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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  February 25, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST

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like barnie and makes ornaments for christmas like this cardinal. it will focus on his relationship with the world leaders. >> he's very talented. >> thanks for joining us. i will be back in new york tomorrow. america's news headquarters. >> obama care insurance premiums could spike for two-thirds of americans working for small businesses. i am alisyn camerota. >> and i'm eric shawn sit nothing for hill hemmer. a small company is a company with newer than 50 employees. 65 of those business people could see higher premium ands that is a lot of people. 11 million in all. >> lou dobbs joins us now. how did this happen?
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this was not the plan? >> we were not supposed to find out about it i suppose. this plan coming out of health and human services department was released last friday. a traditional document dump when the administration doesn't want folks to pay much attention. indeed new york times and huffing ton postand a host of liberal outlets ignored the store tore. but as a result 11 million people will pay higher premiums. 65 percent are expected to have to pay a great deal more of their employee's sponsored insurance. this is a devastating report again for obama care. and what they didn't need is anymore bad news. this is a $2 trillion obama care
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plan. >> yeah. and right now, alisyn, they have provided additional insurance to one and half million people who previously were uninsured. these are devastating numbers. >> lou, i am surprised you have those numbers. the administration hasn't released the numbers. where are you getting them? >> from insurance companies and surveys and national federation of independent business and national small business association. some of the insurance companies as well are providing us with a peak inside of their books and frankly it is not pretty. the model for dumdum care is upside down. they were reloying on 40 percent of the enrollees to be between the ages of 18 and 34, alisyn. and that number right now is only 25 percent. why is that important? it is important because the young people are the ones they are counting on to pay the premiums to support older
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americans who need greater care. >> so lou, back to the 11 million small business employees who may have to pay a higher premium. let me remind you and the viewers what the president said on the campaign trail to the small business owners b about their premiums in 2012. >> once we have fully implemented, you will be able to buy insurance through a pool so that you can get same good rates as a group that if you are employed in the big company you can get right now which means your premiums will go down. >> he made that claim without condition. and it sounds like he was basing it on more competition? >> you have to speculate on what he was basing it on is the loudest and sharper answer to it
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all. the president hasn't been exactly careful in the statement and promises of support for obama care and what it would accomplish. i can't think of a single thing that the president said in the past five years that turned out to be accurate when it comes to obama care. i am not harsh or partisan, that is a reality. every time he opens his mouth it seems about obama care, he gets 3 or 4 pinnochios from the washington post. let me share with you what small businesses are up against and people experiencing higher premiums. health insurance premiums incurred by small business employer and employee shares, will average $7,000 a month. that is 80,000 a year, you are talking about small firms as well. those are huge numbers. and add simply to the cost and
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disruption of obama care. this is having the impact on profitability of insurance companies and financial support that has to come from the federal government to the insurance companies that are making obama carry possible. what we are seeing alisyn, so many taxpayers paying so much to achieve so little for so few. >> all right. lou dobbs. thank you for helping us with the math. >> great to be with you. >> health officials in maryland had enough for now. they fired the contractor responsible for the website. turns out just like, maryland state run site crashed within minute was going live in october. it is still not fully functional. the state has not ruled out suing the original contractor all of the problems with the system. >> california's health care
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website was down five days because of glitches in the software system. state officials say it began in a planned maintenance update last weekend. 830,0 830,000 people in california signed up for obama care. >> a rare event in the white house. president obama and john boehner having a one-on-one meeting to discuss what the speaker's said a broad range of topics. it is the first private meeting in more than one year. it is between two of the most powerful men in washington. it comes while public confidence for the oval office and congress is going the wrong direction. the polls show that the americans having confidence in the presidency dropping.
