tv The Five FOX News February 12, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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growth in food stamps as starving americans that he's trying to say republicans are killing you. game over. game over. that's the end. game on. hello, everyone. i'm greg gutfield along with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, eric bolling, and she's renov e renovating her malibu barbie beach house, it's dana perino. this is "the five." the recently a pile of pathetic protesters showed up outside the home of an oil pipeline executive as payback for an arrest of some other pathetic protesters that he knew nothing about. so put yourself in his shoes. you're home with your spouse and your family, the doorbell rings at 10:00 p.m., and at your doorstep are these sniveling creeps. my name is amanda. my friends and i came down to let you know that we think you and embrage are corporate criminals and should be in jail
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rather than mycat3. >> what did he do? >> they shut down your pipeline. >> a lockdown on one of your pieces of equipment and now they're facing two to three years in prison. >> en, 10:00 at night. happy to discuss it, not here, not now. >> you think you can just go to work and punch in and poison people and come home and distance yourself like it never happen happened, like you don't have to be accountable, that your neighbors shouldn't know that you're destroying your children's future and their children's future. >> this is not the time or place. what is your group, by the way, guys? >> we're just the people, man, how about that? >> the people. >> the faces of the people. >> you have no idea, man, the world is spinning quick. >> tell the rest of the board that can expect visits. >> the world is spinning. wacky threats from ecomaininiac nothing new. they're sanctioned by the media who never seems to mind it if it
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serves their assumption. crazy gets a pass as long as it's progressive, but the tea party, those are the extremists, the tricorn hacks could take out an eye. you could get food poisoning from their potato salad. as they point conservatives as extreme, they turn a blind eye to the mutants in their midst who actually show up at people's houses with torches and masks. look at these fools. it's like the olympics for losers. it's no surprise the left creates more bombers that lock heed, for the romantic notions of violatience gives a wide ber. how will president obama respond to such allies? who knows. he takes credit for the oil boom while condemning actual oil. the guy flips more often than a spatula, but maybe he's scared. even the president knows when it comes to crazies, his side is way nuttier than elephant poop. all right, bob. >> it smells like that over here. >> bob, imagine you're in your house in maryland, right?
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>> yes. >> doorbell rings at 10:00. there's a group of -- this will never happen in a million years -- but a group of conservatives, angry conservatives, young republicans on your lawn, wearing little bandannas. what would you do? >> first thing i would do is be sure to let a show on fox, thas what i say. this should have been a breaking news story. a big enough story to be breaking news. the video was compelling. i will say this, i must be horribly frightening to those people to hear the girl say, you're ruining the environment. i would get out eric's uzi and shoot them. >> one was a boy, too, that sounded like a girl. >> the world is spinning. >> the world is spinning, man. >> we're the people. >> eric, if you turned on the sprinkler, they would sue you for emotional pain. >> and the "new york times" would pick that up. the guy in the house turned on the sprinkler on the kids. so the eco tear rsrroristerrori
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to the guy's house, knock on the door, we say we're mad at your. you're a corporate criminal. for what? you got these people arrested. what did they do? the people, terrorists, shut down a pipeline and their system. >> by handcuffing themselves. >> so who is the criminal? they're making the law and not the poor guy probably hanging out at his home, watching the tv with his family, "the five," the doorbell rings and he gets terrorized. >> they're the terrorists, the domestic terrorists. i can't believe, by the way, how polite and courteous he was, because people know now, everyone's videotaping everyone and they're trying to have the aha moment and we can watch it on youtube, and he'll get in trouble at his company. but it's so offensive to me that they would go to his house at night like that and knock on his door. let me tell you, they would not get that kind of response from me at all. >> i would hate tosy what you would do. >> i have had it happen. they burned a couch in front of our house in san francisco
