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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  February 26, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST

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secretary sebelius to go? voted in our gretawire poll. bill o'reilly is up next. stay right where you are on fox news channel. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" are kittens secretly obsessed with physics? our panel debates if you should be delighted or terrified if your feline is a certified genius. and does the president think america needs dudes named klause? >> we can't let germany and 60 and we have 4. we need to do better. >> and snack dispenser, or a machine that could cost uh limb at any moment? none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> i'm tom shillue filling in for greg gutfeld who is on a -- well, he is in the trunk of my car. let's welcome our guests. she has been warned that this
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may be the worst career move ever. but she showed up anywhere. i am here with first time guest, fox reporter kristina corbin. and she will kill you with kindness and a smile. just a note, kindness and a smile are the names of her grenades. and tv's andy levy, not to be confused with the wake boarder. he is booked for next week. and he is funny and generous and a pleasure to be around. but sam kinnison died years ago. check out his pod cast called my wife hates me oi tunes and base base -- based on actual events. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> hey, girl, is combat not where it is at? a survey conducted shows a small number of female soldiers want to be on the front line. as reported by the associated press 8% say they have any
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interest in moving to infantry , artillery or any other special combat specialty. that will soon be available to them. the army's chief of staff is not surprised telling the ap, the issue will be the propensity of women who want to do these things. i don't think it will be as great as people think. i believe we have a video of one of the few women who is interested in joining a combat unit. ♪ >> i love the singing. with all of this fighting on whether women should be on the front lines and men are talking and women are yelling. they don't want to be on the front lines anyway. >> i don't know how well women
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will fight. i don't know they can. but i know they can instigate one. it is not leak it is a revolutionary war where they are running down and it is hand to hand combat. >> did they do that in the revolutionary war? >> long sticks. >> the bay -- bayonettes. it is shooting a gun or pushing a button and women know how to push buttons. >> i do? >> i know you have an opinion on this. what do you think this proves about women? >> well, i think this could be further proof that women are smarter than men. we don't prefer to be shot at. i just want to say if anyone thinks that a woman can't fight as well as a man, look up my ancestor margaret corbin. she was one of the first women to fight for the american revolution in a combat role. she took over the cannon and critically wounded and the first woman to be buried at west point.
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women have been serving in a combat role in the american revolution. >> how? >> her husband was mortally wounded and she took over and was shot in the breast. it is what was northern manhattan. she was the first woman to get a pension from congress and to be buried at west point. anybody who thinks a woman can't fight as well as man, there you go. >> you neutralized all of my arguments. andy, do the viewers know you served in the military? >> probably. >> what do you think? you should know. >> i think there are a couple of things about the study that were noteworthy. they said the vast majority of women who were interested in serving in combat were in younger in age, 27 or younger. female soldier s who have been in the military for awhile who have been doing their job and have advanced in the ranks through their specialty will not want to switch to any other job whether it is combat or otherwise and the same goes for men. the fact that younger female soldiers showed more of an interest is a sign that the
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future will be a lot different from what it is now. >> could it be a sign that they don't know what is in store for them? they are young and inexperienced. they think they want to be in the black hawk down. the interesting thing is, 8% said they wanted to be in combat. those who did wanted to be in the elite troops. they wanted to be in with the bin laden squat. squad. >> look, i don't think we will see a change in combat positions with females as high as males. that's okay. for the ones who are interested and can meet the standards, that's great. the really good thing about the study is it showed that almost all of the men and women currently serving agreed that none of the standards should be lowered in order to get more women in combat. the men didn't want it because they want to feel safe and women don't want men to be sitting there thinking, oh they lowered the standards and that's why you are here.
