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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  February 18, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST

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>> i never seen this type of thing. buckle in the seat belt. how novel and there are hunky guys in there for you. >> i don't know about. that >> they could leave out the super models. >> air new zealand. thanks for joining us. >> good morning. fox news alert on a fast- moving storm bringing more snow on the winter- weary east coast and the new nasty weather coming after the south and northeast are paralyzed by the snow and ice. now some places are getting six inches of fresh new snow. janice, on the forecast and what to expect here. another fox news alert. a new plan to bring home an american soldier held captive
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bite taliban for five years. is the u.s. considering a prisoner swap with the taction? i am bill hemmer. and welcome to heather. >> today's washington post is reporting that the administration is open to exchanging five gitmo detainees for the soldier. >> jennifer what can we say. hello to you. >> hi, bill. in the last week u.s. officials have floated trial balloons through the press suggesting that it the administration would be willing to trade five detained from guantanamo bay for the u.s. soldier. this prisoner exchange is not a new idea and floated by the state department before and appears to gain traction among the u.s. officials since
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midjanuary. there is no evidence that preparations were made to move the detainees from guantanamo bay. by law the administration would have to notify congress 30 days pending the transfers. admiral kirby was asked about the trade. >> he is not only a member of the bier dal family. >> there was a intercepted video from the soldier to the taliban. the even this latest apparent effort appears to be in an early stage. he is widely to it believed to be held by the section in the
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pakistan. >> they are supposed to beaur ally and they act against our interest time and time again. i am confident that our government put pressure on pakistan to give up the guy because they know where he is. they are tied to the haka any network. >> it is a excrushiating process for the family. >> in the meantime as tough as the captivity has been for the u.s. military and family. should the americans be negotiating with terrorist. we'll talk to bob gray. i there michael. it is unprecedented and normally we might stage a raid to get him home and it doesn't appear we are doing that at this point. what does it tell us about his condition. >> it is unprecedented in terms of policy.
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but the washington post, the latest piece has positive connotations and negative ones that i think the u.s. needs to tread carefuly on. >> like what? >> for instance, you mentioned the previous report mentioned the ha cani network. they operate on the southeastern frontier of afghanistan. they are a known problem. we know that the pakistan military will not go into that area and refuse to conduct operations on the leadership of the network. and so that is a potential obstacle. >> that's why pakistan is not negotiating on our behalf to get this guy. but if we negotiate with the taliban, how can we be sure that they will get the hacani network to hand him over. >> there are two taliban. first pakistan and the stan tan taliban. they were open to negotiations
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with the pakistan taliban up to the point where a fringe group executed 23 pakistani solid yers that were incarcerated since 2010. negotiations are off of the table and that will hinder the problem of releasing and exercising the release of the sergeant. we need to look at the overarching policy of not negotiating with the terrorist. it is a 5 to 1 exchange that is off centered. >> michael, let me ask you on the other hand, we have released quite a few people from gitmo. we released 100 of them since 2009. so at least in this case we would get something from it. >> we have to be careful about setting a precedent in the future. we are about to withdraw to 8 to 12,000 troops in the
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afghanistan. we don't want to make the troops vulnerable to kidnap knowing that the taliban would get results in terms of further release of prisoners. you have to be incredibly careful the way we go about this. on a macro scale it could be a good faith transaction. in 2012, the u.s. tried to negotiation with taliban and they were stopped because of the killing of 17 civilians. and then in 2013, an office set up in qa ta r and the taliban set up a flag of the islamic immigration of pakistan. and so i think this could lay foundations for broader negotiations in the political level which i personally think is what is required in order to take the problem of afghanistan beyond the withdrawal of the u.s. in 2014.
