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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  March 23, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. >> thank you. great audience here tonight. and welcome to huckabee. we are live tonight from the fox news studios in new york city. well, there's been so much speculation and conjecture as to what happened in malaysia 370, and we're going to triey to bri some perspective to the various theories and answer some of the most often asked and least answered questions in tonight's live broadcast, but one thing this mystery has done, it's caused a lot of people to fear
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getting on an airliner. let me just say that's one thing i'm not afraid of, and that's a good thing because sometimes i fly as much as six days in a week, rare lly less than threor four times a week. if i was afraid to fly, i would be out of business. there are some things i am afraid of. i'm afraid of snakes, spiders, new york cab drivers, ladders, and i'm afraid of harry reid still being the majority leader after this year's election. yms also afraid of jumping out of airplanes. i don't do that. i'm not afraid of flying in one. statistically, commercial air travel in this country is about the safest mode of transportation we have. per passenger mile, it's safer than a car, bus, train, or walking. it's not perfect, but over the years, it's about as close as humans can get. and it's one instance in which the government can partially
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responsible for getting it right. the safety standards that we require are extraordinary. not only in the operations of the aircraft but in the way they're built, tested, and certified to fly. a lot of the credit for that goes to the national transportation safety board, which is one of the most effective government agencies we've got in carrying out its mission, and which learns from every air mishap, then incorporates those lessons in law and policy. a lot of credit goes to the airlines themselves. greatly underappreciated for their dogged determination to put safety first in their operations. and understandably so. an airline disaster resulting in a crash and a loss of lives costs millions in litigation, reparations, and it costs the carrier unbelievable sums due to bad publicity and the loss of trust from the public. that results in diminished revenues and it can take decades to recover. the qualifications that are
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required for pilots on the mainline carriers is stringent, but i don't want you to think the safety issue is with only those in the cockpit. the flight attendants aren't just there to toss snacks and serve drinks at 35,000 feet. they're highly trained professionals. they stand ready to risk their own lives to get you safely out of that plane should something go wrong. the men and women in the back of the plane are a major reason that you fly safely. as are the folks that you have never even seen, like the air frame and power plant mechanics who carry out the intensive maind nns on those planes and the ground crew who check and double check that plane from nose to tail every time it lands. an incident like malaysia 370 is scary. might even cause you to want to forego flying. i would say don't let it keep you off a plane. there's a far greater likelihood that you would slip in the shower and crack your skull or for that matter, there's a bigger chance of getting run over by santa and his reindeer
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than losing your life in a commercial airliner. now, i realize when i get on a plane, i'm putting my life in god's hands and in the hands of that crew. but i'm in pretty good hands. >> tonight, we're going to be taking some questions on the missing plain from our studio audience as well as from you at home. you can tweet them t to @huckabeeshow, and paste them on our facebook page. while investigators begin another search today, the latest information we've got is that france says it has new satellite data that may, get that, may show floating debris from malaysia air flight 370. it's said to be in the close proximity to this image that china released on saturday in the southern indian ocean off the coast of australia. while the satellite images have brought the search mission to the water, my first guest
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proposed a very different theory earlier this week. >> i still think a course of action now, megyn, is that the airplane went north and it went into either pakistan or eastern iran. i don't -- cannot confirm that, but all the data i have, this would be a course of action, again, a course of action. >> fox news military analyst lieutenant general tom mcinerney. that was an explosive moment with megyn kelly. are you standing by the idea the plane could be in pakistan? >> yes, i am, governor. >> and when you think about the idea of pakistan, what gives you reason to think that it could be there? >> well, first of all, you've got to accept that the airplane was hijacked. i believe the airplane was hijacked by the air crew, the pilot and copilot.
