tv Red Eye FOX News February 22, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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that was very well said. guys, obviously, blockbuster numbers. huge hit. you've been very generous with your time. i hope everyone goes to see it. that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. we'll see you back here real soon. tonight on "red eye." coming up on "red eye," laser tag or treading water naked? which one should become an olympic event? of the question nbc sports didn't even think to ask. plus, how many burgers did joe biden think he could eat in one sitting? >> 13,000. 13,000. >> and finally, how confident is the president that he and joe biden can eat 13,000 white castle burgers in one sitting? >> if we put our minds to it, we
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can do it. >> let's welcome our guest. her thoughts are so hard hitting, they leave bruises on your brain. i'm here with contributor sunny johnson. they stab you in the face made with the bones of your dog. it's joann najinksi. once again, he forgot to write his own intro. he never closes his robe. it's tv's andy levy. he's always crass, full of sass and has a firm ass. >> abloc, the lede, that's the first story. your doctor called, greg. he says you're lacking some vitamin e. >> a newbill bill in californi
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would require affirmative consent on campuses. that can be clear with ambiguous actions as well as words, but relying solely on non-verbal communication can lead to misunderstanding. the bill made a wave of campus activism and getting male students to ask first and ask often before engaging in sexual activity. for month on this, we go to education correspondent. >> who is that? >> aww, that's cute. that makes me forget everything that hurt me as a child. sunny, first off, i'm against non-concensual sex with anything and everything. but do you think this goes a little far and kind of saps the romance from youthful love? >> greg, did you ask the dog if you could bury it in the snow
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before putting that video up? did it say yes? did it actually say, yes, greg, you can do that. this is ridiculous. all this is doing is saying women are supposed to be in power, we're supposed to be strong. and yet unless a man says, do you really want to have sex with me? here, sign on the dotted line, we don't know what we're putting ourselves into. it is like the most ridiculous thing. if this is what it takes to be a feminist, i don't want to be one. >> nick, you're a feminist. >> i do, i look like a greek lesbian. >> you do. if you were in college, what would you do right now, a young man in college and this was happening? >> i would get a hooker. seriously, there's no paperwork, it's all in cash. i tell guys that. let the co-eds play with themselves, their toys, whatever. you're laughing but i'm dead serious. they're set up for entrapment here. what am i going to do, show up with my lawyer? this is an argument to film sex.
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if you don't film, there can be no -- >> in fact, a guy who wants to film sex can can use this as an excuse. you have, haven't you? >> twice. and it was already labeled. >> that's a great point. you accidentally went to another area of a good point, which is why does this only apply in college relationships? why doesn't it apply in marriage, too? shouldn't you have the same rules? >> i brought this up with f. lee bailey in the '80s. >> i don't believe you. >> but am i right? >> yes, you are. you're right. i don't know why. because you didn't follow up with my question. >> what is it? i didn't follow your question. >> it's friday. >> you always take a different way. i agree with the young black woman, which scares me. she was right on the money, though. you call yourself a feminist but you need a guy -- >> you're surprised you agreed
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with a young black woman. >> you shouldn't be. i'm quite smart. >> i know you are. you're smarter than me. i could hear you in the green room. >> the amazing thing is that he actually agrees with a smart person. >> andy, let me tell you something. i have to say something. can i just say one more thing? >> yes. was it antioch college? they were the first one to say you have to get a verbal commitment for the next step, which never works. you can't understand anyone with their mouth full, right? >> it's a great joke. if it gets cut, i'm denying it. >> i'm leaving it in, but i'm denouncing it. a lot of this has to do with alcohol, right? people drink on campus, i hear, although i was sober for most of that time doing a lot of religious work. does being drunk mean -- there is no such thing as consent if you're drunk. >> i mean, yeah. there will probably be a lot of
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court cases that will come up because of that, because people just love going to court for everything now. i think the think is, you just need to drink so much that you don't remember and there's no problem. >> that's an amazing suggestion. >> college kids aren't doing it right. >> but you're saying that's only if there's consent, joann. >> yes. wait, what did i just say yes to? >> exactly. >> i just wanted to make sure. >> you're going to wake up in a snow pile if greg has anything to do with it. >> i'm not sure i understood what you said, but i think you either complimented me -- >> that's about the abuse to the dog in the beginning of the show. >> maybe because there are so many legal obstacles that there's nothing left for me but a dog. it's legal in my mind. >> unless the dog says yes,
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greg, it's not concensual. >> that's true. but they do like it ruff. that's terrible. andy, go ahead and give some stupid, radical, feminist defensiveness. >> i can't do that. i'll say, do you want to have sex with me, and they'll say yes, and i'll say, are you sure? really? i ask 15 or 20 times before i even think, i guess they do. can i propose something radical instead? don't sleep with someone you don't know and trust? >> that's a good point. >> that sounds like a ball. >> i don't know, whatever. >> get married at 18, why don't you. some people have! and it turns out okay for them. >> yeah, from tennessee, mostly. >> now you got to smear tennessee. >> i'm playing there next week, i thought i would mention it. >> i think this would be funny if this did actually apply to relationships and marriage. could you imagine? for women now, we put our sweat pants on. you know that means no.
