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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 6, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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wealth. faced with those accusations the president tends to keep his cool, almost to a point of being phlegmatic. what were they thinking, rejecting me, i had to go poly-sci, even though they claim i'm an alumni. and the filed is taking shape, the 2016 primary kicked off today. tonight, we'll be joined by rand paul. first we go straight ahead to shep smith. who is on the ground in kiev with the latest. >> reporter: lots of developments, most of them centered around crimea, where the crimean parliament voted to join the russian federation. what happens on march 16th, the people are set to vote on it. if it passes law, the ukraine service members, the troops there would have to turn over
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their weapons or join the russian army. in addition, all state property in crimea would be turned over to the russian federation. the truth is this vote doesn't really mean much of anything because it is against the constitution and not legal. and for that matter one member of parliament said the reason the vote went the way it was, was because they were surrounded by russian troops. russia controls all of crimea now. in washington, there were many moves afoot. the president asking for sanctions against people working against ukraine in this split that happened here. the house of representatives voted overwhelmingly to extend aid to ukraine, that aid would be about a billion dollars to help them get on good financial footing because there is a deadline with paying debt that happens tomorrow in russia. secretary of state john kerry was overseas today saying that talks are expected to continue in the days ahead to try to bring president putin of russia back down off this measure. whether that will be successful or not will largely depend on
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whether or not the europeans get involved. so many of the european nations are hesitant to get involved in sanctions, the germans, for one because they get so much energy from there. the british for their part, it is about money. the british financial institutions, a memo was shown on television today by accident, i might add, which said the british didn't want to be involved in any economic sanctions. all of this happening as the divide here continues. and behind me, the memorial to the 100 or so people who died as the uprising began. and police and demonstrators began shooting. >> all right, shep, thank you, and meanwhile, the annual cpac convention started off today. >> how do we win elections? in contrast with corruption and the american people, we stand with the american people. >> i think the left is exhausted. our side is energized, and on election day we're going to win.
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>> the fact is we have to start talking about what we're for and not what we're against. >> we are literally on the verge if we make a few right decisions. let the other party be the party of personalities. we will be the party of ideals. >> you win elections by standing for principle and inspiring people that there is a better tomorrow. >> our ideas are better than their ideas. and that is what we have to stand up for. >> once again, the gop is where the action is. >> that is why we're here, and that is the future for the young and everybody else in this country. >> that is why i know america is special. that is why i know she is different. and that is why i know she is worth fighting for. >> this is here, it is now. we're coming together and we're going to do this. >> let us come out here resolved not only to stand for our principles but let's come out of this conference resolved to win elections again. >> and joining me now with reaction from "the weekly
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standard" fox news political analyst, kirsten powers. a lot of big names there. one of those five potentially going to be the nominee in 2016? >> certainly possible. i think republicans have the potential to have a handful of candidates running in 2016 who are better candidates, better pure candidates than mitt romney was in 2012. and when you look at that group it includes a number of movement conservatives, like marco rubio, like ted cruz, like paul ryan. >> i was interested in how the reaction would be to christie, got a standing ovation, what do you think? >> that is interesting, because he is not somebody who has always been beloved by the party because they feel sometimes he has been a little too cozy with obama, for example. and some of the stuff he has done, some people feel it is border heretical. it is interesting, because maybe they feel he is being attacked
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and maybe unfairly attacked. >> who do people on the left fear the most getting the nomination? >> i think that the person that probably would be the greatest concern would be jeb bush. i think the rest of the candidates are seen as being too far out of the mainstream for the most part. they're not all that well known or tested only the main stage. >> interesting, what do you think. >> rubio is too far out of the mainstream -- >> the tea party is not out of the mainstream, the tea party got republicans elected in 2010. >> right, but you know electing someone to the house at a time when the democrats are very unpopular is not the same as being necessarily in line with what the public thinks. >> so if you think -- so paul ryan is not in the mainstream, scott walker is not in the mainstream, chris christie not in the mainstream, jeb bush -- >> well, no, i just said jeb bush, i do think rubio, rand paul would be considered a
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little to the right. >> barack obama won the year after he was the most liberal senator in the u.s. senate. that is what not mainstream looks like. these guys are mainstream conservatives and movement conservatives. which i think -- you heard several speakers talk about a new energy and vibrancy, i think they're right. you're looking at a time when the administration after five years in office has failed. whether you look at the world or mess policy, the problems with obamacare, new ones that we saw today. the president came to restore faith and confidence in the government. that has not happened. this is an opportunity for conservatives. >> let me put up on the screen. the polls show 38% disapproval rating. 48% approval rating. that bodes well for them. the thing i liked, my biggest criticism, kirsten of republicans is they don't offer united solutions.
