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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  March 8, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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highest office in the land. and interesting tonight, dr. ben carson, pediatric neurosurgeon, very, very popular republican who really rose to national prominence at the national prayer breakfast a couple years ago when he took on president obama very aggressively, made a spirited defense for the culture of life. he, too, a very, very warm reception coming in third place here. ben carson is not running for president. he has said he's flattered by those who are trying to draft him into the race and if there is a ground swell of american support, he would consider it. there are two or three draft efforts on his behalf that were very present here, lots of people walking around with run ben carson, run t-shirts and bumper stickers. clearly it had an effect, as was his speech effective. he did speak today. the rest of the candidates on the ballot are all done speaking last night. ben carson had the cpacers to themselves on the day of the final ballots were cast and comes in third place. that will get a lot of
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headlines, someone who has not gotten a great deal of attention, very, very much a champion of social conservatism here at cpac and on the right across the country. but not well-known outside of that as a potential presidential candidate. the draft movement has been yelling about him. tonight the megaphone got caught at cpac. >> i want to remind everybody that rand paul has won the straw poll there at cpac. but stick around because we are waiting for the big finish, former alaska governor sarah palin is set to give closing remarks when she takes the podium. we'll take it live everybody. we want to welcome everybody inside america's news headquarters. i'm arthel neville. >> i'm greg gutfeld. malaysian airlines that vanished have been identified. this is the uss scene here in pearl harbor in 2008. now on its way to the southern coast of vietnam as is a surveillance plane to help look for any signs of wreckage for
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the vietnamese reported spotting two oil slick. way to beijing. david pheiffer streaming like from bangkok, thailand. what's the latest? >> reporter: hi. it's dawn here. when it gets light, the international effort to search for this missing malaysian airline will really gear up. overnight the vietnamese military said their aircraft spotted two large oil slicks in the south china sea off their coast. they're sending two ships to investigate it. aircraft and ships from several nations have been searching the south china sea for nearly a day now. but malaysia says no wreckage has been found. the boeing 777 went missing in the early hours of yesterday morning local time on a flight from the malaysian capitol to beijing.
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it had 227 passengers on board and 12 crew. there were 14 different nationalities on the plane, including three americans. 150 of the passengers on board were chinese nationals. it's being reported now that two passengers, an italian and austrian who were on the manifest, were not on the flight. they both reportedly had their passports stolen here in thailand. the malaysian authorities say they're looking at all possibilities for why the plane is missing, including, of course, terrorism. contact was lost with the plane two hours into the flight. at that time the plane should have been flying close to the vietnamese coast. vietnam has said the plane didn't enter its air space. friends and relatives have been waiting anxiously at beijing's airport for news. some have voiced their frustration at the lack of information being released by the airline. but it does look it could be as if it could be sometime now before we really find out what happened to that airplane.
