tv The Five FOX News February 19, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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specific. >> very interesting warning. thank you. we'll have continuing coverage of this throughout the day with context and perspective. i'm shepard smith at the fox news desk. we'll break in when the news breaks out. cavuto is back tomorrow. right now, "the five" live from new york city. >> hello, everyone. i'm andrea tantaros along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfield. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." on friday, the united autoworkers suffered a crushing defeat as workers at a volkswagen plant in tennessee voted against joining the union. it was one of the closest watched in decades, even provoking a response from president obama. senator bob corker said today the vote wasn't a result of anti-union sentiment but rather the anti-worker sentiment of the
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uaw. >> it was the right thick for our community and the right thing for the employees. we just had concerns about the uaw. we know of their track record. we know what's happened in communities where they have been located. we know they have been a job destroying entity through the years. >> well, bob, i know they say it's bad luck to open an umbrella inside, but the bad luck already happened for you, right? the uaw lost. this is a vote against your beloved labor union. >> the bad luck is for that guy, the senator from tennessee, who, by the way, i used to think corker was a bad guy. he did? he went out and said before the vote he had guaranteed from volkswagen that a new line of cars would be built there if the union was defeated. that's why it's going to the national labors board, and he ought to be brought up on charges, number one. number two, that whole part of the state is very republican. and the chamber of commerce is going around saying we don't want you getting in a union at
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vw. the united autoworkers is a great union. they participated in every battle, and corker could have kept his mouth shut, but he didn't and he intruded in a labor vote, and that's chargeable. i hope you get indicted. >> very interesting. >> wasn't it about it wasn't a good deal for workers? they said, vw is a really good company. we don't need the union to come in and take a part of our salaries. so beat it? >> i don't think senator corker did anything wrong. by the way, when vw -- when plants come -- when plants come into these states, they make deals saying, look, here's what we're willing to do. what are you willing to do? a lot of these deals are done. if vw brought the union in, it might have changed the deal, some of the tax incentives vw was given. maybe senator corker was simply saying, look, if the tax rates are this, they can continue to do business this way. and if they're not that, then they won't be able to.
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>> you're right about tax rates. >> hold on, let me finish something else. what you're not mentioning, senator corker had a comment, but volkswagen brought the uaw in and said, here, our doors are open. >> exactly right. >> talk to them. go ahead and pitch your story to our workers. if they want you, we're fine with it. >> the vw plant in tennessee, that's right. corker still said -- >> the point is the uaw had every opportunity to unionize the plant, and the autoworkers there decided against the uaw. they did nothing wrong. no one did anything wrong. >> you don't think that bribe that corker talked about -- it was a bribe, a flat out bride. >> the unions are representing 11% of the work force. >> you sit around and say all the time the unions are the death of the country. >> we have to get dana in here. greg, isn't this a trend? isn't this a trend happening? you see this in wisconsin, in tennessee. workers are giving the option, and they opt out. >> that's the interesting fact. when workers are given the
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choice, it's always no. if you look at walmart, if you look at the phony fast food protest, you remember we talked about that. what happened to that. it's like the drunk dude at the bar who doesn't understand no means no. i don't know how you can call corker an intruder when you're talking about the unions who are always intruding. it's a sign of desperation when you're looking at people in the other networks referring to this as a sign of racism, that it's the red neck south and german carmakers joining together to fight against this whatever. it's kind of unfair to conservatives who don't have the rip cord of racism to pull in every debate. we're burdened with having to be persuasively correct about every single issuissue. we can't go, we lost, racist. >> isn't it tough for unions to make this argument under the backdrop of detroit? and that's what workers are looking at, too. almost every major company has
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fallen victim to the uaw and their tactics. it's not a good deal for them. >> i think the media constantly underestimates the ability for people to weigh an issue and then decide for themselves. and i think they probably looked at it really hard and talked amongst themselves and decided this is how they wanted to vote. it wasn't a wipe out. but it wasn't really that close. the union, i don't understand why they decided to go into that area, that plant, anyway. strategically, that's questionable. but i do wonder, and i'm not a conspiracy theorist, but it's giving the democrats a great talking point headed right into the 2014 elections because what does the uaw do? 99% of its contributions go to democrats. that's another reason why it's questionable. i don't know whether what corker said was wrong or not. i don't -- my gut instinct is no, but if people want to take a look at it, that's fine. i was disturbed with what president obama said, which is if you didn't support the union
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going in there, you were for german shareholders. don't we want more companies to invest in america? if the germans want to build their cars in america with american workers we should encourage that and not try to force companies to make decisions based on geography. where are the best workers? we have them here in america. >> bob, you said yesterday, you actually did believe this was because of racism. >> not because of racech. it's a cultural value. a subliminal issue of racism, but can i address two things? one, volkswagen germany is making a decision whether to open a new assembly plant at that plant where they had the vote or in mexico. and corker came out and said they' they'll open it here if you beat them. that is intruding. and the other thing, you know why volkswagen is good on labor issues? because their board is 50% union. you know why? >> that's not right. they have a union rep on the board. >> because volkswagen was so