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could you imagine if we actually had to say no every single time. the divorce rate would be higher than it already is. the sweat pants lets you know that the answer is no, okay? that's the answer. >> i did not know that. >> i always wear sweat pants around the house, andy, and it doesn't stop you. >> when my wife said i do -- >> was it supposed to be sloppy? >> look at the definition of sweat pants in the dictionary. it means you get none tonight. >> the only thing committing was microaggression, so don't worry about it. >> when your wife says "i do," that's a verbal commitment. you don't know what she's saying yes to. >> this gives new meaning to talking to the hand. right, andy? when you're living alone? >> i don't follow. >> and you got nobody. you have to ask your hand for permission. >> sign language. >> nick, which is amazing, brought up a good point.
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>> boy, the condescension tonight. >> when you said about the guys having to film it. the fact is, none of this matters, because all a guy has to say is i asked for concensual consent, and she said yes. unless you film it, it's a he said/she said. >> that's right, everybody can lie about this, so in fact you have to photograph somebody signing something. >> i have a camera in my hat while i'm having sex. >> you've been doing that for years. >> bill clinton did this for years. >> that's a lot of effort to get laid, i have to say. >> picture the feminist who came up with this. she's sitting at home with a rattail, just miserable. very bright, obviously. >> you are a thoughtful, progressive man. you're a stay-at-home dad, aren't you? >> have you ever met a feminist
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stripper? >> a lot of strippers are feminists. to them it's empowering. >> we're going to move on now after we've insulted the str strippers of america. should pigment dictate your punishment? oh, boy, race. the department of justice sent letters to public schools telling them to discipline students more or less harshly according to their race. the goal to make sure black and latino students aren't being punished more than white or asian students even if they're more likely to misbehave. they condemned the policy saying it would make classrooms more chaotic. speaking of lad behavior.
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>> wow. >> i'm worried about that skinny cat. >> it is a >> i'm worried about that really skinny cat. that cat should be suspended. >> it's a bulimic cat. why don't i get this all over with and go to nick. i'll tell the editors i'll create a blank spot to cut this section out right now. >> i don't have anything planned, i'm just saying. >> how do you feel about this topic we're discussing now? okay, go. >> stoert implies that blacks a -- the story implies that blacks and latinos are showing up for class, which i don't believe. no, this shows more of the obama administration. i don't want to sound like a far right loon, but there is no logic. it's all emotion based, this type of ruling. do you see what i'm saying?
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there is no reasoning involved. they're trying -- i mean, this goes against -- well, everything that we've learned as a civil society. >> i think what you're trying to say, and let me throw this to sunny, is that they're expecting less from a group of people, blacks and latinos, which is racist. to me it's saying, we don't expect them to adhere to the same rules as whites and asians do. isn't that more insulting? >> it goes to victimization. i want to be funny and make a joke about it and hurt his feelings real fast, but rather than doing that, i want to be actually serious, because it goes to victims. it makes you victims. and if you want to know why black kids drop out of school, why they're not at school, it's because they're learning progressive crap like the color of their skin makes them less so they stop going. where do you find them? you find them on the street corner where they're hustling and making money the capitalistic way. i wish it was a different
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product, but they're still going after the money. that is the point. and when you have people that want to constantly put it on that it is the color of your skin, it goes to prove it doesn't matter if it's coming from a white person or coming from a black person, it's still ignorant. >> that was great. >> where do they learn they're less, then? that's my question. >> with respect to what we're talking about now is in school. when you hear a teacher say, it's not your fault, or your mother -- look, my mother is a crackhead and my dad can barely read. i graduated at 16 in the top ten of my class. so to me that is not an excuse that can be used for anything. so when the school tells them they're less than and that they can't be judged to other students. >> you're pushing it off on white society in general saying they're less than. >> i don't care why people give a damn about that. >> i love this. this is the greatest. >> i see a new sitcom coming. >> sonnie and nick.
