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tv   Housecall  FOX News  March 23, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PDT

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. hi, everybody. it is now time for sunday house call. >> as always, joining us on this sunday is dr. mark segal, professor of medicine at the lapgo medical center. unlocking the secret code. >> chairman and professor of urologist at the hospital chief of robotics surgery. >> did you just wake up? there is a shocking new study on
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sleep loss. how serious is this? you lot of one job, two jobs and not getting enough sleep. >> the centers for disease control said one third of all americans have six or less hours of sleep a night. that is not enough. no matter how much we tell them go to bed and wake up at the same time and don't have alcoholic beverages. they said we will make up for it and take a little nap. now a study starts to worry us. this study show that is the brain produces a protein that protects brain cells when you haven't slept. you get protection, but it doesn't last long. the cells start to die. the lead orphan in the study, she said it's a safe guard
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protein when cells increase energy. they mop up free radicals. a great protein. we talked about it here. you want to get rid of it and it wears off. 25% of the brain cells died in these mice. we don't know about humans, but i don't like it. >> you can't buy it in the pharmacy, so how do we protect ourselves? >> maybe some day we will. we will make that drug and give it to people. >> what's interesting they have a high fat diet that can reduce it. >> you can get low. >> they can help you.
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that's the anti-aging or antioxidants. >> it's also a red wine, but we have a body of evidence in human beings and we talked about this published data. they talked about hormonal changes as a result of lack of sleep. what happens when you go to sleep. we are getting less and less. 10 1/2 hours. 19707 1/2 hours. 2014, five hours. right here, three hours. >> what happens is just a real systemic effect. when you don't sleep enough, it affects the pancreas. you can get insulin resistant and become prediabetic. your thyroid goes down and you become sluggish and obese. this affects cortisol. you talk about that a lot. it goes up and your immune
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system will get affected and finally on the brain that mark talked about, it slows down the brain. we talked about how the brain worked. look at the commercial building. we talked about the fact that at night time, they will come clean up the garbage and the dirt. the neurotoxins have to be clear. get seven hours of sleep and you also have your favorite ones. they go up. cardiovascular disease. >> can you nap? >> why does that help? >> this is not to scare you, but you need a good seven hours. quantity versus quality. you want to make sure you get a full seven hours of uninterrupted. >> what if you can't get hours. ? what do do you? >> i think the message here and jamie talked about it and when
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we were coming on, you can't get rid of the sleep debt. you may start to lose the protein and the cells die in the part of the brain that is about alertness and thinking. we are worried about the heart and increased risk of heart disease. you have to start with the cycle when you try to get seven hours a night. >> just the bottom line, you said before a cool room for sleeping, you want people not to drink before they go to bed and get the same amount every night. i know people who sleep ten hours and they are still tired. >> absolutely. >> good luck on that one. >> no distractions. >> trying to help people sleep, but not right now. you can't nap during this show. >> this is in toothpaste and foot items and gum disease can lead to heart disease. how important is flouride? >> flouride is very important
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because it prevents flak formation when you have bacteria and the sugar and carbohydrates make acid in the mouth and you increase the risk of cavities. out of all the states, 34 states have this water. meaning in 1960, we have flouride in our water. they talk about the fact that putting it forward in water, the medical specific data we have to protect our kids and children now. >> look how many people are drinking bottled water now. >> bottled water doesn't have flouride unless it is added. also one of the concerns is you have to go to the site and find out how much you are getting in your area. if you are in the southern states, the amount is less because people are drinking more because it's warmer. they are adjusting this.
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now you are getting flouride from your water and your toothpaste and mouth wash and your prescriptions. too much flouride is not good for you. especially low in children under 8. you will get staining the teeth. the recommendation for children under the age of 2 and above. put a small amount of toothpaste and make sure they are not swallowing the toothpaste. for adults you have to find out how much you are getting and the recommendation is .7 to 1.2 milligrams per liter. you can check it. >> no one is going to know what that means. >> i'm telling you what it means. it has to be .7. you can go to the cdc site. if it's 2.5, you better call. don't call me because i will be getting seven hours of sleep. how do you take it out?
