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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 19, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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you o'reilly is next. go to before you watch bill. good night from washington. see you tomorrow night 7 p.m. tonight on "red eye." coming up on "red eye," would spider-man look better in green and yellow or would captain america look better as a chick with pink hair. the heated debate you won't see on special report. and it is finally here. but does the white house think greg gutfeld's book will be a best seller? >> i don't think it is likely at all. >> and men's roller derby. stupid sport, really stupid sport or really, really stupid sport. our panel settles it once and for all, next. none of these stories on "red eye." >> and now let's welcome our guest. she is so cute she belches lady bugs.
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it is not that cute, but i don't know. she will have her cake and eat it too and then throw it up. he is a person i most admire in the the world, tv's andy looy vee. and yes, this is what i get for writing him to write his own intro ducks. sitting next to me "saturday night live" writer michael chay. he will be performing in new york city. check him out. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> what do you do for a living, greg? >> they put the party in nazi party. a minneapolis restaurant is under fire after hosting a nazi-themed party dining under a swastika flag. pick -- pictures were leaked to the minneapolis city pages. while the restaurant owner refused comment, one attendee
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called the -- what is that? called it harmless. i am not drunk. he says he is a member of the world war ii action society. it features german food and beer. there is nothing pro hitler about it. it is not negative or pro. and all members are screened to make sure they are not neo nazis saying, quote, are you not there because you believe in what hitler stood for. it is the same as wanting to be the bad guy when you are playing cowboys and indians. meanwhile, speaking of historical reenactments. >> ♪ here's a story ♪ of a lovely lady ♪ who was bringing up ♪ three lovely girls ♪ all of them had hair of gold ♪ ♪ like their mother ♪ the youngest one in curls
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>> don't laugh. that is [bleep]. they said in the prompter it was a re-enactment of the brady bunch using cats. you don't put them in bosses and then say it is a re-enactment. >> you didn't hear the song? >> i am hearing impaired. >> i am torn over this: if you are acting you can play however you want. >> so you say. they can do what they want. it is in bad taste. probably the worst part is they insisted on cooking the food in gas ovens. i think that is uncalled for. we are trying to keep this unedited. >> i get doing a re-enactment. somebody has to be the bad guy. somebody has to play the south in the civil war. somebody has to play the nazi. this was a christmas party. this was not a reenactment.
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this was guys sitting around in a uniform and eating dinner. >> i understand that if this were some keened of thing for a group of -- kind of thing for a group of people, like a play. >> if it was any kind of party i would be vieted first -- invited first of a you will. >> i like you said cowboys and indians and somebody has to be the bad guy. what, the indian? he is a clear racist, god bless him. >> he probably should have said cobs and robbers. >> that's true, cowboys are the bad guys. that probably gave it away. >> that gave it away totally. there are such things as world war ii reenactments. maybe there were parties during world war ii. so you can argue it is an authentic re enactment? maybe. if it was an actual historical
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re-enactment it would be on a battlefield. they do it in england for the battle of hastings. this was people at a dinner party in a nazi costumes and that's it. i don't think there is much more to it. this guy says it is just like any club that has a party. they dress up like germans from world war ii. it is cool to eat german food and drink german beer. put on another outfit. >> you don't have to dress like a nazi to enjoy a good sausage. that's my rule. >> you can have an authentic german experience in your normal attire. >> exactly, exactly. joanne, you are lonely. rarely if ever are you invited to any kind of party. if you were invited to this, would you go? >> definitely. to the christmas dinner i would dress as a sexy elf. >> a sexy nazi elf? >> isn't that the same thing? >> no, how dare you? don't besmirch little people.
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>> it looked like a production, or a play. it looked like the musical "caberet." that would be a great excuse. you need a cover for this kind of stuff. it was trying to find excuses. mine is much better. and i can serve your dinner. gee you know what, i -- >> you know what, i agree with you. they should have said next week we are dressing up as drag queens and we are going to have dinner that way. after that pilgrims and then babies. and then animals. we are not racist. we are crazy. >> if i owned a german restaurant i would think the last thing i would let happen would be to have a nazi-themed party in it. it just seems like a bad idea. >> i like that that's your reasoning. if this was a japanese restaurant i would do it.
