tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 6, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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this question. bigger news or they are protecting the irs? vote in our gretawire toll poll, good night from washington. o'reilly is next. o'reilly factor is on. tonight. ♪ land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ >> most americans love their country but there is some bad news. our nation is in decline. tonight, we will prove it. >> it is hurting small businesses because that's the people who they insta gaited the delay for. this is the most unfair delay they have made so far. >> we asked ms. megyn kelly to investigate all the delays on obamacare. she will be here this evening.
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>> who is bill o'reilly? we came for the watters show. >> this is your world? >> this is my world right here. >> and now i am standing in it. >> also, what kind of people follow the factor? we sent watters to san diego to find out. >> to see him be such an entertainer that you don't normally see. >> you should see him around the office. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ i'm bill o'reilly, thanks for watching us tonight. america in decline, that's the subject of this evening's talking points memo. russia's violation of international law raises a very unpleasant question, is the u.s.a. now incapable of confronting dangerous behavior? the short answer is no. we can can still right wrongs if we have the will. but the stark truth is america is getting weaker on almost every front.
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let's start with economics. during president obama's five years in office, median income for americans has dropped about 7%. that's big. because while prices and taxes are rising, take-home pay is falling. thus, individual americans are less secure. as for the overall economy, the u.s.a. is also faltering. we the people have elected politicians who favor social justice over a robust marketplace. in order to create economic opportunity for all, business must be prompted to expand, the democratic party which now controls the senate and the white house has imposed a huge tax burden on private business as well as on affluent consumers. as a result the job market remains sluggish and with fewer good jobs the country is weaker. in addition, millions of americans are now looking for handouts as the explosion of disability applications and entitlements prove. on the military front, the nation is exhausted.
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therefore, weaker. iraq and afghanistan have sapped money and manpower and left the american public with no appetite to right international wrongs. the obama administration is even seeking to down size the army, a major mistake in a very dangerous world the u.s.a. has lost its will to confront dangerous situations and allies across the board is timid due to selfishness. their philosophy being let america do it all. on the social front, we are heading for disas are. the collapse of the traditional american family speak are for itself. with almost 41% of american babies now born out of wedlock, many to pour, ill-educated women who cannot support them. the educational system is corrupt with powerful teachers unions refusing to impose responsible discipline in the public schools. children at risk are be-set with corruptive influences as the cynical entertainment
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industry pedals garbage to young people with little opposition from an apathetic media which tilts secular left. intoxicating agents like marijuana are now celebrated as freedom, giving substances that should be available everywhere. >> drug pushers are defined as nonviolent criminals need a little rehab don't punish them: lying under oath in the nation's courtrooms. unsiege by nuisance lawsuits designed by legal shakedown artists who have absolutely nothing to lose in a system which refuses to hold them accountable. talking points could go on and on. can i can give you scores of other examples to back up the steep decline in economy, civility, and education. and you will not, you will will not see those examples
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do find by a corrupt national media which refuses to honestly cover the news. this morning, for example, two largest newspapers the "new york times" and the "wall street journal" did not even mention lois lerner taking the fifth again yesterday in the irs investigation. they didn't even mention it so, if you think we have a vigilant press in america, you aren't really living here. you are residing in the land of oz. simply put, we're in trouble. right now american leadership sadly lacking in almost every area. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction, joining us from washington, miss laura ingraham. on that optimistic talking points memo. >> i have got to pop a prozac. that is a depressing talking points memo. >> it's all true. is there anything that isn't true? >> no. i sadly agree with you, bill. look, for a couple of years i have been doing this segment on my radio show
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called america in decline. tracking cultural declines, religious decline, political decline, economic decline, our decline in influence in foreign policy. i mean, you kind of mapped it out i think people watching nodding their heads and shaking their heads. >> where are we not in decline? >> in the luge in the olympics. >> little help in curling. did a little better in curling as well. look, i think the question for america is how to turn this around, right? how to turn this around. >> do you really think most americans want to turn it around? i think there is 50% of them want the nanny state. >> well, you are raising another silent question. what happens is number one people get addicted to government and government handouts. that's one problem.
