give you something. >> get it done guilfoyle, zombies, are you a big zombie fan. >> i came this close to becoming one. >> i never watched this walking dead thing. eating people, to knee j you are not into apocalyptic zombieness? >> this walking dead program they do a promotion in new york city. all right? roll the tape. so these are real actors down there doing the grade and they are shooting and these people are surprised, right? >> kind of like an average day in new york, yes we have seen this before.
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where does this run on the internet some place? >> they do promotion for fourth season and a very popular show believe it or not someone is watching it it even though you are not they run this on youtube to proi moat on december 9th. think didn't give permission for. this very upset. filed official complaint with the nypd because we do not believe there were proper procedures or permits filed zombie in new york city you have to get a special zombie permit and pay a lot of money. vampire not quite so much. if you want to eat human flesh tax you more in new york. >> you get a card if you do that. >> i got it it dumb starbucks. dumb starbucks is another web site, all right, tell me what dumbs. >> this is actually a store in los angeles where they -- the guy just started this last week and he stand in long line get your dumb starbucks for free by the
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way. starbucks said wait a second this isn't real starbucks. >> is it a real store? it's art gallery. physical store in los angeles giving free coffee away with starbucks. >> look at it. it looks like starbucks. >> why why why are they doing this? >> it's a parody show for comedy central. >> it's a comedy central thing. >> were colbert and stuart behind. >> probably not far behind. >> they probably were those guys. >> nathan fielder is probably a buddy of theirs. is he a comedian and he does these pranks on the show. he lined up this whole thing on starbucks and of course people lined up for the coffee. >> starbucks was teed off. they don't want to be called dumb and they sent him a letter right. >> they said we are looking at this and sue you for trademarking. >> i think they should sue stuart and colbert. >> how did we get to that point? >> comedy central. starbucks go after the big boys because i know they are
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behind it. >> go after the deep pockets. >> i'm representing comedy central on that one. >> you are not allowed to. >> stossel on deck. is the federal government encouraging americans to be lay-abouts? lady? stossel, moments away. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome.
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back of the book segment, stossel matters. the congressional budget office says that obama care might discourage some americans from working. they can either make it on entitlements and/or on the underground economy. recently john stossel tackled the issue. >> what should government do to help people in need? >> give them money. >> find more jobs. >> people are accustomed to
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handouts and want more. >> there's something more they should do for you in here? >> help us more. >> have you looked for jobs? >> yeah. >> no jobs around? >> no. >> i asked my team to check that out. within a few blocks of that welfare office, they found lots of businesses that want to hire peop people. >> so in my opinion not based on data. we're creating a nanny state mentality in this country. not everybody, there are people who are ambitious and who want to do well in the marketplace. enough people are saying, i can con the system, disability, entitlements, now obama care. i'm going to float. you said? >> you are absolutely right. we agree on this one. and you -- there is some data. can you see it in disability rates going up. even though we have health care
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that's improved and fewer people do manual labor. more people say i'm helpless, i'm disabled. it's logical. if you reward people for being helpless, more people will act helpless. >> in schools, public schools, some of them do social promotions, which means if you show up, you get promoted and then you finally get a high school degree, without really working hard, without doing what you're supposed to. you can't go out, you can't do very much. all i have to do is show up, and you have to give me some. it starts with the children. >> maybe. >> certainly the culture of that job center where they said no jobs. and we quickly found 40 jobs. 24 of which were entry level, restaurants right nearby saying, if people would just apply, i'd love to hire -- >> the guy had a neck brace on. he was disabled. >> not all of them were disabled. >> i'm not laughing at the guy. i'm just saying there is -- if you go to europe, and cradle to
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grave entitlements, scandinavia, france, holland. there is a sub class of people that say, hey, i'm not going to work. there's not that many of them. here we have a nation of 320 million people, and if you get 20% like that, that's 64 million that you have to support. that's what i'm worried about. >> and the alternative is not let people suffer. before we have the trillion dollar welfare state, we had private charities that were better at saying this guy needs help, this guy needs. >> you'll get an argument about that from the social scientists and social justice people. they'll say the state has to regulate it because regular people can't. that's what obama care's about, is it not? >> yes, but they are wrong. fate should compete with private charities. private charity would do it much better. >> private charity is in business to help people help themselves. not just to give people stuff. >> government is one size fits all rules. >> that's right.