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back to you. >> david, thanks very much. we are also following some of the deepening tensions in ukraine's crimean region. russian forces are on the move and the pentagon is estimating 20,000 russian troops are now inside the territory of crimea and the peninsula there and poised to conduct live firing drills in the coming days and weeks. now russia is warning the united states that any sanctions imposed on moscow would boomerang -- their word -- back to our country. in the meantime, president obama has been working the phones today calling his counterparts in europe. molly henneberg is live in washington with more. i'm told he's been on the golf course in the afternoon, but he worked the phones in the morning? >> reporter: that's right. the white house says president obama spoke separately with the leaders of britain, france and italy today and noted the, quote, strong unified stance of the u.s. and the european union in dealing with russia. even though europe has been more
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reticent about imposing tougher sanctions. the president also spoke on a conference call with the leaders of estonia, latvia and lithuania. nato countries that used to be under soviet control. the u.s. as part much nato, stepped up air patrols over the three countries. and in that, the white house says the president affirmed, quote, our enduring support for the security and democracy of our baltic ally. meanwhile, russian president putin's government is pushing president obama not to impose further restrictions or sanctions on russia. the russian foreign ministry put out a statement yesterday telling the u.s. to avoid, quote, hastily, poorly thought out steps that could harm u.s.-russian relations, especially concerning sanks which could boomerang on the u.s. itself. also house republican speaker john boehner is responding today to a letter sent to him by the ambassadors from hungary, poland, the czech republic and the slow vac republic, asking
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the u.s. to export more natural gas to central and eastern europe to counter any future moves by putin toa;p9df cut off am dependency on?÷pñ russia for our friends in europe and around the globe. the state department has said that europe has enough natural gas to last for several months if necessary. gregg? >> molly henneberg in washington. thanks very much. a major political issue as we look ahead to mid terms and presidential elections is how to boost america's economic recovery. today both parties laying out their visions in their weekly addresses. president obama again talking up his call to increase the minimum wage while republican senator rob portman says good jobs are already out there, but
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government funded job train something falling short. >> the american people are way ahead of congress on this issue. we've just got to let congress know that. it's time for for ten ten. time to restore opportunity for all. >> let's make sure americans can get the skills they need to access the jobs that are out there. the federal government now runs 47 different overlapping work force training programs. but they aren't closing the skills gap. in fact, they have too much bureaucracy and too much inefficient city. if we want more americans in a job, then we need work force retraining programs that do a borrow job. >> and this ongoing debate coming on the heels of yesterday's jobs report showing employers added 175,000 jobs last month as the unemployment rate inched up to 6.7%. i want to take this moment to let you know we are awaiting for alaska governor sarah palin to pay the podium there at cpac. she's going to be giving closing
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remarks. we are standing by for the big finish. when she takes the podium, we'll bring it to you live. lois lerner, familiar name and face, coming under fire yet again after refusing to answer questions during a congressional hearing over the agency's targeting of conservative groups. now the former irs official could face some serious charges from congress. elizabeth prann in washington with the latest. >> reporter: hi, gregg. lois lerner, the former internal revenue service official who declined to answer questions at congressional hearings, citing the fifth amendment, gave an interview to the justice department. that, according to her lawyer, the hearing wednesday sparked a heated exchange between the chairman of the house oversight and government reform committee, representative darrell issa, and representative elijah cummings. later cummings said those actions undermined the integrity of the committee, but he also says likewise's information should be made public. >> i want that information, i think the entire committee is
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entitled to that information. as a matter of fact, i think the congress is. >> reporter: the agency and the house are investigating the alleged irs targeting of conservative tea party groups seeking tax exempt status. the doj has not granted immunity. a spokesman for commit republican says the revelations show there is a clear contradiction between refusing to testify based on a supposed fear of prosecution and talking to the prosecutors. others say learner is in contempt of congress. >> she is once again pleading the fifth. immediately we should have moved to take action to hold her in contempt of congress and i think it's really unconscionable that a person given a six-figure taxpayer-funded pension refuses to answer the questions of the american people. >> reporter: on friday the irs agreed to turn over additional documents and e-mails pertaining to learner and the investigation of alleged targeting. gregg, back to you. >> all right. elizabeth prann, thanks very much. let's go live now to the conservative political action
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conference. it's an annual meeting and the keynote address is being delivered by former alaska governor and, of course, gop vice presidential candidate sarah palin. moments ago they just showed a -- i don't know, five to seven-minute video clip of her career, her life as an introduction and now she's getting a cheering reception from the audience there. many of them on their feet and clapping. a bit of music playing in the background i think as well. but there have been a great many different speakers at this particular annual meeting, but she was selected to deliver the keynote address. let's listen. >> to be with you all. it is pretty cool to see some of the college republicans sitting down here that we met last night. met some of you in the lobby in addition to some great independents and libertarians who are out there, too. they're awesome. and then last night, too,
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meeting some of our proud, wonderful members of the military. i love you guys. you're my heros. i love you 'cause i love freedom! like i always say, if you love your freedom, thank a vet. we thank you guys! it's really, really good to be here today. i love coming back here because there are always so many young people, or as you're known by the folks across the river, obamacare suckers. yep, you are the ones, right? you're the ones who will pay the bills in our brave new world. they forgot that part, didn't they when they said that you were the change that you were waiting for. turns out you have the change that they were waiting for. you have the change, you have the fives, the tens and the 20s.
