tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 19, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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next, the o'reilly factor. good night from washington, d.c. and we will see you all on gretawire and 7 p.m. tomorrow night right back here. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: [sobbing] >> anger growing against the malaysian government which has totally botched the disappearance of the jet liner. tonight, we will once again tell you the facts of the story without the speculation. >> of course there are crimians who disappear and are desperate to stay with ukraine. >> as we predicted bad things are now happening off russia's seizure of the crimea. the defense minister saying his country can no longer count on america. we will have the latest on this very troubling international situation. >> we deal now in feelings. we don't deal in facts anymore. >> also tonight, miller has some thoughts on the missing jet liner.
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and we will tell you the craziest cable news report on the jet liner situation. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. correcting the record about the missing airliner. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. the whole world wants to know what happened to the malaysian jet liner that disappeared 12 days ago. unfortunately i can't tell you what happened to it. but i can can tell you what we know for sure and that will negate about 90% of what you have heard in the media which is absolute rubbish. let's begin at the beginning. on march 8th at 41 minutes past midnight mh 370 departed from koala lumpur for the six hour flight for
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beijing. at 8:07 it sent the last acars transmission on the ground. at 1:19. the co-pilot said good night to malaysian air traffic control. nbc news is reporting that was 12 minutes after the jet turned west away from its charted course. but, nbc news used an anonymous source so there is no way to confirm that information. at 2:15 malaysian military radar picked up the plane off the coast of thailand heading west. six hours later the last signal was received by the plane by a satellite. however, nobody knows where the plane was when that final signal came in malaysian officials say the plane could have one another 30 minutes running out of fuel at 8:30 in the morning. so, using this factual data,
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the jet is either in one of two places on land in south asia or at the bottom of the indian ocean. south asia is a densely populated region, full of spy satellite monitoring. radar and listening devices almost everywhere. that's because of all the terrorism there. so it is highly unlikely, almost impossible that a huge jet could have snuck in to an airport. as talking points said last night, the heavy data points to a crash in the indian ocean. fox news has learned that the fbi is now taking apart the similarity in koala lumpur. the pilot had in his home to retrieve erased data that's vitally important to know if the pilot was a radical nut. the factual point of the memo is now complete. enter the lunancy. singer courtney love has
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tweeted to her 300,000 followers that she has discovered the jet somewhere in the indian ocean. there is no truth to the rumor that cnn immediately hired ms. love to anchor one of its broadcasts. to say this whole media situation is out of control is the understatement of the century. one more note. the malaysian government has been disgraceful in its reaction to the tragedy and its citizens know it >> once again, the odds are that one or both of the pilots crashed this plane into the ocean. and that's the memo. now for the testimony story tonight, reaction, joining us from austin texas, james
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hall. former chairman of the national transportation safety board who investigated the bizarre egypt air crash back in 1999. so, mr. hall, in that situation, the egyptian pilot flew the plane right into the ocean off the coast of massachusetts. correct? >> that's correct, bill. >> and the motivation for doing that was what? >> it was never clearly established there were among the passengers on that aircraft seven top egyptian officials returning from training. that's a fact we do know from the cockpit voice recorder exactly what occurred and the fact that this was an intentional act and that there were prayers said at the time that he dived the aircraft into the atlantic ocean. >> now i understand the egyptian government did not want you to say that and they wanted to put the blame on a mechanical that's what
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their spin was; is that correct. >> i required the egyptian government to explanation to us in writing which they did once they found the comments on the voice recorder. theist a cysted us in the investigation. they returned it to cairo. they sent another individual in that said this was impossible. that the flight crew could not be responsible. >> okay. now, this parallels what happened in my opinion to the malaysian jet liner. now, i presented the facts, the time line and all of the facts. you have been following the story. did i make any mistakes here? did i do anything out of context? >> your facts seem correct, bill my concern is you have the individuals of the flight crew the families.
