tv Hannity FOX News March 11, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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defeated alex sink in a special election for florida's 13th. obama care was an issue, the repercussions will be debated for days. take it away barker! i mean, hannity. this is a fox news alert, there are more questions than answers tonight surrounding the missing about we cannot rule out that terrorism played a role. for the latest, we turn to katherine in washington. >> with new reports the plane made a u-turn before its disappearance, the cia director saying they did not rule out terrorism. >> did it turn around, what about the transponder, why did it disappear from the radar. >> the airline is investigating
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an australian tv report that the pilots invited two women into the cockpit for hours. >> one thing i know about these transponders is, you can't disable them, you can't cut wires like in hollywood. you have to know how to turn it off, and you have to have access to it in the cockpit. >> authorities are pursuing several investigatiive threads, including the possibility that the jet was taken over. >> we are looking into four areas, one is hijacking. >> inper toll, the international police agency released images of two iranians who travelled to malaysia on iranian passports, then switched to stolen documents. some of the victim's families
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claimed their cell phones were still ringing. the ringing means the network is searching for the device, not necessarily that the call is getting flew, sean. >> a quick question or two. there was a 90 minute period that the plane was just kind of missing and all of a sudden it didn't show up in chinese airspace. do you have an update on that, was the transponder turned off? where is the black box ping and do we have any update on the iranian involved in this, that paid for the other two passengers and did five passengers leave the plane as has been reported elsewhere? >> the transponder is the focus of investigators, right now. disabling a transponder, especially on a jet like a 777 is not something that's easily done, because there are a number of redundancies built into the system to account for power failures. on the issue of the black boxes, there's an ongoing search for that. what investigators told me, even finding a piece of the jet could
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help them identify whether there was some kind of catastrophic event like explosion marks would show whether there was an incident on board that flight. finally, when you look at the big picture of who was on the flight. not only these iranians, but the entire manifest has been run against the databases here in the u.s., and they have yet to find any pings, if you will for terrorism. but what u.s. officials caution is that they are still moving through this, and a very slow, very methodical way, and i think it's significant that we're now about four days into this investigation. the cia director is keeping an open mind on the terrorism aspect. >> joining me now is former homeland security director tom ridge. >> nice to join you again, sorry it's under these circumstances. >> how often does a plane go missing for four days, not a
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trace. your thoughts? >> it's amazing, that there's so many people trying to find out what transpired, there's so many reports, the latest report about the malaysian air force tracking it 350 miles offcourse, perhaps on the other side of the island, and the transponder would suggest there's a pilot in control who had terrorism intent, i don't think we ought to dismiss anything, but it's rather bizarre at this point. with so many conflicting opinions to date. >> they were reporting, they tracked this for 350 miles, a pilot would purposely have to turn off a transponder i want people so understand that. i talked to a pilot today. it flew hundreds of miles to the west after its last contact with civilian air traffic control, they believe that flight 370 disappeared and changed course, took a lower altitude and that would tell me that something was going on in the cockpit one way
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or the other, right? >> it would seem that way. again, if the malaysian air force report is accurate, you know, it's rather remarkable, they got hundreds of ships and planes looking for debris in the water. we have to get our stories together to figure out, it's a mystery and a tragedy. the tragedy will live forever, one of these days the mystery will appear. >> people accused you of raising the terror alert to scare people. i don't think that was ever the case. we have real issues, especially with passports getting on to the airplane, none of the stories i'm hearing, purchased by cash, one way tickets, by an iranian given to other people, people leaving the flight after they checked into the flight. all those things are concerning to me. >> in international commercial aviation, there are very few
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countries that go the extra mile to check the passport against the interpol record of 40 million stolen passports. i think the u.k. does it, certainly the united states does it, but beyond that, it's a pretty loose network of checking with regard to the passports, beyond stolen passports, i will tell you, as secretary, i saw some fraudulent passports, you'd need a micro scope to conclude that they were fraudulent. while commercial aviation and international travel is open to everybody these days, it's a poor system, so they'd either a stolen passport, a fraudulent passport can get you on an airliner in most countries around the world. at the end of the day we're going to have a biometric system, you put your hand on the device, it says, you are sean hannity. one of these days, international commercial aviation is going to move in that direction. >> what do you make of the cell