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i believe they just didn't do it to fly seven hours down into the south indian ocean and crash it. it's against their religion, unless they are or martyrs. we haven't heard anything like that. the fact is out of the 45,000 terrorist events since 1998, only 14% have been claimed. so i believe another shoe will fall. i believe pakistan or elements in pakistan, the isi, taliban, al qaeda, are involved in a second shoe. i don't know what that second shoe to fall with will be, but i believe we'll see that airplane involved in a terrorist incident in the near future. >> that would make a lot of sense because one of the -- i think big questions, if this was terrorism, why hasn't someone taken responsibility. usually they go out and boast, they want to make claims about it. it's fascinating you indicated only 14% actually have someone claim responsibility for an
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action. but in this case, you don't think the mission, if in fact terrorism, has been completed yet. that's why we haven't heard frame them. >> that's correct. in all of the actions leading up to it clearly were that the airplane was hijacked by the air crew. everybody has heard ad nauseam the different moves, et cetera. but the question then is, why would they do that? i don't have the why. except i know that they were radicalized and the degree, i don't fully understand yet. but i know it's there, and we're against a very formidable adversary that will have a huge impact on civil aviation in the world if they're successful in pulling this off. >> general, one of the things i have great respect for, anybody who has earned three stars on his shoulder has clearly been
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placed in an extraordinary level of trust and also has a far greater knowledge and understanding of a lot of world events that most of us will ever have. so i say this because i think it's important that when you're talking about pakistan, your concern is based on your experience and understanding terrorism. what is it about pakistan that most americans don't really think about, or perhaps know? >> well, first of all, most of them know where osama bin laden was killed. in abbottabad, right in the heart of their military academy. number two, most americans don't fully understand that the taliban was created by pakistan. their intelligence service, the isi. most americans do not fully understand that as the isi is supporting the taliban in afghanistan and we probably ought to be fighting them rather than fighting in afghanistan.
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they control the taliban. if they say cut it off, it's all over. >> general, do you think it's possible, and i know this is far fetched, do you think it's possible that our own government may know where that airplane is? >> i think our government knows a lot of what's going on. and for certain reasons, they may want to have a diversion down in the south indian ocean while, for instance, why isn't the global hawk down there? which could stay up 32 hours and continuously surveil that with its synthetic aperture radar? but they're keeping them up in the middle east. probably to watch certain air fields in pakistan, which they can fly over afghanistan and look into those air fields. i think there are other things that the u.s. government is doing that i do not want to talk
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about here because there may be operations ongoing. but the fact is, we have our best sensors in the world, governor, in the middle east, in afghanistan right now. >> you know, that's information i have not heard anyone else talk about. i appreciate that because i think it's an incredible insight that you have given to us. general, stay with us. the search for the malaysia airlines flight 370 is now entering its third week. we would love to have your questions. you can send them to u us @huckabeeshow on twitter. also on our facebook page, the huckabee show. we'll be right back. 's hard. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier.
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bawith us, also a former pilot who has flown the boeing 777, and a former investigator for the national transportation safety board. let me begin with you, captain. before the general indicated his thought that this plane could be somewhere in pakistan having landed, does this airplane have the capacity to have made it that far, especially if they were flying low altitude, and if they weren't flying low altitude, how were they able to fly without being detected? >> well, obviously, the general has some sources maybe in the intelligence community that i do not. however, to reach pakistan is approximately 3,000 miles. the aircraft, from reports we have, had about seven and a half hours of fuel onboard. had it descended to a lower altitude, i do not believe it
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would have been able to make it to pakistan. could it remain stealthy and undetected? the acars was turned off. the transponder was turned off. i do believe that the indian radar may have picked it up, i do believe it would be quite difficult to get the aircraft to pakistan, in my opinion. >> let me ask this, the fact that the transponders were turned off, i mean, you have flown the 777. is that something that a person could just accidentally do, some doofs in the cockpit hitting the button, or is that something that requires a very specific, targeted and intensional action on the part of someone in the cockpit? >> well, in the 777s i flew, the transponder control mogual had multiple positions. it's not just an on/off button. it would require human input to consciously turn that switch to the stand by mode.