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>> sonnie and partly sonnie. sonnie and cloudy. >> interesting. when you were in school you actually stabbed a teacher with a hunting knife, and you didn't go to detention because you were a pretty girl. >> yeah. but i learned from that. i need to get better at my knifings. >> exactly. what do you make of this story? >> we are bombarded with the idea of, i think, affirmative action a lot, or at least as i was growing up, that was the big sort of issue being discussed. now it seems like this is negative reaction when it comes to discipline. i think that discipline should be served out when there is misbehavior, obviously. teachers don't like having to discipline more or less than they need to. it's time out of their day, it's more paperwork, so it's just not beneficial. >> your generation has to grow some. >> i don't think that was the important part of the story.
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>> it's about education and discipline -- >> you are doing the pageant thing. you're doing the pageant thing! >> it's my default. >> what we need is education, andy. >> yes. >> should obama be impeached? >> yeah. i don't know what that has to do with this story, but yes. i don't get this. they say schools violate federal law when they even-handedly implement neutral policies. i want to know what policies you could violate by even-hand he hadly implementing neutral pr processes. if more boys are being punished than girls, does that violate federal law? what if more straight students are being punished than gay students? does that violate public law? in this letter they found out that racial discrimination in schools is a real problem.
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if that's the case, then the answer for schools is to do exactly what they're being told they can't do, which is apply everything in an even-handed manner. isn't that how you get rid of discrimination? >> look who is running the schools. progressives run the schools. they have their hand in every aspect of the school. if there is racism in the school, it is a damn progressive putting it out there. you don't get to create a problem, they swoop in like superman and fix it. >> when you said you don't get to do that, did you mean them or me? >> i mean you at the moment. oh, you're so cute. >> but you didn't answer the question. should obama be impeached? >> i did answer the question. i said yes. i know what show i'm on. >> good, good. >> it's holder. that guy should have been gone two years ago. he's stepping down, isn't he? >> yes, but every decision he makes is race based, or reacting to what he believes is past
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repression. >> ray nagan hates black people. democrat ray nagan hates black people. i'm saying that to the camera. >> we have to take a break. coming up, wristwatches, a device that tells time or a tool used by satan to control your mind? our 50-part series starting tomorrow, i think. why do byu students want to ban robin thicke? i just drank two bottles of cough syrup and i can't feel my face. let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. ahoy, mateys. house?
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upcoming robin thicke concert. they're saying the song "blurred lines" promotes a culture of women having sex against their will. university officials respond to do this statement. we work hard to avoid censorship, bias, or personal preferences and we respect differing views, but individuals may, or may not, choose to go to the concert. >> wi bi t by the way, i stopped going to concerts in 2003. here's a preview of robin thicke's performance. wow! he added special effects, nick. you don't know that, but that's progress for him. all right, sonnie. will you be joining the protesters? >> no, i just want to ask robin thicke for my money back that i
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bought his cd with because it wasn't worth it. i'm highly disappointed. i'm going to stand up for the men this time. first of all, the song isn't about pushing yourself on a woman. it's about a woman trying to figure out whether she wants to be good or she wants to be bad, what she wants to do. that's what the song is about. so they took the whole song out of context to begin with, but robin thicke needs to give me my money back, because i watched this video and i -- the hype that they put around him, the spin that they put around him, actually, i don't spend my money on crap. and he made me spend my money on crap. if you asked me anything, that is what i'm most ticked off about right now, is that i took money out of my pocket to spend on robin thicke. that's the part that i'm mad at. >> that is the real crime. jillian, how upset were you that you were not cast in the music video? >> i cried. you know. i skipped meals.