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>> it would be a different world war ii-themed party. you would have to serve kamakazi's. >> isn't it elitist that people can win an oscar for playing an evil role, say "12 years a slave" who was nominated for an oscar -- >> but they gave them to the >> they gave it to that one guy. michael -- >> he was nominated so people like to play the role. is it elitist to say that's okay, but the average can't. >> they weren't reenacting anything. they were eating. that's like the kk being like, i'm sorry, we are having a meeting. it is just friday dinner. >> in your costumeses ? >> keep the role playing where it belongs, in the bedroom. >> i wanted to provide another balance to this. >> you want to be fair and balanced with the nazis. >> i am against. it but i want it to be interesting. we pay they pray. fruits and vegetables are
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stalking students at the university of tennessee as part of an anti-obesity effort. the campaign is called get frubed and it is funded by the federal government at a cost of $5 million. that is five $1 million bills. the pun, you are looking grape today is priceless. >> are you looking grape today. >> grapefruit. >> it is run by students and it is to get people to uh lopt healthier life steals or at least startle them a little.
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>> get fruit. >> fruit you. >> i will scare people on the way. >> you couldn't do that in texas. those videos cost $2 million each, right? >> no. >> i'm pretty sure. $5 million. anyway for more let's go to the healthy nutrition correspondent. ♪ >> it is good to have a hobby, michael. >> yeah, but not that. >> i don't know. imagine what they would be doing if it wasn't that. >> it is called get frubed.
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what do you make of that phrase some. >> none of that made me hungry at all. in fact, it made me want to avoid children and fruit. who is looking at that satisfying man, i never liked grapes until i saw todd's grapes. now my mouth is watering. it is also creepy tactics. don't do that to that girl. >> it is not assault if you are dressed as a fruit? >> i think that centers on an island a lot more than you intended. >> that is more rape ethan grapey. >> that's true. >> it reminds me of the fruit of the loom commercials. remember those guys dressed up? it was disgusting. >> but they were kind of sexy. >> if you leak mens with boils all over their body, which you do. >> was i watching a different commercial? >> i mean the giant grapes.
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what do you think of this? >> it is a waste of money. but if somebody wanted me to put on that costumes and jump out of people. i would volunteer to be that person because it looks fun. but i am with you. if somebody jumped out at me, the very least i would karate chop them in the throat because it would terrify me. i would blow a rape whistle if i was walking down the hall. >> i have never seen a woman walking down the hall with a whistle. >> they removed the piece. >> you have to get to it. >> you carry your keys like a wolverine between your knuckles so if you are attacked -- >> you you know what is a great rape whistle? a gun. it makes a whistling noise when you shoot their [bleep] off. jonah, good use of government money or a great use? >> a great use of money. i would love to be one of the acting students they asked to participate in this. this is absolutely terrible. the fact that a this is a grant means they had to apply
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i'm pretty sure. so for someone to say this is a great idea and this is -- it sounds reasonable, let's do it, i visited their website and part is an education out reach. there is not much there. there is a page for each fruit or vegetable and it says "follow me." how that will educate our kids i don't know. these people are not experts. a quote says the students are recognized as experts in their own right. their knowledge is equally valued as academic expertise. >> we should do this commercial. >> we are experts and we can do it way better. >> it is telling us about fruits we already know about. everybody knows grapes are delicious. tell us about kumkwats. >> they are telling you about something you know and it could be used for better things like curing april de's saw rye -- andy's saw psoriasis.
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robert these fruits acting like bullies? they are bullying you with fruit. >> this is a great campaign for elementary schoolkids and not college kids. anybody who uses the word fruit should be beaten. can we agree on that? itoh it is a combination between fruit and vegetable. >> i don't get it. >> these poor kids. everyone around campus will say, oh, they are the fruit. look how fruity. >> and nobody is dressed up as a vegetable. >> i just feel like these are the kids that didn't get accepted to do the play. >> they are like, what did we do? >> this is like the sadder version of "glee." >> it is sad that's what they did with $5 million. >> that's true. >> if i was $19 and you gave me $5 million, the last thing you would see me is a the school. what would you plan after the fall of man a? a new show asked that question.
