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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  March 15, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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fox urgent. with a lot of new information coming in on the search of flight 370. it is now a criminal investigation. investigators learning as much as they can about the pilots. maylasian prime minister announced to the world that the missing giant plane was deliberately diverted. there were 239 people on board. men, women and children and families, who did this? and where did they all go? we know one important clue. an orbitting seattle was pinged
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several times after air track control lost contact with the plane. this is the only other contact as transponders were shut down on proper. the plane stayed in the air another seven hours. that satellite can't tell us where it was going. the aircraft was not equipped with the gps technology. but the satellite only knows how far away it was from when it pinged. it may have either gone over thailand and to ka zak hstan or southwest over the massive indian ocean. the third's largest body of water and all of this means that the search area expanded in a now direction. it is huge.
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and we are getting word that an advanced u.s. navy posiddian aircraft will reach the indian ocean. it has the most sophisticated search equipment and used to search dope waters. maylasian military radar have revealed that the plane now erratically and possibly climbing to 45,000 feet. that is higher than the service limit and the passengers would not have been able to breath without oxygen mask and then it dropped like a rock to 23 this happened foot. that is gained from radar information. authorities in mayasia showed up in the home of the pilots and crow. molly has the news from
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washington. maylasian authorities added to the time line of what we know about the plane today? >> reporter: that's right, harris, the plane was up in the air longer than they estimated. let me show you the time line. the plane took off 12 time time 41 a.m. headed to china. and someone we are assuming the pilot said all right, good night. and then one time time 22 plane draps off air track control radar. and new today the maylasian prime minister said there was a final ping. it was flying seven more hours. and that plus the reports of wild fluxations ofality to youed led the prime minister to say this about the next step. >> the maylasian authorities
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refocused the investigation into the crew and passengers on board. nothing emerged and nothing indicated terrorist or psychological problems. n45,000 foot and 23,000 foot. what might all of this tell us? >> reporter: at one point the plane may have climbed to 45,000 and descended 20,000 foot and one pilot said that is a bad sign. >> those erratic altitude changes suggest to me there was a struggle going on in the aircraft. either it was a fire in the cockpit or a struggle with possible hijackers. >> reporter: someone with nefarrous intend to depressure
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otherwise the plane and deproif them of oxygen and possibly kill them. >> molly, thank you very much. i want to get this in. our crow and jennifer griffin and correspondent e-mailed. this remember i mentioned the he tech plane. it is already in the region and this is according to the navy spokes person. and already flown a mission and now we have a picture of the plane. this helps out tremendously. it now a mission this it evening and what they may be seeing over the indian ocean. they are calling in a huge high-te high-te high-tech devise. the soilths is part of a network set up yearsing on at the
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direction of the united nations. it is for commercial use in the world's most remote regions. it was not an accident. the plane changed course as the air traffic control would have been handing over the contact with vietnam. that has aviation experts dedoucing who ever was behind this anyhow when to take action. >> one of the best time to it attack people is in the early hours of the morning. and if this were deliberate planning what better time to do it in take off times. and when is the air traffic flying around? midnight to 6 o'clock in the morning. >> we understand that it went from 45,000 to 23,000. and you wouldn't want traffic in the area.
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joining me now is a former fbi agent and navy sole and a member of the joint terrorism tack force. and the coined of expert you would like to have on the ground. they are not taking much help. >> good to be here. >> what points are you taking away today that tell you it is not an accident? >> one of the big things with this. we know that there was a struggle. whether it was mechal or awe fight for life we know that there was a struggle. what i am interested in finding out and this would give you definitive prove. plane 45 this happened foot and back to 29 foot. the plane can do it on its own without. and i had a conversation with an experienced pilot. a large plane can do that if it comes off of autopilot.
