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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 18, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> and one of us will end with a song. >> and maybe a dance. >> see you tomorrow with delta dawn, what's that flower you got on. >> have a great tuesday. see you back here wednesday morning. >> be yourself. scott. bill: there is the clock on 370. still no sign of this giant air craft. there are new reports that show the bizarre turn the plane took was preprogrammed inside the cockpit. good morning, i'm bill hemmer. martha: the search area is now getting a lot bigger. it's up to 2s 2 million square miles of ocean and land. and the uss kidd is now set to
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bow out of this search. chuck hagel says it will head home if the plane is not found within the next few days. bill: a left-hand turn to where and why? >> reporter: good morning. that turn away from beijing 40 minutes into the ill-fated flight was the first sign of something being terribly amiss. according to published reports it was the result of an individual entering data into the computer systems, not the result of manual steerage. it required 7 or 8 key strokes into the keypad between the two pilots. it's leading investigators to sharpen their focus on the two pilots. the lead pilot had a simulator
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installed in his home. investigators want to know whether shah practiced bizarre or suicidal moves on that i am slayer to. a form or transportation investigator explains how and when pilots program way points. >> if there is bad weather or air traffic control advisories they use way points to either get around bad weather or move around heavily trafficked area. >> reporter: in this case reports say it's unclear whether the reprogramming away from beijing occurred before or after takeoff. bill: the search area is enormous. >> reporter: that's disper
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iting with 26 countries involved in the search. the latest today a placed it near the strait of malacca. there the malaysians once again defended their conduct. >> our focus is to gather information from satellites, and surveillance radar, increasing air and searches and increasing the number of technical [inaudible] >> reporter: the uss kidd will likely be leaving the indian ocean soon sources tell our team, unless its searches turn up something in the next day or two. the navy has retasked reconnaissance aircraft to continue searching the ocean's southern corridor.
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martha: the families of the passengers on that plane are desperately awaiting news on their loved ones and it isn't coming. some frustrated families announced hunger strike. and the search area continues to get a lot bigger as we look at this. chuck hagel said the uss kidd may be coming home. bill, let's take a look. bill: the look we have is -- there is a lot to look at. we charted three different diagrams. this was the original circle, the one in red. that's a 2,500 nautical miles. the reason that was the original area. that's the area they believe there was enough fuel on board the plane to get to the northwestern coast of the
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australia. but we have also come to learn that the 777 even if it runs out of fuel in the air, it can glide or coast or fly for another hour. that take it out to the green line to afghanistan and beyond pakistan. it extend it by 3,700 nautical miles. it means the search area is enormous, beyond your ability to imagine. the australians in the lower part of the screen, they are searching an area that's 2,300 square miles with a couple naval assets. it's the size of france. that's just what the australians are doing. we were told what we started picking up on this over the weekend, people trying to base the best theory as to where the plane would go. based on the satellite pings. one pattern takes it up to kazakhstan and the other takes
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it deep into the indian ocean and the western coast of australia. but 2.2 million square miles. it's anyone's guess where this plane is. we were told the copilot was the last person to talk. now we don't know if that's the case. now we know it took a bizarre left-hand turn that had to be programmed by the pilot or copilot. who knows if that's going to be true. martha: you were talking about australia. they are scouring some 230,000 square miles of the southern indian ocean that bill just showed you where the water in some areas is up to two miles deep. these are areas many of which have never been explored. officials say they are going to try to narrow that search down. but it's of the essence in terms of time. watch this.
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>> every attempt will be made to further refine the search area as further information becomes available. this includes further analysis of drift modeling and other search tools. but with the passage of significant time since the 8th of march and the constant movement of water that will be constantly difficult. martha: investigators are hoping to figure out what happened. there is the clock as it continues to tick away. we are more than a week now into the search for this disappeared aviation. the locate jar on the black box has a 30-day battery. after that battery dies, the signal that could leader muchers to it stopped. without the black box piecing together this puzzle could be more difficult and perhaps completely impossible. everybody has got a theory. will you ever know what happened to flight 370 ever?
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send us a tweet today and talk to us on twitter for the next two hours and we'll share some of your ideas and thoughts, too. martha: the other big story that is happening right now. russian president vladimir putin making his victory speech to break off crimea to become part of russia. he approved the bill for an eggation. egg -- for annexation. he set it's the u.s. who crossed the light on ukraine. listen. >> the practical policy the law of the strong in what they are doing. they believe in their uniqueness, that they can rule the world. that they can always be right.
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using the principle, those who are not with us are against us. martha: interesting, rate? gregg palkot join us live from kiev, ukraine. what more did putin have to say on all this this morning? >> reporter: very strong, defiant word from president putin. you can imagine, having a big impact on the folks in ukraine. he said crimea is an integral part of russia. it was robbed from russia in the past and it's simply being restored. referred to that much-cite sighed referendum sunday, he set it was a simple self-determination. he called the new government here neo-nazis. hees the u.s. and others are guided by the rule of the gun.