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phones, they're still ringing, not going directly to voice mail, haven't run out of batteries. the teenaged passenger who said in 2011, with the same pilot that he just opened up the cockpit and let her in, which won the have made sense? >> well, it wouldn't make sense, but presumably it's happened. depending on the airline the security measures relative to getting on the airplane, in addition to security measures while you're on the aircraft itself do vary, technically there are international standards, i think from my experience and your experience, they're not always followed universally, and that again there's got to be international standards which have to be enforced. if you had a co pilot on a previous occasion, it was letting civilians into the cockpit, shouldn't have been suspended, shouldn't be banned. >> last question, because of your position as homeland security secretary for a long
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time. i think we have to become like the israelis. i think they have the best system of anybody out there. >> they have a great system. the only thing is, they only have one major airport, we have over 400 airports. this was a reminder and it was a persistent threat when i was secretary, it's very unlikely the terrorists would take an airplane and turn it into a missile unless they controlled the cockpit. but aviation is still potentially a target and will be forever more. that's why it's necessary to really tighten up these international flights. >> is it possible we may never know what happened to this airplane? is that possible? >> this day and age, i doubt it, it just may take us a long time to figure out. >> thank you, appreciate it. more breaking news on the malaysian airline mystery, and the conspiracy theorys are flooding the internet, including reports that some of the
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passenger cell phones may be active. bob beckel goes one on one with the founder of greenpeace. that's a global warming debate you do not wab the to miss, and much more as we continue. >> in 20134, what do you have planned for 2014? >> we'll probably pardon another turkey, we do that every thanksgiving. >> it's not like there's anything going on in the world right now, we'll take a look at misplaced presidential priorities. dana perino and ari fleischer join us next as we continue tonight here on hannity. just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers.
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terrorism cannot be ruled out tonight. here with reaction, former white house press secretary ari fleischer. she is the co-host of the five, also a press secretary herself. you guys were press secretaries the first time you've ever been on tv together? >> together, you have an exclusive right here. >> this is a reunion. >> the fact that the military now at this late hour is saying, 350 miles off course, we were tracking it, the transponder was turned off. the mystery gets deeper as we go on, your reaction? >> the malaysians are not inspiring confidence, and this is what america and the rest of the world that's interested in business travel, air travel and concerned about the lives, innocent life that was lost whether this was an accident or it was terrorism, hopefully they can come to some sort of resolution on their own story so that america can feel more confident going-forward. >> four days later, we have no idea, there's no evidence where this plane dropped down, i get more suspicious by the day, and
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i think dana's right, there's a certain mystery that's being fueled because of the lack of information. >> i think that's right. this is sort of like an ago ath christie mystery, the more time goes on, the less we seem to know. when 9/11 happened, we had pictures of the hijackers by that evening. the more time goes on, it seems like we have lots more questions and fewer answers. >> here's what's so hard to figure, the malaysian military says they were tracking the plane and saw it veer off and it went in that direction. why is the malaysian military searching hundreds of miles away. the problem i have here is the malaysian military is not communicating with the malaysian military. >> are we sure they're only in the last known location, they're not in the location where they said they tracked it? >> nobody knows where they are, that's part of the issue here. that's why the search is coming up with nothing. but the malaysian military is saying to the navy, you're
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searching in a place where we didn't think the plane was. >> the 777's safety record is impeccable. one incident in san francisco where three people were killed when it rolled off the runway, that's it. those are the little incidents besides that. the transponder would have to have been turned off manually. the black box has a ping that you can hear from underneath the water, and yet nobody's picked up anything at this point. >> and so conspiracy theorys are running riffe. including one that the plane was -- that people were kidnapped or in iran. that's another theory. that's why it's so important for our government to be able to work with the malaysians to try to get some sort of resolution. >> won the we know? for example, if i wanted to use google earth and focus in on bob beckel's house and watch him smoking a cigar at 7:00 in the morning, we have that technology. really, at this day and age, we're not able to track where a plane went?
