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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 24, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST

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samaritan. finally the ugly. a world war 1 replica plane flipped over during a test at the buchanan field airport in concord, california. the airplane was heavily damaged in the crash. that does it for me. ainsley continues on "fox & friends" which starts right now. good morning. it's monday, february 24. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. they fight for our freedom but today our defense secretary set to turn his back on our nation's military the billions of dollars in cuts he's about to recommend. >> four americans are dead and susan rice went on five sunday shows shortly thereaof to blame a -- thereafter to blame a video. does she have any regrets these days? >> the notion that somehow i or anybody else in the administration misled the american people is patently false and i think that's been amply demonstrated. >> no it hapbt.
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is anybody really buying her story? we're going to report and you decide. good softballs, david. >> dale earnhardt jr. wins his second daytona 500 about five minutes ago. >> we have all the highlights on nascar's biggest race. plus why do so many people -- why so many people thought jimmy johnson was the winner. mornings are better with friends, staoefplt -- friends, steve. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great reason to begin your day. >> hi everybody. welcome to studio e in the heart of midtown manhattan. right now it is 40 degrees, 39 degrees, the warmest it has been so far this year.
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>> so many people check their watch for the time. steve checks the window. it takes forever to do this. >> you check your temperature with your watch? >> you check the temperature? okay, i apologize. >> yeah, it's 40 degrees. >> that's for the wind. >> weather for me as well. i'm very excited here. >> why's that? >> i'm not sure. >> i know why. >> check your watch. find out why you're excited. >> ainsley is from the south. >> last week you said he was going to be in my neck of the woods. i said south carolina? you said no, nashville. you said that's several states away, brian. brian, you're getting your temperature and the clocks mixed up. you're getting your states
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mixed up. take a breather. >> i did like your people in nashville. >> start with sports. >> what a great story. we were so excited when this happened last night. dale earnhardt jr. is taking a victory lap in daytona. >> waving, it's over. it's earnhardt. >> earnhardt snapping a 55-race losing streak to capture his second daytona 500. >> just trying to explain is to people, i've been trying to tell people for ten years what that felt like but it is hard to put it into word what winning this race means to you. >> ended up a night race because the victory came after a six-hour long rain delay. during that delay fox was airing last year's race and that prompted last year's winner jimmy johnson to be flooded with text messages offering congratulations to him. johnson took to twitter saying i hear i won the
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daytona 500. i also have friends confused and texting to me. hash tag replay 2013. developing overnight, ukraine's acting interior minister announcing an arrest warrant for the ousted president viktor yanukovych, here is a live look at kiev this morning where at least 82 people have been killed. new details about the capture of the man known as the osama bin laden of the drug trade, wakin gusman. it was his family that did him in. authorities realize many members of the cartel were in his family. after analyzing messages sent back and forth, they found some so personal they could only be from guzman himself. now that he is captured the
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fight turns to the courtroom.
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>> i'm like sorry to disappoint. >> how fun for her, though. >> thank you, ainsley. all right. >> we knew it was going to happen. we didn't know when it was going to happen. we thought there was going to be negotiations before it did happen but it seems as though our current secretary of defense chuck hagel decided to recommend billions of dollars in budget cuts. it is going to not only affect some of the hardware that keeps us as the world's long super power, it's also going to hurt personnel. not only how many we have serving but how many they're getting paid. >> we have a one-year freeze on raises for the top military brass. it places limits on pay for troops, limiting troops' housing allowances. in addition to that, it also is proposed to cut any sort of subsidy for the
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christmas -- commissary where they go grocery shopping as a family. >> that is going to be the big fight because after retirement the number-two thing people in the military worry about is the subsidy for commissaries where they get their groceries, very near and dear to military's heart. right now the government subsidizes. right now hagel's suggestion is to reduce that to $500 million. essentially you're hacking off two-thirds of it. you're going to hack off a lot of military people. during election year, is this really smart politics? apparently the white house is a. okay with it. >> you've got to see the rest of the world as covering it. the russian news is making a big deal of it. it backs up that underlying thought that america is in retreat. this is something that should be renegotiated almost immediately. i know sequester started
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it. it was supposed to be so prohibitive that the republicans were supposed to say we can't do sequester. in the end the military is staring them down and taking it in the solar phrebg sis. this is -- plexis. >> we spent the day yesterday with a family at west point so it is a tender topic for me today. to have uncertainty on the back end when they come back to this nation after fighting and laying down their lives for us, some uncertainty this combined with the front-end cut here, i can only imagine how that can affect morale. >> no kidding. speaking of morale, it's just shortly after the benghazi attack on september 11 of 2012 that susan rice showed up on all five morning talk shows on a sunday and said we've looked into it, and it was all caused by a video. well, the c.i.a. knew it
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was terrorism. they told the white house it was terrorism. mike morrell who was a big shot at the c.i.a. at that point massaged the talking points and took out any mention of terror. nonetheless in a big exclusive yesterday on "meet the press" susan rice sat down for a softball interview with david gregory and he asked her if she had any regrets -- remember she could have had a big job as secretary of state and instead she's working at the white house as national security advisor. any regrets? here's what she said. >> do you have regrets? >> david no because what i said to you that morning and what i did every day since was to share the best information we had at the time. the information i provided, which i explained to you was what we had at the moment, it could change, i commented that this was based on what we knew on that morning, was provided to me and my colleague and indeed to congress by the intelligence community. and that's been well
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validated in many different ways since. and that information turned out in some respects not to be 100% correct. but the notion that somehow i or anybody else in the administration misled the american people is patently false and i think that's been amply demonstrated. >> it was pointed out we now know the director of the c.i.a. station chief at the time had a misleading tone. this whole situation that was pushed this week that the revelations that mike morrell, the deputy c.i.a. director, may be working with the white house to come up with talking points, initially blamed the f.b.i. for those talking points but all that story coming forward on friday with susan rice there whenever they taped it on sunday, that might have been the perfect opportunity to say how do you feel now about either being thrown to the lions
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or collaborating to spread the mistruth. >> chris wallace was asking why she wouldn't appear on "fox news sunday." here he is. >> we wanted to ask the obama administration about the prices in ukraine but they decided to put national security advisor susan rice on only one show today in her first sunday appearance since 2012 when she blamed the benning terror attack on re -- the benghazi terror attack on reaction to an antiislammic video. perhaps susan rice didn't want to answer the tough questions we would have asked. >> and he would ask tough questions. david gregory, no mention of hillary clinton handling the attack. she's clearly going to run for president. mike morrell now works for an operation run by a hillary clinton hillary clinton spokesperson. >> right now it is 42 degrees. how do i know that? i have a wristwatch that
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tells the temperature as well as the time. >> later on today brian will go over to times square. he will pull that all the way up. it will be lined with watches. >> i'm looking to make a sale. >> in times square. you need to put one backwards. >> are we still on? >> he just sat here for 12 minutes helping out. thank you for joining us on this monday morning. coming up, a woman with cancer shares her obama nightmare on television. >> my insurance was canceled because of obamacare. now the out-of-pocket costs is unaffordable. if i do not receive my medication, i will die. >> now some democrats calling her a liar. she joins us next to set the record straight. >> what happens when budget cuts wipes out an entire fire department? one man forced to fight an
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entire fire fight himself. that story coming up. we asked people a question, ♪ how much money do you think you'll need when you retire?
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then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ [dog] larrwanna play?arry?y for a longer retirement. [announcer] a healthy dog is a playful dog. [dog] let's do this larry. [announcer] help him keep those muscles while he loses a few pounds with beneful healthy weight. de with wholesome rice,real c, even accents of vitamin rich ggies. it's calorie-smart and tastes so good. beneful healthy weight...from purina.
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are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. csx. how tomorrow moves. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow.
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a michigan mother battling leukemia is now being called a liar by a democratic lawmaker after voicing her concerns about obamacare in this ad. watch. >> my insurance was canceled because of obamacare. now the out-of-pocket costs are so high, it's unaffordable. if i do not receive my medication, i will die. i believe the president. i believed i could keep my health insurance plan. i feel lied to. it's heart breaking for me. congressman peter, your decision to vote for obamacare jeopardized my
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health. >> that last part is what's really bugging some democrats. julie boonster joins us from michigan. thanks for getting up so early. >> good morning. >> you have leukemia. you believed the president when he said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. but your health insurance got canceled because of obamacare. and you had to scramble to find a new policy. what is your big problem right now? you have found a new policy with premiums of $1-rbg -- premiums of $1,100 a month. what is your big problem? >> my old policy was 1,100 a month. my new pocket is 568. it is the out-of-pocket expense. under my old policy i knew what i could afford every single month because i wasn't hit with extra charges. now i don't know what i have to pay month to month
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based on that out-of-pocket expense. leukemia tests are extremely expensive, and i just don't have the $5,000 or $6,000 in the bank to cover that expense. >> it's the uncertainty, not knowing about the out-of-pocket expense that prompted you to run that particular commercial. the part where you say that congressman gary peters who is running for levin's open senate seat in michigan, his decision to vote for the law jeopardized my health. now obviously your commercial is so potent and so powerful, congressman peters has written to tv stations essentially calling you a liar and saying your ad is false. the law is right, you have an obligation to the tv stations to protect the public from false, misleading or deceptive advertising. failure to prevent the airing of false and misleading advertising may be prohibitive of an underlying abdication of
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licensee responsibility that can be the cause for the loss of a station's license. essentially what he's saying, julie, is if you don't take that off you're going to lose your license because you are a lying. are you, julie, lying about your situation sph >> i am not lying. i lost my health care plan due to the implementation of obamacare, and i do not have $5,000 or $6,000 in the bank. >> sure. >> i was lied to. >> you were lied to by? >> the president of the united states. he lied to me. he lied to everyone by telling us that if we had a health care plan that we liked, we could keep it. i had a health care plan that i liked, and i lost it. >> you did indeed. now it's the uncertainty of the out of pocket that scares you. what's your message to congressman peters's lawyers who are trying to scare tv stations into not running your ad? >> you know, i'm very upset with them for trying to
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stop my ad. they're not scaring me. cancer scares me. the growth of my cancer, you know, possibly losing my life over this; that scares me. i battle cancer every day. they're not going to intimidate me. >> well, good. >> i have my first amendment right, my freedom of speech, and i will stand behind that. >> julie boonstra, we're thanking you very much for joining us from michigan. good luck with your fight. >> thank you. >> we did ask congressman peters to join us. he has not responded. we'd love to talk to him. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. kid getting knows why. some are even paralyzed and now there are fears polio could be making a comeback. remember that? the best and the worst of the olympics. we have all the highlights
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quick headlines. we're learning more this morning about the deadly carbon monoxide -- let me start again -- the carbon monoxide leak at a new york mall. we found out the leak was from a faulty water heater pipe in the legal sea foods restaurant. the manager of that restaurant was killed. more than two dozen hospitalized. a carbon monoxide leak left 21 people sick at a hotel in maine. seven of them rushed to a hospital. the level of carbon monoxide ten times higher than normal. 24 minutes after the hour.
