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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 8, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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to have how to come up with something. don't think they're going to come up with what marco rubio came up with. >> rubio is out then there? >> no, i think he can recover. forgotten by 2016. got to do something. >> eric, thank you. jessica, thank you. thank you for joining us. stay tuned to fox news for the latest on the downed airliner. tonight on "red eye." coming up would soccer be watchable if you force aid city to play at once. what if you could use your hand? what if you could get away with murder. we'll show you one town that had the guts to find out. plus how long does it take vice president biden on average to finish a deep dish pizza. >> 3.4 second. think about that for a minute. >> are baby red squirrels ltd most adorable when drinking milk, sleeping or froiblgi ifro with friends. our panel settles it next. none of the stories on red eye. >> now, let's welcome our guest.
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she defies all laws of science by having cold hands and cold heart. i'm here tonight. joanne. there is your cold hand. it's executive vice president of of diligence. >> he is so smart. he poops, mensa members. week nights, fox business network. if you've don't have it. demand it. and i don't know. i forgot the second part of that. anyway. he once killed a terrorist by blinking him to death. sitting right next to me. mike baker. former cia operative. diligence. maker of coffee mugs, hairspray and bric-a-brac. for all of your bric-a-brac need. think diligence. if they're parked outside your house, you are already scattered in three different pieces over a body of water.
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>> push that button. edward snowden will make an appearance at interactive festival. organizers say snowden, who fled into the arms of his bff, vladamir putin after permanently harming our national security will appear via remote from russia as part of conversation about the nsa efforts to spy on the tech community. according to the website, attendees will "hear directly from snowden about his beliefs on what the tech community can do."
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>> whether he will have anything to say about kiev. attendees are excited. as much as this guy is about trains. oh, my god. listen to that horn. oh, my gosh. beautiful. oh, no. the 52. oh, my god. oh. we're going to watch this. this is special. >> i booked a ticket for moscow. and interrupt, via. skype or something. suddenly, snowden has become a deep thinker. we have to remember that snowden
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was basically a junior systems administrator at best. not engineer. suddenly he is the, the top thinker on privacy, use today. >> yes. >> but no, i think this is, you know my feelings about this. and my vice president of diligence sitting next to me. we end to differ. i will keep a level head. when he starts spouting the bull crap. i will not say anything at all. >> you don't want him executed? >> i want him to face. justice for what he has done. >> you have gotten soft. >> again. all i talk about. i think, you know, got emotive quickly. the guy deserves to be in court here in the u.s. i happen to agree with you. mike has a point about snowden being a low level government
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employee. means heap is not an expert. south by southwest is having him on. more of a novelty aspect. when i heard the guy talk. he is intelligent. he snuck off with the crown jewels. an in time of the nsa and intelligence organizations. if he is nobody. walked out with crown jewels. what does that isaisay? >> you have access. >> i digress. i digress. but i digress. let me try this other thing. which is to say. i don't have to call the guy a hero. it was important. a very fundamental. >> ho[ bleep ]. >> fundamental discourse about programs no one knew about
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apparently. about which efficacy, efficiency, effectiveness of the programs is on the table. which fact have i've gotten wrong, sir. >> man i have to bow to your long years in the intel community. understanding the importance. >> you don't know what i know, sir. >> exactly. >> but i just, you know, i don't, i don't, in the face. >> level head. level head. level head. >> i don't even know where to start. and i'm not going to, not going to go down that path. because as i always say. it's not good to get emotive about these things. >> i agree. >> you are right.