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the idea of america in decline who cares? >> yeah, they don't care. i don't want to think about it i want to get stoned. i don't want to think about it. >> the pot law. >> let's legalize pot so we don't have to think about it. >> other thing, bill, a lot of traditionalists people who watch the factor and like fox and who want fairness, right? they feel like the system is rigged against them, right? there are a lot of special interest groups and politically protected classes that might be catered to in our political system. for christian conservatives they feel like there is a target on their back and they are demeaned and derided in the nature of the politics. they don't feel like there is any place for them to go right now. those people are actually really patriotic and really care about america in decline. there is only a matter of time before even those people say well, to heck with i this is the way the government feels about me, you mentioned the irs issue, if they think i'm a hater every time i talk about the way my faith views marriage
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or any of the social issues why should care about america being in decline america doesn't like me. a lot of dynamics here. it's going to take incredibly deaf leadership that lifts us up politically and economically and even spiritually turn this thing around. >> i believe that there will be a charismatic leader in the traditional precincts emerge. that person really hasn't emerged yet. >> yeah. >> but they are going to have to do tough love on this country. you know, that's what we need. because, look, i understand that you can't face down putin with tanks and planes and rockets we can't do it in history. two massive wars which drained our psyche. >> a trillion dollars in
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iraq. the military has been magnificent. everybody watching this goes, you know what? we don't have any momentum. if the america were a sports team, it would not blake the playoffs. >> well, bill, let's think of the money we spent in iraq and afghanistan. our soldiers and our servicemen and women. >> a trillion dollars. >> worked gallantly. >> a trillion dollars plus, right? then we see the $17 trillion plus in debt a lot of people go where did that money go? what did we get for that money? are we strocker and more prosperous and positive outlook. >> another poll comes out 6% of the country for, i think, over 10 years now, the majority of americans, think we are going in the wrong direction like that has to mean something after a while. >> i hope we have a new direction because we do elections here. we have them. >> yeah, they matter. >> they matter so we will see, ms. laura, everybody. >> a lot of this, bill, predates obama too. the negative feeling about
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the country predates obama. >> almost from 9/11. >> exactly. >> all right. thank you, laura. next on the rundown, white house correspondent ed henry on the president's collapsing poll numbers and the new executive order on ukraine. then hillary clinton's comments on hitler. very interesting situation. the factor is coming right back. ♪
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new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is. prafs paragraph impact segment tonight. brand new fox news poll has bad news for president obama. by the way this is a scientific poll that has been very accurate over the years. right now the president's job performance is 38% approval. 54% disapprove. most interesting question was this: rate the obama administration on the following: security, 41% of americans say the president has mostly succeeded there. 48% mostly failed. healthcare 36% succeeded. 57% failed. economy, 35% succeeded, 56% failed. jobs 33% succeeded, 59%
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failed. u.s. image 33% succeeded, 5% fail. and transparence. just 27% succeeded, 59% failed. joining us now from white house ace white house correspondent ed henry. these are the poll numbers president signed executive order today about ukraine. what was that? >> it basically gives the authority to his administration to potentially freeze assets and strip visas from various officials in russia and ukraine who may have been involved in masterminding basically parts of ukraine. when you big deeper it gives the authority as i said. doesn't actually directly sanction anyone yet. it gives that power to do it doesn't name of these officials including vladimir putin. putin dancing around that at the end of the day. gives the authority but will it really have the full teeth? we don't know yet.