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close to hitler, they were -- >> bob, it's like you're operating in a totally different era. like a time warp. >> i usually stand up for american firms. i'm not usually in the bag for a bunch of foreigners. >> wv, you're for hitler. >> blame it on hitler? >> better for them to come in, unionize the plant, and the new plant goes to mexico? that's better for america? that's better for tennessee? that's better for -- better for the workers in tennessee. >> you believe the united states senator ought to get in the middle and say one vote -- >> it's also kind of obvious. the president of the united states got involved. >> that's what they do. they're talking about bringing jobs to tennessee. corker says, i want more jobs in tennessee. if it means keeping the uaw out of auto plants in tennessee, so be it. >> and the workers in tennessee know that they have a lot of competition around the world, and the mexico plant, whether corker had said that or not, obviously, there are choices to be made if you're a company,
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where are the best workers and where can you get the best deal? if mexico offers them the best deal, maybe they'll make that decision. >> you know what else? i think the people down there looked over at detroit and said, we don't want to be that, which is basically the mona lisa of union damage. that's all you have to look at and go, sorry, i think we'll go our way. >> unions are getting desdesper. they're threatening to sue. >> they shouldn't sue and you should not allege there's racism. >> i said cultural -- you don't think somebody on that plant force said to somebody else, we want these northern labor guys coming down here who supported the civil rights movement? >> no, i don't. >> you're naive. >> there are better race relations now in the north than the south. >> we have to move on, but there is also bad news for the white house. the congressional budget office came out and said the president's proposal to up the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour
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would kill 500,000 jobs. bob, any thoughts on this one? >> yeah, very simple. i have begun to believe the cbo has either lost its mind -- look, there's 600 labor economists who believe it has no impact, in fact, it helps the economy, and six of those are nobel laureates. i'll put them up against the cbo any day. every case where you raise the minimum wame, no one has lost their jobs. it's a crazy notion. >> eric, you look like you don't want to knock over your coffee but maybe through your coffee. >> it's amazing how liberals and bob will use the cbo when they score something in their favor but now when it's against them, it's the craziest group ever. i took a pen to paper. here's what this comes down to. if you raise the minimum wanl from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour, $2.85 an hour increase, cbo tells you there are 16 million workers who are going to be affected by it. not all at the lower end, not all at the upper end. if you take it to the midpoint,
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$1.42 average raise from of those 16 million people. you're talking $50 billion per year tax to small businesses. $50 billion. that's what it's going to cost small businesses. >> which will go to the economy, won't it? >> no, no, what it does and the cbo is right in this, they'll eliminate some hiring. they'll cut jobs and the problem is you're not going to cut high-earning wage job earners, you're going to take the bottom end. there people you're trying to help you're wiping out. >> that's actually, dana, what charles krauthammer's point was. basically taking from people on the lower end of the spectrum, and you're giving it to other poor people. >> we have that, don't we? >> we don't, but i read it this morning. the white house increasingly to me sounds like -- and i know you could accuse other white houses of this as well. when you look like you're so out of touch with just being able to say, yes, there are tradeoffs, there are policy decisions that we're making, and it can't
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possibly be that every financial and economic decision they're making is good for everybody. not everybody is going to win in every situation. so when cbo comes out, which i thought was a fairly measured report, there is a bit of a silver lining for president obama, which is 900,000 people raise up above the poverty line, but if you're of the persuasion that thinks that losing 500,000 jobs is a problem, you actually now, republicans and democrats, are at a draw. and may the best, most persuasive person win in 2014. >> and why not maybe just increase it moderately? why does president obama have to go to $10.10? and back to dana's point, isn't this, greg, about the bigger point of liberalism. they believe they know better. they don't trust workers to their own devices in tennessee and they don't trust business owners to make the right decisions. >> the one thing they don't trust is math. if you raise minimum wage dramatically, you have to raise
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it for the guy above and so on. it's a reverse pyramid scheme. also, if you believe that raising this will lift every family out of poverty, why not do that to every family? but then what happens is you reestablish poverty at a different level because the wage becomes worthless. so you become -- money becomes as meaningless as pesos in germany because you keep raising it. poverty doesn't go away. it's established. >> i'm sorry. go ahead. >> i'm saying the steps for success in a company is low wages for entry level creates more employees. you create more products. you can pay more and hire more. they believe that you just create more low wages and you can skip to step five. that's idiotic. >> did you listen to what dana said the report said. 900,000 people lifted out of poverty, and a tax on small businesses. you give me that choice, no question at all. screw small business when it comes to that. >> they said 500,000, but it could be higher.