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because gavin didn't care. i got the hose. that probably didn't help had marriage. he was like, invite them in to stay. i'm like, what? >> let's burn their couches. dana, can i show you another sound on tape? this is another protester complaining about how, i guess, the pipeline is polluting and hurting his life personally. >> every day, i have to wake up and do yoga and exercise, whether i want to or not. why? just to make sure those chemicals don't stay in my body. it's the only way i can combat it. i can't find any nutritious food around there. i can't grow food around there. you know what happened to the food around there? >> george, you know, i don't know what to tell you about that. i think your facts are off. >> two things, dana, we finally found out something positive about yoga, and also he's so polite to this guy. >> amazing. >> earlier this week, we had the story of the aol ceo who said
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the ridiculous thing about the stress babies. this guy is polite to people who show up on his lawn. he goes outside. i would not have gone outside. they could have had weapons or been on drugs. whatever. >> i would call the cops. >> probably were. >> if this were a hollywood celebrity and if it was conservatives complaining, this would have led the "new york times." instead, he's so civil, so polite. >> amazing. >> are we missing the lead here? what were they trying to accomplish? they go to a corporate ceo's office -- >> i'm getting a head rush here. >> it's probably 10s of billions of dollars company, and he's the ceo and seven people show up and go, hey, stop doing what you're doing. i mean, other than, like kimberly said, maybe dana said, they have a cell phone and they're trying to get play on the networks. they weren't going to illicit any change. >> it did work because we're leading with it. >> we can't see them. >> they should have thrown eggs
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like justin bieber. >> please, please, we're almost seven minutes into the show. we're not taking this seriously, are we? these are people's constitutional right to complain. >> okay, i asked you what would you do if somebody came to your house? >> i had skinheads come to my house. >> what did you do? >> beat them up. >> when did skinheads come to your house? what year was this? >> they don't have a kau constitutional right to go to his house and pull him out. >> did they pull him out? >> the point is, he can say, you're trespassing, you're on private property and call the cops. it's not appropriate. >> you have to admit that's a stereotype that does not help your cause, correct? >> first of all, if i could say in youropeb, it was the faculty lounge. >> that's true. >> we visit ed it about 3,000 times in your monologues. the faculty lounge of the
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liberal commies that teaches people and it's naughty and it represents all the people on the left who are doing that. are you kidding me? >> these people are a little whacko, i grant you that. it would be a story if they put a spike, as they have often done, in trees and people get hurt. >> who did that, though, bob? the left does that. the left always uses terror or hate words, hate language, going to people's houses because their ideas are for the greater good. as long as it's for the environment, they can't put a stake in the tree. >> great show. no, no, i wouldn't put a stake. >> bob, is it okay if pro-xl pipeline people show up at awl gore's door? >> why not? >> what if a bunch of people from new york went to complain about the weather on al gore's doorstep? >> where is that going? >> to complain about global warming or the lack thereof? >> only 30 seconds, so why doesn't somebody take it who is
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taking it seriously? >> i am taking it seriously. >> very little tolerance for people like this, especially since occupy dirty wall street. that was a disgrace. this is like a joke, they're making a mockery of what they're attempting to do. >> you have to say, bless their hearts. let them go to the corporate building and protest with the wackos out there. not someone's house. >> they shouldn't step on his lawn, have gone up to his door, but they have every right in the world to protest as the tea party protests. >> the guys who used to make fun of brutally, calling them wing nuts. >> i think a lot of them are wing nuts. >> but they deent do this, bob, they don't do this. that's my point. >> how do you know? >> there's no evidence. if you can find it -- >> exactly, if they showed up at a democrat's house, we would know. >> you would know it because if that had happen, it would be on the "new york times," on nbc, everywhere. >> it wouldn't be right here. >> yes, it would, because you would do it as a "one more thing" so we couldn't argue it.
