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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 22, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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and talk to your doctor. visit to find out about treatment options. and register for a personalized guide to help you prepare for a conversation with your doctor. >> a lot of wasted time. very interesting. full details tonight. hello, everyone. yp bob beckel along with andrea tantaros, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfield. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." >> it's been two weeks to the day since malaysian flight 370 went missing. today's effort to find it in the indian ocean came up short. five surveillance aircraft will go out again at dawn. it was good for international search teams earlier. >> we had a sessionhad really gd to what we had yesterday. the visibility was great. we saw a lot of hope and the conditions remain as they are, hopefully we'll find something soon. >> it's certainly disappointing and i've got every confidence
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that if there is an object there, we will find it. every time we launch, we hold that hope. however, we're just going to keep going until we find it. >> good weather may not be enough. australia's prime minister says the possible debris they're looking for might not even be on the surface anymore. >> something that was floating on the sea that long ago may no longer be floating. it may have sunk to the bottom. it's also certain that any debris or any material would have moved a significant distance in that time. >> whatever else you think about this story, this is the single biggest aircraft surprise and mystery we know since amelia earhart 75 years ago. the difference is now you have satellites and a lot of ways to trace these things. this is what we know for certain. this plane took off at 12:21 on its way from kuala lumpur to beijing. we know it turned around and headed west, in the opposite
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direction it was going in. we know it flew for eight hours and the last connection with it was at 8:11 on the next morning, and it ran out of fuel at 8:40. so, there are a lot of questions, a lot of possibilities. a lot of guesses, and that's what they are, guesses. i'm fascinated by this because in this day and age, how do you lose something that big? go ahead, big boy. >> that was very impressive. nice. >> the best i heard all day. >> good summary, right. here's the deal, 5:00 in the evening now. i believe it's 12 hours later in australia. the sun is going to start to come up. for the second day, they're going to try to look for those same two pieces of debris. now speculation, the same piece they just took another picture of, we don't sgknow. we keep getting the emotions. s the poor family members close to getting closure, looks like they have something, and then they don't. now they can't find the debris for the second time.
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we have to continue to cover it because we want to make sure the malaysian authorities and everyone stays on the issue so the families get closure, but it's so hard with these emotional swings up and down. >> andrea, your brother is a pilot, a commercial pilot. the things we do know, in facts, are the two transponders were turned off in that plane at two different times. they weren't done at the same time, and someone programmed into the computer of the plane to change directions of the plane going west. is that -- what does he say about that? it's possible to do because somebody did it? >> he finds it to be very odd. if it was a fire or if there was an emergency landing, one, these pilots did not have any mayday call. there was no emergency communication there. he also said if the plane was going down, you're not going to stop and push in new waypoints. you know, it is interesting that they did find today that the plane was carrying these highly flammable lithium ion batteries.
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that's a new development. that actually could play into the theory there was this spontaneous explosion and maybe that's why the acars system was left on. maybe it wasn't exploded. i still don't understand, bob, why, and this is what he said, why there was a deliberate turning off of the transponder. not once but twice. no mayday call, and that deliberate turn west after they said good night very calmly. that does not add up in the minds of pilots. >> the other thing that happened is they looked into the background of virtually everybody on the plane, most of whom were chinese, and they found nothing exempt for two people who had phony passports issued in thailand and the flights were paid for by an iranian. outside of that, there's nothing about the passengers or pilots that says they were either radicals or in a suicide mode. if you're going to kill yourself, do you not just take it up and bring yourself back down? >> thankfully, i have never been in a position to do that, so it's hard to put ourselves into
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that position and to think about it. but the flight simulator the pilot had in his home just arrived today at quantico, virginia. one thing i liked about what the australians did today in their press coverage is they were very honest about what they know and don't know and how they might not find anything at all. that's a different type of communication than you saw in what was happening in malaysia. the australians are not sugar coating it and you feel a sense of relief they are in charge and they've got the materials and the resources and training to go out and try to find whatever they might find tomorrow. >> greg, you made this point all week about the americans taking over. you had the malaysians who didn't do a good job of reporting, but then we find out the thai military had information that the plane did in fact make the return, and they said they reported it in two days. we didn't hear about it for five days. now we seem to have some
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semblance of order from the australians. do you think -- let me put it this way. would they try to be cool by keeping control over the message of this thing, or were they overwhelmed or just not competent enough to do it? >> we needed their permission, right, to do anything? i think we were actually being respectful. i was pretty hard on the government for not taking charge. i might be wrong. i don't know, but i still think that we should have been more forceful to get the stuff done because there are americans onboard, and also the end result could be an attack on america when you have a missing plane. that could be weaponized into some kind of, you know, weapon of mass destruction. you know, the most successful word throughout this whole thing is the word could. if you just put could in front of every sentence, you have a new story. could the tea party in conjunction with the koch brothers have taken the plane for an impromptu visit to cuba?
