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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 18, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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what is your theory about what happened to malaysian airlines flight 370. crash on land or crash at sea or land safely on land and hidden some place? tonight on jedi. >> coming up on "red eye" well belgium figure out it is easier to run when not carrying another person? our panel discusses the country's shocking inability to grasp the simple concept. and does vice president biden think being half leprechaun make you smarter? >> i think that because i am. >> and how you can get the same indy indestructible washboard look next. none of these stories tonight. >> i am your host jedediah bila in for greg gut field, the -- greg gutfeld, the
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shortest man i know. he is out promoting his book "not cool." now let's welcome our guest. she has the best pageant wave in the business. she is my favorite. i am here with joanne. >> he loves his super heros, our own mighty avenger in disguise, andy levy. she is the former advisor to the uk ministry of defense and the marketing editor at large, meeky k. mikey k. and his jokes make my abs hurt in a good way. sitting next to me is my chocolate teddy round and your lightning round diva, sherrod small. >> hash tag jedi! >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. hey, greg, you real hot.
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>> thank you. did dear old mom steer you wrong? it is day 6 of -- >> they turned the mother of jonah hill into a joe. into a show. here is the latest ad urging people to enroll. >> sorry that was the wrong ad. can we see the right one, please? >> both of our boys were rambunctious and miss -- miss chough vus and talented and kind. >> one thing we don't have to put up with is our kid not having health care. >> young people feel invincible and until something happens they will continue to feel invincible.
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>> do you want your mothers to have a nervous break down? it is imperative to have health insurance. >> there is nothing worse than a mom feeling like her child is not protected no matter how old they are? jay with the march 31st open enrollment coming they enlisted lebron james. >> the deadline to enroll is march 31st. sign up now. you never know what -- when you might take a hit. >> i have a lot to say about this, but you are the guests so i will talk to you. mikey, i have to start with you. >> i love it when you start with me. >> you should. is the white house treating young people like children here? instead of treating them like 25 and 26-year-olds, are they treating them like kids that their pairns and moms -- parents and moms have to nag at them? >> if you can convey your
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political message and make people smile and make people feel relaxed that is a winning cocktail. if you look between two ferns, you know the old bit of chat between obama and the chap from "the hangover." he is a legend. that is the biggest referral. whether you agree with obamacare and that's another point. he needs that deem ma imrask to sign up and -- demographic to sub saw died the elderly portion. if he is doing that through a winning combination between two ferns and what we see on here it is a good strategy. >> are we not convinced -- >> i don't like it. who needs two old jewish moms nagging them? i have my own at home. we all have a jewish mother here. i thought jennifer lopez's mother was in it?
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>> she is. >> jennifer lopez's mother stand up and spin around. let me see what you are working with. >> it will get you to sign up and not the milennials. >> did it skip a generation? >> they should have done a video on booties. >> don't get her mother involved unless you can say hey, hey she got it too. >> booty is the question. who were they market -- market cking to? as a milennial i didn't enjoy it and i didn't think it was funny. it was like a pre osteoporosis kind of commercials where they are trying to be cute and trying to be cutsie. >> you will pay to think that is not funny. >> i will say something is funny. if i want to watch nagging moms i am watching the real housewives. >> i feel like they missed the
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fact that milennials don't like being told what to do. >> by authority. >> by the cops. >> by government. by anyone. >> but it is working. >> they are not working. >> it is a number one referral, but if you look at who signed up it is low. it is millions and tens of millions of referrals. >> it would have been lower. >> then people realized how much they have to pay. >> that's not what they need. >> do you think at some point they will sign up anyway? like sherrod says, they will eventually sign up. >> i don't care they are doing this. but it wreaks of desperation. everything they are doing feels like they have a bunch of people sitting in a room realizing that the healthy
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young people aren't signing up. now they are sitting there and coming up with ideas that six or eight months ago wouldn't have gotten out of the room. and now they are just, oh let's try that. >> they are going with the wrong approach. you know what you need? you need the lady with the cigarette commercial with her fingers missing. >> because we don't want to be ugly. >> you have your fingers going. >> it is a vanity approach. >> the worst thing about that ad though, jonah hill's mom basically says i am not a bossy person. last time i checked we banned the word bossy. all she is doing is furthering sexist stereo types and i found itoffensive. >> you are the mi llenial at the table. i have to ask you how can they reach you guys? >> that's the thing.
