tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 18, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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we want to hear from you good night and see you tomorrow night right here good night from washington. o'reilly factor is son from l.a. good night >> once again the far left attacking president obama over surveillance in the war on terror. what does obama supporter alan colmes think about his brethren doing that? we will find out. >> how many? >> three boxes. >> are the girl scouts of america being led by secular progressives? that's what some are saying. we will examine the facts. >> i'm jimmy fallon and i will be your host for now. [ laughter ] >> also tonight, big change in the late night situation
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but should you care in the answer is yes for political reasons. bernie goldberg with analysis. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the from california, the factor begins right now. ♪ hi i'm bill o'reilly reporting tonight from los angeles. thanks for watching us. president obama catching flack on his left. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. new gallup poll says that mr. obama's job approval rating is not getting much better. just 41% of americans now approve. 53% disapprove. the same point in his term president bush the younger had a 42% job approval rating one point higher and that was in the middle of the iraq war. while most democrats approve of the president republicans overwhelmingly do not. independents do not.
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and now the far left is turning against mr. obama. >> none of the things he promised, transparency, a government that would be reconsider the war on terror and these programs. none of that happened. none of it and in his choice of advisors early on it was very clear right away when he picked hillary clinton that and robert gates who is a criminal, basically. >> as you may know director oliver stone is a radical guy. he was a big supporter of the venezuelan tyrant hugo chavez. i wonder what stone is thinking now as venezuela dessends into chaos with rioting in the streets. people getting killed? last year it's estimated about 25,000 venezuelans died because the crime rate there is so out of control. folks have had enough and are demanding changes from the government that oliver stone but i digress. clear some elements on the left are disappointed
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because president obama is not radical enough. the far left despises the war on terror. does not want any meaningful surveillance to stop attacks. and generally opposes the capitalistic system. while their numbers are small, they get a lot of attention because there is some very wealthy people like george soros behind the movement. does president obama care a whit about what the far left thinks? i don't think so. because it has little to do with his quest for social justice using drones to neutralize it he understands a robust apparatus is necessary to stop terror attacks. however, the far left has a point in demanding more accountability from the spy agencies. one side note the far left doesn't really care if we're attacked because they believe the u.s.a. is the root cause of worldwide terrorism. to them we are getting what we deserve. with the majority of americans are not
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idealogues. they just want some security and prosperity and under the obama administration those things have been allusive. but for the zealots, economic problems are not important it is clish president obama is not going to deliver that. >> with us monica crowley and alan colmes. colmes, what do you think when you see the president attacked by far left idealogues like oliver stone. >> is he specially right and wrong. i disagree with your characterization of the far left. i'm on the far left of certain issues. that doesn't make me radiculopathy k58 nor does it mean everyone on the left doesn't care about america being attacked and doesn't believe in capitalism. that's not a fair characterization of people on of the left. in some cases oliver stone is right. we live in a surveillance is state. we shouldn't, we have had an overreaction to 9/11. we are now getting every bit of data on almost every american. and it's not just the far left quote unquote that believes that it's
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libertarians and many republicans. i believe two aggressive overseas should not have attacked libya which led to benghazi because of a lack of government. nsa out of control that needs to be brought back and brought down a little bit. >> but all of these are policies that your guy, president obama has embraced. >> yes. these are the policies. >> and i don't think you stansd the difference between the left and the far left. but i think your sister-in-law monica crowley -- >> -- maybe you can explain it to me and tell me. let me sit at your feet. >> colmes, you know what? it would cost you a fortune to have me tutor you. you cannot afford my rate. >> check? >> not from you. >> monica can read my book what the [bleep] just happened. detail about the extremist left and what he they're really all about. they are essentially revolutionaries, bill. can you call them communist revolutionaries or socialist revolutionaries. oliver stone is adamant in his points and stating them. their frustration is not
