tv Red Eye FOX News March 11, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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who is more obnoxious teenager for suing her parents or justin bieber or both of them? go to our gretawire poll. up next the o'reilly factor. coming up on "red eye." will belgium figure out how to we will take you in their desperate struggle. and how many marshmellows did the president and joe biden fit into their chubby contest? >> i said let's do 45. and what did matt damon think of greg gutfeld's new book "not cool"? >> it was everything i hoped for and more. >> none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> now let's welcome our guests. >> she gets more men off than the mustang ranch. i am here with criminal defense attorney remi
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spencer. welcome back, remi. >> thank you. >> and she can kill you with a smile and can wound you with her eyes. she is sometimes a woman when she stops taking her hormones. it is joanne. nice waive. he would rather be talking about "trudy tect -- true detective" andy levy. and sitting next to me, comedian tom shillue. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. can i call you google, greg? you have everything i am searching for. >> she wants to toss the boss. 234* a new psa beyonce, a pop star, says the word "bossy" should be stricken from our vocabulary. it is being lead by facebook coo cheryl sandburg, girl
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scout ceo and condoleezza rice. they say "bossy" is a negative term and discourages girls from wanting to lead. typical chicks, telling you what you should do. >> this is ban bossy take one. >> pushy. >> stubborn. >> bossy. >> bossy. >> when i was growing up i was called bossy. >> i think the word bossy is a squasher. >> being labeled something matters. >> girls are less interested in leadership than boys. >> and that's because they are worried about being called bossy. >> we need to they will them it is okay to be ambitious. >> we need to help them lean in. >> words matter. >> let's ban the word bossy jie. and encourage girls. >> to be strong and ambitious. >> listen to your own voice. >> you can change the world. >> be brave.
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be you. >> ban boss see. >> i am not bossy. i am the boss. >> two of these women in there looked like men. they were. anyway for more let's check in with our women's issues correspondent. >> there are too many things wrong with that entire case. the dog was in a diaper which was more disturbing than the fact that the dog fell off the love seat. >> she it she was in heat. that's what you do with a dog in heat. >> because i fall off the table all the time when i am in heat. >> i had no idea. the things we learn here. tom, i am a bit concerned when
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artists start championing the banning of words. i am not an artist. i am a nonsense machine. >> and you are bossy. >> i am bossy. >> why ban the word? all of those women are bossy. we know they are bossy, and we love them. we love bossy women. that's why those women are special. enough with the ban bossy. bossy is a word and it applies to them and it has made them successful. everybody shut up. the message is fine. it is like 30 years too late. women are obviously -- they have taken over the world. they don't need anymore encouragement. if they lean in any further i will fall over. >> they really are, aren't they. them and their power to get pregnant and waiving that in my face because they know i can never get pregnant. that's unfair. sexist. why not me?
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why can't i have a womb? remi -- >> i am not going to answer that question. >> seriously i don't have a womb and that's wrong. remi, you are a high-powered female lawyer who help free up bad men. if seems to me that criminals are -- it seems to me that criminals are more bossy. >> well, i favor our system, our constitution and our laws. i do uphold and enforce those and protect them from my clients which has the collateral consequence of helping everybody at this table. i love cheryl sandburg. i am a huge fan of hers. i speak to young students and i tell her about the message. what she stands for is great. i don't like this psa. i don't think we should be banning words. we should be owning them. bossy may have a negative connotation. you can be the boss and be
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bossy. you can be bitchy. you have to own it. you have to realize that not everyone is going to like you. own it. >> just tell us how we should feel. >> have you ever called bossy? i hope so. >> i have been called a lot worse. i was definitely a bossy kid. we had group projects and i would take the lead and tell everybody what they would want to do because i wanted an a. i was most likely to succeed in middle school which means i was overly driven and had no friends and no boyfriends. the thing is too, bossy women are not going to not be bossy anymore. like the fact of the matter is you are. just own it. >> are you right. little girls -- i have two daughters. they are bossy. they are always telling the boys what to do. the boys fall in line.
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maybe they need a little discouragement and be like, run around, enough with the bossing. they are always making up games and enforcing the rules. >> i had three older sisters. i was bossed around like a frightened puppy. >> at least then you didn't have to pay for it. >> that's true. but it changed everything in my life. now it is all i seek, andy, and i can't find any satisfaction unless i am in a room with three women yelling at me. andy, are you a cultural marxist , so i'm sure you agree with banning words such as bossy among other words. >> i don't know what a cultural marxist is, but you i have been called that a lot lately. >> own it. >> i wish there were a word that would stop other people from using a word. that's what i wish, greg. the person i do feel the most sorry for is a former new york islander great, mike bossy.
