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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 8, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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. making us number one in motorcycle insurance. isn't this romantic. it was. going the distance to save you more. now, that's progressive. this is a fox news alert. i'm reporting that russia is apparently accelerating its invasion of neighboring ukraine. eyewitnesss reporting today that hundreds of russian military vehicles have been arriving this saturday by land and by sea. reinforcing the thousands of troops and cops sympathetic to russia already on the ground in ukraine. no shots have been fired yet but there are reports that ukraine is finally mobilizing its own forces. whether this invasion becomes a shooting war it means there is a rocky road ahead for
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u.s./russian relations as sarah palin correctly predicted to wide spread scorn back in 2008. >> he promised to heal the planet and stop the rise of the oceans, but the planet is not listening to doctor obama. and the only thing rising in his lalaland is the russian empire. i'm sorry, but really i'm probably being too hard on the president. after all who could have seen this coming? >> tonight i will have excerpts from her fiery and comical closing key note address and we'll analyze senator rand paul's overwhelming victory in tonight's poll. up front the tragic destruction,
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effort underway to locate the malaysia airplane that disappeared. because aircraft like the 777 rarely encounter problems once they hit cruising altitude. over an hour into the flight the plane was in cruising altitude. experts believe it was malfunctioning or a bombing. i will have the latest on the two passengers on the doomed aircraft traveling with false pass ports. who were there? why were there on board? it is day light now in the south china sea where authorities lost contact with the aircraft. fox news reporter is live from
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manila in the philippines. nothing yet? >> reporter: we have not seen anything yet except for the oil slick that the air force put out. this is a huge area about 500 miles wide where they are searching. >> so who exactly is involved? i know that our fleet, guided missile destroyer is engaged. how massive is the effort to find some wreckage? because obviously the plane is not in the air anymore? first of all, how big is the effort? who all is involved? >> you have 15 ships from the malaysian navy, you have singapore.
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singapore has a first-rate navy, as well. they have the same equipment. you have this massive search effort, a lot of coordination going on. even as far west as there where i am the fiphilippine navy and other u.s. assets are conducting searches. it is a wide extensive search, possibly as many as 30 aircraft just within the primary search area. china is sending two of its ships, as well. so it is just a massive effort. we hope they are all talking to each other. you have to remember this is also disputed territory out there. you have china, vietnam and malaysia all fighting over an area. so far they seem to be working together and tchiming in is the united states. the fbi has a team possibly look
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into what you mentioned earlier that two passengers with the fake passports. i have talked to a retired fbi agent overnight here in manila and he says passengers using stolen passports is immediately an alarm sign that they look at. >> mike cohen reporting from manila. live in l.a. with the american connection to the doomed malaysian aircraft. three u.s. citizens on board but the u.s. connection is broader than that, tell us. >> here is the issue with this. worry about what happens to u.s. passengers who travel through asia. we know the area it is happening in is important to the united states. south china sea and so worries about what could happen to anybody else is troubling in the
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region. that is what we hear in aviation circles in the moment. here in america concerns for the three that are aboard or were aboard the aircraft, whatever happened to it. on facebook a woman identifying herself as a former wife of a man who is listed on that plane, a man called philip wood from texas, 51 years old. this is what she posted on facebook in terms of how distressed the news is. dear news media philip wood was a wonderful man, although we were no longer married, he is still family. his sons and i just want peace and quiet right now. that's my statement. philip wood was 51. >> are they his children? who are the three? he is one. who are the other two? >> the other two are very young kids, two girls a 4 year old and
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2 year old. we have no details on who the parents are. a statement from the state department did say the embaeszs in kuala lumpur were in touch with the families. let me read the statement. officials from the u.s. embas embassies are working to assess whether additional u.s. citizens may have been on board the flight. that is important for the simple fact that they could have been citizens traveling under dual nationality. using the passport to have boarded the plane. a lot of clarification to come on top of that. we have the u.s. navy heading to the area where the plane was last seen on the radar. it got two helicopters. this is the u.s., two search
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helicopters able to deploy on top of that out of okinawa. the united states will send long range radar to look for debris. >> thank you very much. and also the u.s. computer company involved with citizens from other countries but it's a u.s. company that had many of the employees on board. two veteran pilots and aviation experts join me here in our new york studios. i welcome both of you. you, first, kyle. what about this? if it wasn't terrorism what was it? >> in my opinion it basically was terrorism. the airplane constantly is communicating, broadcasting about every two minutes to the boeing helicoptereing headquart
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>> that happens automatically? >> there is no way the aircraft could just disappear. >> even if the aircraft was incapacitated in terms of everything out there would be a signal as long as it still existed there would be an automatic signal and a computer someplace in the boeing headquarters there in the state of washington. >> the signal would stop at some point if the airplane was completely destroyed. >> when you have a plane that loses power, let's say the engines blow up, it has wings and a tail. if you are at 30,000 feet, it takes you a while to hit the ground. you glide down without an engine, is that so? >> not so much without an engine. you pick up about a 2,500 dissent. they were at 35,000 feet.