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following that speech putin signed a treaty with the trumped up leaders of crimea. that has to be approved by the russian parliament and the russian supreme court but that is considered simply a rubber stamp. martha: what is the reaction from where you are? >> the folks are watching with intense interest. the government declaring the treaty is in their word not recognized by this government. they blasted their russian troop incursion as an invasion. they said the ref even dim is illegal. they say crimea was, is and always will be ukrainian. some of those individual toppling the moscow-leaning government. here is a bit of what they had to say to us. >> i think it's a neohitler. >> i think he is -- his action
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is not legal. >> like new stalin. it's very, very painful for us. >> reporter: vice president biden is in poland today trying to reassure eastern european ally that the u.s. is behind them. the sanctions announced about it u.s. and european union were welcome by ukraine but they want the u.s. to do more. putin also commented on those sanctions. he called it aggression that will be responded to if continued. bill: the russian officials are mocking the u.s. and mocking the sanctions imposed. the deputy prime minister tweeted, comrade barack obama what should those who have neither property or money abroad do? or you didn't think about it?
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we'll talk to ambassador john bolton about the sanctions. will they get tougher or are they in the end just a j march already a nation of spenders rather and savers. does that sounds like anybody you know? startling new numbers how much money or how little americans are putting away for their retirement. we'll talk to stuart varney about that. >> that is a close encounter. that is not where you want to be. caught on tape how close this guy came to getting smashed. martha: the coast guard come together rescue of a man and his dog. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ martha: a tap face of late-night up foe commercials is heading to
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prison. >> i wrote the book of natural cures they don't want you to know about because it describes the cures that are used all over the world and why the u.s. drug companies are trying to hold that information back from the public. martha: kevin trudeau sold many books but he had run-ins with the fcc and they banned some of his ads. yesterday a judge sentenced him to 10 years in prison claiming he bilked viewers out of their money. bill: new reports that the missing plane's diversion had been preprogrammed into the flight computer. the computer console is in the cockpit between the pilot and
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copilot. what does that tell us if anything. bill, good morning to you and thank you for coming back here to america's newsroom. let's go through this as best we can. no one knows nothing, you would admit that, right? >> i think there is a lot of confusion between what we know and what we think. i used to see this in analyzing complex problems at the cia. experts get paid to give answers. they don't like to say i don't know. in this case we at best have the fringes of the puzzle and everybody is saying this is what with the puzzle looks like. we don't know. bill: we are just nibbling at the edges. all the passengers checked out and there is no apparent connection to any of them in terrorism. does that take it off the list? sort of kind of. but not really. if you are a pro and you don't know the answers. if you are the cia or fbi you
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might have 99% certainty this is not terrorism. there is no claim here, there is no beginning of a negotiation by a group that this thing ever land. there is no shred of information that a passenger on the plane was a member of a terrorist group. there is a suggestion there is a lot of technical capability to turn this plane around. you start putting those characteristics together and i say those aren't the terrorists i used to chase. bill: if you are planning to steal a plane and use it later, why would you make a public claim? >> terrorism is about political purposes. people trying to make a splash so they can announce to the world we are here and you have to take us seriously. we don't have an iconic target. this isn't united airlines.
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this is malaysia. we don't have a claim with somebody saying it's us. listen to, we want to negotiate. so it could be maybe there is a half of 1 person chance it is. but this is not the guy i look at. one more quick item. the guys i chased were not that technically capable. they can make a backpack bomb like the one we saw at the boston marathon. but' times they were not capable of conduct an operation that would involve reprogramming a computer. bill: when you analyze something with so few fact and knowing the central authority in kuala lumpur is changing the facts and what we think we know. how do you do your job? >> first you have to be transparent. the facts will come out. the second thing. i used to see this when we were
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going back in the day. we would be putting out intelligence to the pun via the congress and behind the scenes i'm sitting here watching the public clamor for information saying we have got to tell them what we know but we know almost nothing. bill: some people are confusing what we think with what we know. martha: the story of a man who those could outrun a train. what was he thinking? not a bright idea. that was a really close call and it was caught on video. bill: president obama's response to russia and ukraine is being mocked as we speak. first colonel ross peters. >> stop pretending negotiations
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will solve all the world's problems. vladimir putin is playing the game of throans and we are playing downton abbey. rings ] hello? [ male announcer ] over 12,000 financial advisors. good, good. good over $700 billion dollars in assets under care. let me just put this away. [ male announcer ] how did edward jones get so big? could you teach kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. ok, st quarter... [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪
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bill: this man has guts. nearly flattened by a speeding passenger train by a nose. that man just missed the train by inches. guard arms down at the station, redwood, city, california. apparently others just crossed the tracks minutes before. martha: a california man is under arrest for allegedly trying to go overseas to join
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islamic he can realists in syria. he was arrested in canada on a bus. how was he caught? >> reporter: authorities used a con if i deck inforrant to engage him. and they kept a watch on his internet activities. he didn't even meet the academic requirements to start basic training. he. he wrote last may, don't get me wrong, i despise america and want its downfall but i have been part of the army for two years and i would love to join allah's army but i don't know how to start. he made it clear he planned some kind of attack on los angeles this past new year's eve or
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newier's day saying don't go to l.a. anytime soon. and if you do go, don't use the subway. that so-called plot was abandoned and focused attention on aiding he can realists on syria. he faces 15 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. martha: what do they think he was planning to do when they caught hip. >> he talked about training syrian fighters to shoot straight. he he he wants to bomb his daughter's daycare since it's at a zionist church and he would put a bullet in his own mom's
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head if she got in his way. bill: malaysian authorities changing their story today. what do we really know? we are looking forward to that. martha: you want to own a piece of james bond? the iconic aston martin from "gold finger" is available but the ejector seat is not included.