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and only 39 percent have the same level of confidence in those they sent from washington and down from 76 percent from 2012. what about the meeting. bret baier joins us. you know, brett, lbj twisted the weres of senate colleagues and had cocktails. and tip o'neill and reagan having drinks after five. this president doesn't do. that what can come out of the meeting? >> he's starting to doing more of it. and . point to john podefta stirring up the additional outreach efforts by president obama to capitol hill. you are right about the meeting today. 2012, december was the last time speaker boehner met alone in the oval office with president obama. they speak on the phone we are told bite speaker's office and white house. but not that often.
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it was interesting larry, our friend and political commentator and director for the center of politics thinks that this meeting with boehner and obama is so unique he thinks that obama has met more times with vladimar putin on within on one than with the speaker of the house. >> obviously they are dealing with minimum wage and budget and other factors? >> it is interesting, a lot of the fiscal crisis issues are put on the back burner, this is one week before the president unvauls the budget to capitol hill. but immigration reform is not likely to go any place and you have the debt ceiling deal that finished and a one year deal. and what they are going to talk about is interesting. and i don't think tax reform is
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something they can get around. a lot of this is election laying the ground work for the election. and what they can do is what they are going to talk about. the list, a lot of people say it is pretty short. >> the speaker's office said it is a constructive operation and a range of topics from flood insurance and immigration and health care law. and the statement from boehner's office. they agree that there is a lot of work to do the rest of the year and important to work together wherever we can find common ground. and that is the magic word, common ground, do they have much? >> they don't. they are on two very different paths. last time, speaker boehner speaking about immigration reform. he said widespread doubt whether this administration can be entrusted to enforce our laws. saying there was doubt he would
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move with immigration reform. and on the afghanistan front. that is the reason for the meeting and today the president called hammid president karzi and has a plan to pull troops out of afghanistan bite end of the year if karzi doesn't sign the agreement. that could be a reason speaker boehner is meeting in the white house. >> this is the first time they have spoken since june. do you think they will get anywhere. >> it is election year. both sides are laying the ground work for their parties. for republicans, it is a lot of obama care and economy and not taking a bite out of big policy issues. the republicans believe they have a winning hand going into november. and democrats you heard about the president talking about
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income inequality and unemployment benefits and they want to hit on those and draw a distinction with the republicans on those issues. >> thank you, brett. another fox news alert, doctors are trying to figure out a mystery illness that left 20 children in california with rare polio- like symptoms including partial paralysis. >> doctors are taking the cases seriously, but it doesn't appear to be an epidemic. there is no common link other than all 25 cases are in california. five in the northern part of the state. so here's what is happening. after suffering cold- like symptoms and having trouble breathing. the children experienced sudden weakness in the limb and
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paralysis like polio. >> it is rare. but if you have a sudden onset of weakness for your child that persists for more than a few minutes, seek medical care urgently. the ages of those affected rage 2- 16. and one case four-year-soph ia. her parents thought she had asthma and she couldn't move her left arm and had weakness in her left leg. >> she was healthy and we thought it was asthma and we went home from the hospital and next day, we did not realize what we were in store for. we doesn't realize her arm that she had a spinal cord inflammation and her arm is permanently paralyzed. >> so far they haven't found
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common causes linking the cases. back to you. and now even more fallout on obama care. the reports in the white house was in disarray in the months before the roll out. plus the irs facing the threat of a subpeona for targeting conservative and tea party groups, the attorney representing those organizations on what documents will reveal. >> and endured years of horror in the cleveland house of horrors and now they are honored. >> they rescued themselves. first by staying strong and by sticking together. and then by literally breaking out into freedom. >> i cried. it was wonderful they had the courage after what they had been
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through to go up there and i think the crowd was surprised.
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fox news alert. two bills going to the house floor to stream line the irs auditing process and stop targeting groups for political beliefs. this is a demand for turning over the records targeting the conservative and tea party groups. congressman champ has asked for those records and now threatening to subpeonaing them. jay sekelow. represents the oceaning. >> he wants to so more e-mails and documents, what more is repealing and what is he looking for? >> we have bits and pieces in the lois lerner e-mails.
