tv Cashin In FOX News March 1, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PST
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i put a little money init. >> that's it for us for today. thank you very much for watching. have a wonderful weekend. keep it right here. the number one business show continues with my buddy eric bolling. remember the surfer dude? he eats well and here is how. >> on the wonderful tax dollar. >> he is back saying don't blame him for the free meals. blame the government. >> i don't feel like i immediate to apologize for it. >> here is the shocker, he may be right. we will hear a lot more from surfer dude in a moment. you will get irate. if you eat out get ready to flip out. how you may be paying for obamacare on your next bill. it may make you lose your appeti appetite. the mainstream media kissing up to the obama administration while they are sucking up on
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yacking up the world. kissing up to no one starts now. hi, everyone. welcome to "cashin' in." welcome, everybody. remember the surfer dude dining on lobster and sushi with your money from food stamps? now he saying don't blame him. blame uncle sam. take a listen to his reply when asked if he is take advantage of the system. >> apologize for the way it is set up? i don't feel like i need to apologize for it. it is just the way -- seems like i'm getting like -- the ruler on the -- ruler on the hand. >> maybe he needs the rule other the hand. michelle, is he right? is the system set up for this kind of waste, fraud and abuse? >> yes. you know what he is doing to taxpayers is wrong.
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we shouldn't be i will have 235 -- vilifying him. he thinks what he is doing is right. the government made living off welfare a lifestyle. surfer dude is nancy pelosi's ideal model citizen. he doesn't have to suffer from job loss. he gets to chill on the beach, trying to become a musician. he eats healthy which, of course, michelle obama would approve of. it is all paid for by taxpayer dollars. it is crazy. >> exactly. john, we have gone from somewhere around -- had 68% increase in the number of americans on food stamps from 2008 to 2013. and you have to think, a lot of those people are playing the system like this. >> entitlements create the entitlement mental. i think surfer dude is a victim in all of this. it creates what he is suffering from. the answer isn't to rein in the entitlements or get the waste, fraud and abuse of entitlements but eliminate the entitlements and comes back to the
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fundamental -- who owns your life. not surfer dude, not the public, not the government. and in a free society, you get to decide who is deserving of your money. there's no right to consume other people's life. if you want to help someone in need, people are very charitable and surfer dude is not in need and should not be getting a enzyme of the taxpayers' dollars. >> is it okay with you that surfer dude is buying lobster and sushi with this card? >> yeah. as long as the food meets the requirement. look, he is obeying the law. the problem with this whole conversation is that he's not representative of people on food stamps. that guy is an extreme example of someone that's playing the system and it is legal, what he is doing is within the law. but he is playing the system because he looks like to me to be a healthy, capable guy. i agree with others who say why is that guy not working? if he wants to learn to play music do it on your own time. you are making it out as if this guy represents the increase --
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>> the -- >> recession and lot of legitimately needy people being helped. >> there's month question a lot of people that need help and that's what this program, supplemental nutrition, assistance program is for. katie, let's talk about this. look at numbers. in 2008 we spent around $39 billion on food stamps or nutrition programs. in 2013, that number jumped 111%, $80 billion. should this be the case? >> it shouldn't the case. the argument that we have been in a recession for five years is getting a little bit old when it comes to people still being on these entitlement programs. if i want is going to argue this guy isn't the example of the people abusing the system and most people are using the system properly, then why is it that when the republicans and conservatives try to cut 1% out of the food stamp budget in order to get rid of that waste, fraud and abuse, they throw a fit and say that we simply want to starve people? it is really important to keep in mind that there's -- abuse does go on and there are
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multiple instances of rye to clean it up. yet the government set newspaper a way that entitles the people to continue to abuse -- >> hold on. >> i want to make the transition. i want to turn this. obviously we are spending a lot more on food programs. take a look at the proposed budget going forward. look what is going on. we are actually talking about cutting the military budget by almost $80 billion. from 2010 to 2014. i don't know. let me start with you, john. is this the right thing do? on one hand we are cutting the military budget. entitlement and mandatory spending, it is skyrocketing. >> i think that the military budget in may opinion, eric, is loaded. fundamentally, the defense is a responsibility of government. government is forced. defense is what keeps us safe. that's why the entitlement programs weren't present in the
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constitution and as -- they made it nonetheless. the defense is a proper role of government. redistribution is not. >> let me do this. i'm going to throw this to you and put a picture up here of two different people. we are going to take surfer boy on one side. we are going to take a military guy on the other side. are we now handing over lobster and sushi to surfer dude at the expense of the military guys who, by the way, juan, they have to pay more for tri-care, military health system, more for housing and their pay is being frozen? is that fair? is that the america we want? >> this is so simplistic it is laughable. are you kidding me? even thon thon said our military budget is bloated. we have programs that even the military says that they don't want or need. when it comes to surfer dude, everybody says that guy looks like a bum. he shouldn't be -- we shouldn't be encouraging him. one out of six americans go to bed hungry and we shouldn't tolerate that in our society.