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there are a lot of people in the media who are criticizing the media for covering this. now this is a media on media mediacomentary. people who are critical of wasting time on this probably tweet about scandal while they're binge watching it. they're probably following a baseball team 162 games. this is worth following because it's real and it could be really, really real in terms of terror later. >> okay, uncle bill o'reilly had comments about this very thing on his show, i believe last night. you want to take a look at that. >> we can expect to hear massive speculation about the debris until it's found. that's because the media is running wild with the airline story, as you know, and there's a big reason why. money. the nation's newspapers are in dire trouble. they need bold headlines. the network doesn't want to cover important stories like the irs and benghazi, but they can cover the airliner without any political consequences. today, circulation of ratings dominate news coverage and
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unfortunately, so does ideology. the combination of cash and politics makes it exceedingly difficult for you to get the truth. >> o'reilly being a little cynical here, eric? >> i'm going to take the other side of that argument, with all due respect, mr. o'reilly. i think the world is really tuned into it, they're clued into it. we're seeing ratings amongst all tv networks rise because everyone wants to know what's the new piece of news? is it what i thought it was going to be? by the way, as soon as we find out what happened, i will guarantee 99.9% of the population will say, aha, i told you. because everyone said everything. that's okay. i think bill o'reilly is frustrated, as a lot of true journalists are. we need something more, we need more to go on rather than repeating the same thing. can i throw this in quickly? money is so important, when you talk about why the thai government had it for a while and why the australians are doing everything by the book and the americans are waiting to take over. again, this is a $280 million airplane. there are about 239 souls
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onboard. technically, they throw a number around about $175,000 someone could be on the hook for per passenger, per fatality. you're talking in excess of $320 million at stake. there's a lot of money at stake. i'm sure every one of these governments, insurance companies and airlines are going to do it exactly by the book. >> speaking of could, the daily telegraph says they now have the recordings between the tower and the copilot who did all the communications. now, i don't know what we learned from that, and how they got it is very interesting to me, if in fact they did get it, could they have gotten it? what were you going to say? >> i was going to say it's hard for anybody to say, to gauge the importance of the story because the story is not over. i talked about this with friends of mine. if that plane were to suddenly show up again in the air and be asking to land in an airport in the new york area, what does america do? what do we do? if they're saying mayday and
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they want to land? that's a big deal. it may never happen, but the fact is, if it's still an important news story until it's no longer important, until you have the facts and find out it's a tragic accident, but until we don't know that, it could be something far worse. i don't know if you should be saying that there are other things like, for example, we did a lot on the "duck dynasty" controversy. this is more important. >> speaking about the passengers, andrea, normally you see when these disasters happen, pictures of all the people onboard. i don't know about the rest of you, i have seen pictures of the pilots and copilot. i haven't seen pictures of the engineers or the people on the plane except their family members in huge distress. >> this is embarrassing to them. here in the united states, we're good about getting the names out and the personal stories. again, we're not in control of this. i think what is frustrating, we got the tape, the telegraph has these tapes. so far, we have learned there's
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nothing unusual about the tapes. maybe we'll learn more. we also spend yesterday talking about the debris. today, the story was it could not maybe even be debris at all. it could be light reflected. we have talked 48 hours about that. we also learned now that malaysian authority are waiting for permission from kazakhstan to start searching another area. so it's almost like we're back to square one on this. and it's easy for bill o'reilly to, you know, go after the media on this, but bill o'reilly is the media on this. he acts like he's a citizen journalist who is doing this for free. i mean, it's the most downloaded after not cool on my facebook, post on facebook. people have strong opinions. they care a lot or they don't care, but they care so little they're willing to geangry. >> we have to get out, but one thing, if you had to grade how the malaysians have handled this from a communications standpoint from a to f, where would you put them? >> d. >> d? >> and i would say the brilliance of bill o'reilly is he figured out a way to talk about the plane in a way that
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could still get him ratings, but he could criticize people talking about the plane. that's one of the reasons he's number one, for now. >> it has become, what the plane has become is like checking box scores. in the morning or checking stocks. it's like, so it becomes part of your regimen. where is the plane today? and that's because we're curious about it. i think that's human nature. >> it's a mystery. and one of the great mysteries. next on "the five" is going to be a birthday party. and certainly going to be an interesting one. you'll have to stay tuned to find out why.