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>> satellite coverage has gaps, it depends where the satellites are flying and cloud cover, if a plane is flying under cloud cover, you can't necessarily see it. >> weather was clear and beautiful. >> if the satellite is not in a position to see, it will not see. it can only see where the camera lens is trains. we don't have every square inch of earth. >> it got a tuneup ten days before the incidents. >> two months after september 11th, the plane went down on long island, we all instan thely feared it was terrorism. didn't turn out to be terrorism it was a civilian crash, we need to be reserved here, we should be guarded and not jump to conclusions. let people think it could be terrorism. >> i agree with you wholeheartedly, i don't want to fear the word terrorism. my mind goes there first in a post 9/11 world, i think it should, and i don't apologize for that. there's a mysterious reluctance
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among some to go there, that's a mistake. you have to include p it you. >> don't jump to it. >> the president's in new york tonight. the president is raising money, what a shock, he's not playing golf, there's an improvement. >> it's dark outside. >> the president sat down with the funny or die exit between the two ferns and with all that's going on in the world, i'm wondering, is there any level of connectedness here by the president? watch this? >> in 2013, you pardoned a turkey, what do you have planned for 2014? >> we'll probably pardon another turkey, we do that every thanksgiving. was that depressing to you, seeing one turkey taken out of circulation, a turkey you couldn't eat? >> so how does this work? do you send ambassador rodman to north korea on your behalf? i read somewhere you would send hulk hogan to syria or is that
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more a job for tonya harding? >> zach, he's not our ambassador. >> what should we do -- >> why don't we move on. >> what is it like to be the last black president? >> seriously? what's it like for you to be the last time you talk to a president? >> we have the situation with russia, we have problems missing airplanes, a bad economy, why do i feel there is an out of touchness that is beyond explainable. >> the only thing i can think of, so desiring to appeal t voto micro targeting like this -- >> he's not running again. >> no, to get people to sign up for obama care. >> there are three things they did recently that was bad. one was the ukraine made of that children's carpet with little
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letters on it, the second showing how tough he is to president putin while he's in his jeans in the oval office. and this, it doesn't look dignified. >> i agree with both of you. >> people will say, i disagree with the president, but i respect the office. it would be nice if obama respected the office, when he does things like this, it diminishes the office. you see him in the office shrinking day by day. >> okay. i would never have wasted the president's time with even asking him to do this show, but when we say we think he looks totally disconnected. actually, i think that they look at conservatives and republicans and say, this is why you can't win elections, you don't know that funny or die is a hilarious show, it's supposed to be about awkwardness. if you're just seeing funny or die for the first time because you're watching the news today -- >> didn't you think he was aggravated? >> no, i think -- i think he maybe didn't know exactly what he was getting himself into. if you're going to put the
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president into a situation where there's a comedy, he has to hit it out of the park. and i don't think that he did. perhaps think they it was worth it, of all the things that you mentioned, obama care is the worst one on their plate. >> this is more die than funny. if you're going to do a comedy thing, ought to be funny. >> i sensed he was annoyed. >> i feel like for myself. i look at 47 million americans on food stamps. 92 million americans on the workforce. i look at putin, being embarrassed by the world. why do i have a sense of urge enlscy and i'm not the president. i wish he had that. >> do you remember when he gave the speed saying, we're going to syria? immediately went out and played golf. he said please support my policy. >> my sense of urgency would give me a heart attack.
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>> it's all that healthy eating. the kale. >> i made you guys the best dinner. >> i ate it and greg ate the rest of mine. >> i gave you -- >> the goal by the end of the year is that we have to get eric bolling to eat red meat. >> him and kale and leaves and sunflower seeds. >> and red bull. >> don't do that. coming up, how did you spend last night? now if you did anything other than pointlessly blather about climate change, you were more productive than a bunch of democratic senators. when we come back, you don't want to miss this, the co-founder of greenpeace are going to go one on one over the climate change debate. and later, a han itdy investigation into the growing number of conspiracy theorys on what really happened to the malaysian airliner, that and more coming up. starts with back pain...
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-hit the beach in florida. -and a reunion in seattle. we can afford to take more trips this year. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4-star hotels... for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ it was a long time and a long night and a waste of time for democrats. they held a talk-a-thon for climate change. >> climate change is not theoretical, mr. president, we're here to discuss how sound science can be used to better understand and manage the real impacts of climate change that we're seeing.
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>> climate change is real there's no doubt about it, no more than the doubts that people have that cigarettes don't cause cancer joining me now with reaction, one of the co-founders of gene peace says there's zero evidence the earth is warming, because of human activity. patrick moore and the co-host of the five where was katie haggan and beg itch and mary landrieu, the red state democrats that are up for re-election this year, why weren't they there? >> we told them not to be there. >> oh, because the rest of the country doesn't buy into this? >> a bunch of people in louisiana and arkansas maybe, and some of the rest of you. >> are you talking down about people from the south in. >> no, not at all, i just think a lot of them believe that. >> so the people in the south believe crap? >> no, not just the south,
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begitch is from alaska. >> they say 97% of experts, everyone else is a denier, where is the evidence to suggest this is real and not a political agenda, i believe it's political. >> there is no scientific proof that we're causing climate change. they are saying they think it's likely we're responsible for at least a quarter of it over the last 150 years. it's totally couched, there's no certainty in what we think, because they don't have certainty about it, it's a good thing there's enough democrats who know that and will not go into this purely political witch hunt using this word denier, the earth has warmed by one degree centigrade in the last 150 years. it's the truth. are we the main cause? will it be good or bad?
