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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 6, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST

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good night from washington, d.c. and we'll see you on gretawired to vote in the poll and we'll see you right here tomorrow night 7:00 p.m. eastern. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye," would soccer be watchable if you forced an entire city to play at once? what if you could use your hands? what if you could get away with murder? we'll show you one town who had the guts to find out. and how long does it take vice president biden on average to finish a deep dish pizza? >> 3.4 seconds. think about that for a minute. >> and finally #r baby red squirrels the most adorable drinking milk, sleeping or fror fror -- frolicking with friends? none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> let's welcome our guests. she defies all laws of science by having cold hands and a
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cold heart. there is her cold hand. and it is executive vice president of diligence, tv's andy levy. >> what? >> and he is so smart that he poops mensa members. week nights at 9:00 p.m. eastern time on fox business network. if you don't have it. >> demand it? >> i don't know. i forgot the second part of that. he once killed a terrorist by blinking him to death. in exto me, mike baker, former cia operative and founder of diligence, diligence hair pray and diligence brick a brack. for all of your coffee, hairspray and brick a brack needs, they are already scattered over a body of water. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. hey, greg, do you have an extra mat?
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>> so sweet. he will prene on a screen. it is day 830,sex 339 >> have to push that button. trait russ swine edward snowden will make an appearance at the interactive festival next week. change the name. organizers say snowden, if that's his real name, who fled into the arms of his bff, vladimir putin after permanently harming our national security will appear via raw moat -- via remote about spying on the tech community. uh ready could together conference website, attendees will hear directly on his beliefs on what the tech community must do to secure the private data of the billions of people who rely on the tools and services that we build. wonder if he will have anything to say about kiev.
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i bet the attendees are excited. probably almost as much as this guy about trains. >> oh my god! listen to that horn! oh my gosh, she is beautiful! she is beautiful! ya! all right. oh! oh no, it is a b l 2 too! oh my god! oh, we are going to watch this. this is special. >> the train was actually saying that about him. baker, i go to you because you are a big fan of snowden. how excited are you? have you booked a ticket? >> i booked a ticket for moscow. suddenly snowden has become a deep thinker, right? we have to remember that snowden was basically a systems administrator at best. he is not an engineer.
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suddenly he is the top thinker on privacy issues today. you know my feelings about this and my vice president of diligence sitting next to me. we tend to differ on these issues. i am going to keep a very level head when he starts spouting the problem bleep [. spouting the [bleep]. >> you still want him executed, don't you? >> i don't want him executed. i want him to face justice for what he has done. >> he has gotten soft. >> all of that talk, the guy deserves to be in court here in the u.s. >> i happen to agree with you. a food court maybe. mike has a point. he is really not an expert and that means they are having him
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on for more of a novelty aspect. >> when i have heard the guy talk, he is pretty intelligent. if in fact he is all of these things and the fact that he apparently snuck off with the crown jewels is an dement of the the -- an indictment of the nsa and the rest of the organizations that were supposed to be stoping them. if he is nobody and he walked out with the crown jewels what does that say about the community of people? >> this is between having access which you do as a success stems administrator. >> i digress. i digress. let me try this other thing. >> i am really uncomfortable right now. >> i don't have to call the guy a hero. the reality is i think what he did was obviously very important. we had a very fundamental -- >> was that a fundamental discourse about programs that no one knew about apparently which the efficacy and the efficiency is now on the
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table. do you have a metadata program that cost $2 trillion? >> is the show over? what have i gotten wrong, sir? >> maybe i have to bow to your long years and in understanding the importance of secrets. >> you actually don't know what i know. >> level head, level head. >> i don't even know where to start. i am not going to go down that path. as i always say, it is not good to get a motive about these things. you are right and it is -- god bless these discussions. i don't buy the crap about how, he is important just from the fact he generated the conversation. >> i would of all of the leaks we looked at, point out a specific example.