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point out breaking the law. give me an indication. >> let me give you an example. what we have had is a court judge. says the nsa was involved insist minsist -- insist mattic ovsystematic . [ both talking at once ] >> itch you don't trust this gift. the idea of giving him an organization to collect as much information they would like. >> wait, wait, wait. what its the -- awe again. again. i spent 17 years in an organization. long enough off to understand. believe it or not. not like the books or feature films. we have the most [ bleep ]
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transparent intel community in the entire land. >> social experiment, we know nothing abut what it costs. you argue for the fact that we don't know about. >> of course. >> i am suggesting they are doing programs, we don't know about. can't suggest that are effective. show me. show me an example. >> you know why the cia is a good scapegoat. >> they host infomercials how effective they are. understanding how operations were. 15 minutes after the show. awe thought wou >> invite me on your show. a great time. >> i would love to have you. >> by remote. so you don't punch me in the head. >> we don't boast about things
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we do. don't talk about our successes. you don't reveal that [ bleep ]. all right information was put in the president's daily brief. i have been doing a long time. i tend to ramble. he's old. who gets the point there. one of those martin downy episodes on you tube. lovely. we are all friend here. so -- i don't know. >> i am spent. >> should we do another segment
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on something else? >> the thing about this meeting that is happening. none of this is going to be brought up. the people who are there are going to go what is it look to been russia. what is your favorite food? are you lonely? >> how's the weed there? >> yeah. the thing that kind of gets me. don't you believe that? >> not sure i do. >> they would never have somebody from the military. they have somebody who undermines. >> i am quite confident i could find somebody. >> i will be at south by southwest. not speaking at anything. i will be there. >> hmm, interesting. >> too late for you and i to be
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there. do a debate. they will love me. >> you can start killing hipsters. a great movie. like, all of a sudden. south by southwest gets smaller and smaller. will you be taking monday off to fly to austin. >> i will be hosting a victory party. me and my travelers will gather around the computer. and watch the live stream. an important topic. i think we need tech that helps us avoid mass surveillance. not tech. makes us easily surveiled. that's what the panel is about. interesting topic.
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>> can we say we can do both? >> i dent want more mass surveillance, mike. we hashed these out. at board meetings. you have to understand. i am the future. you are the past old man! >> beaver i move on. i know they're teared of this topic. aren't you worried that the people you agree with are people that have been notoriously critical of america in all facets. if you look at people like the glen greenwalds of the world. very cynical, skeptical of anti-terrorist stuff we do. awe their likely right. that's it. good answer.
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using pot to tie the knot. day 420 of -- ♪ ♪ >> i know i am on. part of the charm. says you are on camera. i have ben doien doing this for day. i just can't believe. the show is not over. i thought the show was over. you are fine. you can leave now. colorado legalized marijuana. now couples are starting to include weed when they wed. some are kidding having vaping stations during cocktail hour or drug infused edible treats. planner is having the men
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replace the flower in their lapel with a canibus bud. let's go check in with our marijuana correspondent. >> she is trashed. participants at a wedding. mike, you have been married seven times. four women, two men. and a parakeet. which i salute. does this make you want to go for number eight. knowing it could be a pot party.
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here is where i stand on the pot thing. legitimate medical uses for marijuana. very important that that be available. i am not a big fan. i was out in northern california. we did a story for, my show on the travel channel. we were there doing a story. have based so much of the economy on pot for so long. i came away from that with -- you know, real -- conflicted view on -- on the whole idea. just not worried about, bigger, use to deal with. now i am not so sure. you know what. we-to wait and see how it plays out in the communities. as the far as weddings go. you want to smoke pot at your wedding. go for it. awe thought was a long way to get to -- >> that was a long way to got to
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why not. one day you will find a man, special man, come along, sweep you off your feet. will it excite you to know he wants to be stoned at your wedding. >> i will be right there with him. nothing says love like the gange. i mean they have hand rolled cigars, a lot of people do that at their wedding. now you roll joint station. i worry about the photos. >> that's true. like the wedding photos. you can show your kids. i don't remember this at all. >> but it could also be. you can say the same thing. open bars. people get wasted at weddings. >> trashed. something you regret. >> exactly. i cannot imagine having a chronic themed wedding. i suspect when you look at the
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photos afterwards you will regret some aspects of that. i hope this doesn't catch on. suspect it is just a very exotic nature of a smoking weed. that's what gets me crazy. you never get married. not in the stars for you. dying lonely is what you want to do. you always have your menagerie. not look they are completely alone. >> every endeavor pot smokers get involved with. they make the endeavor about pot smoking. play frisbee. do it high. alcohol you have to learn. through prohibition. you shut up ababout the booze. you drank. pot heads have to shut up about the pot. >> this sound awful being around a bunch of stoners. a wedding, anywhere else.