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i think there are five things that if the tea party and the establishment focus on in terms of balancing the budget. stop robbing from our kids, energy is the main one, a solution, free market solutions to obamacare, securing the border. choice and education. those five. then i think united they can beat anybody because it is now right for the picking. there is avoid that needs to be filled. everybody, like you say, like steven is saying i think they view obama as a failure. >> right, but obama is not running again. >> i know, but they're all tied to him. >> well, if you look at the poll that shows that hillary clinton is far and above in terms of approval rating and far and above in terms of people who say they would definitely vote for her. >> you think she is running? >> we don't know. i would say she probably will run but i don't think she has really made her decision. and yes, she will have to -- she will be -- republicans will tie her to obama as they should and
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she will have to distance herself from certain things. but going in, it is interesting she is in the inverse of where she is last time. right off the bat people were ruling her out. she had high approval ratings, a lot of people would say, no, i wouldn't vote for her, i just don't like her. she is in the inverse of that right now. >> she is also coming from the position where she was as secretary of state. i think she will have a big challenge. i don't think she is possibly their strongest candidate, when you look at her record as secretary of state, how many things can you point to she did successfully, what did her tenure do that changed her position in the world? >> every one of these speakers today talked about our ideas are better than their ideas. but i think if you ask most americans they don't know what those conservative ideas are.
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and i talked about the five ideas that would united the tea party establishment. and they stop fight iing each other. but seriously those five ideas would inspire the country, we can do better than 92 million americans not in the work force anymore. >> and focusing on agreement is obviously much more productive from the respective of winning elections than focusing on disagreements. but you hear this kind of talk, you hear paul ryan talk about poverty and releasing a report on poverty and what the free market solutions can do to eradicate the poverty. >> but they have to be united. there is no one clear message they're united behind. right? do you agree with this message or no? >> sometimes i think it is maybe a little more overstated. i do think everybody should have ideas and should focus on the ideas but i think a lot of it is just measured on who they're running against. steve raises the issue on what has hillary clinton done? that is actually not a minor
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issue. i saw a video the other day, and democrats couldn't answer the question. i know other democrats that feel that way. what is it about her that sets us apart? so those kind of things really matter. let's face it we live in personality-driven politics as well, and somebody who comes up that inspire confidence -- >> at some point i think that hillary clinton will get the rolling of the ice, and people are going to -- i'm not sure, i think it will be worse for her this time than last time. what do i know? i'm just a conservative. you don't want my advice on the conservative side. all right, guys good to see you. well, i bet money he would bring down the house at the cpac, and kentucky senator rand paul is here, and the always outspoken ann coulter is here, and she will get her reaction, she will grade somebody she used to love. chris christie, that and much
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. all right, welcome back to "hannity," my next guest will have a chance to address the audience at cpac, and now he tells us what we can expect to hear, kentucky senator rand paul. how are you? >> good to be with you. >> of course the other poll had you ahead by a pretty like margin. but besides mind who we know is not running you're the leading republican at this time for 2016. your reaction? >> i think that might be bad luck. i'm going to try to move back a little bit. i would rather be the underdog, being ahead doesn't sound like a
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good place to be. >> look, you have been this continuing spat with chris christie, we all know the issue with him and romney, before the election, the embrace of president obama. and you asked to sit down with the governor, have a beer summit. he said no, he rejected that offer. why do you think that is? >> i don't know. i invited him, if he is ever in d.c., do you know if he was in ? >> he was there today. >> i offered had him to have a glass of kentucky bourbon, as well. i think really we're getting beyond all that. this needs to be about issues and how we can grow the party bigger. it is a big party and can include a lot of people from different strains, moderates, independents, conservatives. i think the party has a lot of room for people in it. >> conventional wisdom for some, he has been hurt over the bridge scandal, he says he is not going to address it anymore. do you see anything long-term with that? >> you know, i don't know, i
