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tv   Housecall  FOX News  March 16, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT

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in the end. the focus on the investigation hijacking, sabotage, personal problem. that doesn't change. that includes all of the ground staff. >> referring to there are effectively engineers that might have plane before it took off. you are looking at pictures of theigated communities of which pilots lifted off to the search, two lap tops removed. malaysians started to trickle out the kind of information and details they are finding as they go along. they are very reluctant to do so and appeal toog partners in the region to come out with their radar playbacks. due to regional sensitivity that
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is proving to be difficult business, maybe more details to come. >> live, thanks very much. president obama's top advisers saying today russia will ebe hit with sanctions, serious ones this week. so far just the threat of the sanctions has impacted russia's economy. you are looking at live pictures right now as results come in from the crimea vote. businesses losing billions and hitting record lows. could russia and a recession be felt here at home? here now senior business correspondent. >> it has really tanked. it has taken russia $11 billion to stabilize it. this is very expensive for russia. >> everyone saying had no leverage. >> i don't know that we have that much leverage. ewe don't know we will impose
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sanctions. it all depends on germany. they have the most dependence. they export goods and import oil. europe gets 30% of the oil from russia. so i'm not sure that there is going to be the coalition. and then, will sanctions have impact. >> what do you think putin is thinking about sanctions? >> all the top business men in russia are scared to death of sanctions because it is going to mean that they are going to freeze their assets here. they are not going to get visas to go to the hamptons and whatever. sources say none of them have been able to meet with putin. he doesn't care about them. he really, i think, at this point, is more concerned with gaining crimea and using europe's dependence on oil as an economic weapon. >> it seems that if he gets crimea he will expand beyond and
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want more. he will have to provide certain goods and services to those areas that will cost him money. it is still a win/win? >> great, great question. crimea does not come cheap. some estimates say it will cost about $3 billion a year. crimea gets more than it gives out in taxes. it is an expensive thing. i think the issue for putin is not so much the economy but power. so beyond that there has been a lot of talk about the u.s. being in a position to provide natural gas to european nations which could take come of the business away from russia. are we in a position to do that? >> great point. i mean, we have amazing, amazing resources in natural gas. we are not exporting our oil. >> why not? >> political. it is all political. we could open up the keystone pipeline and allow fracking. this would be more long-term. if we export oil and natural gas
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to europe they would be less dependent on russia and russia would be more isolated. >> in addition to isolating the country not behaving in a way that we and other nations find appropriate, wouldn't it bring dollars to our nation and jobs? >> absolutely. >> for those who doept follow it as closely as you do, can you explain why this is an option not to produce the thatchernatu >> north dakota where so much fracking going on and so much supplies being provided has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation. it is political. environmentalists are saying, for example, the keystone pipeline from canada down to the southern states will hurt the economy. yet we have seen state department studies that it would not that much. >> they don't have the science to prove their position?
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>> it's political. president obama does not want to lose that left vote. i mean, i'm an economist, not a political scientist. i think that has a lot to play, much more than money. >> the list goes on and on, girlfriend. so what do you think the outcome is in the end for crimea, for russia and the united states trying to exert these sanctions? president obama would need a lot of congressional support. >> he would need congressional support and would more importantly need the support of the allies. i'm not sure he would get that and i'm not sure sanctions would be effective. look how long we have had sanctions against cuba. have we seen regime change? >> iran, several sets of sanctions. no sanction against watching you on saturdays on bulls and bears every saturday morning here on
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the fox news channel. people understand why. thank you. speaking of knowing what he is talking about -- >> we will have lots more ahead. we have a political panel with us. the question is, will washington and its european allies hold firm on sanctions? will it have an impact on moscow without the west having to resort to military action? >> look, he has taken steps in the past where he has miscalculated. again, i think us and europe are eshowing tremendous resolve in countering this. certainly it would be an economic response.
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test. time for a quick check of your head lines. church services today for victims of an explosion that
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destroyed two new york city apartment buildings in harlem killing eight. crews clearing much of the debris and have reached the basement as they try to find a cause of the blast. spring may officially start in a few days but winterer sure isn't over for much of the country. another storm set to bring snow and ice to parts of the midwest and east coast this week. and rescuers save an injured kayaker who got pinned against a log in northern california friday. she was trapped suffering injuries to her ribs, otherwise said to be okay. lawmakers responding to the referendum in crimea in which the vote on whether to join russia seems like a foregone conclusion. the larger question is how to stop russian president vladimir putin from following through and taking control there or intervening further in ukraine.