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greg, you touched on something very important. when you put that $10.10 wage on, you're helping the unions because a lot of union jobs are based on minimum wage plus x. that has a lot to do with it. >> that's great. >> what about good, old-fashioned hard work. that's something that mike rowe came out and said where is that being pushed from washington and beyond? >> everywhere i went on dirty jobs, i mean everywhere, help wanted signs. in all 50 states. i heard the same thing again and again. if you're willing to learn a useful skill, and no kidding, work your bult off, you're still okay. i feel like there are two separate conversations going on in the country. one conversation is about workers and paraate and how we can improve conditions. the other conversation really talks about the definition of a good job. the meaning of work. >> sure. >> the willingness to see what a lot of people might call a bad
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job, and only see an opportunity. >> and greg, isn't that the quickest and best way to get out of poverty, is simply to work your butt off? >> mike rowe is the anti-obama. he understands the science of making not the weakness of taking. he should run for politics. but he probably won't bauecause they won't allow him to wear the baseball cap in the swearing in. but he speaks the language of most americans. and people should start listening. >> he speaks the language of most americans? this guy? >> yeah, mike rowe. >> okay, mike rowe may be a very accomplished guy, but to listen to him talk about this, if you have an opportunity, low wage jobs, there are not a lot of opportunities in these poor -- in the areas of the cities where there are no jobs. >> you know, he's one of the few people trying to create opportunities. >> the point he was making right there, and he said if there's a job you may not like but you see as an opportunity, a stepping stone to a better job, that's what you want to go after. when you do things like raise the minimum wage, you take the stepping stones and ship them
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overseas. >> the other thing happening is technology advances. i don't know if you have been to the airport lately, but for example, at laguardia, if you're going to fly out of there and want to order a drink, there are no more waitresses there. you do it all from an ipad. technology is actually encroaching on some of the low-wage jobs. i think there is no good solution coming from either the democrats or the republicans at this point in time that would say we want you to get to that first rung of the ladder, but we want you to be able to get to step five, and here are ways that america is going to actually deal with the fact that our economy is radically changing and competition is increasing so much around the world. how are we actually going to help people not get above the poverty line and settle there? how do you get them above there? >> one thing, somebody has to explain at some point why states have raised the minimum wage and nobody has lost a job. >> how do you know? >> i used it at the airport, i got an omelet and a bloody mary
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and it worked tremendously. >> breaking news in the ukraine where dozens of protesters have been kill as the government cracks down on their peaceful demonstration. we'll tell you about that up next. huh...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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there is breaking news tonight in ukraine where the government has been violently cracking down on protesters. more than two dozen people have been killed and more than 240 injures in the last 48 hours. the country's president said he agreed to a truce with opposition leader. president obama addressed the unarreu unrest earlier today. >> the united states condemns in strongest terms the violence. we hold the ukrainian government primarily responsible for making sure it is dealing with peaceful protesters in an appropriate way. we expect the ukrainian government to show restraint. there will be consequences if people step over the line. >> the u.s. and the european union have threatened sanctions
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to help stop the bloodshed, and bob, this happened in it middle of the olympics. and we have obviously president putin, who is very proud of the olympics in sochi. meanwhile, a lot of people wonder what sort of hand he has played in trying to start this unrest because he said that the worst thing that happened in the 20th century was the collapse of the ussr. what do you think? >> first of all, you're exactly right. they couldn't do this, that little twerp, that he gets positive press on one screen, and he shows what his thugs are doing in ukraine. russia has done over the centuries to ukraine, particularly joe stalin, where they murdered a generation of people there, and it's the bread basket of that area, a very fertile agricultural your yeah, what they have done over the years is absolutely ruhehorrend. ukraine is critical to putting the ussr back toort again. if they don't have the ukraine, they don't have the rest of them. what has he got for influence?