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haven't really followed the details closely with it. i think the people in general don't want to believe the power of government is used to punish their enemies. i think that is one of the reasons why we have been so unhappy with the president over the irs scandal. is it looks like he is using the full force of the government to punish people. so i think that is one viewpoint that is unacceptable. so from the facts of the matter, i don't know the facts of the matter and have not followed it that closely. but it is very dangerous for a person in government to use their office to punish their opponents. >> the latest polls show the president's approval rating now down the 38%. we see huge opportunities for gains in the senate. what i feel is missing from the republican party and donald trump addressed this, as well today. they're not showing enough courage in articulating their vision for where they want to take the country. am i right or wrong? >> you know, the competing
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influences in the republican party. we've lost two presidential elections in a row. so some people say we need to dilute our message, we need to become democrat light. and some like myself say no, we need to be more bold with our message. we need to be the party that is not for residue neutral tax reform, we need to habe the par who wants to stimulate the economy and be proud of that. it will help more people, help the unemployed if we lower the taxes dramatically. and i think that is being more bold and i think that will actually bring more people to our cause. >> but are there enough people like you and cruz and rubio and mike lee and some conservative house members that are able to bring the listeadership along t get them to really advance that? in other words, let's say you win the senate back. you have the house and senate but still have obama as president. what can you realistically expect to accomplish under those
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circumstances? >> i think frankly he will sign legislation. he has threatened to veto legislation. i don't know that he used -- i don't know if he vetoed any bills. he has made threat. but if we had had a republican house and senate i think he would pass and sign legislation. but as far as if we're bold and how we get there, look, i've been going to places like detroit and say look, i know most of the people didn't vote for republicans but we're the party that is going to detroit. we're going to bring jobs and money back to detroit or really leave it in detroit. we're going to be the party you need to look to if you really want to ressurect detroit from the ashes, when i was there, many people came up and said we haven't seen the president, what ideas does he have for detroit? and they are open to the message. so i think if we do that, particularly for people who live in poor circumstances i think people are going to look to us
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who have not looked to us before. >> here is the prediction, i think you will get a very warm reception at cpac. >> it is an exciting time. we love to see people cheering for liberty and limited government. >> all right, senator rand paul, thank you for joining us. we have a busy night right here on "hannity." >> republicans know what we stand for and how to get things done for this country and to lead the world again. >> ann coulter was a huge supporter of governor chris christie. she is here to grade the cpac speech by the new jersey governor. so was she impressed? we'll find out tonight. >> and you will sit down and allow me to ask a question. i am a question of the congress of the united states of america. i am tired of this. >> more fallout from that tense house hearing on capitol hill. coming up, find out which prominent civil rights leader is calling chairman issa a racist
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as a result of that exchange. and more right here, don't touch that dial on "hannity."
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ask your doctor abouxium. and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to cf before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade welcome back to "hannity," new jersey governor chris christie got a standing ovation today at cpac. he brought down the house with his remarks, let's take a look. >> and so what i think we -- we need to go out and charge this conference to do over the course
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of 2014 is to keep the house of representatives, win back the united states state senate and win more republican governorship and show them republicans know what to stand for and we know how to get things done in this country and to lead the world again. >> all right, so today marked the beginning of christie's comeback, here to respond, the always outspoken ann coulter. you are all decked out tonight. you must have a date. >> i have a big gala, nicole and matthew hamilton are getting an award and i'm introducing them. >> all right, you have had this on again/off again love affair for christie, i was surprised because the cpac was known for the conservative-based attendance. >> he is about the only republican that can get headlines, so that is good.