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>> so, let me get this straight. executive order saying that the president has the authority freeze assets for the bad guys invading ukraine. >> take away visas. >> putin didn't visa. he didn't come they don't name putin. >> or anyone around his circle either. >> the guy who owns the brooklyn nets here in new york city. he is a russian. >> are you a nets fan. >> i like anybody who is good. i'm a frontrunner. but if you freeze the assets of this guy who owns the nets. thattens moo the players carcht move on the court and they will probably lose. >> all right. this is another symbolic gesture. now, here is my theory, henry, and you correct me if i am wrong. over the past two months i have had occasion to talk with some white house people about the slipping poll numbers they don't care. a lot like george w. bush,
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people don't approve doing your job. they don't care. throw myself on the membersy of historical court. exact same thing going on in the obama administration right now they don't care about the poll numbers or am i wrong. >> something to that the bush example is a good one. presidents, republicans, democrat especially this late in the second term become a lame duck they get into a bubble. they hear the criticism all the time coming from all sides not just for the right for this president. he has the left coming after him about nsa surveillance, et cetera. look, i think that these poll numbers what it it boils down to is one word and that's credibility and the lack of it right now for this president. you go down the issues on healthcare. his critics don't want to admit it but people being covered now that weren't covered there are premiums going up, yes. other premiums coming down. not the individual issues where he is so bad. it's the credibility. if you like your plan you can keep it? transparency issue. the president is firmly
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believes and so do his acolytes that he will go down in history as a pioneer, as a good president as a visionary dr. immanuel on this program last night. he says well, you know, it's all going to work out. by 2020 will love obama care. let's see that's six yearsing away. president obama will be doing a lecture tour with bill clinton. zipping around 200,000 speech. they are living in a moment because they have to make a living. >> on one hand, hats off to any president who can think that far down the road. because part of the problem in washington right now is everyone thinking about the next day, the next election. but the fact of the matter is, as you said, if a lot of people are hurt by the healthcare law between now and 2020. who cares if it's a great thing in 2020. people care about it now. >> it will be repealed though. that's what immanuel is in. look, if this thing doesn't start to turn around soon, then a republican could likely be elected in 2016.
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the first thing they will do is repeal this law. >> hillary clinton noted she thinks not enough has been done to sell the benefits of this. she started pulling away a little bit from this white house. >> henry, let me break it to you. somebody who has followed the clintons, okay, she never ever repeal the affordable healthcare act. no matter what she says. >> maybe not repeal but change. >> ed henry, everybody. directly ahead. hillary clinton compares hitler to putin and some liberal americans don't like it. also later, megyn kelly on more obamacare delays. we'll have those reports after these messages. ♪ ♪
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personal story segment tonight, speaking at ucla hillary clinton compared putin's vision of ukraine to hitler's czechoslovakia. here is what mrs. clinton said. >> the claims by president putin and other russians that they had to go in to crimea and maybe further into eastern crew rainy because they had to protect the russian minority. and that is reminiscent of claims that were made back in the 1930s when germany under the nazis kept talking about how they had to protect german minorities i'm not making a comparison certainly but i am recommending that we perhaps can learn from this tactic. >> joining us now from washington charles ellayna a "the washington post" opinion writer and fox news
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analyst. i say mrs. clinton's point is historically valid and you say? >> i say her point is also historically valid. i think it's possible to overdo this analogy but on the particular point she was making, it's absolutely correct and, by the way, this referendum that putin is planning for the crimea reminds me a lot of the ones hitler ran in austria after he moved his troops into austria in 1938. >> putin is not an idiot. he know what is hitler did and, you know, a lot of people on the left are just outraged that you are talking about hitler. but what people don't really understand and i think you do, mr. ellayna. you are a student of history. is that what is going on in europe right now directly relates to world war ii. all the boundaries drawn by stalin and fdr. churchill didn't have much to do with it, right? have caused friction ever since the classic bully that