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that barack obama is sort of a moderate. their frustration is that barack obama is engaging in his revolutionary activity a little too slowly for their time line. they want to see him move farther and faster than he already has with the fundamental transformation of the nation. >> he is not buying into the theory that the far left holds that we, america, we're the problem and we. >> what are you talking about, bill? that is the basis for everything that obama done. look, the extremists left. >> monica. >> on which barack obama is a part. >> it is not. >> here is where you go off the rails. >> individual liberty over the collective. they will don't believe capitalism over socialism. they don't believe in america super power status over having the united states just be another country. if you can't deal with that and if you can't about barack obama, then i can't help you. stop, all right? you are both wrong. >> you know what i said, you just said about the fundamental transformation of the nation. what do you think is he doing? what do you think the last
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five years have been about. >> i'm going to give you fax now, monica. >> please do. >> the facts are are that barack obama is using drones to attack the terrorists the facts are that barack obama has not cut much from the nsa and other spy agencies. he is still trying to get that surveillance. all right? those are facts. so to say that the man wants to destroy the nation or -- >> -- i didn't say that i didn't say destroy the nation. >> flats out wrong i didn't say destroy the nation i said fundamentally transform it. his words not mine and his actions, not mine. >> this is what is wrong with both of you with all due respect. you are all locked -- you are both locked into ideology that you you justify no matter what the fagets are now i'm going to get back to you, colmes. have you defended barack obama on this program for five years. >> and you know why? >> no, i don't want to know why. >> fine, okay. i won't tell. >> you now you present to you. >> right. >> all right.
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that the far left is attacking the man where he lives in his fundamental core belief system. that's what they are doing. i ask you to react to that and you don't give me anything. >> that's not true, bill. >> disappointed. >> you mischaracterize the far left. i am a liberal who often does not disagree with barack obama. >> are you disappointed -- colmes, are you disappointed that oliver stone and histic are going after obama? yes or no? >> who is his elk? >> all right. that's it colmes, you are done for the night. monica, you are wrong in the sense that you can't cede that barack obama has done a pretty darn good job attacking these terrorists with drones and other things? >> that's not what i said, bill. i have given him credit. >> but do you give him credit. >> fighting the war on terror. >> yes, i have given him. i have given him credit for the last couple of years. i wrote about this in the book. he has ramped up the drones. he has ramped up nsa
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surveillance. a lot of conservatives disagree with him on that. that's one thing i think he has done well. >> when i ask you about it before, you don't go there you go all over in other places. he wants to transform the nation he wants to do this. >> he does, bill and that's what he has done. >> talking about. >> if you want to talk about the war on terror, he has adopted many of bush's counter terrorism policies gitmo open to rendition and the rest. that's what the extremist left has an issue with. >> that's why stone and his people dessurprise him. >> that's one of the reasons why. >> that's what i wanted to talk about tonight. i wanted to talk about it with you guys. all right. but i couldn't have the conversation because i couldn't get colmes to answer "yes" or "no" question and then monica you wander into all kinds of different areas. that's not what we do here. all right. >> okay. >> next on the rundown, last night charles krauthammer secured a former princeton university professor who is kind of sticking up for putin, tonight, that professor will reply. and then stossel who says
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it's a myth that we are all equal in america. the factor is coming right back from los angeles. [ male announcer ] frequent heartburn? the choice is yours. chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill. you decide. prevent acid with prevacid 24hr. you decide. the world of luxury has been to blind you from the truth. we just want to get our car... take the blue key, you go back to the luxury you know.
