tv FOX Report FOX News March 8, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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fox urgent news. fox news confirmed a texas company has 20. os on a airplane. it vanished with 239 people on board including americans. we know the identity of the three u.s. citizens on board. the flight with xhilin wood and two children ages 4 and 2. the 20 employees are from china and ma yliowa sa.
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the flight 3270 took off and going to/beijing. an hour later, the boeing went off of the radar somewhere off of the coast of vietnam, the theories are racking up about what happened to all of those people? you are seeing all of that rapid tweeting going on and breaking news alert and on facebook about two oil slicks near where the plane disa pored. not one trace of that plane has been found. david is in thi lapd now. >> reporter: yes, it is the oil slick. they sea the aircraft saw two oil streaks as much as ten miles long and it may be coming from the foul tanks from -- fuel
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tanks from the downed plane. >> two names matched pass pord that was stolen in thailand. i want to ask you about the significance of that report? >> it so manies there is a lot of focus on those two people. those two names were on the manifest and italian andaustrian man. it is a line of inquiry and really too early to say if it is a coincidence or something more serious, harris. >> david, reporting from thia land. >> with vietnam and philippines sending ships the uss ship is on
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the way to the south other than coast of vietnam. cant ape chuck nash is a fox military analyst. captain nash 24 hours out, what are the facts pointing to tonight? >> something catastrophic and rapid. that sounds obvious. you have a state-of-the-art airplane and the airplane is in constant communication with the ma la sian airline. and it is reaching out and trying to roach out. line of sight and satellite and hf radio to stay in communication. it is transmitting the aircraft health and status and flight data.
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and another system used to communicate with the aircraft. something happen and it was so rapid and catastrophic that the pilots didn't have to set to emergency or turn their a car system to the emergency. that would have taken a couple of seconds. whatever happen it happen quickly and the pilots must have been inpasitated >> i am curious why they haven't found the plane? >> that is very interesting. because the aircraft is saying this everything about itself and where it is and altitude and talking about the engines and parts and all comes about because the airliners are built to be efficient and run
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efficiently. they are trying to get news to the maintenance people while the airplane is in the air and the maintenance people can get right on it and have the parts to fix. and they are prolific now and the aircraft had that system. it is saying i am here and here is my altitude and air speed. you are at 35,000 foot and there is a long way before you hit the grouped and that is a circle. >> now, i feel silly asking, but if it came from the altitude that seems like a bumb question. >> no, it isn't, harris. it is how you hit the water. it is like concrete if it hits
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hard. but a jet liner can coach the ditch and glide at sea. >> captain sully. >> there you go am lapded in the hudson river. and there were other guys who had foul starvation on a transatlanta flight and landed it. it can be done. but in this case , if somebody like that had happen, you can bet that would have told the world where they it were going and what their heading was so thecould have rescue ships en route after they hit the water. what happened, happen quickly and it was catastrophic. >> reports are unconfirmed and the military in that area, and
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the float there with and the vietnama mese. is there any weigh the plane could have lapded off grid and dumped the fuel. am i getting too hopefulment >> i think the hopeful options are most remote. and whether that is from the aircraft or whether it was discharged from a passing ship, they can take a foul sample and determine that quickly. up withs they get out there and get into the area. but now, what is the most important thing, to get the ships and surface search radar. that is built to find submarine periscopes in the optionment that airplane will find it.
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>> quickly, you told me about the uss shepand the assets we have. but i want to talk to you about the passport situation. two people that are on a plane they think. and as they do the manifest search, no, they are accounted for. their passports weroused and they had been stolen or lost. your thoughts on that? >> very unusual and brings up a potential thing for this. that it was a hijacking and take control and fly it in the water. that happen in egypt. and it is not without precedence. something happen and the pilots were incapable of putting out
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a distress signal. >> it soaps like it would have given its own seguntil out. and we learned through my colleague and her sources, u.s. officials say the priority is the status of the passports lost or stolen and determining through airport screening and video wo got on that flight. it is important to remember aside from terrorism possibility that human smuggling is ram apt. >> you are thinking national security? >> there is always that aspect of it and when you think of what kind of country china is and people trying to get in china and may not want the authorities to know who they are. it is not always terrorism related, it could be
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a clandestine. they wanted to get in china without the chinese knowing their true oishs didn't et. captain chuck nash, we appreciate your time. >> my pleasure. >> the beauing 7777. he told me about how the first officer had 2800 hours of flight time. that is an interesting piece of information. it is a long arrange jumbo jet. flights as long as 16 hours. and in its history the 777 had problems. recall in san francisco the oceana landed short of the
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runway. someone with a lot of experience will join us inside of the fox report coming up. and also other big stories are breaking. political power players taking the stage in the political action conference c-pac. >> it is time for people to stand up and proclaim what they believe and stop being bullied. >> dr. ben carson getting a huge applause and the day grew beggar from there. >> and sarah palin at the podium. stay close. the end.