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well, today, we observe a birthday, but it's far from celebration. four years ago, nancy pelosi and the democratically controlled congress rammed obama's affordable care act down america's throat. pelosi, who once told us we have to read the bill to see what's in it is as proud of ever while
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former obama political strategist david axelrod said dems should embrace the law. >> we just couldn't be prouder. i believe it's a winner. and by the way, it's called the affordable care act. it's called the affordable care act. i know you didn't intend any compliment or derogatory -- called the affordable care act. affordable, there's a reason. affordable. affordable. affordable. affordable. affordable. >> i think a lot of democrats buy into this myth that the affordable care act is doom and they should run from it. they should be proud of it. democrats should embrace it. >> affordable. so as americans lose their doctors and see their coverage cut and their premiums rise, we dedicate this beautiful cake to the minority leader. take a look, everybody. the pelosi birthday cake. maybe we should call it pelosi care. what do you think, greg? >> affordable pelosi care. >> affordable pelosi care.
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affordable. affordable, because actually a new poll said the more republicans mention pelosi, the better they do. she's the best gift the gop has. >> it's a meat cake because it's full of baloney. it's weird that she doesn't want to call it obamacare. is she a racist for not wanting to call it obamacare? other people might call the right the same thing. if you don't want to call it obamacare, call it what it really is, the you ruined my life act. >> dana, you said something while pelosi was reminding us how affordable it is. president obama said what's wrong with that? >> this started in the 1990s when hillary clinton tried to get something passed and it was called hillary care. when obama started down the road, people were calling it obamaca obamacare. eventually, he said, you can call it obamacare. you have my permission. now they don't like it anymore. it's thing in washington. i remember when president bush introduced the clear skies act. and all the democrats and the media would call it the so-call.
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it was a little bit of game playing, but the issues are serious, and the democrats running for office are not listening to pelosi and axelrod because they know their elections basically rest on this problem. >> eric, we seem to be the only one whose are acknowledging this four-year-old bill. you know, we talked about the fact that the numbers haven't been there. you went through the numbers yesterday on the show. another fear, according to a national review online is that even people who may have started paying, a lot of them having paid yet, will eventually stop paying. that's an issue we haven't gotten to. >> so we rolled the sound bite, in march of 2010, if i'm not mistake nl, where she said affordable, affordable, affordable. here we are four years later. that was yesterday, she said affordable yesterday. so even worse. now we know that it's no longer bending the cost curve down for health care, which they promised
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it would. we found out that now the $2,500 per family it was supposed to save us is costing families $2,500 more prior to obamacare. the rates have risen since the affordable care act was passed in i believe three or four years since it's become law, i guess, it now has exceeding the prior eight years before it was law in rate increases. so nothing affordable about this whatsoever. eight months after nancy pelosi was talking, she became the former speaker of the house. seven great words. former speaker of the house nancy pelosi. >> can i play some of the pro athletes have joined the cause. athletes are getting involved. the baltimore ravens have been enlisted. now famous nba players are coming out to help sell this as well. >> i want to tell you about the health insurance marketplace at you can go there to find an affordable health plan that's part of the health care law. it's a great cause and there's something that, particularly for athletes, it is extremely
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important thing for us to be a part of because we need health care. >> playing sports, it's important to make sure you have great health care because you never know when you're going to take a hit. >> king james, kobe bryant, these are some of the most popular guys in the nba, bob. will it work? >> i think it's going to work, but i also think that other people celebrating today, let me make a point about a press release from the largest health insurance company in the country, well point, which ov oversees blue cross and blue shield. they're increasing their dividends to taxpayers by 20 cents. the stock is soaring. the reason? 1 to 1.3 million new insurance payers because of obamacare. they also said the cost of health care will begin to decline once this plays itself out. this is well point, the biggest one. they think it's great. they're making a lot of money. 1.3 million, that's one health care -- >> you're happy the health insurance company is making
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money? >> if you go to one source to figure out whether this is working, go to the devil. they'll tell you it's working. >> the thing is, it's amazing, if obamacare is a winner, what does it take to be a loser? by using their definition, the denver broncos are winners from last year's super bowl. it makes no sense. what have you got to do? >> what's your evidence that says it doesn't work? >> it was told to the american people it was going to bend the cost curve down. that was a democratic talking point. it's raising the cost curve. premiums are spiking faster than they were before obamacare. >> but by your own admission, health care premiums have gone up every year before obamacare. now you're saying they're really spiking up? >> the four years since, they have gone up x plus 40%. >> 40%? >> bob, it's unbelievable.