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that's a great sign, i think. >> what do you think? >> have i a question. i have a question. didn't obama run on the ticket that we will end the war and bring the troops out? why are we worried about who will be fighting in the future? it is not who will be fighting. that's where i thought we were headed. >> i was waiting for somebody to attack obama. >> joanne, i am not a feminist, but i am a femininist. i enjoy femininity. >> it is the distance between the window and the bushes. >> it is a great way. i have never been in combat. do you think i should be disqualified from having an opinion on this subject? >> no, it is fine to have an opinion. granted we are not the ones fighting. their opinions matter a little more than ours. everyone is in agreement that
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if you have the skill set to be in combat and you are strong enough and intelligent enough it doesn't matter if you are male or female. >> i didn't say that. i wasn't in agreement on that. >> i didn't say you did. >> in these elite combat troops, these guys, they are guys. don't you think they will risk their own life to look out for women because they are chivalrous? it is these guys are going -- they will be honorable and they are not going to -- they will protect them. >> it is a fair point, but even in an all male unit you develop a a bond and if you talk to a lot of combat soldiers you say why did you do what you did? especially people who win medals for bravery. they don't say -- the reason they give for doing it is to protect my buddies. >> to a fault. a lot of people die because they have the don't leave a man on the field attitude. >> doesn't that shoot down your theory? >> i always give you openings
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to shoot down my theory. >> i don't -- >> it is an enviable role. >> sexting a student is far from prudent. in taxes it is not illegal. it is another -- >> victory for perverts. >> in 2012 the junior high school teacher was arrested for sending inappropriate texts to his 13-year-old female student. the messages talked about, quote, if either walked around a naked in their homes that is normal. keeping the relationship secret until the victim graduates, and dreams that each of them had about each other. this month prosecutors dropped the case. in october, the texas court of criminal appeals struck down the law that outlawed the sexually explicit communication between the adult and a minor citing the first amendment. the judge heard the rule was too broad and could include
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literature like "50 shades of gray" and performances like miley cyrus' twerking at the vma's. i believe we have a tape of that infamous performance. >> rich, this is a great day for perverts, isn't it? >> it is a fine line, and that line is drawn at 18 years old. texas is a very conservative state. so they will let this go on there, what is vermont going to do? >> texas is conservative, but they are also into freedom. they do believe in the first amendment in texas. >> first of all these old, creepy men will have to take courses on all of the abbreviations when it comes to texting. they don't know what these kids are going to write to them and all of these letters.
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whatever. >> the abc's? >> lol. >> you pick them up pretty quickly. >> i think it is completely creepy. if it happened to my daughters and these guys didn't have money i would be pissed. >> i am shocked this teacher is still teaching. the laws have to keep up with technology. >> they can still fire the guy. he is creepy? can you fire a guy for being creepy? >> as far as i know he is still working. >> she suspended. >> they are deciding whether to revoke his teacher's license. >> had he acted on the text -- >> of course, that's what he said. the texts were gross. should they illegal? he didn't try to meet her. he didn't pass the chris hanson standard. >> the constitution is not the guardian of good taste. as gross and disgusting this is they are first amendment rights and the laws have to keep up with technology and they are not. >> i wouldn't know how to text -- he would have to exchange phone numbers with
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her first. i assume maybe she sent him a text. remember that old song? remember that old song by sting, teacher-student, don't stand so close to me? they were blaming the victim. >> she must have given him her phone number. >> it may have happened and obviously he shouldn't have responded. he is obviously a creep. i hope he gets fired, but is it illegal? i think it is a first amendment issue. if you are not doing anything and just texting, kids today, it is a dirty world. >> what you have to understand is what the texas court ruled -- what they basically said was y'all passed a bad law -- i think it was y'all. it might have been all y'all actually. y'all passed a bad law and it doesn't pass constitutional muster. you need to write a better lay more narrowly tailored. they said you can make this illegal. they said the law you passed would make -- if an adult sent
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a copy of "eyes wide shut" to a minor, under this law that would be illegal. >> and these classes they talk about things like the vma's and they are discussing twerking. >> and that's the problem with the law. the law is overbroad. we need to more narrowly taylor it. you can stop what happened, but the law you passed to do that went too far. >> what about shaming? that used to, would. i said the guy's name on this program. isn't that punishment enough? >> unfortunately in this case it has to be. he didn't actually break a law. really the only thing we can do is punish him in terms of his employment. what is terrible about this is when you are young you are curious. you test the boundaries. the adults around you are supposed to set the limits and tell what you is appropriate and what isn't. if this is happening, these sorts of relationships because of technology like you said,
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then i am really nervous for this generation. >> couldn't you have -- couldn't you tell students, look, if you get into these texts you will get suspended too. punish them. students can be punished, you know. they are not little lambs. >> >> is it up to -- how come the parents are not involved in this? >> i think we need to reinforce parental -- >> i guarantee anthony wiener is calling a real estate agent in texas right now. i know where i am moving to. you are right, it is not a law, but there are moral laws. if i was a parent -- well, i am a paisht. paisht. when my daughters were 14 or 13 and somebody was doing that, believe me i would have taken matters -- >> does a 13-year-old need a cell phone? i didn't have a cell phone. >> oh man, 2-year-olds know how to use an ipad. >> 6-year-old is downloading
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movies. >> is that what you tell your wife? i didn't do that. i don't even like that kind of thing. >> last night when i was naked watching "frozen." >> and now it is time for this. >> back at norwood junior high school in massachusetts we add soda machine. it was off limits, but after school you could get a canned soda for 25 cents. not every seventh grader had that kind of money, so those with paper routes could buy a fellow student a coca-cola. it was one of the rewards for waking up early and delivering the newspapers in the cold. on occasionally i would get up the nerve and talk to a girl. karen, i am heading over to the soda machine. how about i pick you up a mountain due.