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he doesn't deserve this. he is a gentleman and a nice guy. >> they are not trying to ban the word. they are trying to make sure it is not used in a matter against girls. no one describes a boy as bossy jie. they -- >> they call them psychotic. >> they encourage them. >> he makes a great point. the focus of the video shouldn't have been ban bossy. it should have been pointing to other women saying own bossy. >> i agree. >> we agree then. >> we all agree and we are all -- >> so then this is done. >> it is not done. >> don't be so bossy. we are trying to end the segment. gee whiz. what if you tell a woman she is bossy because of the work she does in the kitchen? then you are discouraging from her working in the kitchen which is a feminist thing. see what i did there? >> not at all. >> if i told you she was cooking something and i said
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you are being bossy in the kitchen, then that would get them out of the kitchen. >> into the workforce. >> bossy is good. >> so it would get her out of the kitchen and into the bedroom, the only other place she belongs? >> i didn't say that, but that sounds good. i am going to start a sewing company and call it mbossy for young women to help them on their way wherever that may be. >> i don't think viewers got that joke. >> i don't even know if i got it. >> i am thinking embalm, what you do with the bodies. >> there you go. if you only knew. is turning the cheek on those who wreak? it is day one of -- this is interesting. the colorado barber shop owner is refusing service to customers who smell like pot
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or mary jane as they call it. he says he supports the legal marijuana industry and had to step in when other customers like those with children complained about the stench. adding, quote, i feel like it is my right to make a statement. it is the same thing as no shoes, no service. or is it? coral or coral, however you pronounce it says most has been positive. he has been threatened by lawsuits. meanwhile, cats continue to appreciate the simple things. >> that's where the bad stuff goes. or if you are from germany the great stuff goes. hey, remi, is this like smelling like booze? it is like, this person has
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been issue and can you leave? can you sue somebody? >> no, you can't. and maybe both people stink, but this is a really unique set of circumstances. it was only a matter of when and not if these lawsuits started popping up. this is the only area of the law that i can think of where we have such an unequivocal and clear contradiction between a state law and a fade rail law. and a federal law. the feds are not going go out and start enforcing their drug laws when it comes to marijuana in colorado. there is an inconsistency and we will see more and more lawsuits that have to do with discriminating against those who are violating the federal laws. >> andy, your mouth is pursing. >> i think ideally this guy should be able to ban people who wreak of pot. i think that's not a protectett class yet. >> it is dope-scrimination.
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>> i think wreaking of pot is not like booze. it doesn't mean you are stoned. you have been around people who are stoned. unlike booze unless you spilled it on yourself it means you are drunk. >> secondhand smoke, you can get high from that. >> can you though? >> can you? >> and can produce a dirty urine samples as i tell all of my clients on probation or parole. >> that was the name of my band, dirty urine sample. the singer oded. where am? where am i? joe app, if you own a -- joanne if you own a business and you don't want that business, it is your business. >> it is a barber shop. who is like let's smoke a joint and go get a trim? i find it interesting that this is really the first business we have heard of doing this, and it is not like
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a restaurant or a clothing store. >> but it is like perfume. it is like if you are in an elevator. women have really strong perfume. people say okay, you want perfume free zones. maybe that's what it is. tom, i don't know where you are on this. on one hand i think you are anti-drug, but on the other hand you murder people. >> i don't do drugs, but i always thought that the smell of pot is kind of pleasant. i don't mind it. >> the skunky smell? >> it smells like sugar smacks. he should -- >> i am surprised anyone is getting mad. when i check into a hotel it says when this room smells like cigarettes when you leave we will charge you $900. and in a rental car they say they will double the rates if you smoke a cigarette in here. people are against people of of smoking anywhere.