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>> then when it plays itself out, enough people get in the market that you embrace so much, i assume all these people buying the health care, eventually the costs are going to go down. >> what's the point? viewer people are covered. >> that's not right. fewer people aren't covered. >> there are fewer people covered. >> wrong. >> boehner got four pinocchios yesterday for saying that. >> we have to move to a topic that is blowing up social media right now. the first lady is in china. it was making headlines because it would not be covered by press, no press allowed, not even human rights would be discussed. greg, why do you think people are so fascinated by the first lady going to china with her daughters, no media, no talk of issues. a lot of people saying this is on our dime. should people care? >> i can't buy into the outrage over a trip that first ladies make. to me, i think it's good if she goes abroad, goes to china. when she goes home, she
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appreciates the country all the better. when i'm away from home, i can't wait to get home. i say, boy, i love this city. maybe when she gets home, she'll say, boy, i love america more. >> she said she's never been prouder. >> that's my point. >> i have gone back and forth on this. i can understand if she wanted to take the girls and i think it's a great idea. i would have loved to have that experience to travel internationally when i was in high school and junior high, forming ideas and thinking things through. it's spring break, it makes sense timing wise. i think it's curious they're able to take press on every other thing they want to do, and they have photographs. if she was going to practice some of the soft diplomacy, which i think is good for america, it helps, i don't understand why they couldn't have at least provided some opportunity for the press. it would seem like the least they could do, and i think that proactively announcing you're not going to bring up human rights in china while you're having meetings and having your picture taken, because the chinese are using that
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everywhere, we could have used it as an opportunity to raise a voice. however, i think she wants to protect her girls from the press, and to a large extent, i don't think anybody who has violated that. >> let's keep in mind, she's the single most popular political figure in america by far over everybody. >> i was going to say -- >> it's not a bad idea to have her out there. >> but why not use her for a purpose? >> well, i mean, i think going to china serves a purpose. >> for what? >> you want to have a personal trip, it's one thing. it's another thing to do these quasi official events and have your trip paid for by the taxpayers. >> call me mean, rude, but i hear china is beautiful, but so are texas and california. >> what's the point? >> my point is i don't think -- there's so much stuff going on. we have russia, we have vladimir putin redrawing the global map. there's so many international things going on. i would rather have both of them -- >> i don't -- i do not begrudge
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the first ladies traveling, but if you're going to a place like china, it should have a purpose. she being so popular could deliver a message, especially on human rights and girls in china. that would be perfect for her. >> that's where the pandas are. >> yeah. >> coming up, i thought your apartment was where the pandas are. >> those are different pandas. >> how is a sneaky teen able to slip past security to get to the top of the freedom tower in new york city. it should be one of the most secure sites in the world. plus, a soul sister brings down the house on italy's version of "the voice." that's next.