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>> i sent someone to the job center saying, help me get a job. they said, well, you first have to apply for welfare, food stamps. >> there isn't any drug testing, the obama administration has lessened the rules for looking for jobs while you're getting government assistance. they've gutted those rules, have they not? >> they have gutted some. i don't think that's the important point. the important point is, people learn if you can get free stuff, and your neighbor starts to feel like a sucker, over time more people do it, this is bad for america. >> it is bad. work makes you feel good, and it's good for you. >> work makes you feel good? >> working hard to achieve a goal. you don't have to work. you choose this. stossel, factor tip of the day, dvd you mahon watt to own, the tip moments away.
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fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. -hit the beach in florida. -and a reunion in seattle. we can afford to take more trips this year. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4-star hotels... for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ the next time you nt a dvd, don't bother rewinding it. the way i see it, it's t next guy's problem. oh, larry. she thinks i'm crazy.
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you may want to watch. first, my history quiz to go along with the old quiz. i think you guys would like it. we hope you'll continue bill o', if you sign up for reup, you get any one of my best selling books free of charge. derek palmer, how will nancy pelosi know you were disrespectful to the president when she never watches you on tv. i think she's secretly a premium member. suzie watson, birthing ham alabama, i'm not sure what the liberal media is thinking when they say the president should ub giving special treatment. i address mr. obama in a tone that suggested my questions needed to be answered. i didn't properly couch the questions in defrn shall language.
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bill, what grade would you give yourself if you feel good in your heart, that's all that matters. not in my business. i'm not going to grade the interview, because i'm not objective. barbara johnson. o'reilly i was ready to tell you to i give the interview a rest. then you announced a fund-raiser for the fisher house. my handwritten interview notes signed by me and president obama are being auctioned off. and a $25 fisher house gets you a replica of the signed notes. the fisher house is a great military charity, you get the original, that is big. but you can also get the replica. ted from tennessee, kudos to jesse waters, for the first time in recorded history, he made senator schumer run away from a
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tv camera. mr. o'reilly thank you for your respectful coverage of the basketball incident involving marcus. chad myers, kansas city, missouri. i'm a 22-year-old student and watching the factor as well as your books has shaped me as an adult. i really appreciate the kind words. my best to you. we like to remind everybody that miller and i will appear in pittsburgh, cincinnati, buffalo, new york and honolulu, the shows coming up. details on billo' get your tickets, they will be sold out. finally tonight, the tip of the day. the dvd of killing kennedy out today. you can get it in all formats including blu-ray. the screen actor's guild nominated rob lowe for his betrayal of jfk. it was a great performance. this is an excellent film to
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have in your library to show the you are chins, as parents and grandparents must do these days. the only way the kids are going to learn about history is if you guys do it. if you depend on the public schools, the urchins won't know lyndon johnson from andrew johnson. killing kennedy on dvd. killing lincoln is also on dvd. well worth your time and strap the kids into the chair and make them watch it. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website, different from billo' o', name and town if you wish to opine. don't be a nebbish when writing to the factor. also on thursday, we have our mad as hell segment. every thursday. i'm just giving you the segment.
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thanks for watching us tonight. miss megyn will be next. i am bill o'reilly, please always remember, the spin stops we're definitely looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly live in new york city. tonight, five years ago the president made a promise. >> i believe in the constitution and i will owe buy the constitution of the united states. >> lawmakers and legal experts say that promise is broken beyond repair. and we have breaking news on a plan to push back. i've decided to follow my counsel's advice and not testify or answer any of the questions. >> an explosive e-mail sent to the woman at the heart of the irs scandal. one of the most powerful members of washington will tell us what he has learned. the
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