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once this is legal the potheads can stop be so sensitive claiming they are victims. once it is legal we can say get out of here. >> have you done rental car commercials, right? >> i don't know. >> could you ever think it is a commercial when you are doing it? >> like you are picking up the car do you ever do your facial expressions when you are in a commercial? >> people think i am always doing commercials. i use the products i like and i like the products i use. i like america's great companies. >> this is about accepting a level of maturity. if we want to be respected, we got what we wanted just be a part of society. don't go into a barber shop smelling like a pothead. i don't like drunks because they give drinking a bad name. it drives me crazy. you have people lecturing you on alcohol. >> when you are drunk in public, most people like to not look drunk in public. from you going do errands you
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try not to. with potheads i am going to offend people probably, but everybody is like, i'm so high. it is so great. they need to look the tact us alcoholics have learned. >> it is like you said, who smokes weed and goes to a barber shop? stoners. >> the whole thing about being stoned is enjoying life stoned. i am for it. life is hard. you should be able to do it, but control it so we don't have to deal with it. i have time for this story, don't i? thank you. he cooked his own books. john campbell raised $50,000 on kick-starter to publish a book and then was tired of sending them out. he decided to burn 127 of them and one from each e-mail he had gotten asking where the book was. why? campbell now realizes he doesn't want money for writing. he wants money for living. he screeches, quote, i want to establish relationships with a group of people who can pay for my baseline needs like food and rent.
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i am not looking for the support of anyone who wants a book. on that quote alone he should be shot. let's go to "red eye"'s critic. >> that gives me weird ideas, tom. he believes you should just support him whether he produces or not. >> that a and so many other things. >> i mean, this thing is so good and i am so glad we are doing this story. there is so much to look at. it is full of idiocy. you can't possibly -- we should do a whole show on it. let's do an hour. >> that's why i asked to do it. >> i don't think anyone can comment on this better than young tom shillue. >> what would young tom shillue say? >> what would young tom shillue say, todd?
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>> i'm an artist. ♪ i see the world in artistic ways ♪ ♪ because i have a lot of time to think ♪ ♪ because i don't have a job ♪ ♪ i wish the government ♪ would give a grant to me ♪ then i would do a performance piece ♪ ♪ on how evil the government it ♪ >> that's amazing. >> with the goatee you look like a slightly stoned doug benson. >> that's right. i did. i smoked pot and got my haircut before that. >> that was incredible. i didn't expect that. remi, do you have any videos we can show here? >> mine are private. >> that's even better. does it get more entitled than this?
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>> no. i represent somebody -- well, it was almost the exact same thing. he was a photograph ter and took money to photograph people's weddings. some he went to and took the pictures and never gave them an album. at some point he said, you know, i don't think i should have to. he had an idiotic explanation. he could have been brought up on criminal charges charges and he was sued civilly. tons of people were hurt because of that nonsense. i don't like this guy. he should be shot with a pistol. >> a water pistol. >> this is almost like dating a guy forever and making him pay for dinner never, ever having a romantic interest. >> i love this guy. he gets me. i am looking for a man who can support me, take me to dinner. why should i have to work? >> finally a perfect match. andy are you a marxist. you hate capitalism.
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you probably support this idiot. >> i am a cultural marxist. i wouldn't care what this pompous twit did if he didn't defraud people out of their money because he was too lazy to deliver what he promised. he wants people to pay him for living? good luck. the bright side is he is not asking the government to do it which is odd. he is looking for ben gnaw factors. i hope he gets sued and i don't care if he is broke. i hope he gets sued and goes to jail. he committed fraud. >> that many people wanted his comic? >> i was more surprised. >> his kick-starter goal was 8 grand. what is he upset about? >> you hire an assistant to help with the work. >> the government took like 3,000 of that. believe it or not the government was the kick-starter. >> all right, i hear music. i can talk about this guy forever. maybe we will just do a special on him.
