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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  February 28, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST

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go to our gretawire poll. bill o'reilly is next. valerie jarrett is on with him. good night from washington. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." are senior citizen water skiers a threat to national security? the shocking trend that has the pentagon on high alert. plus, is the president recruiting a race of evil space tigers to invade canada? >> the good news is they are already on board. they know this needs to happen. >> and finally, lady bugs. friendly insects or carriers of the world's deadliest parasite. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> now let's welcome our guests. she never met a mirror she didn't like except the one time when it was too small for her giant, giant head. and he never met a mirror he
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didn't like because it gives him somebody to talk torques finally because he is a lonely, sad man with no friends. andy levy. and if joke wring -- jokes were popcorn he would come in a bag, probably alone in the movie alone. sherrod small. >> hash tag red eye. >> if musical genius was the sand he would be in the sahara desert. he is best known for being the drummer of a notable group called the police. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> greg, i will never forget that summer where you taught me to be a man. >> that's nice. sherrod, i just want to point out this is a member of the police you don't have to run from. >> don't touch my weave for no reason. darn it. >> it is official. we have too many planets. nasa says its kepler telescope has discovered a bonanza of 715 new worlds outside our own
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solar system. a planet terry scientist called the discovery, quote, the mother lode. adding we almost doubled just today the number of planets known to humanity. there go my taxes. some of the planets are inhabitable where it is not too cold and too hot. people are wondering what could the worlds be like? we did our own investigation. here is a look at the worlds and their inhabitants. >> new world!
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>> that's exciting. i want to thank nasa for helping us with that video. welcome to the show. >> thank you very much. >> it is a pleasure having you here. i am excited, kind of, about the idea of alternative universes. i often wonder does this pose moral quandries for earth? >> it depends on the relationship you want to establish with these other planets. do we want to dominate them? do we want to learn from them? basically do we want to share our love with them? are they nutritious? >> exactly my point. finally somebody speaks my language. what happens if we discover that they are delicious? >> first we love them. >> then we eat them.
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>> or try to have sex with them. >> that's another thing. do they have rights on other planets? i am asking you, sherrod. >> if there are any living things on these planets, when the humans come, you are screwed. that's what we do. i watched the movie with the blue people, what is it? >> "avatar." >> as soon as we get there there goes the neighborhood. we will put a jc penney somewhere. >> when you said blue people i was thinking of the movie "ordinary people." >> i was thinking of the smurfs. >> we see them as exo planets, but what if to them we are an exo planet and they are having this discussion on blue eye. it is a planet outside of ours. it is their world and we are rotating around another galaxy. they are thinking of eating us. >> they probably have better taste than we do. they probably look at us and
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say we don't want it. andy, that could be interesting. they are aware of who we are, but they have no interest in coming near us. do they get our messages? they are getting them, but they are not answering. we are like jehovah's witnesses. >> they are not taking our calls . >> we will get back to you. >> i find this sad because i know i will not livelong enough to get to one of these planets to get away from people. that makes me sad. th is something i am sick of. scientists say, well these planets may have liquid water which is necessary for life. how do they know? in the vast universe is there life where maybe they don't need water? in the movie water killed aliens. >> and remember the movie where country music killed them? >> that's my point, we just don't know. >> what are you saying? >> about what?