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40% of the gas in the world going to europe. he proves he's willing to play it, but he's nothing more than a mafia thug. >> doesn't it prove, eric, in that area, all of europe and also the former caucasus, they should be developing their own energy so they're not reliant in having to deal with president putin? >> yeah, bob is right about that. that putin definitely uses the gas delivery to the other parts of europe as a stick, as a lot of the gas travels through some of the countries, and they're like, lay, it's traveling through us, but they're not paying them to do it, and also, he's using it. i think president obama was smart in saying exactly what he said, in the strongest terms possible. we condemn the violence. you have to stop. consequences, i'm curious on what that will be. sanctions, fine. meaning we won't do business with you. i guess we're backing the
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rebels. >> yes, the rebels, the opposition. >> so we won't do business with you, leader of ukraine. here's my issue, though. then stop. don't -- no military support whatsoever. no aid, don't spend any money over there. don't back the rebels at all. because then you're getting into issues that, as libertarian as i'm trying to be, we have enough problems here. we have poverty we talked about in the first block, we have issues. we have enough problems. we don't need to spend money trying to help. >> that's not what ronald reagan said. he was for a europe that was whole and free. and now we're in a situation where in ukraine you have freedom fighters, opposition, dealing with a horrible president in yanukovych, and president obama having to manage multiple foreign policy developments and concerns, but to eric's point, america is like, can't we just focus on our own problems here at home? a concern i have, and i wonder what you think, how this will play in 2014 or even in 2016, is
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we have shown that if we, over time, if you don't participate, then things come back to haunt you. is that a concern now or maybe have we gotten past that and we should let them fight it out? >> it's a little bit too late. i'm not sure what cards we have to play. i don't agree with sanctions because i believe that would weaken the ukraine and make them even further more reliant on russia and vladimir putin. my take on this is i really don't want president obama messing around in countries where there's real armies that can march. i would rather have him sucking his thummic in the white house. let them work it out. putin's main goal was to disarm the eu and disarm nato, and he's accomplishing that goal. we have sent a message to all these thuggish countries out there that we're sissies over here and we drew a red line with syria. so a red line in the ukraine probably means nothing. the keeper of the world order wears a bicycle helmet, and hard men in capitals have taken
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notice. >> let me get greg in here. he knows a lot about this and has a lot of reason to know about it. ukrainians have worked really hard, i think, over the past -- >> they are our allies. they truly are. these are people that left the ussr because of dreams of the west. and i feel, you know, terrible when i see this. obama's red line right now means as much as my mom's clothing line. nobody respects it when you think about iran. you think about syria. putin, putin -- putin is basically what am i thinking? he's kevin spacey in "house of cards." he's the smart, conniving vice president, and obama is the clueless walker that he's just playing him, and right now, the united states is going to be seen as a wimpy bystander who loves to help you change the tire but doesn't want to get his hands dirty, and putin knows that and he senses that obama isn't that worthy of a foe to deal with it. i mean, freedom is an ideal, but
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it means nothing if you aren't willing to fight for it. by the way, i'm not a hawk, but i'm saying the ukraine is -- these are people that did this because they look to us. >> what do you expect them to do? i listen to that, i actually like personally, but he's a right-wing jerk. >> what if you didn't like him? >> he said obama was responsible for losing, and the military is much higher -- >> i know you don't like putin, but putin is winning and obama and the eu are losing. let me finish. as much as we would want the ukraine to join the eu, they are a western type of country. they deserve this. it doesn't seem a reality, and i'm telling you, other countries, hard men in capital cities around the world have taken notice. it doesn't mean anything. >> putin is weaker now than he has been. >> we had joe biden call the ukrainian president. why don't we have ronald mcdonald do it. >> come on. that's a cheap shot. >> in their defense, i didn't speak to the white house, but i would imagine in a way because
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yanukovych is such a bad person, they didn't want to dignify his situation with a call from the president of the united states. and had the president speak publicly instead. i don't know, but it might have been. >> i have a feeling putin's favorite american president of all time is president obama. >> okay, before they yell at me again, coming up, president obama likes to talk a lot about income inequality across america. but not in all parts of america. he seems to have left out hollywood. greg is going to tell you why when "the five" returns. honestly? this deal was way too good to believe.