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i really don't know. >> like we said before, when it is a flawed law they are trying to sell it, but the product is not so great. >> and you are trying to sell it to people who are trying to stay on their parents' health care until they are 26. >> so barack obama has ruined everything? >> stop that now. >> we are moving on. their beer is not here. get used to it. on sunday guinness pulled its support from the st. patrick's day parade over the ban 0* expressions -- the ban on expressions of gay pride. parade organizers said gay groups can be part of the march as long as they don't carry signs about their sexuality. guinness had a quote saying we hope the policy of expollution expollution -- exclusion would be reversed.
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we will hope that future parades have an inclusionary policy. we asked a typical guinness drinker for his reaction. >> he has a little guinness mustache, i love it. >> i will let you start this one. now, they are not telling gay people you can't march in the parade. they say you can't holdup signs for the gay rights movement. >> as long as you are discreet. have they ever met a gay person in their life? >> but it is a religious parade. does that change it? >> really? the drunk fireman? okay it is religious. >> by the way you look lovely in green. >> i am representing with the green.
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nobody else? nobody? >> he has green jeans on. >> stop staring at his crotch. >> i am trying. >> here is what i have to say about the st. patty's day parade. you have a leprechaun and a pot of gold and you want to get rid of the rainbow? the whole thing together -- that's what we are celebrating. the rainbow started the whole thing. how do you find a pot of gold, andy? that's what i'm saying. you need somebody gay to lead you there. that's what i'm saying. let them march. >> you say let them march. andy, what do you say? do you think it is a good decision? do you think most of the country says we are in support of what you have done guinness and hien heineken? >> i don't think there is a coincidence that guinness pulled out after the stonewall inn which is the birthplace of the gay rights movement.
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>> they have great cocktails. >> they do. i think it was more of a business decision than a moral decision. >> but what if somebody was pro abortion and wanted to march in the st. patrick's day parade holding the sign up which is a parade sponsored by the religious component. it is a religious component. i am a supporter of gay rights and a supporter of gay marriage. >> they shouldn't be allowed to drink guinness either. in fact, or heineken and sam add add -- sam adams. >> i think guinness and heineken have taken this broader. >> honestly if you want to get crimea back to the ukraine stop serving guinness in russia. it will bring them to their knees in a month. >> when i think about it
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guinness is just like me, brown and frosty. >> you are frosty? >> it does president -- doesn't taste very good. >> so you were saying you will never drink a guinness again because of this which quite frankly makes me tear up. what are you going to do? >> it is actually because i am on a diet and it is like a milk shake. it is really heavy. i am trying to avoid beer altogether. >> i will keep the pizza. >> there is a pork chop in every pint of guinness. >> a pork chop? >> you are dragging me in with your accent. >> do you know what a pork chop is? >> we know what a pork chop is.
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>> we always -- everyone who protests something, we really like to argue. we decided it is a religious day when it serves our needs. aren't there christmas parades? that's about the birth of jesus who i believe was a catholic or was a jew but that's where catholicism started. we don't ban people who are openly gay from christmas parades, to my knowledge. >> who will decorate? >> you-to-be openly gay, but they don't want them holding signs up saying support gay marriage. >> i understand that. but they are not there to support it. they are saying i am a proud eye rash man or woman -- irish man or woman and i want to celebrate that in my gay community. >> it is the sign so much or the glitter they use? we can fix this. >> they claim it is the sign.
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>> for the gay rights parade, 4thof july the gay pride parade would they be okay with signs? it works both ways. >> but that a is a bad analogy. >> all right. >> it is like walking in with a sign saying kill these guys around me. >> i am not irish. >> at a gay rights parade could there be people who say i am irish? and probably the gay rights palm would be like, yeah, that's fine. >> i have not been to a st. patrick's day parade. is a st. patrick's day parade renouned for people making political statements? >> not really. >> then what is the issue? if they are arguing about something that does president happen any -- doesn't happen anyway? >> they wanted to once. the organization wanted to march and they were told no. since then it has been a combination. >> we are in a different place insurance is the 1980s.