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welcome back, everybody, to the fastest 6 1/2. it's on fire today. three vivid stories, 6 1/2 vigorous minutes and one voracious host. three stories today, three hot ones. get ready for your heart to be tugged from an unusual place, walmart. check out this inspirational ad, a real walmart winner, but by the way, maybe they should loop this video in all the unemployment offices in america. >> one doctor said i had a condition that affected every part of me. my condition became so bad i lost feeling in my legs. i learned to walk again. and when i wanted to work, i got a job. it's a struggle every day, but i still get up because work makes
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me feel that i'm reaching my goals. my whole life, people have been telling me i have a learning disability. i guess they're right because i never learned how to give up. >> all right, bobby, even you are going to be able to pat walmart on the back. >> no, it doesn't tug me in the heart. it tugs me in another place. the whole announcement, $250 billion of american products over the next ten years which is a fraction of what they buy around the world, number one. number two, taking advantage of the kid and putting an ad out, for walmart who put more businesses out of business than any other company in the history of the world kaesh. >> can i ask you a question? what would you replace walmart with? >> small businesses. they put out of business. >> that's exactly the nature of progressivism. you don't even know what to replace it with. small businesses. >> the small businesses they put out of business. >> please, they didn't put anybody out of business. they're the largest employer in
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the country, and you are actually upset they hired somebody with a disability. >> and they bring prices down for people who need a break. let's talk about walmart and patrick. patrick is working through some disabilities. you have give him a pat on the back. i think bob is wrong on this one. >> i think there's two audiences for walmart. one is the external audience, you and me. the other is their internal audience and employees. internal communication is one of the most interesting areas from my perspective as a pr person, that you have to remind people why you work there. i think not only is it important for us to see it, but this is an investment that will pay off for walmart because if you read the wall street journal or the "new york times," all the bad stories about walmart, you'll have one perspective. now they have a chance to tell their own story. >> i don't think this issue is black and white. i do agree with bob that it can hurt small businesses. i remember when they wanted to put a walmart in pennsylvania,
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my father was very upset. he joined together with a lot of small business owners and said this is going to hurt a lot of people. however, it did bring a lot of people to an area that was not very populated to go eat in those restaurants that normally maybe you wouldn't travl out there. i will say this when it comes to hiring people with disabilities. i'm all for that and i will say walmart does put its money where its mouth is. they hire people with disabilities, they hire the elderly to be greeters. these are people who typically are turned away immediately. i do give them credit. >> they turned me away. >> the next one, a 16-year-old dare devil who has been known to post selfies hanging from various high buildings. turns out justin slipped past security at freedom tower. he allegedly made it to the 104th floor. anyone else concerned with the schmuck dare devil teen looking for the viral selfie penetrating what really should be a secured area? >> i have three quick points to
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make. one, if he died, the family would sue. he might have done us a favor by showing us that it is possible to do something like that. i hate dare devils because we always have to bail them out. the real dare devils in new york city are people who try to open up small businesses. they take a lot more grief. and that's all i have, i think. >> thoughts? it's two-fold, the sempee and also breaking into the freedom tower. >> yeah, it could be a good thing, but then again, i hate when the media covers these stories because i feel like it gives our enemies an opportunity to say, how many years later and they still don't have their act together? and if he would have fallen, it would have been who was at fault? what security guard was asleep at the switch? >> it's the most video sensitive security operation of any building in america, probably the world, and none of them were turned on. >> incredible. >> dana? >> i was kind of speechless. i was thinking of a explanation to help us understand it, but i think there's really no good
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excuse. >> that's leaves us with a little extra time. watch this incredible performance from the voice of italy. pay particular attention to the reaction of the judges when they find out exactly who was bringing the house down with her rendition of alicia keys' "no p "noone." ♪ ♪ >> all right, dana, let's start with you. >> i loved it. i loved watching "the voice" here. i think it's an excellent show. part of it is the judges' interaction and their reaction. it's great. >> how about the singing nun?
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>> she's fine, but i have to disagree with dana. this proves in every single country, the judges on these shows are complete tools. >> why? how does it prove that? >> look at them. they're tools. they're dressed like 22-year-olds. >> like red hot chili peppers. >> andrea, your thoughts on the singing nun? >> i wondered what they did all that time. they can't be praying. they have to do other stuff, right? >> bob, you like it? >> i liked it a lot. who was that woman who did it on "britain's got talent"? >> susan boyle. >> yeah, the judges were shocked. >> i'm tired of the shock. i don't care. >> well, we do. >> all right, we're going to leave it there. ahead, a lesson from professor gutfeld on what is cool and not cool in life. he spells it all out in his new book. he'll have the foot notes for us coming up next.