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did it stay at 29,000 foot in if the plane levelled out and had no other issues, that tells you that it someone is flying the plane. >> i want to talk about the timing issue that we just heard. why is that important. typing and how do you moan? >> we heard from the gentlemen on fox and friends this morning said the timing of this would have been in the shift changes. and he mentioned less traffic. as a terrorism expert what does it moan to you. nearly morning attacks or unconventional warfare early morning is when people drop their guard and they are the most tired. you are talking about people coming on and getting spun up. and it is like when they come and go to work. at night time you are a little
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more at ease and easier to inflict an attack. >> more on the altitude, 45,000 foot in the air. that is beyond the service of the plane which means it would lose pressurization if oxygen mask were not available. >> it may not have been enintentional. a pilot can knock everyone out as long as he has oxygen himself. the way it climbed. it was a struggle with the plane or with somebody. >> you have so much experience on this type of thing. you are a navy seal, what have you seen about this that you recognized? >> nothing to do with the attack or what happened.
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it is the way the investigation unfolds. in the united states we have anymores that we work off. and that is a management system, and it precordinates everything before the incident. you can so no cordination and they are making it up as they go along. and when you are trying to deal with a pose of a puzzle, is the biggest detriment to that investigation. >> i mentioned that chinese and others are complaining that the maylasian are not. >> and they are not giving all of the information they know. >> we have not to say in any shape and form that we know it is terrorism, we don't and no one knows at this point. we have sewn planes used against us. intelligence agents are asking the questions.
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>> terrorist have been looking for ways to exploit aircraft and aviation for decades. they are look for example the next gap and hole in the security. they found a hole just the way they did on 9/11. >> it is interesting, it doesn't have to be the incident but they could be watching it. >> the important thing for everybody to know. that unconventional warfare. we gave terrorism a fancy nachlt it is unconventional warfare. they are probing for the weaknesses and vulnerabilities and lack of awareness and they adjust their tactic ands get in. this is an eflougz. if it happens where it was a terrorist attack, this is an evolution that we so in terrorism. >> we are good at responding and
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changing policy and tactics and i hope they take it seriously. this is the first time, i am anyhow to twitter. but i am seeing people who are on twitter that got it before the experts went toward hijacking. >> we are learning more about who was at the controls of the boeing 777. flight crow with passengers entrusted in their car and never made it to/beijing. a closer look at that part of the story inside of the fox report. and the united states is about to do something that it never did before. give up our control of the internet to the rest of the world. obama administration ready to hand over global responsibility to the community. that allows to you go to the website. it is raising alarms here at
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home. elizabeth has more from washington. >> reporter: the u.s. giving up the leading roll in managing the internet. they are a signed names and numbers for i can. that is iowa p addresses and other web requirements in the world. that however is scheduled to exfire next year and it a pores that the u.s. will give up the oversight role and let the contract. it will be taken on by private businesses and not just governments. critecs are raising concerns that other countries will try to attack control. >> it is almost as if admit we have made stupid and unconstitutional mistakes, let's clean up the act but not give away the whole process.
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>> democratic law makers jay rockefeller are praising the decision and reading in part. since 1998, the u.s. is committed to transition management of the internet to an independent enitty that reflects the global community. they are now beginning the process. the decision is historic internet users shouldn't notice any changes. harris, back to you. >> troops have landed inside of ukraine from ukraine. they will either choose to stay part of ukraine and embrace western democracy or be part of russia. they are set to the polls in a now hours. you have seen the russian troops on the ground. how will that act the vote? >> and hundreds of thousands of families in america.
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these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. alka-seltzer fruit chews. enjoy the relief! fox news confirmed russia seized a natural gas distribution plant inside of ukraine. the bold move is raising tensions ahead of a vote schedule later today. it is already sunday. people in crimea will decide whether to secede. it would be a stinging rejection of the leaders in kiev. russian forces took control of the region last month. they have conducted massive military drills on the ukranian border. what are diplomats saying?
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>> reporter: harris, russia was condemned for the moves in crimea ahead of the sunday referundum. it was veto--ed by russian as expected. there are reports of more russian troops in ukraine and if so. that would intensify the croisis. >> if russia crosses over to southern ukraine that is an escalation at the time the world came together absent russia and said respect territorial integrity and the aspiration of ukranian people and international law for something additional and more escanulatory to occur will be flying in the face of everything you heard here today.