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she was the head of tax exempt and she apologized for it and it is her e-mails. lois lerner was involved in more than targeting of the groups she apologized for and took the fifth. they never got testimony from lois lerner and never got questions and put her on the record. we know that there were groups audited by the irs that had status and different than the groups that are applying. and she would have represented that event. and the new rules coming in to lights and a lot of attention on this week and there are over 67,000 comments filed to the irs in opposition to the new rules that regulate c4s and go back and put in to law what the irs apologized doing for the tea party.
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one e-mail links her to writing the rules and they were all loes learner's doing. and chairman camp is giving the commissioner one more opportunity to handle it nicely and ask for the information or else. we are talking about a now days here. >> what he is threatening is a subpeona. how does that change the ekwaegz? >> it is the contempt of congress type of issue. similar to fast and furious and there could be a contempt vote and irs renowses and it could go to court then. and the question will be, is the irs interested in protecting lois lerner. what are the issues? congress is not worried about going through so many thousands of e-mails. congress is doing that. and they have investigators. but the concern and why they are refusing to give congress a full scope idea of what lois lerner
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was up to because she links to something else? >> what have they used the rational for not releasing them. >> they say it is not specific enough and there is a debate over whether the new information that came to light about the rule making and if lois lerner wrote the proposed rules, it is very damaging. she took the fifth and now they say the rules in effect and admitt admitted wrongdoing. and all of the pieces of legislation that are voted on this week including today all relate back to lois lerner. the idea is how involved is she? who are they protecting and what information are they protecting and what is the interest of the irs other than just getting it out there. >> obviously we'll follow the story and see what develops this
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week. nofficials say the white house was in disarray. >> and then there is this. >> that is a media frenzy surrounding oscar pistorias who is accused of killing his model girl friend. we'll go to soft africa for the latest. >> an suv swallowed up by a sinkhole. wait until you hear what caused the ground to open this time. >> oh, my god. how will i take it out of here? >> it is terrifying to know that she's trying to her morning exercise and for this to happen like this.
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huma. even when weross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why, at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™.
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a florida woman in custody after a alleged hit and run in miami caused streets to flood and a sinkhole that swallowed another car. let us explain. the driver hit a woman on monday and crashed in the fire hydrant and the flooding ensued created a sinkhole which claimed a homeowner's suv. >> the most important thing in all of this is my car can be replaced, at least i was sleeping and i am healthy and i was not hurt. >> just happy she is okay and it was not as tragic as it could have been. >> police say this woman was drunk behind the wheel. they charged her with dwi and charged her with driving without a license and the victim is
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recovering. >> we are fans of sinkhole stories here. >> yeah, we have had two. >> we want to know. >> what is the deepest hole you dug yourself out of? >> you are in really in trouble now. you like to be out of the house or worse. >> this is interesting responses. send us a tweet to me at alisyn camerota. >> and to me at eric shawn on fox. >> we'll see how this goes. >> and cameras will, allowed next monday when the murder trial for oscar pistorias. the judge making the ruling in a courtroom that was packed with journalist as you can so. it is first in the country and issued in response to numerous broadcasters. the blade runner is accused in the pre-meditated murder of his girlfriend. he dlams he shot her in the
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villa because he thought she was an indreweder and she was hiding in the bathroom. they are speaking live from south africa in this country we are used to tv trials. o.j. simpson and that murder trial. this is significant for south africa. >> reporter: you are right. it is history. it is the first time of a murder trial is broadcast live. you mentioned o.j. simpson, fox news learned tonight that the special television program that is dedicated to this trial, is going to feature as a legal expert none other than robert shapiro, the form every defense attorney that represented o.j. simpson. if you think on camera you will see sobbing witnesses and closeups, forget it. the camera for the witnesses is in the back of the court and all
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you will see is the back of the heads of the witnesses and then one final note, some critics are already saying that this is just going to be a reality tv show that people will watch for entertainment. they are already calling it keeping up with the pistorias, eric. >> thank you so much. meanwhile former vice-president dick cheney was speaking on hanitty about the pentagon's plans to scale back military to preworld war ii levels. >> absolutely dangerous. i am obviously not a strong supporter of barak obama, but this is over the top. there is long- term damage to the militaryment >> those cuts are not just prompting concerns over national security but the impact on the heroes that served in war zones. plus e-mails showing the
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white house in disarray in the months before the obama care roll out. we'll have a debate over there. >> coming home with a gold medal can be costly. team usa is going for a win this time on capitol hill. we'll explain. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+.