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>> when we get back, eric holder pushing to get ex-cons their voting rights back. that debate is next. >> before we go, rick is standing by in the fox news weather center with an up ddaten the massive wnter storm bearing down on the south and it's headed our way. rick, what should we do? >> exactly, every you said, it's coming, but it's across the south. severe weather across parts of florida. could be expected strong winds causing damage, but the bigger problem is snow across northern alabama now and heavy snow falling across i-81 area throughout the central appalachians, and then this area of friesen rain from around atlanta to augusta and columbia, south carolina, major problem here. we're going to talk about some of these places getting up to an inch of ice accumulating. going to cause incredible power outages and tree damage to these areas south of atlanta and that south carolina/georgia border, but take a look at the broader picture. a major storm on our hands that
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extends from parts of mississippi all the way throughout new england. overnight tonight, we'll see this exit the coast and turn into a coastal storm, a traditional nor'easter, and pull up the eastern seaboard tonight and all day tomorrow. interior sections potentially 12 to 18 inches of snow. coastal areas, i think we'll see that mixed with rain tomorrow in the afternoon, and that's going to keep snowfall total s down a little bit. we're projecting 4 to 8 inches from d.c. to new york city. interior sections, a lot more of that. we had a lot of troubles today in the airports. tomorrow is going to be the same story. we'll continue to track this all night from fox news. right now, "the five" will be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪
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2014 midterms and republicans are looking to keep the heat on democrats over obamacare's continuing struggles. louisiana senator mary landrieu is one of the most vulnerable democrats and today, americans for prosperity released a devastating ad highlighting her support of obama's signature law. >> dear ms. kelly, your family plan is no longer available under the affordable care act. >> dear ms. davis, we can no longer offer you the same
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policy. your doctor is no longer in the network. >> due the affordable care act, your monthly premium has increased. >> no longer covered due to the affordable care act. >> send senator landrieu a message. obamacare is hurting louisiana families. >> even defenders of the law say they're finding it hard to defend him these days. here's kirsten powers. >> it's gotten to the point where it seems like there's an exemption for everyone except individuals. ron fornier ran something saying why i'm getting tired of defending obamacare. i say amen, brother, because that's how i feel. people who supported the law, who supported universal health care are put in the position of defending the president who has incompetently put this together, rolled it out, and that's why he has to do this, why he has to keep doing this, because it isn't working.
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>> greg, let's start with you. you're always talking about republicans and messaging and you want them to try to get it right. looking at that ad running in louisiana and probably others like that will run around the country, effective or not? >> it's mow egzal and that's usually the terrain of the left, to appeal to not the brain but the heart, and maybe it's time that republicans use that same weapon. but in terms of the people getting tired of defending obamacare, i think she's being honest, but i don't think as a whole, they will never get tired of it because it's like parents spreading over your kids' grades. it's not that you want them to stop going to school, you just want them to do better. they all want president obama to succeed on the goals they agree with, so they will never get tired of defending it. they want it to succeed. >> so what she was talking about, eric, was yesterday there was the 27th delay announced. yesterday was a big one from the administration saying they were delaying the employer mandate for another year. one of the things hurting the economy, or the people say, smart people say hurting the economy is the fact that there's
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not enough certainty in all the laws and the regulations because businesses can't plan. you hear anything like that today? >> here's what's going on. businesses plan, they do a one-year, which is really they kind of say here's where we want to be in a year, and then the important one, the five and ten-year. right now, they can maybe do the one-year. it's so political, we're going to wait one jeer after the midterm elections to see what happens, and what that really is saying it's all about politics, not about policy. policy, if it were good, would already have been implemented, l like the law said, january 2014, now to 2016. joe garcia, congressman in florida, also with an ad, pushing away from obamacare. mary landrieu steered clear. claire mccaskill said i'm all right, i don't want to campaign with president obama. they're pushing away. >> you would, too. >> they're telling you loud and clear, they want no part of being attached to obamacare. what does that mean going into the election? give it to them, offer it to