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well, it is great to be back here because this is the place -- cpac is known as the place where the future of conservatism always starts. whether it was ronald reagan back in '75 or dr. ben carson just last year, this is where it starts. it's because of you and your energy, your commitment, your commitment to the greatest country on earth and everything that makes her exceptional, it's because of you! so i look at you and i look out at the year ahead and i feel good about america. now, when we were here last year, there was some reeling going on because of the election results and our fellow americans had decided evidently to double down on hope and changey and the
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sages of the beltway and their sock puppets at mslsd, mark levin. they said that we had to give up on our principles, give up our principles because they said the train of history was roaring to the left, so jump on board or get left behind. but then something happened. that hope and change, it went from a catchy campaign slogan to a reality and along the way, hope and change, yes, we can, it became no, you can't. no, you can't log on to the web site. no, you can't keep your health care. no, you can't make a phone call without michelle obama
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knowing -- this is the third time this week you've dialed pizza hut delivery. yeah, something did happen. we became a wiser republic a year ago. americans know now what the giants of our movement have always told us, people like freedman and reagan and margaret thatcher. they said there ain't no such thing as a free lunch! there is no free birth control. there is no free phones. there is no free doctor visits. there is no free fritos. there is no free ride. someone pays. someone always pays! and if you don't know who that
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someone is, it's probably you! americans found that out again this year and hopefully those social engineering politicos learn something as well. americans aren't quite as obedient as they thought we were. see, they set up a lot of hoops, making us pay for insurance that we don't want, don't need, telling us nothing to see in benghazi. move along, move along. nor at the irs. nothing amiss. not even a smidgen. no. making us bear the brunt of that dopey, wobbling on the world stage, but we didn't jump through those hoops the way that they were supposed to.
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it's like y'all went rogue. i thank you. yeah. yeah. and speaking of y'all, texas, thank you. thank you, texas because liberty needs a congress on cruise control. last year something did happen. the awakening began and senator ted cruz helped keep them awake. his filibuster, it worked in waking people up to the folly of a government takeover of another one sixth of our economy. he forced debate. he told his colleagues it was
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time, time to stand up, time to use the tools of the constitution, the power of the purse to fulfill their campaign promises and to stop obamacare. but our army balked. we hoped that they were reloading, but instead, they retreated and worse, worse, they joined the lapdogs in the lame stream to trash the foot soldiers who had fought for america. ted cruz, he had a clever way of doing it, too. dr. seuss. who would have thunk? yeah, good idea, maybe i'll ad
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lib something. but there he is reading it on the floor of the senate and through air waves, he was telling his kids, i'm thinking of you. thinking of all our kids. and i have five kids. i have five kids. so reading "green eggs and ham" over all these years to each one. man, totally have it memorized, especially by the time trig was born. so i had to spice it up a bit. and little trig, lucky little fellow, his bedtime story now it goes something like this. i do not like this uncle sam. i do not like his health care scam. i do not like -- oh, just you
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wait. i do not like these dirty crooks or how they lie and cook the books. i do not like when congress stills. i do not like their crony deals. i do not like this buy in, man. i do not like oh, yes we can. i do not like this spending spree. we're smart, we know there is nothing free. i do not like reporters smug replies when i complain about their lies.
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i do not like this kind of hope and we won't take it, nope, nope, nope. in the internet i saw couple lines on the internet on that and i winged the other ones. okay. friends, ted cruz and mike lee and paul and gowdy and gohmert, we've got some good guys in there. they're good guys. they carry the common sense gene, right?