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it is a sci-fi "lord of the flies" in which the fate of humanity rests in the hands of a hundred teenagers. the hands of a hundred teenagers. the teens travel back to post apocalyptic earth in the hopes of finding what they need to start a new and saved civilization. what government will they form and will there be a place for religion? meanwhile, back at andy's apartment. >> we always-cut the tape at that point for obvious reasons. mature content after that. some countries i'm sure it is legal. >> in america we don't let
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that thing happen. cats are special. they are not a weird plaything for perverted single men in their tiny apartments. the world is over and you get to start a new. what part of society would you want to survive and what would you want to keep? >> well i couldn't think of my own ideas so i judged the ones the guy made in this article. let me tell you. >> you have a future in tv. >> this is going to be good. he said he would keep social media. if there is a hundred people you are probably all in the same location. i feel like that's just a waste. the other thing he said convenient food would go. if you survive an apocalypse i am going to have cheetoes and they will be there because they will make it through. >> by the way, the cheetoes and the twinkies would be the bargaining chips with the heath thens. >> my whole point during an apocalypse everybody thinks about how they will survive and protect themselves. why not become the other person?
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the bad person. you don't have to worry about being scared. you always become the bad guy. >> i do like that idea. wait a minute. is it because i am the black dude? >> i tricked you into answering the affirmative. >> you have to take the affirmative off of morada. >> what would you do after the apocalypse? >> after the apocalypse? probably jump in the ocean and go for a swim. you mean all of the people are gone? >> yeah, there is still fish. >> i still feel like i am on the bottom of the food chain. there is still stuff that can kill me. if i survive an apocalypse, it is bear time. >> so you would stay out of the water? >> there are bears and birds. there are birds who look like you can take a them until they get 10 feet away from you and then we will sigh who is the real man. >> the muscle to fat ratio on
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a bird is incredible. i find when they are trapped in a small space it is scary jie. i never found one trapped in a small space. >> i have. >> this is terrifying. >> joe? new york's future depends on these teenagers being responsible. it is an interesting idea, no? >> i think it is a great idea. they really learn to be responsible. i think instead of summer camps they should have apocalypse camps where you send them off to the mountains jie. and kill them? >> i didn't say that. >> i think my biggest concern would be pro cree yaiting. i don't have that many options. if i want to survive and i want my chaild to survive i have to meet with the most attractive -- >> you would want to mate with a mutant because you want your child to have mutant powers. >> they have to be the strongest and the fastest.
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>> a grotesque mutant would be the perfect mate. again people would be scared of you. you would create a race of disgusting mutants. i wish the apocalypse would happen now. frankly i am board. >> me too. >> here are the only things i would need to survive. electricity. you have to have electricity. you need one restaurant. and a nearby pharmacy. >> nobody is working there which would be convenient. >> that would make it worth it. just so you could get antibiotics. >> i it would be even more chill if i take care of the 99. >> you know what the problem is? it would be pointless. even the stuff that is already invented, i wouldn't know how to reinvent. like if i had to explain it to somebody, i wouldn't know how to make it work. >> you can't even use the stuff we have invented now. >> that's what i'm saying.
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you find out who are the available people in the planet and they would be like welders and people who have real vocations. you wouldn't ask an editor from esquire to help you. >> you need a lot of app creators. >> talk show hosts would not -- >> i would be the first one killed. that's why i would make myself evil. >> the whole premise is flawed. no one at this table would have made it through the apocalypse. maybe joanne would have. >> i would just cling on to something. >> i wouldn't have made it. >> how? >> i am charming. >> the three of us would be gone for sure. >> the zombies are doing this to us? >> i have no idea. i really didn't read the story. i had a busy day. that's why i am tired. i have been doing a lot of interviews. have you bought it yet? it is called "not cool." go to amazon and order it. i am like 165 and try to push me under 100: -- 100.
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jerk. i'm the jerk.
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anyway, no, i don't. >> for too long social media has been bringing people together. parents, grandparents, children, violent homicidal stalkers and their victims. finally it will help us stay apart. the new app is apartmently named "cloak" which is short for paul mccurio. it is good for annoying panelists. and it is simple and easy to use . unless you are a cat.
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it is a reminder of how stupid animals are. peta, have i no idea what the big deal is. the app only knows someone's location if they routinely post on-line. it is a good start toward never running into lou dabs again. michael, who would you never like to see again. be specific and use first and last names. >> i was against this app strongly. >> i don't believe you are against anything strongly. >> what ever happened to just ignoring people or making them feel terrible when you don't like them. have we taken that away? i don't want an app that tells me how to avoid people. i want to see the people i hate so i can tell them i hate them. >> that's a good point.