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them. paste it across their chest. obamacare, this guy, this gal. >> bob, you're the indufatig indufatiguable defender of obamacare. because maybe you don't care. you continue to defend it at all costs, but do you think -- the fact that democrats don't want to be tagged with it, do you think that's going to make things worse for trying to get it implemented. >> first of all, if i could just remind you that you are the one who said, bob, if i were you, i would stick to your universal health care position, which i did. >> because you -- right, the single payer. >> i agree with greg that that was a republican ad that appear peeled to the heart, and finally republicans found a heart. look, i agree with kirsten, and i agree generally with people who have to get on the air and defend this. it is not an easy thing to do. i do not defend every piece of it. but the problem that we're faced with on the left, those of us who came out of faculty lounges,
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is that we have for 40 years fought for universal care. we believe that the insurance industry, the health insurance industry of this country were broken and the health care system was broken. the sad part is we now have to defend the first law that deals with it and is not going well. that makes it very difficult, but are we going to give up on it? absolutely not. if it means we have to stick with this stinking thing, we'll stick with it and try to get it better. >> can i say something? i thought what bob said was thoughtful, and i liked it. however, the problem, bob, is that you're saying they have these good motives, but if you really have the best interest of the american people, if you deeply cared about jobs, about the economy, about health care and the iumpact that a flawed lw might have on all of us, why wouldn't you be careful and deliberate and circumspect in the division sdwigzs you're making to make sure you're not damaging the country in your zealousness to pass this through.
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it was not ready to launch at all. and they did it anyway. >> i think she gave you a backhanded compliment? >> i think it was. listen, i keep going back to this. it reminds me that you all keep -- by implication say that what we did, we have this great health care system which wasn't. we had this great health care insurance industry, which wasn't. >> not better now. >> anything would be better than that. but i hear what you're saying, and i understand the problems, and i understand what eric is saying about taking it on the campaign, i would, too, i would campaign on it, but i have yet to see a mass uprising of people making this a voting issue. >> can i ask you, if it's good, why delay it?>> because big par not good. >> it has to be answered. if it's not good, why delay it? >> the anticipation. if you wait longer, it will be even better. >> if you wait longer -- >> but they knew it wasn't better. >> can i move on? >> yes. >> even though you're riveting.
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eric holder, the attorney general of the united states, made some interesting news talking about restoring the voting rights of some non-violent felons. listen here. >> it's time to fundamentally reconsider laws that permanently disenfranchise people who are no longer under federal or state supervision. these restrictions are not only unnecessary and unjust. they're also counterproductive. these measures are at best, at best, profoundly outdated. at worst, these laws with their impact on minority communities, echo policies enacted in a deeply troubled period in america's past, a time of post-civil war repression. >> so eric, someone you know well, senator paul, actually agrees with a lot of that, i think he's going to talk to the kentucky state ledgislature abot changing those things because non-violent felons, maybe we should take another look at the
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laws. do you agree? >> no, once you're a convicted felon, look, you lost your privilege to vote. even if they have spent their time, i don't want them voting. that's where i am on it. i also don't want people who break the law -- look, eric holder, i'm sure this is easing the next step down the road is let's provide amnesty for illegals and let's allow them to vote. based on what they're saying, there's nothing you can do besides killing someone or raping someone or pedophilia, and you'll still be allowed to vote in this country. break the law, don't worry about it. >> can i tell you why that's deeply flawed and disconcerting to me? >> sure. >> people who are convicted of felonies or crimes of moral turpitude suggest dishonestly, people who are willing to bend the rules, not follow them, having an integral character flaw so much so if they go to testify in court, you can tell a jury you can disregard everything they say because they have shown a propensity to lie and not be honest, to have a
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loose relationship with the truth. these are the people he wants to bring into the voting pool because guess what? they need to increase their base. that's what this is about. by the way, stop messing around with this. it's state's rights to do the voting laws, and he wants to just go ahead and put everything under his big umbrella so he can mess it up some more. can't wait to see that. >> let's go to bob and then greg. >> there's such a thing as paying your debt to society, which is what incarceration is about and parole is about. after that, the slate is supposed to be clean. these laws were passed in the jim crow days. it's hundreds of years old. they're antiques, they're absolutely, as far as i'm concerned, unconstitutional. >> i think it depends on the crime, is my point. >> i assume they -- did they not say they were not going to allow certain -- >> i don't think just violent is enough. >> kimberly's point is the states have a role. can we get greg's last word? >> clearly, he's turning a cell block into a voting block. i agree with bob.
