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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  March 3, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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signed notes. and thank you for watching us tonight, ms. megyn is next, i'm bill o'reilly, please always remember that the spin stops here, we're definitely looking out for you. breaking news on russia and the ukraine, also tonight. new questions over the irs targeting of conservative groups. absolutely imperative that members of congress understand what is going on with the irs, what has been going on. and what is still going on. >> she is the co-founder of tea party favorites and tells "the kelly file" tonight. and breaking news, a family's fight to get back custody of their 15-year-old daughter. >> all of these mean nothing unless justina is returned as soon as possible to the loving arms of their family. why the family says their fight is not done yet.
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plus, a major decision expected this week on the controversial doj nomination of a man who once defended a cop killer. the widow of that policeman with her fight to keep this nomination from happening. and breaking tonight, waiting for word from the white house national security council meeting on the crisis in ukraine as russia appears tonight to be ready for war. good evening, everybody, i'm martha mccallum in for megyn kelly. and just half an hour ago reports are coming in that 16,000 russian troops are now deployed in the crimea region of the ukraine. this report shows russia seizing control of a border crossing and bussing in reinforcements. the mass troops reportedly clamping down on all the airports, all radio, all tv
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stations. local government buildings and even the headquarters of the ukrainian navy. then just hours ago russia requesting an emergency meeting at the u.n. to justify those actions. u.s. ambassador to the united nations samantha powers fired back. >> actions speak much louder than its words. what is happening today is not a human rights protection mission and it is not a consensual intervention. what is happening today is a dangerous intervention in ukraine. it is an act of aggression and it must stop. >> and today, president obama issued a warning to president putin, as well. >> if in fact they continue on the current trajectory that they are on we are examining a whole series of steps, economic, diplomatic. it will have a negative impact on russia's economy and its
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status in the world. >> so we have complete coverage tonight of the breaking developments. joining us, mark teesen, fellow at the american enterprise institute. and lieutenant colonel ralph peters, and strategic analyst and russia expert. we begin tonight with you, mark. you know, so much of the discussion throughout the day is what can be done. a lot of people throwing up their hands saying really, not much. but you say there are very powerful and very specific things that could be done by president obama right this minute. what are they? >> there is a very large number of things that are at his disposal short of military example, he could send immediately direct the united states military to send relief flights in kiev like we did in georgia in 2008. the bush administration calculated that russia would be less likely to march if there
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were american military and relief work there. the other thing he can do quite frankly is go after putin's power source, the oligarchss, you can do a number of things, seize their assets, put visa denials on them so that they can't come to the united states. if a russian oligarch found out his kid can't go to harvard or his wife can't go shopping on fifth avenue, he will take it out on putin. tell the russians if you take any military action against ukrainians, if a single ukrainian is killed by russian forces we'll expel your ambassadors, the ambassadors will be expelled from the united states. we'll give military help to the ukraine so they can defend their sources. >> and what about countries like poland, they also are fearful
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that if a domino effect starts they could be at risk, as well. >> after the cold war we invited ten warsaw pact countries into nato. an attack on one is an attack on all. and then we sort of stopped. we invited ukraine but then they sort of fell off. georgia wanted to join, they didn't come. moldavia wants to come into nato. we should revise it. >> why do you think the president doesn't sort of immediately make those phone calls and start to amass that democratic force, the ring of democracy he could do? >> well, one thing he has not done, you would figure he would do is speak out in favor of the
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protesters. they had migrated towards russia, hundreds of thousands of people wanted to be part of the west. and we stood silent. so we're projecting weakness and indifference and russia reads those signals and responds in kind. >> yes, thank you very much, mark. thank you. all right, breaking tonight, new questions on obama's foreign policy here at home. the headlines quoted, president obama's foreign policy is based on fantasy, that in "the wall street journal." what do you make of the criticisms of the president? >> certainly, let's be rigealisc about it. the criticisms you hear from many of the republican leaders in the house and senate are really just -- all the proposals, really the proposals the white house is under is