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if you don't tell people they are annoying, how are they going to know? i had a guy talking to me after a presentation last week and i said you are annoying. >> even if you think a guy texts you constantly wanting to make plans and you don't agree to it or you don't respond to it, you would think they would learn, but then there is paul mccurio. not everybody gets it. that's why you need an app like this. >> he never gets my responses. keeps e-mailing me ag me the same questions. >> he must be on at&t. enough about paul mccurio. this app only works to the people you are trying to uh vowed check in on-line. how do you avoid people who aren't tech savy. >> that's the one flaw in this. i don't know many people who use four square.
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why would this app exist. i would think about all of the times i turned a corner and been like, back up. maybe some day we will want this when more people start using -- >> you don't talk to your kids anymore? >> that's what i have done for the last 12 years and i will keep doing that. the app could make it easier and i am on board. >> i will tell you what will happen. people are looking at their phones. they will look up and see the person they were trying to avoid and not paying attention or get hit by a car. either way i am happy. >> that's true. joanne, do you want to avoid people or do they all pretty much avoid you already? >> i don't think anyone would avoid me. >> can we just call this what it is? it is gps. you can flag the people who check in that you don't like. i would love this so i can run
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into people. i can run into my exwhen i am looking fabulous as opposed to running into them when i am looking -- still fabulous, but not as fabulous. >> i owe my exmoney. >> that doesn't lower the price. she is not going to knock anything off. >> you look great. you only owe me 8. i took a shower yesterday. >> the problem for you, andy, when you have this and when you are alone it will be going off. >> still you just stay in your apartment. you won't run into anyone doing that. >> it is because you hate yourself. >> i don't believe that is true. >> no, i don't. >> you hate yourself and you
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project that hate to me. >> no, i just hate you. >> i can see this is going no where. >> the c block is next. it is sponsored by teleprompter. thanks, teleprompter. you are the best. thanks, greg, but are you just saying that because i told you to? of course i think you are the best, teleprompter. you are a sweetheart greg, and i am not trying to put words in your mouth. >> you could never but words in my underwear. made you say underwear. >> that was a long way for nothing. will humanity be packing up and moving to the moon? no? that settles that story.
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is filling your bong doing earth wrong? marijuana growers produce as much carbon emission as three million cars. according to a report for every pound of weed grown indoors 4600 pounds of carbon are released into the atmosphere. that's the sky, joanne. in california, a state, indoor imroaers use about 9% of the state's household electricity while the outdoor growers use 60 million gallons of water per day which is the equivalent of 60 million one-gallon jugs of water. interesting isn't it? does this change your smoking
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habits? >> absolutely not. it balances it out. >> really? >> the three million people are getting high, then they are not driving. they are home. >> i would hope that would be the case. >> you can't light up a bong and drive a car at the same time. we don't have the technology yet. >> thank god for that. it would be terrible if it were otherwise. ellison in the green room you said f the environment. all i want to do is get legally blazed. then you threw a hot cup of coffee on me. >> and flashed a couple of gang signs. i am all for it. i don't care. >> not a story here? >> no story. case closed. none of you should care 3w* carbon emissions ever, fine. next story. >> it consumes 29 refrigerators of electricity.
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>> why did we do this story? >> i don't think these stats are accurate. >> they could be. >> assuming one part of the story is accurate. >> i don't think a single part is accurate. >> i am jumping on board with that. >> we need to develop tiny nuclear-powered grow apps and everything will be solved. >> the problem is because it is not legal everyone is having to do it in their houses. what about corn? >> what about corn? >> other plants? >> what about corn, joanne. you have taken command of the story. >> high fuctose corn syrup is just as uh districting -- >> it doesn't get you high. >> well, that one time. >> no, i think corn syrup is in captain crunch. >> it is in a lot of things. if someone were to take away our high fructose corn syrup
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we would be upset by it. maybe this study is not completely accurate, but it makes you look at carbon footprints and it makes us more aware so we would have to put more regulations. >> in the green room she told me global warming is not real. >> that is not what she said back there. she said it is a sham and i said all right. >> all right, is there a case for living in space? >> i hope so. >> i do too, my friend. time for another -- >> "red eye debate 2014, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> all right. welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate, live from the" red eye debate center in topeka, kansas. i am greg gutfeld. there will be a brief autograph session only after the debate is over. tonight's topic, should we live on the moon?