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if you serve your time, you have served your time. if being a criminal means that you lie, plenty of liars vote. so i don't think because you committed a crime means that somehow you cannot throw a vote. if you have voted, if you have already served your time, that does seem wrong to me, but it does point out something interesting about holder and he's never really been interested in america as a whole, but splinters of the aggrieved which is born of a distaste overall for society. he's angry at american society and this is another element in which to express. >> why do they allow wall street bankers to vote? >> can i ask you this, bob? >> if they serve time in. >> they should have served time. >> very quickly, i'm not sure where we are, but greg and bob think it's -- agree with eric holder, i believe. >> i'm open-minded, i don't know. >> here's my question. if a convicted child molesting sex offender does his time, do you want him living next door to you with young children? >> of course not. >> why?
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under your theory, you served your time. >> it's not a theory. you pay your debt to society, except for certain crimes that are so egregious. >> it shouldn't be too overbroad, and maybe have a certain period of time where you have been out and proved yourself to not have reoffended, and then yes, let's give you a chance. >> i'm going to get fired. >> no, no. >> impossible. >> what about the person's life before they get to prison? i would like to see the leaders in this administration address the desint grashz of the family and basically community that contributes to people going to jail. that to me -- i don't know why we're spending so much time on something like this when there are bigger, massive problems. >> i couldn't agree with you more. anybody who does time for selling marijuana, the idea that can't vote for the rest of their lives is senseless. >> shaun white goes for a third olympic gold, but dashed in the olympics in sochi. we'll show you what happened to the halfpipe and the reaction next.
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welcome back, everybody. america stands in fourth place in sochi, the olympic medals count. one medal gold we were hoping for came crashes down last night. check out this fall shaun white took in his signature yolo jump. yolo as in you only live once. >> a huge score for the rest of the event. unfortunately, that was his move, the yolo flip. the 1440. >> shaun is not stopping, though. >> oh, my goodness. white comes in with heavy contact on the deck. >> with that, shaun white's
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dream of gold in three straight olympics crashed and burned. will that be the end of shaun white and olympic halfpipes? not a chance. take a listen. >> a tough night, a mean, for everyone. i'm appreciative of actually being an olympian and being here and competed and doing the whole part, but yeah, i'm definitely a bit disappointed in my performance. >> doing my math, you'll be 31 years old when the games in south korea roll around. is there a chance you could come back and go out on top? >> i think so. what do you guys think? yeah? i need everybody now more than ever. >> i'm going to give it to you first. shaun white, snowboarder, estimated net worth, $20 million, endorsements, bf goodrich, burton, oakley. >> and he has the most delicious chewing gum. can you ever tried it? go to dwayne reed. the x on it, and it's super tasty, and i'm liking his new haircut, so i think there are great lessons you can learn in
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defeat like this. he's a champion, an amazing example of american spirit. he's a phenomenal athlete. i would like to see him back, why not? and he took a heavy hit and kept on going. that's what i'm talking about. >> now, greg, not a timed sport, but a sport nonetheless. >> i don't want his career to end, but i hope that kills the phrase yolo once and for all. you're right about the haircut. he reminded me of the guy from m.a.s.h., but this country versus country thing, it's all z aphobic. aren't we part of one universe. the only way to gain solidarity is lose the uniforms and compete in the nude. >> i hope you have a spay can if you're going to do that. >> poor switzerland only has four. so under the obama redistribution network, we're going to give them medals. >> we ought to have a universal