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i think we have to be very careful and responsible. i don't think we have been able to identify who is in control of the aircraft. the aircraft certainly made certainly some very strange movements. was anyone in control of the aircraft. with the cyber warfare that's existing. was the aircraft being remotely controlled? remotely controlled, that seems to be something out of science fiction though. i have never heard of any airliner ever hijacked by remote. now, are you sure that's a possibility? >> all i'm saying is at this poin in time woe haven't established who is in control. >> i don't think you are ever going to establish that. >> unless we are able to get the recorders, i agree with
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you. >> okay. but you have to go, when you say to the folks watching remote, somebody could have taken over, i mean, i think that's impossible to take a big airliner and somebody some place saying okay, now i'm going to crash it and the pilot is struggling to maintain control. >> even if admit that were true, it wouldn't explain why the transponder was turned off or the acar system was turned off. all of that had to be done manly by a person. the heavy odds, and that's what we have to deal with those of us that are responsible in the news business, and that number is shrinking. we have to deal with what is likely to have happened. the fbi is going to pull off some stuff on that similarity that's going to point to the pilot maybe the co-pilot as well. it only takes one. i didn't believe anybody could have gotten through that steel door i didn't believe anybody could have gotten through it if there was an explosion we would have heard about it if there
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was stress the pilot would have phoned in. all the things point to the pilot. i will give you the last word. >> well, i'm just saying that there is not enough factual information at this point to draw any conclusions and so unfortunately everything remains on the table. >> all right. i'm being sherlock holmes here. my detuckive -- deduckive deductive. >> i have never seen a mystery like this in aviation. the most important thing to me in aviation safety is steps are taken at the civil aviation to prevent something like in this from occurring again. steps should have been taken after air france and weren't. >> air france, of course, flying into the atlantic ocean and that what was pilot error as well but not intentionally. mr. hall, thanks very much. we appreciate it next on the
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rundown, the world in turmoil over putin seizing the crimea. all of us should be paying attention to this story. and later, miller has some thoughts on the jet liner disappearance. and he we will show you the dumbest thing said about the story so far. factor is coming right back. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful.
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oh yeah, that's your jersey. there's my bobble head right behind you. alright well let me see you bobble. yeah, i'm just not buying it man. earn unlimited double miles with no blackout dates from the capital one venture card. my brother john, he works here. john, you know this guy? what's in your wallet? ed in the impact segment tonight as we told you last night in the talking points memo, putin seizing part of ukraine will be immense all over the world. right on cue the israeli defense minister says israel can no longer count on the u.s.a. to stop the uranium nuclear weapons program. joining us from washington reuben dancing with the devil. rogue regimes. i'm reading a in the "new york post" today that says syria isn't really giving up its gas weapons. let's stop there because putin is involved with that.
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is that true? that is true. made a declaration of what they had. they created a time line and if you compare with what they demissioned with what's on the time line it looks like it's slowed and perhaps even trickled to it a stop. >> you were in syria recently, correct? >> correct, absolutely. >> do they have any respect for the u.s.a. or president obama over there? >> no. the people who tend to be pro-american in syria are frustrated that we don't seem to care and our enemies are emboldened because they see we don't really care. >> so you don't expect assad to stick up to that deal that saved his butt that putin negotiated for because we were threatening military action against him for gassing civilians. you don't expect syria to live up to that deal. >> with assad one step forward and two steps back. assad has no reason to believe that we are going to abide by any red lines we set. >> he is now winning that
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war, unfortunately. now, in iran, again, the israeli defense minister says look, you know, the u.s.a. is not going to stop these people. do you believe that? >> i do. and you know i just came back from the persian gulf in february. and i was hearing the same thing from some of our arab allies. the only difference between them and the israelis is the israelis said it directly. >> do you think we are getting conned here with this deal that the iranians are slowing down nuke research? gulf. they don't think iran needs to cheat because they say the loopholes involved in this deal are so big you can drive a tank through them. >> doing that kind of thing. i think the quote is that within two months they could have a nuclear weapon any time they wanted. do you believe that? >> i do. because iran can reverse everything they have offered us. and while they are letting inspectors in to some facilities, some facilities have been left outside the parameters of the deal. for example, parching where according to national