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steven hawking predicted we will have settlements there and people living on mars by 2100. the renouned astro physicist adds that if we don't colonize other planets the humans will face extinction due to over population. this is very, very scary this over population thing. should we move to the moon? >> there are no hoes on the moon. >> no hoes? >> yet. >> there could be. >> i'm all for is it. >> is that the only thing you look for? >> that's the first thing. you didn't give me time to prepare. >> what if we send the hoes there first? >> i am all for. it. >> but they are going to -- there is no air there. are you going to die. >> well, happy. >> briefly. >> be honest. >> no. i wouldn't go to the moon. >> not at all? just to see what it is like? >> no. why come -- complicate your
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hygiene methods you took hundreds of thousands of years to perfect and going to the bathroom with indoor plumbing and you have to wear a giant suit. if you have to do number one or two you are doing all of this stuff and your poop is flying around. how do you keep your poop from hitting you in the head. >> the poop is the sole reason not to be for this. i could do a quick trip. >> i couldn't go to certain countries because of bathroom issues. >> you can poop in a balloon and send it off. >> no you have to keep it in your area because you don't want to pollute. >> nobody wants to get hit by a poop balloon. >> do you know how big the universe is? >> they would not let you send that a out. >> i would poop in a balloon and let it out. or save it for a party. >> wasn't poop balloon led swrep 11's first name? >> no. >> there are no mirrors on the
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moon so i'm sure it would be hard for you to survive. what do you make of this? >> i think we will be able to have people live on the moon in the future. much like australia, let's send prisoners there. let's make use out of it. we can send prisoners there and we won't have to pay for them. are you such a humanitarian. >> i am thinking about everyone. some in a bad way. prisoners to the moon. that does solve a number of problems. >> i don't read. >> i would be all for living on the moon, but we have to go there. otherwise we will be on the set where filmed the movie. >> you don't still firmly believe we have never been to the moon? >> of course we have never been to the moon.
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have you been to the moon? >> no. >> have you been to the moon? >> yes i have, one time. >> that's 100% of the people surveyed have not been to the moon. >> i have also not been a candidate. been to canada, does that mean it does not exist. >> i have. >> two splat -- separate come mighting canadas. it is time to take a break. don't think of leaving me now. look at this. my book. it is out now. you don't have to hear me yell about it. you can go and buy it. it is called "not cool." my tour begins next week. it is 31 cities and 11 days. that's in florida. florida is a great place. you have to go there. go to g a lot of people e-mail a me and ask me where the tour is. it is where you are e-mailing me. buy the book.
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>> he is raising the big on e-cigs. it must me time for -- >> last month the new jersey governor submitted his proposed budget for 2015. inside for some reason was a new tax on e cigarettes. the governor claims that right now vaping is unregulated and he wants to raise the tax to the same level as t cigarettes which diss 2.70 -- $2.70 a pack. things were heated as one jersey resident called the idea, quote, reckless and harmful. steven clark said he got off regular cigs thanks to the
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electronic counterparts. ecigs have the potential to make cigarettes obsolete. he is now happily shooting hair row rine. i -- heroin. i joke. why do they want to take something helpful to people and then make them expensive. >> a, they are clinically insane. by raising the tax os cigarettes -- e cigarettes they make it harder for poor people to buy them. it is less likely that poor people will get lung cancer and emphysema. the second reason is chem trails. the vapor from e cigarettes interferes with the chemicals the government is spraying us with to keep docile sheep. politicians are doing what they can to stop. it. >> finally somebody is talking about chem trails. >> there is a high chance my life is in danger now or will
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be after this airs. >> i cannot explain it to you. google it, michael. why is he trying to do this? why tax something that helps people? >> does it help people? >> yeah. i haven't had a cigarette in four months. >> why are they taxing something that helping people? >> he turned it back on me. >> i don't know what to do now. ellison. he is trying to kill people, that's what he is doing. >> we talked about e cigarettes three times. i am not convinced it is not necessarily a gateway to cigarette smokes. >> it is not. >> that may or may not be based on an neck dough tall evidence, but i do think they are absolutely better than cigarettes and people are using them to quit. my understanding is they are higher levels with nicotine and some go completely down. it is reckless to tax a
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product that is better than cigarettes and will help a lot of people who are smokers now. >> that is correct. >> that's why you tax it because it is a business and you say oh they are all buying this stuff, well let's -- maybe they should lower the regular cigarettes and get them to pay more for the e-cigarettes. >> then more people would smoke the other cigarettes. >> well, we all getting paid, right? >> when do we get our checks? >> that's the problem. you should open -- this is the best business, an e-cigs. >> i should. >> do it tonight. >> do you believe anyone who smokes e cigarettes should be shot in the face? >> i am coming around on this idea. i don't know if it is because i have been around all of you, but i think to deter people from buying these e-cigarettes e-cigarettes which is better than actual cigarettes, it is air table.