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so an accident, no. it would have to be done on purpose. >> al, i said some nice things about the ntsb in my opening comments and i really made them, but is there anything investigators can do other than what we're all doing, and i guess everybody is, just coming up with ideas. but is there anything that could be done until we find something of an airplane? >> well, things have been done already, governor. i know that the board has sent out air traffic control specialists, investigators. and they can take the factual information that is being put out between the controllers, the hand-off of the malaysians, and go off and look at what the conversations were. last night, i discovered in my reading when the transcripts were put out on friday, there were some questions about the crew or the malaysian air
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traffic controller querying the crew about altitude. within six minutes, the first officer reported at 3500 feet, then i also read that the malaysian controller may have been asking the pilot for his input on verifying his altitude. now, this is all before the sign-off, so you could take that information, speak to the controller in the malaysian controller, speak to the vietnam controller that he was supposed to be handing off to. did you see him on your screen? the malaysian controller, why was there so many queries about verifying the altitude? didn't you see him on your scope with his transponder reading? and find out what was going on between the hand-off agency. supposed to be a controller somewhere that saw a target after the transponders were down.
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well, how does he know what target he was looking at, if the transponders were off, all he has is a primary target, unidentified target. most countries if they see unidentified aircraft in their vicinity are going to launch aircraft. >> that's what i would think. general, let me come back to you. one of the questions, if this plane was hijacked, what happened to the passengers? i know woe don't know, but that's 239 people that somebody has to eliminate or they have to be taken care of somewhere. >> that's correct. governor. a very good question. i don't have that answer. i could speculate, but i don't want to. the fact is, is if this airplane stayed 200 miles off the koecoa of india, it could in fact have done that without being picked up. if it, in fact, followed singapore flight 68 because the pattern of flight, singapore
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flight 68 is exact overlay on the inmar sat put out. and so that could have happened. now, could a 777 pilot fly at 200 feet behind in formation? that's why i'm interested what the simulator data that was erased, what the fbi labs at quantico turns out to see. i talked to a 777 pilot just before i came on here. a chap who i have known a long time, a 777 pilot, as well as 787 instructor pilot. he indicated that he probably could, if he had practiced some in the simulator, and was on auto pilot. so there are different options that could have happened. i don't have all of the why or the how because there's just not enough information. >> general, we'll stay with you
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and al and the captain when we return. we're going to be taking questions from our audience as well as those that you have tweeted us @huckabeeshow. or to our facebook page. we'll get to your questions right after this. those litt things still get you. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet helpsapproved to treattime the msymptoms of bph, like needing to go freently. tell yr doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthenough for sex. do not take cialis if youtake , as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drinklcohol in excess. side effects may include headac, upset stomach, delayed baache or muscle ache.
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organization set up by the u.n., it's called ical. and according to their rules that the country where the accident happens takes the lead. the united states sends representatives. if any part of the aircraft, in this case, boeing, the engines, rolls royse, were manufactured in the united states, then we're permitted to send accredited reps, which are usually ntsb, iic, investigator in charge, and with the faa, and he'll probably bring boeing representatives and chairman with them from the faa. >> so we're not necessarily the lead, but we are involved because of the fact of boeing and some of the other manufacturers who are a part of the aircraft? >> that's correct, but the country where the accident occurs can also ask the chairman of the safety board if they
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would take the lead on the investigation. >> okay. we've got to move on, and let's take this question from our audience. john moore. >> good evening. i would like to know if it's possible for the transponder and other electronic devices or indicators, markers for the 777 to be switched out with a smaller aircraft or other 777s to actually hide the actual plane itself from being detected? >> captain, you have flown that bird. i'm going to toss that to you. >> great. that was a great question. i have heard that one before. the 777 has two transponders. they're located in the compartment, behind and below the cockpit. you could replace the transponder with a compatible transponder and swap them out. however, the aircraft is identified by the code that you put in the transponder, the four-digit code.