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mountain dew. it taught me about hard work, entrepreneur ship and love. today's students won't be learning these less sons. the government is removing any choice. they will limit the marketing to students so even a scoreboard at a school football game tw a coy caw -- with a coca-cola logo will be forbidden. can they not look at a logo? they are about to enter a school that bombards them with marketing. why do we tell them they are not able to speak for themselves and make their own choices ? isn't that high school what is for? >> yes, that and buying 10 minutes with a girl by buying her a sugar reand decaffeinated drink. >> andy, what is next? will they ban peanuts and bake sales and bullying at school? >> they have done all three of those. >> they have. this is terrible.
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>> first, the big thing i learned from your mono log is you are a little nerd. that is the main thing i took from that. >> i don't understand. people still call me a nerd and i never understood that. >> that's part of why you are a nerd. i am opposed to banning all of these things. the only thing that should be banned in schools is putting nuts in brown knees. brownies. people who put nuts in brownies are de ranged and should be behind bars. >> you are not allergic. >> no, it violates every law of the universe. it gets back to the moral thing. >> what if you crunch them up and sprinkle them on top? >> they don't belong. i don't mind if a school district decides it doesn't want a coke or pep swree, but i don't think the feds need to get involved. let the school districts decide. i don't see what the problem is. >> we are federalizing everything, every choice in a student's life.
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we have logos everywhere. >> one, i agree. i hate when people put brownies in turkey sandwiches for people that go one step further. first of all, kids, just think of the problems in school. elementary school, what are you going to do? shade the bus windows so they can't see advertisements. >> they see billboards on billboards on the way to class. >> it is everywhere. it is the parent that teaches the kid not to be 5* buffet molester. if you are in high school and you don't know how to eat well, you have bigger problems than a pepsi advertise -- advertisement. there are drugs in high school. >> we have teachers sexting students who cares about a
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coca-cola logo. >> enough already. you can see how much the federal government has done with the other things. >> you made your point. joanne, take a look at this picture of me at junior high school. could i sit with you without a cola? >> wine cooler maybe, but mountain dew not so much. i am with you. kt ridiculous. it doesn't set us up for success. the freshman 15 will be the freshman theater. after -- freshman 30. after not having these delicious treats you willowed them on after you are out of the grips of the government in high school. >> and kids like soda. they use it to socialize. >> my kids because of dvr never watch commercials. don't they have to watch them in school? they have to see them somewhere.
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>> healthy eating has to start in the home. the hard reality is childhood obesity is a problem. sugary drinks and it is the culprit. i don't think removing the dr. pepper from the vending machine the students go to every day doesn't mean we can't reward them with a pizza party if they do well on a test. >> is the federal government making a middle ground? >> throwing a pizza party? >> there was something you said. because of dvr your kids never watch commercials. >> aren't uh commercial actor? >> i know. that's what is terrible. they are destroying my business. >> you are letting them destroy your business. >> coming up, is mcdonalds going to combine breakfast and lunch?
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if only we had a word for that.
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should we not dwell on the idea of hell? people who believe in deals from above are happier in life. they found that the more a country's population believed in heaven rather than hell, the happier the country was. separately when people were asked to write about heaven or hell those who picked the latter reported more sadness. the possible reason? the subject of hell makes people more -- miserable. all of which raises the question, where is satan? >> where is satan? where is satan? >> where is satan?