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instead of paying too much for an ipad, i got the surface 2. first of all, it comes with office and outlook. then, with free skype calls to phones in over 60 countries, i can talk to my cousins any time. and then, i got 200 gigs of cloud storage -- free -- so i can get my photos and stuff almost anywhere. others charge for that. surface is such a great deal.
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a left wing actor may make $20 million a flick as the on-set caterer makes only $100 a day. shouldn't obama and his envoy of envy focus their pupils on that? of course not because those are o's buds and they're famous, cool, and rich. as gregory man cue in the "new york times" reports, in 2012, robert downey jr. raked in $50 million. ten times what the top 1% of the top 1% make. yet no outrage from class warriors in the white house. why is that? afraid to lose the votes? or the famous friends? mancue says actors like downy do more than act. they pay millions in taxes which funds schools, police, and military and they employ a lot of people. even if their motivation is money, the by-product helps everyone. it's the opposite of socialism where the motivation is to help but the by-product is misery. it's something the left rarely if ever understands. there's nothing more helpful than making and nothing less altruistic than taking.
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one should never attack downie or anyone for their success. which is why i ask the white house to respect others who aren't as glamorous but just as hard working. after all, downey plays a maverick ceo. why punish the wheel achievers themselves? maybe that's what president obama really wants, to play the president instead of being one. >> eric, why is it that like somehow, tinseltown is immune to this kind of argument of income inequality? >> it's great. i wrote down, replace hollywood heart throb with ceo. it's the same thing. you should be okay with that because they employ a lot of people, pay a lot of taxes. the free market -- i'm all for hollywood heartthrobs making $20 million, and the on-set caterer making $20 an hour or $200 a day, because that's what the market can bear.
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the heartthrob probably can't cook well. their jobs are separate, but the hypocrisy. this sin the "new york times"? ridiculous the massive amount of hypocrisy. it's okay -- i guess using the left side of the brain, the right side. >> creativity, you can sell a piece of art for $50 million. what about you, bob? should salaries in hollywood be capped? do those rich b words be punished? >> i'm all for your free market capitalists. this is what the market will bear. at least he entertains people as opposed to the wall street people who punish people. they should be taxed. but i don't think, you know, you're going to pay $50 million for a guy who had a movie that made $1 billion worldwide. >> they have a responsibility for a lot of things. >> empty houses. >> and government, too, the community reinvestment act. >> okay. >> the most telling line of the piece is when gregory mancue
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writes, a lot of people aren't appalled by downey's income because the reason seems to be they understand how he earned it. >> right. >> it's very telling. they don't understand, the elitists at the "new york times," how the ceo or small business owner earned their money. never was a truer statement uttered than that. that was very telling. they love to pick winners and losers. the ceo who takes the risks, bad. who cares whoever makes $50 million? i don't care. not a big deal. >> dana, the writer actually worked for bush and romney. i don't know which bush, though. >> 43. >> wasn't he basically trying to point out to the "new york times" that all high achievers should -- are the same? they are benefit society and "new york times" didn't know it? >> being an economist who is making a really good point and the left can't stand it. that's why they would attack somebody, a great economist and smart man. >> all right. ahead, the tea party turned five
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today. i didn't even bring a cake. where the movement stands five years later, next. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth.
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the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. marked the five-year anniversary of president o signing over almost a trillion of your tax dollars for for shovel ready jobs that weren't quite as shovel ready as we thought they would be. he in turn gave his money to his cronies union supporters and thugs. at the same time, small groups of patriots were sprouting grass roots, and then rick went off on the thugs like this.