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>> i personally don't have a problem with it. >> i think anybody should be able to march holding any sign they want. i am expressing the views of some religious people. >> if they want to have a parade where they say we welcome gays, then thraz -- then that's their right and it is guinness' right to say we don't want to be a part of it. >> nothing is gayer than saying somebody can't march in your parade. >> moving on. should brandy be bandy? >> is this racist? >> a tavern in portland has had problems with violence since january. the bar claimed koniak
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drinkers are causing problems. but they say it is racist. the owners say there is a sign to make the bar safer with their lawyer maintaining and i quote, the purchase of these liquors was related to debt pro mental mental -- detrimental conduct. from now on the bar will be serving kittens. that is the cutest thing i have ever seen. now i feel though he is trapped and can't get out. >> he can just fall over. >> sherrod, you are our official correspondent on racism. >> asians, blacks, come to me. >> tell me if this is racist. >> what did they ban? >> hennessey. >> that's my kid's name.
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>> i don't know if it is racism. black people can drink other things. i think it is fine. serve what you want to serve. you will just miss out on money. >> that's true. if you don't want the money, so what. turn it into a lesbian bar and get all of the dudes out and then there will be no fights. >> then you would lose a lot of money. >> if you get the right lesbians in there. >> do you think they actually kept track of these people who were causing unrest? do you think they kept track of what they were drinking? >> you hit the nail on the head. >> as usual. >> talk about knee jerk reactions. it is a classy joint if they are selling remi martin. >> no. >> i would rather have 10 pounds of guinness. >> hennessey is good. >> hennessey xo.
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i digress or i i sherrod? >> sounds good. i will get a t-shirt of that. we'll handle it. >> i think the -- a it is a reaction to two guys or girls getting [bleep] faced. is the answer to not serve people copious amounts of alcohol so they get drunk and ruin it for everybody else? if you are going to ban remi martin and hennessey? it doesn't make any sense. >> who told you that. that's crazy talk. >> and you are young. >> oh my gosh. >> now, did you notice a certain type of clientele would order hennessey or these drinks? >> the bar has sworn me to
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secrecy. however, why don't we just ban people while we are at it. if there are certain people who are the ones who keep coming back ban the people. truly if they are worried about security, how about the bartenders cutting people off that they don't instigate fights. >> it needs to be bar rescued. >> you double majored in stereo typing and prejudice at columbia university. what a is your take on this? >> i don't like to call it a major. that's offensive to the other classes. this is obviously racially motivated. it is ridiculous to say it is not. the bar is in serious danger of losing their liquor license. there were 23 incidents of violence or whatever. i don't think -- wow, they are playing me out.
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all right. i don't think you should serve jack daniels if there are bikers coming in. >> we will be back with more on the way, guys.
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could homecoming be going away? that's right, kids. spring fling may be a thing of the past. they are taking a page out of foot loose's playbook. attendance has dropped off. a senior at one high school in new york thinks technology is to blame. she says, and i quote, kids don't need a dance to interact with each other when they can sit in their bed with their laptop and phone.