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i am not talking about the crimes. >> point out where the nsa was breaking the law. give me an inned cation of where they were -- an indication of where they were breaking the law. >> we had a court judge who said the nsa was involved in systematic overreaches. >> oh my god! >> the president and many other levels of the administration have suggested over and over again that the nsa -- listen, if you don't trust this guy, for example, then the notion of giving him a massive organization to operate that has the ability to collect as much information as they like without any sort of accountability whatsoever sounds like a terrible idea. >> what is a fiza court. i spent 17 years in an organization long enough to understand that believe it or not, it is not like the feature films. we have the most transparent intel community in the entire -- >> we know absolutely nothing
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about what it costs. >> there are things that we didn't know the program existed. >> if you want an open society -- >> i didn't say that. >> you argued for the fact that we don't know about. >> of course we are doing things we don't know about. >> i am suggesting they are doing programs leak these and they cannot even suggest are effective. >> you know why the cia is such a good scapegoat? >> they go on 60 machines 1k3* host infomercials? >> you can't have a conversation with somebody who is not understanding how operations work. >> hang out for 15 minutes after the show. >> that would be fantastic. >> invite me on to your show. that would be a great time. >> i would like to have you. >> buy a remote. >> we don't go out. we don't talk about our successes. you know why we don't talk
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about our successes? you don't reveal that [bleep]. when somebody smacks you around, there is a path between the agency and capitol hill. it is up and back and all of the [bleep] that pelosi, do you know how well briefed they are? it is like the idea the ukraine was a cia uh fail yet because -- affiliate because of all of the information in the daily brief. >> i am not sure what this has to do with the particular conversation. >> i have been doing this a longtime. i tend to ram bell. >> he is old. >> who gets the point there? >> that was fun. >> i am going to make one point. >> that was like a more ton downey episode you see on youtube. we are all friends here. >> i am completely spent. should we do another segment on something else?
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>> i can kind of make this work. so the thing about this meeting that is happening is none of this is going to be brought up. the people who are there are going to go what is it like to be in russia? what is your favorite food? are you lonely? >> how is the weed there? >> you know the thing that kind of gets me -- >> he is a celebrity. >> that's what it is. it is not about what he did. it is about who he is. southwest southwest will consider anything that underminds america as cool. they would never have somebody from the military there, but they will have somebody who undermines -- >> he is quite confident. i will be at south by southwest. i am headed out. i won't be speaking, but i will be there, around. >> interesting. >> is it too late for you and i to be there at the same time? they will love me. >> you can actually start
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killing hipsters. it is like it gets smaller and smaller and you can see mike baker wandering around with a grin on his face. >> it is like episode where they go after the hippies. >> are you taking the day off to fly to austin? >> well, we will gather around the computer and watch the live stream. look, regardless of whether snowden is part of the discussion and i sort of agree with you that maybe he is not the most qualified person to be part of the panel. it is an important topic and we need to help avoid mass surveillance and not tech that makes us more easily surveiled. >> could we do both? >> i don't want more mass surveillance, mike.