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to say this is a syntax and that you will profit from it, i don't see how you would. if you want to tax something else, it should be cinnibon because it will deter me from eating it and help the obesity problem in mark. america. >> that's an obvious point. chris christie is overweight. without the tobacco and the tar it would accelerate your metabolism and you would lose weight. the fact is why isn't he willing to tax fattening foods why? if you are going to raise taxes -- i guess what i'm saying, turn it back on him. >> i don't want to turn it back on him. i want to turn it back on no one. >> i agree with you. we need a revenge tax.
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this is bad. this is not good. i leak christie, but i am angry with him. >> i'm sure he is very disappointed if he is watching. >> it will keep him up at night to know a talk show host is upset with him. we are going to take a break. e-mail us at red eye at fox do you have a video of your animal doing something? tired of the cats. tired of the cats. don't send the cats, unless they are doing something interesting then lots of cats. unless they are boring, then no cats. no cats at all. go to fox eye. click on submit a video. the last story is about women and men and how different they are. bulldog: [whimpering]
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bulldog: has your old bed got you in a twist? well, mattress discounters has up to 48 months interest-free financing. plus, mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! queen-size memory foam mattress sets as low as $697!
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now what's best about 48 months interest-free financing at mattress discounters? it's 28 years in dog financing. ♪ mattress discounters
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of bone less pork ribs. i am paying for it now. speaking of pork, i know that makes no sense at all. coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" good news we have
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the lovely and talented jill dobson. that's on the left. the bad news is what's on the right, whatever that is. it rhymes with paul mccurio. he could shave once in awhile. >> i think he is dream. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> i wonder if mccurio watches this show? >> no way. >> when guys are reeling, do they have less feeling? during moments of stress men'sy emotional in-- men's emotional intelligence drops. that's according to a study that i failed to read because i am busy. researchers put participants in stressful swageses and found that -- situations and found that men were unable to realize the emotions of others. you are nodding as though you mow something. you are a woman. were you able to follow this.
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>> i didn't follow anything past the first paragraph. emotional intelligence? what is that? >> what is emotional intelligence. >> i have no idea. >> it is a modern phrase. >> it is a sexist phrase. >> it is sexist. >> michael, are you surprised by the results or like most men do you not care at this point? >> of course. i agree with it 100%. they start to look at it and they say man, i'm too cool for this. that's what happens to me. they glaze over and think about me and i storm out. >> are you really stressed right now? >> it is like fox news. >> this is a friendly
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environment. we have water. >> i like sprite. >> we make it taste like sprite a. who have i not talked to? >> me. >> andy is this a study about stress or uncaring jerks like you? >> men are the fighters. a stressful situation back in the day means somebody was trying to kill you. it is easier to fight if you don't have empathy for your opponent. so men evolve to lose their empathy when they are stressed. i can sit and poke a thousand holes in the theory, but i don't care. >> no, you don't care. >> all of this comes back to certain roles. >> and women are more nurturing. mothers and wives are stressed and they have to multi task and they have to listen and deal with everyone else's problems. for the two mothers watching right now, you're welcome.
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i think the study makes sense. it doesn't take into account if people have any empathy to begin with and how stressed they get on any particular occasion. like most of our studies on the show. kind of weird. >> how can you explain women live 10% longer than a men? >> we are predisposed to take in all of that stress. >> or maybe men will themselves to die sooner because they are living with women. that's what andy said to me earlier. i was disgusted by that. >> i just think it is women take care of men better than men take care of women. we die quicker because you take care of us. >> i have no idea what that means, but it made sense at the time. that's all that matters when it comes to thinking with this brain. there is nothing going on up
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here. all right. tv's andy levy, joanne and michael shay that does it for me. buy the book. please. i need new glasses. heavy cream.
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very, very controversial. he's out. no contact. this is the fox news alert. we're 11 days into the mystery that has gripped the word, the investigation into flight 370. it's changing by the minute, and catherine herridge has been following it all. she joins us with the latest. >> today, malaysian authorities tried to play down the "new york times" report that flight 370's turn westward 40 minutes into the flight was programmed into the cockpit computer, re-enfo e re-enforcing the theory it was redirected by the pilots or one or more individuals with specific flight experience. >> this is standard procedure. the aircraft was scheduled to fly to beijing. >> it was reported in the "new york times" today -- >> it could be speculation.


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