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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 7, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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feet to hit the ocean. it can happen very quickly. >> scott, thank you, we appreciate your expertise this evening as we await the beginning of a press conference at which we hope to receive actual data on what happened to this plane. right now we're going off an earlier statement and are continuing to follow this. if you are just joining us, we are following breaking news tonight on a commercial airliner, i'm megyn kelly, we'll join "hannity" in progress in just a short time. in the meantime, we are tracking the story of a malaysian aircraft that apparently lost contact with air traffic control a little after 1:00 p.m. eastern time today. this plane had been scheduled to land in beijing but the chinese say they had no contact with this plane. the flight was carrying 227 passengers according to officials, including two infants along with 12 crew members. there are no reports of any distress calls or emergency beacons, no may day call was
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issued. at least none has been reported. there is a news conference expected to start now any moment in beijing, we hope to learn information from the authorities at that time. the last word from the authorities was that they tried to communicate with this aircraft by various means, unsuccessfully. that it went missing two hours into its flight. we believe according to reuters that would have been over vietnam's air space. and now officials say they are working to find the aircraft through search and rescue teams and offering their thoughts and prayers to those affected. in the meantime, grn reporter terry friel is with us from kuala lumpur, where this originated today. >> reporter: it is very sketchy here, the reports in kuala lumpur in the last two hours, malaysian airlines doesn't have much information yet, but
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scheduled a press conference in a few moments. so all we know is the contact with the plane was lost two hours later over vietnamese air space. and at the moment they say they are watching rescue operations but it is not clear where that will be centered on. >> and have you heard anything about the scene at the kuala lumpur airport? because we're being told that the flight is being recorded or being represented as delayed at the beijing airport, which of course doesn't mean anything. but have you heard anything about what is happening at the kuala lumpur airport? >> no, i have not been out to the airport yet. so there is no information yet. the airline is contact iing all the passengers' next of kin and relatives. nobody is expected out of the airport. >> what can you tell us about this malaysian airlines? >> reporter: well, it is a state-owned airline, with a good
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safety record. the last announcement was 34 people on board and nine people on the ground had died after a crash, backut it is a very good airline out of malaysia. >> thank you. joining me, a former board member with the ntsb. john, your thoughts on what we've seen to haso far. and the fact that here we are, more than eight hours from when this plane went missing. we're calling the search and rescue mission at least as of an hour plus ago, they didn't know where this plane was. >> well, you know, those of us in the western world have become very used to having instant communications. and when you go outside into the far east, it is not unusual to have all of these disconnects with communication -- >> do you feel confident they will find this aircraft?
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>> they will find it, but i don't think they will find it in the situation we're going to be happy with. >> i know what the viewers are thinking, i know what i'm thinking, but what leads you to say that? >> well, because we're talking about two hours out of malaysia. if you look at the map and see the plane going 500 miles an hour, it doesn't leave you much choices from where the airplane is going to land. it is either going to come down in the water or it will come down in some pretty remote areas in vietnam. and when you get away from the coast of vietnam it gets pretty rugged and pretty remote. >> you know, two hours into the flight, isn't that the point in the flight at which things are expected to be most safe, most under control? >> it is definitely the safest pattern of flight. and on an airplane like this which is proven to be very, very reliable airplane, lot of redundant systems on the
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airplane, so you can have a system, it doesn't affect the integrity of the airplane. we don't have enough information to really make it -- it is just an unusual event at this point in time. >> are you thinking the likelihood is mechanical failure at this point? pilot failure at this point or an outside source, somebody doing something to the plane? >> well, you can't rule out terrorism, especially with so many chinese nationals on board. and the problems that they are having in china with certain elements of their society. we saw people killed in a train station. there has been continual fighting in the southwest corner of the country. along religious lines. so you've got those issues that
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you have to consider when you look at all of these events. >> we are being told by the airline that there are 13 different nationalities represented on board the plane. no word at this hour on whether or not there are any americans on board the plane. hopefully we'll learn more as the evening progresses. john, thank you so much for being here. joining us now by phone while we await the news conference is john scott, the host of "happening now," and he is also a pilot. john, the pressure has been delayed over the past hour, it is not surprising that that happens, whether it is domestic or overseas on these news conferences. because they have a lot to do and a lot to investigate and in this instance they may have a lot of people to contact before they come after the microphones. >> also they just may not have lots of information. i'm certain of that. this plane, megyn, seems to have vanished from thin air. i've been looking at most of the
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information blogs. and most specific information i can find is that the plane veered off course and dropped about 1600 meters before vanishes altogether. that would suggest that there was either severe turbulence that caused the entire plane you know to drop significantly. or there may have been some kind of an in-flight explosion or breakup of the air frame. and the transponder was still functioning for a few seconds after this catastrophic event. but other than that, this airplane has basically disappeared. and that is the strange and mysterious thing that has everybody so concerned and worried right now. >> you can't help but feel for the family members and the loved ones of those who have somebody on board this aircraft. and now we're being told that the police at the beijing airport are directing relatives to a hotel to -- a nearby hotel
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to obtain information on the missing. you know, in your experience, john, how do they handle that? if it is true that they have not yet locate attend plane. they do not know yet officially what happened to the plane although every single expert we have had on the show says it is not likely to look good, it looks grim. you can assume that. what do they do with the relatives at this point? >> well, if you'll recall after the asiana flight, one specific piece of information about the domestic airlines in this country and international carriers that have landing rights in the united states are supposed to have an emergency plan, a contingency plan for this type of thing. and in the asiana crash, they just didn't do anything.