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intelligence estimates iran in the past has experimented with nuclear bomb triggers. of course that has going to to do with generating electricity if iran has really come clean why aren't they open up that plant as well. >> that he remains off limits any inspections. russia, putin has 20,000 troops in the crimea and more poised on the eastern ukraine border. do you expect him to seize more territory from ukraine? >> i do. because all he has seen is that the worse we are going to do is put him on double secret probation. the fact of the matter is economics, his economic situation at home isn't good. people are mocking him as the new because of stagnation. flaws in the russian economy. >> if he were to really outright seize my land from ukraine, don't you think that that would lead to war? don't you think that somebody would retaliate against him there? because i mean then it becomes a a spit in your face. now it's a tweak in your face. then it's a spit in your
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face. >> well, the question is the time line. remember, he went into georgia in 2008, the question is whether he thinks that with president obama in the white house he can actually speed up the time line a little bit. but, at the very least, we have to play chess instead of checkers and think several steps ahead about where he might go after next. >> you think he is bent on getting more territory not only in ukraine, moldova and other places al well? >> indeed what happens in crimea doesn't stay in crimea. the real danger, bill is with the baltic states. >> those states have ties to the eu. we are talking war now if he continues to do this. aren't we talking war? >> that's exactly what the danger is. and this is why the polish foreign minister said we have got to be very very careful with our rhetoric and what we do because this is how regional wars get started. >> in the pacific, china wants series of islands that are governed by japan. i said last night in the
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talking points i believe they will probably seize those islands. >> yeah. no, look. the pivot to asia has to be more than rhetorical. the fact of the matter is we have more ships under our command? the pacific fleet under jimmy cart than we do in the entire u.s. army today. >> do you believe this will cause china to expand? because they want to expand in that theater too. >> seeing reverberation of weakness. in the united states the biggest difference between left and right when it comes to national security is the left always demon nices power. the right sees that power can be used for good or bad but what president obama and his supporters haven't fully realized when you draw back the protection of american power, it's not going to be altruistic forces that fill the vacuum. >> finally in afghanistan we sacrificed thousands of military people and billions and hundreds of billions of dollars, and karzai is basically again, insulting us, demanding that we leave now from this place what do
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you think is going to happen there. >> afghans never lost a war they just defect to the winning side. secretary of state when he he wanted to reach out to the taliban, the taliban representatives he would turn was none other than harmid karzai. that should be a warning sign that harmid karzai is going to pivot who whoever is going to keep him in power. >> the u.s. could certainly help him with a residual force staying behind. look at what happened in iraq. if we had put soldiers in residual force maliki would not have lost the territory that he has. summing up, this looks to me like a geopolitical disaster worldwide. and putin lit the fuse. >> absolutely. the problem is if a president loses political credibility. it gets restored when we elect a new president. on the world stage you can't get the credibility back easily. it takes decades to pick up the pieces. you got three years though doc. a lot of damage can be done in three years if everybody takes on the u.s.a. and it looks like that's going to happen. directly ahead cammeron and
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rosen on how president obama and congress may strike back against putin. later, putin on the airliner. pot vs. tobacco and update on that ferocious cat in oregon. those reports up ahead. c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums! ♪
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active aggression against any member. president obama will use upcoming nato summit to be held in south wales to rally the nato countries to take collective action. the only problem with that is that summit in wales isn't until september six months away. that shows the administration is preparing for long crisis in ukraine. gives vladimir putin a signal how much time he has. >> we have meeting next week in the hague in netherlands with the g-7 supposed to get together without putin. now putin, i don't know if is he going but his people will be there because it's a nuclear proliferation meeting in holland and they will peel off the seven big economic powers to talk about punishing putin. is kerry involved with that by the way? is kerry going to be there. >> president obama is attending that summit. one point if i may, bill, this has to do with lessons from the cold war at all points president obama and secretary of state kerry emphasize they want to deescalate this crisis and
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avoid confrontation they will calibrate their responses and the costs they seek to impose on russia based on what putin does going forward. the danger here is two fold. first, it cedes all initiative to vladimir putin. second, it failed to heed the lesson that a cold war president linden johnson learned in vietnam that is the perils of gradualism. compel him to do something or cease doing something, the many occasion of the pain in gradual incremental doses only enables that adversary to ache claim mate ache acclaim mate. >> to your point. richard nixon another cold war president in his super power negotiations with the soviet union actively encouraged kissinger that he the president mad or nuts capable of doing anything. president obama in this situation seek continually to reassure putin of his reasonableness, his aversion to he escalation and rest assured putin is getting that message. >> do you think that