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>> we'll have to watch and karzi is on the way out and we'll see what happens. michael kay, thank you so much. >> in the meantime new troubles for obama care. republicans launching a investigation in the state- run exchanges. the websites that are failing badly, one of those in oregon and launching a limited version of the site for insurance companies only, this after repeated delays that put it five months behind schedule. brett, good day to you. what is going on in oregon? more and more money? >> i tell you what, 304 million in grants and 160 million in state taxpayer money and not a single person has enrolled on line in oregon. this is a big, big mess. you have law makers now calling for an investigation into that and also calling for the ga o,
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gornment accountability office to get back the federal money saying it is a waste and shouldn't have been spent because obviously the group set up to set up the website was not capable of doing it. >> clearly, too it is not just oregon, it is problems in maryland and massachusetts. it is a website. >> yeah. in maryland, you have the governor, who has been talked about as a possible contender or considering a run in the democratic party for 2016, and he is dealing with a website that has not functioned very well at all either. and it has been so poorly functioning that the state is considering just a bandoning the state website and going to the federal website they are in the process of making that decision this week. in fact, the deadline is today
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for moving forward with that and there are investigations in to that as well. >> in massachusetts, bill, remember it is all about romney care, where it all began cording to the creators of obama care, they point to massachusetts as the jenniesis of all of this. the state director breaking down in tears in front of the committee because they had to redo the website to comply with obama care regulations and it is not working and they are doing everything by hand. 50,000 applications that take two hours each. >> you mention the governors there, you wonder politically, brett, what sort of impact that could have on them and their states? >> significant, i mean significant. you have all of these investigations launching and you have a lot of press now covering this. perhaps they didn't in the beginning but they do now, because it is taking a lot of
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oxygen, talking about this as more and more people are really swept up into these questions of how they are going to get covered. remember all of these applications have to be done by paper applications. in oregon, they are signing people up by paper application. the on line stuff is not working and they are getting decent numbers on paper sign ups. >> what are you hearing finally about the dollar figure for oregon. 160 million from the state taxpayers and the republicans, do you think they can be successful in a, pursue the why and get an answer, or b, to get taxpayer money back? >> it is a tough thing to claw the taxpayer money back that is been spent on something that didn't work. that is the case they will try to make, but you know, that once the money is out of the dor, it is tough to get back.
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>> you bet. so you at 6 o'clock bret baier's special report. >> the check is in the mail is that what they say? i wouldn't buy that one. >> he's right most of the money out of the door, good luck getting it back. >> more on. that and administration claiming there will be more jobs by obama care. but the budget office predicts fewer people will be working because of that law. >> and a controversial plan to fight poverty. should we give every newborn a $500 savings account and this where does that money come from, and this? oh, man. he dared the police to catch him and they did but not the way he expected. we'll talk about to the chief of police about how the bust went down. he is reaching speeds of 100
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breaking news out of ukraine. nine people dead in clashes. seven civilians and two police officers. this an image as you can see the gasoline fire ball lobbed back and forth. it is a significant development in a protest movement that has gone on several weeks. two police officers and seven protestors are dead and the word we are getting, that the police are now making a move on the protester's camp. live in kiev. back with more on hq. speaking of escalation. we have a fox weather alert. the east coast hit with a new round of snow days after a storm
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system battered millions and many are wondering when it is going to end. janice is in the fox weather center. my mom's friends are asking when we can send the kid back to school? >> they are off this week. look at the snow totals that we have got from this winter in the purples and pinks. 18- 24 inches cross a dozen states that you can see here. it is an incredible winter, new york, this is the 7th nowiest winter and philadelphia that we will show you in a second. and this is the latest storm that brought several inches of now and 6- 12 possible for new england as it moves to the north and east. i guess the skiers love it and jumping for joy. philadelphia, one of our big cities, third nowiest with 58.4
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inches. we'll probably get to number two. because of an active second half of february into march. we'll get a break with warmer temperatures moving in this week wednesday and thursday, 70s in atlanta, across raleigh high 60s and new york city in the 50s by friday. but what happens with the clash of two air masses? warm moist air ahead of the cold front. we could see potential of tornados on friday. we could have severe thunderstorms and then see a blazard in the upper midwest and great lakes. keeping an eye on this. bill likes the fancy meteorology maps. this is below freezing and this is below 0 as we head into friday and the weekend. we'll see a dip again to below
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freezing. as far south to the tense tense river valley and heading into the latter part of february and we'll see record- breaking cold for the final weeks of february. winter is not done yet bill hemmer. back to you. >> it is like a vortex. >> and below freezing temperatures for 72 days. sfo days and still counting. >> new proposal to put 500 bucks in a savings account for every new born in america. host of lou dobbes. how are you pal? >> i am good, bill. >> whose idea is this? >> this is originally chuck shumer, senator in new york. not in 2009, but in 2005 tried to come up with the idea to put
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$2,000 in a an account for their kids and then the federal government would put in 500 matching each year after that until the kid was 18. he never could get it through the senate or the entire congress and now, i guess his buddy, ron wyden from oregon is next up to try it and see what happens. >> what is their intent? is that part of the income equality debate? >> it would be helpful. if you give them 500 a year and tax- free account that helps those who are 75 percent below the average household income. and so it would be significant. >> this is taxpayer dollars. do you like the idea? >> do i like the idea. i like the idea better than some. but what is the bad idea is coming up with a program rather
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than clean up all of the programs that clearly haven't worked and put together a metric and judge their success and keep those. the federal government has so many programs, that not even health and human service or education department, none of them know what is replicated and what they are costing us. it is extraordinary. >> is the principle of helping kids who need money for college good. but inflating the cost of education? every kid. >> it is a fair point. on that point, i want to squeeze this in quickly. among college grad. accept in ten had graduated with student debt of 29,000. and student loan debt topped a trillion from the previous quarter as of quarter 32013.