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they just left people twisting in the wind even hours and hours after it was quite clear there was a catastrophic crash landing on the runway in san francisco. malaysia, the little bit of information that i have suggests that they have been pro-active. they have tried not to leave anybody hanging and tried not to build false hopes. there were a couple of false reports that this plane had landed in some remote space. but the airline has apparently tried to squelch those rumors. i think they're doing the best they can, but again, megyn, this seems to be an airline that just dropped out of the sky. and when this happened back in 2009, there just is not much that they're going to be able to say except you know you probably should be prepared to have memorial services for your loved ones. >> we'll find out more about
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this specific aircraft. we'll find out the specific maintenance history, we'll find out if there were problems with wings or engines on board. all that will be revealed in the weeks to come, and ultimately we'll learn from the officials who are with us tonight that the odds of the black boxes surviving this event are probably pretty good. i'll give you the quick final word, jon. >> okay. >> we let him go, so i guess i'll take that final word. in any event, the presser has not yet begun, they continue to delay it. you can understand why. they have a lot to do and as john points out they may not have a lot of information. we do not know if they have infact locate the the aircraft and are simply not revealing it.
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we'll join "hannity" in progress here in moments. i am done for now, but we'll keep monitoring the story, keep an eye on the bottom of the screen for the very latest, and when the press conference happens we'll cut in. until then, we pressure appreci. stay with us. starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles.
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audience of "hannity," now the standoff in ukraine is just the latest example of how our standing in the world has ero d eroded. and joining me now, colonel allen west, how are you sir? >> doing very well, sean, greetings from cpac. >> i hear getting great reaction from where you are, it
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must make you feel good. >> yeah, it does, it is an honor. >> what about where we are with putin, with crimea. with ukraine, the president's reaction. and also europe. you know, they seem to depend on the energy they're getting from the ukraine that they're incapable of standing up to putin either. what would you advise the president to do at this point? >> well, you're absolutely right. one of the things we have to understand. vladimir putin said one of his greatest disappointments of the 20th century is the collapse of the soviet union. when you hear him talk about his protection of the ethnic areas, he probably is not stopping at ukraine. so we need to send a message to vladimir putin. we need to look at extending the security agreementings with the nations, belarus, ukraine, some other countries that could be threatened. also we need to look at how we
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can put in military to military small scale exercises maybe with poland and some other countries, because that is really the type of message you have to send to a dictator and really an international bully who has invaded a sovereign nation like vladimir putin. >> how about we put in missile defense in poland and the czech republic. and number two, we open up the keystone pipeline and there is vast energy with our resources in this country. would that not drive down putin with the vast amount of energy that he depends on for his economy? >> you are absolutely right. you have to understand what is the center of gravity for your adversary, and definitely, the natural gas and the dependency, as well as the ukraine, we're exporting the natural gas resources. we should open more federal lands, approve the keystone pipeline so we can get more
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resources to europe and the ukraine, so even if vladimir putin threatens to cut off the pipeline that is not such a disaster for him. also it would forced hand economically, as well. >> all right, colonel, thank you so much for being with us. we bring back our studio audience. i got in a little bit of trouble last night on the show because if said for the first time in my life, a rift off michelle obama's comments, i am humiliated about our cup, partly, the poverty and the food stamps, and also the president with syria and iran, and russia. >> i think that president obama is an embarrassment. he can't lead the united states of america. he is ignoring really what is important in terms of job kraeks, lowkraek creation, lowering taxes, everything he is pushing for is harming americans. even obamacare, stats don't lie,
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everybody who is trying to defend him. the statistics don't lie. >> erica, you're a democratic strategist, you see o-- i don't think we need to have 50 million americans in poverty, on food stamps. i don't think we need to be embarrassed. we're stupid, we have all of this energy, we need to tap into it. you're a democrat, this is your party, are you angry? >> yes, i'm angry at the poverty, the wealth inequality. >> wealth inequality is something that democrats haven't done a great job talking about it. we're talking about how it is really an opportunity gap that we're not having. >> opportunity gap? >> opportunity gap? >> is there no opportunity in america? >> i mean you say we're against poverty, why, because poverty breeds inopportunity. >> wait a minute, is the government hurting opportunity but not allowing drilling on public lands, by not allowing fracking or coal exploration? >> democrats can support
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bipartisan policies to grow the economy, to create energy dependence. >> who, give me names, who is going to help us? who joins with us, mike gallagher. >> i just get so tired about the same income inequality malarkey, i almost fell off the chair, that is all they talk about. that is how de blasio became mayor of new york. at the end of the day, you know, americans don't want to punish prosperity. and i think most americans, even some democrats are tired of hearing this constant drum beat. >> this is exactly the problem, you think we're punishing people that are wealthy. that is what i mean, that is not the point at all. the point is being able to help people, you mentioned de blasio. univer universal pre-k. >> you say people lift up. you want us to pay for it. you expect people to be punished
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in new york, have to pay for pre-k. >> erika, if you live in new york and you're quote one of those rich people, 60 cents of every dollar goes to the government. is that enough? is that fair? >> i think it depends on the goal. no, no, actually i do think it is fair. >> 60% of every dollar you make goes to the government. >> what de blasio is talking about is a latte a day. >> only a liberal knows what a latte is. >> who among us is going to pretend we don't like good coffee? >> in all seriousness, 60% of every dollar made goes to state and local government. are you saying that that is fair? >> i'm saying the benefits of it. we can debate tax rates all we want, but there is a fundamental point that the government, state and local and federal, we have to pay for it. we like roads and schools. >> 60% of every dollar. mike gallagher, respond. >> all the kind of things that
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government o-- >> it is never enough for these guys. if it is 60, they want 70, if it is 70 they want 80, that is the bottom line. >> by the way, that money spent in new york is misspent. new york spends more per pupil. there are some schools upstate for example in rochester and buffalo where fewer than one out of every four students actually graduates, and yet the democratic politicians take their money from the unions, they let the unions carry their water. they let the unions run their phone banks, they are totally n indebted. >> we talked about cpac. we look at states and see where the success is at the state level. that is conservative government. we look at the opposite and see failure. because again, we're spending money on liberal causes and they're not going to the things that they're supposed to be going to. >> interesting you say that.