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>> but the russian ambassador rejected the u.s. arguments and said russia is not violating the law and do not recognize the government in kiev. back to the maylasian airline. who were the men inside of the cockpit? stay close. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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a major safety recall. honda is recalling the odyssey mini-vans. a fuel pump cover can deteriorate and cause a fuel leak. odyssey remodel from 2025 and 2010 are involved. no fires or injuries have been
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reported. >> we told you in the top of the nows, fox top story rather, there are major new developments in the missing laze lazy jet liner. they say it is not an accident and the disappearance was due to a deliberate act. investigators are turning attention of the pilots. dom nick is live in los angeles tonight. dom? >> reporter: begging the question why the maylasian officers to take a woke to search the pilots. here in the states that would have been done. we are learning details. one in particular, talk about the captain he actually is an aviation enthusiast and doesn't sound unusual for a captain.
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he posted videos on youtube. that is an elaborate thing to do. he is a bit of a hobbyist. he so manied to be a decent guy. the other video he post is a 53 year old father of three, and he's married and with mayasia 23 years and a aviation buff. and has other commercial pilots thinking, well, this doesn't sound like the person to be involved in sabstage or terrorism. take a listen. >> he loves this and his life and lives breaths. and so for the captain to try to do this, i don't really buy it. >> reporter: so it seems like a coined of guy. >> what about the co-pilot.
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>> reporter: the pictures show him with two blond tone age girls and looked like a wild card. that appeared to be against regulation and the airline looking into it. the guy is a good muslim and he goes to the mosque every day with prayers and those photos raised in question his sense of judgment. but does that mean he has links to terrorism? nothing much coming from there. the country he's from doesn't have a history of terrorism. two-thirds of the country are sunni muslips. >> why wont mayasia accept more help. it took them a woke to get to the pilot and co-pilot's home. we'll go to the southeast asia
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region. the missing jet probably took one of two paths and look at why the investigators believes this and the government plans to give up control of the web. the domain addresses. yeah, the obama's administration choice to do that is triggering concerns on our national security. ♪
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♪ ♪
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>> i am harris faulkner. this is the fox report. it is the bottom of the hour. if you are just joining us. the multinational search is looking at a larger area. nine days after the jet liner vanished and just today, the plane flew for seven hours after losing contact with air traffic control. the bog triple seven could have floun on two different paths. they have pinging from the plane to tell us that. one of those paths through thailand and asia. and the other over the indonezia and indian ocean. the freedom freedom of mayasia called it not an accident. but a deliberate act. mike, why does mayasia call it a human cause?
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>> harris the transponder and switches were turned off. and pinging further south in a different direction and the plane turned around. all of these things could have only been done with deliberate acts. >> mike, i don't want to get in the statistic weed. but i want everyone to understand and i do, to. why did the path take such two different paths? >> one is horr monices. the electronics of the region looking at different countries and different frequencies that peoplous. and even where i am. you have cell phone jammers. and you have a lot of signal interferrance and not like in united states where the signals are controlled and rego could bt
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ferrance and it is part of the narcotic smuggling routes and areas where smugglers operate. they look for person reasons or profit was the primary reason it was carried out. >> mike, good to talk with you tonight. thank you for the update. >> the united states is about to give up control of the system ittouses to manage the internet. i tweeted about it and got a huge response. federal officials are announcing plans to open up the web names and addresses to the dmrobl. it would mean giving up the system that was originated her in america. they may have to tax us. and the next guest saw it coming
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a while ago. and predicted it would happen in 2010, and brad blackman. good to so you tonight. >> thank you, harris. >> exmain what is going to happen? >> the department of commence deals out all of the ip addresses to allow access to the internet and now the obama is ceding that authority to the international body. there was talk in 2010 and i detailed the facts behind the decision and now we are coming to a point where the obama administration basically said they will let the international body which we will be a part of have a say who gets the name and ip addresses. >> why are they doing it in and people are telling them, why is the administration doing this?