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what is the affect of this on the american economy or that generation? >> the affect is as you expect is bone crushing. you are looking at an average of $30,000 per graduating student and it is simply coming out of everything they can buy. it means they can't buy a $30,000 car when there is a credit card and they would have to buyer a lesser house and can't save money because they are paying off the debts. right now, we have so many students buying an education that is not helping them at all in the labor market. >> it really is a sad story and long- term impact. >> lou thank you. sounds like you have the vortex. >> lose it and we'll see you soon. >> breaking news back to kiev and ukraine.
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nine dead and seven protestors and two police officers and that is a live look at what is happening in the protestor camp in the center part of the city. it is ongoing for months and now the police have made a move. what will they do next? find out when we come back. me. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. i'll believe it when i -- [ both ] oooooh... [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important rt of staying active and strong. ensureigh protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrin charge!
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from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at
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a million dollar vase. you say vas splashed in an apparent protest. oh, that vase by a dissident chinese artist shattering in the floor in a museum in miami. he is charged and the affidavit
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said he broke the vas you say vase. i say vase and you say vas. >> i think vas is over a certain dollar amount. >> we want to know -- >> we want to know the most expensive things you broke. >> send me a tweet at bill hemmer. >> and me at heather fox news. >> we have new reports raising serious questions about the role a top home land security official may have played in a corruption case and how he got top security clearance. >> reporter: fox news was told that the reports are dredging up matters from 2001 and reviewed by the fbi both times that the official received top security
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clearance. washington times recently reported on maron's role in the trial of his father-in-law and former boss. named vincent fumo. he served four and half years in prison after being convicted on con37 count counts of conspiracy and fraud and other charges. the e-mails introduced in trial moran said they could work together to disguise the source of the contribution and maroen hired a private investigator to snoop on the man on the right philadelphia mayor ed randel. >> jay johnson got to know him when they worked in the pentagon under the defense secretary gates and singled maron out for praise. none of the information is new
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the spokesman said in a statement as it was a widely covered federal trial in which mr. maron helped to put a corrupt individual beupped bars. he has the confidence of two secretaries. the philadelphia enquirer reported on the content of the e-mails. a trio of law makers demanded more about the marroen background check. >> is obama care a job killer or creator. some people are taking the government report for all of the wrong reasons. we'll explain plus this. >> look at that. we told you about the motorcycle madman last week. he told cops, catch me if you can. and they did. there is a twist to tell you
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about. the police chief joins us next. . that's correct. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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33 minutes after the hour and time for a quick check of the headline. now information on the target hacking that cost credit unions 200 million and that is to
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replace the credit cards that were compromised that is a big chunk of change. >> update on a story. 29 miners rescued after being in a mine. some of them didn't want to come out because they anyhow they would be arrested for illegal mining. >> they would have to come out eventually. >> incredible dash cam video of a bus that flies out of control in ida ho. it slammed in thetros and through a parking lot and in a parking garage. the police charged the driver that nodded off behind the wheel. >> just seeing it now though. he first said there was a ma lfunction with the brakes. that showed he was sleeping. >> there was no evidence and every economist will tell you that there is any job loss
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related to the affordable care act. part- time positions are down since 2010 not up. and the number of full-time workers continues to increase. i know there is a popular myth that continues to be repoeted but it is not accurate. >> secretary sebelius saying obama care is not a job killer. >> despite the cbo report that predicts fewer people working over the next ten years. john is from american cross rod and marjorie is a former consultant of ceo of clifton consulting. one thing businesses hate is uncertainty. there is so much uncertainty why would a business want to expand? >> what we see from the administration all of the time, last week they extended the employer man date and extended dead lines for signing multiple