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are we responsible for all the co 2 increase in the atmosphere? these are the other questions, they make it seem like there's only one question, if you question even one question you're a denier. >> i have a question for you went and started a company in which you got as clients, polluters. you went with energy companies, pharmaceutical companies and you catched out, basically you made millions of dollars? right? >> if companies equals polluters, i guess that's true. >> did you or did you not start a company to counter what greenpeace has been saying? >> no. >> i left greenpeace because they went off in a direction that i could not justify. >> and you went to profit centers? >> companies that are doing well and need help on environmental
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issues. >> mining companies, yes. >> why are you attacking him personally? >> because i think he's sold out to -- >> i have a better argument. >> how about 40 billion tons of co 2 going into the atmosphere of the united states every year, you think that's not going anywhere? you think that's not affecting the climate at all? >> it's going into the trees and the food that we eat because co 2. >> come on patrick, you know better than that. that's when you tell yourself. >> haven't the last number of years we've been in a cooling trend patrick, for example? we've been told in this 1970s, time magazine famous cover that said the next ice age is coming. then global warming. now because it's not global warming, they're saying climate change. >> basically they're say ago
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weather. the weather is climate change. it has not warmed for the last 17 years, we know that for sure, that brings into question the whole hypothesis. >> conspiracy theorys are flooding the internet on what happened to the missing malaysian airlines flight. after reports that some of the actors cell phones may be active. stop what you're doing, you don't want to miss an episode. set your dvr, hannity the series, we want you here every night. bob will miss you. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeatable truck... ... good things happen. this is the ram 1500. the 2014 motor trend truck of the year and first ever back-to-back champion.
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with miracle-gro. what will you grow? share your story at this is a fox news alert, authorities are continuing a search for the missing malaysian plane, and with little answers to what actually happened, conspiracy theorys are beginning to swirl especially on the internet, here to talk about that, editor, ben shapiro.
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good to see you again, how are you? >> thanks for having me. >> i don't want to put you in that category, but i thought you had a good column today on breitbart. planes just don't go missing from the sky, and nobody has any idea where it is. the whole thing -- >> it's definitely a bizarre world, whether you're talking about the transponder being turned off. or the black box, it's supposed to be activated once it goes under water. they're still able to see the signals, they're calling cell phones of people who were on the flight, and the cell phones aren't going directly to voice mail. i'm not a conspiracy theorist on this in anyway, it's terrorism or the pilot did something, i can't think of anything else happening, there's no question that conspiracy theorists have picked this up on the internet, everything from folks who think aliens took the plane or folks who are "lost" junkies trying to
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figure this out. the oddest thing, the black box gives a ping and that has not been picked up at this point. then you have the transponder shut off. i talked to a 777 pilot who said that could be turned off by the pilots, if theyen watted to turn it off, but why would theyen watt to turn it off. that's odd, right? >> it's all very odd. the australian women who were in the cockpit with the pilots beforehand. it does not look like pilot error, if the plane had broken up, they would have found a debris field by now. there's questions about how the malaysian government is handling all this, the air force commander is saying, they know the plane is hundreds of miles off course. why is that only breaking four dayslater. we have 50 ships searching in the wrong place, according to
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malaysia's own military. the whole thing is kind of weird. >> what do you make of the iranian purchasing the tickets, number one, and in your column, number two, you pointed out that five passengers actually checked in, checked their luggage, and boarded the plane, then got off, got their luggage off the plane? >> yeah, there were reports that there were five passengers who checked in for the flight, their luggage was boarded on the plane, and then as you mentioned there were these two iranian guys who flew into malaysia, they were going to use those passports to illegally immigrate to europe in some way. >> season the that an sults? >> that seems to be an assumption. >> it is an assumption. if you look at how the american and chinese authorities are treating this. it's different than the malaysian authorities. the chinese government issued an editorial on monday suggesting
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it's possible security procedures in asia are flawed. the chinese government is extraordinarily angry about all of this. >> what about john brennan earlier today saying they can't rule out terrorism. at this point four days later, why is there this hez tans, this reluctance, this mysterious reluctance to mention the t word, especially in a post 911 world, that seems bizarre to me? >> it is interesting that people are so quick to rule it out from other countries. i'm glad that brennan is not ruling it out, the prosecutor is going to take place. the evidence is out there it's possible it was not terrorism, i will say this for john brennan, at least he's keeping all things on the table at this point. >> a fisherman saw the plane flying low while he was at sea with a friend, and that seemed
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to be one little tip. a report that it may have turned around prior to going missing, any of those things mean anything to you? >> i mean, the fact that it veered off course and the transponder turned off, means something happened in the cockpit, whether there was mechanical failure or the pilot did something to purposely shut off the transponder. when it came to twa flight 800, there were questions whether it was an act of terrorism. >> the malaysian military tracked that plane for 350 miles after the transponder was turned off. they changed directions and it went lower in altitude. we'll keep watching your reports on breitbart thank you for being with us. >> thank you so much. >> coming up tonight, a cbs news reporter says good-bye to the tiffany network, because it was too liberal? wait until you hear what she has to say about it.