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>> it is part of the opposement and pandering from the president. he decided he would take the step and now he made the decision to do it and it is appeasing the international community and there is no evidence at all we have denied people access to the internet. and you pointed out it was developed by our government and we gave it to the world. and never alleged that the united states denied access. on the contrary. country and russia and cuba, they are soaking to have a say in who gets access. it is dangerous for america and shouldn't happen and we should control it. >> is it any way to track our travel on the internet if we give up the ability to keep the web addresses? >> that remains to be sewn.
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if the international community has a say it is out of our control. we get tens of this happeneds of attacks and the threat is not nuclear, but cyber and we are giving up the asset to make our country safer. >> it is interesting that we are talking about cyber security on the heels of what happened with the affordable care act and the problems with the website? >> we should be trying to make it safer and better and more open to the world and what happens in the un and other places, people who are not kind to us, will use it against us who developed it. >> and now you have to pay somebody else to do this. could they raise the taxes? >> they could raise access fees.
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right now we give the world access and cents compared to what an international body decided to change the way the system. >> what is going on in ukraine with the reports of the russian troops moving in. short hours before the vote. and whether or not those people will stay with western democracy or move with russia and now all of the troops, your thoughts. >> i think it is louk in the 30s when hitler decided to take the lands, and basically ourp made a deal, the chechs were not part. and that was an opposement to hitler and we all know how that turned out. put up unlawfully taking crimea is the first salvo to put back the soviet union. >> does the united states have a card to play?
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>> not under the president. putun pleaed us well. and the president has no option when europe is standing down. >> we are watching it. when they do go to the polls and vote, it will be day light. hopefully we'll get video soon. brad blakeman thank you for joining us tonight. first responders are deging down trying to reach the basement of apartment building that blew up. they may be able to track the lowest level where people may have been alive. they found a bible at the disaster site. we'll update that now. >> new york city, investigators taking a look at clues to find
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out what caused this. they smelled gas and the explosion levelled two buildings. 200 workers have removed 1500 cubic foot of debrie. >> texas, the sailor seen kissing the woman in this world war ii photohas died. he was 18 years old when it was snapped in times square. mcduffy became a mail career and a baseball player. ncalifornia, a woman and a horse air lifted to safety. veternarians tranquil eased the horse and they lifted the rider to safety. and then the horses turn. nan emergency c- section to deliver a baby gorilla, the mom
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was in distress after going in labor and the new born needed surgery of her own for a collapsed lung. that is fox cross american. >> and biggest names are in the battleground staut of now new hampshire. and a horrific account of what happened here. a suspected drunk driver plowed in a crowd in a mouk festival. the driver can tell you now why he hit the gas. >> driving through and hit ten people and 70 miles per hour and it took off. and hit all of those people. i think those people are dead. now all of the cops are here. first, choose unlimited soup or salad. then create your own pasta with one of five homemade sauces.
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and finish with dessert. three courses, $9.99. at olive garden. are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. csx. how tomorrow moves. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow.