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olympics in the nude, that would be perfect. >> of course. >> the guy was very gracious. >> a winner. >> and it's clear to me why he becomes a pretty good symbol for corporate america, as he gets these endorsements. whether he can come back when he's 31 years old, i don't think many people should try that. if they're 16 years old, it's a daerngs sport, but give the guy a lot of credit. it would have been three times in a row, which was a record, and he made one mistake. >> i like how everybody groans, but we all watch it. >> i can't watch it. >> there's an app for the iphone, called spoiler alert, so you don't know what's going to happen, because obviously, i think we're nine hours behind so all the stuff we're seeing happened nine hours ago. yesterday afternoon, tommy, our producer, goes spoiler alert, halfpipe. i was like, oh, my god. shaun white fell. i am watching it last night. he fell. would you put a spoiler alert so you don't find out what goes on? >> you don't need to buy an app. you can put it down and not be
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on twitter during the olympics. if you don't want to know what happened, remember the "breaking bad" finale, if you don't want to know what's going to happen, you can't look at it. >> sometimes they're mixed in -- >> i like spoilers. >> you hate surprises. >> i hate suspense. i don't watch movies if i don't know the ending. that's why i would never watch "titanic." >> everybody knows how that ends. what are you talking about? >> you know it went down. >> the romance. i forgot, i got to meet him. >> shaun white? >> yes, at the -- what is it, the beach boys backstage. >> did you go out with him? >> because of bill o'reilly. how cool is that? >> no, i didn't go out with him. >> you dropped four names there. >> what a weird connection, right? >> nbc, last time they had this in london, if you remember, everybody was anticipating this woman's skater, and they used it in the promo showing she had won. >> oh, the winning.
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we're going to leave it there. up next, are you one of those people who likes to check your daily horoscope? if so, you're not alone. a study says more and more americans think astrology is real science and not a bunch of baloney at all. we'll explore that ahead. legs up! legs up? gs up! legs up! legs up! verizon has free tablets and ee phones. get here anyway you can. good job! free tablets. free phones. on the best network. only at verizon. get tablets like the verizon ellipsis 7 free. and when you trade in your old smartphone, you can get the samsung galaxy s4 free. or the droid maxx by motorola free. plus get a data plan with unlimited talk and text for as low as $45. this week only. getting free tablets and phones on the best network. that's powerful. verizon.
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universe works. it's one of the oldest academic disciplines along with mat, chemistry, and biology. new ideas in astrology often explain the fundamental mechanisms of sciences while opening research in other areas. isaac newton is often called the father of astrology. the horoscopes he discovered are still read today. astrology comes from the greek word meaning not a fake science. >> pisces. so greg, do you buy it? >> astrology works because while it prendz to be about something that's out there, it's really about you. it's a costume for talking about yourself. it's the initial model for progressivism. it creates a language that sounds complex within a pseudo framework that it actually is there only to feed your ego while ruining everybody else's life. >> you just ruined it for me. >> if anybody could understand what you just said, please send me a tweet. >> astrology is a map for progressivism. >> you're freaking out this end of the table.
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stop it immediately. so, i'm a pisces, you're a pisces, wouldn't you like to be a pisces too? >> you are a pisces. >> yes, it's entertaining. i think that's what it is. look, the catholic church says don't go there. it says don't play around with that. that's one of the most severe -- >> why are you laughing, then? >> i think it's funny. we read them and say oh, my gosh, look how kwencoincidental- >> that's one of the most severe things you can do? >> strong sanctions against astrology to protect their flock and could result in a person's being excommunicated. i'm just saying. >> are you nervous? >> no. >> what is up with you? when did you become little bo sheep? like a little herd. i don't understand. >> have you ever, ever seen me read a horoscope ever? >> i don't know. i'm not like looming around you to find out, but i do know you have a serious biorhythm problem when you get a little moody, and yes, it corresponds -- not today. not today.