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no,i don't. that's a lie. throw up. >> of course. i think he's great. i think he's a great performer. kids these days just protesting everything, and i say kids like i wasn't just in college. but still, they need to fight for -- if you're going to fight injustices, pick something else. >> what did you say? >> can i sit by someone else? i need a moment. >> you don't find him irresistably attractive? >> no. you're great. >> i smell the sincerity. is this the kind of thing students should be engaged in? i like it because it keeps him out of real action. >> this is where we're going to take the stand on robin thicke,
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not p. diddy? let me quote some lyrics from rick brown. when you scream, i need to pull your body closer. let me sex you pretty girl. no is not an option, i'm going to take what's mine. >> you have become an old person. >> i've got the glasses on. >> i actually saw him on the factor right now. i really do. >> off the subject, that ticks me off about this is it's about masogeny. it's not about race. >> >> when is the last time jay-z was called for sexism by a college feminist group? >> won't you sit and listen to intelligence? zip it. the point is, why is hip-hop the
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only cultural aspect that is asked to be, to aspire to not be a mysogenist. sandra fluke can make an entire political campaign against birth control and say, i want to have sex as many times as i want and i want you to pay for it. this is what feminist women create. so hip-hop comes out and sees these women and all of a sudden -- i'm telling you, man, chomp, chomp, chomp, pacman. greg, just -- >> what did i do? i'm sorry. >> no, but you can create feminists at every aspect of the word. like marilyn monroe was what? what was she? nothing, but everybody who puts the pin-ups up, are they
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mysogenists? these women want to be seen as sex objects, they're seen as sex objects, then you want to turn around and blame the men for it. that's not every single woman. but there are a lot of sandra flukes in this world and you have to understand that. >> andy -- >> i'm good, man. >> no, you told me that -- before the show that you strongly disagree with everything sonnie says, and you want to take it out right now. >> i actually completely agree with what sonnie says about the song. for them to say it celebrates women having sex against their will, it's going way too far. it's about a girl who is playing hard to get who hasn't made up her mind. it's the same thing that rapists sometimes say to their victims which is why it offends people. it's fine for students to protest against this, it's fine to protest outside the concert,
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but no. >> he's asking why hip-hop is being singled out and they're singing about rape. >> when sinatra was in vegas, who do you think he was around, choir girls? yeah, yeah, yeah! so because he did it behind closed doors, it's so much better? >> did what? >> he got laid a lot and he did it with consent. >> that was fun. coming up, daylight savings time in two weeks, so set your clocks forward now so you don't forget. which chocolate treat is the most influential of all time? i bet there is going to be a huge debate on this. white chocolate or black chocolate? >> that's where i was going. instead of mailing everyone my vacation photos,
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would have to provide one day of paid leave so working parents can attend. if not, sixth graders won't move on to the seventh grade. supporters of the idea says you need a license to fish but anybody can be a parent and there are some really bad parents out there. >> you need a license to fish, but anybody can be a parent, and there are some really bad parents out there. >> i think every good parent would admit there is always something more that they can learn, so people that are truly offended by it are probably the ones that need it the most. >> he's so smart! he's such a smart guy! >> chris hayes on our show. >> i swear i met that guy at a -- anyway, nick, you were saying the government should take a bigger role in raising kids. i was surprised. >> they should teach these young people how not to become parents. that's the problem. stop it before it gets to this point. there's good parents in that class. there's a small segment that's not meeting the bar. so everybody gets punished? all the kids in that class, the parents have to take parenting classes because there is a few
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bad apples. >> and we have to pay for it. i was doing the right wing thing. but we have to pay for it! >> that's irrelevant, i don't pay taxes. my kid gets held back because you're a crappy parent? >> that sucks. it sdchltdoes. sonnie, there's some bad parents out there. >> what can government teach you, how to write a check? in a parenting/child relationship, you both make mistakes together. your child does something you don't like, you beat them skpl you learn not to hit so hard next time. you learn it together. it is trial and error, it is mistakes and it's okay. and one thing i always tell my daughter is, i want you to remember that mommy is not perfect. that way mommy is allowed to make mistakes, mommy can apologize, rectify the mistake,
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show you i can accept the responsibility for the mistake, and in that effort, i am teaching you to understand that same role. what are you going to do when you get to school? like, what, are they going to teach to you pay the teachers union dues? there's a bra, let me show you how to put it on. there is going to be nothing in that class that will lead children toward capitalism and freedom, i can guarantee you that much. >> you have to learn a lot about climate change, and that's important. jillian, you have five children by seven different men, and last year r you gayou gave birth to which is really weird. >> mommy is not perfect. i am learning along the way. these poor kids. they are now going to have to be held back because these bad parents -- if you're a bad parent, you're a bad parent. if you aren't invested in your
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children's lives, then you're not going to go to these classes and then your kid won't be able to go to seventh grade, which is a shame. you can really accomplish educating the parents about the struggles these kids might be facing at this age in a newsletter. just send it home in a newsletter. >> i love newsletters. they're great. >> they need you to come in so they can get your e-mail address, your phone number, your pertinent information. that's why they want you to come in, to be part of the system. believe me t has nothing to do with them wanting help raise your kids. >> that's a great point. are we done? >> i think the state does an excellent job of educating kids, so why not let them educate parents? >> that's a beautiful, ironic statement from andrew levy. next story, she sees their bongs with her tag-alongs.