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new york lost the largest population loss of any state in the last census. three and a half million people. the state of new jersey, interestingly, lost $70 billion in wealth in a four-year period of time. where are they going? low tax states. they're going to florida. texas, whoa, what does that say? >> i think i'm looking at economic opportunity in states like texas -- >> why isn't it in new york? because of taxation and regulation. >> it is not just taxation and regulation. >> i really want to pick on you more. >> there are a lot of other issues. >> there is opportunity in montana and north dakota because of energy. i do think -- >> the biggest fracking opportunity in the country is in new york state. this state. >> pennsylvania -- actually -- >> they're smarter. >> we created jobs. we create energy. the fact of the matter is you want -- >> they have better cheese steaks. >> i will get to you when we come back, coming up, democrats
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claim to be the party that looks out for the less fortunate in the country. but not when it comes to your kids and their education. we'll explain how the left is abandoning the very people they claim they want to help. this and much more as our studio audience continues, can we save america? can you help us? before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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we continue our conversation on how can we save america? now one of the areas where republicans truly have a better platform than democrats, in my mind, is on the issue of education. for example, mayor bill de blasio, mayor comrade, wants to take money from charter schools and block rent-free space. now thousands of parents and teachers marched earlier protesting the decision on tuesday. they're not giving up the fight. take a look at one parent's plea to the comrade mayor. >> if i had bill de blasio right here in front of me i would plead to him and tell him that -- to live a day in one of our parents and teacher's shoes. all i want is a better education for our children, and you're taking this away without being rational, you're not thinking about the people you're hurting. he wants the best for his kids,
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right? so do we. and as a community we'll all stick together and ride this out until the end. until the wheels fall off. >> so how can we save the issue of education in the country and this is impacting minorities more than anybody else. and what about the democrats that claim they stick up for the little guy, stick up for minorities in america. we bring back our studio audience, basil, let me start with you, democrat? >> i am. >> here you have successful schools, kids love it. and parents love it. the grades are better than the public schools. and here you have a mayor that claims to have the best interests of minorities, black, hispanic children. and he is ripping this away from them and i would argue so he can appease a big base of the democratic party which is the teacher's union. tell me why democrats would do that to children and minority families in this country. >> this is a tough issue because i actually agree with you. i'm a democrat --
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>> okay, let's go -- >> listen, i'm a democrat. i grew up in the bronx, but my mother was a public school teacher for 28 years and a union member but she worked extra jobs to send me to the catholic schools in the area, father, safer. >> by the way, he was the one that was in trouble, with me. >> it was safer and she knew i was going to get a better education there. i really don't understand where the leaders in my party are on this issue. they demonize the parents. and that is -- >> whoa, whoa, what doug is about to say here is really important. they're in the pocket of the unions. >> the pocket of the unions because charter schools work, and if we're going to be inclusive as a nation we have to use solutions like vouchers, charters, giving poor kids every opportunity like your mother gave you. >> and she -- >> she shouldn't have to do that. >> and your mom is a teacher and union member.
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stefano. >> battling the teacher's unions in the >> she is a democrat, listen -- >> that would empower them to make the best decisions, the mothers to get into the charter school have a right, it is a moral issue. not a left or right issue. >> the democratic governor of new york, by the way, who doesn't want me here, side note, interestingly, he stood up for the charter schools this week. and he was right. now, he said he will find a way