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even gliding down you are going to be into the ground. >> the key is ten or 12 minutes you have plenty of time to send a signal. >> that is the problem. pilots are trained to go immediately to do two things. one is fly the airplane in an emergency and the other is to communicate. now, no transmissions came out of that aircraft, none. no pilot made a transmission. you are trained to call for assistance. you can then communicate with a company and even the manufacturer. nothing and that implies to me what is being worded now a catastrophe occurred. >> what do you mean by that? >> a catastrophe. >> could it have been a benign fuel explosion that took out the aircraft? >> it is not improbable but i would say it is outside of my spectrum of probabilities. it is far out. so would be the incapacitation of the crew due to loss of
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pressurization. >> so an explosion? >> no. that depressurization could be a subtle incapacitation because the crew did not activate the cabin ceiling. the aircraft rose and the cabin rose with the aircraft. remember the golfer? that is what happened to him. >> kyle, you are saying terror. >> my gut feeling right now is it is terror. of course, there could be a one in a million chance something else. >> a long shot. something bad happened. jim hall, former ntsb chairman, you are on the phone. thank you so much. you have the ntsb fellows headed there along with the fbi, how unusual is it for the fbi to go with the ntsb for an accident investigation sth. >> it is not unusual at all. in fact, it's rather common
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place since the '90s and other accidents, but now one thing we do know is until we find the recorders we won't know whether this is a criminal investigation or whether it was a mechanical or malfunction of the aircraft. >> how rare is it to not find the wreckage with all these assets looking for the aircraft? >> well, it's very unfortunate that five years after air france with the availability of the technology of deployable flight recorders which are used in the united states military that we still have not at the international level required deployable recorders on these aircraft that fly over the ocean. >> isn't that amazing? on my sail boat i have an automatic device that if my boat
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sinks it floats to the surface. if i was gone and didn't have it on the malaysian air liner. that is absolutely scandalous. i have to let you go. thank you very much. the former new york city police commissioner is next on his take on the possibility of terror and much more. much. the former new york police commissioner is next on his take of the possibility of terror and much more to go. or retirement. but when we sta worrying about tomorrow, we miss out on what matters today. ♪ at axa, we offer advice and help you break down your retirement goals into small, manageable steps. ecause when you plan for tomorrow, it helps you live for today. can we help you take a small ste for advice, retirement, and life insurance, connect with axa.
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welcome back live. cpac andussia's escalating with ukraine coming up.
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devastated loved ones mourn the near certain loss of the 239 passengers and crew including three americans on board. >> counselors are in touch with families and at the moment really to see what happens. there is one speculation and i don't want to add to that speculation. >> it could be days or weeks before we know the exact cause of the malaysian airlines jet that disappeared in the south china sea. disturbing information about at least two of the passengers has raised red flags. >> every single person who was on that aircraft is going to be investigated, their background and especially the two individuals who have the stolen passpo passports. a former agent on the fbi terrorism task force.