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the really victory for pot legalization. will be when stoner culture goes away. nobody has booze themed weddings. you have booze at a wedding. if you are basing your life around a drug you. probably have a problem with the drug. if you are enjoying the drug socially. you are probably no different than a social drinker. >> to a large extent t it will not. an not an underground culture. you will have people who like to smoke weeds. some times they don't. >> the real underside of this is jay leno no longer has a show because that wedding cake joke would be used tomorrow. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> how come nobody bakes
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nicotine into foods? >> good point. >> you have pot brownies. >> not caffeine foods. >> chocolate. >> people eat espresso beans, chocolate. >> that's true. >> i don't. >> you don't. >> weddings, who hasn't had a good fuzzy navel fountain. nobody? >> nobody? >> fuzzy navel fountain. never been to a wedding where there is a fountain. a fountain, fuzzy navels. >> i was at a wedding, vodka fountain. >> well, that wasn't a good story. way to kill the mood. >> actually i was the vodka fountain. >> oh, oh. >> all right. coming up. blah, blashgs blh, blah, skip, skip, there you go. how does ashton feel about one-night stand. my neighbor carl says he loves them. then again carl will sleep with any one too. no.
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motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. ahoy, mateys. house? hello, dear. hello. hello. van with airbrushed fire-breathing dragons. ah! check. thank you. the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive. we are thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nhts. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can s, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours.
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i takbecause you can't beating for zero heartburn. woo hoo! [ male announcer ] prilosec otc is the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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do health nuts only cleanse your wallet. detox diets and cleanses are big business. aren't they really just a pile of crap telling you how to crap. ha-ha-ha. advocates of liquid cleanses and other detox ridge meants, aka morons say they remove toxins from our system. actual doctors say our liver, colon, kidneys, filter out harmful stuff. as one nutrition specialist notes. no one has been able to tell me what the toxins are. i think until more research is gathered. both sides should agree. cutback on andy and have more greg. any way, you know who needs to detox.
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oh, it wasn't dead after all. says the people at home. >> unless the tape was in reverse. >> the last squeak. a wilting, furry, flu ower in t wintertime. do you use a toxin cleansing regimen. >> no, no. i see why some do it. just eat in moderation. and eat healthy foods. lots of vegetables, fruit. and you know, enjoy yourself. right. have a steak. have truffles, do whatever you are going to do. >> i like that.
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>> do it in moderation. and then exercise. i am never going to get my own health show. you are saying it in a miserable way. eat vegetables. everything in moderation. coming up. still worked up by the snowden. i am going to have to juice. i am going to be bound up. that argument. these cleanses isn't that starvation. isn't that worse than toxins. >> yes, my mom is one of these people. i think you called her an idiot. moron. moron. we disagree on this. bizarre. we live in an era where every single quality of life indicator suggests life is kind of awesome.
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have a cookie. i dent want alkaline water. i don't want this nonsense extract of grape nut. i am going to have a cronut. leave me alone. >> people are so obsessed with their poop. i got to have my bowels cleaned. they think it is like a basement, has to be, you keep stuff in your basement. joanne. you do, you clean it once a year. tops. it feels great too. when you wait a long time. clean that basement. like giving birth to a chocolate mountain. i have a craving for chocolate. i have just the right film. >> how did this happen. what do you make of it. women are especially vulnerable to this stuff. >> i am all about the cleanse. you know how i do it?
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alcohol. give me. give me. it works itself out. the next morning after binge drinking. >> no, actually. >> just cleared right out. >> nice. >> that's good. >> you know. >> ha-ha-ha. >> now. >> doctors say spirtoxins, lonliness and hos pitility. add to our worsening health. you are hostile. lonely. a toxic cesspool. >> i am not hostile or lonely. i dispute the premise of your stupid [ bleep ] question. >> oh, wow. unlike the progressives talking about the cleanses. i am not anti-science. i will side with the doctors on this one. equivalent of atrol gee.
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this is junk. >> getting a lot of chiropractors. >> they are. violent group. >> you can call it chiropracty? >> they're hypersensitive. >> i know, because they're not doctors. >> you know what is interesting? you never hear about, organic food from a hispanic bus driver. you only hear it from the white rich bored housewife of a stockbroker. those are the only people that can afford it. the actor. the actor. >> or my mom. >> i didn't mean to insult your mother. >> talked to a lady at a party that i was at. >> good for you. does your wife know. >> she was standing right there. they were talking about, the cleansing program. they were talking about, they go, they go, seven days in a row. seven days in a row, drinking nothing but, water.