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>> what you are saying i disagree with. you are saying you can apply the term life to anything. >> i am stlaig could be life forms we can't conceive of that don't need water. there could be living ketchup on the planet. >> then we would definitely eat it. >> i want to be alive the day that we find a planet and the creature is really friendly and adorable, but it tastes really good so it creates a conflict. then you have to decide, do you make love to it or eat it or adopt it? what do you do? >> why can't you make love to it and eat it? it is a brave new world, greg. >> that's what i do to donuts. >> and most of our viewers. >> it doesn't have to have the hole is what you are saying. >> they start off as bagels. >> i don't believe in race mixing. >> they start off as a danish
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and then they are a bagel. >> i can't believe this turned into a segment about having sex with food. he is getting hoarse over a horse. niesen is hot for a pony's right to trot. it is the subject of tonight's -- >> "red eye" 2014, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> welcome to the "red eye" debate center. here at the "red eye" debate center, thank you graphics. >> i made this out of yellow notepad. >> on wednesday liam niesen was talking about a ban in new york city. he is a little pissed at our newly elected mayor. >> i am a little pissed off at our newly elected mayor. he wants to close this horse
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and carriage industry in new york. there was a poll last week and over 60% of new yorkers want to keep the horse carriage industry. these organizations put out this this -- all of this false information. these guys treat the horses like children. >> i hate children so i don't know what that means. then he moves to other topics. >> he oant even -- he won't even take a meeting. he is supposed to be representing the new york people. >> i hope they can work it out. quite frankly from my perspective it does not seem to be -- maybe this is an emotional reaction, but a fulfilling life for an animal. >> we don't know. >> they are. they are trained. >> unless it is mr. ed, you really don't know. they may look at you and say nay. >> they are trained. >> they could be trained to sit in a field and eat
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fermented -- >> stand up. had enough. jay this is interesting. -- >> this is interesting. isn't the question about consciousness? does he believe the horses enjoy it? john stewart believes that horses may have the same human thinking like they are not having fun. >> they are not human, but they are sentient. dogs, you know what they are thinking and cats, do they think? horses you know what they are thinking. those horses in central park, they are not happy horses. i know a little about horses horses and there are crazy things they do like. they like polo, even though there is nothing nice that happens. they are running around a though. those horses do not live great lives. what is new york withouthorse d? how can you experience new york without that unique cultural vestige? >> is it 10 horses with a hard life?
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tough luck. i like it. i want them to say. >> i think niesen is right even though, shut up. i don't need you talking about our issues. >> the people in new york, what do they have to put up with? i want a hug, everybody in manhattan in this sub zero temperatures i want to love everyone and say it doesn't have to be like this. five hours away and you cannot be here. >> they want to replace the horse with like old-fashioned cars. >> you need something that feels pain is what you are saying. >> i want a beast of burden. >> you want them to suffer as you pay $100 to sit there with a girl. >> around against, horse. >> the idea is romantic and very old new york, with the date going in the horse-and-buggy. it smells because the poop just sits there in a travine. it costs a lot of money and it is bumpy. and then the driver is turning
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around trying to talk to you, and you are like leave us alone. we are on a date. >> new york will be diminished. when the horse's tail does this, then the stuff comes out right in front of your honey and the moon is shining and you have the music going and then that happens three feet away from your face. >> i have a couple of films. >> it depends on what they are feeding the horse. >> the big question is, stewart is making total sense. why does he care so much? what does he have invested? >> he has a particular set of skills and i don't think it involves arguing about horse drawn carriages. is he talking about pictures of horses drawing carriages?
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i don't care about the central park thing, but i can't stand the horses that ride around in the city on the streets. >> the police horses. >> no, not that. the carriages out on the street. have you ever gotten stuck behind one of those in a cab on a side street. it takes you literally 20 minutes to go a black. you -- minutes to go a block. >> your complaint is selfish and yours is about the horse. >> does he have no idea where his next job is coming from with that point of view? >> it is an unusual hobby. you usually see that extreme attitude from peta, on the other side. i find it refreshing to see somebody defending an odd cause. >> where is he from? >> ireland? >> if you go there all of the guys' names are shaymus.