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>> if you are taking from one and giving to another it is the same dollar. am i taking a cheap shot at surfer dude? or is this -- these are the numbers. >> it is absolutely valid. i would say that we should shame people like surfer dude. the government and the system is set up so they can take advantage of it easily but i think it is the obligation of civilians to not take advantage of the fellow taxpayers who are footing the bill for that. in terms of military spending, there are bloat budgets in every aspect of the budget. saying we can balance it on the backs of the military, military is not driving our debt. entitlement programs are. when we try to reform the entitlement programs everybody throws a pit and we can't get anywhere. up want people to starve and go to bed hung. >> poverty levels are not going down. we were spending in the year 2000 $17 billion. now it is at $80 billion and we are not seeing results at all. why not implement programs that
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lift people out of poverty? all of these programs do is make people feel more comfortable living in poverty. we immediate better policies. >> let me just say, juan continues to say they are needy, they are needed. it doesn't matter. need is not a standard of value. if you want to help people in need, help them. it happens all the time. government is not a charity. you can't use force to alleviate what you see as societal ills. >> go ahead, juan. >> it is not a matter of force. again, we are as a society, we are america. and the idea that you guys want to demonize the poor and you want to be push it to the curb, gee -- >> we are not. you are driving -- is. >> i think that's a shame. you should understand and you have all said it. the military is bloated in this country. and it is a driver of our deficit. it is a huge driver. >> you are riding a pyre in a crowded movie theater now. maybe there are ways to cut back on certain areas of the military. but, however, on the back, we
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have to go. the thought of a military man having to pay more for his health care when we are flipping over backwards to make sure pajama boy gets his free obamacare, this sin sanity? >> it is insanity. it is a disgrace. we should be treating our military better and should keep that in mind when president obama claims to be caring about the military when they are balancing the budget and do the entitlement programs in the system off of the back door military person well we will have to leave it will. thank you very much. you can keep the conversation going on twitter. the obamacare surcharge that may have you doing this the next time you get your restaurant bill. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971.
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closer look to the receipt the next time you dine out. getting slapped with a 1% affordable caring act surcharge. first it was a restaurant in l.a. and now a strant chain in florida. obamacare surcharges are going coast to coast, folks. some liberals bashing the companies saying it is a political stunt. the owners are saying they immediate to pay for their added cost somehow. who is right? >> stunt? like restaurants want to piss off their customers? no. in a free market they can lower prices. they want to attract customers. of course, obama is nothing to do with the free market. that's why two-thirds of small businesses are reporting that their costs already are going to go up under obamacare. one of the restaurants profiled, 500 employees. it is going to cost them another half million dollars, not to mention a full-time staffer just to employ -- just to comply with obamacare's regulations. half million dollar, that could have been a new restaurant. how many numbers have dropped? harry reid is talking about horror stories being untrue.
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senator, open the paper and stop evading reality. obamacare is pushing up costs for everyone. >> the point is that's not just restaurants. restaurants are the first to do it. maybe because of margins are so paper thin. they have other things. what about airlines and -- next time i want to buy a cup of coffee, it really -- drives the cost of everything up. does it not? >> it drives the cost of everything up. particularly, i'm wondering where the tourist industry is when it comes to protesting obamacare because when people are paying a how more dollars for premium every month, guess what, they are not going to have time to go on that vacation indication or go to the restaurants the eat out. when it comes to the surcharge being put on the receipt and liberals saying it is a political ploy, they are just upset restaurants were holding them accountable and showing the customers this isn't us raising your prices. had is the government and this is what obamacare subpoena it is not just about your health care. it is about impacting every aspect of your life. up can't even go to dinner now without obamacare being in your face and making your costs go up. >> what happens in the -- next time you go to your local hooters, which i know you love
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to frequent? there is a charge at the bottom of that, you will start to push become on obamacare a little bit, month? no? >> this is so ridiculous. obamacare is cutting the rate of health care in this country. if you look at everything from the cars you buy to the airplanes you get on, everything has the cost of health care built in. it is in our national interest to get that cost curb heading south. it was heading north. >> hold on. before you guys jump me, let me just point out right around here in d.c., aol just got into terrible trouble because they said to people, you know, two women had disabled children, troubled births. therefore, we are raising your health care cost. when people see this, oh, gosh, you know what, you are not keeping with family values. that should not be told to us. we don't want to hear that. the health care costs. >> i'm pretty sure they -- hold on. let's be fair and balance order
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this. the health care law has been delayed by president obama for another year. some of these companies really don't have to have obamacare just yet. are they being cheap and petty by starting to charge for aca now? >> no. i think like katie said they want to hold the government accountable. they feel they were lied to by this president and want to show americans why this is so damaging and costly. obama promised that small businesses would save money, they would save $3,000 per employee. now we know two-thirds of businesses -- 10 million workers are going to see their premiums go up. you know where that report came from? that came from your buddy, obama's white house. they are the ones that came out with that report. you saying this is ridiculous you don't know what we are talking about. this is from obama. >> you don't know what you are talking about. the fact street -- >> yes, i do. >> it has come true and cbo certified it -- >> that's not true. >> the rest of the country for health care as a result of obamacare and a lot of -- >> small businesses have seen their health insurance go up for five years straight.