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>> if you believe astrology is real, i want to read my sign here. you will find your voice this year, and once you have found it, you won't stop talking. get involved in the big issues of this day and make sure your point of view is out there in the marketplace of ideas. you will win a lot of arguments and a lot of new friends. new friends, i doubt. >> don't you feel better after reading that? >> i do. i think there's something to it. look, like the tides coming in and out with the moon. i think there's certain things when you get born. >> you don't even believe what you're saying. you don't even -- you stopped thinking while you were talking. >> i stopped thinking a long time ago. >> dana, what do you think? >> it's a lot of fun. the own lareason i knew about mercury being on retrograde is it's on someone's calendar. i didn't think because it's in retrograde i shouldn't buy a
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house. >> oh, is that so? february 28th, don't make any important decisions or sign any contracts during this time. >> this is what it is. astrology is sexist. it was invented by men to keep women busy. so we're off doing other stuff, and they're going oh, my god, i can't do this, i can't do that because mercury is in retrograde, and they're going, it worked. they're home. >> keep it going, man. >> and like two astrologists are going can you get mercury out of retrograde because i need my wife to fold my clothes. >> or do something else. >> let's see who is making good decisions and winning in life, all right? yeah. directly ahead, a live weather update from georgia where a massive winter storm is already knocking out power to hundreds of thousands and it's not over yet. the latest developments next on "the five." check your horoscope.
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jonathan? >> hi, bob. it's been fleeting on and off throughout the day, and most people are playing it safe and staying home. case in point, take a look at the downtown connector behind me. the downtown connector is where interstate 75 and 85 meet north of atlanta. they stay merged right through the heart of downtown atlanta, before splitting again on the south side of the city. it is the major north-south thoroughfare, and as you can see, only a handful of vehicles on what normally is a very, very busy thoroughfare. we ordinarily would be in the heart of the 5:00 rush hour, but here, very few vehicles. most people heeding the warnings to stay home. atlanta learned a lesson two weeks ago when the last winter storm came. many people were caught off guard, expecting just a light dusting of snow. went to work and school, and then when they all tried to get back at the same time, they got stranded on the roads. very little traffic here in atlanta, but a very different situation in the raleigh-durham
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area of north carolina. weather started deteriorating very rapidly this afternoon, catching many people on some of the highways, leaving stranded motorists and the photos and videos we're seeing out of there, very much reminiscent of what we experienced here in atlanta two weeks ago, bob. >> jonathan, let me ask you, they took a lot of heat for what they didn't do two weeks ago. what do you see that they have done differently this time? >> first of all, they put out the warnings early. you know, you're kind of blamed either way. if you tell everyone to take precautions and the bad weather doesn't arrive, you're blamed for that. if you don't send out the warning or enough warning, as many accused local officials of doing two weeks ago, you're blamed for that as well. after what happened two weeks ago, they promised in the next storm, they were going to err on the side of caution, and they did that. they sent out the warnings to stay at home, and people followed it because they had experienced what happened in that last storm.
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they also prepositioned trucks go out and pretreat some of these roads and bridges that they knew would be problem areas. and so even out here on this major interstate where there's a lot of ice covering some of the lanes, they have kept at least two lanes in each direction open. bob. >> dana, you have a question? >> i was curious what the forecast is, how long is this going to last? >> you know, they're saying throughout the southeast, everyone is going to be on high alert over the next 48 hours. tomorrow, it's going to start warming up and we may see clearing here in atlanta, but then if you go to north carolina, they're going to be still grappling with the effects of this storm. the situation is constantly changing as it moves up the east coast. so we're going to have problems all up and down the eastern seaboard in the coming couple days. >> jonathan, thank you very much. "one more thing" is up next.