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martha: we are back with the latest on this mystery of flight 370 and word that the computer system was most likely reprogrammed by someone in that cockpit to do that westward bank during this flight. we'll talk about some of the options. john o os ostrower is with us. you have been pulling on this spring getting closer to nailing down the details. explain how it would be the pilot would change the preprogrammed flight pattern that every flight has in the computer system while they are in the air. you say it's possible one of them could have done it before they took off, right?
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>> at this point what we do know is that the flight plan at that point was reprogrammed. we don't know if it was before or after the plane took off. certainly that will be a key fact in this investigation moving forward. but if you think of the flight management computer on the triple 777, it's like an old school chunky blackberry with big black buttons and a you'd i amry screen. it's right in between the two seats on the plane. we have a graphic up. go ahead. >> so that system has almost like apps. different functions from your flight plan to the progress of the flight to your engines. it's designed to be reprogrammed very, very quickly. what will be important to investigators is wet were they can discern from the data they have got whether the flight plan
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was programmed by what's called -- whether it was done through a pang that changes the way points or whether it was done through another change that states it's an emergency. that would tell you generally maybe not specifically, but generally what the circumstances were around the use of the flight management computer as it was flying. martha: you have to punch 7 or 8 digits into this knee high computer in between the two pilots. i would think it would be difficult to do that without the other pilot knowing. it would be -- unless the other pilot wasn't in the seat at that moment. >> not necessarily. the way the division of labor is split up, the pilot flying and the pilot not flying, i'll refer
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to it as the copilot, have different tasks during early stages of a flight. so typically you have got the pilot flying, focusing on physically flying the airplane and the pilot flying not managing the computers and the radios. we don't know what the division of labor was or what the circumstances were around what prompts the programming to begin with. so again we have another bread crumb in a very small pool of information. and so what we are going to be looking for from investigators is what this piece of data tells them about the circumstances in the cockpit at the time. at this point we don't know. but we do know that certainly the aircraft was steered away from its original course. martha: we have been showing that sharp westward bank that you are referring to. one of the fascinating things in your piece is when you talk
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about how this kind of across is not consistent with what we have seen in the past on a suicide mission by a pilot. >> specifically what we have seen in the past historically in the few instances that have been able to be documented or at least probable cause was that the pilot was taking some kind of intentional action, whether -- for whatever reason. that typically happens in a very rapid sequence. it doesn't take what we now know to have been 7 and a half hours of flying. so that would certainly be outside of the normal historical mold for something of that nature. in this particular case certainly we know that it flew more considerably longer. but at of turn in this investigation when faced with a likely scenario and unlikely scenario. this story has unfolded almost
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universally toward the unlikely direction. martha: one of the remaining questions is whether or not the transponder was turned off before or after that good night was heard by one of the pilots. what's the latest on that? >> the latest is there is a bit of confuse about it. -- a bit of confusion about it. when the malaysian prime minister announced the aircraft was steered by deliberate action he outlined a time line that had the acars reporting system, it's like twitter for airplanes. it's reporting its status back to home base. there was a thought it had been turned off in france of the final radio call and in advance of the disabling of the aircraft transponder when it disappeared from civilian radar. 24 hours later the defense transportation minister
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confirmed that was the scenario and 24 hours after that the ceo of ma laition airlines in conjunction with the minister clarified that no in fact they expected the last acars transmission at a few minutes past 1:00 a.m., and there was no definitive indication that the system was shut off. so that was the anchor for where a lot of this claim of potential foul play or deliberate action had come from. beginning to understand the circumstances. so we added one more question to an even longer growing list of questions that we already had. martha: the unlikely scenario had proven to be the case in so many of the hurdles that had been crossed so far. thank you very much. great reporting on all of this. see you soon. bill: it's a race to the finish
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at the white house and obamacare. the white house saying 5 million have signed up through the exchanges. we don't know how many have started to pay the premium. there are 1 million enrollments shy of the march 317 projection. 13 days away from the 31st of march. >> let's get a look at the markets as investigators react to assurances russia will not go after the rest of the ukraine. yesterday the dow closed up 181 points. and we'll keep an eye on those throughout the show. >> reporter: a collective shrug. irony and sarcasm. that what'ser in saying in moscow to the sanctions announced by the white house. ambassador john bolton reacts to all of this news. martha: a dramatic ocean rescue
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martha: a dramatic rescue was caught on camera. the coast guard saved a man and his dog off the coast of texas in the gulf of mexico. that was a happy day for him. bill: vladimir putin signing a treaty to a -- to annex crimea.