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>> this is where you and i differ about the direction to take diligence.kidding. >> we passed things out at poino understand that i am the future. rut past, old man. >> before we move on because they are tired of this topic, aren't you worried that the people you agree with are people who are notoriously critical of america in all facets? they don't like anything we do. they were cynical and skepticaofhe anti-terror stuff we do. aren't you worried they do it for different reasons? >> and i won't speak to those people. anybody can be right sometimes. if they agree with me they are likely right. >> that's a good answer. >> i am going to steal it. >> they are using pot to tie the knot. it is day 420 of --
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>> everybody is yelling at each other. there is craziness going on here. i know i am on. that's part of the charm is that you -- >> did somebody just say you are on? >> yes, are you on camera. i have been doing this for one day. >> i can't believe the show is not over. i thought the show was over. >> are we two hours tonight? what is going on? >> colorado -- follow my finger. yes, are you -- you are fine. colorado legalized marijuana on january 1st and now couples are including weed when theyed with. some are considering having vaping stations or druggen fused edible treats. one planner is having the men replace their flower in their lapel with a cannibus bud and
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a pipe being given as a gift to the wedding party. toasts and open bars are standard at a wedding. now we can consume cannibus as long as the event is private. let's check in with our marijuana cory spawn department. correspondent. >> she trashed. mike, you have been married seven times. four women and two men and a parrakeet. does this make you want to go for number 8? >> what would number 8 be? it would be like a camel. >> it would be a half robot and a half chin chill law. >> a rochilla. here is where i stand on the whole pot thing. i believe this is legitimate
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medical use. it is important that be available. i am not a big fan and i was just out in northern california and we did a story for my show on the travel channel. >> what is it called? >> "american classified." we are getting ready to do the second season. we were out there doing a story about the communities. they have based so much of their economy on pot for so long. i came away with that with real conflicted view on the whole idea. for awhile when colorado was going the direction they were going i thought, who cares? there are bigger issues to deal with. i think we have to wait awhile and see how it plays out in the community. as far as weddings go, you want to smoke pot at your wedding go for it. >> that was a long way to get to sure, why not? joanne, one day you are going to find that special man and he will come along and sweep you off your feet. will it excite you to know he
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will want to be stoned at your wedding? >> i will be right there with him. nothing says love like the gange. they have like the hand rolled cigars and a lot of people do that at weddings. now a rolled joint station can be there. it is your wedding. do what you want to do. understand that maybe some people won't want to come to your wedding which will be great. you won't spend as much money. >> they will leave their kids at home. >> i worry about the photos. >> that's true. >> the wedding photos you will show your kids. >> it is like, i don't remember this at all. >> you can say the same thing about open bars. people get wasted at weddings. >> there is always something to regret when you do something like that. i cannot imagine having a chronic-themed wedding and i suspect when you look at those photos afterwards you will regret some aspect of that. i hope this doesn't catch on
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and i suspect it is an exotic nature of a smoking weed at this particular moment. >> that's what gets me crazy about this whole thing. i know you are never getting married. it is not in the stars for you. dying lonely is what you want to do. this makes weddings about pot smoking. it is what pot smokers always do every endeavor that pot smokers get involved with they make it about the pot smoking. >> you have to learn through prohibition you shut up about the booze and you drink. the potheads have to shut up about the pot. >> this sounds awful just being around a bunch of stoners. whether it is a wedding or anywhere else. >> it is the same thing with drunks. >> agreed. and it will kill the tradition of the bride and groom getting to take home the wedding
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cake. >> so true. >> the real victory for pot legalization is going to be when stoner culture goes away. nobody has booze-themed weddings. if you are basing your life around a drug, you probably have a problem with that drug. if you are enjoying that drug socially, you are probably no different than a social drinker. i completely agree with you. this is a novelty thing. if pot legalization becomes more popular this stuff goes away. will it get rid of the stoner culture? >> to an extent it will. you will have people that just like to smoke weed sometimes. >> the real downside of this is that jay leno no longer has a show. that wedding cake joke will be used tomorrow. >> how come nobody bakes nicotine into foods? you have pot brown --
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brownies, why not nicotine brownies? >> well chocolate has caffeine.
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do it in moderation. >> i am never getting my own health show. >> you are saying it in a miserable way. just eat vegetables. everything in moderation. >> i am still worked up about that snowden thing. i want to have the juice now because i want to be bound up. >> these cleanses, aren't they really just starvation? and isn't that worse than toxins? >> yes. my mom is actually one of these people. i think idiot. >> a a moron. >> we disagree on this. it is bizarre to me. we live in an era where every single quality of life indicator imaginable suggests that life is kind of awesome. we live a longtime and a very healthy life. have a cookie. i don't want alkaline water.