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and, maple syrup. >> lemon. >> mrs. butters worth. >> no, pure vermont maple syrup. in case you well do this at hope. >> after day three you start to feel spiritual. your body is dying. you are shutting down. hallucinating. >> such a good feeling. >> exactly. we have got to take a break. next, i think it is silly. it's just silly. and i was a health editor. i edited men's health. i am like a doctor. >> the same. >> more a doctor than chiropractor. >> i have my mensa business cards. allowed me to check up on any body. usually new to the country. >> i'm a doctor. >> nude in the country. >> who hasn't been nude in the country. how hard is it to fake your death so you can cheat on your taxes? mike baker, on his new book, how i faked my own death.
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>> lindsay lohan, new reality show. the story of mike baker. [ bubbles, baby giggling ] [ mom ] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and new bounty has no quit in it either. watch how one sheet of new bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. new bounty. the no-quit picker-upper.
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what's precious to you is precious to us. and from your family, to your belongings, to your dreams for retirement, nationwide is here to protect what you love most. we put members first, because we don't have shareholders. jo the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side sleeping around. actor ashton kutcher has >> he now looks down on sleeping around. actor ashton kucher, as opposed
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to -- >> has caught a case of monogamy and says he no longer enjoys one night's stands. in an interview with "men's fitness" he said -- are you happy or sad for yourself? >> combination of two. i want to be her body double in films. if she gets pregnant they need me more. >> need you on there more. you are doing it a little bit.
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who says i am not. >> you are, you got six years on her, right. you know? >> wait. and she is, she is moving on. >> this girl is brilliant. she knows she is a cheater. you are going to publicly say, as many times as i tell you to, that you are all about monogamy. and a changed man. miky, isn't he saying this. he has had 16,000 one-night stands. me saying, don't do drugs. because from 20 to 40 i did them. >> right. it's -- piousness of when you, when you succeeded right? like a billionaire. >> really it won't. and, and, so, yeah, i think he is doing, i don't know that he is -- a lot of guys out there that are single that understand what the hell he is sayingn't i
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will say this much. nothing better than being married and, absolutely it is the honest to god's truth. maybe he has gotten to the point where he realizes that. who knows. >> you love marriage so much. you have done it a couple times. >> all right. all right. this one is going to stick. >> i feel it. >> my ex-wife is here with us in the studio. >> no, she is, world's most wonderful woman. no offense to the ukrainian. >> or andy's cats. that he dresses up as a ukrainian model. camille, who cares if he got to this point late in life. do you agree with what he said. >> looks like he found religion. >> good for him. >> hope it works out. forever. monogamy the way to go. creepy to be the guy who has to sneak out, right? >> kind of gross. >> it is gross. i wouldn't know that feeling though.
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>> i'm always a guy that wakes up. there is like somebody crying. what was i thinking? >> smeared with jelly. >> that's it. >> is that jelly? >> hope it is jelly. >> that's why he doesn't talk to me anymore. >> do you think ashton should apologize to the one-night stand guys out there. >> i think he should. absolutely. >> i, i -- i actually agree with him. i am like him, i have always felt that way. >> no, never been a one-night stand guy. >> not for me. >> it does work for them. >> stick to one hand. >> i promise not to cheat on you. >> i don't know. that was unnecessary. awe thoug . >> i apologize.
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i thought i am apologizing for being so obvious a joke. if, you know, not really sorry that i said it. >> that's exactly what i want you to apologize for. >> kind of obvious. >> we got to take a break. more stuff is on the way. you know what? if you haven't bought my book yet. i am angry. march 18th. it comes out. not cool. i will be coming to us. got to rewrite this. 31 cities. 11 days. a look at where i will be. stop by, meet me. i will be in knoxville tennessee. naples, florida. and fort myers. florida, beautiful place. and, check it out for the entire tour schedule. where i will be. 31 cities. >> bookstore lunch. ok, here's the way the system works. let's say you pay your guy around 2 percent to manage your money. that's not much, you think except it's 2 rcent every year. does that make a difference? search "cost of financial advisors" ouch! over time it really adds up. then go to e*trade and find out how much our advice costs. over tispoiler up.