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the common sense gene. they know that we are a nation with a government, not the other way around. they're constitutionalists and they're sent to dc to fight the battle there for us. so it's time. it's time that we send them reinforcements. they need their reinforcements because you see, families are hurting today. hard workers. hard working families are caught between the crony capital imthat benefits the politically connected which the income redistribution that benefits the politically favored. but still i feel good about america because conservatives haven't forgotten the america beyond the ruling classes wealthy dc suburbs. i'm talking the places where most of the people who do the
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working and the serving and the building and the tax paying live. that's where you'll find amazing america. we're saying true to our principles, the real solutions to real problems. you got to share some of those solutions the last couple of days. and you're not just sitting back just hanging, hanging with the chum gang. i hope you're not. just letting dc control the people and bankrupt our country in order to fund and mentally transform it. that's why i feel good 'cause you're not just putting up with this. we do have some great pro-freedom, free market, pro-family, bitter clingers and wingers, aka great leaders there and they're proposing ways to actually help the middle class
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and allow equal opportunity to work and that's through self-initiative, but everyone be lifted and succeed. that's why i feel good. and because i hear from you, i see you, we know we've got each other's back and i feel that you know that this is the stirring of a great awakening. i do believe that the eyes of america are open. unfortunately, though, some would want you to just hit the snooze button and roll back over like gosh, america, go back to sleep, little lamb. go back to sleep. close those eyes. some of these folks are in the gop establishment. and they are a different breed of cat. they say that the smartest thing that we can do right now is just
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lay low. stay out of the way while say, obamacare crashes and burns on its own and the economy sputters to a halt. forget that solvenessy stuff. just lay low. while internationally we so tick off our allies and we lead a world that is looking for that shining city on a hill again, we lead them from behind? the results, it's some very, very, very bad dudes gain ground. this, instead of putting the fear of god in our enemies, while proving peace through strength, and that is only brought to you courtesy of the red, white and blue. that's only what the united states military can do!
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but some gop experts, they subscribe to the old saying, don't interrupt while they're in the process of destroying themselves. maybe true, but you do interpret when they are in the process of destroying your country. so that's what we're gonna do! we're gonna stop them, 2014! we're gonna stop them. and by the way, the ones who just shined the boots that would stomp on our neck, working the status agenda of obama, this applies to you, too, in the 2016 presidential race. speaking of -- i should, i
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didn't get to run this morning. i was so busy, man. i did some hot yoga and didn't get to run. but speaking to those who just carry the water, man, i feel sorry for some of those cabinet members actually. take secretary of state john kerry. you're saying take him? no, really. i feel sorry because it's just draining on him, i'm sure. he does not look happy. he's sent to message his president is dazed and confused -- poor guy, you can just see it on him. bless his heart. but no need anymore, though, to ask why, john, why the long face? now we know. bless his heart, yeah. yeah, those policies that the
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cabinet has to explain and justify, how do you convey to putin the threat that sounds like vladimir, don't mess around or you're gonna feel my flexibility 'cause i got a phone and i got a pen and i can dial really fast and poke you with my pen. pinky promise! no. promise? promises? this is the guy who promised to provide for the sick, but there are more uninsured today than when obama began all of this. he promised jobs for the jobless, but fewer people work today than since the peanut farm was our president. and the average family is bringing home $4,000 less today than when obama started all this. he promised us a safe, peaceful
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world. promised he's got al-qaeda on the run. yeah, perhaps towards us. and safer? he would gut our arsenal while he allows others, enemy, to enrich theirs. man, that's just like a liberal on gun control. mr. president, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke. that's the nra. he promised to heal the planet. stop the rise of the oceans, but the planet is not listening to
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dr. obama. and the only thing rising in his lala land is the russian empire. i'm sorry. but really, i'm probably being too hard on the president. after all, who could have seen this coming? the gop establishment again, some just going along to get along, we need another come to jesus meeting.