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>> the 2014 olympic games officially tkoplg a close. if you missed last night's ceremonies we have the highlights on what stole the show. >> dominick joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. happy olympics. >> it's over. >> two weeks and a couple of days. >> i heard the closing ceremonies. did not see them myself. were very strong. they even had some fun with it. >> yes, it was quite amazing. some would say very un-russian. for one thing, they made fun of their own malfunction in the opening ceremonies when one of the rings didn't function properly. that was something a little bit for people to see. of course there was the wonderful display of dancers, of various elements of russian history and russian culture. it was really a sight to see. >> was it enough to make putin smile or laugh? >> elisabeth, knock makes
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vladimir -- nothing makes vladimir smile. the blood bath happening in nearby ukraine probably did not please the hard man himself. no smiling from putin. >> what about the russian lit section, literature that is to say. >> the russians worship their writers in a way we can only appreciate with, say, william shakespeare or the founding fathers with our constitution. what they did was quite remarkable. there was the usual but also people like nakokov, a man who fled the ussr received credit too and huge applause in the stadium. >> now there is a tradition, they usually say this is the best olympics ever. next up south korea. talk about the handover. >> the handover was quite
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wonderful. usually when you see these handovers they are even more over the top than the ceremony th*pls. -- themselves. in 2008 the handover from beijing to london. south korea was elegant and simple. a flag, simple examples of their culture. it was quite beautiful. very well done for south korea for 2018. >> what's your take on the argument that the mascots were the biggest story there? the big mascots. >> elisabeth, personally, i think if we had more of the mascots in this olympics, the ratings would have been better. they were wonderful. the bear, the hear and -- the hare and the leopard. this is one of those things only disney can imagine you can create. these three characters, there is a cartoon series waiting to happen there. >> all right.
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dominique patton joining us from los angeles. thank you very much. >> thank you, guys. >> he mentioned the ratings could be the lowest rated olympics since the early 1990's. the number of medals, russian number one, united states number two. >> not a lot of big stars emerging. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. >> next up on the rundown, the video everyone is talking about, the moment a bird comes crashing through a plane's windshield. >> my goodness. coming up, the pilot's split second decision that probably saved his life. >> the people behind the new movie "son of god" forced to censor the devil. we'll explain. >> happy birthday to singer george thoroughgood. he's 64 years old today. i don't believe he's having a party. i'll check into it.
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and a hotel is the perfect place to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly.
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you can hang on the wall. and if you would please spread the word. i'll steal a line from bill anderson. if you had fun in los angeles, tell your friends from new york and maybe they'll come and visit. and if you didn't, keep your mouth shut. >> i had a great time.
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we'll bring the whole show here. >> that was saturday night at the grand ole opry. i was able to have the privilege of doing the 8:00 show and being the announcer and bringing up one of the acts. it is fantastic the amount of talent in that building is unbelievable. radio city, madison square garden. the people are so nice. for the show they gave me proclamations welcoming me from senator bob corker, congressman marcia blackburn, the mayor and pete fisher, the g.m. of the grand ole opry couldn't have been nicer. >> i heard you wrote a song while you were there. >> had i had musical talent. >> now he's going to debut. ladies and gentlemen, brian kilmeade. >> just take one. george did a great job. what's the most amazing thing about nashville, on sunday i expected to be calm. we walked the strip, fifth
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avenue, broadway area and everyone is playing music. at 11:00 all these artists playing. it is like what they say brooklyn was like in the 1950's when they put on a dodgers game. >> what is the nickname for nashville? >> music city. good point. you're saying don't you get it? i apologize. also senator brown's daughter is unbelievably talented, she was with us and hung out and sang for us. >> what a great weekend you had. >> right from the grand ole opry. >> there is a new movie opening up shortly. it is called "son of god." remember last year roma downey and her husband produced a series for the history channel. they made it into a two-hour movie. elisabeth has seen it and said it's fantastic. but there was one thing about the mini series that
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was a big problem and that was the similarity some bloggers found to satan and the president of the united states. they felt that the actor who played satan looked a lot like the president. you know what? they took it out for the movie. here they are, roma downey and mark brunett. >> you took it out on purpose? >> absolutely. i wanted the devil on the cutting room floor. >> why? >> i felt that the conversation that ignited after that moment in the mini series served to be such a distraction. >> mark and roma are coming up at 8:20. they're going to explain firsthand more about that. it is truly a love story the film, whether you believe christ is the son of god or not, it is pretty interesting. they're going to answer some of our questions. send our questions if you
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have them to facebook. >> how many stars would you give the movie out of a four-star scale? >> i'm not messing with god. i'm giving it five. >> hey, ainsley. >> hey, brian. hey, elisabeth. let me tell you the headlines this morning. 25 children in california left paralyzed from a rare polio-like disease. state health officials have been investigating this illness since 2012 when a doctor requested testing for a child with paralysis. since then similar cases have been reported through out that state. a virus linked to polio like diseases found in two cases. so far no cases reported outside of the state of california. he battled in the ring and now he is battling cancer out of the ring. the former w.w.e. wrestler jake the snake roberts undergoing surgery tomorrow to remove a cancerous tumor behind his knee. roberts says he's going to be returning to the ring on
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march 14, cancer or not. a volunteer fire fighter forced to battle that massive fire for 35 minutes alone. budget cuts slashed the illinois town's entire fire department. he struggled to keep the flames from spreading to a nearby home. >> it was pretty difficult due to the wind and i have an occupied home next door. it was pretty difficult to battle it alone. >> eventually help from another district did arrive. no one hurt. sheer panic how the pilot described the moment a bird smashed through his plane's window. the plane going 170 miles an hour when that bird hit the glass. the pilot rob weber's head was cut. he did land safely. >> it was a slap in the
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face literally. i tried to kind of like duck down to the right a little bit after it happened to try to get out of the air. >> weber says he's lucky the bird didn't come through the windshield because it would have knocked him out cold. look at the t-shirt he's wearing. an angry bird shirt. >> that man is so lucky. >> who do you blame? us for inventing the art of flight or bird for flying in our way? >> he had a sense of humor about it too. >> we're in their jet stream. >> you just have to be careful. those images are crazy. maria molina, i saw you retweeted there are some flight delays because of big winds throughout the northeast. >> we could see gusts up to 38 miles an hour. a close one as far as whether we're going to be seeing delays at the airports due to the wind. something else weather-wise for many areas across the northeast, the midwest and across the plains is another cooldown. you've been enjoying very
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mild temperatures but look at the forecast. those temperatures dropping in the northeast and midwest. single digit highs in places like fargo. that continues as we head into tuesday. by wednesday that cold air expands and even across georgia, the carolinas and parts of texas you're going to be seeing highs only into the 40's. pacific northwest and northern rockies, snow, 6 to 12 inches expected. lake-effect snow off lake ontario producing as much as five to ten inches as snow. mid-atlantic and northeast look at the future radar. come tuesday night into wednesday morning, possibly more snow. we'll bring you more updates later in the show. let's head over to brian. >> thank a lot, maria. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. jason collins making nba history as the first openly gay player to play in the nba. collins who signed with the nets entered a game with the lakers a few hours later. he saw about 12 minutes of
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action. the nets won by 6. after the game collins says he wants to focus on basketball. is that possible? >> right now i'm focused on trying to learn the plays, trying to learn the coverages, the game plan assignment. i don't have time to really think about history. >> need some help? and he's going to give it to them at least for ten days. we'll she how he does. the quake attack is looking to expand their dynasty to football. the boys from duck dynasty agreed to be the sponsor for college football independence ball. it will be played at shreveport, louisiana. we are asking to cover that one live. we reached a deal with nascar to rename a spring cup race the duck commander 500. >> the family having some fun with their success. coming up on radio people you know, ed henry and
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james rosen will lead the procession along with bret baier will be there between 9 and noon. see you then. >> 19 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, the president promised to make things right over the i.r.s. scandal but our next guest is tired of waiting, as many of us are. ohio congressman mike turner is turning up the pressure. >> paula deen back in the saddle literally. the story behind this picture coming up next. send your caption. ♪ ♪ what does that first spoonful taste like? ♪ ok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah.
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honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal.