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it's low. really? yes, really. e*trade offers investmen advice and guidance from dedicated professional financial consultants. it's guidance on your terms not ours that's how our system works. e*trade. less for us, more for you.
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the next time you nt a dvd, don't bother rewinding it. the way i see it, it's t next guy's problem. oh, larry. she thinks i'm crazy. mm-hmm. but would a crazy person save 15% on car insurance in just minutes? [ chuckles ] [ malennouncer ] 15 minutes for a quote is crazy. with esurance, 7½ minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. formerly relevant actress lyndsay lohan is in a new >> how low can lilo go. formerly relevant actress
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lindsay lohan is starring on the oprah never been rel rant nevan. that's kind of mean. begs the question, should we care? how do i do this? oh, yeah. i got to turn it over like this. ha-ha. that looks great. >> yeah. we have been working on this. >> someone spent way too much time of on that one. >> it wasn't me. i had a tech duo it for me. >> the show, lindsay low hand's sh -- lohan's show. features her search for an apart:a. and struggle to stay sober. it is good, good, good, good. then the thing in my head where it is time to sabotage. >> don't put word mine mouth. that's not what i signed up for.
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>> do you want me to scrap all of yesterday? >> she has changed things every single day. not following the rules they agreed to. not participating. she wouldn't commit to the shoot next week. they had to cancel it. >> this is exactly what everybody said was going to happen. and i believed differently. i really do want you to win. >> uh-huh. >> i really do. if that is what you want, i am okay with that. i will tell the guys to pack up and leaf today. >> no, it's not that i am red to do that. i do want to. >> you need to cut the bull [ bleep ]. you really do. >> i am okay. will this train wreck, wreck again. will any of us give a damn? why will i ask you at home. i have guests near me to ask questions of. i love, camille, that oprah is unhappy about this. this is what she wanted. she wants to film the train wreck. >> she looked deeply affected by the whole thing. well scripted. i do not care at all.
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i don't understand why any one cares about lindsay lohan. >> i don't care. >> parent trap. come on. machete. i like that. machete. >> no, it is called, should we care? one thing i like about her. accelerating the kathleen turner voice. she is 25. but sound like a sexy 60-year-old >> i had no idea she had the show working. i will say oprah winfrey is if not the smartest, probably top three smartest entertainment executives, producers out there. the idea that she dent knidn't this would happen is inconceivable. this is, i am right on board. i hope she does well. i hope everybody has a good life you. know. but end of the day.
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i just don't care. i'm too busy watching honey booboo. >> two knows to should we care. this is exciting for me. joanne. some might say she is lose herring looks. you were saying earlier, we should only care about hot people. do we have to pay attention to her or not? >> no, i care. i care deeply. i see myself in this poor girl. ten years down the road. you know, i'm now modeling my life choices off hers. don't dupe this. i think we should all take a look at this. and reflect on our own choices. and, act accordingly. and -- i mean really though. i mean with the documentary. about to be persuaded. >> it's crazy to me. she has had so many ups and downs. and then to hatch these, cve th in your face. it will up the anxiety and stress. isn't that when people crack. we will see a train wreck. with train wrecks you can't look away. so i am going to watch.
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>> there you go. >> i think a lot of women see themselves in her. a lot of men have seen themselves. >> i think. off awe what do you mean? i don't understand. making a valuable point. a lot of good points here. surprisingly. despite her -- >> television does not make anything better. >> no. >> if you have problems don't do a tv fame. >> a show? >> more than -- more the movie. she was doing a decent job staying out of the public eye. >> except for the breakout hit "canyons." >> she played elizabeth taylor. >> in terms of her life itself was out of the public life. oprah is disgusting. can we say that? >> you do not get a car. >> i don't care.
