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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  February 13, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST

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traditional nower ands candy and they are looking for bigger gifts like a car or vacation. >> i am not taking you on a vacaution. >> nowers would be nice. >> thanks for joaning us. america's new's head quarter ares starts right now. >> you owe me chocolate. >> find out tomorrow. fox nows alert a deadly storm in the northeast after whacking the south. >> i am bill hemmer. nand i am allyson camerota. the storm knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of people and leaving air travellers stuck. we have the nows for you. rick is live in philadelphia. we'll start there. rick, how is it? >> reporter: well, the snow finally stopped and a light rainfalling and 34 degrees. if there is good news, the road is starting to thaw a bit.
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the streets are pretty empty. the government closed schools and courts and also shut down bus service at 10 o'clock this morning in philadelphia because it was too dangerous for the buses to travel on the road and they were getting in the way of the snow plows. here's more from the governor. >> they have reduced speeds on the turnpike and almost all interstates are that affected in the eastern common wealth. pen dot and the turn poik that banned truck ands double or empty trailers for the safety of all motorist. >> reporter: air travel is acted. 846 flights are cancelled and in dc they closed every runway. no planes taking off and
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landing. a total of 6,000 flights cancelled. and power problems in the south. 546,000 customers lost pour in georgia alone. they are more than 200,000 people without electricity down in georgia. and many of them in the atlanta area. outages up and in the southeast and northeast because of ice covered branches hitting the power line. here in philadelphia they had 800,000 customers lose power a week ago. but the storm is not over yet. we expect more storm can ice through midnight, bill and alisyn. this is the first time in the history of philadelphia they had four storms of six inches or more and we still have a month of wupter left. >> go get hot chocolate.
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nfollowing ow track is the chief meteorologist and rick, where is it headed now. >> in philadelphia it is a nowiest winter. and so as of this storm and very likely even get higher than that by the time it is done. in the south. totals in south carolina and an inch of ice accumulating on every service. and we can tell you, we are not done with this down there. gusting at 31 miles per hour in atlanta and 32 in athens. trees and power lines still have ice on them and now the wind goes in well and it is too much for the branches to sustain themselves and we'll have more power outages. and we will so the now. heavy snow in philadelphia and new york and transitioned in to rain and that will keep the snowfall totals lower. new york reporting 36 and light rain and same with philadelphia
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and dc 38 and light rain. that rain will melt and turn it into big slush and interior sections it is snow all time. snow coming a round and coming back to philadelphia and looking at rain around new york city and transitioned to all snow by the time it is done. and boston seeing rain as well. coastal areas of i- 94 area transition between the two. we'll see more snow on the back side of this by the time it is done. 2 or 3 inches. >> is it nasty tomorrow? >> no it is windy and we'll get above freezing and melting and it is gone and the storm will be done. >> so it might stop snowing some day. >> before we came on the air we were daydreaming. >> if you are dreaming of warmer
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weather, what is in your dream right now? >> keep it clone. keep it clean. >> right. >> send me a tweet at bill hemmer. >> and to me@alisyn camerota. we'll read them later in the show. >> the white house trying to put a spin on obama care numbers and saying that more young americans are enrolling but it is lower than what they hoped to have right now. chris is fox news digital editor and host of the power play on fox >> hi, ally. >> glad to so you make it if the studio. >> in the fox nows bureau in washington we are fearless. >> i long suspected you actually slope there. and talk about the numbers that kathleen sebelius put out. 3.3 million people signed up. we don't know how many paid.