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cbs news correspondent cheryl atkinson, who is known for her relentless reporting on the scandals that plagued the obama administration. she resigned from cbs news. she cited a liberal bias at the network and an insufficient dedication to investigative journalism as the reason for her departure. join us ainsley earhart and tamara. you know there's a liberal bias? >> come on.
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>> seriously? >> seriously, she's at the network, reporting on benghazi, doing great work on a lot of other issues, and she's saying that the environment she's working in has a liberal bias. >> no, no, no, where's that quote. you can roll your eyes all you want. are you picking up my facial expressions? >> yes, you usually do that to me. >> if there is a liberal bias and there's an obama administrative behavior toward her for wanting to get more information, then she won. it's odd that she hasn't been on -- she'll go five months without a story, focused on benghazi, fast and furious. it's suspect when she's a top emmy winning reporter, she's known as the pit bull over there, when she holds on to a story, she runs with it, doesn't give it up, it's true investigative journalism, this is what we all went to school
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for, you don't see it any more, it's suspect she's going four or five months without a story. >> i don't know how you do it, you can be objective in a story, i like to give both sides. >> that's what investigative journalism is. it takes time to put together a story. we're not going to pick that up, woulder not going to go there. she mentioned she was yellinged at by members of the white house administration and the doj, for wanting to cover, going after fast and furious. these organizations don't think this is a great store require any more, what are you doing? >> i think it's interesting and it speaks to her credibility that she would rather leave and do something else, and she's writing a book, a tell-all book about her experience rather than be somewhere -- >> i think -- >> i'm wondering if she will. the book is called stonewalled. one reporter's fight for truth in obama's washington. >> there you go, she didn't say
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it herself. >> it hasn't come out yet. >> she tried to get out of her contract since last april. david rose let her out. >> do any of you have a problem with the word bossy? you called me bossy before? >> you are bossy. >> it's so mean sounding like a dictator. am i nice to you all the time? >> you're always nice. >> you're nice to everyone. >> the thing is, is that bossy is a de rogtive term to call someone whether you're a male or female. i think it's great to ban this word, it's not a problem. but it's the attitude behind it that needs to change, not just the word. >> we have a psa of celebrities backing the campaign. when did -- why are we discussing banning a word? anyway, here it is. >> i think the word bossy is just -- >> being labelled something matters. >> by middle school, girls are less interested in leadership than boys.
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>> that's because they worry about being called bossy. >> we need to tell them, it's okay to be ambitious. >> words matter. >> let's just ban the word bossy. >> and encourage girls to be strong and be ambitious. >> listen to your own voice, there are no limits. >> you can change the world many. >> let's ban bossy. >> be brave. be you. ban bossy. >> you guys got to help me out. i'm not getting it. >> the argument is, is that the word bossy discourages girls from leadership, they feel like they're not liked. girls would rather be liked than be leaders. they want to influence girls self-esteem at a young age. >> all of you are successful women in your own right. >> here's the thing. success and confidence comes from within. a girl has to have the confidence that comes from in here, that says, that word is more reflective of who you are. >> the little girl i would avoid
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playing with, because they were very controlling. my opinion didn't matter. sometimes we are so afraid to say something to little girls because we're scared it's going to hurt them. some girls need to know, you're bossy, you cannot talk to your friends that way. >> it's also how men look at women in america. >> here we go. >> i recall somebody on this show by the name of bill cunningham who said to me know your role and shut your mouth. when i was trying to give my opinion. >> it got a little heated that night. i stuck up for you. >> no, you didn't you just sat there. you do not like confrontation. >> i love confrontation. you. >> never take my side. no. >> he said something, and it's something that's indicative of hugh a lot of men think -- >> you and bill are now friends, i brokered the peace, you guys get along. you like each other. >> i think, when i raise my little girls, i will teach them to be aggressive and asishtdive, to ask for what they want.