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that's a good boy. where is satan? where is satan? there is satan. >> christina, these studies always confuse me. this i don't understand. isn't belief in hell, isn't that a good thing 1234* people believe in a hell so they will behave better and be happier about their life. >> i think it is okay to believe in hell, but if you are routinely thinking about what it looks like, feels like x you are probably not a happy person because you probably think you are headed to hell. that's my totally unscientific take. >> it is a focus thing. they are focused on hell because they think they have done something wrong that deserves this. >> correct. >> it is like religions give people guilt, tom. >> andy, this sinting. i was obsessed with jewish girls in high school and college. i asked one of my girlfriends, what is going on with the jewish religion? she said, we believe the same thing as you, except jesus and
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hell. >> that's not bad. when people were asked to write about heaven and hell those who picked hell reported more sadness. maybe sadder people chose to write about hell than heaven. >> it is a matter of focus. >> i was saying they were sadder to begin with and that's why they chose to write about hell. it was not writing about hell that made them sadder. it is a chicken and egg thing which is a inett tau fore thing. >> which came first, the chicken or the egg? do you believe in hell and if so what are your thoughts? >> the club i worked in last weekend unconfirmed that. it was pure hell. it was walking hell. it was the oldest people just -- it was like working purgatory. i was in --
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>> you believe in purgatory? that's a catholic thing. i believe in purgatory. >> you can't make the decision right away. it is based on a true story. that's what happens. they weigh it out and -- >> that's why people should go with the catholics. it is not an either or. we have purgatory and it is like a middle ground. joanne, you were telling me in the green room your idea of hell is talking with someone unuh practice tiff. unattractive. >> hell is other people. thases what i came up with. >> hell is for children. that's the song we had when we were kids. pat ben gnaw tar. >> i know her. she is nice. she is pleasant. we go way back. i think that generally religious people tend to be happier because when things don't go their way they chalk it up to something else.
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they chalk it up to a higher being or this is part of the plan, so don't fret. i would think people who are not religious would beacon fused and not know what to do and depression sinks in. >> it is denial. they want a lot of the positive talk. >> coming up, milk's new slogan. it is drink milk, a-hole. i find that offensive.
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should he not adorn his feed with porn? carlos martinez is embarrassed after it was discovered his page of favorited tweets had dozens of pornographic links. he didn't know favoriting a tweet places it in a stream that anyone can see. it does? i favorite everything. every time my name is on something i press favorite. that's not bad. when people started to notice he removed the images, but not before made a video of his favorite feed.
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♪ >> on tuesday the cardinals' manager wanted players to be careful on social media. one miss step is one fraction of a second from going global. he said the team and martinez are embarrassed adding "we are, like it or not, role models. that's the danger when this thing hits the area that it hits." that was a quote. i had to read. it i don't even know what he is talking about hitting the area. shouldn't the cardinals pr department get on this? can't they tell these guys how to use twitter? >> this is the best thing. no one has talked about the st. louis cardinals in the last ever. ever. this guy at 22 doesn't know that twitter and facebook is a worldwide billboard, then he is dumb. >> they have supposed to be tech savy. we know it. he is 22. >> he is 22. that's why he is liking all of
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the porn. >> can we fault the professional athlete? it didn't look that salacious. >> did you watch the unblurred one? >> no. >> it is pretty saw lishes, tom. salacious, tom. >> it looked like nude imagery. >> it was not just nude imagery. >> they allow porn on twitter 1234. >> that's what they -- they should strike that down. i don't like that. joanne, don't you think twitter should have better privacy settings so everybody can know what you are liking? i didn't know until this second my likes are recorded. >> apparently some people need a handbook. >> the pitcher was making a handbook. >> the cardinals need a social media coach. anyone this day and age with a job should not be doing this stuff. employers and perspective employers are always looking at these public accounts,
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facebook, twitter. >> why should a 22-year-old baseball player be embarrassed he is looking at these pictures, but twitter, a major company, why aren't they embarrassed they are allowing the hot links -- >> we just mentioned twit you are seven times. that's why they don't care. they are going through the roof. >> i feel like this is -- like there is dirty stuff everywhere. miley cyrus is sticking it in every camera. it is gross. the whole world is discussing. >> who ever had the time to go through his favorites has too much time on his hands. somebody was like, i am going to check out scar los rodriguez. somebody said i am checking his favorites. don't you have anything better to do? >> every time somebody mention me on twitter --
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>> your tweet would show you are a narcissist. >> it is just me liking everyone who likes me. >> twitter needs an option that is called bookmark tweet. you are not saving something because that is a sign of i liked your tweet. >> you like phase better than retweet. >> yes jie. why? >> i will tell you during the break. if you had something that called book, pa tweet where it was private and it wasn't public -- there will be times i see a tweet. i e-mail it to myself. if there there was a bookmark tweet you can look and they were private so no one else could see them. >> printout the tweet and put it in your in box. >> i don't have an in box. >> i never favored a tweet ever in my life. i retweet.