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to keep them open. listen to what basil just said about his own mother, in the teacher's union. >> i will argue with him that you should stay here, but it is easy to be successful on education when you cherry pick the students you want. and if you have a small pool of the best students, very easy to be successful. the complication -- >> i live in harlem, i live around a lot of people who like charter schools but the fact is we have to do better with schools -- >> my god -- wait, basil. >> i disagree with you here, they don't cherry pick, what they do is choose by lottery. so it is the same -- >> the performance, all kinds of -- >> no, it doesn't. >> no, no, that is not. it is not unfair. >> this is a lottery that is open to any parent in the neighborhood. and the alternative -- but the alternative -- >> i love it when democrats are fighting. >> the alternative is that o--
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>> the charter kid schools are pushing out, taking services away from the public schools. >> and so what does the mayor have to say -- so what does the mayor have to say? >> they're telling you this is a lottery and fair for everybody. here is the interesting part. aren't all of these kids begging? they want to go there. >> there is usually a waiting list. i think bill de blasio should be ashamed of himself. i think he turned himself into a george wallace, he says he is standing up for black people and hispanic, he is not, standing in the way of these kids to get ahead in society. >> we can't mention god in school. >> certainly not in public schools. >> a lot of parents will really sacrifice to send their kids to catholic schools. right? but they don't get any advantage, they still pay for the public schools with their taxes but there is no opportunity. if you want to send your kid to
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a better school, you have to pay the freight, is that fair? >> and unfortunately, catholic schools and evangelical schools and others are closing down because most people can't afford paying for their kids to go tol not going to public schools and then sending them to the private schools. you know what? we mentioned before about being a statesman. about having strong principles but also having the wisdom to compromise and figure it out. this issue of school, this issue of school choice is the most obvious example. if you can't be a politician that says these people are being successful, oh, no, but i can't do that because i'm not going to get the votes from the union, that is immoral. >> erika, you're the democrat. we have two other democrats that disagree. where do you stand? >> well, i mean quite honestly if you asked me five years ago i would have been more against it. i think it needs to be a hybrid program, democratic policies
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include charter schools. >> is this about sucking up to the unions? >> i don't think it is about sucking up to the unions, i think it is about democrats who believe there should be a strong public school system and they're afraid by having a charter school we're not putting all the resources into the public school. >> president obama ended funding for the school voucher program in washington, d.c. harming disadvantaged children. i'm a former board member with the opportunity charter school of harlem, new york, and i know these kids want this opportunity and this chance. they appreciate it. it is a safe environment and it is working. and so you throw more money at public schools that are failing these kids it is not solving the problem. >> all right, we have a break, a lot of comments, if you give kids an education we save the whole country. a story we broke this week, professor
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professors at rutgers are trying to stop former secretary of state condoleeza rice a chance to speak at the school. in a moment, we'll discuss why liberals are fearful against black conservatives. but first you never want to miss an edition of "hannity." record the series so you never miss a show. straight ahead. tis the points ae coffee shop. which will help me get to miami...and they'll be stuck at the cube farm. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn two times the points on dining out with no annual fee. go to chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill. you decide. prevent acid with prevacid 24hr. to truck guys, the truck is everything. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeatable truck... ... good things happen. this is the ram 1500.