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considering to implement. this is posturing from the republican leadership, and it is unfortunate when you need unity to have this kind of posturing take place. it is really irrelevant, first of all, the republicans' ratings are lower than any other branch of government. it is important not to overstate their influence politically. you see a sense of unity in terms of the actions put on the table. >> but let's look at some of the reactions of those speaking out about what has gone on. let's listen. >> this is the result of a feckless foreign policy where nobody believes in america's strength anymore. >> putin is playing chess, we are playing marbles. >> this is a part of our perceived weakness. >> we have a weakness that invites oppression. >> robert, you heard all the criticism over the weekend. >> you know, martha if you could
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implement foreign policy through sound bites or tweets then maybe their comments would be relevant. the reality is the negotiations are difficult. president obama showed himself to be effective. we saw the building coalitions, it forced the peace process to move forward. he is working well with our european allies to put our policies in place. i would rather have an administration stumble in terms of building bridges and coalitions than stumble into war as we saw with the previous administration. >> i want to listen to what john kerry said about syria, back when there was a military operation in progress over syria. >> we'll be able to hold bashar assad accountable without engaging with troops on the ground or any other kind of prolonged effort in a very limited, very targeted, very
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short-term of the that degrades his capacity to deliver chemical weapons without assuming responsibility for syria's civil war. that is exactly what we're talking about doing, unbelievably small, limited kind of effort. >> an unbelievably small, limited kind of an effort. there are many who believe that opened the door. >> let's not kid ourselves, when president bush didn't even consider sanctions after putin invaded georgia, that certainly undermined our role in the world not to mention the dependence on the oil and gas. >> i wonder if that is the truth then the administration might have learned from what they see as mistakes by president bush. but that doesn't appear to be happening. >> well, quite to the contrary, martha, the fact that this
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president has been able to united our european allies to take action that is a significant show of the improvement. >> thank you. all right, joining me now, russian expert lieutenant colonel ralph peters, welcome, good to have you here. you have heard both sides laying out their argument for what should be done here. what do you think? >> well, it is interesting to hear president bush get blamed for the problem in crimea and the ukraine. this is a strategic issue, not about scoring political points. the reality is, vladimir putin has seized crimea from ukraine. he is never going to give it back no matter what we do. the only question that matters strategically is will he be content with ukraine, with crim crimea, or will he grab the
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eastern portion, or will he grab it all? if so when will he do these things? he is in a position that he seized crimea, and nothing happened. he is ready to go into eastern ukraine, whether he does so now or in a month, he is probably figuring in for a penny, in for a pound. >> there is nothing standing in his way, is what you're saying? >> there is nothing. >> you can talk about sanctions and cutting off the russian bank flow. you could talk about oil or the pipeline and you think that this is a done deal. i mean, really, there is no military response possible in crimea from the crimeans or in the ukraine, correct? >> well, there is nothing that is practical. you hear well, we should fly in token forces or special forces, i wouldn't do it because putin would open fire and obama would not back our troops up.
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look, i am not for military intervention, i am for sanctions, punishment that we can wield. the europeans are not going to go after him. we are witnessing an aggressive bully, a thug, dismantling the ukraine, the administration will cry and threaten and boo hoo hoo, and putin has already won. >> and there is nothing, just a moment ago you suggested there could be sanctions that would be punishing enough -- >> putin has never backed down from anybody. he is not a bluffer. and he is trained as a kgb agent handler. he sizes up people well. he has obama's number and obama's number is zero. this is a president who talks and does nothing. did he say oh, i'm going to go
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in and get the ukraine, and he did it. the only powerful leader in eurasia right now, the only leader is a horrible, horrible man named vladimir putin. and the west has no leader, because the president of the united states, except rhetorically, is absent without leave. obama has no idea on earth what to do. >> colonel peters, thank you very much. it is a grim picture and we have a lot more to talk about on this international crisis including breaking news on the pentagon on how the united states is planning to react. we'll see what colonel peters thinks of that. plus this. a big vote this week on the doj nomination of a man who defended a cop killer. tonight, that policeman's widow on her fight to keep his nomination from happening. and new developments in the irs targeting of conservative groups. the co-founder of one of those
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groups joins us live next. why she believes something bad and corrupt is still going on. >> when the people are afraid of an agency and they see the agency as a bunch of bullies who abused power, the trust is shattered. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line, anytime, for $15 a month. low dues, great terms. let's close! new at&t mobile share value plans our best value plans ever for business. no two people have the same financial goals.