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factor follow-up segment tonight charles krauthammer criticized dr. stephan cohen for writing article in nation magazine that says the american media is not accurately reporting on putin and russia. one of the issues in the article is the trouble in ukraine. today at least 18 people killed in kiev. protesting ukraine's failure to enter the eu and other things. putin does not want that. yet, many crew cranians believe it would help the bad economy in that country. protest getting worse and the government is siding with the descenters because we are a fair program, we invited dr. cohen, the subject of last night's
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krauthammer segment on this evening. joins us from new york city. all right, doctor. it appears that putin is stifling ukraine do you see it that way? >> no. ukraine is not one country, it's two countries. one leans toward russia and one toward europe. you wouldn't know it from the western press. you tell me why did the european union backed by the obama administration tell ukraine, the democratically elected president whether you like it or not, in november that you ukraine had to choose between russia and the west? that was to precipitate the kind of civil war and violence we are now seeing in the streets. why not instead. >> wait, wait, wait. >> all right. sorry. >> i'm not going to get involved in eu politics, that's ridiculous, all right? but the overarch on this is that putin has his boot on the neck of the democratically elected president. that the people in ukraine know it, they don't like it and that's why we are seeing
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the scenes we are looking at right now. but, let's broaden the discussion to putin himself. >> all right. >> do you consider him a tyrant? >> no. an authoritarian leader. >> let me stop you there is he a former kgb guy. >> yeah. >> all right. he backs the mullahs in iran. >> yeah. >> he backs assad in syria, who is a killer. and you don't consider him a tyrant? he throws journalists in jail. he passes anti-gay legislation, i mean, what does it take in your mind to be a tyrant, doctor? >> i don't know. i guess sad did i arabia and many american allies qualify. i see the issue differently. i see the united states having more dangerous problems in the world than we had during the cold war. i see russia as a potential partner in alleviating those dangers and i see the kind of putin bashing that's going on by charles krauthammer last night for example as an obstacle to american national security. that's the patriotic position to take.
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a patriot for american national security requires obama or whoever the american president cooperating with the russians. they are our best potential partner. >> you see putin as a potential solution to some world problems and we shouldn't exacerbate by attacking him. i disagree with you. and i'm going to go by the united nations report that in syria, there are 100,000 civilians killed by the assad regime and putin gave that regime a billion dollars worth of arms last year alone. in my mind, putin is a murderer that you don't get in bed with because he might be able to lessen some tensions in some place else. >> all right. >> come on all right. so put a conflicting idea in your mind. putin and putin alone compelled assad to destroy his chemical weapons i did
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it because he didn't the united states to that's not heroic action. >> if you are right about that obama would have took putin to do it do we credit him for that? >> i'm not going to give putin credit until number one we know that all of those things are out of there i believe is he a killer and human rights violator who supports the most vicious regimes on this earth. i understand that i'm not naive. i don't think the american press, including me has inaccurately reported vladimir putin. i will give you the last word. >> there is no last word. let me refer to you your colleague on the right. pat buchanan he thinks putin is one of the great
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conservatives american values is values. dispute who putin is i guarantee you o'reilly when you and i are are gone historians will be evaluating the pluses and minus of vladimir putin. >> number one i don't have any colleagues on the right or on the left or any ideology. >> i don't either. >> all right. okay. it was very interesting discussion, doctor we appreciate your point of view. >> that just made us colleagues by the way. >> directly ahead, a factor investigation on the girl scouts is that organization being run by very liberal people? and, later, is it legal on spy cameras being put in public places? what should we do about that? those reports after these messages. ♪
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impact somethingment tonight. girl scouts of america. 2.3 million american groups enrolled in that group. 5 million american women have graduated from the girl scouts. this is a time honored american tradition. recently there have been charges that the girl scouts are being run by fervently liberal individuals. for example this man girlhan ackley does scouts. is he a punk rock guy who promotes gay causes. strange choice to represent the girl scouts. there is is more. joining us from st. louis creator of my girl scout has been critical of the organization. so, i want to get very specific about this. you were in the girl scouts. your daughter -- is your daughter still in the girl scouts? is she still in. >> no. she is a former girl scout. >> you took her out. all right. so you are four generations of girl scouts. what is going on there that you object to very specifically? >> well, bill, the