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got some headlines from hollywood on this monday
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morning. avatar actor sam worthington arrested in new york city. >> they have grown from human d.n.a. mixed with d.n.a. of the natives. >> it turns out he's accused of punching a photographer. he is out on bail right now facing assault charges. he told cops the guy kicked his girlfriend in the shin. okay. paula deen returning to the spotlight in the wake of her scandal. the celebrity chef apologized to her fans at the south beach wine and food festival. she also had fun on stage. she rode the back of food network star robert irvine telling the crowd she's quote, back in the salgd. all right, paula. thank you very much. brian, over to you and the congressman. >> 15 minutes before the top of the hour. president obama promised to make things right in the wake of the i.r.s. scandal. remember? >> i will not tolerate this
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kind of behavior in any agency but especially in the i.r.s. we're going to hold the responsible parties accountable. >> we're tired of waiting but nothing's changed. lois lerner, the woman at the center of the scandal, got to keep her pension. what else can be done? joining us, ohio congressman mike turner. congressman, what are you doing to make sure the president gets some backbone to his words? >> part of the egregious aspect of this for the american public is the i.r.s. is an investigative and enforcement agency so it's a real abuse of power. what we need to do is hold people accountable, find out who did that through hearings and investigations but also make sure it doesn't happen again. my bill would criminal actions by the i.r.s. if they would discriminate against american taxpayers based upon their religious beliefs or their political beliefs. >> what i think is fascinating about what you're doing is a lot of these underling say i was following orders. i was told to do something and i did it. that is no longer going to
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be an excuse if this legislation goes forward? >> absolutely. this should be criminal. if it is criminal people would be reticent to do it. if someone tells them to discriminate against taxpayers -- >> they come up to me and i'm making 55 thousand dollars and work for lois lerner, if they say i want you to investigate tea party members, it is not okay to say i'm doing my job. >> right. they can say it's against the law and i'm not doing it. >> they will have a place to go? >> absolutely. i think that is what the american people expect. the president said we're going to hold people accountable but so far no one has been held accountable. >> what makes you believe this still could go on and may still be going on? >> if we haven't gotten yet to who is directing this, how this was being orchestrated and we haven't been able to hold anybody accountable, you have a system not responsible to anyone and it should be responsible to the american public. >> this is stop government abuse week. you have gotten 107
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cosponsors on this and marco rubio is going to pick it up in the senate. has any democrat said i'm with you, congressman? >> no democrats endorsed the bill but i don't think they are in opposition. i think this goes to the heart of what the american public believes, that their government should be held accountable and shouldn't discriminate are be punitive. >> what i love about what your abuse week is is a lot of our talking points. people want answers. what are the things you're covering sph >> we're going to have hearings continuing issues on the i.r.s. we'll look at the freedom of information act. the president stated he was going to be one of the most transparent administrations but they have not been that. we're not getting the information we need on tarp. >> where the money went or how much money we went back. >> general motors. those are areas we need to pursue and they should be available to the american public. >> if you are indefatigablo on this, you get answers. if you guys keep pushing we might get answers. congressman, thanks so
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much, look forward to seeing hopefully democrats jump on board because the i.r.s. should be a nonpolitical agency. this should be a nonpolitical event. thafrpbz so -- thanks so much. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. in a few hours the president will meet with governors. what should their message be to the president? donald trump with that. two girls making millions, a great lesson for all kid out there. ♪ ♪
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with the stunts and loud explosions and all the muscles. [ as cosby ] i want to see the comedy programming with the children. [ british accent] watch bravo! yeah, i want to see "the real housewives." rewind! yeah! jimmy? it's been hours. we told you the x1 entertainment operating system show me "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." that's what i'm talking about right there. [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] control your tv with your voice. the x1 entertainment operating system.
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only from xfinity. so do you recognize these hair ties and they were created by teen able gers. what started as a hobby, jennifer annise stand wore them at a premayor. emily and julian joining us, creators of emi-jay. most people are knowing your bands and elastics. you are multi-millionaires in terms of what you're bringing. in 2012 you sold 6 million. in 2013, you sold 10 million. how do you get started? you're middle school friends. >> we were in middle school. we were 13 and 14 years old. we noted a growing trend among our friends and tv stars.
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things out there were too over priced and sophisticated. we took matters into our own hands. we went downtown to l.a.'s garment district. we went back to julian's house. started experimenting on her bedroom floor and it took off. >> you're young and you're friends. do you advise other people out there, teenagers, young people to work with their friends and to start this young? >> yeah. i personally think that i couldn't have done this by myself. i definitely loved having a partner and someone to even like when we do like photo shoots, anything, it's nice to have a second opinion and to have another person there. i love it. >> is it hard to be the boss at this age? you have 25 employees. what's the toughest thing about being the boss so young? >> i think one of the great things, the beauty of our business is that it's so collaborative. we work with everyone. everything is just a team process. so i think that almost makes it easier in a sense. it's nice that we can all kind of -- >> we have an amazing team. it makes it so much more fun.
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>> is one more creative and one more business oriented. you're constantly coming up with new bands and patterns and you started dying them your own house? >> i think that we definitely have our own interests. i love the marketing and the business end and emily definitely loves the more editorial end. that's something she's been interested in. we definitely have the same visions for the company for sure. >> you're still in school, which i think is impressive. >> yeah. >> why did you decide to go through college? you created your job. you are constantly developing new product here. why was that important? >> i mean, that was something that was always important to us and our families. i think that that was kind of always a part of our plan before this sfartarted. yeah, we're both freshmen in college. it is hard to juggle it. education is definitely really important to us. >> a great message. what's next? can we give your fans a big preview? >> we actually just started distributing internationally. with dubai, korea. >> and northern europe.
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>> we have a really cool collaboration and partnership coming up with brands like steeler cosmetics, a couple other things. >> really excited. >> great success story. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, a spelling bee hits a snag when officials run out of the one thing they need, the words. how the heck did that happen? just hours after winning the daytona 500, dale earnhardt jr. going to join us live. racing in here just in time. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> whew! play close. good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks.
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peace of mind is important when so we provide it services you bucan rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. good morning. today is monday, february 24th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. he says his door is always open. in just a few hours, governors from across the country will walk through the white house.
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will the president keep his offer? donald trump to weigh in. four americans dead. susan rice went on five shows to blame a video. she must have some re grets, right? wrong. >> the notion that i or somebody in the administration misled people is patently false. i think that that's been amply demonstrated. >> is anyone really buying that story? we'll report. you decide. steve. >> thank you very much. dale earnhardt jr. wins his second daytona 500. >> checkered flag waving. it's over. it's earnhardt. >> and this morning he's doing his victory lap right here live on "fox & friends." excellent! thanks for joining us on this monday morning because mornings are always better with friends. it's time for "fox & friends."
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gotcha. well, welcome back. a big hour coming your way including a billionaire waiting in the wings. >> we have two. >> we have two hours. >> one billionaire, two hours. >> it seems like this is the second hour. one hour after that. >> we're like the minnow. it's a ♪ three hour tour >> very good. >> the weather started getting tough. >> the people got tossed. >> thanks, guys. let me tell you what you missed overnight. developing overnight, ukraine's acting interior minister announcing an arrest warrant for the ousted president, viktor yanukovych. he's wanted on charges that he murdered protesters. here's a live look at kiev this morning where at least 82 people have been killed. yanukovych fled the city.
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he was seen in the russian peninsula. >> dale earnhardt jr. is taking a victory lap in daytona. >> checkered flag waiving. it's oefrg. >> earnhardt snapped a 55 race losing streak to capture his second daytona 500. >> trying to explain what that feeling is to people. i've been trying to tell people for ten years what that felt like and it's hard to put it in words what winning this race really means to you. >> i'm sure his dad would be proud. the victory coming after a six-hour long rain delay. during that rain delay fox aired last year's race which led to last year's winner judge being flooded with text messages. johnson took to twitter saying, i hear i won the daytona 500. i also have friends confused and texting congratulations to me #2013replay. earnhardt is going to be joining us in about 15 minutes. looking forward to that. the organizers of the sochi
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olympics closing ceremony, they have a sense of humor. the dancers portraying the five olympics rings had so much fun with the opening ceremony malfunction when one ring on the right didn't open, didn't quite make it. only this time the group eventually did led the fifth ring bloom and the audience laughed with that. piers morgan's show on cnn is getting the axe. pierce morgue kban live could end next month. he replaced larry king six months ago. he's been routinely beaten by cable competitors in the 9:00 p.m. hour and those are your headlines. thank you. some with larry king, it's just laughing. >> you have to be, right, because he was going to change the way you do interviews. >> sure. donald trump is here. donald, how are you processing the loss of piers morgan? >> well, i had a lot to do with
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piers. i've always thought he was a great guy. very smart guy. didn't catch on but he was a very, very smart guy. >> it seems like in the papers they kind of blamed his sensibilities. he has british sensibilities. in the united states doing an american talk show. it never worked. >> that's a possibility. it certainly is. he's talking about american things and he has that very strong and very delicate british accent. i know him long and i know him well and i know him in battle because he was really battling on "the apprentice." he was a very smart guy. he's a good guy. >> donald, let me ask you this. leadership is nothing strange to you. you've excelled at that. our nation's leader meeting with all the governors.
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minimum wage going to be at the center of discussion. so you're a governor. what would you bring to him? you're the president, what advice would you take? >> well, first of all, elisab h elisabeth, you're using leader. we don't have a leader in this country. everything we're doing in this country is just not going properly. there's no deals being made. there's nothing happening. obamacare is a mess and nobody's fixing it. nobody knows how to fix it. so we don't have a leader. so when you say, you know, would you -- you just can't refer to the president as a leader. he is not the leader of this country because he gets nothing done. he's sitting in office and doing nothing. >> we know he put out a budget that has nothing to do with entitlement reforms. it's incomprehensible. he's upset about the positions. if i put you in that room, what would be your message knowing everything that you said and what you believe? >> well, the message in this country is jobs.