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it's called the squawk. you do not receive the squawk until you file your flight plan, receive your atc clearance. that clearance is received usually by a computer printout in the cockpit, and sometimes on a radio transmission. somehow, yes, you could poach a transponder code and put it in, but if you took off as soon as you got the gear up, you would be discovered. it would be the same if somebody stole your credit card, you reported it, and then the thief tried to use the credit card. as soon as they tried to use it, they would be discovered. that would set off some alert bells and the controlling agents would start checking out who you were. >> thank you. let's go to pete in the audience. pete, your question, sir. >> i was just wondering with all the technology we have, why these satellites can't zoom in enough so that we can get a crystal clear picture of what all this debris is that's floating around in the ocean before we start sending in
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search steteams or is there a reason it's not being used? >> general, that's an interesting question. satellites can pick out a license plate from outer space. why can't they tell what the debris is? what's the answer there? >> a very good question. the fact is it has to be an ele elekt ctro-optical satellite, a they come by say every 15 minutes, and we called it a leo. and you have to have a huge lens up there that -- to look down there, and the size of the object, we say we can identify license plates and that, but you know, that may or may not be true. but there's so much floatsome out there and debris out there that i think this complicates the problem. the french satellite was using a radar. that makes it even more difficult. >> well, i want to say thanks to all of you. general, captain, al yerman, great to have you with us. and appreciate your questions
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and those from the audience and at home. russia's takeover of crimea on saturday is followed by concerns the rest of ukraine could be next. how far will vladimir putin go and what do we need to do to stop him, if we can? we'll talk about it next. emily's just starting out... and on a budget. like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. see how much you could save with allstate. are you in good hands? don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. ♪
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm harris faulkner. with the affordable care act/obamacare marking its fourth anniversary today, more than 5 million americans have signed up, but it's not known how many have paid. add that to the fact that more than 6 million americans received insurance cancellation notices over the past few months. the clock is ticking. a week from monday, march 31st, enrollment ends, leaving the administration at this point well short of its original target. and now, i want to take you to a story we're just learning from
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washington state where they have had major mud slides out there. a fourth person has been found dead, and they are now still looking for 18 people who are missing. mud sliding down from recent heavy rains in an area north of seattle, crushing homes. people trapped inside. rescue efforts under way this evening for a second night. now we return you to "huckabee." >> we are back live. after russia's takeover of crimea on saturday, western leaders now fear an invasion of ukraine's eastern region might be imminent. that's as russia conducts military drills on their border. mitt romney who was mocked by president obama when he suggested russia was a threat and a joe opolitical foe in a,00012 debate, shot back at the president today on "face the nation." >> there's no question but the president's naivety with regards to russia and his faulty
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judgment about russia's intentions and objectives has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face. we really need to understand that russia has very different interests than ours. this is not fantasy land. this is reality where they're a geopolitical adversary. they're not our enemy, but they're an adversary on the world stage. >> joining me now is assistant secretary of the treasury in the george w. bush administration and author of the treasury's war, the unleashing of a new era of financial warfare. juan zarotti is with us. also, retired navy commander jd gordon. i want to start with you because russia has a long history of conducting drills and exercises, all around a particular area, and then those exercises just end up becoming a real operation. do you think what we're seeing is not just a drill but the
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precursor to a full scale invasion by russia? >> governor, thanks for having me on the show, i appreciate it. i think vladimir putin is trying to reconstitute a russian empire. we have to realize in 2005, he said the greatest geopolitical crisis of the 20th century was a dissolution of the soviet union. think he's trying to reconstitute it now for two principle reasons, first, because he can. he sees barack obama as a weak and ineffective leader. he sees our european allies as weak and ineffective as well. number two, i think he feels he has to. russia is fading. it was 148 million people, today, it's 143 million, so it's shrinking. the south of russia, the muslim areas, that's 20% of russia. but they're having a lot more children they are in moscow and around russia, so if the demographics continue, russia could be a muslim majority country by 2050. vladimir putin realizes that and