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it is easier. >> the viewing public is not going to be aware of andy prefers favorites over retweets. i will tweet about it later. is it not proper to allow an eaves dropper? it invites others to secretly listen in on live conversations and offer advice. they said the crowd pilot lets you crowd pilot the social inter actions by bringing your friends or strangers along to assist you in any situation. third parties can talk to you without the other caller's knowledge. i think this is wild. eavesdropping and an app. did you know that app stands for application? >> thank you. you are a wealth of knowledge today. >> a lot of people think it is an appetizer.
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they are little applications. joanne, what do you think? >> i definitely think this app is geared toward mill 11 y'alls. we have no use for this. my understanding which is not great of this. i find it have i confusing. have-- find it confusing. you have to be speaking to somebody to get these third party people involved. who makes phone calls fly more, especially when it is a conversation that might create conflict like breaking up with someone. you text or you stop talking to them altogether. >> don't you girls love to gab on the phone? you love to talk and talk on the phone. kristina, am i wrong? >> this is a deterioration of earn western repons built. of responsibility. you need a person on the phone to tell you how to handle your relationship.
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>> it has been going on for centuries. >> you don't have to make a phone call. if you are having a conversation and you do this it activates the mic and you can pick up you both talking. you don't have to pick up the phone and they can hear your conversation. >> this is the plot of red sox anne and it someone has their friend off screen feeding them lines in social situations. >> how about the jerky boys? they had to record these things and then put them up on the internet. now you can invite people to listen in as you do it. >> this app was me in a hotel with a glass and a wall. that's it. >> does the method work? >> yes! you know the things i have heard? i don't have to pay minutes. >> and you stayed in high class places, red roof inn
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in. >> i can pull my car right up to the room. >> that's it. more stuff when we come back.
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well, they are open to discussion of extending the mcmuffin. yep, once again it is time for -- >> "red eye" debate 2014, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> welcome to the "red eye" debate center. i'm tom shillue in for greg gutfeld. mcdonalds is looking into whether it can make breakfast available later than 10:30 a.m. offering muffins and big macs was skerred logistically impossible. now they are thinking about it because of taco bell rolling out a breakfast menu.
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the signature item is a waffle taco which is a waffle wrapped around a sausage patty and bacon and scrambled with egg and cheese. that is fantastic. i love the idea of a waffle taco. >> it is your thing and you can eat what you want. the problem is they can't advertise in schools. where will they get their customers? >> they are up early. guys leak you and i, we need the 10:30 breakfast. i don't know what the problem is serving eggs next to hamburgers. i love an egg that is fried in hamburger fat. so i think they should cook these things -- gill i think it is a space issue for mcdonalds. >> as long as it doesn't have nuts. >> thank you. i'm surprised they can't add their whole menu because they president don't have the room. i don't see why you couldn't do that.
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>> and this is the thing. mcdonalds fries an egg before you order it. >> is that right? >> yes. they are frying them before your eyes. you know who has the best sandwich? burger king. they do. it is greasy. christian gnaw, what do you think? you are up early all the time. guys like us rolling in at noontime for the breakfast. >> it -- mcdonalds is catching up, great. there are times i want a breakfast sandwich and it is not available. they are competing with other fast-food outlets that offer breakfast, great. >> that's the reason they don't want to cook them side by side. >> the fact you think mcdonalds cooks food in front of you is astonishing to me. >> they go in with cracked
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eggs. mcdonalds does it fresh. >> we are not waking up on a park bench. i wake up at home with a stove. >> joanne i can see your mouth watering. aren't you excited about the waffle taco? >> i am. i usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, but i have to mix it up. who said it earlier breakfast and lunch? brunch. take the egg and put it on a burger and then you can have mimosa's. >> i love steak and eggs. >> steak and eggs is good. especially when you get it at a chief diner and you feel like you are having a high class meal. >> i don't like diners. they stink. >> you need to shut the hell up. >> i can't stand diners.