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different world leaders and reiterated his support for the alloys in eastern europe. the white house is continuing to put pressure on president putin from the crimea. ukraine is a nation on edge. several shots were fired and that were stopped by russian troops. all of this as they vote on whether to join rush. ia and keef cove said that is illegal and will not happen. amy kellogg has the latest from the capitol city. >> reporter: harris, a woke from tomorrow the people of crimea will be asked to choose whether they want to join russia or remain in ukraen. it is not cleared if they will
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be allowed to vote or boycott or forced to vote. it is happening in a environment of increasing militarization. peace keepers were not allowed in crimea. russian or pro russian troops fired shots at them. and a un observer was chased out this woke. a board guard plane was sent back. >> and crimeans in cold front demonstrated against what happened. that were caught off guard on the enivation. >> i couldn't imagine that russian troops, russian leadership can make an order to send troops to the crimea, being
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a friendly neighbor? >> and harris, there is sign was ukranian mobilization. the army has been reserved and instructed to loy low. but there are postings on the internet of military vehicles in motion. we are watching it closely. harris? >> as the rest of the world. 's now district attorney dawning off of the coast of vietnam. a missing malaysian plane d disappeared off of the radar. 20 of them are employees of a texas company. the latest on the search to find the 239 people on board.
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and a convention ball rom in maryland. c-pac. sarpalin at the podium and we'll have that. stay with us. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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the conservative political action conference wrapped up a short time ago. just outside of our nation's capitol. and head loiping the time day of the conservative gaerthing. former alaska governor and fox nows contributor sarah palin who fired up the crowd by calling on republicans to embrace the tea party. >> you know that 2010 election victory that swept you in to power? you didn't do that.
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the tea party did. (applause) so dance with the one that brought you and you want orth sweep grab a broom and join us@the party. >> carl cameron was. there a clear winner this year? >> reporter: anybody who was not first will argue it is that that important. rand paul won second year in a row that the tea party faf ret pulled it off. he had more than the next three competitor combined. ted cruz and tea party darling had 11 percent.
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shocker and big surprise, ben carson famous when he took on president obama came in with nine percent and not considered a contender and chris kroifty who needed good nows came in fourth with eight percent and scott walker who didn't attend the conference came in fifth. rick sanatorium seven and marco rubio 6 percent. he was second place last year. and paul ryan and airplane of the house bottoming committee in throw percent. and rick perry came in second. and he trying to rehab his image and come back from 2012. and his showing up this week.
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4krhetoric. >> and i love to ask you questions like. that and you have a great answer about history. when you look at the straw poll, what does it tell us? >> it is put on a cu. and that you are one of the groups that are famous for rating members of congress for voting records. and they are influential and make no mes take. this is the most conservative base of the right in the country, and so they are picky and idea logical driven and they argue over whether or not the republicans should subordinate the principles for voeps to won election. rand paul and ted cruz and rick sanatorium said no, you shpt do that. and that was really what got the most respops from c-pac.
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they want to hear the conservative it stand by the mroefs and fight for them. there is a debate on whether or not that helps to win elections. ncarl, i want to remind our vowers that they got to so what happened on the podium. dr. ben carson came up healthily in the straw poll. we played video. but just being in the rom, what was it like? >> ben carson spoke after what most of the attendees was the 2016 republican field with rapped paul as final spoker and mr. carson is world known and now retired and very much a main stay at conservative cattle calls for presidential candidates and there are a couple of draft movements, and ben carcop is not behind this.
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he's not really interested in running for president. but he would not ignore the grass rots. it hasn't gotten pass the conservative base. he has a huge following. and the political establishment and professional class has listened to the doctor who is hesitant. there is a long line of contender, they are persuadable. when they profess their love for you. you flex the muscle. carl, thank you very much. >> reporter: you got. it >> we'll play out more of governor sarah palin.
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and the c- pack winner will join chris walls tomorrow. >> and one minute on the radar and next it vanished. the top story developing at this hour and three americans were on the flight including a man from texas. reaction from his family and new detai details, a company in austinin , texas has 20 employees on the plane. stay with us. throughout our. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day women's 50+. chalky... not chalky.