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it is basically like being with that person. you know who still enjoys a dance party? >> that is definitely for the old people. >> yeah! >> this show needs music. you. >> and for the chorus. >> ♪ right about now ♪ funk soul brothers ♪ check it out now >> i had my first kiss at a middle school dance, i will have you noy. i will have you know. >> i remember. you were handsy back then. >> is this the end of romance? >> it might be. >> you can't have your first kiss at the dance i would have
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waited 20 years after that. >> there are crushes in middle school and that's where you work it out. oh you tell susie to tell bobbie that his friend steven looked at me funny and i think he likes me. >> and the slow dance. >> my uncle snuck in my room. >> he was angry back then. >> i don't want to imagine that. >> 3:00 in the morning. >> he was singing hold me. >> there is video of it. gentleman i is the real problem here -- >> is the real problem that they want to show up for a little while is and show up in the after party a? >> i was handsy back
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>> these high schools are not having the dances because i thought they were lying that's why they didn't need me to chaperon. nice to know my guess is high school dances are fun for the 10 to 20% of the school that is the popular kids. >> lamo! >> no, the popular kids. the popular kids are going to the dance. the unpopular kids would rather do something else. >> you know what you can't do at a high school dance? drink, smoke. all of these kids are drinking and smoking and meeting somewhere other than high school to party. nerds. >> remember the nerdy kids are siting on the bleachers in the gym. that was you? and look at the fine specimen you turned into. mikey, why didn't you ask me to the prom? >> sherrod always beat me to it. >> that's right, beat it! >> if anyone can bust a move there ain't no one better than sherrod.
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>> i had a good running man. >> what do you think of no more dances? does it break your heart? >> no. i think it is a mechanism for the youngster to go and get their first kiss. that has been completely wiped away by a tsunami with tinder. you bypass the kiss and go to the hankie pangy. >> that's why we need the dances. the guys can be gentlemen. it is getting up the courage to ask a girl to dance face-to-face. to not get too close and to not get too handsy. >> what i would say is he is a legend on the dance floor. he is an insurance broker. the way he appeals to women is he dances better than justin timberlake. that's the way that he got the girls when he was -- that's where his confidence came from.
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he didn't express it outside of the dance floor. when he got on the dance floor he turned into michael jackson. >> the girls think you can do it vertically, then you can do it horizontally. >> what guy were you at the high school dance? >> i was in the middle of the dance floor. i was not the wall flower. >> would you be the same out going comedian if you didn't have the community to shine on the dance floor in high school? >> but, but -- yeah. opportunities came later. in college at a college party have your first kiss with no chaperon. you get a dry hump or a [bleep]. >> and you can get handsy and nobody cares. >> my dances were pg. >> i don't think i would be this loud and out going if it wasn't for high school. >> coming up, are scientists putting chips in your brain? i will put -- bring the salsa.
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does getting their way lead them to stray? a new survey reports that powerful men are more likely to cheat due to their high pressure jobs. a dating website for people seeking affairs polled users and found that 81% of guys say holding a top job makes them apartment to be -- apt to be unfaithful.
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they blame their work and the lack of quality time they can spend with their families. just over a quarter of cheating women are power player. quote on the other hand are more likely to cave to pressure and this leads to more more infidelity and escapism. >> sherrod it is time to discuss this in the -- >> lightning -- >> roooooooouuunnndd. lightning round. nailed it. >> that never gets old. >> thank you. >> mikey, 78% of women said that power attracts them when they see it in a man. this is good news for you. what do you think, honestly other than money what drives the women wild? >> i am not surprised it is not 100%. i will lead you a little transcript. i want to say one thing to the american people. i want you to listen to me and i will say this again.
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i did not have sexual relations with that woman. monica lewinski thought bill clinton had a great personality. and who if you didn't know also had sexual relations with monica lewinski. you can say bill and tony are kind of related. you want a serious answer to this question? >> i like the blue collar boys. i like the mechanics and the carpenters and guys good with their hands. >> that's why we are different. >> you will be happy and in love and i will have lots of ex-husbands. >> the only difference is you are honest. >> but -- do you think it is irrelevant what their job is?
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>> i think women are attracted to power. i would say powerful men cheat -- well because they can. it is a conquest so it adds to like the power. it is doing something -- you are not really supposed to be doing it and it shows you can. all of these guys watching are like, whatever. >> like i know what i am talking about. >> any man that has sordid relationships, if you want to be a man separate, divorce and go and see and do what you want. >> the bad boys you see on tv though that get away with this stuff like dillon from "90210".