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organization claims that it doesn't take a position on the issues of abortion, birth control, and human sexuality. unfortunately, there is just a preponderance of examples within the organization at every level of advocacy on these issues and promoting women and organizations that are very vocal and very public in their advocacy on these particular issues. >> give me one vivid example of what you are saying. >> okay. for example, right now, on one of their social media accounts, they recommend to girls as young as 11 that are trying to earn their public speaking badge to go study a list of 13 speeches by, quote, eloquent women. and one of those speeches is a speech by margaret sanger, and she is advocating for the rights for birth control for women. >> okay. but one out of 13 liberal
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speakers, that doesn't seem to be over the top to me. >> well, if you are not taking a position, why are you encouraging girls. >> are all the other 12 women they didn't have any political positions on anything, the other 12 that were listed on the social media site? >> well, there are are several that have other, you know, other positions that i wouldn't recommend for my own daughter who is 12. but that one in particular i don't know if that's enough to pull my daughter out of the girl scouts if there is one out of 13 that sad voyeur indicating a liberal position. it disturbs me more. >> if that was the only. >> give me another one. >> if you looks at their curriculum series they have a book for girls who specific thanks gloria
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steinman for human right activist. look at another book in their curriculum sire reiss where they recommend for girls who enjoy advocacy to consider a career in advocacy such as a lawyer such as being a lawyer for a group such as the aclu that is an organization that. >> girl scouts sent me a thing they also have sarah palin mentioned in this book as somebody the girl scouts might want to emulate. is that true? he had they mention her with hillary clinton mentioned one time in conjunction one time with sarah palin. >> you seem to be firmly convinced that this organization, the girl scouts of america has moved to the left and is using its flat form in many different ways, social media,
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periodicals, whatever, to indoctrinate girls into a liberal philosophy. is that what you believe? >> well, i would say that is fair. and it doesn't go with the promise that they have made to their 2 million girl members. >> okay. so we're going to have the girl scouts on tomorrow. i have some questions for them about, you know, some of the moves that they have made. you have made your decision as an american mother. you pulled your girl out of there. we will try to get to the bottom of it it tie want to be fair to all concerned. thank you very much. we appreciate it we have a representative from the girl scouts on the factor tomorrow in reply. plenty more as the factor moves on this evening. bernie goldberg on why you should care about the late night talk show guys there is a political component here that you should know about. and then is it legal on spy cameras all over the place. is there anything we can do? we hope you stay tuned to those reports as the factor continues all across the u.s.a. and all around the world. aflac.
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>> were but the animals themselves are no better off with the exception of the pigs. >> the pigs in animal farm were the political leaders and over time they prospered at the other animals expense. their slogan, at least was more honest than what our politicians say. >> all right. joining us now from our new york studio stossel, so, define your belief so even i can understand it about equality in this country. >> that we ought to be equal under the law but otherwise we are not going to be equal. when government tries to us equal it is like the jordan orwell story, the politically connected become more equal than others all right.
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let's walk through. this what did your father do for a living. >> came here as poor immigrant and factory invented something and eventually owned half the factory. >> okay. didn't have any political connections growing up. where did you grow up? >> outside chicago suburbs. >> are the. will so you didn't have any political connections, right? >> right. >> all right. so you rose up to be one of the most famous economic reporters, consumer reporters in the country, right? >> true. >> now, same thing with he me. my father was a low level accountant. didn't make a lot of money. no connections anywhere. and look at me, stossel, i'm more famous and powerful, stossel, than you. all right? so i think that most americans are equal in the sense that they have a chance to achieve things that are are amazing. are you g
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and nobody has denied that pursuit of happiness, i don't believe. >> i agree with you, why are you using that stossel you are wrong tone. what matters is if we have income mobility and we still do in america. the pew research shows that most people move out of the kids of most people move out of the income bracket that they are in and 10% move from the bottom all the way to the top. >> if they work in the structure that we have. but you seem to be saying that some of the animals are more equal than others if they're members of the political class. and i'm telling you i don't know anybody in the political class and they don't touch me.