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putin said it's a big honor. i don't have accounts abroad. i don't need a visa to access their work. i lose nothing, end quote. hello to you. you predicted a lot of this stuff. this is mockly and sarcasm so far today. >> putin has taken the crimea and has shown his utter disdain for sanctions. russia is the 8th largest economy in the world and the u.s. responds to the movement of russian military forces across a military bored is to sanction 11 people. no wonder the russians aren't paying any attention and no wonder the threat to the ukraine remains. bill: so he will a he will anne,
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does he want southern ukraine, dose want eastern ukraine? does it stop there? >> we don't know. he wants the government subject servicant to moscow -- he wants the government subsercian to return. i think he thinks he can get a satisfactory government. if he can't i think plan b would be to partition the rest of the country. i think there will be a lot of pressure to do just that. bill: west of the you've crane you say there is a country called moldova. you say there are russian troops there. if you look at the map to make
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it contiguous you will have to take part of ukraine. is that the intention? >> the critical point is this republic in moldova asked to be annexed by russia. the troops are fewer than the cold war days but they show the extent of the problem once ukraine begins to tip back into russia's orbit. it's other sections that will call for russian protection. bill: so the point is we don't know if putin will stop at crimea or not. mitt romney wrote a piece in the "wall street journal." president obama and secretary of state clinton traveled the world to reset relations.
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their failure has been painfully evident. now russia is in ukraine. i don't know what president obama does, i don't know if he ramps up sanctions to the level we had in place against iran. you know those sanctions worked against tehran. now some of that is being lifted. i know a lot of people would like to see the anti-missile system reestablished in poland in the czech republic. something that was started under president bush. i don't know yet, perhaps you can answer this, i don't know how deeply engaged he wants to get with putin in russia now on this. what is your sense? >> i don't think obama is going to do much of anything. i think that's part of putin's calculus. he may not have known how the united states and europe will
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react to his movement of russian forces into the crimea. but seeing that, i think the strategy in his mind, i think it many paying off. i think his he certainiveness will expand. when an authoritarian ruler like putin sees american weakness it's an opportunity for him to take even more that he thought he was going to. i think that's the path. i think we are still in retreat. bill: what do you think about governor romney's reaction? >> when america is strong and assertive people complain about it. but when america is weak and declining they complain about it even more. i think they have seen what it means to have a return to an inward looking america and it scares them. bill: you think these sanctions
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are utterly insignificant? >> you can't sanction 11 people in russia and expect that it's going to get anybody's attention. and the notion that this was just the beginning after gradual escalation is a fool's errand. putin is ahead of the game. he's got a strategy and he's pursuing it. i don't think obama has a strategy at all. bill: do you think the europeans -- do any of our european allies believe that we there is certainly noe on evidence the europeans are prepared to do anything more strongly than the united states. but i think this is a real crisis point for nato. if the europeans aren't concerned about their safety it's hard to understand why they think we should be concerned about it.
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it's given the lie to the idea that's economic integration will different us leverage over moscow. the lens goes both ways. the russians are more successful using their economic leverage than the west is. bill: john bolton, thank you, sir. >> reporter: a new study is sounding the alarm on the looming crisis. think about this crisis for real. how much money do you have set aside for your retirement? the staggering numbers on what could be a national problem. stuart varney joins us up next on that. bill * what happens to this man in that running river. check it out.