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and how many people actually have coverage. and how many of those have been kicked off previous plans or uninsured before that. so why are they avoiding specifics? >> i don't know. but they will not say why they are not saying. but we can surmise some things. we know in the state level exchanges it is reported that as many as half of those people who put a plan in the shopping cart haven't paid. if you don't pay you don't have insurance. you are as the president said poised to be insured but not insured. and sick versus well. they are willing to give a age split. we don't know about the preexisting or ailments, because the law requires insurers to carry those folk ands we don't
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know how many of those people have been compelled in to obama care because of the insurance policies cancelled and they were dumped by the law. >> is it possible that the administration itself doesn't know the numbers or are they just not telling us? >> there is no question that the back end of this is quite byzantine. and they are getting close to then. they have until march 31st to sign people up. for now we all say march 31st and they are so close to the ep. they don't want bad or negative numbers and that would scare more people away. >> we put up a screen showing january and december's number. 1.7 million people signed up and in january that slipped to 1.1.
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and the difference is sex 42,000. do they think they will hit 7 million by march. is that what they are saying? >> now, they claimed they didn't say 7 million and it was not their goal and it doesn't matter as long as the bail outs are not threatened. and as long as the president delivers the billions to the insurance industry. the democrats say it is less important because they will dump the cash on the partners in the insurance industry. they have to survive the upcoming election and keep democrats in control of the two-thirds of the power center here in washington and they can survive in advance. that bail out bails them out. >> in terms of who is signing up. they wanted the prime demo of the 18- 34 years old and only 25 percent of the enrollees are in that age bracket.
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and so inside of the beltway where you are, what are people talking about the future of obama care? they are talking about it might collapse after march if they don't have the magical numbers? >> the president tock such a bold stance on the executive power that he has to rewrite existing laws. and as long as obama is what ever obama says it is. it will not collapse. and now that i think about it, i shouldn't use excutive authority. if he rewrites the law as he goes it will not collapse. and the democrats are emboldened regardless of how unpopular and who signs up. as long as obama's pen is mighty, they will be okayment >> okay, chris, always great to talk to you. >> meanwhile will be out of commission. shutting down for maintenance on saturday which is
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also by the way promoted as youth enrollment day and that is the last day to sign up for coverage on the first of march. the application of the site will be down saturday, sunday and monday. and so about throw and half days there. >> and the economy is on the mend. a fox nows poll show that it is not the case. also, i know i was scared and i know there was something very wrong. i think i was focused on how i could fix it and what i could do. >> i bet. >> and many people consider this a miracle. >> i am one of them. a 16-year-old survives a sky do i have free fall from 3,000 feet and her parachute never opened and she has more to share. for the first time she is talking about the incredible ordeal. >> that is a miracle and a motorcycle riding thrill
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seeker daring police to catch him if they can. will they?
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it is inconceivable that this girl is alive. a texas tone ager plummeted to the ground in a sky do i having and cans now telling her story. 16-year-old mackenzy weatherington speaking for the first time since the accident in oklahoma in which she fell throw hundred feet after the marachute failed to open. >> i remember jumping out of the plane and seeing a complication with the parachute and i kicked my feet like i was taught in the class and i looked up and i was not strong to fight off the wind and i remember screaming and i blacked out.