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>> but how about the fact that they forcibly take money from you to give it to people -- >> -- that's the constitution gives them a right to tax. >> right. but then to give it to the politicians who gave money to solyndra, the biggest shareholder with the big obama contributor. >> no system is perfect. and you also dealt with nepotism in your special last week, your show last week. again, nepotism, you know, like athletes inherit skills from their parents, is a lot of athletes whose parents were professional athletes. there is nothing wrong with that. >> i agree. and nothing wrong with will smith putting his own son in his movies because nobody forces us to go to those movies. >> that's right. so i mean parents are going to try to give their children opportunities at every level, some can't, but if i can give my children opportunities, i'm going to do it and i don't think there is anything wrong with that that's just the luck of the draw. >> what's wrong is when
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government takes our money by force and gives it to the politically connected. that's evil. >> okay. but that's corruption i don't think that's built in to the fabric of this country. >> when they spend $3 trillion they are going to do that some of the money is going to their friends. all right. >> john stossel, everybody. when we come right back, is it legal on cameras spying on us all over the place. what about the right to privacy? then goldberg on the late night guys why we should care what they say. upcoming. oh, i like that one. it's so quick! it's just like my car insurance. i saved 15% in just 15 minutes. i saved more than that in half the time. i unfriend you. that's not how it works. that's not how any of this works. [ male announcer ] 15 minutes for auote isn't how it works anymore. with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the is it legal segment tonight. three hot topics beginning with spy cameras being put in american airports. at the big liberty airport in newark, new jersey, sensors and eight tiny sky cameras have been installed so they can see what you are doing and you don't know it with us now attorneys and fox news analysts kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl. wiehl, the right no privacy. i understand once you leaf your property, and you don't have any right to privacy. is is that right? >> you pretty much don't. especially when you are an in an airport like that. public forum you have no expectation of privacy. they can put video cameras on. light sensors, whatever they want to do call it security
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measures and you cannot then go back and say well, you know, i kind of expected i had some privacy when i was in the airport. none at all. >> but they can't, guilfoyle, put them in the bathrooms and things like that, can they? a problem positioned over the stall, nobody wants to see that listen you don't have an expectation of privacy. long standing. >> no matter where you are. right, no matter where you are. >> if you are in latrine, if you are no matter where you are, they can install a little camera and watch what you are doing, you have no rights at all. >> except that in a bathroom org like that you would be able to say look i have an expectation of privacy. and it's got to be sort of the plain view doctrine that when you go behind that stall that's not plain view anymore. you could argue that's now a private place not a public place anymore. but, of course you are still going to have to go through security. >> not if you are in russia because they don't have the doors. >> it's open.
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this is going to be the wave of the future. going to see a lot more of this. and they have a compelling reason to justify it and it's going to be difficult to make a case against it. >> all right. so everybody should understand now once you leave your property no expectation of privacy. it's frightening but i agree with you but this is going to be george orwell with cameras everywhere everywhere you go looking at you now things intersections for the lights and that's it? >> like the nsa is listening. >> i think we are all going to have to wear halloween masks. they are still going to it know how are. >> i'm going to have a shepard smith mask on or hammer mask let them get in trouble. >> i am going to wear martha imagine callum she never gets in trouble. >> i will wear megyn kelly it will be great. >> uniforms. i agree with that uniforms send a message of discipline in all schools. but now they can't have them
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because they had some slogan on it, guilfoyle? what's that? >> the slogan said tomorrow's leaders on the shirts. you are taking a look at it right there. this is come spelled speech that violates the students' first amendment rights. federal district court said no, this is okay. the schools can do it. however, your favorite, the ninth circuit of appeals three judge panel said this is unconstitutional for two grounds. one it is compelled speech and also that they allowed an exemption. if you were in the girl scouts or boy scouts you could wear that uniform instead. it has now been remanded back to federal district court for that judge, judge robert clyde jones to tell the school hey you can keep your fine forms, got to be plain, no language. >> languages young leaders of america. that's what some sued over. >> tomorrow's leaders they didn't like that. >> this really comes off as a supreme court decision years ago in new hampshire live free or die. they had to use that on