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i notice d when you were showin the cpac speakers, the famous ones, every single one of them spoke for amnesty. that is what you will notice about the cpac, no anti-amnesty speakers allowed. i will be giving the rebut all, by the way. >> rand paul. >> i didn't see him. >> and marco rubio, same thing. >> marco rubio. >> he wrote the bill and he said -- >> and he pushed it. >> let me finish. he now says he regrets it. do you not believe it? >> a little late now. i don't think christie has become stupid, he came out for amnesty, he did it in a smarter way than those guys did. the reason the truth is he got the standing ovation is that was a screw you to the media. that was not love for chris christie, that is exactly like the republican presidential debates, remember when the moderators like wolf blitzer would ask the questions about the starving puppy and would you
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be willing to have a government program to save the starving puppy, and there was one guy that yelled out yes, he would allow somebody to die in the street rather than have obamacare, it is always the starving puppy or the save the liberals. that was a screw you to the media in the standing ovation, was a screw you to the media. and if you turn on msnbs, at any moment their coverage would be, what if he committed a murder. >> more people now believe christie wouldn't make a good president. so by this poll you may take some evidence out of this suggesting that well, he was hurt by this whole bridgegate scandal. the washington news poll showed that 50% would vote for christie in an election, definitely nine would consider it. definitely not 30, would that tell you anything? >> i want to strangle you for making me talk about -- let's
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start the horse race for who we're going to make run for president. let's talk about the issues. the main thing, the only thing that matters is amnesty now. that is what separates the mice from the men. and that is why i said on this program a few weeks ago if you really want to hear who is going after the establishment, i want to hear they're going after somebody who supports amnesty. every republican voted against obama. >> the tea party killed it. it is dead, it is not coming up as much as some of the leaders wanted to sneak it in. >> the only one coming up for amnesty is mitch mcconnell, you wouldn't hear from anybody on the amnesty except on 2:00 p.m. on saturday. >> except for you. >> that is going to be it. this is wall street, the establishment republicans against the people. and that is a big problem for christie. and as long as you're forcing me to talk about the horse race the only people who want jeb bush are democrats. and apparently he got a big
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endorsement today from his mother. but you know, remember the famous during the state-of-the-union address, that guy joe wilson yelled out, you lie. it was over obama saying in the state of the union address it is an absolutely, the illegal immigrants won't get obamacare, don't worry you can sign up for obamacare illegal immigrants and we will not use this to deport you. that is the only reason people were uninsured. everything always comes back to illegal immigrants, that always matters. >> that is your number one issue. >> occasionally the left gets mad at me. i made comments, play off michelle obama, for the first time i'm proud of my country. but i'm going to answer the question, i said for the first time in my adult life i'm humiliated for my country. you agree or disagree? >> were you lodging the carter
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administration? -- >> i was in eighth grade, ann, at that time. i said adult life. >> there was also the clinton administration. i know you were around for that one. you know, i went through all of those and i thought we were talking about my column, by the way. >> cry me a river, don't you find -- >> i find it absolutely -- this is the history of democrat presidents which i why i can't bring myself to care about foreign policy when a democrat is president. i know that america will become weaker in the world. i know we'll become more humiliated. the world will become a more dangerous place. and by the way, mr. erstwhile tea party hero paul ryan, number one, he is mr. amnesty now. he wants -- oh, and we don't punish children for the sins of their fathers, because that is what we fought at valley forge
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for. but number two, he is the one that came and scuttled the -- mitch mcconnell cut government spending for the first time in half a century. >> you want the tea party to back off the criticisms of mitch mcconnell. >> right, because it is ironic, i wrote a book about mobs. and when i wrote the book i could honestly say only liberals have the mob characteristics, the refusal to listen to facts, running to the barricades. now there is an element of concern, they don't listen to the facts. we don't care, it is just an establishment republican, if you want to go after the establishment go after lindsey graham, then i will think you're serious. he is mr. amnesty, he is mr. serious, when you're going after republicans who are doing the best they can with the minority in senate, like cornyn, one little word about what happened
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in texas, i want to point out a democrat running in the second largest state in the country came in second, running for senate against cornyn, a democrat who calls obama hitler and who wants to make the country legal. >> coming up next here on "hannity." >> if you will sit down and allow me to ask a question. i am a member of the congress of the united states of america. i am tired of this. >> tempers flare yesterday on capitol hill. and today a civil rights leader is calling chairman darrell issa a racist as a result of the exchange. i'll go one-on-one with a member of the congressional black caucus, and then later on tonight. >> for the first time in my adult lifetime, i'm proud of my country. >> remember when the first lady said that, yesterday, i said on my show for the first time i'm
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humiliated. liberals losing their minds. when we come back, i'm going to explain why i said that. and first, set your dvr, never miss ann coulter's appearance. we'll continue on "hannity." with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
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don't wait, call now! welcome back to "hannity," so after former irs official lois lerner refused to testify at yesterday's house oversight committee on the irs targeting scandal, republican chairman darrell issa caused a fire storm. take a look. >> for the past year, the central republican -- >> in this investigation. >> we're adjourned. >> if you will sit down and allow me to ask a question, i am a member of the congress of the united states of america. i am tired of this.