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reverse osmosis filters. >> centers for disease control called for the top ten public health achievements. with the smallpox and polio vaccines, it cuts down on cavities by 20 to 40%. people have their teeth. people are used to not being able to. it cut down on cavities and saved a lot of money. it saves $38 in terms of later dental costs. it's enormous. people are worried because flouride is a neurotoxin. i want to talk about it. tremendous level. it is harmful at a high level. we don't have that number that
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david talks about. in china, they had more and people were developing anxiety and attention deficit. there is no dig study that proves it. what we see in our water, some have it and some don't. look on the label. >> look how complicated flouride is. if you want to keep your teeth that is. >> thousands of americans show they are struggling with obesity. it's a real problem. the doctors will explain why the inability to lose weight from some could have more to do they say with how they are treated at home than with what they are eating. the doctors weigh in. [ male announcer ] frequent heartburn? the choice is yours. chalky... not chalky.
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. >> back now with sunday house call. it's a heart breaking study of childhood obesity. the study shows that kids who are not shown enough affection are more likely to struggle with their weight. dr. segal, it's not just about eating the cookies and the sodas, but your emotional well being. >> 40,000 children were studied in canada and they found it's all about the parents. there was 1/3 obesity if they set down strict rules. the parents that showed a lot of affection set limits and talked it out with their kids. the kids were 30% less likely to be obese. i took my youngest to the gym. he said i have to watch that star trek episode.
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i said do it on the bike. i was on the elliptical. we did ten miles because he wanted to watch the episode. i'm not brags because i'm not the best at this. we need substitutions and yogurt instead of ice cream. sweet potato fries. >> here's johnny. yogurt instead of the ice cream. that's hard. >> it's a very interesting study that talks about parenting and we are all learning from this. another study looked at four different parenting. one was strict. they always had a problem. the second one they were sensitive to the needs of the children. the third was permissive and then obviously negligent. out of all of them, the strict was times more child obesity. part is the way we grew up as
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children. parents say you have to finish your plate before you get that ipad or game. that sends a wrong message. kids are not listening to hunger queues. that's one of the things about being obese. it's a turn off. you can cannot under mostimate the intelligence of children. they follow what you say. you push them they will walk away from the fruits and vegetables. >> you can set an example? know your kid and know if they are allergic that causes weight gain and bloat. once at a birthday party 6 years old, my son asked and said out lout he wanted broccoli and cottage cheese. he knows i am telling the truth. you can go too far. shouldn't you let your kid go to the restaurant once in a while?
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>> as long as it's once in a while. you have to explain the reasoning. if you limit what's in the ice box, they will choose from what's in there. we don't buy the stuff anymore. let's face it. they are all looking in the ice box to see if there is ice cream that we can mooch. >> the american academy of pediatrics and i want you to read this, parents online, they have ways to go about how to do this. it's going to be very, very helpful. the american academy of pediatrics, a road map to health. >> you can help your child for life and save their life. thank you. i got this topic. it's about when you feel irregular. you can't take care of your business. the doctors will tell you why this might be the case. you may not be willing to talk
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back with sunday housecall now with a segment that will -- really -- get you going. the segment we do every week of should i worry? a weekly segment that we don't want you to be anxious about. one viewer asked us, i've been concity pated for a week. should i worry? i don't think that viewer is the only one that might be worried. dr. samadi. let's get things moving. >> that's a good one. so for a week of constipation, i would say look into dehydration and fiber. i wouldn't worry about this. watch how much you are drinking. there's some diseases we need to
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worry about. some of it is manmade. about 50% of constipation in the u.s. is caused by us surgeon egg. we have tylenol number 3, in urology, we give out a lot of bladder spasm medications. all of them cause constipation. the other 80% of constipation in the u.s. is as a result of this man. he's the one that makes everyone constipated. how much? too much calcium supplements. he's proud of it. antidepressants and diuretics, that's going to get rid of it. congratulations. there are treatments that mark is going to talk about now. >> what is the safest way to go? do you use laxatives because people don't know what to do. >> he covered that beautifully. i want to add a couple of things. if you've traveled recently or if you're sediment tear, that could cause it. and a week of constipation is not something to worry about,
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but we in the medical profession was the first thing i say is is it a change in your normal pattern? because if you have a consistent change in bowel patterns where you start to be constipated over more than a week or more than several weeks, then i might think you need to think of a colonoscopy. what do you to to treat it? actually, i want to send another caution out there. if you overuse laxatives, if you overuse laxatives, you end up being more constipated because it washes out the normal flora in the colon. what should you do? temporarily, use laxatives, use stool softeners. replace fluid, dehydration being a major cause of this. and stay away from long-term treatments and fiber, as david mentioned, really important. whether that's fiber in term of fruit and vegetables, whether that's met amucil.