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>> i think we will find out that liam may be getting paid by big horses. >> it is always big horse. he would rather die than general general -- gentrify. this can be the hour of debate. spike lee is ticked off at hipsters taking over brooklyn as he made clear and speaking at the pratt institute. white people come in and force the culture of a neighborhood to change. listen up, listen uppers. >> you can't come in with people that lay down and you come and [bleep]. get out of here. you you can't do that. >> in his seven-minute rant he said when more affluent people move to a neighborhood it is
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safer asking -- >> so why >> meanwhile, puppies have been dealing with an influx of white ducks. >> that's the way it is supposed to be. sherrod, i go to you first because you are a caw -- comedian. >> feel you on that. >> do you agree with lee's race i'm. >> yes. as soon as the white people come in and ruin the neighborhood with the new
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schools. i understand what he is saying. they change the neighborhood up. he wants the neighborhood to keep the cultural personality and history. white people come and sometimes y'all -- the police definitely come with y'all. not just the police, the 5-o. >> let me pause at the notion that you can shoot me down. i don't think it is white people. i think it is rich people coming in. that's why the lattes -- the price goes up. >> rich hip -- hipsters. >> regular white people is rich in the hood. when they come to the hood, the average -- like a middle class white person is a rich person to them. >> i know pretty rich african-americans. >> i there are jazz players. >> i was putting that out
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there. i wonder if the schools improve in affluent black neighborhoods. >> we have to learn to live together. that's what it comes down to. hopefully we won't have this conversation because we are living amongst each other. >> that's a beautiful comment. >> we should go to commercial and hug. >> you just want to hug joanne. >> the best part is the neighbor calls spike's dad and calls the police on him. what is the matter with these people? how about you knock on his door? hey, neighbor. this is something you are living next to. >> the police incorporated a lot of musical styles and you may have been accused of the same thing. >> accused of what? >> cultural prop operation. >> oh yes, i have done that. >> cross poll nation. >> it is also happening in san francisco where the google
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guys are moving in and -- >> they have their own train or bus. >> everybody is in -- i can see how if your neighborhood has a cultural identity and it gets changed that's not always well come. >> as soon as you go out they say who is new in the neighborhood? the google bus? >> gentrification is not always about race. it is about looks. you like to move into ugly neighborhoods and get rid of the ugly people. >> i don't get rid of them. i discourage them. if i were at pratt and i gave this smeech as a white woman saying low income housing has come into my neighborhood i am not okay with that. why do you have to change this? it is funny. >> good point. rich people have rights too. the haves can't complain about the have knots. >> a a complaint is a complaint.
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>> but the thing is a have used to be a have not, right? that's america. >> in some cases, yes. sometimes a have longtime ago will pass on his have to the other have. >> i would like to have some of that. >> andy as a jew you are behind all of this. >> absolutely. >> keeping really quiet. >> either way we are the landlords and we are making money. if we can charge -- if richer people can move in we can get more money. either way we are making more money. cash money. >> want to end on a high note? >> it wouldn't be a high note. >> do toasters only toast bread? sherrod small discusses his latest book "racist kitchen appliances" volume 1.
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why won't kiss be performing at the game? it is a story hannity refuses to cover.
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then don't miss sleep train's wbest rest ever? you'll find sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for 3 years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train's risk-free 100-day money back guarantee. get your best rest ever from sleep train. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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they wear make up, but they won't make up. the band kiss is having issues with who should play at the rock and roll hall of fame? gene simmons are being inducted in april, but won't be performing. the lineup entering the hall is the original with simmons and stanley and chris. but they left the band a longtime ago and nobody can tbre who should perform. he said any talk of a reunion has been talked down.
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since kiss won't be performing , this printer will take its place. >> i was wondering where we were going with that. i am still not sure it was worth it. stewart, are you surprised egos play a role in rock bands? >> well, what i am pleased about is the statement from kiss em -- embracing the old guys. the deal with the halve fame is it is what happened 25 years ago. if you survived 25 years, it is not about the new guys who have not been there. it is about whatever was going on 25 years ago.
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if we are still talking about it, it means it is in the hall of fame. technically the original guy rtz ones. i can understand how everybody is upset about it. i would advise them it is a wonderful thing to hug it out. >> and then you get make up. >> if you are a different height you have the make up. >> people get make up all over their pelvis. >> it is true. you come into the green room to hug me and i never hug you. you come up to my chest. >> it is because he is black and i have to fill up may wallets afterwards. >> how dare you, sir? i will take your wallet right in front of you. >> sherrod, you were a big kiss fan i am sure.