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now they are not even going on have health insurance. they are going to drop all of their employees and they are going to have to go to the market and pay more money. >> let me get dash. >> evading reality. >> yes. >> this is the president's own numbers that costs are going up. we think of business people -- >> there is no such number! >> greedy s.o.b.s -- >> it came from the white house, the white house! >> not only for small businesses. it is for hospitals, medical device manufacturers. government is forced. forcing health care is pushing up costs for everyone. juan's argument is basically if you don't do it then you don't care about poor people. you don't care about those in need. >> no. i'm saying -- look -- >> we have to go. >> it is lower. >> all right. we will leave it right there because we can do this all day. superb vice president. he seems to think -- what we have going on here. late-night talk. mainstream media. why all the kissing up to the
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white house may be a big downer. ♪ ♪ ♪ how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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country, senate majority leader harry reid's controversial remarks claiming that the horror stories from people's whose lives in a have been disrupted from obamacare are not true and continues to generate controversy. . you will meet one woman who signed up for insurance and drowning in red tape and no insurance for her children. we tuck to the bestseller who says those breakthroughs are here. . >> talk about having a distorted view. barbara walters taking heat for goingies i don't vice president joe biden. >> i don't think there -- >> a superb vp. why all the kissing up? ? >> these are the people that are supposed to be holding this president accountable. instead they are kissing up to
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him. if barbara walters and others had done their job and looked to the qualities of -- the damage of this administration, we swroont h wouldn't have had obamacare. . >> barbara walters was a team of that -- captain that team. with you we know it is more like a talk show. the problem is that when you do have a mainstream -- that doesn't hold the government accountable that leaves the corruption going unchecked which ultimately sets a precedent for republican and democratic administrations down the road to continue that bad behavior. i think it has a negative long-term effect on our policies and the way the taxpayers pay for policies that are bad. >> sure. >> you know, i watched that interview. . all the while the vice president was talking -- yeah, nodding, approvingly. if you listen to what he was
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saying, he was talking to women saying a lot of you are single women, have you crummy jobs, you are working for the health care, and no one holds his feet to the fire. i can't believe it. the gop -- first said that there would be -- you know, the next war on women coming from the right. . >> wait a second. wait a second. first of all, you know, vice president biden is very popular with the american people. this is not just barbara walters and "the view." puffing him up. that guy is a very popular american political leader. >> his policies are not popular. >> you think of the office of the vice president and what dick chainy did while he was there, maybe that's why people are saying wow, you are a superb vice president. remember that. >> should we be in awe of the vice president? this is ludicrous. >> juan is right. the vice president is popular with the american people and the president is popular with the american public because the -- the american public and the media by and large share his values collectivism and
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self-sacrifice, altruism. this is american culture. if you are an individualist and out for self-interests and believe in capitalism, what's the left tell you you are? you are extreme and dangerous. i mean -- the gop, eric, i have to tell you, is even to blame in this. they are not talking about getting rid of food stamps or government involvement. talking about a surcharge on the wealthy. we immediate a political party that stands up for the individual. cultural revolution. >> i would give my right arm to have five minutes on tape with vice president joe biden or point obama. guarantee you we wouldn't be talking about some of the things the lovely ladies of "the view" are talking about. . we will have to leave it will. coming up, big business barking up the right tree. the left bashes them. take heart. ♪
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time for what i need to know for next week and just john today. >> this is tofu and it is absolutely disgusting but i tell you soybeans and agricultural stocks are strong and check out foyb an etf that follows the soybean market. >> continuing to stay hot, thank you very much. that's it for us, thanks for joining us. but corporate america gets a bad rap from the liberal left but they do great things that rarely get the spotlight take, for example, this week my wife and i have a huge soft spot in our hearts for the homeless animals. on wednesday adrian secured a donation of 26 tons of dog and cat food for the most needy, homeless animal shelters. the amazing gift of life for the hungry dogs was donated by the great people at the iams pet food company, a big corporation
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with a huge heart for the needy, thank you to iams and adrian for making it happen. i'll see you "on the fives." have a fantastic weekend, everybody. russian president vladimir putin raising the stakes in the continuing tension in ukraine. he's been given a green light by his own parliament to send in russian troops in ukraine's strategic region of crimea, those troops are now on the ground this as protests turn violent. ukrainians choosing sides and stirring up renewed fears that the nation could be split in two. we'll have a live report from the hear where the showdown is now taking place. all of this comes after president obama warned moscow there will be, quote, costs if russia sends in military forces. this is a warning that he appears to be ignoring, though, so what does the u.s. do? we're
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