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i don't want this nonsense extract of grape nut. i am going to have a cronut. leave me alone. >> people are so obsessed with their poop now. i have to have my bowels cleaned. they think it is like a basement. you keep stuff in your basement. >> you clean it once a year. twice a year tops. >> it feels great when you wait a longtime to clean that basement. it is like giving birth to a chocolate mountain. i don't even know what that means except, joanne, i feel weird going to you. >> have i a craving for chocolate right now. >> i have just the right film. how does this happen? what do you make of these crazes? women are vulnerable about this stuff. >> i am all about the cleanse. you know how i do it? alcohol. alcohol kills everything, right? >> yes. >> give me, give me and it
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works itself out. you know like the next morning after binge drinking. >> no, actually. >> doesn't anybody else? >> doctors say spiritual toxins like loneliness and hostility add to our worsening health. so you are hostile and lonely which means are you a toxic cesspool. >> i am not hostile. >> a little juicing will get that. >> the progressives are usually the ones talking about the cleanses. i am not anti-science so i will side with the doctors on this one. this is the equivalent of astrology and it is junk. >> you will get a lot of
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chiropractors. >> did you call it chiropracty? >> they are sensitive -- >> i know because they are not doctors. >> you know what is interesting? you never hear about organic food from like a hispanic bus driver. you hear it from the white, rich board housewife of a stockbroker. those are the only people that can afford the crap. >> the actor. >> i saw one lady at a party i was at. >> good for you. >> exactly. >> does your wife now? >> she was standing right there. they were talking about the cleansing program. they were talking about they go seven days in a row drinking nothing but i forget what it was. water and maple syrup. i remember looked and said
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mrs. buttorsworth? >> they said after day three you feel spiritual. no, your body is dying. you are shutting down. you are hallucinating. >> such a good feeling. >> remember where we did that diet? gitmo. >> we have to take a break. it is silly, just silly. and i was the health editor. i edited men's health. i am like a doctor. >> more of a doctor than a chiropractor. >> i have my business card and it allows me to checkup on anybody. >> who has bt -- who hasn't been nude? >> how hard is it to fake your own death to cheat on your taxes? mike baker, how i faked my own death to cheat on my taxes. and a new reality show, the story of mike baker he
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insisted we cover.
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he now looks down on sleeping around. actor ashton kutcher has -- as opposed to the ashton kutcher who is not one. he has caught a case of
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monogamy and no longer enjoys one nightstands. in an interview with "men's fitness" he said for every girl you have a good time with for one night. if you want to stay single it is the same girl you have to not call back. tragedy. after being the one nightstand guy it is also just a little gross. hot models want to sleep with you and are repulsive. he is rumored to be engaged to kunich. that has nothing to do with what he said i'm sure. i will go to you, joe -- joanne. are you happy for mila or sad for yourself? >> combination of the two. i want to be her body double in films, so if she gets pregnant they will need me on there more. i'm all for the monogamy. >> right now you are doing it a little bit. >> who says i am not.
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>> you have six years on her, right? trying to figure out the age. >> she is 30. >> she is moving on. >> this girl is brilliant. she knows what she is getting herself into. she knows he is a cheater. she said you will publicly say as many times as i tell you to that you are all about monogamy and you are a changed man. >> is he saying this because he has had 16,000 one-night stands? is it like saying don't do drugs because between 20 and 40 i did them. >> it is like a billionaire who complains that people are not giving enough. >> or money won't bring you happiness. >> really? it won't? i don't know there are a lot of guys that a are single that understand what the hell he is saying. i will say this much, there is nothing better than being married. it absolutely is the honest to
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god's truth. maybe he has gotten to the point where he realizes that. >> and you love marriage so much that you have done it a couple times. >> this one is for the rest of my life. >> this one is going to stick. i feel it. >> his wife is here with us in the studio, by the way. >> she is the world's most wonderful woman. no offense to the ukrainian. >> i am offended. >> or andy's cats. that he dresses up as a ukrainian model. who cares if he got to this point late in life. do you agree with what he is saying? >> looks like he found religion. good for him. hope it works out. hope it is forever. monogamy is the way to go. it is creepy to be the guy who has to sneak out. it is kind of gross. >> it is gross. i wouldn't know that feeling though. i am always the guy who wakes up and there is like somebody crying going what was i
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thinking? i am smeared with jelly. >> is that jelly? >> andy, do you think ashton should apologize to the one nightstand guys out there? he had to have offended them. >> he absolutely should. i actually agree with him. i have never been a one nightstand bay. guy. it is not for me. >> you stick to one hand. >> i promise not to cheat on you. >> that was unnecessary. >> that was terrible. >> i apologize. i am apologizing for being so obvious a joke.