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and i don't remember anything after that until three days after. it taught me that there is a god and he is looking after me. nwow, it taught me never to go parachuting. her doctors say she is walking with help and expect her to make a full recovery. >> given all of that, she locks great. >> man oh, man. the u.s. economy supposed to be in recovery. but more americans are saying it doesn't feel that way at all. 58 percent believe the worst is yet to come. only 37 percent say the worst days are behind us. stephen morris. fox nows contributor, how are you doing, steve? >> i think americans seem to think that the u.s. economy is sky diving. >> some of them do. why don't they see it getting better. the simple answer is it is not
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but put those two together it. >> it is getting better. it is not great, but it is doing better. why are americans more negative about the economy than a think they should be. and there is a couple of explanations is. you can't trust the statistics from the government. the government told us the unemployment rate is less than seven percent. there is no american who believes that the unemployment rate is less than seven percent. the role unemployment rate is close tore ten percent. you can't trust the statistics. and the second explanation the americans are worried about the cliffs that the american economy is approaching. what happened yesterday, we approved a giant increase on the national debt and everyone whistles dixie and acts like it is no big deal. >> on a national level i think you are right about that. but on a personal level. it comes down to whether or not
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a person believes they have more money than the year before. do they or do they not? >> they have less. and the economy is not performed, bill. looking at the family income, average family is down by 2,000. and you are spot on, americans don't feel wealthier. and by the way, everybody knows somebody who is 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 years old who can't get a job with a college degree. that adds to the frustration. >> and now, we also asked the americans to grade the president. these are the policy makers now. and this is what we found. nine with a a and 24 percent with an f. average score is c- min us. and what is more telling about this. among democrats, 17 percent gave the president an eight. and year ago 23 percent. that has dropped among the
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democrats. >> people are getting nervous and the economy looked like it was picking up steam in the end of last year and this year it is decel rating. and these perceptions of how the economy is doing influences how the economy does. they don't shop and expand businesses and here workers and this is what concerns me. people are excessively negative and in a holding patern in terms of engaging. >> that goes to psycheicology and the emotional connection you feel as to whether or not your life is getting better or stuck on stuck. thank you, stove. steve moore out of washington today. attack care. >> you are following a deadly winter storm. and large part of the south on ice. and we have the latest on the
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crippling path and then there is this. >> this just keeps on-going. >> i am just scared watching. it >> the police think that the motorcyclist is taunting the police and riding the motorcycle on speedses greater than 100 miles per hour. and we'll talk to the officers trying to track him down. >> and researcher ares and how you can move something like the ball without touching it with your hand. and how does it work? i will learn to move your chair around the stud yes without touching it. >> how in the world are you going to do this? >> i am going to listen to douglas kennedy's report. okay ladies, whenever you're ready. thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this.
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it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good.
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watch here and listen, police in texas on the hunt for a motorcycle rider who issued a challenge to police catch me if you can. he posted a video on facebook. in it, he is weaving through traffic at speeds at more than 100 miles per hour. the problem is they can't find this guy. sir, good day to you and thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> you have any clues on this guy? well, we have a lot of information on him, and i would predict it will not be long before we have him in custody. >> what gives you that impression, chief? >> because we have sectors of police officers that know how to find people and this guy will not be hard to fine. >> he is posting this on social media. >> yeah, he is.
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>> how much of a clue is that for you, chief? >> he brought this on himself. he brought attention to himself. and what is important to us right now, besides the video. more than the video is three warrants that he is wanted for? >> what are they for? >> they are for assault, and bodyily injury and retaliation and evading >> so you have a name on him? >> yes, we have his name. >> you want to make it public. >> his name is alberto rodriguez. >> he's a resident of san antonio? >> yes, he is. >> do you know his friends and family. >> i don't personally know them but our detectives. >> can they lead you to him? >> again, we have a bunch of officers, and detectives looking for him.
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it will be hard for him to stay off of the grid. >> chief, how dangerous is this that he is doing on video. >> that is the most insanely dangerous things that i have ever seen. >> why is he taunting you then? >> i couldn't tell you. >> i guess for that reason. >> good luck. somebody opens up the dordoing this it would be a nasty scene. chief, thank you, sir. san antonio, texas. i imagine based on your answers, you will catch him soon. >> we'll follow you. >> appreciate it. mi t researchers are closer to making star trek location closer to a reality. boldly going to check it out is douglas kennedy, live from the
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new york bureau. explain this it. >> reporter: they are going where no one has gone before. with an invention inspired by a children's toy and insphire how architects do its job. carol is an award- winning architect and designing the neighborhood in new york. still one problem she faces, many of her clients and engineers live in other cities. sometimes it is difficult for people to visualize the changes you might want to make to a project? >> we encounter that a lot. we work remotely with our clients. >> reporter: why she needs the new invenning in mi t. called inform and allows users to manipulate objects remotely. i am over here and i can move the ball that is over here.