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>> well -- >> we have members over here, each who represent 700,000 people. you cannot just have a one-sided investigation. there is absolutely something wrong with that and it is absolutely un-american. >> we had a hearing. adjourned. i gave you an opportunity. >> now today, the reverend jesse jackson took to twitter to comment on the feud. this is what he tweeted. congressman darrell issa's behavior was crude, wrong and racist towards congressman cummings. do you agree? watch this. >> be it resolved that the house of representatives strongly condemns the disrespectful matter in which chairman issa conducted the meeting on the house oversight committee on
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march 5th, 2014. >> congressman, welcome to the show. thank you for joining us. >> actually, i'm a member from the nevada district, the position that i'm elected to serve. it is a district that is very diverse and represents many communities. i'm a proud member of the congressional black caucus but i represent the people of nevada. >> all right, good for you, sir. one of the things -- look, there is real racism in america, there is white on black racism, black on white racism. i don't think it is the majority. i think most people are good-hearted people and judge people by the content of their character. when jesse jackson said this is racist, do you think it is racist, the fact they had a disagreement, an argument in congress? that is hardly something that doesn't happen on a regular basis. >> well, let me be clear. this is about a violation of the committee rules, house rule number 11. committee chairman darrell issa violated those rules that he
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himself voted to approve when he denied an opportunity for all members -- >> do you think it is racist, i asked? i asked a simple question. >> what i believe is that chairman issa violated the committee rules, the rules of the house, and broke a level of decorum, i asked you -- jesse jackson said it was racist. >> you invited me to come on your show. i hope because you wanted to offer a fair and balanced view. >> i'm giving you a fair and balanced view. i asked you a simple question, you don't answer it. >> i do take my position seriously. >> do you think it is a violation of the chairman breaking our committee rules and the rules -- >> i'll go back to my question, do you think it was racist, like jesse jackson suggests? >> what i believe is that
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chairman issa needs to apologize -- >> you want him to apologize, now do you think it is racist? >> for breaking the rules, for denying the members on both sides to be heard, for silencing the minority. >> you mean like harry reid did in the u.s. senate. i didn't catch your quote in any of the nevada newspapers when harry reid changed the rules on filibusters, were you equally outraged about that, sir? he is from your state. were you outraged at that power grab. >> is to bring to concerns issues that are out there. and you know what, sean? >> what. >> there are concerns and wrongdoing that occurred with the irs, and we need to get to the bottom of it. >> thank you for saying that. >> but because the chairman refuses. >> you wouldn't allow me to speak. >> listen, congressman, you're a very intelligent guy, i asked a simple question, you wouldn't answer it. jesse jackson says he thinks this is racist. i believe that when people --
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when uriyou render, when you ma an accusation when something is not racist, you make other issues -- >> did you bring -- did you ask me to come on your show. >> i'm asking you if you agree with him. >> did you ask me to come on your show and talk about the facts. >> that was wrong and should end. are you asking me on your show so we can talk about the fact that chairman issa has had a -- >> we would have answered that ten hours ago. >> are you capable of allowing me to have a fair and balanced. >> i'll promise you, i'll give you as long an answer as you want. do you think it was racist? >> i think chairman issa should apologize. >> you said that already, you're are getting monotonous. you didn't answer my question, did you? >> you didn't answer it.
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i ask asked you ten times, let me move on. where whereas elijah cummings' outrage at the conservatives that we know were targeted routinely by the irs being intimidated and harassed for having a different political view and the lead-in and silence up to the election. where is the outrage over that? >> if you were in our committee the day that we had our first hearing on the irs you would have seen the outrage by all members of the committee. because we all want to get to the bottom of the issue and to allow the facts to speak for themselves. to not have a partisan witch hunt, to not -- >> you're throwing words around. i don't think it is partisan. >> to have a full oversight and government reform -- >> we know that they blamed some rogue agents in senate. we know the rogue agents in
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cincinnati said they were taking orders from washington. >> that is not what the evidence -- >> oh, it is what the evidence suggests, sir, i beg to differ. >> individuals who have testified from our committee, we have had over 18 hearings and spent $14 million of taxpayer money. and actually there is not any evidence that supports that claim whatsoever, sean. what the fact is, there are -- >> you are absolutely wrong. >> they applied for tax-exempt status. >> there were conservative groups targeted. the president of the united states, dick durbin, all said -- the irs did it -- >> felt it was -- >> and conservatives, you want to be outraged. you want to be indignant. >> i'm outraged by people like you who don't allow the facts to come forward so we have a nonpartisan investigation. >> i'm open for an
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investigation, what is lois lerner hiding? >> well, if chairman issa would have allowed her attorney to serve -- we actually might have been able to get -- >> i would like to bring you back. >> he broke the rules of our committee, he needs to apologize. and bring decorum and civility back to the house of representatives. >> thank you, next time we'll talk about harry reid's power grab when he set the rules and set a press didn't. listen to this, a man gets drunk in las vegas and loses half a million dollars, does he have a case? also on my radio show yesterday i said that for the first time in my adult life. i'm humiliated for my country, some liberals are angry at me. i'll respond directly, i'll stand by my statement. later on in the show. [ sneezes, coughs ]
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ros . welcome back to "hannity," senator harry reid is not backing down from his despicable comments he made. >> there are plenty of horror stories being told. all of them are untrue, but they're being told all over america, stories being made up, lies. >> all right, now thousands upon thousands of constituents may walk off the job over increased costs over obamacare, so senator, are the people lying as well. kimberly guilfoyle, good to see you. is there a problem here? >> he has a problem, he has a loose relationship with the truth.