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>> i didn't hear your response. again, sir -- >> i didn't finish. i didn't finish. >> i'm sorry. >> you don't want to interrupt. >> guess what. guess what. i don't recall. >> i feel like bieber might have been detrimental to his own career, but maybe that is just me. >> i think that i was detrimental to my own career. >> i guess he agrees. >> thinking of detrimental career moves. >> a lot of animals are having problems with furniture today. i am not sure if this is a friend i want to continue. >> you got it? you got it? >> it is not even a real cat. >> he is the johnny knoxville
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of felines. he is wearing aviators wherever he goes. remi, are you a lawyer, so you claim, have no evidence of this. legally speaking, can justin just be a jerk like that a and get away with it? >> sure. >> it has no affect? >> it has quite an impact on his defense. he is being sued. members of his entourage are being aggressive with the paparazzi. if he were my client no matter how much he was paying me i would have fired him after that deposition. i may have walked out. it is a video deposition that if there was a trial may be replayed. i would have -- that testimony is under oath. it is just as you do in court. he was a punk. he was disrespectful. he was rude. there seems to be literally no reason for that except his own attitude. >> wow, somebody has a crush. joanne, do we need to -- we
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could just ring out his hair. >> i am surprised he hasn't shaved it all off, right? people go through all of these issues, every pop star has shaven their head. you heard it here first. i think it will happen soon. >> you should be doing entertainment on on like the a channel. >> i don't even know what that means. tom, are you a belieber. are you going to tear down your justin bieber collages that you saved from your tiger beat subscriptions. does that even exist? >> tiger beat? sure. >> still? >> what kind of question is that? >> nice. >> why nice? which is us is nice. i don't know what you are talking about. >> i don't know. that's it? >> i don't know. rut one asking the questions. -- you are the one asking the questions. >> this is a note to lawyers. if you have someone like justin bieber, do not give him
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a swivel chair. he will swivel through the whole deposition. >> that's true. >> don't these people know. >> swivel chairs you can only do one thing. you cannot stand still. people always told me don't sit in a swivel chair in a meeting. andy, are you worried in the depositions you took part of becoming record? >> my depositions are the result of unfortunate misunderstandings and odd coincidences. i don't see the point of getting into them. maybe i am the only one here, but this actually makes me like bieber. >> i said that on "the five." >> he is deposed in an incident where he was behind his bodyguard hitting a paparazzi. the lawyer is asking him questions l salina selena gomez and usher. the lawyer was being a total [bleep]. he was completely baiting him. i don't blame bieber for being
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like that. i think bieber should have gotten up and taken a swing at him. >> i was watching this for the first time today and he is bieber baiting. that used to mean something else. >> he was trying to bieber shame him. i don't condone that. >> i can't stand justin bieber, but i have to be on his side, remi. >> i disagree. in fairness i didn't watch the whole deposition. i wouldn't dispute -- i don't deny this lawyer was probably going well beyond the scope of the case. >> we are back to a new corner, problems cuter spencer. >> former prosecutor. >> approach the bench, remi. >> that is what his highly priced lawyers are there for. they have the ability to object. on on the video in response to a bad question he goes i object. you have no right to object. shut up, you little punk.have ae system. >> typical lawyer. only the lawyers have the right to object 1234 the rest of us peons cannot object?
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>> until you are licensed to practice law, that is correct. >> that's the problem with this country. >> somebody is bossy. >> coming up, what do you call it when you murder your neighbor and bury him in a landfill and take him back to do a stand up comedy bit. tom shillue on his new book. oh, i forgot to put in the name of it. when is it okay 20* root for the villain? we will discuss next. that says the lazy tease writer. that is wrong with -- what is wrong with me?
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they are fanatical about a sabbatical. gap years are supposedly a growing trend among milleniels looking for inspiration. they have been working for so long. while a typical sabbatical is an approved leave from work some are using recent terminations or shifts in career paths as an opportunity to explore other life choices. nothing says i am employable like a backpack and a journal of poetry you wrote in thailand. i am disgusted. i don't know where to start except for this question to you. in this article in the new york post, it was basically editors and people in media that made up those who were taking sabbaticals. there were no welders in
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there. >> it is because it is all marketing. >> i think it is a smart idea. if you get laid off from your job and you are not going to do anything, instead of saying you are a loser you say you went on sabbatical. you need to say you were doing something, ichs plorring, researching -- exploring and researching. and then you can say you did something for the year. it is marketing. >> i was thinking i am okay if you say sabbatical if it is code for rehab. you have to explain you will be gone for 30 days. i am going backpacking, when really you are going to hazel ton to cry because of things that happened years ago. >> won't gap years look like bad things to employers? >> it depends on the industry. i don't think it would have a
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negative affect. >> would you let one of your employees go on a sabbatical? >> would i let them? i wouldn't pay them while they are away. i am not sure. probably not. i need -- i manage and run a small law official. law firm. >> very bossy. and bitchy. >> i think this sort of started with that whole eat, pray, love book and then the movie. >> that is the anti-bible. >> self-awareness. everybody was going to go find themselves and write a novel and get it published and it would be turned into a blockbuster. >> this was a terrible trend, "eat, pray, love" it sent these women more unhappy and broke. >> and moreover weight. >> it doesn't work that way. this quote a woman by the name
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of jacqueline nochisoki which i believe is you. she is very close to joanne. >> and she lives in my neighborhood. >> she lives in your neighborhood. she says traveling and living abroad is less expensive than living in new york. which means why don't you f-ing move? it is cheaper for you not to work? >> it depends on how you are traveling. i have a lot of people who go from hostile to hostile and you may not get a shower and a hot meal, but it is so great. if i am going to travel, which i would love to, i am doing it right which means i can't because i don't have the money. i want to stay at a nice hotel and eat great meals. actually enjoy myself and not worry if somebody is going to steal my stuff as i am sleeping. >> i'm sure there are a lot of people at home watching who can take care of that, a lot of older gentlemen watching.