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president obama understands as dr. reuben just saidthis is l kinds of repercussions in other theaters that they see the u.s.a. as weak, they being china, north korea, karzai, iran, syria, on and on and on, do you think the president understands that? or kerry understands it? >> i think they do understand it ours is an interconnected world and that the travel of information is very swift. and that other countries, other adversaries are taking their cues. the question is what policies are they promoting to try to limit those consequences. and, again, projections of strength, perhaps even a little bit of mad theory if you will, mad man theory might help in this situation. >> so that means that kerry has got to muss up his hair. i don't know. go to cammeron. it seems to me that the republican party might want to use it weakness abroad as a campaign issue is that buzzing around. >> yeah talking about it already. feckless policy in the white
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house. >> romney and mccain taking the lead interestingly enough. >> there is division in the republican party. there are some who are more isolationist than they used to be. and that's going to play out. what really matters here bill is what happens with the sanction. both parties on capitol hill think the sanctions announced by the white house this week need to be a heck of a lot tougher. only seven russian individuals face direct sanctions and those individuals have responded with absolute outright mockery. deputy prime minister says it seems to me some kind of prankster wrote the u.s. -- >> -- let's be fair. i mean he has got to get these guys together next week. look, at the end -- this time next week, if he is still sanctions seven russians and that's it. nothing comes out of this g-7 melting. then i think the republicans are going to run wild on it last word. >> sure. congress said sanctions need to be tough and swift and then they took this week off. the house has jet to actually draft a sanctions bill. the senate has a bill but it got all bunched up last week over a fit over whether or not the imf should shift $63 billion from its crisis account to its general fund
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and republicans responded with well we will talk about that if you will stop the irs's proposed rule changes for nonprofit groups and their politicaleye has nothing to do with crimea and obviously nothing to do with one another. that's got to get resolved and they are on vacation for the week. not taking it too seriously in terms of their calendar. hillary clinton weighed in again last night. she said putin is rewriting the boundaries of post world war europe. if he is aloud it to get away it over sovereign nations will face it too. >> mrs. clinton was secretary of state for a long teared of time. >> she is putting a different position out there and sound more hawkish than the president does at this point. there is a difference theren othe left too. >> all right, gentlemen. thank you. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. whats watt dumbest and believe me there are many contenders' statement made by the malaysian jet liner? we will show it to you. miller has some thoughts on the jet liner. also, pot vs. tobacco. i hope you stay tuned it those reports. . ♪
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to buy drugs. some on the left oppose the new law. joining us from washington fox news analyst dennis kucinich. duo pose it? >> i come from the center and the problem isn't the law. well, the problem is the law. it's unconstitutional and i will give you three reasons. number one, it's a violation of the fourth amendment, which is evan reasonable search and seizure. number two it's a violates of the fifth amendment because you are asking people to fill out a questionnaire to admit they have a drug problem and finally it's a violation of due process. if you are going to and equal protection of the law. if you are going to have this kind of a system, then it's got to apply to everyone. it should apply to bankers getting government bailouts in the billions. and it should apply to corporate executives whose company getting government handout in the billions. apply it across the board. don't just go after poor people. >> i don't think the supreme court is going to agree with you because there are a number of states like 28 who have a variation of this. here is the interesting part. nobody forces anybody to it apply for welfare. okay? it's a program that you
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volume it untearly come in and fill out forms which you have to do. part of the form in m rp would be have you or are you using drugs in the past? you have past or are you using now? i think that's a reasonable question for somebody getting something from the taxpayer they want to know who the individual is it's a fifth amendment question. it's a serious one. >> it's a serious one. remember, we are not going to them. they are going to us. they are applying for government funding. and the government has a responsibility to the taxpayer to protect the money. so that's where i think your argument is weak. but it even gets -- it's even more. if there are red flags, say, yes, i'm a heroin addict. please give me the welfare, then you are required to go to counseling. they won't say. no you will still get the welfare. but you have to go to counseling. which i think is a good thing. i mean, we have a drug problem in this country no, question about it. decided every level.