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yeah? blp silence. are you in good hands? welcome back to "hannity," we broke a story about how a group of rutgers professors are strike to block former secretary of state condoleeza rice from speaking there. and even saying that apparently she doesn't have what it takes
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to be honored by rutgers? very well said. you're a professor? >> yes. >> why would this always happen? why would you not have condy rice, by the way, one of the brightest, nicest people you will ever meet. >> well, we'll have her at iona, not that i'm speaking for the college, this is a difficult issue for me, it is women's history month, i don't work for parade magazine, but condoleeza rice is one of the three women featured on that cover. she is a great woman, to explain the disgruntled faculty, i can't explain. i do think they're making a mistake, but they have every right to protest. >> every right to protest? >> why can't they say that they disagree with her comments -- the college should still have
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her and they will. >> you -- >> oh, yes. >> here are the speakers that rutgers thinks are appropriate. in 2011, they paid $32,000 for snooki to address to students for two hours to study hard but party harder. and just this week, rutgers announced a new workshop. how could give your girlfriend an orgasm. >> oh, boy. >> and -- >> go ahead. >> and this is hands-on, this workshop -- >> hands-on workshop. >> this workshop advertises that it is for first timers and orgasmic orgasmicaficiona orgasmicaficionados, as a parent of three daughters, i am -- >> she says she can't explain
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it. these are a bunch of whack job libs, i had a parent say he sent his daughter there with good conservative values. that is how she reflected it. when she graduated from rutgers, she was a raging lib. >> i can't explain it. this is just liberal intolerance. >> and you're a democrat. >> no, i'm a republican. i'm more -- to the right of you. >> you're a normal american. >> i'm more to the right of you, sean, i worked for george w. bush. difference between being indicted and being told they don't want her there, it is because of her affiliation with george w. bush. hold on, hold on. this is -- >> you started with this, you said this was about race, this is not about race. >> he didn't serve in the 20th century, but i put him up there with ronald reagan. >> he certainly -- >> absolutely one of the most moral and highest integrity you will find. >> this is your opportunity and
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other conservatives here to make a racial argument and it has nothing to do with condoleeza rice's race. >> if it was a conservative organization or college that did the same thing they would be lambasted. >> in the iraq war, over 100,000 of our soldiers were injured. 4,489 soldiers killed. that is why -- >> she did not make the decision, the president made the decision. she is the secretary of state. >> it was not hillary clinton's fault on benghazi. >> first of all a lot of democrats voted for that war. the issue is this is a woman who was extraordinarily talented. she was provost. she was a great secretary of state, a great russian adviser and the idea that you would take some -- in a state university and throw o-- and was up to be
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the national football commissioner. no other woman in the country was up for that. she is a superb individual. >> why are you sulking? >> i am pissed, i can't believe you opened the segment accusing liberals and people at rutgers of being racist. >> did i say racist? no, let me be clear, denean, you inspired a show that we did, an audience program of black conservatives in america and how horribly horrific they're treated with regularity. that is a fact, the point is that conservatives are treated horribly. >> now you're talking about -- >> because there are black conservatives in america that are called the most horrific vile names. >> so are liberal. >> there is no backup from the black liberal establishment.
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like jesse jackson, al sharpton, naacp, so yeah, there is a double standard when it comes to black conservatives being criticized. >> all right, who will win tomorrow's cpac straw poll? we'll ask the audience for their prediction. but first, there is a lot of talk about who will make their run for the white house come 2016. former presidential campaign, and the edition continues, can we save america? straight ahead. my name is jenny, and i quit smoking with chantix.