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their license plate. no with first amendment it's not just about what you have to say you can't force somebody to say something. >> tomorrow's leaders? i mean, come on. okay television actress, throw her picture up there, please. unfortunately she is involved with a custody dispute, wiehl? and a judge says that her two small children, young children now have to go to france? >> yeah. >> is that the ha ruling. >> it doesn't make any sense here. what happened is they got divorced. she is a german citizen, this ex-husband but he lives in monaco. and he lost his visa. why did he lose his visa and ability to stay here in this country? because of tax fraud. i mean, come on. he can -- >> guilty of a felony and he is able then to keep the children. the reward is break the law in this country ex post
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facto export the citizens. >> how long does the guy have them. >> he has n france monaco supposedly because he is avoiding taxes there too. he doesn't have to pay them in monaco he. >> the american judge and i only have 30 seconds, wiehl, you have to wrap it up, the american judge ruled this german national lives in monaco. >> yes. >> can take two american citizens away from their mother. >> yes. >> and live with them over there and the mother doesn't have any rights? >> that's right there is no indication about this mother that she is abusive or anything like that. >> no. i know her personally she is a great mom. this is a dangerous precedent. we he have to stay up on this and this judge should not be on the bench. it's outrageous what's happened here. >> all right. i want you guys to investigate further. we will take a look at the judge next week. okay? this will be on a is it legal docket next week. ladies, thank you. bernie goldberg on deck. jimmy fallon replaced jay leno on nbc. should anyone care? there is a political component here. bernie is next. starts with back.
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back of the book segment tonight. late night tv, most americans don't watch it most americans don't watch tv news. however the late night tv guys do have discourse on n. this country. jimmy fallon made his debut with variety of famous people running around. fallon as you may know replaces jay leno. the question is why should we care? one name. sarah palin. late night guys absolutely destroyed her. with us now from miami purveyor of bernard goldberg got come mr. goldberg. okay. so it's true that the ratings with late night with any other television program are not what they used to be
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because of the intrusion from the internet. but, they can set a tone these guys, can they not? >> yeah. as a matter of fact, bill. there have been quite a few academic studies on this very question that you are asking, believe it or not. about the political influence of late night comedy on politics. and here's my general take on this. if you're watching or i'm watching or somebody in this audience is watching and a late night comedian slimes a particular figure, it really doesn't have very much influence at all because we follow the news. but if the viewer is young, if the viewer doesn't follow the news and doesn't follow politics, then it could have, as you rightly say, a very negative effect. i will give you an example. you brought up sarah palin. a lot of young people think sarah palin is let be be kind and say foolish although they would use a much stronger word because she supposedly said i could see russia from my house.
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she never said that tina fey playing sarah palin said that. but a lot of young people don't know the difference. >> they don't know. >> no. they don't know. but let me give you the other side very briefly. the other side very briefly. the other side is that everybody who tunes in to a late night comedy show knows it's a late night comedy show. so even if somebody is unfair to someone like sarah palin and they do a nasty joke and take something she said out of context, it's still not nearly as bad as somebody on cae tv slamming sarah palin, because that's nonfiction. >> okay, here's where -- there are two things in play that i want to bring to your attention as a purveyor of bernardgoldbergen the com. you gets a mass approach. the perception is, certain politicians are morons. and then they all gang up, not only do they gang up on the politician. usually a conservative, but it
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goes out on all the websites now. and so it isn't just the 3 million watching jimmy fallon or kimmel or letterman, it's all over the world. this person's a moron and here are six people saying that person's a moron in a variety of different ways. that's -- >> the impact then can destroy -- can destroy. >> go ahead. >> well, i'm not -- let me take the destroy part second. there's no question that the slime can seep into the blood stream of american culture. you're right about that, i'm not sure it has the effect of destroying anybody. sarah palin is still around and kicking, and they went after her worse than they went after anybody else. >> have you seen her approval ratings? have you seen her approval ratings, bernie? >> no, but you can't -- whatever they are, you can't attribute -- >> they're not good. >> -- entirely.