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i always wonder why someone becomes an angry activist or a violent radical, but why do we become anything? to be liked or to be more precise, to be cool. i can think of five stupid things i have done to be cool. they were all haircuts in the '80, but the desire to be cool ends badly. cool things not be effective to be cool. see the white house. this book tracks cool toxic effects as it permeates every part of our life. whenever there's insecurity and weakness, cool will flourish. look at politics, media, the work place, the college campus. there the cool try to subvertsuccess, believing chaos trumps character.
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progressive to its core, it's about undoing what came before, offering no alternati tative ex surrender. it's the media academic complex, bob, and it's designed to undermine the thing they truly hate, which is american greatness. my book attempts to expose this phenomenon and help you reclaim the real american ideal of cool, which is building businesses, protecting freedom at home and abroad, taking responsibility for your action and leaving other people alone to live as you please. that may be mocked by the currently cool, but it's not for them, it's for you. you do it with dignity, making you far more cool than they'll ever be. >> did you pay for advertising fee for that? >> yes, i did, bob. >> in blood. >> dana, you're interviewing me next week at the george w. bush library, you get the next question. >> that would be next thursday and i'm looking forward to it. you better be ready.
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>> i will be ready. i'll be done with this cough, i hope. >> we have shared something this week. i have a question, this is your sixth book you have written. >> yes. >> what you try to do is look at trends and then you tease it out like joy of hate, now i'm not cool. but could there be a trend of a backlash against being cool? >> i think so. when you think about the fact that the parents now -- parents are still trying to cling to being cool. wouldn't the kids rebel against that? if your father is walking around in board shorts and a wallet chain and has tattoos on his forearms and a nose ring, aren't you going to end up looking like tucker carlson. i hope so. we need more tucker carlsons. >> eric? >> my question? >> yes. >> clearly, i'm not in the book. if the book is called not cool, that's a good thing. >> exactly. >> can i assume i'm cool then? >> yes, you can, but i don't like the word cool. i like good. the whole point about, the bad thing about cool is it negates the idea of good and evil.
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anything bad can be cool. so i would rather say you're good as opposed to cool. >> can i expand that a little bit? hipsters aren't cool, or the way they're acting is not cool, but doesn't the right need a cool -- to become cooler? >> yes, they need a sense of humor. so they can go have fun and be less the moralistic republican stereotype, i think. again, that's not cool. that's just good. >> you continue to support the free market system and all that. >> yes. >> cool makes a lot of money. isn't that true? these cool trends, they sell a lot of things. they do a lot of these stars and stuff, they make a lot of money. so it sort of runs a little counter, doesn't it, to where the markets are today? >> i think, again, if something good sells, then it's because it's good. there are a lot of things that are cool that sell that are bad. you're right there. >> really? >> wow. >> i give you that point. andrea. >> i would like to point out i
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started chapter one and i love it. i also believe this doubles as a piece of art work like the mona lisa. it looks like greg is looking at you from every angle. it's pretty amazing. >> and there's a microchip that records anything going on in your room. >> okay, going to delete that. how do we get back, then? when i think of cool, what is cool now, facial hair and multiculturalism, it remind me of talking about the aging rock stars, they make a lot of money and then they look ridiculous like the madonnas of the world. will it be cyclical, will we get back to hard work and military being cool again? how do we do it? >> we have no choice. the only way the cool can exist is if the not cool actually creates successful things so they may survive. sooner or later, they're going to run out of stuff, and it's going to be the not cools that take over the world. they're yelling at me. >> coming up, twitter turned eight today. to celebrate its birthday, we're going to look back at each of our first tweets. bob is still trying to figure
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out how to send them out. it's next. >> quite true.