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you. martha: the u.s. may be facing a severe retirement crisis. new numbers are painting a scary picture about how well we are preparing for our golden years. 36% of workers are saved less than 1,000 for their retirement. stewart varney joins us next. reporter: one-third of americans have less than $1,000. 1/2 have less than $25,000. no ira or 401k to speak of and no savings. you have to ask the question why is this? why is it so dismal? the answer is middle america is being squeezed by stagnant incomes. higher healthcare costs, college costs, taxes are up, the fees you pay are up and the
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overhanging burden of personal debt on credit card and car loans. you add it up and middle america is finding it difficult to save for retirement. middle america is truly squeezed. that's the picture today. martha: this is outside of their homes. the $1,000. outside of the investment they have in their home which i think a lot of people are overestimating wait' worth and outside of any evening plan they may have. but it used to be people tried to sock away as much money as they could and your argument is bawsms what's going on in the country that's difficult right now, right? >> if you paint a broader picture, a broader financial portrait of america is there a couple other numbers. in the last five months tax revenues, the amount of money washington takes out is $1.1 trillion. we have never had more taxation
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and that. at the same time we are spending a whole lot more. kathleen sebelius is the most powerful womb in the world. she has $1 trillion a year to spend. up 16%. so with taxing more, we are spending more, the deficit is growing, and all of this squeezed middle america. that's where we are. >> reporter: the government has more of our dollars. that would be disposable income if we didn't have them. we have more according to you, stuart. we'll see you later on the business channel. bill: new reports of what happened inside the plane. we'll look into what we think we know happened in just a moment. martha: this teenaged girl fighting to get the medical treatment her family wants for her. her family he she is being held captive by a state hospital.
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her father joins us live. >> we just want the government out of our lives. we want the judge to admit he committed an error. [ male announcer ] nearly 7 million clients. how did edward jones get so big? t me just put this away. ♪ could you teach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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martha: new details in the hunt for flight 370. a report that the flight change was preprogrammed. brand-new hour now of america's newsroom. good morning. i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. the new report says whoever did this had deep knowledge of the operating system on board the boeing 777. william lajeunesse following
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this from los angeles. what do we think we know this morning? >> this is another clue. a bread crumb if you will that tells us when and where this plane was head. here is the plane's original extra joke trip. the plane's onboard computer acars told the ground whoever changed the flight path did so by typing 8 or 7 key strokes into the computer rather than turning the plane manually. more evidence that the pilot who did this did so deliberately. flight 370 took off at 12-41 a.m. 1:19, the copilot says "all right, good night." at 1:21 the transponder stops working.
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1:22 thai military sees the plane on its normal flight track. but at 1:28 degree the radar sees the plane on a new track. six hours later it is last seen on satellite. >> that means whoever did this had to have known what they were doing with the plane. this is not just someone on the plane who grabbed control of it and took it in one direction. >> reporter: investigators have not ruled out sabotage or hijack. they say if there was a cabin breach it only take 3 or 4 seconds to hit a distress signal. bill: what are we learn being the pilots and what do we think we know about their actions.
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>> reporter: after searching both homes over the weekend investigators say they have come up empty. there is no evidence that implicates the captain shah ca. they are checking of course the backgrounds of passengers, the ground crew, pilots, personal problems, psychological issues, any of that. but since there has been no distress signal and no ransom note and no parties claiming responsibility for loved ones there is still hope. bill: william lajeunesse in l.a. martha: the search for flight 370 expand to an area malaysia calls the size of australia.
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it's mind boggling to imagine there are so many countries searching for this plane and we have not seen one single clue, not one piece of wreckage. the controversy over how malaysia has handled this is big news in china. 154 of the 239 people are chinese nationals. china is deploying a do you the lights in search of this plane. them say they have found no link to terrorism among their citizens on that flight. >> reporter: french nationals have arrived in kuala lumpur. but the french are quick to point out this case and this mystery is a lot more difficult. >> it's more difficult because in the case of france we had some signals from the aircraft. and in this case here we have no
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broadcasting, so that's a big difference. bill: in the air france disaster search crews had a better read on where to look for that flight number 447. not what you have here. debris and the fir bodies were recovered within five days of that plane's disappearance. but it would take another two years before the black boxes were found on that airbus. martha: what would it take to divert the jet in this global search? we'll talk to a pilot who flew bowing 777's for years. bill: what do you think at home? at the office, on your mobile device. talk to us on twitter. do you think we'll ever know what happened to this plane? @billhemmer and @marthamaccallum. martha: let's switch gears to
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healthcare. the obama administration is reporting 5 million people have signed up for the insurance as of monday. we have a deadline looming and they are far short of original goal of 7 million enrollees. and 5 million people face insurance cancellations. that's a big number as well. this is just sort of the simmering percolating story under all of this. every day they need more and more people signed up. they tried a lot of different tactics. but the numbers look like they aren't going make it. >> i don't think they will make their 7 million mark that was put out by the congressional budget office. something the obama administration embraced. you heard kathleen sebelius set that as a marker for the administration. i don't think they will hit the