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look, there are so many messages. you could -- we could be on the show all day long and talk about messages. look what's happening to the world around us. the world is blowing up, but going back to this country, the message is jobs. other countries are taking our jobs. we keep talking about our unemployment rate, which is a real disaster. our real rate is probably 21, 22, maybe even 24%, and the message for this country would be that we have to get our people back to work. we have to take jobs away from foreign countries that we've given. we've just handed them our jobs. we have to do something quickly. we have to do something about obama care. that's affecting jobs but it's affecting things even more important than jobs. and people are losing their plans. they're losing their doctors. they have no health insurance. i mean, many, many people are now unable to get health insurance and the health insurance they have, if they get it, is not nearly as good as what they used to have. we have to do something about obamacare. but he's the kind of a guy that
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won't do it. he'll just sit there. even if you said fix it, he doesn't fix t. he issues orders about doing little things to try and help it along. it's a disaster. it's causing tremendous problems in the country beyond what people are even reporting. >> right. before the election of course there was the disaster at our benz consulate where four brave americans wound up being murdered by libyans. the cia knew it was not because of that video and yet that was the story thats white house remember just a couple of weeks before the election was pushing. susan rice went out on five sunday chat shows and knew it wasn't. yesterday she was on "meet the press" and she was asked by david gregory and asked if she had any regregts. if you missed it, here's what she said. >> do you have any regrets? >> david, no. because what i said to you that morning and what i did every day
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since was to share the best information that we had at the time. the information i provided, which i explained to you was what we had at the moment, it could change, i commented that this was based on what we knew on that morning, was provided to me and my colleagues and, indeed, to congress by the intelligence community, and that's been well validated in many different ways since. and that information turned out in some respects not to be 100% correct, but the notion that somehow i or anybody else in the administration misled the american people is patently false and i think that that's been amply demonstrated. >> donald trump, how could she not have regrets? she could have been secretary of state but instead she went out and told a lie. >> look, it's a big lie and now i think it's even a bigger lie after everything that's been determined. the level of arrogance and the level of lying is so incredible. benghazi unbelievably is being
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taken off the front pages. it just has never resonated, but you look at the answers that she and other people are giving and it's disgraceful. and it's a big, fat, juicy lie and now she continues to say it in spite of all of the evidence. it really is hard to believe. hard to believe -- it's hard to believe that they can get away with it. >> you're right. >> just a couple of days after e-mail suggested that the deputy cia director was in -- was having conversations with the white house about drumming up these notes and these talking points. >> well, and many other things. and you know that she can sit there on a program that was taken this weekend and done this weekend and look in the face of david gregory and just absolutely lie right to his face, and by the way, why is he not questioning it? >> right. >> you know, it's just off to the next question. >> softball. >> really, really hard to believe. >> all right. mr. trump, thanks for being with
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us this morning. happy monday. >> thank you very much. elisabeth zbl see you back here next monday. coming up this monday morning, congressman michael mccall is here. he's not too happy. what he has to say about cutting billions from our military. it's breaking this morning. good morning, sir. >> brian. msnbc and alec baldwin, they have broken up. now he's decided to hit the road. baldwin is firing back at personalities and at management in a way which only alec baldwin can. ♪ hit the road jack, and don't you come back no more, no more, no more ♪ ♪ hit the road jack, and don't you come back no more ♪ i ys say be thman with the plan
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he's consider the most powerful drug man in the world,
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joaquin guzman. arrested in mexico. he escaped from prison there in 2001 in a laundry basket. guzman's cartel notorious for smuggling shipments of cocaine in the united states. that's why my next guest wants him brought to justice here. congressman michael mccall is chairman of the house homeland security committee. why here, chairman? i understand we had a lot to do with his capture. >> this is the most wanted drug lord of the world. the god father of the drug cartel. killed thousands of people. the fact is he escaped from a mexican jail in 2001. my argument is he ought to be brought to the united states, put in a super max prison where he can't escape and face the ultimate criminal penalty in the united states. i'm concerned they had the lowest conviction rate in mexico. he had a 20-year sentence. we can get the ultimate maximum penalty in the united states. >> are you worried that so many
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other politicians and others are compromised inside mexico that they might be motivated to get him out again? >> you have corruption in mexico. he's already escaped once. he's the most powerful man in mexico if not the world and i think the flight risk and security risk is tremendous in mexico. that's why he needs to be brought out of mexico into the united states. i think it's important for the state department to negotiate. >> are you going to push for it? >> yes. and i already have. i'm going to be talking to the ambassador about this. it's important for mexico, the united states. this cooperative effort to bring him to justice worked very well. >> i hope you get to the bottom of the tujs and systems in which it started to work. let's move on to another topic that i was disturbed to wake up to and talk about. it's leaked out. there are massive military cuts coming out. one year freeze on raises. the cut subsidies to commissaries for veterans that will be a tough hall.
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raise nonurgent health care limits, limit housing allowances. get rit of the a-10 thunder bolts. cut the number of ships. tell lockheed not to make anymore of the u-2 high altitude planes. we're cutting manpower down to pre-world war ii. are you comfortable with this? >> absolutely not. this is national security. it's all being if you will, on the alternatives. this president cannot take on mandatory spending. all we have done in the congress and this president is basically cut discretionary spending. we can't testify the 3/4 of the budget piles that are mandatory. we talked about chapo guzman. the coast guard now is pulling back. all that stuff that we pushed the borders out to stop coming into the united states now is pulling back to the u.s. borders. that's one example of many that will impact our homeland security and national security.
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>> unbelievable. the people that fight the wars and willingness too serve we're hurting most with pension pay, raises, things of that nature. i'm sure admirals were fall on the sword for those that are fighting for it and the benefits they sign up for. chairman, people will blame you guys for accepting sequester and these cuts came through sequester. you adjusted for two years. this is the third year down the line. should the pentagon be pushing back and making the cuts public? >> sequestration should cut spending. not to sacri phi the military readiness. the debates have been with the president. we have to be the adults in the room. he's consistently refused to do so unless we raise taxes which we did last congress and so i don't -- i see that as a nonstarter. it takes political courage to do what is right and i think the right thing to do is take on the mandatory driver spendsing. this president refuses to do that. >> we saw that in the budget that was leased. very disappointing.
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>> very good to see you. >> glad we had good news to start off with. >> likewise. 18 minutes after the hour, straight ahead. critics say the girl scouts are promoting abortion. is that true? we'll take a closer look at that. just hours after winning the daytona 500, dale earnhardt jr. joins us live. ♪ ♪ >> oh, yeah! ♪ increases at the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heart disse. increases at the age of 80. keep hrt-healthy. live long. eat the 100% goodness of post shreddedheat. doctorrecommend it.
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about 21 minutes past the hour. here's your news by the numbers. first, 65 miles, that's the stretch of the mississippi river that's closed in louisiana due to a crude oil spill.
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the spill happened after an oil barge ran into a tow boat. next 66 rounds, that's how long a missouri school spelling bee lasted before they ran out of the words. they spelled all 300 words correctly. good for them. a new list is being drawn up. they'll face off next month. finally, $31.4 million, that's how much the lego movie brought in at the box office making it the number one movie in the area. meanwhile, at the daytona 500 yesterday nascar's biggest star won its biggest race. >> but that 88 is pulling away! >> less than a mile to go. >> oh, we've got a wreck. >> third generation star, dale earnhardt jr. brings them to the flag. checkered flag waving. it's over. it's earnhardt. >> it is earnhardt. so how does it feel to win? let's ask the winner himself. dale earnhardt jr. joins us live from daytona.
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good morning to you, dale. >> good morning. >> congratulations. >> i know you've hit a dry patch and i also understand you said yesterday it feels better the second time than the first time. explain that. >> well, when you win the first time it happens so fast and then you really can't take it all in. i don't remember much from that experience. it was such a whirlwind and such a fast week, but you're already back at the racetrack the next sunday racing for another race. so it just -- this time you're able to let it all sink in and really enjoy it with the people you care about. i've got my whole team here, my family, my girlfriend, everybody here to enjoy this with. >> that's exceptional. the delay was 6:23. mentally how does that affect your prep in terms of, a, safety, b, staying mentally ready? >> i was real confident in the car i had. we ran 38 laps before the rains came and the car was fabulous
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and the car was ready to go so i was -- i was just taking it easy and really comfortable during the break. we were all confident that we were going to get the race restarted before 9:00 and so we felt like we were going to be able to get the show in on sunday for the fans. >> last year second place. this year first place. but a lot of people you came in second again. did you hear that they replayed last year's race and jimmie johnson was getting tweets congratulating him on winning? i hear i win the daytona 500? i also have friends confused and texting congratulations to me #2013replay. what's your reaction? >> we had a lot of fun with that. everybody i think at the racetrack was laughing about that. it's amazing how, you know, social media can take something running with it and it just goes and goes. but jimmie had a lot of fun with t. the real winner's right here and, you know, i'm glad that it
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wasn't -- i love jimmijimmie, hy teammate. >> enough of him. he's won enough. >> yeah. >> dale, is it possible to win that race and not think about your dad? >> i always think about that, you know? i think he lost his life here so when i come to the racetrack i'm always reminded of that and that's always something in the back of your mind when you're in daytona for the race especially. you know, it's a great racetrack. i love this place, the history that it has and it means a lot to me personally to be here, to race here and to win here is just even more special. >> sure. >> so it means a lot. >> tell us -- okay. so you have the rain and the gigantic delay. but talk a little bit about the chaos because toward the end -- near the end there were 42 different lead changes. that's a lot of chaos. >> yeah. i -- you know, i can't remember a daytona 500 in recent history where i've raced this hard and i
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don't know that the competitors, my fellow competitors have raced this hard. we were all just running really close and really tight on each other and really pushing the limits of all our talents to try to keep the lead, try to maintain the lead, take the lead, try to stay toward the front. everybody was really, really asking a lot of each other in close quarters throughout that whole race. >> how do you celebrate today after you're done talking to everybody about it? what do you do? >> i'm going to be talking about this and doing media all the way up through thursday. we had -- we had about an hour sleep last night. we got up this morning. we're doing media all day today until about lunch and then we'll fly to new york, do media all day there. go to connecticut for espn and then we're going to austin, texas, and do more media. then we're going to l.a. and do more and phoenix and do more. it's going to be a long week. >> boohoo, that's what happens
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when you win. >> you have to talk about it and get a day of rest. >> that's not me complaining, i promise. >> fox covered the race. dale earnhardt jr. the 2014 winner of the daytona 500. thanks so much, dale, for making this your most important interview. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> thanks, dale. congrats. >> great news for the sports, too, when the biggest name wins the biggest race. >> so exciting. just to hear from him right there bright and early. after an hour's sleep? an hour's sleep, huh. >> he has adrenaline. he doesn't need 5-hour energy. >> no, he doesn't. >> msnbc told alec baldwin to take a hike. now he's sitting back. what so he saying? >> i can only imagine. >> that story went on and on and on. have you been binging on shows like "house of cards" on netflix? >> yeah. >> yeah, they all say. they struck a big deal with the cable company that you're not going to like. here's barney walking in. >> bringing out the cards.