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it's time. bottom line is, today the democrats' agenda is a lost cause. president obama, though, he's nothing if not full tested. so even he knows that the deep issue of our time is that the presssive stagnation facing the middle class, middle class families that can't get ahead. that's why he baits the gop establishment into kind of a tit for tat over things to distract, and then they pander and the white house, they do such damage, but their agenda, it's failure and fiasco on steroids. so america is counting on the gop to get it right and that's why the establishment can't blow it. no republican gets elected promising higher taxes, wasteful spending, increased debt, bigger
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government, rewarding law breakers via amnesty. no. so why are they voting for these things now? and why reward them with your vote? gop beltway boys. you know that 2010 election victory that swept you into power? you didn't build that. the tea party did. so dance with the one that brought you. and you want another sweep? then grab a broom and join us at the party. yes, in this awakening, eyes are
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open. we're stronger now. we're wiser now. god knows, we are hungry and there aren't enough low information voters in the country to save the other side this year if we don't retreat. and when we meet next, lord willing, harry reid, either he will be the senate minority leader or a black jack dealer in vegas where everything stays in vegas. okay. another reason though to feel good about our future and our movement is because culturally, man, we are pushing back against, well, some would call these perpetual panties in a wad people. and you know them. these folks, they're quick with a quote about some latest outrage against the latest victimized identity group.
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they're professionals at taking offense. it's what they do. and they're media minyons are even quicker at seeking them out and publicizing their manufactured outrage. the play is always the same. someone on the right does something that's not politically correct. once or twice. or it can be distorted to not sound politically correct and these perpetually wadded up people they get to work and they claim to want tolerance and open debate, but you know, the goal there really is a complete opposite. they're bullets to shut up anyone who doesn't tow liar -- their line. what about happened to you don't like somebody, buck up or stay in the truck. that's how we grew up.
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remember, for instance, remember when their skirts got all tangled up over their heads recently when our buddy from "duck dynasty," phil -- remember this? here is phil. he's talking about faith with a reporter from gq. first mistake. but in between saying that he loved humanity -- he loves all us sinners and leave it to god to judge. well, he quoted the bible. he got colorful in expressing his opinion, so what did that bril want tv network do? they fired him. yes. they canned the devout christian for expressing his devout christian views on a television show about his devout christian
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family, yeah. oh, yeah, 'cause nothing is ever wrong -- nothing is out of line on cable tv. it's those executives who get to school america on standards, yeah. they're the ones. well, in another time, though, in another time, that might have been it, phil would have stayed fired. but not now. not this time. people all over america knew -- it wasn't just wingers and clingers, tv shows. people all over america understood that phil's right to express himself, that fight that he had to undertake, well, that was all about our right to express ourselves. his fight was our fight and we pushed back and we won and now everyone is happy,
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happy, happy. you know, these are the same liberals whining that we disrespect women. that's bull. hey, democrats, it's your leaders who are demeaning to women. liberals seem to think that the women of america are cheap dates, you know. feed them a few lines about that free birth control, throw in some scary quotes about the war on women and they will be yours. don't bother their pretty little heads with tax policy or debilitating debt or energy independence. you know, imagine if they treated the men like that. quick word with the sisters here. guys, just give us a minute and
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go play some racing game on your cell phone or something for a second. okay while i talk to the ladies just for a second here. girls, we know better than to fall for that victimization line from the president and his party. i know you know better. but if you have a friend or sister or roommate falling for this on ay, you got to set them straight. ask them, who is really stereotyping you? is it the people who believe that you are a thinking, achieving, striving, strong individual or those who put you in a box and they define you still by body parts, enticing girls to think that they need these guys to grow government to take care of them? women, don't let them use you, unless you choose to be their
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political pawn or just their piece of accessory on their arm. honey, that's not liberation! that's subjugation and this sisterhood fights against that! we fight the mastery that big government would want over us, so who are the real women liberators? you can join us. be legit, 'cause come on, libs. can you really sing. ♪ i am woman hear me? no. because donkeys just bray. only mama grizzlies can say hear
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me roar. let the women of america know our platform, our values, independence, work ethic. it's family, faith and freedom. be bold in making our case. really thatcher and stature, so stop apologizing and start eadvantagizing and infiltrating, influencing pop culture. if the boys aren't up to the challenge, conservative women are happy to lead the charge. yes. oh, this sisterhood leaves in and respects the power and purposeful potential of every
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woman, so much so that we're the party with the plank that protects even our littlest sisters in the womb. friends, last year i stood here and i declared that we're not here to rebrand the party. we're here to rebuild a country and what i meant was we shouldn't be in the business of just using the right poll tested, phraseology or pander to the right special interest. we're in the business of digging ourselves out of debt and restoring competitiveness, educating our children and liberating our potential.