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7 million mark. i would be surprised if they hit the 6 million mark. the 5 million mark the white house is putting out now is almost certainly an overstatement. it doesn't include people who have signed up but haven't enrolled by making the payment of the first month's premium. the 5 million number is an inflated number from the beginning. martha: one of the biggest elements here, that's why we have seen the push between pajama boy and between the ferns. they haven't given us a handle on how many of these are young, paying customers. >> the original estimate was they needed 40%. the last number put that at 25%. it would a proportion of young and healthys that wouldn't match what the administration needs. but that 25% number is somewhat
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suspect because it was taken by looking at a pool that included people who hadn't paid their first month's premiums. so all of these numbers are suspect at this point. martha: the proof is going not insurance company's pudding. they will turn around at some point and say you promised you would give us some money if we didn't have enough to cover all these people who are uninsured so it many time for the u.s. government to start writing us those checks. >> that will and big part. what you are hearing from the administration and their supporters. let's say the number is closer to 4 million, not the 5 million. they think they crossed the threshold whereby this is unlikely to collapse of its own weight. you talk to some healthcare experts who disagree jose that's still a possibility. but with the manipulation of the law and lifting of penalties. there is a lot of give within
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the context of the law that was passed. the law as it exists today in some respects doesn't look like much, the law that was passed in between. between -- bassed in 2010. martha: we'll see how people like it. that's the bottom line. when they step into the voting booth how do they like it. bill: a desperate race to save a life. a man trapped near his car, submerged in rush water. we'll have the dramatic attempts to get him out of there. plus there is this. >> i want my little sister home. it's her life and her body, to be able to do what she wants. martha: this story got a ton of national attention. this sick teenager who says she feels like a prisoner in a
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hospital. her family joins us live as they wait today for the judge to decide. bill: president obama slapping some russians with sanctions. what did vladimir putin do today? why russia is mocking the united states. >> if you are going to do something, do it. otherwise say nothing. but this really is a humiliating response by a president who can't even get the europeans to join him in effective sanctions which we could do. in effective sanctions who we could do. we could do. we could do. we could do. e could do.
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for many, relief is at hand. ask your doctor abouxium. dramatic video of this rescue of a man in washington state hanging out of a car submerged in a river. another man in the car made it out on his own. the man was treated for
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hypothermia but he is doing okay. >> president putin is mocking the sanctions that were brought and was speaking after approving a draft bill there annexation of crimea. >> the united states in their practical period prefer not to use international law but the law of the strong. they believe in their uniqueness and that they can rule the world and they are always right and they can use force against sovereign states. >> that is ironic. he said we have to stop use strength and rely on international law which is opposite of what the president
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has said. and i am two guest here and welcome to both of you. there is talk about the way the president is handling this. i want to play a tweet by clinton. >> the one thing i will say is he was always transparent. he never pretended to be what he wasn't. i found in dealing with him, and most other leaders with with him that i had differences, that it was best to be brutal with he p hemip -- him in private and be h honest >> and here is the deputy prime minister in russia: president
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obama what will you do for those that don't have accounts abroad? this is the response from the prime minister. >> clinton didn't face the same situation with putin. he didn he didn't face russia an nenexi another country. >> the people they are being put against could say less >> that is what they say. these are billions of dollars and it is going to bother you if you can't get your hands on it.
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all of the critics, i was re reading the work before the show, we had shh the magazines and john mccain jumping all over him. but i am not sure what we should do. they talk about ronald reagan. he would have stood on the border -- >> every line we put down, they crossed. i want to get tucker's response. >> sgr >> the problem here is you don't want to devalue the president's authority. you don't need to be speaking
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and always talking. the president likes hearing his own voice. issueing sanctions against 11 peoples us more likely to be ignor ignored. >> what would you expect him to do? let me hear your view? >> you make noises. >> and then you get out of the way. in each case he stands up and demands it and then you have to make sure it is done, but he doesn't. that is an insigcitement.
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>> there has been a lot of answers. bringing ships into the black sea, to start to rebuild the missile shield in poland. we have let our defenses down in this area in a number of ways that many people think allowed this to happen. >> this isn't anything new or unexpected. >> so are we supposed to say no problem? what about if they push firurtf? >> then you have to go in with nato. but ships in the black sea, big deal. >> you are arguing against the poem obama administration. they are making empty threats
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and devalueing the threat of american force and they are inviting non-sense from countries. once they think dad isn't home, they go crazy. >> what is the alternative? >> he should not make threats that he cannot back up. >> the threat is the world community is going to come together. europe gets a third of their national national gas from ukraine so they are not on board. >> the president was saying last week he needed to pull the troops back out of crimea. that never happened. then don't allow the vote, it happened. and the next is don't think about annexing the countries and now look where they are.
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>> should you say it is okay to have this referendum? no. you have to say it isn't. he should say you should get your troops out. but this right on their boarder and they have millions of people. i think you can argue that he should not lay down the stark lines but no one else has an answer. >> remember the cat not to be messed with? >> he is charging at us. he is at our bedroom door. [screaming] >> the family that was trapped by their pet might be getting brave. >> let's me how you stand up to the scary cat. >> and not many facts in the in
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the mystery of 370 but plenty of media coverage >> it has created a soup atmosphere for conspiracy theories to go through the roof. they will not believe the truth once it is known. once it is known. well uhhh... surprise!!! russih limbaugh your money needs an ally. bulldog: you know, not all heroes wear capes.