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>> how about this, president new administration? why don't you put up a website to have people vote on the internet as a referendum to see if we really want to subsidize the losers' mortgages. how many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bedroom and can't pay their bills? raise your hand. president obama, are you listening? we're thinking of having a chicago tea party in july. all you capitalists that want to show up to lake michigan, i'm going to start organizing. >> so it was a perfect storm of events and the tea party movement coalesced around a simple idea. small government, less taxation, and property representation. some say that was the sounding bell. others say it was in the works because of all that obama was doing. >> i think it was important because it wasn't planned and it was real. it was an actual, authentic outburst based on real inspired anger, unlike occupy wall
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street, which was the mirror of this, which the media embraced all their crap even as they were crapping on the street. and also the great thing about the tea party is it exposed the naked hate for most of america. the fact they were branded as extremists and racists for speaking their mind. the worst thing a tea partier did was probably provide spoiled egg salad as a picnic. >> we turned over a trillion bucks and people weren't happy. >> i have to ask this, is santely first generation? sorry. >> what does it matter? >> what does it matter? because he sound like an idiot. he did then, and in fact, they let him go on like that, come on. but anyway, look, he may have spewed this, but i said to you before, you have scoffed at me. the tea party now is a political liability. 50% of the american people view it unfavorably. only 30% view it favorably, and they're tea party people. they have cost the republican party the senate, probably once,
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twice maybe, and this next time as well. so i mean, these people -- it's become a political joke. >> let's be fair. didn't they help gain the house for the republican party? >> it's been like the saving grace for anybody who wanted to stop the administration's agenda. there's a republican house. >> i'm sorry, people listened to them about obamacare, this world would be different. >> this is true. the tea party gets too much credit and too much blame for everything, but i will say, charlie rangle when i saw him on the airplane, he said if they want to raise $100 million like that at a breakfast, all they have to do is say the tea party could win and the democrats give them money because the hatred of the party is so strong. they're effective. the tea party, whether or not it can find like one leader to get behind, i think it will still have an impact, but not as much as it did in 2012. >> think about the races we won because of the tea party.
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virginia, massachusetts, new jersey. i mean, that was all because of the tea party. i know, bob, they have a bad image because the democrats call them manufactured and racist and everything else. and they do have a pr problem, but i bet you there are a lot of people out there who wouldn't necessarily call themselves tea partiers, but if you ask them what the tea party stands for, especially ones who have had bad experiences with obamacare, they would say, oh, yeah, i agree with that. the tea party needs to learn the words, i told you so, and they're not good at saying i told you so. >> they should learn the words, i should go home. any republican who wants to line themselves with this group of people are going to hurt themselves politically. plain and simple. >> we're going to leave it there. >> lawmakers in kansas may be considering a bill to legalize harsh spankings for kids. that's going to be hard. by the way, hard enough to leave bruises, and of course, causing a lot of controversy. our thoughts coming up next.
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state, lawmaker just proposed a bill to allow parents to spank their kids hard enough to leave bruises. that also goes for their teachers and caregivers. as much as i look at the enlightening legislation out of the kansas legislature over the years, this one is beyond belief. i don't know what's happened to these people. too much corn or something, but that's crazy. now, you agree with this? >> who is this person that proposed this? >> it was a democrat. >> why didn't you say that? >> what is that letter? "d," democrat. >> i think, and i have a 15-year-old who is now becoming the most rambunctious sob on the planet, i think parents should have the authority to do that without getting in trouble. if they want to give it to the teacher, i guess that's okay, but make sure you get parental permission first.
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>> okay. what about you? >> i'm for kansas deciding what they need to do. she clarified and said this has always been a part of the law, but they never had guidelines, so now they're doing guidelines. i don't want to get involved in kansas' business. >> mm-hmm. >> bob. the entire show, bob has been huffing and puffing. i'm sure you can't see it at home, but he's sitting here going, ugh. >> this is one of the most stacked shows i have been involved in. that's okay. >> you can't spell kansas without kan. the whole country needs a spanking. i think it's good to spank, and even better if whoever is spanking you is dressed as a french maid. >> that one where might not have a disagreement with. >> first time you and bob agreed this entire program. >> what about you? >> no, i am pro-spanking for parents. this one, though, i don't know if i can get behind it because i foresee a lot of problems.