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you guys don't care. i think it is gene simmons. >> you know gene simmons, you know he is dirty. you can look at him and say he is filthy. >> are you saying -- wait. >> i see how it works. >> it took 23 years to marry that guy. >> it was on a season finale. >> the kids are great.
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>> the kids are really smart. the season -- the son is going to be something. >> he is a charming young man. joanne, you wear a lot of make up. >> do you have any kind -- what kind of advice would you give for this band? >> just put impersonators on stage. >> the little guys. >> people just want the performance. i understand their maybe not wanting to do this especially because when the band started there was not all of this social media and everyone is a critic and everyone voices their opinion and everything they do they get so much exposure, but in a negative way. i see they might not want to. i think that's okay. as long as they still get their award. >> andy, you have really strong feelings about this. >> why can't they all perform? throw an extra drum set up there. get them all up there. >> probably that won't work because of the egos.
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my guess is i think the new guys will probably say look, we get it. those guys were with you when the band beam famous. let them play. it may be that gene and paul says we are a band now and we are not doing that to you. >> that would be good loyalty. you are right. they should have said they shouldn't have given it up and it would have been another big move for gene and paul to say, no, we want to stick with loyalty. they have been there a longtime. 25 years. >> the reason the police stayed together is because are you a trio, right? >> we get along so well and we love each other. they tried to pull us apart, but they only succeeded for 20 years. >> we used to have nothingness. it is the thing that holds the two-inch tape together and the cone of nothingness.
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i am nothing and i am no one. >> it is rare you are in a band with a guy that has one name and there is echo involved. ego involved. >> what other bands are there? bono is not egotist cal. >> you can have an ego and be charming as well. look at me. >> they encouraged personal growth. when we were busting out and everyone was going to come to shows and they show up, wow. recognize them right away. he was the one guy who said i am gene simmons. we are looking at him and go, oh. you are gene simmons. >> rut police. you are too good looking to have make up. kiss, they needed it. >> well have you aged and if
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you take it off you don't want him to perform. >> it is a giant, flabby -- >> they look good at the pta meetings at school. >> that's a reality show rock star parents at pta meetings. still ahead, poker at lee daabs house. sorry, ladies, guys only. and we will pick up where nobody left off.
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it was removed after they disapproved. an islamic symbol has been erased from one katy perry's music video after it was said it was offensive to muslims. it reached 60,000 signatures. the lead critic claims blasphemy is conveyed when a man is shown being burned whilst wearing a pendant. never said that word out loud. forming the word allah which is the arabic word for god. we must discuss this in -- >> lightning roooooooooooouuuuunnnnnndd. lightning round. nailed it. >> that was good. >> that was for you, stewart. >> i think katy perry did the decent thing. she wasn't being threatened
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with the law. she is not in the business of offending people. it is not on her agenda. they didn't sue. isn't that how discourse was to be resolved? they asked and she -- >> do you think they asked? >> we haven't seen what the letter said, but they didn't take legal action. >> you never see it. >> she just did a good thing. >> we say she, but she didn't do any of this. >> who is she? >> katy perry. she is not one who decided to remove it. she did not costume the guy. it was an intern. he said we need necklaces. they put it on her and nobody knew what they are doing. i'm sorry, but this whole
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video, i guess it is a cool idea, but it is not executed well. i am just not a fan. >> they should have been executing people. >> there should have will been riots and misery. >> you meant arab spring? >> same thing. >> sherrod -- >> let's get to the brass tax. >> do you think she was scared or did the right thing. >> katy perry? i think she did the right thing. i don't think she wants to offend that many people. it is not worth it. i think it was a sexy thing to do, greg. >> why is it sexy? >> 60,000 people wrote in. >> people get uh febded about everything.