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shawn is an inform inventor. >> the idea of this came from a pin screen toy like this. we are thinking about the displays and they change color and shape. >> reporter: it works using an interactive table with a series of complex motors and links and pins. and they are all connected to a computer that translates the movement remotely. you didn't have architects in mind? >> enterior designer and computer scientist and mathmeticia mathmeticians. and a lot of things to touch. >> reporter: inform is certain to revolutionize the industry. >> if you can touch and show them that is incredible.
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>> reporter: that will allow her to design houses remotely. back to you. >> that is very, very col. >> reporter: it is a crazy sensation to move something not in your hand. >> that was great. and great to see you doing that. i think i can move bill hemmer's chair. just using my mind. >> reporter: it is your show, baby. it is working. >> trouble on the eastern sea board. this storm started in texas and end up in maine. millions affected and the roads are a mess and the government in washington is closed. we'll go to the ghost town of washington d.c. >> democrats are feeling that the president's health care law is bad for them in november. >> there is no doubt that our
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failure to roll out the a ca's smoothly has put a burden on democrats whether they are running or not.
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quick check the head lines, despite fierce objections of the u.s. military doze knows of dangerous prisoners walked free. hammid karzi ordered the
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release. the u.s. military is not happy about this. the national security agency told congress that former nsa employee edward noden gained access by copying a pass word by a co-worker who has since resigned. and a tone ager in chicago showing love for his mom. he wrote a message outside of his mom's hospital wino. and she is treated for cancer. hi, mom. god bless you and the o has a smiley face. great touch. looking at the nation's capitol. the storm is crippling much of the country and delivering a foot of snow to washington d.c. the u.s. government is shut down and the capitol we are told is like a ghost town.
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doug is live from washington. how is it looking. >> reporter: we are standing by in a tiny park tucked away in battery campbell. it was a civil war battery to protect the city. it is now a dog park and it is the best in all of washington d.c. and the federal government is shut down and commuter rail lines are shut down and metro rail and not and the city is in a stand still. and we saw a couple walking about on snow shoes. you take those snow shoes off you plummet to the four inches in the ground. and there is a tractor trailer truck that jack knifed on the interstates of 295 and the
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driver of the truck was not injured. he managed to walk away. >> we have a foot of the snow in the dc area and given the condition of the side streets, that we will have another snow day for the federal government. i haven't sled down a hill in 50 years. this goes my first attempt. look out below. >> go. >> reporter: i will have an accident and sow the manufacturer of the sled. >> nicely done. there should be a dry run. >> we are paying him? thank you, doug. he is hurting the democrat brand. the obama care and all of this stuff is hurting and his approval rating is declining and his credibility problem drag the
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democrat brand down. the midterm election popularity of the president has more to do with who is up and down. >> that is joe tripp talking with megyn last night and signs of growing number of democrats feeling the same way. >> they are planning to skip the party's annual retreat and putting out pricey ads to distance themselves from the president. here is one sponsored by a nancy pelosi super pa c. >> joe garcia is working to fix obama care and voted to help keep your health care plan. joe garcia fought to hold insurance companies accountable and so they can't deny coverage from preexisting conditions and drop the coverage when you get sid. brad is a former deputy to
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period. and combaem, thank you for coming in on the snowy day. and great to see you. brad let me start with the joe trippi thing. he is not the first democrat talking head saying they can no longer defend obama care. kristin powers said it on our air yesterday. how damaging is it when they say things like that aloud? >> they can't deny what they are seeing and feeling. i believe that 2014 will be a wave election for the republicans. if they stick to obama care and economy. that is one- sixth of our national economy and it is a disaster and people are now feeling. it those people who are now running ads trying to distance themselves from the president. they can run but they can't hide. they voted for obama care. and they will have their feet put to the fire. the promises made by the president were promises made poi
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them. >> chris, i don't think you will run away from the comment. you either go on offense or you are dead? >> the reality is, if you support it in the past and try to play cute about it, you will get slaughtered. and the white house and bad roll out put democrats in difficult position absolutely that goes without saying. but you have to go out and emphasize the positives in terms of the health care law. if you play defense you will be in their corner. >> but you are defending it all of the time. every day and that has to get tiring. >> yeah, it is a lot of fun to defend a law that should have been implemented a lot better. it is great to give republicans like brad the fodder to hit you over the head with and that is enjoyable? but elections are not decided by one issue.