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truth be told, coming from a very diverse family and having a diverse career and being independent, i don't care what you call yourself or how you rebrand a party. if you stand for those right things, i stand with you. and to stand here is to stand on the shoulders of giants, the men and women who come before at podiums like this, in front of patriots like you. you're the key. you are what matters in all of this. coming before, devoting their lives to preserving and protecting what is best in us, some were veterans. some politicians. some housewives, speaking to soldiers, students, teachers, firemen, fishermen, farmers of
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every race, color and creed. all were part of a remarkable movement of freedom and human flourishing and for all that they have given us, all they achieved, such a great price they paid in their honor, work hard and feel good knowing that the best is yet to come. this is a great awakening. the age of obama is almost over. the end of an error. he is the lamest of lame ducks. so expand our ranks. we can do this. expand our ranks to save our country 'cause our sensible, imperative mission for small government and big freedom is big enough for every american who loves liberty and trusts the
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individual. and i know this because we know america. not from the top down, but from the heart looking out and our message resonates. we believe in the promise of america. that message does resonate and it has been since a band of brothers dumped tea in the boston harbor. we have got to be that band of brothers and sisters again, not to fundamentally transform america, but to save it and to fundamentally restore the promise of america. and it is because of you. it's we the people that i have never been more optimistic about the best is yet to come!
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god bless you, conservatives! god bless america! >> just outside of washington, d.c., this is the end of the conservative political action convention. it's an annual affair and they had chosen sarah palin as their keynote address. say what you may about sarah palin, it was certainly a theatrical performance. let's get the thoughts of mercedes, who is a former media spokesperson for president george w. bush. doug schoen joins us, fox news contributor, and a form advisor to president clinton. all right, mercedes, since you're on the more conservative side, what did you think of sarah palin? and let me just say that there were no new issues that she presented, no policy positions that she was advocating. it seemed to be 99% criticism of
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president obama with what some people will regard as rather accusey one liners. but how did you view it? >> she's very likeable. very powerful. she's got great one liners. she knows how to rally the audience at cpac. i was there for the past couple of days. what's interesting is she pointed out ted cruz and how we need to send more reinforcements in. one of the interesting areas that she got into was the divide between the gop establishment and the tea partiers. and basically reminding the voters to be cautious of the gop establishment, which really goes against what the republican party wants to go, which is a big tents where we can bring more people into the party. where she was the most effective was in criticizing president obama. obviously her clever take of green eggs and ham and the fact that she talked -- >> that's been all over the internet for weeks, the green eggs and ham parody. you mentioned that she was saying we need more ted cruzs,
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but juxtapose that, the fact that ted cruz only got 11% of the straw poll. doug, let me come to you. to those who didn't particularly care for sarah palin, did she provide more fuel to the caricature, you know, if you close your eyes, it sounds like tina fay. >> to me, it sounded like the best news barak obama got today, given a very bad couple of weeks for him. she spent more than 1% of her time attacking the establishment republicans and all that cpac did to me was emphasize the divide in a republican party that is ascended because of the president's acknowledged weaknesses and bottom line, as you and i have discussed, might lead ted cruz and rand paul, they work to shut down the government and that brought the republican party to a low water mark. so i think sarah palin was very entertaining. she may have outdone tina fey,
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but she was doing the democrats work. >> well, you know what? she's a show woman to be sure and it was a very theatrical and to many people, entertaining presentation. but now to what in earnest a lot of the cpac speeches dealt with and that was obamacare and doug, i got to say this new study by the left leaning urban institute reports that one in ten of uninsured americans enrolled in obamacare. that's an astonishing number. it means most of the people who signed up were already insured but got booted from their plans by obamacare. if the goal is to cover the uninsured, isn't this a conspicuous failure for the president so far? >> it certainly looks that way to me. and while sarah palin was compelling criticizing obamacare, i didn't hear an alternative policy. did you, gregg?