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they have requested now a one-week delay for her, so the suspense continues on that front. this is a woman whose organization was targeted by the irs testifying before congress at a hearing last week. jenny beth martin says it took three years, two months, ten days and tens of thousands of dollars for her organization to finally get the tax-exempt status they requested. and she only got it, get this, the night before she was scheduled to testify before congress. that seem follow unny to you? welcome, good to have you here today. >> thank you, megyn. >> it is martha tonight, nice to have you with us. take me through what happened. did you get a letter? you were getting ready to testify. and suddenly you get a phone call, how does it work? >> well, we knew on monday of
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last week that i would be testifying. i was formally invited to testify. and wednesday afternoon before the testimony on thursday our attorneys got a phone call from the irs saying that we would be granted our 501(c)(3) status, we did have a phone call to our attorney, the day before i was set to testify. and it was also the anniversary. >> in terms of the different qualifications and the different ru rules that have been put in place since all of this blew up, kim strassel at "the wall street journal" said she believes it is to formalize the restrictions they had in place. >> all the proposed regulations they have in effect, or the
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organizations for the tea party patriots, it is the same kind of behavior the irs has used to target organizations like mine around the country. we know that 100% of conservative organizations were indeed targeted in the last three and a half years. and what they were doing to us is now going to become -- it will become fixed into the regulations if they actually go forward with this. and it will make us account for volunteer activity. what volunteers say and also how much their time is worth as volunteers. it will also make us go through and -- before an election, you know, before an election we wouldn't be able to have information on our website about how members of congress voted. >> so they're cracking down, they want to make sure there is no political activity because that is the bench mark that they use for giving out this tax exempt status. but they struck a deal. if it took it to 49%, you could
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get a resolution quicker. >> they did, they called it an expedited process. so they told us if we took a special deal and agreed to a lower threshold than all the organizations who were not target targeted then they would expedite our process. i want to make it clear, these regulations have been in place since 1959, a decade before man landed on the moon. and what they're doing now is changing the definition of political activity. my organization has not been involved in political activity as it is defined today. >> thank you very much. good to have you here tonight. thank you. so a new warning from president obama to one of our best allies in the middle east, as the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, crosses the pond and has yet another face to face meeting as in the past, his
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spokesperson joining us live. and the latest on a court victory for the parents of a 15-year-old girl in state custody, why they tell us that their fight even today is far from over. so there i was again, explaining my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoas to another new stylist. it was a total earrassment. and t the kind of attention wanted. so i had a serus talk with my dermatologt about my treatment options. this time, she prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps tclear the surface of my skin by actuallrking inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderatekin ue psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance.
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this is coming across the wires moments ago, president obama meeting with his national security team for more than two hours tonight to talk about the russia/ukraine crisis. the president and his team are talking about the steps that the u.s. can take. the u.s. has already suspended some negotiations with russia, and as reported, russia has sent some 16,000 troops into ukraine. we have also learned that they spoke regarding the territorial
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integrity, we don't know how that went, more in just a few moments. and now, there have been an emergency hearing in the custody battle of 15-year-old justina pelletier. trace gallagher has more on the family's struggles. >> and martha, this really has been an astounding turn about. justina pelletier is still there, and the department of children's services has dropped this case. they are not even answering questions anymore. legally, justina's medical care has been transferred back to tuft's medical center. and the reason justina has been in dcf custody for over a year is because boston's children hospital claimed tufts misdiagnosed justina, saying she has mitochondrial disorder, they
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say she has a mental disorder. now without any new evidence the very same judge who kept justina in state custody for more than a year is allowing her to go back to the hospital that allegedly messed up her diagnosis. supporters of the pelletiers say they believe the pressure was just too much. listen. >> with their new compelling evidence, i think the -- what is new and compelling is the spotlight shining on this case and exposing many of the inconsistencies that have happened here and have really hurt and wounded justina physically and emotionally and hurt the family dramatically. >> we should also note that justina's parents are no longer under that gag order but that they have to keep fighting because she is no longer home.