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in the meantime both parties need to remain firm. >> president putin started a game of russian roulette. i think the united states and the west have to be very clear in their response because he will calculate about how far he can go. >> we do have to show resolve. i think the european community has stepped up and made commitments to do things that they have never done before. the sanctions we passed the other day are very biting. >> so we asked the question whether washington divided on so many issues can stay united on this one. political editor for great to see you. >> hi. >> what does this mean for each party? what is at stake?
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what are the possibilities of them coming together? >> i think they will come together. the house of representatives has already advanced and passed an aid bill for ukraine, financial aid. i know there was wrangling over unrelated provisions, tradeoff regarding rules. i think that will be smoothed over and resolved. i think there is a strong consensus that this aggressive action, illegal invasion is not going to stand and must not stand without some sort of significant response by the united states and the west. >> our european allies, what are they looking to us to do here? how important is it to make the right decision to preserve, if not improve our relations? >> well, they are look for us to do all of those things that guy just said to stand firm with the
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ukrainian government. and, unfortunately, what has been happening is we have seen bipartisanship take hold in d.c. in ways that are against our national security. and guy i hear you saying it will be worked out but when you have the tea party folks that have taken over since 2010 saying they are going to put national security interests on the line to hold up support to the ukrainian people because of irs regulations, because of imf reform, that is ludicrous. they are being bullied in the same way that putin is a bully. >> guy, it has been more than two weeks since the crimean invasion and senator saying little action and white house has created an air of permissiveness. isn't it truitt that if putin
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only understands strength this is a white house long on rhetoric and short on substance. >> i am astonished by the partisanship of the answer. i don't understand how this is the tea party's fault. i feel there are unrelated issues. >> they are not related. that is exactly true and should not be brought into this conversation but did bring the irs into it. that is ridiculous. we should be -- >> i need to interrupt you, please. >> go ahead. >> if we are yelling about the tea party, the house of representatives controlled by the republicans already passed a bill giving aid to ukraine. i don't want to get into a big partisan food fight on this of all things. i will say in response to your question is that, of course, vladimir putin is a strong man who understands strength. i think there are legitimate criticisms of the obama administration to be level. i think vladimir putin had a
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front row seat to our waffling when it came to the syrian red line with our accidental policy falling part to this day at the seams and saw how the president drew a red line and refused to defend it. there probably was weakness. the question is where do we go from here. i think there is no appetite for military action in the united states or in the west. i think sanctions, significant sanctions regime is the most we will see. while i think we will get that from washington, d.c. i am more concerned about allies in europe are more reliant on russian energy sources than we are. >> i wonder whether sanctions are enough. there was great discussion on sunday talk shows that the u.s.
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could do more. certainly showed strength military. some sanctions include more russian leaders. >> well, sanctions can work very effectively as we heard today on fox news sunday. >> how is it working in cuba? >> come on. two totally different situations. >> iran? >> there is a reason --? >> is that better -- >> there is a really important point here. there is a reason that senator john mccain got on the floor of the senate and said he was embarrassed by members of his party by what they are doing with responding to the ukrainian situation. and i don't think -- yes, he is a dictator, you are right about that. he is not strong. he is coming at this from a
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position of weakness by going to force and by invading crimea. this is a position of weakness. >> invading another region and taking it away from a country is a show of weakness? >> as americans we should not sit here and talk about how weak our president is and how strong this bully is. bullies operate from a position of weakness. the folks at cpac saying they would prefer putin as president is ludicrous. >> we have a lot more to talk about. president obama promised americans that we could keep our doctors under obamacare. now the president admitting that is not true. more americans will, in fact, be forced to switch. our political panel joins us again after the break. uncer ] a classic macaroni & cheese from stouffer's starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family.