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>> this is not something people should get offended on. >> would you have done it if it was a crucifix? >> me? would i do it? >> 60,000 people. >> if people got offended how i used it? who cares. just do it. my grand mother was a christian. >> that far back? >> your grandmother must have mentioned a fundamental principal turn the other cheek. there was a christian with a -- with that point of view. >> i would love to see katy perry to churn another cheek. the guy who started the petition was polite. he asked you two to take it down. but i do disagree. i think she took it -- they changed it for one reason and
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one reason only and that is fear. it points out the difference between commerce and art. art offends people. if it is commerce, you change it. >> it is not her art. >> it is your business so i will take this out. >> i think it was straight up fear. i don't think she would have done the same thing if christians didn't complain. >> she would have kept it in the song. >> christians wouldn't complain. >> it is not what christianity is about. we are not in that mood. >> that is not entirely true. "the adeptation of christ. >> that is like a whole movie. >> it was a long movie. >> that's true.
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i never would have caught that. it is not even three seconds. >> what is the cleric? what is the cleric doing watching that on youtube anyway? >> he is a big katy perry fan. >> i enjoyed your music until now. >> there is a thing right there. couldn't help but notice. >> would you just move it out? >> it was on a dude. >> isn't it always? time to take a break. don't leave now, there is more to talk about. you know where i am going. march 18th called "not cool." going to be coming to a city near you. 31 cities and 11 days. look at where i am going to be. i will be in a lot of places. go to g for the entire tour schedule and see where i am going to be. stop by and say hello.
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>> have i my boys in san an tone coming through. >> excellent.
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♪ >> hard to believe that movie is over 10 years old. stewart copeland has been commissioned to create and perform the score for the classic 1925 sigh lept -- silent film. they asked me first and i turned it down. it premieres april 19th live on stage at chias leer hall in in -- chrysler hall in norfolk, virginia.
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it has a symphony orchestra. we will talk about this. how did this happen? >> a very long story. i wrote the music for an arena show where they actually do the book right there in the dirt with a thousand of underpaid czechoslovakia extras. in the movie they are crashing together for the pirate scene. 40 years before charl ton -- charelton these stone. they could do this enormous skep paw cal. skeptical. i wanted to do the show. the concert was a big orchestra. it started out as a movie. and then i started to make the movie and i cut the two and a half hours down and i started to drink the kool-aid. the movie itself is something
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else. it is much bigger than the charelton these stone movie. >> that money back then is eight million. >> that's $25 billion. >> are you quick with your arithmetic. >> why do i listen to you? it is more expressive. >> it is silent so i can go ape crazy bananas. i was a film composing -- composer. soundy fict. -- sound effect. and then to see the movie and it is clank, clank x clank. this movie is silent which means it belongs to me. i am on my drums. and there sint -- and there ain't no singing going on or a battle. i have a 90-piece orchestra and we are making something
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happen. >> will this move out from virginia. >> okay i got carried away. a 70-piece orchestra. >> i don't think you are passionate enough about this. >> it is a religious movie. not many people know, but it was called ben herr "tail of the christ." i live in los angeles and i am a liber teen. the component of the film i am sobbing. i promise you this is a film for christians. >> i can't wait. >> i have now drunk the kool-aid. the religious aspect of this film is as strong as the chair rete race. >> did they change the movie title because somebody
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complained? >> they choked it down. the name of the -- they chopped it down. >> you will be on huckabee, right? >> i would love to be on huckabee. >> i thought you are. >> i don't know. waiting for the call. >> that's how i found you. >> if the governor wants to have me on his show, i will be there. what i really want to do is go and hit the local religious stations. i really feel this film is a gift for believers. i am a siner, but i think this film is for them. i want to bring it to them and tell them about it. >> i am interested in your since. >> i'll show you later. i see your enthusiasm has completely diminished. >> are there any movies you would sound track you would like to? >> my buddy is doing "the mask
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of zoro." these old films, because they are silent films is like catnip for a composer. it takes a minute for the acting and then a card. the eyebrows and the make up. >> i used to be a silent film actress. >> man you have aged well. oh you mean you were in videos? >> sorry, sorry m i apologize. >> she is on a bed and like this. >> and there is a thing that comes up you have to click. you never get the pop up video? >> no, i don't, actually. >> you know what i'm talking about. >> do you need a link? i need to give uh link.