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they will appear before the massachusetts legislature to talk about the case. and a surprise warning from the president to our allies and israel, we'll hear about the response with benjamin netanyahu, the reaction after a provocative interview as they arrived at a face to face meeting that played out today. an olympic hero now standing trial for murdering his model girlfriend. we go inside day one in the explosive testimony of the blade runner murder case. >> there was this bloodcurdling scream. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money.
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to help support your heart, brain and eyes. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. ♪ ♪ ♪ blood-curdlin and new reaction just in tonight from the pentagon to the tense situation that is playing out in the ukraine, not only has
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our military put all exercises and barrel meetings with russia on hold. no big surprise there. but the u.s. is also calling on russia to de-escalate this crisis. jennifer griffin joins me live with this report. >> hey, martha it is the first action taken by the pentagon. >> what cannot be done is for russia, with impunity to put its soldiers on the ground and violate basic principles that are recognized around the world. >> pentagon press secretary rear admiral john kirby refuting reports of ship movement in the region. quote, there has been no change to our military posture for europe and the ukraine. not so russia, who has 16,000
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troops in the district. putin has ignored officials from the white house and others leading to this heated debate at the u.n. security council today. >> the fact that russia has surrounded or taken over all or most military facilities in crime crimea. it is a fact that russian jets entered the ukrainian air space, it is also a fact that the ukrainian journalists continue to report there is no evidence of violence against russian or pro-russian communities. >> russian troops took over a marine base and captured a ferry crossing on the border. secretary kerry is supposed to leave for ukraine tonight. >> i don't think we can let him get away with this, this time. >> remember the russian institutions themselves have now been taken over. they're state-run banks. so sanctions can be debilitating on those institutions, and on putin. >> and later, president obama
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asked the committee chairman to assess the government and put pressure on ukraine, whatever tools the president needs to react. we have heard that the u.s. called off upcoming trade discussions with russia. >> so is what russia is doing legal, and can they be stopped? >> not easy questions to answer. >> i mean, certainly these are not question that vladimir putin is struggling with tonight. as someone said we're struggling if there is a military solution here, he has already determined there is a military solution and in fact, he did it. >> yes, and as ralph peterson said, and i agree with him. there is nothing we can do to cause him to leave and he simply won't leave. when he did this in georgia, russia still owned the portions of georgia that he removed from the country. look, this is profoundly unlawful. it is unlawful because it is the
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production of military force from one sovereign country to another without an invitation to a receiving country or without provocation, number one. >> he said there was provocation, he is claiming that the pro-russian entities in these countries have been under siege, they have been persecuted. >> i'll give him that, there is another reason this is profoundly unlawful. because this is the use of military force where no military force is being used against him. and his people are in uniform. so that insignia. every one of the four geneva protections, during the geneva conventions, not only do they have no insignia on, they're wearing black masks. that is profoundly unlawful. what are you going to do? are you going to go to a judge
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and get a restraining order? answer, no, and no, you either get a military force, not feasible or reasonable or you will just have to endure this and go through the process of having an american foreign policy which our adversearies fear and respect, as opposed to one they know they can roll over on. >> and you listen to secretary kerry and the u.n. and nato, and it doesn't matter. why would putin care less about the geneva conventions, he doesn't care about any of this. what he wants to do is put back russia, the soviet union, they're still ticked off about the arms resolution. and the comments about victoria nuland, the comments that were made. >> victoria nuland who is a deputy assistant secretary of state made comments which could fairly be interpreted as meaning the united states was actively
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supporting the mobs in the streets that threw out -- the ex-communist came in, when you use a mob to throw them out. you don't know what the response will be, it is weakness, instability. it is now much worse there than before we and our allies over there, this is nuland admitting it, got rid of yushenko. >> all right, this is from president obama, on our best israeli ally, as prime minister benjamin netanyahu sat down at the white house today. we've seen this get tense in the past. but recently h lly he learned a
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provocative interview that was given, in whi -- he said what i him privately is what i will say publicly, the situation will not improve, this is not a situation where you wait and the problem will go away. the president went a step further saying that if palestinians believe a deal is not possible, then the fallout will be international. welcome, sir, good to have you here tonight. >> thank you for having me, martha. >> what is your reaction to those comments by president obama? >> we have been working very closely, the government of israel, prime minister netanyahu, we have been working very closely with secretary of state kerry to try to move the peace process forward. we want a deal. we want to see if it is possible to have an historic peace between us and the palestinians.