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>> should the taxpayers be paying for people to use narcotics? you are pretty much saying yes. >> are you kidding? listen. no, that's not what this is about. the question is, should we have a society where only one segment of society is targeted. let's go after everyone who s. a boozing drugs. >> i'm not targeting anybody. i want to protect taxpayer money. and if the money is going to people. >> up against a 700 billion-dollar bailout for bankers, how about the people who gave them the bankers that money. should the bankers have had to show their drug status? >> fruit analogy, apples to oranges. i'm not doing the bank tonight. we will do it some other day. >> money to money. >> stay on this. the responsibility of every elected official is to protect the taxpayers' money. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> if you are giving money to people who are drug addicted or alcohol addicted, the odds are they will use the taxpayer money to buy the substance,
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therefore you must protect the taxpayer from that fraud. >> i'm not defending those who are abusing drugs or abusing alcohol. what i am saying is we have to defend the constitution. and if you require someone to admit that they use drugs, on a questionnaire that is a violation of the fifth amendment. to me the constitution trumps all of that. >> required, you are asking them to fill out a form honestly. not requiring them to say anything. >> do you tell them they have right against self-incrimination. you say. no you just fill it out. people don't know. come on, bill, it's the constitution. >> i don't think the supreme court will rule your way congressman. i could be wrong on that. it's a voluntary thing. we are not forcing anybody to fill out anything. they want our money. >> they can't benefit if they don't fill it out. >> congressman kucinich, everyone. miller on the missing airliner. the pot vs. tobacco debate and the update on the ferocious cat on oregon that got miller and me in lot of trouble. miller is next.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tent. let's get right to the sage of southern california who joins us from santa barbara. all right, miller, have you been talking about this malaysian situation on your radio program? >> yeah, i think the airplane is on kucinich's home planet. that's where i think it is.
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sure, we talk about it, i tell people i don't know anything and until i know something. i don't know anything. but, yeah, is it weird? yeah. kind of 250 people disappear. the bald muslim guy with the dent in his head, i would say he did something. >> the pilot you are talking about. there he is. >> yeah. listen, is he bald, muslim, and he has got a dent in his head. he is shaky to me. >> okay. >> look at the -- billy, look at the right side of his head, he has a big dent in his head. >> i don't really know what that symbolizes though, miller. >> that's the part of your brain that tells you not to steal planes. >> that's missing. >> yeah. >> we are making light of this. obviously, you know. >> i'm not making light of it but i don't know anything. it's like airport 77.