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>> fresh blood on the napkin is usually hemorrhoids as a result of constipation. if it's deeper, you get colonoscopy. milk of magnesia is great. >> can you take that every day? >> you don't want to. this is just a short-term. more than that, you want to see your doctor. metamucil is great. and get seven to eight glasses of water. >> sleep, folks, sleep. >> doctors, thanks. sometimes we have to tackle the tough ones. >> talking about a tough one, after this winter, allergy season, it's coming up with the spring about to bud whenever spring comes. guess what? they say this allergy season could be one of the worst on record, so on if you have allergies and you suffer and you have problems, what should i do? our doctors will give their advice about allergy season as we continue on "sunday housecall." those litt things still get you.
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and back now is sunday housecall. spring is just around the corner. for most of us, that means sunny skies and warmer weather. but man, if you suffer from allergies, you know what that can be like. misery. they say especially this year. it's going to be ready bad. dr. siegel, what do i tell my doctor tomorrow to make sure i don't suffer it like last year this season? >> you already said part of it. this year is going to be bad because of the precipitation we've seen. when you get a lot of snow and get a lot of rain, those trees are soaking it up. around now, especially in the southeast, they start to bud and they start to pour out pollen. and we're going to see a lot of it this year. tree pollen comes first. tree pollen is the tiny pollen, gets up there on the wind. it can travel up to 200 miles. pollen from the trees is offer the worst for people. what do i tell me patients? be prepared in advance. if i'm going to put you on a nasal spray like nasonex or flonase or something like that, i might want you to start it a
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couple weeks before the allergy season to build something up. antihistamine, same things. get ready to change your air-conditioning filters. don't do your workouts early in the day or late in the day. take plenty of showers. you can track this even though it's invisible right into your house and then you have worse problems. people are going to come to me saying, is that a cold i have? is that a virus i have? i'm sneezing. if your eyes are itching, it's probably allergies. >> i have it. >> for you, your cough, i think you had a virus and this is a post viral cough. i don't think it's allergies. with jamie, i think it's allergies. >> that will cost you $200. >> no, no. seriously, like people have allergies. should i now start antihistamines, two to the pharmacy and start popping them even before i get the runny nose and red eyes? >> i wouldn't. i wouldn't do that. i think popping these pills, you should do it when it's necessary. you have the cold weather, we have this nasty snow in winter.
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now it's coming to this really warm rain .humidity. pollens are going to come up. that's what it is. in the south, it's much worse. you have maples, all these trees. you have to stay indoors, stay awake from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. claritin -- >> what about the saline sprays, which is not a drug? >> that's a good one for post nasal drip. for me, i can tell you personally when i have this clae zyrtec. >> how about benadryl? >> benadryl puts me to sleep. i can't have it as a surgeon or as a pilot. >> jamie, i like keeping this lubery indicated with saline spray because you get dry when you have allergies. >> and kids worse than adults? >> kids worse than adults. oral allergy symptom is when you're allergic to both fruits and that problem, you may have an allergy to certain kinds of fruits. >> we have to leave it there.
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but i would ask dr. siegel if food allergies can mimic these allergies. great to see you. thanks going to do it for us today. >> media buzz with howard kurtz is coming up right now here on the fox news channel. >> stay healthy, everybody. on the buzz beater this sunday, the media speculation continues to build as we enter the third week of the missing malaysian plane. and at times, it's getting even more outlandish. >> when we go to church, the supernatural power of god. you deal with all of that. >> people are saying to me, why aren't you talking about the possibility? and i'm just putting it out there, that something odd happened to this plane, something beyond our understanding. >> my favorite theory, the 5% theory, is that it's because of some secret passenger with some secret cargo, the aircraft was hijacked and landed some place. >> the ratings are soaring, but how could the


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