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i love cheryl's book, i read her book. girls need to lean in. don't be afraid to ask, you can say anything, it's all in how you say it. >> i have a 12-year-old daughter. >> bossy is not necessarily respectful in my experience. >> you can be both, you can be assertive and strong, and be liked. there are both. >> do you think cheryl's way of -- instead of saying this is a gender neutral word, it's a strange word to ban. this is the other b word, she couldn't say the other one? >> i'm tired of the thought police, the politically correct police, if you don't like the word bossy, someone calls you bossy, don't hang out with that person. >> exactly. >> you're used to being called names. >> what are you going to do, ban every single word? >> i never knew this was a problem in school? >> me either. >> we want to be liked.
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bullying, that's the other b word. >> you can be liked and assertive. >> i agree. >> good to see you all. still ahead tonight, the latest development on the two court cases-court cases everybog tonight first, a new jersey teen sued her parents, there is drama inside of the courtroom of the oscar pistorious murder trial the blade runner vomiting yesterday as graphic evidence is presented we have much more as "hannity" continues. in the new new york, we don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at
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the blade runner once shot a gun after a sun roof after being pulled over by a mofr. here with details of this and other legal cases, mercedes cohen is back with us. >> it's a sad story. >> incredible. >> what does the evidence tell you? >> what it's going to involve around are the ballistics because of trajectory. first saying we believe he had his legs on but no, he is so close to the door why are you standing so close? the ballistics now, it's better for him, it's not going to show this is a mistake. there are too many facts here. >> how were fans argue away a neighbor that heard a heart wrenching scream of a woman?
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and the doorman calling up and saying is everything okay? he said oh, just fine after it happened? >> great points. it's something, he's going to sit by the story he said i thought it's an intruder. i rushed to the bathroom because i shot in the door. first of all number one, why would she be in the bathroom locked herself away? hunched over? that is what the autopsy is shown. she's hunched over with a door locked? the screens are damaging for him the security guard calling after the shots are fired and he said everything is fine. nothing is fine. >> then, five minutes later carrying the body. >> right >> we got this case in new jersey. a young girl taking her parents to court she doesn't want to play by house rules of the parents she takes them to court but wants them to pay for her education, her living, etc. judge in new jersey said she showed gross disrespect for her
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parents, left home and wants mom and dad to pay her expenses now, how do you read this? this is getting interesting. >> there is a reason why animals eat their young. she's a classic example. >> here we go. >> i mean so what where the rules? be respectful. don't yell and scream. don't curse at us don't bully your younger sister, somehow those are rules she couldn't tolerate? i think the judge is leading her down the path saying you're not going to get a dime. he talked about a dangerous precedent where kids will be holding their parents hostage. >> incredible. she made allegations of abuse. she went right up to the line saying my father loved me more than just a father. cps was called and did investigate. no legitimacy. >> did you hear the voice mail she left her mom? >> hi mom i want to let you know
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you're a real bleeping winner, aren't you, you think you're so cool, sorry you have that problem now. you need to harp on mine because i didn't, i took a bleep what i really just want to bleep all over your face. and it's bleeping bad. >> disgusting. and the judge reacted to that saying how disgusting is this conversation you're leaving for your mother? it's a disgrace. >> like alec baldwin. >> great analogy. >> in this case, the kid saying it to the parents. >> a lot of parents are watching this. we don't want to be held hostage by their kids. >> parents are frayed to discipline their kids. my father taking an old swat to my back side. >> i got the belt only once. >> okay. >> so good to see you. >> great to see you. >> that is all the time we have
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left this evening. before we go, record "hannity" the series each week night at 10:00. start your day with ainsley and fox and friends first. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. thanks for joining us. answer that poll. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> where are you planning on building a presidential library? why your home country of kenya. >> that's a ridiculous question. >> was it ridiculous to president obama to it appear on a comedy web site. the white house says it was done to promote obamacare. some say it was a mistake. we will hear both sides. >> they set up a lot of hoops, making us pay for insurance that we don't want. telling us nothing to see in benghazi. nor at the irs. nothing amiss. not even a smidgen. >> after sarah palin appeared in a conservative conference, the far left started calling her names again. things like
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