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>> the fbi and a number of law enforcement agencies will gather information on everyone in the aircraft. they will talk to mechanics and people and ticket counter people that were involved in passing the tickets back and forth. >> reporter: the most significant lead being the passengers with stolen identification. investigators will look to surveillance video to start. two passports stolen. both in appearance would have to be anglodissent. there is video footage i'm sure of them entering the airport and at the ticket counter, video footage of them showing their passports to security personnel. the video is going to be extremely important. >> foreign ministry officials in
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italy and austria have confirmed the people owning the stolen passports are alive. >> the only place they can go to right now is the people they stole the passports from. were you in this neighborhood? that neighborhood? in a store? one of the passports was stolen in august of 2013. >> interpoll is involved in this. all the information from the united states and other stations involved will go to interpol. >> what happened from the time that flight 370 took off until it lost contact two hours later is a mystery. >> what about the facial i.d. cameras? can they possibly make a match through computer imaging? >> yes, they could, if they have that technology in these airports. i would say perhaps united states, israel, other countries with high tech equipment could
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do that. right now no one has claimed responsibility if it was, in fact, a terrorist attack. here is another thought. who says it had to be these guys boarding the aircraft with the bomb or weapon. they are going to be talking to mechanics. somebody on the ground if it was a bomb could have placed a bomb on the aircraft. if it was then we know somebody else maybe around the world will be able to duplicate what these individuals did, get on an aircraft with fake identification and blow the darn thing up. hopefully, again, this isn't the case. >> the passenger manifest issued by the airline included the names of two europeans who were not on the plane. both their passports had been stolen within the past two years when visiting thailand. it doesn't mean terrorists took their place but it raises red flags to the authorities
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investigating the disappearance. >> if the stolen passports were used why wasn't it spotted by authorities in malaysia. is there a danger that stolen passports could be used to board u.s. planes? that's next. hey mom. yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes! well, i found this new thing called... [ dennis' voice ] allstate quickfoto claim. [ normal voice ] it's an app. you understand that? just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate. really? so you get [dennis' voice] a quicker estimate, quicker payment, [normal voice] quicker back to normal. i just did it. but maybe you can find an app that will help you explain this to your...father. [ vehicle approaches ] [ dennis ] introducing quickfoto claim. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good.
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i'll have the latest on this escalating invasion by the russians of ukraine, dozens of trucks carrying armed soldiers
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crossing the border and arriving by ship. right now let's concentrate on the downed aircraft. former new york police commissioner, homeland security nominee joins me here in new york. it is great to see you. lieutenant colonel tony schaffer is with us here. he'll be dealing, also, on the idea of russian invasion on ukraine shortly. right now all about the down malaysian air liner. you worked with interpol. 39 million travel documents reported lost or stolen in 166 countries. 39 million travel documents reported lost or stolen in 166 countries. how in the world do they keep track of all of this? do you trust interpol? >> i normally trust them. the 166 countries is from where they collect that data.
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something like this should have been flagged. it's kind of odd that it wasn't. you had two passports stolen in thailand over a two-year period. one was i think in august. should have been flagged, should have popped automatically when they put them into a database. >> now, when you board an airline and kuala lumpur is a big city heading to beijing china, wouldn't someone have run a passport through the database? don't they swipe them? >> it is automatic. it is no different than you going to jfk here on an international flight your passport is swiped. if there was a problem with the passport, stolen, expired or flagged on one of the watch lists you would have been pulled. in this case both of those passports got on to the plane so i'm sure that interpol and the authorities there are going to be looking at the people that
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check people into that flight. and they are going to go back to the people that the passports were stolen from. >> you are a cop. two passports stolen in thailand, two european guys. the passengers using those stolen passports show up on the plane that disappears off the radar screen. i mean, what are you thinking? >> they are going to go back to the video of the people getting on that aircraft. they will come really close to identifying the people that have those passports. and it is probably going to be some caucasian looking person. >> i guess my real question, commissioner is, i don't believe in coincidence generally speaking. that is why -- >> you have to think of the aircraft. this is a very stable aircraft, one of the most stable in the airline industry.
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number two, whatever happened was catastrophic to the front or communications part of the plane where these guys didn't get messages out. between the passports and that i think we have a problem. >> colonel schaffer, i want to ask you just generally speaking, right now what do you smell? >> i agree that the passport issue needs to be looked at. passports can be copied and modified although a lot of protective measures are in place. that is something that is not impossible. second factor is that someone could have slipped in from the time the passport was taken to the airport to the time you go to the gate. there is now efforts here in the united states to make sure the person at the front gate and checks through security is the same person who gets on the airplane.
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someone talked about other people working at the airport. you have to look deeper at this. there is a lot of ways someone could have slipped through the cracks in the system and gotten on. right now it looks like something catastrophic happened, something happened rapidly. that means somehow, someway the system broke down. high likelihood explosive was placed somewhere on the aircraft to take it out instantly and effectively. >> highly likely, did you say that? >> i believe it is based on the fact -- >> i'm no expert. highly likely that makes three of us. russian forces pouring into ukraine where referendum scheduled. what is our president going to do about it? that and cpac next. crimean region returns to russia. what is our presid
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military buildup in crimea. witnesses saying they saw dozens of trucks move into the region on saturday. others say they watched 200 trucks being offloaded on ships on friday. the president calling britain's prime minister from florida. he contacted italy's prime minister and france's president. the white house saying -- >> a late winter ice storm leaving more than 200,000 people without power. snow, sleet and up to a half inch of ice falling on the region over the last couple of days. utilities still assessing the damage adding some people may be without power for up to a week. now back to geraldo rivera reports.