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>> thanks. just wanted to make you feel better. >> andy, after your sabbatical to long island did you feel more or less refreshed? >> probably less. after you have had a job a couple years you deserve a year off. working is hard. i believe sabbatical comes from saab -- sabath. i believe it should come after the seventh year. coinscoincidentally this is the seventh year of "red eye." i may not be in tomorrow. >> i would be okay for sabbatical if it were attached to jobs like welding or people who do heavy machinery work. i can see if you are dhoog for three years -- doing that for three years, you need to take time off, but advertising and media and publishing? the only reason they need a sabbatical is not the work they do, but the social destruction. they need to dry out.
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>> what would a welder's sabbatical look like to you? >> that is an elitist point of view. you say they need a break from the physical labor. would they go for a spa? >> they would work in a magazine. that would be easier. they would show up for work and say what do i do. they would hear we are going to lunch and we are going to expense it. a magazine editor comes in at 10:00 and then at noon you read the "new york times" until 12:45. >> i need 150 words on money -- monicli. >> not until next month. you will be buying an ad uh jay kent to your story. >> what we need you to do is go around it clubs while wearing it and report back on what kind of reception you got there. i will need 300 words on that a in may.
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>> and then -- and then -- i wanted to add and came up with nothing. >> the other part is oh, i got an e-mail from monical company in jaw may cal. jamaica. they will fly me out there for a week. >> what is with the monicle shaming? >> i hate people with one eye. i am telling you how this is. this is how publishing and media works. it is people not with real jobs pretending to be jobs. that's not enough and they have sabbaticals. that's [bleep]. people who put things together and make stuff should have sabbaticals. >> the problem is those people can't have sabbaticals because the country would fall apart. people in the media could take a sabbatical and nothing would change. >> you have to go someplace else with your saw sabbatical. they need pipes fitted. >> nobody needs extra
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writers. they should be the one thes on sabbatical jie. when is it typical for people in the media to take sabbatical? when i grew up the only one taking a sabbatical is a teacher. they would take a year off to do research and write their thesis. >> according to the article we saw everybody in media is taking a sabbatical. >> the reason it is real is as somebody who works with books and stuff, you don't though how many times you come across the sabbatical. you send out an e-mail and it comes back, i am currently on a sabbatical. it happened in a number of arenas. they are probably watching. but they are actually probably on sabbatical. time to take a break. it is a week away, my book comes out march 18th. i don't take sabbaticals. i do more work for you. you buy one now and you can get a second copy for the same
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price. i will be in 31 cities in 11 days. define that mathematicians. come by and meet me and i will check out your -- shake your hand and check out your date. you will want to leave and i will ask you to stay and maybe come back to the bus. check out g for a schedule. to find out where i am going to be. how easy is that?
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why do we cheer for people we fear? it is time for tonight's -- >> "red eye" debate, 2014 live from the" red eye cts qts debate center. >> welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate center. live from the "red eye" debate center. i am excited about this. host of tonight's "red eye" debate. we have a lot of good topics, one actually.
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is it okay to root for the villain? cannibal istic hannibal lecter is in a tv series. a quick at some of the most successful feature villains in the lead role including "the sopranos" with tony soprano. ever seen that? "house of cards" with frank underwood and of course hannah from" girls." probably the moth ruthless ever because she always naked. tom, you are immoral less. is this trend more prevalent over time? >> i am a moral list. darth vader i sim --
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sympathize with. the ships were cleaner. he was like luke in the long hair is like i will never join you. why not? he is your family. he is your father. join him. >> spoiler alert. >> what was he upset about? he seemed to be running the universe well. >> remi, you made a career out of defending villains. >> i represent the accused. >> if that's what you call them. >> yes, they are the accused. this is an interesting story that is not new. it is as old as -- people like to root for the underdog and the people we don't think will succeed and the villain. if othelo was written today it would be called yago.