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i am not really sorry i said it. >> that's exactly what i want you to apologize for. >> we have to take a break. more stuff is on the way. if you haven't bought my book yet, i am angry. i have to rewrite this. 31 cities and 11 days. here is a look at where i am going to be. stop by and meet me. i will be in knoxville, tennessee. i will be in nape pells, florida. i will be in fort meyers. check out g for the entire tour schedule. 31 cities.
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how low can lilo go? formerly relevant actress lyndsay lohan is in a new reality show on the oprah's never been relevant network. that's mean. which begs the question --
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should we care some -- care? how do i do this? oh yeah. flip this and then turn it over like this. >> that looks great. someone spent way too much time on that one. >> wasn't me. i had a tech do this for me. his name is vic. vic the tech. >> vic the graphic designer. >> he did a good version -- a better version than i did which bugs me. high is after my job. sorry, vic. the show chronicle the thick-lipped wretch's move to a hotel and her search for an apartment and struggle to stay sober. judging from the trailer it is going well. >> there is good, good, good, good and then there is a thing in my head that says time to sabotage. >> don't put words in my mouth. >> you want me to scrap it all? >> she changed things every day and not following the
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rules that they agreed to. not participating. she wouldn't commit to the shoot next week so they had to can sell it. >> i really do want you to win. i really do. if that isn't what you want i am okay with that. i will tell these guys to pack up and leave today. >> it is not that i am not ready. >> you need the cut the [bleep]. you really do. >> i am okay with that. will any of us give a damn? i have guests sitting near me. i love that oprah is unhappy about this. this is exactly what she wanted. she wants to film a train wreck. you don't trains. you film train wrecks. >> she looked deeply affected. it was well scripted. i do not care at all. i don't know why lyndsay --
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anyone cares about lyndsay lohan. she was never in a film. >> "the parent trap"? come on. >> "machete." quality film making. >> it is called should we care? >> that's a good point. >> the one thing i like about her is she is excel rating the kathleen turner voice. she is 25, but she sounds like a sexy 60-year-old. >> i had no idea she actually had this show. i will say oprah winfrey is if not the smartest, probably the top three smartest entertainment executives and producers out there. the idea she didn't know what was going to happen is inconceivable. i am right on board. i don't really care. i hope she does well. just like i hope everybody has a good life. at the end of the day, i just don't care. i am too busy watching honey boo boo.
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that's two nos to should we care? this is exciting. some may say she is losing her looks. you said we should only care about hot people. do we have to pay attention to her or not? >> i care. i care deeply. i see myself in this poor girl. it is 10 years down the road. i model my life choices off of her. we should all take a look at a this and reflect on our own choices and act accordingly. i mean really though -- >> i was about to be complainant. >> it is crazy because she has had so many ups and downs and then to have these cameras in your face, and it is only going to up the anxiety and up the stress. isn't that when people crack? we will just see another train wreck. you can't look away. i am definitely going to watch. >> i think a lot of women see
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themselves in her and a lot of men have seen themselves. what do you mean? it was a very available point. they make a lot of good points here surprisingly. >> despite her cleansing. >> television does not make anything better. when you have problems you don't do a tv show. >> oprah is an enabler. part of lohan's addiction problem was being addicted to fame. >> a show? >> more than -- more the movie. she was doing a decent job staying out of the public eye. >> except for the breakout hit "canyons." >> she played elizabeth taylor. >> in terms of her life itself was out of the public life. oprah is disgusting. can we say that? >> you do not get a car. >> i don't care.