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>> don't be shocked i don't know who the hell that is. >> he was the white guy on that show. >> which one? >> they are not ceo's. >> we are talking adults now. >> he was an adult. >> was he though? >> you know why men cheat? >> powerful men cheat not n%cause of stress. they cheat because they can. 78% of the female respondents of the survey said they would like to have an affair with a powerful man. >> see what i'm talking about? >> the men do it because they can and then they get asked a question on the survey and they are like, oh yeah, it is the stress. the stress made me do it. >> thank you, andy. >> i think i have heard that in a rap before. >> comedians are really powerful.
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i heard, quote, if you can make a girl laugh you can do anything. is that power to do whatever you want? >> you feel powerful when you can get any emotion out of somebody you don't know. >> manipulation is not power. >> you have a guy that can make girls laugh and dance like a demon. >> what does he have? you can't compete. >> i have competed and i already lost. it is a done deal. >> last i saw of you you had women's well manicured hands all over your face. >> i was hoping you wouldn't bring that up. >> it is like pictures of him. >> let's just say all three of the men on the panel are eligible bachelors. >> they are all hot and you
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can't have any of it. >> me and my girl are team players. bring us some applications. >> we have to move along -- to colorado. in colorado two toilets and a sink have brought them together. they say it is a matter of art and expression of creativity. residents think they are disgusting. one angela johnson says first the thrones were facing her property and the next day they were tied to the tree. sherrod, immediately i realized you couldn't contain yourself. >> if i was the neighbor i couldn't complain. the next time they walk i would be up there in the tree reading a newspaper. how are you doing, neighbor? i will be off your property in a minute. top of the morning to you. >> it is performance art. >> how is this different? my parents live in staten island .
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>> can you happened me a leaf? >> and it is with all of the christmas lights. how is it different than a house with the christmas leets? >> how are two toilets tied to a tree the same as baby jesus? >> art is subjective. >> it is subjective. jedediah, you are correct. and i just think it is great for the squirrels. they have to go to their lou and they can go right up in the tree. >> that's a great image. are people using them? if they are not -- >> there is no plumbing in the tree. >> i would use them. >> it is odd. if it was my neighbor -- >> you would hate it. >> i would probably have something to say. i probably would just steal them in the middle of the night. >> andy? should this be illegal? >> i don't know i am no a lawyer.
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my neighbor would have to prove to make this a legal issue. it seems to me that it is their yard. on the other hand i think it is trough and then i have to keep my blinds down. >> the dude had the seat on his door and everybody would come by and sign it. >> this is your neighbor and what do you do? >> neighbors are supposed to piss you off. it is a lesson in humility and patience and you teach it to your kids. i would call the police and say this is unsafe. it is going to hurt the tree or my kids. >> by the way, they had the bowls on their lawn like right on the edge of the property. and the neighbor was pissed and put a fence up. then they put the stuff in the tree. they got beef. that's exactly what is going
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on. >> i agree. >> it is time to take a break. more stuff when we get back. >> that's adorable. >> are you so awesome.
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should you embed in your head? that's the subject of tonight's -- >> "red eye" debate 2014 live from the" red eye" debate center. >> welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate live from the" red eye" debate center in lexington, kentucky. why i am jedediah bila filling in for greg gutfeld. would you get chips implanted in your brain if they could improve your memory or boost
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your knowledge. gary marcus says brain implants are now at the point where laser eye surgery was 25 years ago. meaning we may not be too far away from the possibility of neuro prosthetics becoming commonplace. while the first users will be to no doubt help people with medical conditions they say that, quote, by the end of the century many of us will be wired directly into the cloud from brain to toe. wow, this blew my mind. it is a little too terminator. >> everyone will be thinking the same. my leg hurt, i don't like. it i don't trust neb enough to put stuff in my head. who is making this stuff? asian kids? >> i have a lot of questions. >> i have a lot of questions too. my fear is everyone will want this amazing brain and we will
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end up a society of step ford wives. >> it will be the board where everybody thinks the same and says the same thing. >> deja vu. >> it doesn't matter how many chips -- how many chips you put in my head. i will never think by sherrod small. >> i do think in all seriousness, like it or not this is the future. maybe not in our lifetime, but we will be able to do this and there will be good and bad to it. i am an early adopter when it comes to tech stuff. i will put beta programs in my computer, but i am not putting anything in my head that messes with my brain or neuro chemicals until it has been completely tested. i don't understand who would be the -- >> people do it -- i had lasik surgery when it first came out and had numerous problems. you would be surprised. it is
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in the moment. >> i still wouldn't get it. jay i wouldn't recommend it. -- >> i wouldn't recommend it. >> people get surgery to make themselves better. >> i am a big fan of implants. >> how is this different? you are giving yourself a sexier brain. >> i like that. you should market this for them. if it can help people with paralysis and it can help the connections between the brain and the muscle movement and the nerves it would be amazing. however, i feel we will develop these technologies that people will become more careless with how they treat their bodies. we will live past 100 and that doesn't look good or smell good. i am worried about that. >> maybe with plastic surgery getting beefed up.