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an incredibly smart girl scout is making a mint after setting up shop outside a san francisco pot shop. you know what i love about fox news? it's like giant child. the mother says she sold 127 boxes in one hour outside a pot clinic. it's no secret cannabis is a hu powerful appetite stimulant, so we knew this would be a very beneficial endeavor for the girls. we don't let girl scouts sell cookies in front of liquor
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stores or bars. bigots. this is beagle. oh, i can't even do that. joann, do you have any problems with this enterprising young woman selling cookies in front of a pot shop? >> no, it's great. i think so long as the mom is there, it's fine. she's teaching her daughter to be a good businesswoman. you don't set up a lemonade stand next to a water fountain. you're not going to sell any lemonade. you want to sell some cookies, and we all are very competitive in society today. you want to sell the most, that's where you do it. >> exactly. she's, like, ready for "the apprentice" and she's only five. i don't remember her age. maybe it was ten. >> 13. >> it's 13. i have a short-term memory issue. nick, this is a pretty genius move? >> i have the same take.
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it's like willie sutton. remember willie sutton? >> why do you rob banks? it's where the money is. why do you sell girl scout cookies in front of a marijuana shop? that's where the money is. she's absolutely right. it's a vicious cycle. >> it's pre frerefreshing to se agree with two women in one night. sonnie, are you going to agree with this as well? >> no. i'm against it. i'm like, why are you putting little girls around cookies so they can grow up and be fat and then you can os ttrasize them i society all over again? in actuality, the funniest part for me is where the mother goes, it also adds a little bit of a cool factor. i get to be the cool parent.
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but she prefaces this to say, i can have a conversation with my daughter about drugs. this woman has lost her mind. she is one that needs to go to a california parenting class and understand that what she's doing makes no sense whatsoever. >> andy, any down sides here? >> i tell you what pisses me off about this. why are the people who come out of the marijuana dispensery, they can get their cookies right away? usually when you order them, you have to wait two dang months to get your thin mints and they can just walk out and get boxes? >> they're overpriced, too. parents coming out and drumming up business for their kids, if you're trapped in an office, you have to buy four boxes of cookies you really don't want. >> you put a big sign on your desk that says, fat kids eat cake. so anybody who comes to your desk they'll say, probably not and they keep moving. >> i'm actually kind of bummed
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because usually someone does come around, and this year nothing. >> you could answer the door in tight leather shorts. >> that's an image. we have to take break. i have a new book coming out march 18. the book is called "not cool." you can see it on the side of the bus. i may be coming to a city near you. 31 cities in 11 days. apr march i'm going to be in dallas. then in april, tennessalabama, , alabama. check out the website to see where i'm going to be. talk to kwour famiyour family i
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you have time to shop for car insurance today? yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive.
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that's the subject of tonight's -- which bar is above par? that's the subject of tonight's "red eye debate 2014" live from the red eye debate center. welcome to the red eye debate center. i'm greg, host of tonight's red eye debate. here at the red eye debate center, we have reporters all over town just waiting to chime in. interviews with experts and historians, time magazine has unwrapped the 13 most influential candy bars of all time. i'm sorry. they lockoked at which treats me the biggest impact on the chocolate bar industry and the world at large. number 3 is toblerone, the first candy bar to introduce a filling, which by the way is human blood. i fell on a toblerone once and it took a long time to remove. just ask the er doctor. number two is hershey's milk
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chocolate. and landing in first place, kit-kat. i prefer any bar that comes in a fun size like me. all right, sonnie, did your favorite candy bar make the list? >> i don't eat candy. >> you must have eaten it once. >> no. i like strawberries, i like oranges. >> come on, michelle obama. >> see, the difference between me and michelle obama is i don't care if you eat candy. that's the difference between me and michelle obama, man. you know, i got nothing against anybody that wants to do it or whatever, but i'm a fruit girl. i just don't -- >> you have the natural sweet tooth. nick, when you lure children into your car -- >> car, i got a van. >> what is your favorite candy bar? >> bit-o-honey.