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>> that's good, very good. i think there is something -- i don't have anything el respond to that. there is something that we all -- everyone has a dark side. some people are darker than others. i think through entertainment we can sort of enjoy and explore it. look at breaking bad. such a huge hit and it was such evil and awful stuff. we all rooted for walter. >> no, i didn't. holdup. i rooted for the brother-in-law the whole time. i couldn't wait for these two jerks to get caught. >> love you. love that man. andy are you getting angry? >> no. i will talk later. >> how about the fact that they have to be somewhat attractive? romantic villains cannot look like, i don't know, me. they have to look like paul
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lin duh. >> that's where you get the phrase if looks could kill. they just shoot down the dream. we the villains and are attracted to them and rooting for them because we are working out our inner demons. we are not doing the act itself. that's why men and some women love video games. it is the same idea of like, i'm gonna steal this car. yes, extra points for that. i'm gonna shoot this baby or whatever it is. >> it is the worst case scenario. that's why we love video games and you love dizzy broads of the west side or whatever that reality show is. >> yes, they are villains. >> play a lot of video games? >> andy, we have to get to you before we go to break. >> there are villains you can root for because of motivation and you can sympathize with. i think there are villains kahn find interesting dash
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dosh can find interesting. you can root for walter white through the beginning of "breaking bad" and at the end you couldn't. that was the p oi nt of the show. i thought it was woosy to make dexter a killer of bad men. he is a serial killer. and johnny depp, that's his victims. mark? america? >> villains like classical music and good guys love jazz. >> that is so true. >> the villain always listens to the opera. >> yes, that's true. and in real life we know what they listen to, but we won't talk about that, will we, andy. no because i don't know what you mean. >> yes you do, my friend, yes, you do. i think a lot of people know. we all know. i have been watching to much
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the racial heat. it is time for -- >> is this racist? >> minnesota state representative sent out this tweet on sunday night. let's be honest. 70% of the teams could fold. twitter exploded with tweets calling it racist. they said it was about the high arrest rate and they were testing positive for marijuana and it was not a substance abuse violation. he is seeking another term and they issued this statement. quote, i sincerely apologize to those i categorize. those individuals did not deserve that criticism. i apologize. all right, andy. 70% of the players in the nba are black.
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>> he has two problems. first he said he was talking about the high arrest record. the nba's actual record was much lower than for males. >> great fact. >> he was talking about the pro league where testing positive for marijuana was not a substance 8 because violation. substance abuse violation. >> have i to move on. have i to move on. it is racist. racist, remi? >> it is. you are right. if he had said it about the hockey league, then maybe his point would make sense. not when it is predominantly african-american. >> what do you think? >> i don't think it is racist. it made no sense. it is like where is this coming from? why did he feel so compelled to do this tweet that has no validity whatsoever. >> so you are saying racism makes sense? >> no. >> that's what i just heard. >> i don't mind it if it makes sense. >> stupidity can't be racist.
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>> i agree. >> stupidity is racist. >> i agree. it was dumb. the real sin was it wasn't funny. you shouldn't try to be funny. >> he wasn't trying to be funny. >> he was trying to make a joke. >> i don't think he was trying to make a joke. >> i am a professional. it was a failed attempt at humor. i do it all the time. >> you do, and it doesn't stop you. here is my point -- >> does that mean pull mccurio can be a politician? >> he is not even here. >> people who scream racist, it is the thought in their head that makes that connection. if he is talk about drugs he must mean black people. isn't that also racist to assume he is being racist? >> it is a good point. the best point was the one about the nhl. >> no one will care. >> what about the golf tour?
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hello, everyone. i'm greg gutfield along with kevin van der perren, bob beckel, and she wants got locked inside a minibar, it's dana perino. this is "the five." >> every year it comes in pairs. cpac and the media's mockery of cpac. >> do you remember the bar scene in star wars with all those wild eyed creatures from every part of the solar system? today, here in washington, the whole tapestry of weirdness was re-enacted at the annual convention, something called cpac, and cpac is the far out sharing space with the even further out. a place for the crazy car to fill up with the u
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