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>> she is can weep ju can we just say that. disgusting. absolutely disgusting. she knows exactly what is going on here. sitting there with her, pretend upset stuff. >> i can't tolerate that. [ both talking at once ] >> she is an american hero. >> she is gross.>> i h absolutely gross.nd up fo >> i could use a loan from you, oprah, or stedman. >> got to stand up for oprah ra too. >> this is on oprah.ld lose >> celebrity rehab had noble intentions. they would lose one person apet series. they said. maybe we should stop.e tv is not making them better when you lose the guy from "taxi" then from alice in chaint or stone temple pilots. alice in chains. wa can't remember.tching t >> that's what is so sad. you can't remember. >> i know you, know why, i was jo so high watching the show. all right t joking people, don't get high and watch tv. because nothing can from it. o should we care?
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no. we should care about oprah being stupid.tieb >> all right. we >> no.. >> of deeply. the >> that makes me tight breaker. which is we should care.ed shoul all right, you have a comment on the show. a this should be a show called, should we care. e-maim us. have you've got a video. click on a video.ou might use it coming up. and the last story which is about something. i'll be back. andrew jackson. [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business --
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now, that's progressive. >> test test >> test >> test >>est to >> test se i have time. after all there may be no symptoms for years. no wonder you try to push it to the back of your mind and forget it. but here's something you shouldn't forget. hepatitis c is a serious disease. if left untreated, it could lead to liver damage and potentially even liver cancer. if you are one of the millions of people with hepatitis c, you haven't been forgotten. there's never been a better time to rethink your hep c. because people like you may benefit from scientific advances. advances that could help you move on from hep c. now is the time to rethink hep c and talk to your doctor. visit to find out about treatment options. and register for a personalized guide to help you prepare for a conversation with your doctor.
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next "red eye" we have jedediah bila and coming up tomorrow we've got sony johnson. >> can i talk still? >> yes. >> i'll be in colorado giving a speech. interesting. anyway. should be still be on our bill? that is the topic of tonight's... live from the "red eye" debate center i'm greg gutfeld, host of the red eye debate center. tonight's red eye debate, should
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andrew jackson be removed from the $20 bill? he was our seventh president but he killed tons of people and made his fortune as a slave trader which is bad. we don't need, perfection just someone better than jackson. i vote for gary coleman. >> baker? >> yes. >> jackson does seem like a scary dude. but weren't we all scary back then? everybody was animals. >> it was a tough time. you had to be scary or you didn't survive. >> excuse me. >> this trail of tears? >> yes. >> so you know, in thinking about it, i -- maybe there shouldn't be a rotation. right? let's put teddy roosevelt. he was terrific.
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let's get him on the 20. i won't mess with washington or lincoln. maybe we can shift it up a little bit. >> camille, very a theory andrew jackson was the american begby. wherever he went, people got hurt. i maybe they have a point here. >> that is a deep insight. >> i mean that. >> but... i wonder you know, if we start disqualifying presidents because they have done deplorable things i can probably find a reason to dislike just about any president you put in front of me. how about putting regular money on the money? people like kanye west? a great american hero?
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>> he would like to be on the 100. let's put him on every denomination. >> he's a man of many faces >> he has a new baby. >> i would like to be on a $5 bill. >> is he watching right now? >> he might be. >> he would be angry right now >> why? >> because he always is, joanne. andrew jackson was not in the jackson five. just so you know that. >> well, then, i have none. you can go on and on about his brilliant career on the drums? no. i, so, i'm sure andy was going to mention this. he was opposed to paper money. >> really? >> yes. did you know that? i did research. so this is like his eternal punishment for being a very terrible man. >> there you go. he's on paper. >> this is the american way
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this, is justice. >> yes. he's trapped like a "twilight zone" episode. he's become what he's hated. >> this entire discussion is pointless. i only carry hunnies. >> should we put snowden on the five? >> maybe so. >> there should be a rotation. >> i think he should go on bit coin. >> until 1928 grover cleveland was on the 20. the treasury department changed it, with no records why. this is code for the masons didn't want them to you. >> do you know who my favorite mason is?
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mason reese. >> oh, yes. >> mason is a little red headed kid. >> hey, later. we are thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nhts. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can s, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in love, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children lauing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where th almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married,
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9:00 pm
this is a fox news alert the latest on the search for a jet that vanished, so far, searchers only spotted two large oil slicks and a column of smoke off the vietnamese coastline. tonight the national transportation safety board sent a team of investigators to asia so they're ready if u.s. assistance is needed flight 3701 hour out of kuala lumpur when it disappeared


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