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i love it because it's wrapped like proscuitto. it's thin paper, and if you get a bad tooth, you take two bites and it gets yanked out. you can fix it with a bit-o-honey. that and the marathon bar. >> the marathon bar has a different name like curvy-wurvy. >> it's the sandusky bar. >> the sandusky bar. nobody eats bit-o-honey. >> it's peanut butter and honey. >> if you got that at trick-or-treat, you egged that house. do you like the abba zabbas? >> who eats that? >> this might be the reason i am this way, because at halloween when i was young, my grandmother used to give us raisins.
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that might be why i don't like the candy now. >> that's good, then, she trained you well. joann, you hate sharing. so i imagine the kit-kat is the one you love to eat and then throw up? >> i hate sharing, yeah, so i eat it all. i don't share any. i also like even numbers, so there's four pieces all for me. actually, my favorite candy is the reese's peanut butter cup, but that's not a bar, it's a cup. i feel like a lot of girls like the peanut butter and the chocolate. >> i think because it comes in a little wrapper and it's round. >> i don't feel as bad about eating it because there's only two pieces, even though they're large and full of saturated fat. but like a bar, how do you stop? like, you eat the whole thing, right? >> no, you don't eat the whole thing! >> when you're a kid, it was always about -- oh, my god, you
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got your chocolate in my peanut butter. that's intercourse! >> that's what turned me off about that candy bar. >> it really is. that just came to me now. andy, you're jewish. >> yes. >> i guess we're done here. the chocolate candy, the chocolate coins. >> yeah. >> they're terrible. they're terrible! >> that's the most offensive thing i've ever heard. >> they're actually delicious. >> i want to talk about why this stupid poll is unamerican. >> why? >> first of all, nothing against kit-kat, there's no kit-kat museum and a kit-kat park. there's a hershey park and hershey museum. it was hershey bars that were part of the rationing kit in world war ii.
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hershey bars beat mussolini. it's the standard funfare multi pack. if it weren't for hershey, we would all know what that meant. don't give me this crap with kit-kat being number one. >> america is number one, hershey is number one. >> i agree with andy and i'm going to buy a hershey's bar. >> it was a poison hershey bar that killed hitler. >> where are we now? how much time do i have? i can go to the tease. i hate coconut, i hate mounds. chunky with the raisins, i hate that. there's only two things that matter in a candy bar, it's caramel and nougat. those would be the names of my kids if i had them. >> i have never seen anyone
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actually eat one. >> we have 20 seconds. necko wa necko wafers. not a candy bar. i'm just telling you that. >> bad diabetes joke. >> i'm glad he pointed that out. stick around. an oldest trick ? what? trick number one. look-est over there. ha ha. made-est thou look. so end-eth the trick. hey.... yes.... geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know.
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>> was beer to blame for >> was beer to blame for losing the game? members of the austrian men's hockey team apologized for drinking until 6:00 a.m after a loss at the olympics. a bunch of players partied at austria house. the head coach was shocked saying i was shocked, end quote. the team says they don't think the partying was a problem, they released a statement we should have moved our celebrations to the evening after the last tournament. thank god i don't have to apologize for public hangovers because i'm always drunk. isn't that the possible reason they lost? because slovonia is better? >> no. they stink they let themselves down. they
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don't have to apologize to fans you ruined your own life aren't you tired of drunk shame something >> yes. own it. own it. you don't need to apologize and now, they're going to go back to this austrian house and party until the next time. >> what is an austrian house? is it made of candy? >> sony, you're left distracted by your nerves? >> here is my theory. black girl? hockey. that is all i got for you. >> but it could apply generally to things. >> black girl, hockey. no. no. >> so handy you've got 90 seconds. >> okay. >> there have been studies. i think all of these players should be punished except for austrian team captain because he
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plays for new york islanders so he's already punished. they have been getting drunk every night since 1983. if you can handle your booze do what you like, get drunk. it didn't for these guys. slovinia is not a good team. >> they stayed out until 6:00 in the morning is the problem. if they'd gone out and had drinks... >> there is a time difference. >> i don't know if there is one they went to bed at 6:00 a.m which is really 1:11. >> maybe, there was a selection. >> remember, dock ellis pitched a no hitter on acid. that is the only fact i v >> remember >> you're a great comedian. >> kind of makes you wonder.
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huckabee. good night and god bless and stay tuned for judge jeanine. welcome to a special edition of justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. tonight in our long investigation into the dangers facing the u.s. power grid, what would it take to bring it down? and if our system did break down, how would you you asurviv what would it be like in the dark? i'm in lower manhattan right now standing in front of a typical power station. but last month i went to a meeting just a few blocks from here in the freezing cold. when i came out of that meeting, i
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