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eight years ago today, twitter was born. to mark the blue bird's
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birthday, the social networking site has launched a new tool that allows users to find their very first tweet. we're going to look back on ours. i want to start with eric because you were the first to go on twitter. october, 2008. but it's a strange message. you said, yeah, well, what do you expect? >> right. >> what were you talking about? >> i was trying to think back. what was happening october 2008. you know what was happening october 2008? we were about to elect senator oba obama, president obama, it was probably some commentary on something he was saying at the time. >> greg, yours is weird. it says i am playfully tugging at a pimple on my neck while it helps me find affordable auto insurance on the web, which is weird because you don't have a driver's license. >> it was a secret code. you take every fourth letter and put it together, it's my exact address. come on over. >> andrea, yours was, i'll be
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live blogging tonight. obama press event. then you had the little, you are all for that. april of 2009. >> what a loser. nothing better to do? i was helping fox news channel like a dedicated busy bee, helping the trend launch those online chats. >> mine was a promotion for an article in national review. i read the piece i wrote. it was really terrible. i don't know what i was thinking, what i was writing. >> nice title, though. >> bob, yours was late. september 10th, 2011, but it was done right here at the table of "the five." >> that's because you all taught me how to do it. >> it said, fox "the five" continues to grow audience. we thank you. two years later, you can still write that because we keep growing. >> that's correct, and i wanted to put that marker down. and it continues to grow. thank you all out there very much. the reason -- people say why don't you do more tweeties,
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whatever they're called. i still don't know how to do it, but i don't, and i really don't have much to say about it. i'm glad the rest of you tweet. >> that was the last time you tweeted, too? your first and last? >> one thing i did do, i tweeted a woman. i thought it was a individual one where you can tweet one person. i sent it out to the whole network. >> be careful with that, bob. >> that happens a lot. >> ask anthony weiner. i was a reluctant tweeter, but i love it now. i found a way to make twitter work for me. >> good for you. we're so proud. >> "one more thing" is up next.
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all right, time for "one more thing." andrea. >> well, b ebb got a haircut yesterday. as i walked into the room where we get our hair done, it seems all the hair girls were talking about a look he's going for. see if you can guess the look at eric bolling is going for. is it, a, jay carney. is it b, john boehner? or is it c, ronald reagan? >> i like the reagan one. >> what do you think? tweet me your response. whose air does eric bolling look like? >> all right, eric. >> i know who i wanted to be like of those four. i clearly would be the reagan. tomorrow morning, cashing in,
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11:00 a.m. eastern. big one tomorrow, we're going to talk about whether america is still a superpower or not. is president o. doing everything in his power to even the playing field globally taking us away from superpower status, while president putin is carving up the globe, president obama is hanging out with, i don't know, basketball players. >> are you done with that? dana? >> what the heck is that? >> geez, bob. >> i got even with you. >> you remember the other day when i talked about children's national, a hospital that bret baier and his son paul are doing a big charity thing for. there's a celebrity auction. and it was a silent auction. you go online and do it. there was a lunch with the "special report" panel. that includes charles krauthammer, juan williams, kirsten powers. it was for $3400. 24 hours later, it closed at $26,000. >> that's awesome. >> to show you how popular it is compared to other programs, morning joe's $2,000, cbs behind
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the nation, $1,500. >> who overpaid for morning joe? that's ridiculous. >> greg, what have you got? >> they thought it was something else. $1,000 for the morning show. oh, that's a talk show? i thought it was a massage. oh, tonight, i'm on greta between 7:00 and 8:00, then fox and friends tomorrow, pretty early, around the 7:00 a.m., 6:40 a.m. and then i'm on howard kurtz's show, media was, sunday at 11:00, so i'm a busy beaver. >> in this day, march 21, 1965, dr. martin luther king led the march from selma to birmingham, which was the largest and most violent march to get civil rights voting rights for blacks in the south. i'm proud to say my dad was in that group, but was not known as the two marches were leld before dr. king joined them, and the punks and the gestapo from the
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police department down there beat people and killed a minister. they're bums. i hope you're all gone now, but congratulations for dr. king doing it. a year later, they signed the welcome back to "hannity," and this is a fox news alert, it is now day 14 of the greatest aviation mystery in history, and as the crews search the area, the mission is to locate the boeing triple 7. joining me is dan murphy, dan, what is the latest? >> well, sean, we know today marks two weeks since mh-370 disappeared. and they're still no closer to locating the debris, day three of this extensive search gets under way.


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