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and even this one. republicans are not going to won or lose simply by focusing on obama care and neither are the democrats, you have to have a larger narrative and the challenge for democrats is not if to get bogged down. and hopefully we'll hear better news. >> it is tough sledding. >> and brad, we just played a portion of the joe garcia adand he's distancing himself from it. and now from the listeners. nancy pelosi said all democrats would stand tall with obama care, this was from november. >> i can't tell you what will happen next year. but i tell you, democrats stand tall and support the affordable care act. we have great candidates who are running and are concerned about our economy and are concerned that the government was shut down because of a whim on the
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part of the republicans and costing us 25 billion to our economy and.6 percent of the gdp growth. >> she basically said it is not going to hurt us. >> this is the same person who said we have to pass obama care before we read and tell what is in it. nancy pole peel, you can fool some of the people some of the time but not enough of the people next time. i believe republicans, it is not the enough to be against something. you have to be fixing something. and you will not be able to repeal it as long as obama is president. make it work better. >> voters will be look for example solutions. thank you for bofth you coming in today. noise to see you both. >> fox nows alert. we are waiting for the juror decision for michael dunn in the
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loud murder trial. he is charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old jordan davis in november of 2012. prosecutors call it murder and the defense is calling self defense. we'll bring in our legal panel. and mark is the former prosecutor. i got it. let me start with you, tom. this is the second day of deliberations. does that tell you that it is not as open and shut of a case as predicted? >> not really. throw hours of deliberations in a first-degree murder case is not long. my experience when it is a serious case and a jury knows it is getting media attention, you know, they are going to stay back there long enough to give credibility to the deliberation. that is not much for the defense to hang their hopes on. every minute the jury is back there deliberating, another
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minute the defendant is presoumed innocent. >> mark, how dow read the tea leaves? >> i agree with tom. jurors know they are not only judging the facts, but they are judging the jurors and they will be analyzed after the verdict comes in and they need to stay back there an amount of time so they know when they are judged. they took all of the time in the world analyzing the facts in spite of all feeling he was either guilty or innocent. >> the defendant, there, dunn. said he felt threatened and he thought the vicgun. and thought they were going to kill him. there was no evidence of a gun. and so is that a plausible defense just because you feel threat eped you open four on someone? >> look, the facts of this case, they are difficult for the defense. much, much more difficult than
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in the zimmerman trial which this case has been compared to plenty of times. >> what the deputies is hanging their hat on. in any self defense case whether it is justifiable homicide or case or what have you. if the defense can proffer enough evidence and facts to put self defense in play, the burden shifts to the prosecution where the prosecution has to affirmatively disprove self defense beyond a reasonable doubt standard. >> yeah. you put the defendant on the stand and he convinces a couple of jurors that he reasonably believed he was in fear for his life. >> here's the problem. if i or you or any reasonable person including tom was known in a unfortunate circumstance of discharging the fire arm at human beings and assuming they believed and saw a weapon. the first thing he would tell
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the fiance, there was a gun. i saw a gun and i had to shoot. he never told her that and the only reasonable conclusion and i am a criminal defense attorney and i am playing the prosecutor, there was not a weapon. he manufactured that to justify the slaughter of a innocent teenager. >> parents demanding answers and in the napes -- names of teachers back a co-worker convicted of assaulting a student. >> and hundreds of this happeneds of people without power in the deadly storm.