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welcome back to the special edition of "hannity," how to save america. now, while the cpac speeches
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they're drumming up a lot of chatter about potential gop candidates for 2016, who is actually going to make the run for the white house? joining me, former candidate himself, rick >> are you advising people to do it? not do it? >> it's a tough road. there is no greater experience in politics than getting out there and having that kind of interaction with voters from around the country. you learn how great the country is. and you know, i tell people you know, if you have a desire to do it, there is no reason not to do it. you know? it's an amazing experience. >> do you have a desire to do it again? >> taking a look at it pretty seriously, sean. there are lessons learned from a couple years ago.
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there are problems out there that you detail well throughout your shows that things are getting worse, not better. and maybe on a little change from the, from someone who believes in founding principles of the country is what we need. >> who would be your competition? i think rand is in. my guess is that you might see a governor or two, rick perry might get back i i won't be surprised to see scott walker, ted cruz, marco may get in. what do you think? >> i think there is more. i mean, you've got john casic in ohio. there may be other governors you know you? look at rick scott in florida to get reelected there are folks out there that are going to look at this. there are a lot of really good people out there. that is great. what we found in the last race, and we found in every race is that the process takes its toll
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and moves people in and out. and you, that process is a good one. >> senator good, to see you. >> we'll see who is going to win tomorrow's poll. good to see you, senator. you had a great reaction so far. >> coming up next, predictions before we go, the two that haven't spoken who would you like to see win the straw poll snoem. >> i think you missed a number one spot at c pack. on when mike lee said we have to stop talking about ronald reagan ask start acting like him. i haven't seen that yet. >> this is my southerning he's 18 i'm taking him to c pack. >> what do you think? >> i agree with what he says that i haven't seen any better. >> you're going to be in big trouble. >> back in 2008 when the president was running for
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president, he had the celebrity appeal about him that attracted a lot of kids my age, including myself. but now looking today that, is what he is. a celebrity. not an effective leader. >> you learned a lesson, maybe yes, we can and chant, chant, chant, maybe that is not what the droint needs. maybe we need sober leadership. >> when he comes out of college he says what am i going to do for work? kids are starting to see there are no jobs out there. >> he's going to do what most kids do, stay in the basement with his girlfriend. it's prchlt we've got it planned out. >> we'll take a break and we'll have predictions of who will and should be the nomination, coming up. [ coughs, sneezes ] i have a big meeting when we land,
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welcome back, they're going to have a straw poll. who should be the candidate? >> i can't tell you. we have governors that are very, very strong. >> it should be jeb bush. he's for fiscal discipline. but it won't be because republicans are too conservative. >> let's try something new. >> no more bushes. scott walker has great management skills. >> very courageous guy. . >> i think it will be rand paul. >> what do you think, mike? >> needs to be a fighter. someone not afraid of a fight. whoever it s we have to get behind him oochl we should focus on securing a republican majority for mid term elections so we can hold. >> we've got to go.
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>> i can make a good case mike huckabee could have a good chance of winning the nomination oochl what do you think of the name rand paul? first choice? >> i like scott walker >> scott walker. >> i wish him more charismatic. >> we have to steal the play book from christy. >> we need someone with big ideas . >> i like chris christie. >> what do you think? >> rooting for rand paul he'd be the most-fascinating one to talk about. >> i think you need someone going to go, not only know how to articulate problems >> name. name. . >> i think rick perry. dark horse. >> west? >> i'm saying rand paul. >> the name is not going to be a liability. >> professor? >> i'm saying paul ryan as a long shot
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he's got a lot to offer. >> father? >> praying for a miracle. >> and on that note, thanks for joining us hope have you a great weekend. the o'reilly factor is on tonight. >> let's come out of this conference resolved to win elections again. >> if you want to lose elections? stand for nothing. when you don't stand for principle democrats celebrate. >> let the sleeping giant of american enterprise create prosperity again. >> here they come, the g.o.p. heavy hitters lining up at cpac to make their case for 2016. who has what it takes to topple democrat frontrunner hillary clinton. you may be surprised you dent punish me when you are not signing up for health care. you are punishing yourself and your family. >> another plea to sign up for obamacare. is anybody


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