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captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. ♪ ♪ ♪
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how do you compare it to when you were on "the view" every day? >> my opinion doesn't really matter, you know, as much as then. i like being on your side asking the questions. it's exciting.
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we're going through news stories and getting as much research in as possible. i take a little time before that to do daily devotional which gets the mind right. once you get into the office, amazing work ethic. love, love, love every single producer, crew member, steven brian. everyone is beaming. they're ready to go. before you know it, the show is over. >> all stars. i love you. see you tomorrow. >> there she leaves with her coffee pot in the big bag. >> coffee pot, my three kids. >> it's great. >> my schooler. >> that will be on the echannel today. >> julianna, she's so great. i have to thank her for sitting for a while and having great talks. >> almost therapy. >> we talked about a lot. just wait. more details to follow. >> well, i'm not giving you any details of my life that will come out in the open. >> not as juicy as this guy, alec baldwin. >> he's a massive ego guy. >> yeah. you know, alec baldwin famously
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has been a movie star actor and then he did "30 rock" which is one of the funniest sitcoms of the last few years. he had a podcast that he wanted to expand. he eventually got a talk show on msnbc where as you know he was fired. today he is in one of the magazines here in new york city where he talks about getting fired and being at msnbc. he doesn't mince words. it's a mess over there. >> it is unbelievable how long this story goes on. bottom line is, he is leaving the public limelight. he's going back to hollywood and going to go behind iron fences. this is going to last a week. in the meantime, he called out msnbc like nobody i've seen before. >> who worked there. >> i watched msnbc prior to working there very sporadically. once i had signed a with the c them, i wanted to see more of what they were about. it turned out to be the same
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stuff all day long. the only difference was who was actually pulling off whatever act they had to come up with. he destroyed many others. >> yeah. i can't even follow that. >> rachel maddow does not like the guy in charge. >> rachel maddow blames her calling her a phony who doesn't have the same passion to tell the truth off camera that she seems to have on the air. >> i told you i wasn't going to follow this. details. >> he also had this quote. read tnchts now i loathe and despise the media in a way i did not think was possible. now it's sue perfect flew wows at the best. i'm aware it's ironic that i'm making this case in the media, but this is the last time i'm going to talk about my personal life in an american publication ever again. so he's taking it overseas apparently. >> he went again to the nth
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degree to prove that he's not anti-gay including calling an anti-gay organization in hawaii. just goes into unbelievable detail that he says the whole world has changed and he really wants no part of it. >> he said that 2013 was a good year for him, his wife had a baby, but the rest of it, not so much. >> he really liked "30 rock." he loved that. that was the best job he ever had. >> he was great in that job. she's great doing the headlines. she's in for heather on this monday. >> thank you so much. let me tell you what you missed little while you were sleeping. new details about the deadly carbon monoxide leak at a mall. the leak was from a faulty water pipe in the legal see foods restaurant and that the manager there was killed. more than two dozen others are hospitalized. the restaurant is closed this morning. 25 children in california are left paralyzed from a rare polio-like disease. state health officials have been investigating the illness since
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2012 when a doctor requested testing for a child with paralysis. since then children have been linked do it. a polio like disease has been found in two patients. so far no cases have been reported outside the state of california. he battled in the ring and now he is battling cancer outside of the ring. former wwe wrestler jake the snake roberts undergoing surgery tomorrow to remove a cancerous tumor that is behind his knee. roberts says he's still going to be returning to the ring on march 14th cancer or not. an awesome moment on the court when a college baseball player realizes her brother is home from afghanistan. >> oh, that is a some. specialist william boyle was deployed in afghanistan for a year but was able to come home and surprise his sister megan
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right before her final game. brought her to tears. we hope they're having a good time together. >> thank you. meanwhile -- >> are you having trouble streaming your favorite show? comcast just announcing a new deal to ensure better quality. rchltsz stewart, you say the revolution has arrived. >> yes, the revolution is here and it's now. it's called streaming. >> netflix dominates streaming and netflix is moving to keep it that way. >> a lot of people, you're watching probably on your cable television but it's a deal between comcast and a big entertainment con groom mer rate. they have television, movie theaters and studios. they have the internet and networks. what they're doing, when you stream, you get tv content
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through your wi-fi router to your television, but one of the problems is you're watching and you get the little clock because it hasn't. they're doing a deal so that they buy more access which nobody has done before. >> very accurate telling of the story. >> thank you very much. >> very good, indeed. bottom line is netflix recently has had its service slow down making it dpift for subscribers who actually watch "house of cards" -- >> that keeps stopping. >> it's herky jerky. they are going to pay comcast which is the largest part in america. they're going to pay them to get faster, more reliable service. this makes sure that netflix stays dominant. >> by the way, netflix has 33 million american subscribers. 10% of the population. they gobbled up 1/3 of all internet traffic space. >> now they'll gobble up more. they have a sweetheart deal. >> is that fair?
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is it fair that 10% of the population gobbles up 1/3? >> for one thing, salute them for being proactive. >> absolutely. >> number two, what about the other places? >> amazon -- >> a lot of money behind it. >> another streaming operation. this he have big bucks behind them. maybe they will have to pay for faster, more reliable service? >> we pay more. >> everybody will pay for this. look what you have. >> sure. >> a revolution in entertainment. this is a new way. >> what about young people who want to watch you, stewart barney. very important for the young, middle aged and old. >> anybody. >> the company's moving? >> yes. barney and company as of today will appear live and in living color at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. a full two hours of entertainment about money. today we start at 11:00. >> i'm going to come and visit you. >> you are. >> like it or not. >> you're not invited.
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>> come on in. >> it's at 9:20, it's even bigger. >> unbelievably successful? >> i like to think so. >> stewart, you are the number one performing show that started at 20 minutes after the hour. >> in the entire planet. >> pretty much. >> now that's a record. >> congratulations to your move. you get two more hours of sleep. >> sort of. >> we'll be watching today at 9:00 eastern time. two hours, stewart varney and eastern. >> 11:00 when we start. >> i knew there was a 1. >> thank you very much, everyone. >> thank you. >> see you soon. coming up on this monday, it's the roadside miracle that captured the nation. a hero and saving her nephew with cpr. would you know what to do if this happened to you? we're going to show you how to do it. you could save a life. >> and controversy this morning over the girl scouts. they say that they're promoting abortion. is that true? we'll take a look. >> affleck's trivia question,
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born in 1965. she's known for her role in "sex and the city." fox news. ♪ ♪ aflac. ♪ aflac, aflac, afc! ♪ [ both sigh ] ♪ ugh! ♪ you told me he was good, dude. yeah he stinks at golf. but he was great at getting my claim paid fast. how fast? mine got paid in 4 days. wow. that's awesome. is that legal? big fat no. [ male announcer ] find out how fast aflac can pay you at
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quick headlines now. incredible view of a fishing boat up in flames. three people are on board the 46 foot boat when it caught fires. they were rescued by a good samaritan from another boat before their vessel went underneath water. the buchanan field airport. the biplane was not intended for
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flight. it was heavily damaged in the crash. no one was injured. elisabeth? thanks, brian. are the girl scouts of america asking girls to lean left? they sent out a tweet which linked to an article praising women like texas state senator wendy davis. wendy davis's rise to fame was she had an 11 hour filibuster. are these the type of values that the girl scouts should be promoting? joining me now to discuss this, penny nance for concerns women of america. good morning. >> good morning. >> this isn't the nonpolitical girl scouts that a lot of americans were promised. what's your take on that? >> sadly, i was a girl scout, elisabeth, there are some great families involved with girl scouts of america, but this organization started leaning to the left starting in the 1970s and it's done this downward style. they've made god optional in 1993 and they stacked their board with liberals.