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but we want a real peace, a secure peace, a durable peace, not just a piece of paper that doesn't mean anything. we have had examples where israel has left places like gaza, we want to make sure the peace process is done right, that brings a real solution that we really want. >> so is it the tone of those comments that bother you at all, the way they were presented in this interview? the president basically saying that if benjamin netanyahu doesn't believe that the peace policy is not right for israel, he needs to articulate an approach, to come forward with a better idea if he doesn't like the peace deal that is being discussed? >> martha, i'll answer it personally, as an israeli, i'm also a father of a 21-year-old daughter who is in the military doing her service. my 18-year-old son is about to do his national service.
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like all israeli families, the regular family plays its part. of course, i want peace. it is my kids in the military, my loved ones who are there if things go wrong. no one has to tell israel to make peace, we want peace, we pray for peace, we're ready to work hard for peace. all we ask is that it is a real peace, not an illusion. we have been working very -- i think effectively with secretary of state kerry and the obama administration to move the process forward. our biggest frustration so much is that although israel and americans seem ready for peace the palestinians have still not left the starting ground. they're still not ready to sit and talk seriously about the crucial issues, finally recognizing the jewish state's legitimacy and accepting that with peace there are going to have to be security arrangements
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that protect the peace. >> but the president went on to say if you see no peace deal and continue aggressive constructi seen more aggressive settlement construction in the past couple of years than we've seen in a very long time. if the palestinians believe it is no longer within reach, our fallout will be limited. our hands are tied if the aggressive settlement does not abate. what do you say to that? >> i think prime minister netanyahu deserves more credit on the leadership he has shown on that very issue. i mean, i recall former secretary of state hillary clinton calling my prime minister's settlement freeze, she said it was unprecedented. and my prime minister has shown as i said flexibility and leadership on this issue. i would like to remind everybody that when the prime minister moved on these issues, we
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removed all the settlements. what did we get in return? did we get peace when we left gaza? on the contrary, the issue of settlements will be resolved on the negotiation of settlements. but the conflict is not about settlements. the conflict is about the palestinian side, their refusal to accept the israeli state. it is time the palestinians crossed that bridge. it is time the palestinians, just as the israelis say they have a right to the state of their own. it is time that the palestinians recognize the same language, there is a jewish people, they have a set of land and they're entitled to that settlement, as well. >> thank you very much for being here tonight. good to have you sir. >> my pleasure. so coming up it now looks like the lawyer who volunteered to go to bat for a cop killer, is despite the controversy perhaps one step away from getting a very big job with the
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justice department. the widow of that murdered police captain is here with us next. [ male announcer ] what if a small company became big business overnight? ♪ like, really big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tanked? ♪ or not? what if they embrace new technology instead? ♪ imagine a company's future with the future of trading. company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim. from td ameritrade. [ male announcer ] nothing says, "you're my #1 copilot," like a milk-bone biscuit. ♪ say it with milk-bone. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's lobsterfest! the year's largestelection of lobst entrees like loter lover's dream or new dueling lobster tail
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of they continue to school them at home. they originally were granted asylum on religious freedom grounds but that is now in the process of being denied, we understand. and there are new developments in the case of a controversial nominee to a top spot in the civil rights department of the department of justice, he is a man who once defended a cop killer in court more than 30 years ago. philadelphia officer daniel faulkner was shot five times by abu jamal, one time in the face as jamal stood over the face of the dying officer. jamal never denied it but appealed the verdict and then appealed his death sentence with the help of a lawyer by the name of adebo adegule.