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>> i think you have been profiled. >> i should have put that masking tape over that cam. are there any current rock bands you like right now? >> a little slip knot. i listen to jam radio and so i am into my good buddy fish. i played for tre for a couple years and i never noticed my good buddy -- i listen to them on the radio. the next time i see them i will be all gaga. somewhere between -- i am somewhere between jimmy hendrix and slip knot. >> that's a nice party. >> do i have time to -- you were a composer for a great movie called "airborne" which is the godfather of roller glading movies. i think we have a clip. >> in a city where no one understands him. >> i need traffic, smog, heat wave. >> who would have thought he
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would become a hero doing what he does best. >> i thought you would want to skate on our team. >> now he has one chance to prove himself. one final race to win. and he is the one who has what it takes to put them over the top. >> was that hard? >> what was hard with that scene is it it went on and on and on. the director is saying we want to start with a bang. now take it higher. now this is the part where -- i wanted to go higher. higher! >> we are sikh minutes into the chase here. i look and said wait a minute. i have fief more minutes. bring on some wet talls.
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then you keep adding stuff. >> the cow bell? >> cow bells. >> ben herr, tickets va fest .org. got it in there.
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open your heart.
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>> all right. andy will be on "the real story" 2:00 p.m. eastern. tomorrow barber and gavin mckinness. you were my sound track for the 80s, my high school. it was the police. it was u-2. >> you were my fortune of the 80s. >> thank you. >> the first concert i ever went to was the police. and the knack opened up. >> yes, they did, "my sherona." >> she was there that night. she was hit. >> how was that night? >> that was my college. i was going back to uc berkeley where i did not get into the music school. >> i love that. that's the best. let's show them. >> i am not finished yet. i will go back and teach there. >> just kidding.
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>> but actually, they did teach me much more important stuff. if i had gotten into the music department -- i majored in music and that what i did. if i got into the department i would be in the saskatchewan orchestra now. >> and you would be teaching. >> and i could pronounce it. >> if he is watching right now, you hurt his feelings. >> that's why i try -- it is a name i can't pronounce. >> can i bring up a fact that most don't know about your family. was your dad in instrumental in creating the cia? >> he was one of the original cowboys. at that time in the middle east it was ensuring arab oil went to us and not north to the soviets. since there were no battles and no plaques to the men who died, the cold war was quickly forgotten. george wallace created and allowed the cold
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wear to develop into the conflict it really was. no bullets were fired. the important issue are the resources. for us it was the oil. we were not empire builders. we needed the oil. it was my daddy's job to make it go west. when ever there was a colonel in syria who started talking the roosi's. >> usa! usa! >> he was a patriot and did it for his country. when he died it all went to pot. >> crazy. >> he has a crazy family. we have to go. that was a fun night. >> amazing. special thanks to joe app, shaw -- joanne, sherrod, andy levy. go and check out the orchestra in virginia. it sounds awesome.
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>> i am going. . >> you can come and stay at my house and it is the high yet house. >> bye, everybody. demanded.
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got to work on this. see you tonight. >> hello, everyone. kimberly guilfoyle along with bob beckel, eric bowling, dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." what is the best way to help young struggling minorities in america? well, today president obama unveiled the details of a new initiative called my brother's keeper which he hinted about at the state of the union address. it's aimed at improving the odds of a better life for young men of color. >> government cannot play the only or even the primary role. we can help give every child access to quality pre-school and help them start learning at an early age but we c


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