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i am harris faulkner. it is the bottom of the hour. if you are joining us it is sunday morning southeast asia and a multinational search on for a boeing that vanished. 239 people on board of that plane. two of those were american children. there was a 51-year-old phillip wood and children ages 4- 2. they lost contact an hour after taken off. there was no distress signal and no word from the pilot that we know of and no sign of bad
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weather. vietnam said there is smoul and on on smoke and oil select. no word on whether it is connected to the plane. it could be months before we find out what happened. the passenger list issued bow the airline included the napes of two europeans who were not on that plane. both of their passports were stolen or lost in thailand. all of this, we are learning more about the americans on the plane and how the united states is responding. dom, how is the united states getting involved right now? >> reporter: they are very much part of the multinational effort. it is normally based in san diego. and it was in the south china sea in maratine security.
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they have two helicopters and could get to the air of concern in 24 hours and they are sending the surveillance plane. that has long range radar and should help seven for debris. if planes flight out of the sky at altitude. it is district attorney light in the area. they need a crash site for them to go to. and we don't have one. that is one of the reasons why experts are at a loss because of just the oil slicks. >> if it was a bomb or explosion debrie would be spread over an
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area. it would spread out a lot. if it went down in it a straight do i have, you would not have it and that may be the oil slick. >> the longer we don't hear from the plane, lower the chances of hearing from them. >> we had captain chuck nash and he talked about the assets there. the uss ship and what we are capable of. it is a mist row why that he went can't find one thing. dom, before i let you go. one of the family member of a missing american took to facebook. what do we know. joishgs this is eclaine wood identifying herself as former wife of a man called phillip wood who is listed on there at
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age 51 and based out of keller, texas. basically she is no longer married to him and seaing phil was a wonderful man and we are no longer are married. he was still family. his sons and i just want peace and 88 right now. she asked the media to love thei alone. the united states state department confirmed three u.s. citizens are missing. >> our hearts go out to one family member. when you ask not to be bother ared it hurts worse when people remeaned you why you are hurting. >> maylasia airline has a good record.
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and in january 2008 british airline 38 crash landed in the airport. it was blamed on ice. and july tw 011 there was a four on board passengers had boarded. the cause was never pinpointed and the enquiry suggested a short circuit in the first officer's oxygen system hose. >> i mentioned this last year. flight asiana crash landed. and three people died and one of them hit bow a fire truck in the aftermath of the crash. >> this is how long investigations can take. the first revealed a series of mistakes by a nervous pilot.
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cant ape mike white is a pilot. he is a civil aviation leader and joins us live by skype. captain, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> i have read that this plane is one of the safest in the sky? is that false? >> no, it is a magnificent aircraft and a stable platform and very sophisticated and easy handling and i have flown the airport. >> one thing i learned from cant ape nash, the first officer only had 2800 hours of flight time. that is not's lot in terms of flying something this big? >> you focus a lot of attention on that. and you will see particularly
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with the pilot shortage around the world, there are more and more airline flight decks manned by pilots with fewer hours than what you are normally used. to this is common. >> common and troubling. you now this plane one like it. and you had to go through emergency landings in a simloultor. what is problematic in normal circumstances. >> the triple seven was an easy airplane to land and fly. in the purpose of simulated training how to think in emergency situations and how to handle specific emergencies and get the job done without being overly emotional and try to get the aircraft on the ground
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safely. that is your job. being in a simulator is throwing as much as they can to you and show you the characteristics of an aircraft when things are not going right. whether it is hydrawlic or landing year. it teaches you the characteristics of the airplane and how to handle the situation. >> captain, can you talk to me about what can happen at 37,000 feet if something goes down quickly? >> i am curous to know what impact it might hit the water at? >> well, if you, airports don't yscow. i think that is a given. they are stable. and someone catastrophic happen to cause that aushg to depart from the flight path.
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remember the plane out of rio. that was a situation and that was misinterptaugz of what the aircraft instruments told the pilot. that came out of the sky and hadap impact. i think you will find this aircraft for whatever reason will be much the same. it does sound like potentially, i hate to say it, potentially terrorist threat and activity on board of the aircraft. there was no time to warn the pilots and no information given from the aircraft to the malaysian operations about aircraft systems that were not
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operating properly. >> it is interesting that you and captain nash telling me the same thing. you now this plane and he flew in the navy and your experience as pilots and people who dealt with emergency situation. you both systemed something catastrophic in the sky. and we don't want to speck out but it is interesting that you drew the same conclusion. >> the oil slick can that be explained and dump foul and land off grid. how much fuel does it have in it? >> a 4 or 5 hour flight and seven and half-hours of foul. i think what you the day lot hours, you will so
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a debris fold. and i think you will so more. if it was an explosion, you will so it in a pattern, it loves a to the print than if the airplane just came down out of the sky and hit the water. and that debrie pattern and the metal ment on the aircraft will be telling to the investigators and what the base cause was. >> planes don't just fallout of the sky. we hope for the best. we appreciate your time and expertise tonight. thank you very much. >> a family of four falls seriously ill after eating tainted meat. what was in it? sfshgs and when people think of water falls, they don't look like this. i will give you frozen.