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maybe it will look good. it probably won't smell good. >> it starts at fanan -- fanana and then it is porn. >> how do they deal with the porn already up there? >> i think it is a really good point. one of my issues is the neuro science and the brain and the nervous system is all connected. sherrod touched upon it. the level they have to go into and the level of risk for the early trial us if you like. there have been huge strides made and i don't know if anyone had a family member who had parkinson's and it is a horrific deal. >> it is awful. >> it is. if there is science that can assist with that, i think that
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from what i am lead to believe the science at the moment does not prevent it. i think it is a good thing. >> it may be coming in the future. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. it is "red eye" at fox and do you have a video of your animal doing something awesome? click on submit a video and we may use it and then i will have an orgasm. coming up, an over weight orgy.
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye," greg is back. gists -- guests includes michael shea. >> mike! >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> he came home to an overweight orgy. i speak of a new york city comedian who thought he was renting out his apartment to a man with family visiting. he left his keys with the renter and went to dinner. when he came back to grab his luggage a sex party with, quote, big, beautiful women, was being shutdown by building management. nude overweight party goers
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trashed his apartment and damaging his personal party leaving booze and condoms behind. well, at least there is an upside. this is crazy. if this happens in your apartment would you move out of the apartment or sanitize it? >> this would neither happen in my apartment. >> why not? >> why would i rent out my apartment? >> people do it all the time. >> people do it with the right background check. you can stalk everyone on on-line. you can find their facebook and twitter and prison record, whatever it is you need to do you do it it. >> i agree. >> sherrod, this guy was a comedian. >> let me stop you there. >> listen -- >> he was aspiring to be sherrod small. what kind of comedian you -- are you that you have your own place you can rent out and i don't know who you are. you are representing out major
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parents place. they got you, you fake comic. >> nobody wants to rent a comedian's dwelling. you know what kind of horror will be in there? >> that should have been a red flag right there that somebody wants to rent my apartment? >> he is famous now. everybody will know his name because of the story. >> but that gets to what happens here. >> that's why he did it. >> if there is one thing i can take away from the story is how mott funny this guy is. these are his tweets. he is not funny. renting out bedrooms and getting freaky with large women? this guy definitely voted for clinton. i miss the days of bloomburg when you had to hold your orgies 15 feet from the building. and this one, it is still big, black women and not weight challenged women of color. this guy is a moron. he thinks bbw stands for big, black women but it stands for
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big, beautiful women. >> but he got andyly vea to look up -- andy levey to look up his twitter joke. >> is this all on the individual dism. >> he discovered the worst part. big, beautiful women is not the worst part of the internet in my experience. don't ask me what it is. is this a pg-rated show? >> smog, ugly men. small, ugly, men. >> small ugly men or the north korean leader. it is checks and balances and maybe they could have done a few more background checks. i am being played off. >> we are done.
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a special thanks to joanne and sherrod and i am jedediah bila. see you next time, america.
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i'm kimberly guilfoyle along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfield. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." it's been ten days since the malaysia airlines flight vanished with 239 people onboard. an official say it's obvious this was no accident. investigators say enplane kept flying for close to eight hours after the tracking systems went dark as the jet's computers continued to make contact with a satellite. now, the foexs turns to the pilots as investigators say someone with extensive aviation experience deliberately diverted this plane. the search now covers two wide


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