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[poof!] [beep] [clicks mouse] nice office. how you doing? good. automatic discounts the moment you sign up.
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president obama speaking with afghan president hammid karzi for the first time since june. the white house said the two leaders discussed the upcoming afghan election and the secretary agreement that karzi refused to sign. >> in ohio, an honor of women who survived a decade in the horr ebl case -- horrible case in cleveland. they were able to escape and get help. >> and law maker proposing legislation to make sure american olympians don't get hit with a tax bill with their prizes. they are leaving sochi with medal and money. >> and reports of disarray in the white house in the months
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leading up to obama care. >> e-mails expressed frustration with the white house early as may. we'll debate. this johnathon is a republican strategist for the super pac american cross roads and marjorie is a former consultant to the obama campaign and ceo of clifton consulting. >> marjorie let me she the viewers e-mails from may 1st from an hss official. it said, i think we need to have a come to jesus meeting with our friends over there. i think they are in disaway. i don't know who is in charge on health care. he's talking about the white house. how can a obama campaign that you worked on and you know well and famous for being so disciplined is in such disarray in the white house over obama
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care? >> i don't think it would be the first time an employee of any administration have a come to jesus. i love that term and think it is hilarious. there is 83,000 hss employees and the roll out was a challenge. we are trying to move one of the largest pieces of legislation we have seen in history. and it was a mess. it was a blupderring thing and i don't think that is new. i think they are trying to problem solve and apply discipline to make the policy work. but the fundmental thing that changed, the political climate has republicans and democrats when they used to come together and problem solve completely divided and it is hurting the outcomes right now. nsince the roll out, we are looking at 29 or so delays since the start? they need a different type of come to jesus meeting on this perhaps? >> i want to take issue with one thing marjorie said.
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83,000 employees. this is director of external relations talking about the white house. he said we don't know who is in charge over there? this is the biggest roll out since medicare and people are wondering why the president hasn't fired anybody over the roll out. it might be no one was in charge? >> and obviously we know that secretary sebelius was supposed to be in charge. marjorie, does the e-mails suggest that she did more than she has let on? or should have known? >> they don't suggest anything other than someone is frustrated and there was a lot of people and you can see this in any administration and not pointed in one person. it is it a lot of moving parts and the question is how do we deputy in and tweak the pieces of the legislation to make it work for everyone. it was not designed to be perfect because there is a lot
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of unknowns. >> johnathon, how to you make it work for everyone. the young people are not signing up and they are having problems? >> today over the in huffington post. sebelius down played the goal from sign up from 7 million to 6 million. if they are going down and expecting a million less people to sign up, this will cause problems up and down the law and they need sign ups to pay for the new cost of the program. >> they do. and we learned that maul business will be hurt more. and every week there are new wrinkles that they have to iron out. >> i think we all just need to work together and do a little relationship building and we'll figure it out. we need to work on it. >> and yes, that is starting right here, right now. marjorie johnson. thank you. >> and thank you. >> you know, i am obviously not
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been a strong supporter of barak obama, but this is really is over the top and there is emormous long- term damage to our military. it is it like a highway spent turn it on and off. the fact of the matter he is impacting the future presidents to deal with the barrage. >> that was dick cheney slamming the obama administration's plan to shrink our military to a size not seen before world war ii. the movement not only raising concerns about national security and also about our troops and veterans. we have the ceo of concerned veterans for america. pete, you have gone over the plan and proposals from the pentagon, what do they mean to those served? >> you have secretary hagel talking about how we live in a dangerous world.