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it scares him to death. that's why he invaded georgia and he has two provinces, why he's annexed crimea and he could go after the baltic states next. i talked to the latvian ambassador. he told me 20% of latvia are native russian speakers. >> i want to ask you about the economic sanctions put in place. how effective are they, how stringent are they? it appears the russians are laughing at what we're doing and not taking it seriously. is that bluster or are they really just not that impressed with what we have done so far? >> well, governor, thanks for having me on tonight. i think the russians are waiting for the next stages of the economic pressure. i think the initial stages have been meek, and i think we have overstated what the potential impact will be. i think the reality is that the economic pressure that we can place, which could be enormous and can actually bite on the russians, won't roll back the
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military presence in crimea, and certainly won't deter shortterm what putin plans to do. but the reality is we can bite them. we can impose significant costs on the economy. we can unplug their banks. we can target their kleptocrats and their olgarks. we have a suite of sanctions and authorities that don't require u.n. mandate that we can apply, and this new era of financial warfare allows the u.s. to use its economic might, the power of the dollar and capital markets to unplug targets like russian banks from the system. that ultimately will hurt. i think the one thing that the russians aren't poo-pooing so much now, governor, is the naming of the banks that president obama named this past week. the bank which is the 17th largest bank in russia has been cut off from the western banking system and it's starting to form complications for the russians. long term, we can absolutely make it hurt. the problem is it's not going to bring down the russian flags
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over crimea. >> how much impact would it have if the united states were in a position where it could export energy to europe and make that market less secure for russia? >> well, i think that's part of the calculus, without a doubt. part is making clear to not just vladimir putin but the olgarks around him, a number of 400 or so who are not only dependent on his power but also use their influence for economic influence as well. that their long-term interests really are at stake here. that they could be as adventurous as they want in ukraine and potentially threaten the baltics, but at the end of the day, they're going to be unplugged. part of this is their power over gas and oil in europe is going to be put at risk. part of that is then our ability to export more into the market to create the infrastructure that would allow that, and then to begin to target the elements of the russian economy that can be isolated. i think that's part of a longer
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term play here where you can say to putin, this is really not in your interest, and it's really going to hurt long term. >> juan, i appreciate it. jd, i'm out of town, but i have to ask you a yes or no question. do you anticipate vladimir putin is going to move the troops into the ukraine in the next few weeks? >> it's very possible, governor. i think that the eastern third of the ukraine is primarily russian speaking and he could foment unrest, referendums there and send troops in there. also, we've got to keep an eye on the baltic states. >> we'll do that. thank you very much. jd, juan, great to have both of you here. a 16-year-old boy now says he's sorry for sneaking past security to climb up to the top of the new world trade center. he may be sorry, but did he actually give america a wake-up call? we'll talk about that when we're back, and we're live this sunday night. stay with us. my dad has atrial fibrillation, or afib. he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you
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climbed some scaffolding up to an elevator that took him to the 88th floor. then he climbed stairs to the 104th floor where he snuck past a sleeping guard to get the ladder that leads to the antenna at the very top of the tower. gnaw spruzing urprisingly, the been charged with misdemeanor trespassing. when i think about this kid, my first thought is that's a cute prank, wow that he pulled it off. then i think, my gosh, it is harder for me to get into this building where we do this show than that kid seemed to have getting into the building. what did this tell us? >> first of all, a pleasure being with you. also to let you know, it certainly is a chilling story. it's not because he went up and did something, you know, that damaged the building. but it goes to show you the vulnerability we have at these sites where it's really paramaunlt in the development of new security in the country and where 9/11, with the tragic really place where we lost so many americans. so i think it's the chilling
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effect is saying what is going on? where is security, and where is security in the very basic elements of security? a hole in the fence, the cameras maybe didn't get a look at him. the guard was sleeping. to me, it's really a tragedy. >> the world trade center site has to be one of the most vulnerable places in all the world for terrorism. you would think we would have an intense kind of security there. whose fault is this? >> well, first of all, the site is owned by the port authority of new york and new jersey. and what they have done is contracted people out. this is a construction site but also the site where the current operating memorial is located and the soon to be museum, so it's a site that is very complex, but nonetheless, is extremely important. we know the terrorists attacked there in 1993 and came back on 9/11. you know by having really now the tallest building in america sitting on the site, it once again will be in their crosshairs if they have an opportunity. so it's a place that is extremely, i think, important to us, both emotionally as well as figuratively for our nation's security. >> bill, only have about 30