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she hopes to definition lawmakers to vote no since she will not have the chance to tell them herself. here is maureen faulkner, good to have you. tell me what you wanted to do, you wanted to be there and make your own statement which i think many people would expect you should have the right to do given the loss of your husband at the hands of abu jamal. >> yes, martha, over the past month i have urged the senate to please allow me to be able to speak since this was personal on a situation where my husband was so brutally murdered and this man not only defended this man that murdered my husband but championed him. and i asked to go back and was
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told i was not able to speak. and then last week i sent a letter. i called harry reid's office and i asked them to please not do it this week because i was not able to attend -- to go to washington. >> and did you get a response? >> i received no response. called five times today. harry reid's office, no response. he -- he was supposed to go on monday, tomorrow, i understand it may go on monday, why couldn't it wait until i could be there personally? >> tell me, you have lost your petition because you feel like that is perhaps the one thing you have to get action on this. you also have a lot of high level support in your opposition to this nomination. don't you? >> yes, we started the petition just on friday evening. and we have probably over 16,000 signatures even though our website was hacked into several times over the weekend and shut
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down for hours on end. >> do you have any idea why that happened? >> which is an absolute disgrace. here i sit, i'm urging all the senators in the united states, please, do not allow this man to be in the department of justice civil rights. he is the wrong person, i beg you, go onto our website that is up and running now. look at the youtube sites. when he was managing director, the two attorneys that were below him were traveling to paris to unveil jamal street in paris. from what i understand the legal defense fund is a nonprofit organization, who is paying for these people to go to paris to praise this man who shot my husband in the back and then brutally stood over him at point
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blank, shot him between the eyes. and i must say i am extremely emotional because i just found out -- my heart goes out -- to -- and also i just want to mention, i was in the studio tonight. i just found out there was a phoenix police officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty. and there is another one that is trying to do this. we need to stand together and stand united and not allow this man to get in. debo, do not allow it. >> they protect us every day in the line of duty and our hearts go out to you, maureen, and to the families out there, as well. i can't imagine what it is like for you to watch this play out in the capital of your on country. thank you very much for being with us tonight. >> thank you, martha, it has been 32 years, that is too long.
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thank you. >> you're welcome. maureen, thank you. also next, once an olympic hero and now he is standing trial for murdering his model girlfriend. inside day one of the blade runner trial. your eyes really are unique. in fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help protect yr eye health. as yoage, your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is a vitamin made just for youeyes from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. ocuvite has a unique formula that's just not found in any leading multivitamin. your ey are unique, so hp protect your eye health with ocuvite. so hp protect your eye health play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and
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did he some very emotional testimony today in the murder trial of olympic blade runner oscar pistorius. trace gallagher is live with details that happened in the courtroom, hey. >> hey, martha, the first witness was a college professor, a neighbor of pistorius who lives close by. she claims on the night of the shooting she heard a woman's escalating screams, followed by a man's screams for help.
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listen to her description in court. >> i anticipated that something was going to happen, because at the climax of the shots i knew something terrible was happening in the house. i thought they were being attacked. the only shots were like that if your life was threatened. >> that is when she heard bang, followed by a pause, then bang, bang, bang, she says after the shots the screams faded but the defense claims she has her time line flipped around, saying the screams she heard was actually oscar pistorius, whose voice was actually higher because of the anguish, the witness held her ground, disputing the defense's theory. remember, he claims he thought there was an intruder, which is why he shot. we expect more than a 100 witnesses during the trial, martha. it starts again, 9:30, south african time. >> thank you, trace, very
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7:00 pm welcome to "hannity" tonight, we have a jam-packed edition of the show. america, are you ready? let's roll. >> she called it. >> after the russian army invaded the nation of georgia, senator obama's was a reaction of indecision and moral indecision. >> governor sarah palin was mocked for these comments back in 2008. now she is here tonight to respond to putin's latest power play that she predicted. >> the reset button has worked. and that we are moving in a


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