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>> a subpoena drunk driver in text tex is giving us an idea why he hit the people with the car. this man killed two people after plowing in a crowd in the south by southwest music festival. he got scared when he saw police lights and trying to escape an officer. he had outstanding warrants and was allegedly worried he would end up in prison and witnesses say he accelerated in the people and now charged with capitol murder. northeast republican leadership conference is wrapping up in new hampshire. the granite state is famous for the role in poll teches. and brian is live for us. >> reporter: bobby genda l and
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former rick sanatorium and leaders and voters took part in the two- day conference. eight months to go before the lecs and the party has to unite if they plan on winning and emphasizing the need to attack bad policy and not one. congressman peter kenning said president obama's failed foreign policy is to blame for the russian aggression in ukraine. >> and if anyone questions how source the terrorist threat is, just over the last eight days in mayasia it is obvious that something happen on the plane that is not mechanical or operational. we are talking about someone in the plane. a pilot or passenger took that plane and hijacked it. joishgs king took a shot at
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republican ted cruz for shutting down the government in an effort to repole obama care. >> if we are going to be taken sourcely and have a domestic issue, we do that by governing and repealing laws and not shutting the government down. the american people turn us off when we do that. >> reporter: senator scott brown is preparing a campaign to run for senator of new hampshire. he is a bright star by the party. and rand paul won the straw paul. governor chris christy came in second. and so, there you go, harris. >> and a good run for senator paul. >> good to so you, brian. >> the president of afghanistan is talking enough on the withdrawal of u.s. troops in the count row. president hammid karzi said american soldiers can love because the military is ready to
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take over. he will not sewn a pact with the u.s. and calling for troops to stay behin unless peace is established first. all ten candidates said they will sign the agreement. >> it is deadline months for the affordable care act. we are learning about a loop hole in the law's individual man date and some people are stanch supporters of obama care scratch their head. megamillions jackpot got more mega. it did. rrn
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the megamillions jackpot is at $400 million. that is after no one matched the number. you have until tuesday to buy a ticket. there is a in 259 million chance to win. you have to pay tax on it. what would you do if you hit it big? my birthday is in october. you don't care. and new questions about the future of obama care, we learn about a newly discovered rowel that blows a hole in the individual man date. it makes it so obvious that anybody can avoid the tax penalty. for not buying insurance. jim angle attacks a look. >> the debate is over the individual man date and analyst said the hard ship exemptions
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are so broad they can avoid the penalty. >> the notion of having a man date is falling apart day-by-day. there is a question of whether the white house abandoned the individual man date. >> hardship is almed at homeless and foreclosures and bankruptcies and the last 2, 13 and 14 open it wider. 13 offers a hardship you received a notice that your current plan is cancelled and you consider the others unaffordable. it ask for a copy of the notice of the cancellation x. number 14 made it lower still a howing a waiver if you had a hardship getting health insurance.
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they can say almost anything. >> i couldn't find a policy it was to expensive and unfordable and i have a special question and anything as long as i had a hardship and i get the exemption. >> we have known that the law was unworkable and this just further proves that point. >> representative jenkins was surproduced after her bill to delay passed last woke by 250 to 160 with a support of 21 democrats. >> on the debate of a one year delay on the.for individuals, the president issued a veto threat. >> he encouraged them to buy catastrophic insurance. they must apply and may be denied. >> and so you can go without
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insurance epitirely. >> it is critical to making the obama care work. critics say it is weakened and almost meaningless. >> fox urgent. will a region of ukraine become part of russia? crimea set to vote and making that decision despite widespread condemnation. >> and what will they do. we report that russia troops are on the ground near there. deliberately diverted. that is what they are saying about the missing jet liner. dozens of countries searching a wider region for the triple seven. where they are looking now. next. [ laughter ] smoke? nah, i'm good.
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>> the chicago refer is running green. it is the way they kick off the windy city's festivities. it almost didn't happen because of the ice chunks in the river. warmer temperatures this week made temperatures better. but it is chilly out there. the green dye will last 12 hours. >> mayasia prime freedom said the flight was deliberately diverted and the search area growing after satellite data obtained when they lost control with the plane and revealed it was northwest to asia or southwest in the indian ocean. >> they are continuing the hunt
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for any sign. >> and among the floats of ships and plains. we just learned this less than an houring on. this is a major pose of technology in the search for anything. it will look down in deep waters. the plane is as we understand a ratified and made an initial mission. it contained sophisticated surveillance equipment on the planet. and pro russian rallies are in two cities on crimea. they are set to vote whether to brake away from ukraine. and it is set to happen. and last diplomatic effort by the u.s. and alloys and the sanctions against russia. long- time comedian david brener has died. this was a funny gee.
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even guest hosting for johnnie carson. he is 78 years old and will be missed. and that's how fox respects. i am harris faulkner. and a busy nows night and huckabee starts now. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. thank you, thank you very much. and welcome to huckabee from the fox nows studios in new york city. i normally start the show with opening comments and tonight i will do that later in the show because we are going to leadoff with mystery of missing maylasian flight. on saturday thelp mayasia freed prime said investigators


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