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hitler was is the same kind of bully that putin is. i don't see a lot of difference in style. >> the big difference, think the important difference and the reason why the analogy is far from perfect is that hitler had sort of global aaron aryan premises ideology holocaust all of that built into it you don't see anything like that what putin is doing. putin is aggressive but his goals are sort of traditional within the russian mind set. i think the -- and you mentioned the borders, that's very important. another point where they are similar is that both of these guys are products of collapsed empires who saw the humiliation, hitler after world war i. putin after the cold war. the empires that they had served. >> and they use to galvanize their power by saying to the german people and the russian people i will restore the grandeur of this country. but i think you are making a
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mistake in the sense that when hitler rose to power and i'm writing a book on world war ii right now. when he rose to power, all right, he didn't do all the concentration camps and all the extermination stuff until the war started. i mean there were certainly signs that he was going to do it. putin is a human rights violator. he is suppressing the press. he is doing exactly what the nasa is is did in the 1930s, it's almost a playbook right down here is what i don't understand. why is the left upset in hillary is right. she mentioned hitler you? can't do that? that's insane. >> i don't know why anybody would object to the analogy. i can imagine reason to object to reasons why hillary saying it. >> why? >> there are sometimes when, you know, she is sort of the wrong person to say this true thing because at this particular moment given her past position and attempted
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future position it is a inflammatory thing for her >> why? i don't understand why. she is a former secretary of state she knows putin, she knows russia. she certainly has a credibility to speak to the issue. i don't know why people on the left are so upset. i know why people on the right are upset they hate hillary. no matter what she says they are going to hate her. i understand that people on the left, what is your objection to stating the truth? >> i have no objection to stating the truth i have a concern when truth comes out of the mouth russians believe ruling in washington. >> more bad feeling? >> >> it was probably not the best chosen moment. >> too provocative? >> it was a little on the provocative side. >> i hope they don't have satellite tv over there watching this program. all right? >> i thought you wanted an audience everywhere. >> 130 countries now. i don't have the stature of
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mrs. clinton. she is right on. putin is a tyrant. human rights violator, not to the level of hitler. not. i agree with that. okay? but the same playbook. the same kind of deceit. the same kind of technique. i get out of line and i will take care of you. >> he has nuke already weapons which hitler did not. >> hitler was that close to getting them. that close. mr. lane, thank you. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. our mad as hell segment. we have very compelling letters tonight. then kelly on obamacare delays and watters on what kind of americans watch the factor. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. ladies, if you have over active bladder,
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your ey are unique, so hp protect your eye health with ocuvite. mad as hell segment tonight. five feisty letters. litter ration for you. here to help us out heather nauert see her on "fox & friends" in the morning. david reynolds lives in vegas. i'm mad as hell because you call president obama a patriot. i feel he should be described as benedict arnold. all right, heather, what i said was all american presidents each and every one were patriots each if they screwed up in office. >> vigorously supports their country and prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. >> the president has taken an oath of office to do just that. >> um-huh. >> you can say well we don't think is he vigorous enough or he is this, this, and the other thing. really all american presidents, i believe are
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patriots. here is letter number 2. michael doyle stanford connecticut mad as hell at pin medicines on tv. children out of wedlock has created chaos. you will never hear that he is right. you will never hear the media. >> staff will bear this out, too. >> go. 71% of poor families with children are not married. people are better off financially if they are in a married household if they have children when the war on poverty began back in the 1960's, just 6% of children were born out of wedlock. now it's 40% of kids are born out of wedlock today. it's actually. >> 41%. >> 71% of black children born out of wedlock. >> what is the incentive to have more children and no husband. >> aside for the social reasons which we are not talking about tonight, there are the financial incentives. that is basically you you get more money when you have these children out of wedlock. >> if you have one child out of wedlock and no father you
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have a certain welfare payment. if you have two it goes up. if you have three it goes up, right? >> that is correct. >> basically having kids to get more money. >> it's corrupt but different in every state there are more than 100 federal programs, many of them are administered by the state. we can't come up with any one statistic or dollar amount that says how much more you will get as a result. >> in state money. everybody gets more money the more kids you have without a dad and without a must. husband. >> that is true puts the whole thing in. welfare pays more than minimum wage jobs in 35 states. imagine that. >> i'm angry mayor de blasio is closing charter schools hurts poor children. what is de blasio doing here shutting down three charter schools. >> three charter schools that co-share with traditional public schools. >> god schools. >> all under the same roof. i have been to the schools before. i have been in these buildings. many on the left who fundamentally do not believe in charter schools. >> yeah because they attack the teacher's union. >> and they believe it takes