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jimmy stuart was on board with his art collection and it's still under there. but all of a sudden everybody is an expert. i watch shows i'm watching guys go from transponder to ping to it acar. you know, that's the thing about our world now. we are immediate experts on stuff. this is the same stuff with global warming. i got guys calming into my show and sounding like they can't fog a mirror and telling me how the mirror is going to flop. we don't know anything. we are guessing. the plane is gone. we will figure it out when we figure it out. >> did you know courtney love found the plane though, did you hear that? >> well, listen, she gets pree pretty precise hallucinations. >> she has had a rough life. last night we did an interesting segment with crowley and colmes i know alan is one of your favorite guys and you hang on everywhere world about the terrible attacks on tobacco but pot, oh, yeah, let's go. and i think just a little partnership is i involved here and if goes back to the
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woodstock days and you say? >> why don't we just cut to the chase and make pot mandatory so we all can just like, you know, be stoned about each other's idiocies at this point. why don't we make the national eagle on want to flag pole. make him have head phones on and a bag of cheetoes under one of his wing. our highest aspiration is to get the highest we are screwed. if you want to scare people off from smoking cigarettes, put a picture of boehner crying on the pack, that will scare you away. >> did you ever smoke cigarettes? were you a smoker? >> when i was a little kid, you know, when you would sneak it like you would sneak anything when you are a little kid. but no. >> why didn't you smoke? i, was there a reason you rejected tobacco? because attorney general from 28 states that got together those morons that told me not to it. i didn't smoke because i assumed if you put a bunch of smoke over your lungs in
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the course of your life you will rotted them away. if you are saying you need education to know that you are lying through the hole in your trachea. all right? everybody knows it's bad for you. wake up for god's sake. >> they didn't in the 50s though. in the 40s and 50s they weren't even thinking about it my mother smoked. little bit. i mean i'm a second hand smoke victim. whatever happens to me i'm blaming my parents. i was sitting in a nash rambler in the back with my sister. it looked like hiroshima in boom. a big cloud of smoke comes in. >> life happens for god's sake. we whine about everything in this world now. and the simple fact is, if you want to smoke, smoke. if you don't want to smoke, don't smoke. if you go to a place that says you can't smoke and you light up, three things can happen. the guy next to you can say put that out, the guy next to you can go and ask the guy who owns the restaurant to put it out. or the guy next to you can sucker punch you. i mean, didn't the world used to work sanely? now i have got to go find 28
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jerk attorney general and then we are going to pass legislation when they are writing 1297 page bills on healthcare they are going to write a bill about smoking. let's use our heads. we're nuts. >> i'm for that now, lath week miller and i got in trouble in lot of more ren dust mail because we made fun of lux. a 22-pound cat who apparently held a family hostage in oregon. it was a 911 call that upset lux. that cat a eyeballing me. >> we made fun of lux for saying if lux had attacked us we might have had to use force to defend ourselves. anyway, lux, miller, is now in a shelter, an animal shelter and we want someone to adopt lux. is he vicious. but it would take a macho, i think one of the hell's angels should adopt lux. >> that's where we have come to in america. i have got a 22-pound cat attacking me. i'm not allowed to pick up a
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bat and hit him. i'm the bad guy all of a sudden. for god's sake. you know something? i'm surprised this cat doesn't go into a new jersey courtroom and sue his cat parents for tuition. [ laughter ] >> i'm surprised at this point that this cat doesn't take over crimea. geopolitically speaking. >> that's it you just got it. >> my president is now the guy behind the door afraid of the cat what the hell happened to this world. >> you just got it. let's send lux to putin. that's where he should be. >> there you go. we solve it all. we air drop lux in on putin's face in the middle of the night. everything is good. >> all right, miller, thanks for solving all these problems. we would like to thank everybody in sneart miller and i. the bolder fresher show there sold out just about. we do have tickets buffalo, new york it on april 26th. we understand toronto mayor rob ford is coming down for
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the show. can you imagine that. check us out in honolulu, minneapolis and fargo north dakota. long island april 3rd. all that on bill o' on deck, dumbest thing said so far about the malaysian airliner. right back with it. t! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!" at any minute... could be a victim of fraud. most people don't even know it. fraud could mean lower credit scores,
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back of the book segment tonight, did you see that? we begin with the dumbest thing said about the plane disappearance, there are literally thousands of contenders for this. and here to help us out, fox news, jamie colbey, jamie we really had to dig deep for this one, here it is. >> i have been getting questions from viewers, e-mails,