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but one guiding principle is shrinking america's influence poi shrinking the military. they don't want to get entangled in another war. no one wants and we don't get to predict the next battlefield whether there is a extra teggic strike or land war. they are shrinking our hands. >> they say the technology and there is different environment and they can handle that. >> we say that and believed that before 9/11. we were in a new technological age to not require ground troops. anyone who looks at history they can't predict. yes they have more power capability than world war ii. but you can't replace boots on the ground. there are cuts that are critical. and military entitlements whether health care and
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personnel costs. they are trying to make difficult decision, but none of those decisions are made on other parts of the budget and mandatory spending. all of these cuts are on military and veterans and it is a disporportionate amount of sacrifice. >> you have wonderful brave men and women watching right now. and talking about entitlements of theirs are cut and yet you are saying others aren't. >> our large part of the budget is medicare and they are not touched and yet we go after the defense d. sure a lot of the places we can spend dollars on more wisely. we are open to reform on pensions and health care, and open to reforms on tricare prem yups. you have to get a hold of the personnel costs. but thinking that defense
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department is where you get it is short sighted. but the administration thinks we should spend more on entitlement depeppedencies at home. >> thank you for sharing your insight with us today. >> thank you, eric. >> eric holders stepping in the debate of same- sex marriage. and what he said about the enforcement of state laws. >> and a scary wrong way driver leading police on a chase. we'll show you what happens next. 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪
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>> time to check in with gretchen carlsson. >> hi, guys, vice-president biden messing up the obama care loss number and admitting he has no power as vp. >> and analyzing bill clinton's trip to kentucky.
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and imagine owning prerty for a mississippi river and only to lose it to the government for a new bike trail. two sisters from minnesota join us on the real story top of the hour. >> see you then, gretchen. >> and attorney general eric holder stepping in the highly publicized debate of same- sex marriage. >> telling state attorney general don't have to defend the bans if they believe them to be unconstitutional. >> judge napolitano joins us now. can the top law enforcement official say that law if you don't agree with it never mind. >> they can and they are free to accept or reject his advice. he has no say. this is a dilemma. you are the chief law enforcement of the state. governor or attorney general and you think it is a bad lou law and what do you do?
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the people have a right to have all of their laws upheld and defend and may not have the right to have the attorney general do the defending if he believe its is indefensible. and so in virginia, we recently witnessed this. the brand new elected attorney general of virginia is of the view that virginia's constitutional amendment banning same- sex marriage is itself unconstitutional and refused to defend. it did someone defend it and yes. as long as the laws do get defended people's rights are protected. >> in other words, the attorney general's can follow their own heart? >> yes, and no. it is a dilemma that lawyers have faced hundreds of yearses much what do you do that the people want you to do something that is immoral or
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unconstitutional. sometimes you hold your nose and do it or someone else will do it. >> that's what i interpret what eric holder is saying. he is an agent of the obama administration and this is part of the bum -- obama care message. i interpret him as a private citizen speaking about it. >> he does that on voting rights and supreme court. taking a policy and implementing it through the law or not enforcing. >> he declined to defend the defense of marriage act that was struck down by the supreme court. in the supreme court, the law was not defended by the justice department. it was by lawyers hired john boehner and paid for by the federal government. >> judge, can we pivot on what is going on in arizona, controversial legislation. >> you never give me the easy
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one. >> we know you can guyed us. business owners as i understand it can act or refuse to act based on their own religious beliefs? >> this is what the supreme court said. your religious beliefs can trump the state law when it has to do with a religious ceremony. and if a state law provides for same- sex marriage and same topic, and can a catholic priest or jewish ra bbi or protestant minister whose religious beliefs are against the concept of same- sex marriage refuse to perform one, yes. your free exercise of your w. gion with religious ceremony can the baker refuse to bake a cake for a same- sex marriage, answer no. but the minister or imman or
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rabi or priest can refuse to perform the same- sex marriage. the law in arizona would let the baker say no. i think that statute would be invalidated. >> governor brewer signs it into law you think it would face legal problems? >> yes, doichlt i wish these conflicts didn't a rise. if a baker doesn't want to bake a cake i wish they would go to another one. it is a socio-economic decision. >> we have until saturday. >> i don't know what she would do. >> and only advice i would get her. get out your checkbook, you will be defending the statute in federal court by next week. >> it is great to have you. >> well, the frigid temperatures are back and janice dean has who is in the path.