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types. we don't know if they will extent the individual man date. we don't know and that climate of uncertainty makes it difficult for businesses to hire and determine the type of health care they will provide for their employees. >> it doesn't look like they will get much clarification. majorry you ready? cbo said it will equate to 2 million fewer jobs in 2017, cbo predicted rising to 2.5 million in 2024, so what the cbo is saying and what kathleen sebelius is saying is different from one another. who do we choose? >> it is all speculation. and what we are looking at, the same needs in the work force and we'll need the workers we had before. the actual cost for an employee versus the 2,000 person fine is
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60 dlnd on the exchange to do preventible care. the health care industry is the largest expanding industry in the economy. 5 million new jobs in health care alone are going to be out in the industry. we might see shifts in the different employers. >> that was not the question. was sebelius write or wrong when she said what she said yesterday? >> i think she is right in saying, the idea that people are going to fire and not have the same number of workers is incorrect. and what we know according to the department of labor and statistics, there will be an inkress in the economy and number of jobs and no real reason that they should not pay. >> what she says defies logic. incentives for the employers to cut the number of employees to get around the employer man date. >> what they do know, what may
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happen. 30 hours is a full- time employee and what may be a shift to part- time employees to get around it. what they don't understand is the number of part- time employees start counting for full- time. there is not a way a round it. >> johnathon, you following all of that? >> one thing about kathleen sebelius she is an unflappable spokes person. she told us in october that the website was working great and if you like your health care plan you can keep it. and her bending the truth is not anything new. but the problem for the administration it is a conflict in credibility. when they are going out and saying things like that that every american knows to be false they lose credibility on economy and budget and foreign policy. they risk to being background noise that no one listens to and they lost all credibility. >> marjorie? >> this is an economist speaking
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and not just kathleen sebelius. >> cbo conflicting against the hhs secretary. >> and thank you so much. we'll be talking about this one for a while. >> he talked to police, telling them catch me if you can. and they have. we first told you about this two weeks ago. zooming through traffic at speeds of 100 miles per hour. he posted helmet video on line mocking the police. but the long arm of the law caught up with him. they searched for the stolen motorcycle. and the chief of police, good day to you. it is two weeks and how did you get him? >> we were tracking the vehicle crime detectives were tracking a stolen motorcycle and when they approach the house he broke out of the door and ran, and they apprehended him and found out it was mr. rodriguez.
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>> albert rodriguez, age 26. did he have a record, chief? >> yes, he did. he had a three active warrants for family violence, retaliation, and speeding. >> his video was called catch me if you can. why was he taunting you? >> i don't know just to do. that i really don't know for sure. we did catch him and we you know, in a city like san antonio, even though it is big as it is, you can't keep a low profile in this city if the police are after you. >> good work on behalf of you. i believe two weeks ago, chief, there was a connection with family members and friends that you are pursuing, is that what led you to hip? >> no, his apprehension of the
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coincidental to what we were doing at the time which was tracking a stolen motorcycle. and we approached the house and walked up the drive way, he bolted out of the back dor. detectives apprehended him. >> you know, chief. 100 miles per hour on a motorcycle, is that certain death? >> if he would have crashed, he would have, there would be nothing left. >> what charges does he face, chief? >> if the da pursues the charges he will a reckless type of driving charges. that is the least of his answers right now. >> chief, well done. thank you for your time today. >> thank you, bill. >> off of the streets and spoken for, for now. >> one guy you want off of the road. lucky he didn't hit the cars. >> teenage serial killer.
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investigators are trying to scramble out if her story is true or not just as we hear the reporter who got the bombshell jail house interview. >> and what immigration officials said would making a great tool. why are privacy advocates crying foul on a license tracking. we'll have a fair and balanced debate. and this, does it get old? a man smashing a million dollar vas. you say vase in a art museum. what is the most expensive thing that you have broken? >> thinking about it. thinking about it. you have a lot of choices here. >> for a good one. >> i say vase and you say -- >> vas.