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betty fredans served 12 years on the board. they hold up gloria stein number, betty fredan, polymlpol murray who started now. it's not the same zblorgs they balance them out on the right, it's supposed to be separate. they were affiliated with a group that engaged with pro abortion advocacy and involved with planned parenthood. kathleen sebelius popped up. >> correct. >> she's a difference maker as they quoted in 2013. is this a place where he would send your daughters knowing what you know? >> well, i didn't. i purposely made the choice not to do that even though as much as i loved that experience, but there's other choices. there's american heritage girls that you can be a part of that still holds to the same cultural standards that we believe but,
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yes, they've lurched to the left. it's not new. i think, you know, starting in the 1970s liberals purposefully infiltrated institutions. we can serve as the wakeup, smell the coffee and take them back. we need to quit playing small ball, buy ourselves on the right boards and start infiltrating the culture and make sure the institutions are sound. i'm not ready to give up girl scouts of america. i want to take it back. >> are you going to boycott the cookies? i spent $100 on the cookies. i wish they had a gluten free option. do you think cookie cot is a good idea? >> we don't do a boycott, we do buy cots. only 10 to 20% of the cookie sales go to the local troop. cut them a check if you want to support them. don't support the national organization and, you know, look, for all their take about childhood obese siobesity.
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i've eaten my share of them. concerned women for america support the women having leadership. we have our young women for america college chapters. we strongly believe in young women having good leadership training. i'm not sure this is the way to go anymore unfortunately. >> we had the spokesperson for the girl scouts on the network not too long ago. they actually put forward that they are not political in fairness to them. the cookies are good. a lot of people like them. we want to thank you for being here. concerned women for america. appreciate your stance. god bless. next up on the rundown. it's the roadside itching mel everyone is talking about. an aunt saving her nephew with cpr. what would you know and would you know what to do if this happened to you? we're going to show you exactly what you need to do to save lives. first on this date in 1868 president andrew johnson was impeached in 2011 the space shuttle discovery took off for final mission from kennedy space
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the nation. pamela russo stuck on a highway when her five-month-old nephew stopped breathing. she pulled over and screamed and she started cpr. she saved her nephews life. would you know what to do? >> here to show us what to do is laurie torres, certified cpr trainer. >> what could we do in that situation in can you bring us up to par? >> absolutely. the first thing you do is remove the infant from the car seat. put the infant on a hard, flat surface. >> how do you know that something is wrong to begin with? >> the infant would be limp. >> limp. >> color? >> discolored. when you check for response, there's no response. >> so the first thing you then do is put them flat, hard surface? >> correct. >> i remember last time i took the class it was all about a, b, c. >> airway, circulation. >> now it's c, a, b,
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compressions, airway breathing. >> even for babies? >> even for babies? >> why, because that keeps the blood flow to the brain? >> you're basically saving the mind. >> correct. >> c, a, b, start with the c, what do we do? >> for compressions, you put your tips of the fingers right underneath the breastbone. you put your snnondominant hand 30 compressions at the beat of "staying alive." so we're going to do 30, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 -- >> are you calling for help during this time? >> 29, 30. then you're going to give two breaths. >> all right. >> once you check for responsiveness, if there's no
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responsiveness, you want to yell for help. >> you said touch the feet. is that the most sensitive? >> before that you would tap and shout. if there's no response, you would of course yell for help. >> real quick about the pressure. >> you don't want to break anything, right? use two fingers? how do you know how far to push? >> pressing down 1 1/2 inches. >> that's the c, the compression. the a. >> airway. you're opening the airway by tilting the head slightly back. you don't want to hyperextend the airway, the head, you want to tilt the airway slightly back. >> now it's time for the b in c, a, b. >> breathing. you're going to give two breaths putting your mouth over the nose and mouth of the infant. >> this is after you've done the 30 compressions if there's no response. >> do you continue compressions and breathe? >> no, you stop, 30 compressions and two breaths. >> we've stopped, not responsive. >> now we move into this. >> how do you position your mouth on an infant?
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>> you make sure the airway is open first. then you put your mouth over the nose and mouth of an infant. >> over both. >> give two breaths to see if you see chest rise. >> nose and mouth. >> nose and mouth. >> you look to see if the chest rises? >> correct. each breath is one second long. >> then you go back to compressions? >> then you go back to 30 compressions and two breaths. >> is this the same protocol you would use on a grown up? >> the grown up is the same with 30 to 2 at the beat of "staying alive" however, you're using the heel of the hand. for age one and over, you use the heel of the hand to do your presses. >> two fingers might break a win or something -- >> two fingers are not enough as far as the -- applying the compressions. >> for adults and children. >> children you do not stop these compressions and breathing until someone comes for hep. >> until they become conscious
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or someone is there. >> very good. >> laurie torres, thank you very much. she's also the owner of baby be safe. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. coming up straight ahead, department of justice tracks our own james rosen. what's being done to make sure that doesn't happen again? we'll examine. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and purina dog chow light & healthy is a delicioly tender and crunchy kibble blend. with 20% fewer calories than purina dog chow. isn't it time you discovered the liter side of dog chow. purina dog chow light & healthy. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for est pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include adache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help
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some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. good morning. it's monday, february 24th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. they fight and die for this nation, but today our secretary of defense set to turn his back on the troops. details on the billions in cuts being unveiled today. and she famously blamed a video for the murders of four brave americans in benghazi but susan rice was wrong. completely wrong. she's got to have some regrets, right? >> the notion that somehow i or anybody else in the administration misled people is patently false. i think that's been amply demonstrated. >> really?
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bret bahre here to weigh in on that. >> "the bible," people behind it, roma and mark are here. that's how i know. they're here. >> mornings are better with friends, i tell ya. >> hi, everybody. i'm harry lewis. stand by for the news. whenever i hear that i just crack up. >> absolutely. >> he does the news here on this channel 6:00 p.m. eastern time. we're talking about bret bahre joining us from our nation's capital. good morning. >> i just saw a news alert from someone down in the d.c. bureau. about a brand new gallup poll. america's perceptions of "prometheu president obama and his standings in the world. 53% of americans do not think he's respected by other world leaders. americans field 41% that he is respected.
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that's a head scratcher right there. >> yeah. the first time gallup has had that kind of a poll for a president and that is yupside down like this. for president obama, americans think he's not respected worldwide, that's not a good sign. that's tied to a number of things. one is the tapping and listening in to foreign leaders' conversations. >> yeah. >> and that story. i think the serious situation drawing a red line and then what has happened since with syria deteriorating. and really the efforts across the globe when you look at where the u.s. is, how world leaders are responding to what the president is saying. >> i mean, i love the fact that the president talked to vladimir putin for an hour. after the olympics are over, we don't have the leverage, maybe things are changing. we let everybody else do everything. poland took the initiative along with other western european
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nations to broker what happened in the ukraine. i think we have an opportunity now, bret, because we have natural gas and the ukrainians need natural gas. so we could start maybe brokering a deal and help fill the gap that the russians had in writing a check for their debt. >> yeah, brian, this is a really important time, today, the next kuj of dazyzys -- couple of day. as you know, the power vacuum when it is someplace else it changes quickly, dynamically. ukraine is a situation. the situation in kiev with president yanukovych being removed from power, the question is how fast will russia move in with a heavy hand to take an active role there? >> we also have the nation's greatest military, okay? today defense secretary chuck hagel is set to recommend billions of dollars of budget cults, year freeze on raises of top military positions, pay raises for troops, affecting commissaries and subsidies to get the limits on the troop
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housing. set the stage for us. i can't imagine this will not be met with great opposition. >> yeah, i think there will be a lot of opposition from republicans and a number of democrats especially on the defense committees up on capitol hill behind me. i do think that this is -- has been part of the plan, to reduce the size of the pentagon overall, but specifically the army. if this goes through as suggested, it would be the smallest u.s. army since 1940 before the buildup of world war ii. it's interesting in "the new york times" writeup, elisabeth, it says it takes into account the fiscal reality of government austerity. "the new york times" is writing that up about this proposal and yet last week we had the washington post saying that with the president's new budget not taking entitlement reform, even change cpi which is a social security change into account, they said austerity, the era of austerity is over for this administration. so it's over in one sense but in
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the sense of the military and specifically the u.s. army apparently it's not. >> all right. meanwhile, the era of regret, it apparently hasn't even started. susan rice had a big exclusive with david gregory, bret baier, yesterday on "meet the press." it was an exclusive first time since she sat down on five sunday chat shows and lied to the american people. no, no, no, nothing about terrorism, it has to do with the video. that's the reason why five great americans were murdered. david gregory gave her a chance to talk about regret. after all, xu he didn't wind up with secretary of state job because of the lying business. does she have any regrets? here's what she told mr. gregory. >> do you have any regrets? >> david, no, because what i said to you that morning and what i did every day since was to share the best information that we had at the time. the information i provided, which i explained to you, was what we had at the moment.
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it could change. i commented that this was based on what we knew on that morning was provided to me and my colleagues and indeed to congress by the intelligence community. that's been well validated in many different ways since. and that information turned out in some respects not to be 100% correct, but the notion that somehow i or anybody else in the administration misled the american people is patently false and i think that that's been amply demonstrated. >> well, she did mislead the american people. bret, on your show, kathryn has been doing some great reporting talking about how mike morell who's at the cia, he essentially massaged the administration to make the administration and hillary clinton look good. >> well, yeah. she has been reporting on then deputy director of the cia, mike morell, and his role in the formulation of those talking points. essentially he was the focus.