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>> no. >> i'm willing to accept that. >> she did a good job as governor of alaska, she lost the presidential campaign. her approval ratings are very, very low, why? the media portrayed her a certain way. >> not entirely. sarah palin also said some things that people thought were not aristotle like. >> so does nancy pelosi and a lot of others in politics? >> yes, but the reason is, as you mentioned earlier, the late night shows have just like all of hollywood, and new york entertainment, have a liberal, overwhelming slant to it. yes, they will go after sarah palin, long before they'll go after nancy pelosi, that goes without saying, all i'm saying is, anybody who has a bad reputation, you can attribute
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some of that to the media, but some of it you have to chalk up to things that came out of their own muth. >> just remember, politicians don't have a nightly program like i have to fight back. and the perception becomes reality very quickly, that's what we're seeing here in america. bernie goldberg, everybody. your humble correspondent will hear what jimmy kimmel tonight on abc. factor tip of the day, are you a clutch player? the tip, moments ly? this way too good to believe. instead of paying too much for an ipad, i got the surface 2. first of all, it comes with office and outlook. then, with free skype calls to phones in over 60 countries, i can talk to my cousins any time. and then, i got 200 gigs of cloud storage -- free -- so i can get my photos and stuff almost anywhere. others charge for that. surface is such a great deal. i feel like i should tell somebody. hey! ♪ honestly ♪ i want to see you be brave ♪ ♪ i want to see you be brave fifteen minutes could save you
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fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well, did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. . ♪ ♪ nothing's missed with tena twist... ♪
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by me and president obama. and the replica obviously those signatures are minimum miograph whatever these days. i'll be discussing april 3rd long island at the tillis center. tickets are going fast. brad frager, you're so over the top about the internet, you can't see it's a boone to humanity. what you aren't understanding, is that the net makes it easy to fritter away your life. ken from south carolina. here's a quote from albert einstein. i fear the day when technology
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will surpass our human interaction, the world will have a generation of idiots. thanks for sending that. jeff from washington, there's a difference between being well informed and well educated. i hope my generation wakes up. the net is a great tool, but it is easy to become enslaved. you are openly critical of the net but turn around and give the website information in your tip of the day. come on, grant. i said the net can be a force for good. but it is being abused by millions of people. polly sellers, reno, nevada. o'reilly, right after you signed off on the factor, i claimed $43 from the state of california. thank you for helping me with the tip of the day. >> well, you're welcome. for those who missed it last night, the websites where you might be able to get some money
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that you're owed,, and check it out. m.i.t. did an excellent report on the trayvon martin media controversy, and i consider geraldo's hoodie remarks to be irresponsible. i disagree. bill, i gave "killing lincoln" to my grandson as a gift, and he enjoyed it very much. i have read all of your books, except "kills jesus" which i will read during lent. lent begins march 5th. we hope people check out killing jesus during the time of lent. it will make the season more vivid for you. i mean, so if you're interested at all. that's the book to pick up. finally tonight, tip of the day, are you a clutch player in life? some of us have the capacity to
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deliver under pressure. you see that most often in sports, people like reggie jackson, john elway, joe namath, all made huge reputations by coming through in the clutch. the other day a young american ho hockey player from minnesota almost single handedly beat the russians in a shootout. he was brilliant. clutch players control their fear, therefore, they're able to do their best. if you want to perform in the clutch, you have to find a way to banish that fear. factor tip of the day. o' word of the day, do not be a poltroon when writing to the factor. thank you for watching us
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tonight. please remember the spin stops here in l.a. we're definitely looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly live in new york city, and tonight. >> one day before president obama heads to mexico, harry reid calls for some dramatic new executive orders on immigration. will the president act on his own again? >> i've got a pen and i've got a phone. that's all i need. >> reports of a deal in the works to trade some of the terrorists at gitmo for a u.s. soldier held overseas. and then a kelly file exclusive, why hillary clinton represents the real w
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