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i want to defend the president. i think sometimes we have to be big enough to stand up for him even if we don't agree with him. there are a number of people who have criticized him for going to key largo in florida while there is a crisis underway in ukraine. i just want you to know president spent all of last week proving that he was capable of being ineffective. i believe he can be as ineffective in key largo as he was in the white house. >> i'd be laughing if it wasn't so painful. newt gingrich socking it to the president for not seeing the threat to ukraine where three months of violence ended when the president of ukraine skipped
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town and now russian armed forces pouring in ahead of the vote of crimea. >> reporter: week from tomorrow the people from crimea will have this referendum and will be asked to choose whether they would like to stay in ukraine or be in russia. this is happening in a situation of increasing militarization. we know international peace keepers were not allowed into crimea. russian or pro-russian troops fired at them. a u.n. observer was essentially chased out. also today ukrainian border guard airplane came under fire. there were a lot of russian military vehicles on the move.
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ukraine's foreign minister described how he was completely caught offguard by the russian invasion of crimea. >> i could not imagine that russian troops or russian leadership can make an order to send troops to crimea being a friendly neighbor. >> reporter: we have seen some signs of ukrainian militarization. the ukrainian troops have really used restraint and held back but we have seen some postings of ukrainian military vehicles on the move today. we are not sure exactly what it all means but we are watching it closely. >> thanks very much. we have terrific guests with us this saturday night to shed insight on this scary situation on the ukraine. former cia operator tony
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schaffer in d.c. we are joined by ukrainian born attorney and by former u.s. ambassador to the united states for special political affairs. if i can start with you, is it too late for diplomacy here? >> no, it is not. obviously putin is trying to change the facts on the ground. what the president has the opportunity to do is to push for a political solution. and obviously mr. putin is only to going to agree to that if he sees an autonomous crimea. for us what we have to stand up against is this aggression. at the end of the day there is the possibility of a political solution. >> you are in the business of negotiating and politics rather than war making, but how do you negotiate? if putin says screw you, this used to be part of russia, i want it, i theed it.
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my fleet is based there. most of the people want me. they speak russian. what are we supposed to do? >> unfortunately, it is not an easy answer. what putin probably wants at the end of the day is a state within a state. simply to annex through force will re-ignite a cold war. he will play a long game. what we have to do is create a situation where there are international observers in crimea and a transparent process. >> colonel, you know, this was one of the most cleverly pulled off invasions. he just kept feeding troops in, dozens of convoys reported today, ships now landing, armored vehicles little by
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little by little, not a shot fired. do you think this was pre-planned? is it pre-meditated or is putin flying by the seat of his pants here? >> a little of both. he has been trying to re-establish the soviet empire through economic means. this is a bump in the road. president obama whining to him on phone calls probably encouraged him to move forward with his military action. a confident president would look at the options and say mr. putin there are things we can do and cannott do but we have to stand on our moral obligation. you are doing everything you can to tread on this. we may not win this battle but there will be other battles and we are also in the long game. i think that is what we are lacking right now. >> you were nominated for homeland security.