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especially on today when we deal with the supernatural, god, you deal with all that. people are saying why aren't you talking about the possibility that something odd happened to this plane? something beyond our understanding. >> all right, supernatural forces. now, that guy, lennon, he is usually pretty good, right? >> he is the real deal. you won an edward muraro, and he did, but lemon usually makes good points, now he is saying that godzilla might have taken it, what is going on? >> i guess the thing that god me he probably wouldn't have asked if it was a sunday, it was a sunday, supernatural church day. he said people ask him on the street, by e-mail, social media,
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what do you think happened -- >> maybe he is hanging out -- you know, i'm not going to say. >> it was an appropriate question for that guest -- >> jamie, it was dumb, not appropriate. dumb, dumb, dumb. >> it was not a fact-based question. you have been sticking to the facts. >> thank you, jamie, i appreciate that. now, they had a morning show and something very supernatural happened. >> earthquake, we're having an earthquake. okay, it appears to have stopped. >> yes. >> we're going to -- we're going to jump right now to the -- >> those are our cameras behind us. >> i guarantee you if we have an earthquake, i'm not going under the desk. i'll tough it out. what happened there? >> this guys a triple iron man
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competitor, he is, but he stayed under the desk and the girl came up and is continuing reporting. >> the lady came up first. that is a good observation. >> and she kept going, get me a guest on this. well, you know, we have this every day, in that week alone there were 45 tremors, they're giving credit for doing the right thing, you're supposed to duck, cover and hold on. >> i don't know if i would anchor. i would have stayed there and stayed the course. los angeles has had how many in the past few years? >> 50 or 60, the biggest one was north ridge, the big one could come at any time. so i guess he has only been there about ten years in california. came from colorado. and he was taking every precaution i guess letting the people know what it was really like. you know the video got ten hits?
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>> yeah, people wanted to see the anchor go under the desk. my suggestion for the anchors you guys should wear these giant suits, iron man suits. >> and the number on your arm for how many earthquakes you survived. my arm could only handle double digits. >> that is for the guys, we don't want the girls to wear the suits. >> all right, we'll stay feminine. >> factor tip of the day, we'll have the lowdown on a very popular website that claims to save you money. the tip moments away. ♪ ♪ ♪
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it was 50 degrees last night. it is so cold that even the robins are playing ice hockey, these shirts are a great gift, what more can you ask for? now the mail, bill, georgia, bill please start telling the truth, the reason they're uncovering the jet mystery is to cover up what is going on in the ukraine, that includes fox news, why would we want to do that, jim, good grief? and new york, i'm very surprised that you talked about the missing airliner, many scientists believe we are not alone, what is it going to take for you to believe? when they start carrying the factor in alienville, i will buy in, if i get an e-mail from venus. and mr. o, the talking points about what china and others
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might do, speculation, false, larry, china is moving to seize islands controlled by the japanese. fact, will they pull back after crimea? come on. janet, sometimes you're such an idiot, o'reilly, cigarettes have no redeeming qualities while marijuana can relax people and can help medically. here is some breaking news, tobacco relaxes people, that is why they use nicotine. and casual pot use is relatively harmless, abusing any substance is dangerous. doc, do me a favor and check out the local abuse rehab facilities, talk to the counselors about the drugs and you will find the "harmless" label totally false. and bill, in killing jesus, why is the cross in the shape of a t rather than the original way? the book accurately portrays the
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facts rock solid. finally, tonight, the factor tip of the day. there is a website called that says it will save you money on just about anything. so we asked our internet detectives to check it out. here is their assessment. will indeed save you money. its claims are mostly true. also can direct you to great deals all over the place. often on so those two websites, you want to save money for just about anything, that is where you go. factor tip of the day, check them out. and that is it for us today. please check out the fox news factor website which is different from word of the day. when writing to the factor, do
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not be a snollygoster, and is the media overdoing the jet coverage? that is the question for tonight. and ms. megyn is next, please remember the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, new clues tonight in what for many has become the greatest aviation mystery of all time. welcome to "the kelly file," everybody, i'm megyn kelly, 12 days after flight 370 seemedly vanished by air we have learned of bizarre movements picked up by thailand radar. they say they spotted the aircraft on a twisted and turning path towards the malaysian city, just minutes after the transponder went dark. it comes amid reports that the malaysian prime minister is now asking for pakistan's help to
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