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he was the person who was making that decision and there are people on the ground who say they had nothing as far as a protest. they were putting up the chain. nothing that was -- that ended up being put in those talking points. to susan rice's defense, she was handed this piece of paper and she went out there and did it and she's saying that the intelligence community gave her the talking points. >> sure. >> so she is saying what she was given. >> but if you remember back at that time, bret, the day after she went on tv everybody goes, why did they send her out? where was hillary? well, the conventional wisdom and she said, no, i'm not going to do that. >> does she believe they gave her the entire bit of information. >> looking back, you had senator mccain on another show, "face the nation" and they played this
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exact same clip and he actually laughed at the answer because he has gone through a lot of the questioning and looking at this for the past year and says that it's clear to him that there was an effort to mislead. there is an effort to call back up mikes morell -- >> good. >> -- to capitol hill to get him to answer questions that he didn't answer the first time. >> he'll have to take a day off of higgs position with philippe reins if he's going to have to go to capitol hill and testify. >> cozy. >> bret, we know you have to get ready for your big show ten hours from now. we'll all be watching. >> you could change outfits. >> free time. >> thanks, bret. >> the first one in the office. >> he goes over and makes the coffee for everybody. >> it's tradition. >> you do the same thing. >> he did. >> he knows how successful your show is and he wanted to be a part of it this morning.
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>> that's why you're here. >> yes, exactly. i'll accept this invitation any morning although we miss heather. here's what you missed overnight, dale earnhardt doing a victory lap after a big win at the daytona 500. >> checkered flag waving. it's over. it's earnhardt! >> earnhardt snapped a 55 race losing streak to capture his second daytona 500. he joined us earlier on "fox & friends" to tell us why the second time was a little sweeter. >> this time you are able to let it all sink in and really enjoy it with the people you care about. i've got my whole team here, my family, my girlfriend, everybody here to enjoy this with. >> earnhardt said that he was looking forward to relaxing after getting one hour of sleep last night. on the media circuit today. developing overnight, ukraine's acting interior minister announcing an arrest warrant for ousted president viktor yanukovych. he is wanted on charges that he murdered protesters in violence
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that has engulfed the city. here's a live look at kiev where at least 82 people have been killed. he's fled the city now. he was last seen in the russian peninsula. new details as the capture of the osama bin laden of the drug trade, joaquin el chapo guzman. they analyzed messages sent back and forth. they found some so 3er7b8 that could only be from guzman himself now they're trying to extra diet him to the u.s. michael mccall tells us why he wants guzman to face justice here in america. >> you have corruption in mexico. he's already escaped once. he's the most powerful man in mexico. i think the flight risk and security risk is tremendous in mexico.
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that's why he needs to be brought out of mexico into the united states. i think it'st the state department negotiate in. >> guzman is currently held in an underground cell m mexico. sheer panic. that's how a pilot describes the moment a bird smashed through his plane's window. the plane was going 170 miles per hour when the bird hit that glass. the pilot, rob webber's head was cut, but he did land the plane safely. >> it was a slap in the face, literally. i tried to duck down to the right a little bit after it happened just to try to get out of the air. >> webber says he's lucky that the bird did not come through the windshield because it would have knocked him out cold. take a look at the shirt he was wearing. it's an angry birds shirt. can you tell? those are your headlines. back to you, elisabeth. >> how did the cameraman know the bird was coming?
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>> isn't that bizarre? >> it was a small plane. >> little go pro. >> glad he did. we got to see it. >> angry bird shirt. >> good job downloading that this morning. very good idea. straight ahead on this monday, the president says his door always open. in just a couple of hours right from now, governors from all across the country will walk into the white house and will offer him some advice. one of those governors, mike pence will join us from the nation's capital. a close look at this video you want to be taking right now. that's a burglar rummaging through a bedroom. >> where? >> where? >> just looking there. the homeowners were sleeping just steps away. >> there he is. >> this is a most disturbing story. we'll call it a nightmare. >> i would say so. >> coming up. >> look at him. ♪ ♪ mine was earned in korea in 1953.
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afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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a couple hours from right now the governors from across the united states will arrive at the white house for a conversation with president obama. it's one of the final events of the national governor's association winter meeting. so what's on the agenda? governor mike pence of indiana will be there. he joins us from our bureau. >> good morning, steve. >> great to have you. it's a conversation with the president. >> right. >> what would you like to tell the president or make sure that he understands from your point of view in indiana? >> well, what i want to say is that i come from a state that works. i mean, the state of indiana saw 42,000 new private sector jobs created last year. we're seeing manufacturing come back. our economy is growing stronger. we have the lowest unemployment rate in the midwest and that's because we've been doing things the indiana way. so my message to the president
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this morning is i'd like to see this administration take action to give states more reason and more flexibility to innovate on a broad range of issues, whether it be transportation, whether it be education, whether it be health care because indiana and a lot of other republican led states around the country are seeing growth and opportunity and jobs and educational advancement and i think empowering our state to innovate is going to be a pathway forward for our economy and for our country. >> so, governor, when you say you want the federal government to give the states more freedom -- >> right. >> -- essentially you're saying, get out of our business. >> we are in a certain sense, but it's a little more profound than that. i served for a dozen years on capitol hill. i've served for 12 months as governor of indiana. steve, i'm absolutely convinced that the cure for what ales this country will come from our
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nation's state capitals than it ever will from the nation's capital. the key is to deliver a message along with other governors, including some democrats who share this view as well, that says instead of trying to solve all these intractable problems in washington, d.c., why don't you give states the opportunity to try different ideas and in indiana we have the fastest growing school choice program in the united states. we're looking to expand more innovation. we have one of the most innovative public health care programs in the country. the healthy indiana plan. allowing innovation on health care, education, transportation at the state level then see what works is really -- i think it's a part of the genius of the american experiment for more than two centuries. >> there in ind iana you have a minimum wage of $7.25. the president will bend your ears and say we need minimum wage of $10.10 per hour.
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we've heard from the congressional budget office that could result in up to 1 million americans losing their job. what do you think if minimum wage goes from $7.25 to 10 point -- $10.10. >> i want every hoosier to make more. the federal government or the states can raise the minimum wage. they certainly have the ability to do that. so you can do it by mandates, but i think the better course is a combination of lifting the burden on businesses small and large. in indiana we passed the largest state tax cut in indiana history. we're considering corporate tax reductions in the corporate session of the general assembly. we've been rolling back red tape. the other piece is education. in indiana we're making an effort to make career and vocational education a priority in every high school in our state again. i mean, the jobs that the state of indiana was involved in
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bringing to our state last year have an average wage of about $21 an hour. >> that's great. >> but the challenges is oftentimes finding people to fill those good paying jobs. i think lifting the burden on businesses and taxes and regulations and creating more effective and career vocational expectations is a better pathway. >> lower unemployment. a lot of jobs. good schools. you should run for president. have you thought about that? >> thanks. i'm flattered at the suggestion and i'm awfully proud of the hoosier state. i'll be honest with you, steve, i haven't spent one second over the last 13 seconds thinking about anything other than the future of the people of indiana. >> i've got a feeling there are a lot of people who would like to see you running for president. you have a great message. mike pence, the governor of the great state of indiana.
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good luck. >> thank you. >> 20 minutes past the hour. spelling bee hits a snag. when they run out of words. from the "bible" to the big screen, roma downie and mike join us to talk about that. with soft, meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smilfood and snacks. over one million hours of research. are inside are specific vitamins and minerals to help support your heart, brain and eyes. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you.
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welcome back. mms of people on the globe tuned in to the tv mini series "the bible" making a surprise smash hit. now mark burnett and roma downy are giving them more to see in their new film "son of god." >> the people today, they called you king. they think you are a messiah. >> but you seem to ignore them.
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>> who do you think i am? >> you are the son of god. >> joining us now, "son of god" producers mark burnett and his wife, actress roma downie. >> this is already a huge hit. >> how many people saw it? >> mark, you nearly killed me in australia. the least i can do is see a sneak peak. congratulations. how many tickets are prebought this. >> we read in a hollywood report last week, 500,000 tickets already pre-bought and some theaters the entire megaplex has been taken over. from cincinnati ohio or oklahoma, city, the only movie in the entire mega plex is "son of god." only in america. >> how do you do this?
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how do you do a series and in the middle of it say, this should be a movie? and do the movie and a series. how do you pull that off? >> this is the story of jesus. he deserves a big screen. to see it in community, larger than life. his life story from humble birth, death, resurrection. he hasn't been on the big screen in almost 50 years since the greatest story ever told. we shot additional footage and it's absolutely beautiful. >> for the people who saw the mini series, which was ten hours in length, this is going to be different. they're going to see things they did not see in the tv show? >> this starts off at revelation with john and john's making a very clear statement in the beginning with the word and the word was with god, the word was god. makes a clear statement that jesus was both human and god on earth. >> and as you go on in it, it's interesting because you start
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there, like divinity, then you literally by the time of the crucifixion, you're in love. you feel so loved. was that your goal? >> absolutely. we wanted that humanity in the story. we want the people who already believe and love jesus will fall in love with him all over again and people who don't know him will have a chance to discover him and start maybe a bigger conversation which, you know, will be encouraging around the kitchen table, around the water cooler. >> but you have different ear ras -- eras. you have different secretats. >> great question. amazing how we have full catholic support. southern baptist. assemblies of god. we took a long time to meet with
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them all and show scripts in the movie and this is an accurate story. also from the antidefamation. adrian foxman. all states. all the nominations. a lot of time. >> people are coming together to support son of god. >> when the tv series came out, reaction was fantastic except one little blip. that was that some bloggers felt that the reaction. the president of the united states, you must have done that on purpose. figure in the son of god. >> the sanction. >> it's great pleasure that i
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can tell you satin is on the cover. >> there is a satin, just not that satin. >> we cut him out. we cut him out. >> it is spectacular. you know, i think for believers and those that have questiol ce more questions and discussion. gorgeously filmed. roma downie, so great to see you. >> you look so comfortable on this couch. she's even dressed to blend in. >> here's a job. >> a love story that created a love story. >> we love it. >> it will be open friday. >> thank you very much. >> even though we know how it ends, everyone is going to go watch. >> thanks so much. next on our rundown, the department of justice revising the rules for tracking journalists like james rosen. one problem, the revision is a joke. >> what happens when budget cuts wipe out an entire fire department? one man forced to fight a fire
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all by himself? that story coming your way. >> he's a survivor. there's this kid.