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i mean, we were talking earlier on "the five," is he just crazy or diabolical? it is really so hypocritical, this is kind of >> did you see betsy mccoy's column? she points out there are people with serious health issues are not going to be able to get drugs and doctors they would have gotten buried into the law? >> there is a lot -- this is interesting. hairy reid says all republicans are making up all horror stories when one of the biggest horror stories anyone on of the left could think of is unions pushing back on obamacare. remember how much money they spent getting democrats in office to pass obamacare? 10,000 union workers in vegas casinos are saying we don't want
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obamacare anymore. >> so earlier you're talking about this guy in california has a blackout. goes to vegas and loses a half million dollars. i can look at you guys for moral support. slight disagreement. legally, does he have a prayer? he laid money down. how is a casino supposed to know he's blacked out? >> unfortunately for him, what happens in vegas can go to courts they get to take him to the bank. they have great legal standing. however, he has merit to the case to try to settle it because the attorney is saying they know this man well and it was uncharacteristic for him to get this struck. they had a sense of responsibility to cut him off ch money is a lot. >> his best bet to try to settle it to see if they shave a little bit off. >> there is your -- nemesis.
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>> i'm going to take, i spent countless hours in casinos they hand you a cocktail ask keep handing you cocktails. they know when you get drunk you bet foolishly. when you walk in the door there are signs bet with your head you know what you're getting into. here is the issue did they give him too much money? half a million dollars of house money knowing he had the money. that is what happens you sign off. you sign markers you sign, you're given them the rights >> i have to go to my atm machine. >> you want to do markers if you don't want to carry around pocket fulls of cash. >> high roller. >> how could you open the door for that? >> if he can get any amount off >> or try it. >> i'd hire her. when i lose, you're in.
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>> they want his repeat business. why not? >> great point. >> thank you very much. >> she's done well here. i don't know. >> the five, big hit, every day. don't miss it. coming up next, liberals up in arms because of something i said on my radio program. i'm humiliated for my country and i'm standing by those remarks i'll explain what i meant, and why, straight ahead. [ female announcer ] what's a powerful way to cut throh everyday greasy messes?
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they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in love, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children lauing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where th almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, they'll find some financial folks who will talk to them about preparing early for retirement and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. welcome back to "hannity". liberals are freaking out because of something i said on my radio show. do you remember when michelle obama said this twice in 2008? >> for the first time in my
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adult lifetime i'm proud of my country. not just because barack has done well, but we're desperate for change. and just not feeling so alone in frustration ask disappointment. >> what is worse people hungry for change, many people, unfortunately are just plain hungry. unlike our current first lady i've been proud of the country. i told my radio audience i'm humiliated for my country. look at the record number of people today in america on food stamps 47 million americans, now, we've almost doubled that number since barack has been president. look at this number whit comes to unemployment rate have you a staggering number of americans
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not participating in the labor force. look at that number. it's 92 million the highest since 1978. now, these figures are not just dispushing but heart breaking. every person is a life, someone suffering someplace, somewhere, unnecessarily. one more thing has many americans including myself humiliated today take a look at the photo comparison of our commander in chief. take a look. just like iran, syria, china, guess what? they have no respect for our president and his weakness they're taking full advantage. this is humiliating and unnecessary. you deserve better. we can do better. we can move towards energy independence to create jobs get people off food stamps and we'd have opportunities and the added benefit of national security not being dependent on foreign oil. just good ideas. we need them now, desperately.
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before we go. set your dvr and record "hannity" the series. start your day with fox and friends thank you for being with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. o'reilly factor is on. tonight. ♪ land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ >> most americans love their country but there is some bad news. our nation is in decline. tonight, we will prove it. >> it is hurting small businesses because that's the people who they insta gaited the delay for. this is the most unfair delay they have made so far. >> we asked ms. megyn kelly to investigate all the delays on obamacare. she will be here this evening.


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