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>> she is exactly disgusting because she knows exactly what is going on. she is sitting there with her pretend upset stuff. >> somebody is not getting a show on oprah's network. >> i have to stand up for oprah too. >> celebrity rehab had noble intentions. they would lose one person a series until they said, you know what, maybe we should stop. tv is not making them better. you lose the guy from taxi. >> and that what is so sad. you can't even remember. >> i was so high watching the show. joking people. don't get high and watch tv. should we care? no. >> we should care about oprah being stupid.
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>> no. >> that makes me the tiebreaker. that is we should care. do you have a comment on the show? there should be a whole show called should we care? e-mail as you red eye at fox go to fooks -- fox eye. our last story which is about something. andrew jackson.
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next "red eye" we have jedediah bila and sonny johnson and, can i talk still? sherrod small will be hosting because i will be in colorado giving a speech. interesting. anyway, should he still be on our bill? that's the topic of tonight's "red eye" debate 2014 live from the" red eye" debate center. >> back to "red eye" debate center. i'm greg gutfeld, host of the "red eye" debate center. should andrew jackson be
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removed from the $20 bill? he was our seventh president, but they say he killed tons of people and made a fortune as a slave trader which is bad. he thinks having his face on the 20 obscures the legacy writing. no historical figure is perfect. i vote for gary coleman. baker, i will admit jackson does seem like a scary dude, but weren't we all scary back then? jay everybody was scary. it was a tough time. you had to be scary our didn't survive. >> exactly. >> excuse me with this trail of tears. in thinking about it, maybe there should be a rotation. let's put teddy roosevelt. he was terrific. he was a great president. he did a lot for conservation. let's get him on.
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i wouldn't mess with the icons. i wouldn't mess with washington or lincoln. maybe we can shift it up a little bit. i have this theory that andrew jackson was like the train spotter. wherever he went people got hurt. somebody got mad at somebody so he stabbed him with a cane. maybe they have a point here. >> that's a deep inside. i mean that. i am not being sarcastic. i wonder if we start disqualifying presidents because they have done deplorable things, i could probably find a reason to dislike just about any president you put in front of me. how about we put regular people on the money? people like kanye west, great american heros. we could put him on the 20 or 50. >> i think he would like to be
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on the hundred. >> we could put him on every denomination. >> across the board. >> he is a man of many faces. he has a new baby. >> i would like to be on the $5. >> do you think he is watching right now? >> he might be. >> he would be very angry right now. he always is. joanne, andrew jackson as you noy was not on the jackson five, just so you know that. what are your thoughts? >> then i have none. i was going to go on about his brilliant career on the drums. so, i'm sure andy was going to mention this and i'm going to jump the gun. he was opposed to paper money. >> really? >> yes. did you know that? >> no. >> i did some research. this is his eternal punish mint -- punishment for being a terrible man. this is the american way. this is justice. >> he is trapped.
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it is like a "twilight zone." he has become what he has hated. you are used to that. >> i only carry handies. -- hundies. we can't take people off the bills. you don't know where to stop. our racist producer wants lincoln off the 5. >> i want lincoln off the 5 too. >> should we put snowden on the 5? >> maybe so. >> snowden goes on bit coins. >> until 1928 grover cleveland was on the 20. the treasury department changed it. they claim their records don't reveal why the change was made which is code for the mason told them to. guess what, none of this is changing because the may sons and the illuminati don't want it to. >> you know who my favorite mason is? masonries. -- mason reece. the little red headed guy.
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mason reece. the little red headed kid. he is adorable. he lives downtown. we should say hello to him. let's do it now. >> let's all go. >> later.
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you will, annie. this is a fox news alert. lots of breaking news on the crisis in ukraine. shep smith standing by in kiev. earlier, he was in the crimean region which is currently under russian control. he'll join us to tell us what he saw. first, the latest. earlier today, the eu and united states suggested we may slap economic sanctions on russia if putin doesn't back off. russia immediately retalyatded with a threat to take u.s. and eu assets currently held in russia. that prompted a meeting between secretary kerry and sergey lavrov in paris. that meeting appears to have accomplished exactly zero. angela merkel called putin's


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