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♪ save a horse, ride a cowboy >> all right. that's your shout of the morning. paula deen returning to the spotlight. deen had some fun on stage riding on the back of food network star robert irvine telling the crowd, quote, she's back in the saddle again. earlier elisabeth ad libbed and said, send in your caption. >> we can't read any out loud. >> none are set for morning television but creative nonetheless. >> i know we had you laughing with that one, too. >> well, who picked that song? that was perfect? >> who's that? >> one of our producers. >> giddy up. >> ride a cowboy. >> heather's off today. >> i'm filling in for heather this morning. let me tell you about your headlin headlines, what you missed overnight.
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25 kids in california paralyzed from a polio like illness. since then similar cases have been reported. a virus linked to a polio like disease found in two patients there. so far no cases have been reported outside the state of california. a volunteer firefighter forced to battle this fire for 45 minutes alone because of budget cuts. budget cuts slashed the illinois town's entire fire department. he struggled to keep the flames from spreading to a nearby house. >> it was pretty difficult due to the wind, i had an occupied home. it was pretty difficult to battle the blaze alone. >> we are grateful for him. eventually help from another district did arrive. no one was hurt, thank goodness. he is going to be on our show on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning live. we look forward to that. a nightmare playing out in real life. a burglar caught on camera stealing from an elderly couple
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while they were sleeping in their bed. the crooks so close to the couple, you can hear them snoring. this happened in california. the family installed a surveillance camera in their bedroom after a wallet and some money went missing without an explanation. and a spelling bee hits a snag when the judges run out of the one thing that they need the most, words. >> boy. >> it happened in missouri after 66 rounds, these two smart kids, these two finalists spelled all 300 approved words correctly. officials didn't want to pull more words from the dictionary because it might not have been fair. they put the con tebs on healed. it will pick up on march 8th. >> >> they wanted toen.
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they need to make sure the words are equal. >> i would have said, pick a word and spell it for me. >> pick a word for each other. >> we could be option goodman. >> that would be great. >> they have patience because of the delay. >> maria is very patient where she's outside where it currently is 35 degrees. >> hi. good morning. 35 degrees feels much better than pretty much what we've been experiencing throughout february and january. it's been such a cold winter across parts of the northeast. today, the temperatures getting much colder. they're going to continue to do so over the next several days not over the northeast but across the midwest. fargo today your high temperature forecasted to stay in the single digits. this is going to be the case as we get into tuesday and also into wednesday. that cold air just continues to
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expand eastward and south ward. by wednesday you're going to be only in the 40s in cities like dallas, atlanta, also raleigh, north carolina. winter making sure we know that it is still winter across many of these areas. otherwise, we do have snow across parts of the pacific northwest. 6 to 12 inches across the higher elevations. lake effect snow forecast across upstate new york across lake ontario. that is where we have warnings and advisories in effect. as much as 10 inches of snow possible. by the way, mid-atlantic, northeast, we are expecting another round of snow tuesday night into wednesday. right now computer models are thinking accumulations will be on the lighter side. let's head over to you, brian. >> thanks a lot, weather girl. >> you're welcome. the organizations of the sochi olympic closing games have a sense of humor. look at this.
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>> they got their fifth ring. yeah, dancers portraying the five olympic rings mocked the opening ceremony. it didn't make it open. this time the group eventually did let the fifth ring bloom. and the quack attack is looking to expand their dynasty to football. the boys from "duck dynasty" have agreed to be the title sponsor for college football's independence bowl. it will be played in shreveport, louisiana, where they reside. the robertson clan has reached a deal with nascar to rename a sprint car race the duck commander 500. >> they're mogles, every department. nicks up on the rundown, the department of justice revising the rules for tracking journalists like james rosen. one problem, our next guest says the revision is a joke. msnbc, the tv network, told
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alec baldwin to take a hike. he's hitting back. wait until you hear what he's saying about the people who work at that joint. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] even ragu users a. chose prego traditional over ragu traditional. prego?! but i buy ragu. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of phyllis's story, visit headlines for you. msnbc told him to take a hike. baldwin claims he never wanted to be part of the network msnbc in the first place. blames rachel maddow for him getting canned. he's leaving new york for hollywood and will never speak to the media again. and piers morgan's show on cnn getting the axe.
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he replaced larry king years ago and has routinely been beaten by all the competitors in the 9:00 p.m. hour. say so long to piers. remember when eric holder tracked james rosen's e-mails and phone calls? get ready. let's take a legal look at it with jay secelo. jay, first off, about this attempt to amend this portion of our law. do you like the attempt? >> i don't like the result of the attempt. let me tell you why. this is a pattern that the department of justice and frankly the obama administration is engaged in. they over reach. they get caught. they apologize. and then they sort of amend the rules so it doesn't look as bad.
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in this case what d.o.j. says in most circumstances they won't do that kind of broad scope attempt to get information and intimidate the media. they're not going to do that anymore in most cases but if the integrity of the investigation is at play, then they can do it. why don't you just follow through with normal criminal procedure as far as getting information, respect the first amendment, understand the fourth amendment search and seizure and due process rather than the drag net which seems to be the government's approach about everything whether it was the fcc last week, then they roll back their news monitor program. i mean, this is a constant pattern. so while it's a step in the right direction, it shouldn't have been a step that was necessary in the first place and it certainly doesn't solve the problem. >> if i'm involved in a story that the government says they want to find out who my source is to that story, what changes if this goes through? in what way am i better protected today? >> well, it's supposed to be
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that your employer, fox, would be notified and could raise objections. however, if this is a situation where the integrity of the investigation could be impacted, whatever that means, that's such a broad loophole that you could drive a mack truck through it. it makes the rest of the law meaningless. the integrity of the investigation. again, just comply with the existing constitutional standards and all of this could have been avoided but, again, this was the typical overreach. it really gives -- i don't think it gives any protection. i'm not the only one saying this. there's law professors at leading universities saying this didn't go anywhere. it didn't change the gamut. what happened here is the department of justice got caught. they've been embarrassed. they've been the most aggressive in going after reporters in the last 30 years and the end result of that has been a significant push back from lawyers like the aclj, law professors, people involved in the media like news
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corp, fox, and others and a.p. so i think the end result here, brian, is it's a step but it's not a step that closes the problem. >> you're here talking about it on a national morning show. the people of the a.p. should weigh in as well. what could we do to toughen this up to straighten it out? >> i think congress has to maintain its continued oversight of these agencies that seem to be allowed to run without any rudder. they go wherever they want to go whenever they want to go. when is you need congressional oversight. i think news media organizations could challenge these regulations. i think we'll see what happens with implementation. what they did to fox's james rosen and his family, what they did with a.p., there is no excuse for this. eric holder, the attorney general with all due respect to his office can apologize all he wants. an apology doesn't solve the problem. again, the overreach was obvious. they got caught. they do this modification. >> got it.
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>> thank you for joining us this morning. meanwhile, we change gears to finish things up. the winners of the show "the singoff." >> congratulations, you are "sing off" champions. you win the recording championship. >> called home free here to perform. let's check m with martha mccown. >> this morning we have a special guest star today. thank you very much, brian. susan rice back on the sunday morning tv networks and raising eyebrows once again. senator john mccain said he was literally speechless after her appearance yesterday when she talked about benghazi. we're going to talk with karl rove about that. one prominent pollster says the state is now leaning gop, all of that and much more at the top of the hour. we'll see you then. [announcer] word is getting out.
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♪ ♪ ♪ well, the five-man country ak capella group wowed judges with their vocal harmonies. they walked away with $100,000 in recording contract as the winners of season four. >> now they're promoting their brand new debut album called crazy life. joining us with their crazy life, they've stopped here. the group, home free, is here. welcome. good morning. >> we feel privileged. we got the preview through your rehearsals. first off, how have things changed since the show? >> it really has been a crazy life for us. it's been unbelievable. the fangs have been so welcoming to us in country music and it's
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just been a blast. >> you guys got started because of the brothers here on the end? you, adam and chris, you are far from each other. >> over the years we've added members. this is the core group, the one that actually clicked. >> it sure did. >> it's a very unique sound. we heard some of it this morning. you take pop songs and make them a little country. do you mind doing it for us? we gave you the microphones and the rug. >> you are going to perform "the way the wind blows." we're going to hum off tune over here. take it away. >> two, three. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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before it's history, it's news. tomorrow on the program we show you this video. oh, that was a bird hitting the windshield of an airplane. the pilot of that plane will be here live. he is lucky to be alive. >> we're going to be here with the top company's hiring. >> this quarterback on the seahawks, russell wilson, is that how you say his name? >> yeah. >> i think that will be fun to talk to him about winning a super bowl. >> fun. >> meanwhile, what about after the show? >> home free has another number? >> are you kidding me? >> this is true. >> guys, i would love to be a
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roadie. >> here's your mic. got to party with the groupies. >> looking for something coming out of these speakers. i can't believe you do all of that acapella. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow, everybody. >> bye-bye. >> thanks, guys. explosive news on the pentagon. defense secretary chuck hagel is set to have billions of cuts. it will limit pay raises and reduce benefits for service members. it will likely set off an epic fight on capitol hill. we're getting wind of that. we have more from general jack keen coming up minutes away. also developing this morning, russia apparently ready to flex even more muscle in ukraine after days of violence in that capital.


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