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money away from the traditional public schools. >> these three closing down are good schools test scores. >> these parents want them desperately in these schools their way out. >> in the pocket of the unions is what happened. number 4 ken maricopa, arizona, i'm mad as hell that wall street keeps closing at record levels where is the job investment? i'm going to do this one, heather. here it is, ken. they are cutting back on jobs, all right? but the companies are making more money. the bottom line goes up because technology can take the place of people. that's why the stock market goes up and fat cats who have stock are making a lot of money. but people -- in the job market, that's sla rinking because of technology. so that's what happens. all right. here is the last letter. bill turner is angry in silver city, new mexico. this weekend we're supposed to turn our clocks ahead by one hour. it naws united states me that our government dictates what time get up and go to work in the name of daylight savings time. the government is making us do it, right? >> this weekend. we're all going to change. >> where did that come from
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daylight savings time. >> it originally started to come from farming and all of that then during world war i and world war ii it was a way to to save energy. during 1970s during the whole oil embargo it was again an energy safer. think about how often you turn on your lights black at 4:30 in the afternoon. there is an argument to be made it actually uses more energy as a result because you are flipping on all your lights early in the day. >> don't need as many lights because the sun stays out later. >> now but i'm talking about in the fall and winter time. >> that's why they have it back. spring ahead, fall back, heather. >> thank you, professor. heather nauert, everybody, she has to get up at 2:00 in the morning. if you are mad as hell please tell us about it. mad as hell at when we come back miss megyn kelly on tv delays and personality facing prison time miss megyn is next.
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>> i can't keep track of this. how many delays have there been? >> actually there is the number. this is the 31st. >> 31st day. >> president obama says the law is working fine just as it should now. 31st delay but this one is blatantly political. you know the fix, started losing their health care plan contrary to the president's promise lie of the year? he postponed he said for a year insurance companies don't cancel those people if you can find it in your heart not to do it. the president said please don't. so now he said please don't for two years in addition to the year. >> not going to be fined by the irs if you keep your old shabby insurance plan? >> that's exactly right. and coint did he wantly this will now move the extension of those crappy plans from one month before the midterm elections where they would have had to send the cancellations to two more years later. >> democrats all know they are in trouble. >> wasn't political at all. no, it wasn't. no. >> but the key number is 33 times now. >> 31. >> 31 times things have been
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adjusted? >> yeah. nothing to do with politics what sorry. >> are you on facebook, kelly? >> only through the show. if you are correspond with me as an individual on facebook it's not me. >> not you. got little kelly people doing that. >> i mean people set up fake facebook pages for me send out hey how are you doing want to see. >> what happened to this family who lost 80,000ed? >> learned a lesson the hard way. the father was the former head master at this school down in florida. and he settled with his prep school that he looked at in miami bucks. age discrimination fired him. fired 80 grand. >> so the school district paid the guy off. >> paid him off. >> to go away. >> there was a confidentiality clause the one thing you can't do can't tell anybody we settled the suit for 80 grand he goes home to tell the daughter it's all settled it's been taken care of i'm very happy. that's all he discloses. >> she goes on facebook mom
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and papa won the case paying my vacation to europe this summer. suck it. >> wow, very articulate. so as it turns out the school had an objection to that. that was a violation -- >> -- of the confidentiality agreement. >> and guy had to give the 80 grand back. >> a teenager. in high school. >> so the teenager, with the tongue out like miley. >> yeah. >> cost the family 80 grand. >> turns out gulliver will not be paying for your vacation. >> how long is she grounded? until the year 20075. >> it's not her fault. the father broke the confidentiality agreement. it's his fault. he shouldn't have told her. look at her does she look like a daughter that can be trusted? he gave her the information. she did exactly what the teenager could be expected to do. >> it was his fault. she didn't sign any confidentiality agreement. they did. >> now this real housewives of new jersey, correct? >> you say it like you don't watch it.