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honestly? my kids re always on my laptop. i didn't think i could buy them their own, let alone for under $300. t this asus with windows is lightweight and has everything they need -- not like chromebooks that can't install office or have to be connected to the internet to get much done. with this they can do homework, chat, play games -- on their own laptop, antheir own time. so no more fighting... at least not over my laptop. ♪ honestly, i wanna see you be brave ♪ neiman marcus, delaura dare
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open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at eric. >> last night on the daily show, while talking about comprehensive immigration reform, my buddy jon stewart was in favor of reform. watch. >> this is amazing. after decades of trying to reform what everyone acknowledges is a broken
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immigration system, the leaders of both parties agree now is the right time. >> comprehensive immigration reform could and should happen. it just shouldn't happen right now. >> what you talking about bolling. >> i am in favor, but the daily show editors went to work and chopped up my statement. alluded to me saying i didn't really want comprehensive immigration reform because obama would get credit for it. here's the real statement without the edits. >> comprehensive immigration reform could and should happen. get through this next election. you have a winning hand. obamacare is a colossal failure. hang that out against every democrat you're running against. >> see how that machine works? >> all right, what's up? >> me. >> okay. >> check this out. look at this crazy cover. this is the first book hot off the printer and going to my mother. not out yet, but if you want it, go to it's not cool, how hipsters are ruining america. >> it says not cool, and my head
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is floating in space. >> it's not saying gutfield is not cool? >> it could. it has like four different meanings. none of which make any sense. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> let's talk about the winner circle, shad we, ladies and gentlemen. we had extensive experienced reporting from ms. perino and mr. bolling at the westminster dog show, and that is the winner. yay, oh, i'm sorry, this dog, the wire fox terrier, has 129 best in show ribbon overhaul. somebody call president obama, redistribute the winning ribbons and give them to all the other dogs so they feel like they are winners, too. >> the ugliest dog i have ever seen. >> okay, well, they don't think so. >> dana? >> i went to that dog show last night and i had a great time. >> fantastic. >> they put on a good show. you want to know how you're getting older when your friends used to run campaigns start winning campaigns.
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i want to congratulation kevin faulkner from san diego who last night won a big victory in san diego. remember the mayor's race? well, the mayor's situation last year, with filner? kevin won that race. he's been a great mayor, a wonderful public servant, and i wish him the best. >> where is filner going to go? >> jail. just kidding. >> i was thinking maybe msnb krrb. bob? >> yes, today is the 205th birthday of abraham lincoln, which is the number of days we'll be promoting greg's book, but it used to be we used to have lincoln's birthday as a holiday, and then we had washington's birthday as a holiday, but no more. no, no. now we do it on monday and call it presidents' day. a lot of people don't have to go to work. abe, i remembered your birthday, okay. i wasn't there to cover it. i was close, but happy birthday to abraham lincoln, and we're actually supposed to hurry up in this block, but we have a little more time to go, so if i could just tell you that this book right here is not cool, is on
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amazon. it's available, it will be out tomorrow. >> not out tomorrow. >> you'll see a lot of this book on this show, and there will be a tractor trailer hauling greg around all through the country so he can sell the book, and everybody, everyone please buy it, because it's just great. >> can i ask greg something? >> do you make jokes about bob in that book? >> there are about 17, and they're all complimentary. >> i'm sure they are. anyway, buy this book when it comes out because greg desper e desperately needs the money for his drugs. >> bob. >> that's not true. >> i'm only kidding. congratulations on the book. >> by the way, the drugs are purely legal. >> of course. >> like robitussin? >> i love robitussin. with yogurt. >> and beef jerky and chinese food are your drugs. >> robitussin. what is the best one? >> dm. only take it when you're sick. >> that's great. >> you got to get out of here. >> don't forget to set your dvrs
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so you never miss an episode of "the five." we'll see you back here tomorrow. "special report" is next. this is a fox news alert. i'm shannon bream in washington. the latest obama care enrollment statistics indicate that the president has a long way to go to reach his goal for subscribers to his health care plan. we have fox team coverage tonight. jim ingle with the politics behind the delays coming from the president, but we begin with ed henry and what the new figures tell us. >> good evening. good news for the administration. 1.1 million people signed up in january. that means 3.3 million so far, though there are still sharp questions tonight about whether these numbers add up. the new numbers show president obama is likely to fall bell short of his initial goal of signing up 7 million people for
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