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you are in the intelligence business. did we fail to see something or did it happen so spontaneously that there was nothing to see? >> i agree with tony. this was pre-meditated. you have to look at putin's history and what he said in the past. this is, to me, he is reconstituting or trying to reconstitute the old ussr. as far as did we miss it? i think tony would know better than me but i think at the russian desk somebody should have seen it or felt it coming. there is an awful lot of activity, a lot of movement that has been going on for the past few weeks if not longer that i think we should have known about. >> you visited year after year, you are ukrainian born. how worried are your friends and family members? >> they are extremely worried. they are concerned because they know the referendum is coming
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down. they don't know what side of the coin they are going to land on. they are very concerned. they can't leave families to do business and can't go on vacation. they don't know if there is going to be a missile launch or more troops coming in from all around the world. they think their house is going to be a battle ground. >> why haven't the ukrainians fought back? >> in essence they have tried to fight back but they don't have a leg to stand on. what can they do now considering that the superpowers are invading on their territory? >> i want to talk more with our military expert on that issue of whether or not this is going to become a shooting war, civil war in the ukraine. what is nato going to do? our european allies, where are they? the president today speaking with the leader of france and italy and the united kingdom. we will have more on the critical situation in ukraine. back in a flash. ukraine. they'll go inside cpac. back in a flash. ♪
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an international fleet of ships and aircraft searching for whatever is left of malaysian airplane. we are monitoring the huge operation which includes elements. we are getting word that the fbi has sent a team along with the ntsb. you have a red eye flight vanishes at cruising altitude, clear skies, no distress signal, no wreckage found, no malfunction identified. it really stinks to us of a criminal act of terror. we will definitely be following
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through. stay tuned to fox news for the latest. continuing now with the troubling news from ukraine that hundreds of russian military vehicles and personnel arriving all day by land and by sea, my guest, former nypd commissioner and former operator colonel schaffer and in d.c. former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. for special political affairs. do you think that the united states dropped the ball here? colonel schaffer was very cruel in the way he characterized the president's whining on the phone to vladimir putin. do you see it in that regard? >> i think dr. kissinger said it best when a head of state calls another head of state you have to have a plan. the telephone diplomacy is good at the foreign minister level to
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keep channels of communication open. i would hope what the president would do would be drawing a clear line and indicating what the costs are to our relationship in real terms, economic terms. if the troops aren't withdrawn and if there isn't a political path forward. >> colonel schaffer, in terms of what the united states can do, you know, aside from diplomacy, i would not send the sixth fleet or any element, major element of the united states navy into the black sea. it is a tub right there. you can't get in or out of it. sending planes to poland in the nato country, those of that nature i have no problem with that. military is there a solution. what would you do?
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>> frankly, nothing at this point. i think vladimir putin understands limits of military power. he was there to watch the collapse because of overuse of military force and not using economic measures to sustain that military force. 17% of the ethnic population of ukraine is russian. 16% of the ethnic population in crimea is russian. he may well have to let crimea go to the russians. vladimir putin will use this referendum to justify the military force used. you pointed out he is doing the insinuation of troops. we may have to play the long game and let putin overplay his hand. russians did that during the occupation of afghanistan. same thing will happen here. putin is not stupid. he is out for economic recovery and re-establishing the russian empire. i think we need to look at the
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long game. we can make his life miserable going through the straits into the mediterranean. >> i say squeeze him where the sun don't shine economically. your family worried they are going to lose part of their country to russia? >> absolutely. my family in particular we immigrated 35 years ago. i do have friends and family there now who feel that right now they don't know where they stand, they really do not know. i think it is out of their control. putin has an agenda. he has a mission and he is accomplishing it. >> you want him to go nose to nose with putin? the president? >> he wants to be a tough guy. stop already. on that note cpac ended crazy, wild. that story after this. alin [ male announcer ] this is joe woods' first day of work.
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timultiue s battle underway for the future of the entire country. >> senator rand paul won the straw poll. he got almost three times what ted cruz, the texas senator got. ben carson made a pretty good speech, too. he is in third place with nine percent. chris christie who wasn't invited in 2012, he came, wounded, of course, by bridge gate. two great guests to help us put this in perspective. jessica tailor is campaign editor for the hill. we know who won the straw poll. who in your mind won the hearts and minds of the young conservatives there at cpac? >> i think rand paul really did. these types of things are his bread and butter. his father really set the
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pathway and did great at these. his speech was by far the best well received. some other people i was impressed by, rick perry had a very strong speech very well received on friday morning at 9:00 a.m. when very few people were in there. ted cruz kicked off the whole event on thursday. you saw his numbers sky rocket from where he placed last year. >> eric, you have a situation here where for the first time i looked at senator paul and i talked to him a lot on the radio. i never really figured him for a formidable candidate before this cpac convention. >> it will be interesting to see how it shapes up national security issues. the crowd really loved him. keep in mind i'm not sure that has not won before him it was his dad. i'm not sure that it translates
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but he is a very popular candidate. ironically, one of the speeches everyone was talking about was rick perry's speech. i would never have predicted that. >> and rick perry for all the vibe he got from the speech, you know, he finished so low down on the list. it is hard for people to forget him flubbing at the last republican primary debates, isn't it? >> i think it shows just how much ground he does have to make up with. one thing you didn't see on the list was marco rubio. he finished second last year and fell all the way to seventh this year. i think it shows how much support he has lost for his support for comprehensive immigration reform. >> i don't think the republicans can win if they don't embrace some type of immigration reform. >> i think they have to come up with something. i don't think they will come up
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with marco rubio. >> you think rubio is out there? >> i think he can recover. they got to do something. >> thank you for watching. stay tuned to fox news for the latest on the downed airliner.


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