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>> i have never in my life. >> sure have you. >> never in my life. these two, right? >> yeah. >> what did they do. >> they have now pleaded guilty. >> to what? >> it's not even like it's a question. they have now pleaded guilty to mail and wire fraud conspiracy and bankruptcy fraud. these are felonies. and now it looks like the guy joe could go to jail for up to four years. theresa could go to jail for up to two years. >> what did they do? do you know what they did. >> from 2001 to 2008 basically applying for mortgages and saying that they had income and falsifying w-2s. >> why so they could get the houses and sell them a flip thing. >> unclear whether they had tenants or trying to flip them. it didn't come out until. >> so they are going to jail. >> they are pleading guilty to bankruptcy fraud, too. >> the show will have to be changed to the real incarcerated housewives of new jersey. >> who wouldn't watch that? we are all addicted to mob wives. this is like another version of it. >> i don't watch it it what
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do you have on the factor. >> darrell issa taking heat on the hearing calling him racist for shutting off the mike on elijah cummings. is he on with us responding to those charges. >> he has got to give that woman a proffer and get what she has to say "on the record." sending a message. >> more april 3rd, kelly against her will is appearing with kilmeade and me at the post college, out on long island. >> you are going to do that? i thought it was just kilmeade. you haven't done a lot of live stuff. >> no. >> are you going to be able to handle. this i get nervous. can i do my live show i don't see anybody. >> tell prompt at people flipping you all o'er, this is live with kilmeade. >> here in the studio people don't know at home five guys in here total? i get a little nervous when i can actually see the people. >> do you know that kilmeade is in a motorcycle gang and all those guys are going to be there. >> now i feel better. >> purgatory's turtles.
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>> i'm sure you are going it take very good care of me, bill. >> bank on it. so it's kelly, kilmeade and me. we're out at la post college april 3rd, benefit st. mary's schools. >> what are we going to be doing. >> go to ticket master. i will tell you later probably when you get there ticket master bill o' going to be fun. >> looking forward to it. >> for me anyway. watters is on deck. would not let him anywhere near that show. what kind of person follows the factor? jesse went to san diego to find out. next up. captain obvious: i'm in a hotel. and a hotel is the perfect place to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious.
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ago. >> so you guys staying up late, huh? >> so what are you doing here? the lego movie is playing down the street. >> i hate place. >> i heard these shows really aren't that funny. >> i can't wait to see what it is going to be like tonight. >> you took her to a bold fresh show on a date. >> unfortunately. >> good luck with that. you came all the way from oregon? >> yes. to see. >> bold fresh? >> yes. >> are you okay? >> how many fingers am i holding up. >> let the record show that counsel is holding up two fingers. >> you drove a miles to see these two guys? >> yeah. and you. >> i have some pictures for dennis to sign that were taken like 20 years ago with him. >> dennis is kind of a diva, he might not come out and sign them for you. i don't know what to say. >> you are hilarious. >> pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. >> and you are cute. >> what she wants is a man, that girl. not some whimpering little
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boy. >> that will be $60. what about o'reilly do you like? >> we are cutting to the chase here. no spin zone. right? >> you chose to go see o'reilly, you could see him on tv for free. >> what people will do for money. it's amazing. >> i think maybe him for free o tv. i think maybe something you need to do is talk about the obama interview. i don't think people have heard a lot about that. >> you're fired. >> i'm fired? you [ bleep ]. >> so miller, is this basically like "miller time" on wednesday, only bill doesn't interrupt? if you struggle out there, throw in movie clips, that always helps. >> see, i don't struggle a lot, watters, but knowing you -- i do. there were a lot of questions about why don't i run for office. why is miller not in prison? you know those things. >> same thing as running for office. >> it is miller time. >> anyway, you go there -- >> where are you going?