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a florida judge set bopped on the mother who is charged with attempted murder and child a bouchlts she drove the van with her own kids on the beach and in the atlantic. those were passerbies. and the mother simple walk away. they are now with the department of children and family. >> the mystery ingredient.
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one of the women whoate tainted food is nine months pregnant. florida, doctors in tampa indouce labor and the mom delivered a baby boy. they were treated and they all ate mote tainted with lsd. the walmart where they bought it handed over all of the beef for testing. ngeorgia. police used a pit maneuver to stop a driver on the run. they took a man and woman in custody. it began with a 911 call. >> they were stealing his mail.
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>> a frozen water fall turned a bright shade of blue. snrngs i hoik the color blue. >> people gathered to so. it and some expressing concern? is it in our drefrpging water. >> early testing does not show it is harmful to the water and likely's prank. >> in indiana a reunion. reunighting with the military dog that served with him in the iraqi war. he promised to adopt the canine am >> he was's young pump and now an old chunky man. that's the fox watch in america. >> did you so this? are you going to show the grown eggs and ham rewrite.
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the answer is yes. she wasted no time calling out what she called problems with affordable care act. >> it went from a catchy campaign to a reality and along the way hope and change, yes, we can. and it became, no, you can't. no, you can't log on to the website. no, you can't keep your health care. won't treat all of your symptoms. really? alka seltzer plus severe sinus fights your tough sinus symptoms plus your runny nose. oh what a relief it is
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caddell, joking about being the opening act. you watch him here with me on sunday note with the other fox news political insiders. they will be here tomorrow night. pat was part of the lead up today at c-pac for the former alaska governor who dlufred the co note address. >> hope and change, it went from a catchy campaign slogan to a reality and along the way, hope and change, yes, we can. it became. no, youclñhb can't. no, you can't log on to the website. no, you can't keep your health care. i do not like this uncle sam. i do not like his health care scam. i do not like, i do not like
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these dirty crooks. or how they lie and cook the books. oh, i do believe that theies of america are open. unfortunately, though, some want you to hit the snoz button and roll back over. hush, america go back to slope the lamb and close youries. some of these folks are in the gop establishment. mr. president, the only thing that stops a bad guy with the nuke is a good guy with a nuke. (applause) nra, he promised the heal the planet and stop the rise of the oceans, but the planet is not listen to dr. obama. and the only thing rise nothing
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his la la land is the russian empire. i'm sorry, i am probably being to hard on the president, after all who could have seen this coming? you know that 2010 election victrow that swept you in to power. you department build that. the te part did. your head line. 230 people on a maylasia flight when it vanerbed. now several nations including our own aiding in the searchment and also at this hour russia is building a military presence in
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ukraine. the ships are unloading 200 vehicles in the oastern part of the peninsula. russia denotices armed forces are active. >> and an 11 year old maryland child missing since her mom was found dead is now safe. that father is charged with first-degree murder in the mom's death. nhalfway across the world from here, it is it day time now, fully daytime. it was day time when we started and now the search crews are looking for the missing plane. that is how fox reports on saturday march 8th. i am harris faulkner and if you are in a part of country and are the pas of arizona don't, and if you observe day light savings time remember to set your clocks
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ahead and make sure you go to bed early. thanks for watching. ten seconds. huckabee is next. >> return on invest. >> return on invest. canned cheer with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitme to current and former military members and their families is without equal.
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[ retches ] thousands of products added online every day... [ click ] even protective suits. [ sneezes ] now get 15% off your cleaning supply purchase. staples. make more happen. >> huckabee begins in two minutes. the latest information on the missing malaysian airliner. it left for more than 24 hours ago and fell off the radar in the waters over vietnam. dom nick live from the west coast newsroom with more. dom? >> reporter: all that is spotted is two oil slicks and a bit of smoke. there was not a mayday call from the cockpit or crow nothing indicated what happened. it went down
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