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>> and man lay dying and first responders steps away did not help him. they are looking for answers. >> how is it possible that five different people failed to act when faced with an immediate need? >> your mom could do anything.
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you call that defense?! come on! [ female announcer ] watch live tv anywhere. the x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. >> we have an update to a shocking story brought to you on hq. you on hq. first responders failed to do their job and a man died. cecil mills, a retired city worker suffered a heart attack. he collapsed across the street electric a fire station in washington, d.c. when frantic good samaritans ran to the firehouse for help, they say they were told they would first have to call 911.
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mills' family testifying at a d.c. council hearing on the case they were joined by other families who said city emergency first responders also failed their loved ones. cecil's son said he hopes their family tragedy does not have to happen to anyone else. >> it's time for change. it's time for change. my family and i do not want anyone to feel the pain and loss we continued to feel. >> the d.c. council hearing comes on the heels of saying five people inside the day mills had that heart attack should have rushed to help him. >> and here we go again, dangerously cold temperatures making a comeback in parts of our nation as well as snow. meteorologist at fox's "weather center" with more. janice, don't tell us the snow. >> the comeback we don't want, right? lets take a look at it. the windchill, what it feels like with the wind out there, northern plains, upper midwest, dangerously cold this week and
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heading into the weekend. minus 11 is what it feels like in minneapolis, 14 in kansas city. the map tells you the story, the pinks and purples and cold out there. continues throughout the workweek. long range shows us cold temperatures well into march. this is something weather watch to get used to. we've already seen incredibly cold winter. bismarck, minneapolis minus one the daytime high on thursday. even chicago you've been in the freezer much of the winter. single digits on thursday. your average is almost 40 degrees. the windchill is what makes it feels feel so dangerously cold. the cold core is across midwest, plains, great lakes, south and eastward over the next few days. it's going to feel like minus 30, minus 35 in some of these areas. so again people are urged to stay indoors, check on kids. radar, seeing snow along the arctic cold front.
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light flurries, enough to say people are saying enough already. we don't want any snow. light in nature, folks aren't happy, the ones that don't like snow anyway. back to the freezer for a lot of areas, new york, d.c., boston struggling to get past the freezing mark. as we look ahead the following week, looks like we're going to remain cold for much of the country. i wish i had better news. >> thanks for nothing. >> what's the good news? >> be careful with the cold. >> mvp while told you crazy story about a car ending up in a sinkhole after a hit-and-run. then we asked this crazy question, "what's the deepest hole you've dug yourself out of?" >> i don't want to say that. your best tweets next.
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we asked what's the deepest
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hole you've dug yourself out of. >> we got interesting one. the only appropriate one we can put on television. our favorite. wrongly guessing a woman's able is an impossible hole to dig yourself out of. >> tim is so right. >> true that. thanks so much for watching. here is gretchen carlson. whose story should we believe with mixed messages on obamacare. here is what health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius is saying about enrollment needing to get to that top number of 7 million. >> do you agree with vice president biding 5 or 6 is more realistic prfb 7 million was not the administration that was cbo congressional budget office prediction when the bill was first signed. i'm not even sure where theg theta their numbers. there are numbers all over the board. the vice president looked and said it may be


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