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did i push you off? >> no, just getting loose. friday night in san diego. >> what is love. >> was it all you thought it was going to be? >> hi! >> wonderful. >> was it worth it? >> yes. >> did it blow your mind? >> no. >> listen, the show is -- i think they gave it like 50%. they could have gone 100%. >> you're critical tonight. >> i'm just honest, i speak the truth. >> to see him be such an entertainer that you don't normally see. >> you should see him around the office. >> you know i don't speak spanish. >> [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> anything bill needs to do to improve his act? >> maybe newer pants. >> shirts and pants, holy shirts and pants. this is a harsh critique, i didn't know we were going to get
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into a fashion critique. did miller give you this back stage or did you get it at the concession stand? >> who is bill o'reilly? we came for the watters show. you don't even know who i am? >> i'm watters. >> this is your world. >> this is my world right now. >> and now i'm standing in it. >> how does it feel? >> hm, that is disillusioning. >> they hated you watters. >> they did, they loved me. >> that was a sold out house in san diego. but i was surprise because the age range was all offer tver th place. >> i was surprised a few people on their 30th wedding anniversary took their significant other to see "bold fresh." not jewelry, but going to see bold fresh. now if i had done that i would be sleeping on the couch. >> this would be so far beyond
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your sophisticated level -- we do when you're not there. lobby cards after the show. people like it. >> i was disappointed you didn't use your romney eating the peanuts at the ballpark. that is the funniest thing i have ever heard. and then i also have newt gingrich's open marriage risk, you have people dying about that. >> i can't repeat it either on tv which is why we did the show. but everybody had a great time, even though you were there. >> terror, a huge ego boost for me afterward. >> did they actually know who you were? >> i was signing pictures, and then when i went home my wife was like, jesse, go take out the garbage. >> and 90% sold out, there are tickets, check it out on
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with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. factor tip of the day, a vital travel tip that will save you money in a moment. but first, ontario, canada, bill, my wife and i are faithful viewers but you insulted canada by saying, without us you would be speaking german. i said that to the guy in northern ireland, and he would be speaking german. there is no doubt germany would have overrun all of europe without america getting into the world. and bill, i know you are a man of good will, please send putin one of your shirts. i feel your pain, but since putin stands about 5'7" and i'm 6'4", it may not be a good fit, he could use them as pajamas,
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maybe. and bill, how could you play that sound bite criticizing pot heads? not the governor's fault, judi, i appreciated him speaking out. and oklahoma city, i was deeply offended by kirsten powers saying that the iraq war was stupid. i served two tours and can tell you the troops didn't think it was stupid. here is my take, the u.s. won the war on backs of brave service people like you, and all of them performed magnificently. but as policy the war should not have been fought that way. we could have done it differently and should have. the cause was just, but too much was lost in blood and treasure. albert, east long meadow, massachusetts, bill, your condescending attitudes toward colonel hunt was wrong, you made him laugh, i never saw him smile before. he is so handsome, are you
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talking about the colonel hunt that works for us, betty. >> that one? bill, texas, i'm loving "killing jesus" but it is taking me a long time to read. all that under lining and slowing down is taking so long but i'm learning so much. and killing jesus, top five review reviews on amazon, may i ask how many copies it has sold? approaching two million, in the united states and canada. don't know overseas about the sales number just yet. and a big shout out to all the students in linda demarco's class in sherman oaks, california, they all read lincoln, and excellent reviews. thank you, guys, i appreciate you reading my book. when i travel i try to stay in good hotels at reasonable prices. recently i checked out a hotel in the bahamas that wanted $1200
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a night, just for the room. they wouldn't even throw in a bagel. you know what? i would rather camp out. all right? i'll get a little camp, a little thing. 1200 a night. there is a website called which will give you the exact price of every hotel in the place you want to visit. no bs, they even describe the room., i understand, just learned this, they're advertising on the factor. i did not know that. i did not know that. but it is good they're advertising here because it is a good service. and there you go, unsolicited. all right, that is it for us, please check out the fox news factor website which is different of course than, word of the day, do not be
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langlang langurous when writing to the factor. again, thank you for joining us tonight, ms. megyn is next, i'm bill o'reilly, please remember the spin stops right here. so we're definitely looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly, back from vacation. and tonight. i am a member of the congress of the united states of america. i am tired of this. >> demanding the head of darrell issa, the democratic party calls on congress to punish one of the biggest critics. and congressman issa is here to respond. plus, new fallout after obama gets a hit on the doj job. see why our guests say this is a huge wake-up call for the white house. and then, they're
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