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>> no. there wasn't one. mercedes, let me go to you on this because there is a new mckinsey study and they're very prominent consulting firm. they found that the uninsured were not signing up because they couldn't afford it. does that support the widespread reports that these obamacare plans are way more expensive than previous insurance, which people cannot now buy and that puts another lie to the president's promise if this would be affordable premiums would go down? >> right. and particularly backs the middle class, especially in different states. you look at north carolina, for example, where you have seen an increase of premium of over like 100% for many people. it's not only the premiums. sometimes in the plans, the deductibles are so high, they might have increased from 1,000 to $3,000 for so many people. and so this becomes a really big issue for these families, the fact that they are limited on choices and the fact that they have higher premiums to pay. >> doug, if people don't sign up
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and they're really not so far, doesn't that mean that the smaller the pool, the greater the risk, the greater the cost and won't that invariably hurt consumers big time, but also insurance companies that can't handle the loss and will need a taxpayer funded bailout? >> absolutely. i mean, i think it is possible that obamacare could well implode. we'll know that when the final numbers are in. but bottom line, all the evidence we have today supports the notion that the plan is simply not working, gregg. >> doug schoen, melissa, thank you for sticking around and give us your reactions to sarah palin and tackling the obamacare latest data that just came out. thanks so much. >> thank you. russia is increasing its military strength in the ukraine and warning that the united states -- warning the united states that any sanctions will boomerang. that's their word -- right back to our country. so we're going to tackle that coming up. stay with us honestly? i wanted a smartphone that shoots great video.
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3:53 pm
there is a growing push to get russia banned from the world cup. it is threatening the united states over sanctions. now two u.s. senate ares are calling for russia to get the boot in brazil and stripped of
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hosting the world cup tournament. susan is a law professor in usc. susan, let me start with this. if you are talking about. it is one thing to say listen, rushia, you can't host the games. you punish the country in my opinion, yes, it is okay to punish the country, right? >> you and i are together. it is absolutely okay. look, it is not the citizens of the country and hurt families. >> but the government. >> how do we get through to the guy, mr. putun who sits in the stands in sochi and try to show the world that russia changed and then he sends troops in an independent country.
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>> it is not the athlete's fault. they are live a life time dream and preparing for a decade and how dow handle that and how do you make sure the athletes compete and still put sanctions on russia? >> you can't and that's why we are sitting here scratching our heads and trying to figure out where to draw the line. remember pack in '84, the olympics were wore and the soviet didn't want to come and back in '80, the united states was in the middle of the hostage croisis and i had friends that
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spent a life time and traping. >> susan, i do apology otherwise because of the palin speech, i have to cut you short. stick ark round with fox report with harris faulkner. ♪ chlorred
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4:00 pm
fox urgent news. fox news confirmed a texas company has 20. os on a airplane. it vanished with 239 people on board including americans. we know the identity of the three u.s. citizens on board. the flight with xhilin wood and two children ages 4 and 2. the 20 employees are from china and ma yliowa sa.


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