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parents accusing a teacher of acting out too harshly. maybe potential lawsuits, but i also think sometimes cops tend to lose it a little bit. you see these videos of police brutality, who is to say the teacher doesn't take it out on the kid. i hate to use the word because it's banned. >> slippery slope? >> yeah. >> if you do -- it's one thing for parents to do this. why do they have to have teachers -- because you're right, there will be lawsuits on this, and there should be. >> spoken like a true conservative. why does it take a village to raise our kids? >> it takes a village except for the kansas state legislature. >> can i ask, if new jersey doesn't have this, i don't know if it does, but certainly, public schools you can't do it, but if my kid was acting out in school and someone wants to give them a smack, i would be okay with it. >> if he came home with a bruised butt, you wouldn't be upset? >> no. >> what got me is when they
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threatened to take away my citizenship award. >> please. that's beyond -- beyond anything. >> i'm just nervous about the potential problems it could have. i don't think it's their job. >> i don't want a teacher spanking my child. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ [ male announcer ] to truck guys, the truck is everything. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeable truck, good things happen. this is the ram 1500. the 2014 motor trend truck of the year. ♪ and first ever back-to-back champion. guts. glory. ram.
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oh, my gosh. >> it's time for "one more thing." gutfelt? >> anybody who watches red eye, they know talented person. here he is on jimmy fallon last night. >> who? >> barbara shopping an r. kelly song. check it out. ♪ ♪ further proof that anything done by barber shop just gets worse. that was an r. kelly song, ignition. >> that looks like joss' jacket.
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>> and who knew tom had those pipes. >> i heard today from the george w. bush institute. they had a military service initiative summit they called empowering our nation's warriors. here's president bush earlier. >> going to use our platform to make clear that veterans receiving treatment for post traumatic stress are not damaged goods. they're not mentally shattered. they are people who got hurt defending our country and are now overcoming wounds. employers would not hesitate to hire an employee getting treeded for a medical condition like diabetes or high blood pressure, and they should not hesitate to hire veterans getting treated for post traumatic stress. >> we'll have on our website, on the five facebook page you can go, and there's a great infographic that gives you stats and helpful information if you want to hire a vet, how you can do that. >> very good. eric? >> last night, remember when
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this happened? >> 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." >> look at this. >> how can i talk without my notes? >> eric, in his exuberance, went to wave and he knocked a cup of coffee all over. >> all over dana's lap. >> can i survive a full emersion in coffee? >> twitter lit up, facebook lit up after that. i spilled coffee on greg and dana mostly. paul knight said you need a sippy cup. also, matt campbell, by the way, i thought dana saw a mouse the way she jumped. also on twitter, timothy said, you missed beckel. focus, bolling, focus. and kaye said, that's why i like the five. you never know what's going to happen. >> yes, yes, well, the infamous
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samuel also known as joe the plumber, the hero of the republican party, who said he was a plumber. he didn't like unions and he was overtaxed. he complained to then presidential candidate barack obama. it turns out joe never had a license to practice plumbing. secondly, he never made enough money to pay income taxes, third, today joe has a job. congratulations. he's a union member with the united autoworkers. you finally see where you get your bread butters and that's on our side, pal. >> is that true? >> if you believe it. it's from the huffington post. >> the beckel institute? >> no. >> all right, bob. i'm a dog person -- >> i'll shut up. >> we only have a couple seconds left. i'm a dog person and now i know why. the reason that liberals like cats is because they're liberal. yes, a survey found that pets or foods can predict your partisanship, and loving cats
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may not make you liberal, but it usually means you are liberal. >> so don't forget to set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is up next. i'm bret baier. in washington, this is a fox news alert. a warning tonight about the possibility of terror attacks against commercial airline flights coming into the u.s. it comes in the midst of international turmoil on several fronts tonight and the ongoing winter olympics in russia. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is here with the breaking news. >> thank you, bret. fox news confirming that a homeland security bulletin was sent based on credible intelligence of a possible attempt to attack passenger jets using explosives in shoes. it's described as separate and unrelated to the sochi olympics. while it's not specific to an airline or timeframe,
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