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bulldog: you know, some wear fur. and mattress discounters good deed dogs is here to help them. meet yara. she helps veterans like marv stay independent. this is caspin. he helps wallace with things she can't do on her own. and goldie helps children with developmental disabilities, while suzie works with people in the hospital.
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you can be a hero, too. give it, or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs: helping dogs help people. a search for flight mh370 taken another turn. now we are told someone changed the course for the plane and appeared to know the ends and outs of the bowing 777. here is hank whitmore he flew for american airlines and now he is living in florida.
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bowing built this in a special way. how good is this aircraft? >> probably one of the best aircraft in the world and that is because i am not familiar with the bowing 787. the newest version. it is the finest plane i have every flown. it is nice when you hand fly it. >> what does that mean? >> just take auto pilot off and fly it like a small airplane. it fells like you are flying a real airplane. it is easy to fly. >> it is safe? >> it is very safe >> what do you think happened here, hank? >> i think someone, of course,
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did hijack the airplane. the question is was it the crew or someone on the plane that gained access. >> why do you think it was hijacked? >> because it is apparent the y airplane wasn't crashed right away. it means the crew or someone else took it on an onauthunauth trip. it seemed to me like the wild altitude gyration indicated a struggle to me.
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i know there were some theories about an attempt to disorient the passengers by flying it high and moving it around but based on common sense that is the last thing i would do. if you want to subdue the passenger all you need to do is stay at the pressure, raise the cabin until everybody got sleepy. >> what does raise the cabin mean? >> an airplane is pressurized. the cabin around 8,000 feet no
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matter how high the plane goes. i used to fly over 13,000 feet and we had an altitude switch that had raise the point at which, if the cabin goes above 10,000 feet, the oxygen mask deploy. >> the pilot would have to wear oxygen right? this is all speculation because no one any -- knows anything really. -- now there is a suggestion that this was pre-programmed. why would that be? >> pre-programmed just means someone entered a way point in the flight management system. if the automated communication
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system makes a report they will enter that way point. so they know someone entered that into the the system and it will send that as the next way point. someone knows that entry was made. >> that is a simple thing? >> yes, it is very simple. if the pilot entered a heading, they could fly anywhere and they would have no idea where it was going, just know it was on a heading, they would not know the pilot. >> appreciate you talking to us, hank. >> you are welcome. >> some coverage of flight mh370 maybe going a little bit over the top and rush limbaugh is among those who say he has had enough. >> because even though the coverage may leave me cold, i realize a lot of people are
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fascinated by it. cnn, we chose this because they are gone now into the super natural to explain this. >> does we have a point? howard kurtz on the frenzy. >> and why these veterans are just now receiving the military's highest award decades later.
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two dozen army veterans now getting long delays recognition for their bravery. they will be presented with the medal of honor, the highest award. they were passed over due to discr discremati discremation -- discrimination -- >> reporter: the war was long over before they started looking at the fact no black veterans were given the highest award. 24 veterans today will be honored with the medal of honor. richard on the right is here to accept the award for his who was
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killed in vietnam. >> i would call every condy in the phone book but i could never fine them. my wife found a set of my orders where we were presented a star and his social security number was on there. >> reporter: they found a number of hispanic and jewish soldiers who deserved the medal. lendered cravitz is here to --
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has his grand son lenny kravitz here to collect the award for him. >> listen to what rush limbaugh has to say about the flight mh370 -- >> that thing has been hijacked and is now a bomb -- this is creating a soup atmosphere for conspiracy theories to go through the roof. it is so far gone and now the simple explanation is what is going to end up being the truth but no one is going to accept it because they are so far gone with potential theories that it is going to be difficult.
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people will not believe the truth once it is know. >> how are you doing, howard? a promortal soup -- we have been reporting this story. and the truth seems to change every day, but you can understand the dilimia, can't you? >> everybody on the planet is interested in this story. it is getting ratings and you bring on experts and they say i think it is this and that. you have a lot of airtime to cover and the coverage is out of control. >> as of today or a week ago? >> this was like a week ago. the tail was spotted in the river. the lithium battery on the plane
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and then fox saying it didn't crash and then someone saying it was super natural. >> already cnn had a banner plane may have disappeared into the bermuda triangle. >> in an effort to understand something we cannot understand because we have little pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. we are concerned what happened to these 270 people but in the process of doing that journalist who might in the news say we should look at this. "the new york times" saying the computer system was used to change correspondence, that is good reporting.
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they were saying before they were turned off at the same time and now they are saying that is not true. no body knows what happened to o place plane. we are seeing the media at their best, but too often the worst. >> the best way to pass it on is being transparent saying we don't know. you would be surprised how often and how well that works >> but there is an instinct to say it could be this or that. i don't know is the honest answer but too many are not taking that approach. >> t will continue until we
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can get the real facts. >> new developments on one families fight to get their taught daughter back. >> she is my hero. >> she is away from her family, friends, her pets, my grandmother -- it is insane. >> they are trying to get their daughter the medical treatment they say she needs and she is being held captive by the hospital. her father is here next. >> and steven hawking giving his prediction for the future of mankind.