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those are the people whose food isn't fresh. their menu is huge. they serve a little of everything. they are not expert at anything. >> the home frys, are you kidding me? the home frys in the diner? >> you know why mom and pop is being driven out of business? mom and pop stinks. >> would you rather go to denny's than a diner? >> i will go to denny's. >> in new jersey there are mom and pop diners that are absolutely delicious. >> the only chain -- denny's is terrible. the waffle house is good. >> if you like a scoop of butter. >> which i do. >> the american way. >> the diners are good for one thing, murdering mobsters. >> and drifters. so do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. and do you have a video of
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your animal doing something? click on submit a we may use. it milk, new slogan.
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next "red eye" greg returns as host and guests are jedediah bila and jesse joyce. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> got milk, got canned. the milk processor education program is killing its ad slogan and replacing it with a funky fresh tag line, milk life. the new $50 million campaign aimes to boost sluggish sales and will emphasize milk's nutritional benefits. let's look back at the awesome first got milk ad. >> that was the vienna wood dancing, one of my all time favorites. and now let's make that random call with today's $10,000 question. it is a tough one.
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who shot alexzander hamilton in that famous duo? all right. let's go to the phones and see who is out there. >> hello? >> for $10,000 who shot -- >> raymond burr. >> excuse me? >> let me get the milk. >> aaron burr. >> i'm sorry. maybe next time. >> got milk? >> that's a great ad. you remember that ad? the gals don't remember that. that's from the 90s when you were a tiny child. >> we didn't have a tv in my home. >> you didn't? >> that was sean whalen. i was up against him for many commercial campaigns. and it was directed by? michael bay. >> michael bay directed that?
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>> absolutely. >> you can actually -- if you watch the camera movements knowing that you will recking cog nieces michael bay. >> and here is a taste of the new m cay pain. the new campaign. >> what eight grams of protein looks like when you are getting the most out of yourself and of life. start your day with the power of protein. milk life. >> i don't even understand it. what is this rock bands with milk shooting out of their hands 1234*. >> white people playing basketball. there are a couple of things in this world that really don't need a campaign like milk, a air, water. these are the things that if you don't know about them, you shouldn't be around here. >> andy, you must know about this milk on the darely board. >> why because i am jewish?
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>> no because you read the story. >> i am lactose intolerant and this is a microaggression told me. >> you are on wikipedia jie. is it? >> yes. >> now i know who wrote my wikipedia. milk sales are down which is why big milk needs to change up what they are doing. but i think milk has traditionally been a breakfast drink or something you put in your cereal. as a kid i drank it a lot. do adults actually sit down and eat breakfast? >> they will at mcdonalds. >> joanne you have a breakfast every day? you wake up and sit at a table. >> i feel like most adults don't do that. you grab something on your way out the door. >> i do it at work. >> do you think it is a smart move?
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do you like the campaign? >> i think the got milk campaign was so successful because they relied on the endorsements. >> i think it was successful because it focused on snacks. it had people eating cookies and brown knees and they had to wash it down with milk. milk is an indulgence. it is not about health. it is not like you are running a a marathon and chugging milk. if a guy said hey you want to grab a glass of milk? >> that wouldn't do. >> nobody is eating dry serial saying i wish i had an add to know what to put into this. >> we have the campaigns that raid awareness. does it help? >> i think maybe they do. i think what you think. i wonder why budweiser and mcdonalds, do you need to
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advertise 1234* everybody know what's mcdonalds is and what you are getting when you buy a bud budweiser. but they wouldn't send millions of dollars on the ads. >> remember that guy grabbed a guy. it said gotta grab a hunk of cheese. i remember thinking why does this man want me to eat cheese? >> he had a fetish for lactose intolerant people. >> we should call this show walking down memory lane with shillue. remember this? shut up. no one remembers the stupid cheese commercial. >> remember when my mom made meat loaf? no, we were not at your house. >> this show is on the at 3:00 in the morning and most of our viewers are wishing for a better day back earlier in their life when they were not up at 3:00 in the morning. >> a better day and a better
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life. >> tv's andy levy and that does it for me. i'm tom shillue and i will see you next time. onal speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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hello, everyone. yp andrea tantaros along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and brian kilmeade. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." does the commander in chief care more about entitlements than our military? the pentagon announced yesterday it wants to shrink our army down to its smallest size since world war ii as part of an effort to cut costs. the decision did not go over very well with former vp dick cheney. >> obviously, i have been a strong supporter of barack obama, but this really is over the top. there's enormous long term damage to the military. he


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