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>> a brand new controversy over obamacare in an interview with online medical site, president obama has just admitted possibly, on top of not being able to keep your insurance, you may have to switch doctors. wait. he said you could keep your doctor. in the interview, after campaigning if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, he says it's not true. >> for the average person, many folk whose do not have health insurance initially, they are going to have to make some choices and they may end up having to switch doctors because they are saving money. >> this is a different issue. insurance companies make decisions on what doctors are in the network. that is true before and after obamacare l is nothing in obamacare that causes mandates in insurance company to make changes on the doctors. that is decision for the insurance companies. >> interesting how the president phrased that. he didn't say you will lose your doctor, he said you may have to
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switch your doctors as if there is a difference. welcome back our political panel we won "lie of the year" for you get to keep your health plan and now he is admitting that other promise, you get to keep your doctor is not true. is he going for a two-for here? >> well, they hitting a trifecta because kathleen sebelius testified premiums would go up. another promise was lower premiums for everyone, an average of $2,500 a family a year. on keep your doctor promise, i will read a verbatim quote from president obama in a speech at the american medical association in 2009 with remarks aired live here on fox news. he said and i quote, "no matter how we reform health care we will keep this promise to the american people: if you like your doctor, you can keep your
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doctor. period." >> now, he is saying, well, you might have to change your doctor or pay more to keep your doctor because of changes in the network. that is a significant admission that the airtight promise he made to americans was not true, is not true and it is completely unacceptable. yet another lie told to the american people in trying to sell a bill that the public didn't want in the first place. >> let me give a chance to explain this: the president's huge theme in both campaigns was transparency. did he know at the time that he first proposed obamacare that folks would not be able to keep their doctor? or they "may "as he is saying, have to change doctors? he repeated it a number of times. the american people and those who voted for obamacare believed people could keep their doctor.
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>> i have no idea what president obama knew at the time. i wasn't in his head. i think what we are dealing with, we want this to be a new controversy in the media, we want to boil things down to simple soundbites. what the president was doing in the web interview and the reality of the situation with the affordable care act, there are choices. things need to be explained to the american people in a way that is comprehensive. i have said many times, i wouldn't have used the words he used in the campaign but what he doing is treating the american people like they are not stupid, he is explaining to them, look, yes, your employer decides if your insurance plan is going to cover or include certain doctors. you have to make a choice. you have to make a choice if you want the doctor --. >> he was so emphatic. so emphatic: you will not have to change. >> come on, we cannot freeway
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the american people like they are stupid this is not about president obama and the act, these are decisions that insurance companies make about which doctors are in their plans. he explains very carefully that they can make those decisions. the bigger issue is, that more people are signing up, the uninsure numbers have hit a 5-year low. that is progress. >> gregg: part of the theories spun by the president and maybe they were not intentional, we give him the benefit of the doubt, we will call it recklessness but the american people relied on it and now to their detriment. is that a reason why it is so profoundly unpopular? look at the recent poll data. guy? >> yes. you can say, well, treat the american people like adults and give them more nuanced expression of what will happen but how about telling us the truth at the time? the reason they did not tell the
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truth at the time the bill would not have passed if people knew they could not keep their plan or doctors. those were airtight promises they have broken also we have indications what the president knew ahead of time. their own internal estimates projected that up to 93 million americans would lose their maps grandfather status unobamacare and when that goes away, you get cancellations. when there is a big upheaval in cancellations, people lose their doctors this is not a big mystery we are only discovering now. this was an inevitable result, a direct result of obamacare. everyone understands that except apparently for the few who will defend these lies to the death for this president. >> gregg: thank you both. today is not the last day we will tackle this subject. thank you for being with us. >> they will be back. so good to be with you for this
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expanded coverage today, lots of breaking news but that does it for us. >> gregg: media buzz with howard kurtz is next. gunderman group is a go. yes! not just a start up. an upstart. gotta get going. gotta be good. good? good. growth is the goal. how do we do that? i talked to ups. they'll help us out. new technology. smart advice. we focus on the business
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and they take care of the logistics. ups? good going. we get good. that's great. great. great. great. great. great. great. great. great. (all) great! i love logistics.
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here on the fox news channel. >> give me that cookie, eric. on the buzz meter this sunday, television devoted hundreds and hundreds of hours to the saga of the missing malaysian plane. >> let's talk about the scenario of hijacking. could that account for the basic question here of an inability to have contact with the ground? yes, of course it could. >> that leads to the next question which is, okay, is it a single active terrorist as part of something greater or is it an accident that is part of a flaw that is in other planes? >> all the mistakes and the theories and speculation out of control or has this become a parlor game for ratings? cheryl atkinson, who has been investigating the obama


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