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vas. ♪
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all right, standing by is gretchen carlsson on the real story in a matter of the moments. and we'll give her another moment. that is!%n coming up from 15 minutes from nuchlt in the meantime a new plan to create a national license plate database. allow immigration officials to snap a photo and see if they get a hit. cathrein is back with us today. >> this program came to light after a notice was posted seeking a government contractor to build a license plate database. the automated technology was developed to track stolen cars. the cameras simply take a photo of the vehicle plate and turn that image in data to be stored
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indefinitely. the homeland security program is being developed in secret. >> the dhs program is developed under the radar. we know incidentally through a purchasing request that dhs is intending to use the devices and the public doesn't have information on the privacy protections that are put in place and what agents are allowed to access this. >> critics say the camera systems is often described for two reasons. technology is getting cheaper by the day and the federal government is subsidizing the technology. in a statement and division of homeland security, the department is exploring the ability to obtain access to a national license plate
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recognition places and allowing subjects to be identified. the database could be accessed in conjunction with ongoing criminal investigations. critics say it could be used in conjunction with the databases like the controversial phone program. this creates a sickle of you and your routine and circle of contacts. heather has more now. >> boy, raising eyebrows. and we'll bring in judge napolitano fox's senior analyst. judge, this is a done deal? >> a partnershiply it is a done deal. you remember the great debate in the floor of the senate over this? don't feel bad. >> it didn't happen. >> that's correct. this is an example of presidential overreaching. the same president who directed in nsa to engage in spying directed the department of
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homeland security to have pictures of all license plates in certain cities. no matter who you are and innocent your driving may be. >> the aclu is objecting to it and i want to put it on the screen. the knowledge that one is subject to constant monitoring chills our exercise to free speech and association. if not properly secured databases open the door to abusive tracking and so on. >> there is a couple of arguments here. a watched society, a listened to society, a monitored society is afraid to be itself and a generation of young people will come up. your children will never know what privacy is. constitutional argument is a little more subtle. the constitution imposes on law enforcement a bar they have to jump over before they investigate anybody for
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everything. that is arcticicable suspicion. what is that person doing wrong? if the answer is nothing you can't monitor them and track their movements. this procedure never authorized by the congress and imposed by the dickitorial instifrpths of the president will monitor everything. >> what protection can be in place? >> none. you put this information in the hands of homeland security, they will combine it with the nsa and they know everything. >> homeland security said it will be stored by a private company. do you feel better or worse? >> i don't know the standards for homeland security to get it from the private company. if it is a problemicable cause of crime it would be difficult. they shouldn't be photographing us in the first place. we shouldn't be wondering who
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has the federal camera >> we are on camera everywhere. the gas station and grocery store. >> we can avoid the gas station and grocery store but not the government. >> not the highways. >> and thank >> do you remember this, a high school senior with down's syndrome hitting four three-pointers with his team with a minute to go. details coming up. love it. this is for you. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life.
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a story we talked about a week ago at hg, a high school senior with downs sin droem, closing out the final minutes of the game draining a three-pointer. he's getting so much attention the 76ers signed him to a ceremonial two-day deal. tonight he takes part in warmups with the sixers. well done all the way around. >> so glad they could do it. other teams should do the same thing. fbi looking into claims from an accused serial killer. she said she killed men times before. miranda barbour is her name. she's saying she murdered 22 people across the country claiming it started onyears ago as part of a satanic cult. hi there, rick.
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are authorities buying her claim? >> it's one thing to talk to a local reporter. it's another to share details with law enforcement. miranda has clammed up and lawyered up. she was brought this morning in shackles and handcuffs and didn't say a word on her way in or out or inside either when processed. police taking fingerprints in connection with a man stabbed and dumped in an alley after answering to a facebook ad placed by miranda offering sex for $100. her husband charged in the murder but reportedly cooperating, providing information on the past, that could shed light on murdering 22 others. i asked the chief about the possibility that he and his department stopped a serial killer. >> they are not from here. they picked the wrong town to dump their body.
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i have good people here. went from two weeks to unidentified dead body to who the alleged perpetrators were and bringing them to justice. >> if it's true that she killed at least 22 people over the last eight years, you ended a prolific crime spree. three weeks here, boom, she's in jail. >> i have a good team of people. she made a mistake coming to sunberry. >> miranda's public defender asked for a change of venue and she's due back in court. >> thanks. we'll be watching that. a million dollar vase shattered the most expensive thing you've broken? your best answers next. >> do you have yours? do you know it? all right.
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what is the most expensive thing you've broken. >> broke a boy's heart in high school, it's priceless. >> i'm heather, thanks for watching. >> i'm bill. here is gretchen on "the real story." we'll see you tomorrow. >> have a good day. thanks, guys. today on "the real story," the director of national intelligence said if only the president told us about gathering cell phone data before they did it, there wouldn't be any problem. really? what do you think about that? don't let the lack of job experience get in the way of a new career as air traffic controller. how the faa plans to get people into the tower. is god good for business? how movies with a positive moral message are raking it in at the box office. yet one upcoming movie about noah is facing serious backlash from christians. we start today with a fox news alert because iranian hackers infiltrating our navy computer network


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