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hey, everybody, shocking numbers on how little piements get paid. this will not make you comfortable. and the democrats are opposing the key stone pipeline and invested in competting companies to the pipeline.
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we'll so if that constitutes a conflict of interest? and the teen sky diver who survived a 3,000 to the fall said god had a lot to do with her survival. and ryan seacrest has a new clothing line that is like graanimals. and now they have them for grown up boys. our panhandlele will weigh in on that. and all that on the real story in the top of the hour. >> we'll so that, martha. meanwhile, parents in up state new york demanding the names of teachers who wrote letters on behalf of a colleague who molested students. >> the judge is refusing to give the public thelers and identities of his supporters. geraldo rivera is here with us on this.
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legally, you are a lawyer, do they have a case and shouldn't they be able to access the information. >> we are all heart broken and snowy and icy they decided to keep the schools open. they are refuge for children. they are feed and they are safe and sound. and so what happens when the school is the predator and the teacher is the one charged with caring for the child is the worst enemy? that is what happen in upitate new york. it comes for the teacher to be prosouted when the eight-year-old writes the letter and we discover the abuse, now the teacher is tried and convicted and the teacher admits that he in fact abused this student.
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but what happened? they reached out to teachers everywhere. two teachers wrote letters not in support of the victim, but in support of the teacher. it is as if the teacher's union closed ranks and protected one of their own than the child. >> and the judge will not release the teachers who wrote the letters. does he have to legally? >> it's a close call. it really it, ali. i think you probably have to brink legal action to force it. and i don't really think that in the short term, at least, they're going to get the names. >> because the parents desperately want to know which teacher sided with the convicted mole molester. >> i totally understand the parents' motivation. now the teachers' motivation is much more different. why in a state where a state that is mandatory that you see abuse you have to say something, why wouldn't they. but then once he admitted his
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guilt, did they withdraw or rescind their letters? i don't think. >> thanks much. fox news weather alert. we'll tell you where the storm is headed when we come right back. >> how about the flight cancellations? it could take a week to digging out of this thing. ?
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♪ the sky isn't falling, but apparently cameras are falling from it. >> perhaps, right? this little piggy is curious, ally, but it is for real? >> i don't know. >> you guys, this isn't go pro. it's a tiny camera that skiers
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or stunters wear on their head or chest to record a stunts. about this video you're about to watch, there's a skydiving company in the bay area that does single and tandem parachutes in win country. the company said that camera was not properly attached to the helmet. when they put it out the door, boom. the camera ends up falling. face up, where? in a pig pen belonging to a hairdresser in cloverdale whose 7-year-old daughter finds the camera intact after the pig tries to eat it. you can see the moist hairy snout licking the camera. apparently after the nibble, go-pros aren't as durable as tasty scraps. upload to youtube, 4.2 million
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hits. everyone wonders is this a stunt. the company says, no, we'd love to take credit for it, we can't, we had nothing to do with it. that pig, by the way, was sold for ham and bacon. >> ahh. the most important part of that video was looking inside the pig's mouth. never seen that before. >> i can animal kingdom. william, thank you. want to escape the cold and snow, do you? dreaming of warm weather. what's your dream? >> your best tweets are next. ♪ ♪ they lived ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived.
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♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what mas a subaru, a subaru.
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are you? what's in your dream? >> jerome wrote to us. not this. >> no way. my dream includes margaritas. >> nice.
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mix up the margaritas. all i want to do is feel the warm air, doesn't know where. >> kelly, dreaming of a hawaiian vacation. oh, wait, i'm heading there next wednesday. happy anniversary. >> thank you for watching, i'm alison camm alisyn camerota. we have a fox news alert, guess what it is, winter storms slamming the northeast. i'm martha mac callum in for gretchen. the number that have died as a result of the storms is expected to climb. more than 100 million americans under some form of winter watch or advisory. over 700,000 of us are without power at this hour. nation's capital has closed down all federal offices. in pennsylvania, the national guard is deploying as the


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