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i've got a to-do lis stevent hawking aphen hawking a
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stephen hawking weighing on in the future of mankind saying in 50 years we will be living on the moon and on the way to mars and he has no doubt this is going to be the true space ange and if we fail he believes he being extinct. >> we want to get you up to speed on what is going called a hospital hostage. massachusetts state took custody of justina pelletier after her daughters brought her to a hospital there.
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the doctors disputed her diagnose saying they believe it was mental. >> dcf in massachusetts has never been to our house, seen our dogs, our pool, talked to your neighbors. they were judge, jury and executioner. >> joining me now and justina pelletier's mother and sister. i know you talked with megan in the evening so we are trying to get the viewers up to speed on the story and what happened. you believe she had a mito disease and you took her to a different hospital and they sha changed the diagnose and said it was mental and how did you lose c
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cus custody? >> they decided not to listen to tu tufts and they decided that she didn't have a medical issue but a psychological. >> they aaccused you of child abuse? >> yes, they said we were not following their advice and we had too many procedures done >> why can't you just leave? >> that is what we tried to do. but they had their own preset agenda. we arrived february 10th where she was going to be admitted to the gi floor but was in the
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neuro and then they come up with t this dieiagnose of no more medications and such and we said we are taking her back to tufts. and they said we are taking custody of her. >> what did you do? >> we were numb. >> it was the beginning of now a 13 plus nightmare. >> the judge is make ing a decision. you are one of four sisters. what do you think is going to happen with the judge? >> i hope for the best and i hope this nightmare is over. but unfortunately the way things have been showing i don't have
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much faith in the system. >> you found you are not alone. this is happening to other families. >> the number of people who contact me to be their savior, and it is heart wrenching and the number of people that said it was too late and their child died because of people saying it wasn't a medical condition. so there is a major problem in this country where hospitals can use their bully bullpit to children children. >> and you said the department of children services never came to your home to figure out if you had a safe environment for
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the the children. >> they never crossed the boarder once. even though they did to check outs a facility they were thinking about sending her to. >> we wish you well and hope you make out with the judge this week. jenna lee coming up with "happening now" now in 11 minutes >> president obama flexing his muscles on russia but are the sanction enough? why the officials are mocking the move. and major problems for general motors as the automakers is making moves in the wake of the two recalls and more testimony in the oscar pistorius case. a shocking suggestion that police corruption is behind the
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ba bathroom where reeva steenkamp was shot. >> you can be james bond. but it will cost you big money. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you're watching one of the biggest financial services cpanies in the country at work. hey. thanks for coming over. hey. [ male annouer ] how did it come to be? yours? ah. not anymore. it's a very short story. come on in. [ male announcer ] by meeting you more than halfway. it's how edward jones makesense of investing.
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yours. but it comes a hefty price >> this is a memorable car. >> aston martin is all for your eyes only unless you have $30 million! >> the name is bond. james bond. >> michael desert does done it all. he wants to sell. >> look at this. there is smoke and oil coming from here. >> this is the most unique car. it is db-5 made from '66-'66 machine guns in the front. the plate rotates. >> how about this scary robot tank that has flames?
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or this bullet-ridden car? or this submarine? >> parents watched him, we watched him, our grandparents did. cars like this are art. you cannot reproduce them. >> this is the took took taxi cab from the roger moore movie and this lotus is from "your eyes only". this is the largest collection of james bond. $32 million and the owner is hoping whoever buys it takes it back to great britian.
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>> some are call ittiing a thum america's eye. putin is just mocking the sanctions and the new questions it is raise about about president obama leadership today.
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martha: this is not good news. word that a helicopter has crashed near the satellite space needle in seattle. it could involve a couple of cars on the ground as well we're told. it is, according to king 5, the chopper is used in a partnership between their tv station and como, the nbc station. so it is believed that the chopper crash as i said also involved some car injuries on the ground as well. so not a good situation. we'll get you more information on that. we'll get you that. bill: komo has a picture on the
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website. the space needle is very tall. the background is filled with dark, black smoke. when we get a picture we'll show you to you on the breaking news. you have a couple days off. martha: "happening now" starts right now. jenna: we'll follow the breaking news out of seattle. new headlines and brand new stories you will see here first. new clues for the jumbo jet as new offerings on the pilot and copilot. background on every single person on flight 370. a amid new threats of retaliation for u.s. and european sanctions. we'll get you caught up on that. more trouble for general motors. still realing from a massive recall. now another one in the works. the danger this time around. it is all "happening now." another busy news day ahead. great to see you today. i'm jenna lee. >> i'm


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