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seconds left. do you think we're becoming a little complacent about our national security. we have driven past 9/11 so much that we forgot to look back? >> i think we have, and very quickly, there are a couple things that happened in the past ten days for whoever is covering the plane going missing, we have had a report come out talking about the infrastructure in the country, the national grid, the power grid and how sensitive it is and how vulnerable it is and how easily it can be taken out. we also have an article published by inspire magazine, a magazine that comes out by al qaeda, which was, by the way, once inspired the bombers in boston, and they're also talking about equipping people with the ability to build car bombs, picking places in our major cities with a chilling picture of times square once again on the site. >> very scary stuff. bill, great to have you here. thank you very much for joining us. >> does obamacare violate the religious freedoms of business owners? the supreme court is getting ready to hair that, and you're going to hear from one of the
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lawyers from hobby lobby. that's when we come back. stay with us. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. with olive garden's new cucina mia for just $9.99. italian dinner first, choose unlimited soup or salad. then create your own pasta with one of five homemade sauces. and finish with dessert. three courses, $9.99. at olive garden. ♪ test ♪
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hobby lobby is a family-run arts and crafts store chain that has more than 600 stores all over the country. and they're challenging the obamacare mandate that says that companies must cover their employees for contraceptives. the green family which owns hobby lobby and runs the business based on their deeply held biblical principles objected to carrying four drugs they believe can cause an abortion. the supreme court is going to hear oral arguments on this case this week. joining me is joshua holly, associate professor of law at the university of missouri, also
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council to the beckett fund for religious liberty and they're representing the green family. thanks for joining me. this case has so intrigued me because i do think it may be one of the most significant cases of religious liberty in liberty in memory. why is it such an important case? >> well, governor, it's an important case because this is about the right of every business owner in america to run his or her business according to their religious convictions and their deeply held moral beliefs. it's a time honored constitutional tradition in this country and that's what this case is about. >> this isn't really so much about contraceptives and abortion as much as it is the right of a business owner to exercise his or her belief on every subject. would you say it is a fair assessment that it is bigger than a contraceptive issue? >> it is a very fair assessment. the green familiar loined hobby lobby long provided contraceptive coverage in their healthcare plan. they provided healthcare to
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their employees well before the affordable care act. they don't have any objections 16 out of the 20 forms of contraception the government mandated business owners the only objection they have are for drugs and devices that work by introducing an abortion. it is the deeply held religious belief in equal dignity of human life that prompts them to take that ban and can they follow their religious convictions in their business or do they have to agree with the government's principals in order to do business in america. >> you educated america in a way they have not heard from the mainstream media. number one, long before there was an obamacare the green family was already providing health coverage for their employees, thousands of them across the country. secondly they are not fundamentally opposed to contraceptives per se but just the ones that would take the life of an unborn child. >> just four out of 20 forms of
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contraception that are approved for sale in the united states, that's really the heart of the case. it goes back to the american principal it is part of our free enterprise system and constitutional tradition that when you start a business in america that you can run it according to your deeply held convictions. businesses do this all of the time. just the other day cvs pharmacy said they were going to quit carrying tobacco products why? because that's against their social mission they said. gas retailers recently announced they were going to increase their starting wage for their employees for the same rooern. hobby lobby is no different. hobby lobby is a green family they want to run their business according to their conscience. they ought to be applauded for that not penalized for it. >> one of the things that has been interesting is the courage of the green family. if they lose this case they are out of business. they are gone because there's no way they can afford the kind of
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penalties. you will have an oral argument before the supreme court. give me some insight as to how you think this case mr. play out? >> this case is simple on the important statute of what is in this case. it says that every american every person has a right to preenter vise and if the government substantially burdens that right the government has to show a compelling interest to make the regulation stick. the right to free enterprise has been substantially burdened in this case and the government hasn't shown they have a compelling interest. here is one reason why. you know the government has so many businesses from this mandate that over half of the nation's work force isn't covered by the mandate.
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the government can't show it has a compelling interest in making businesses pay for these abortion forms of contraception when they exempted half of the nation's work force from it. that will be the heart of the case. they think the supreme court will have to provide it for us. >> if i was on the supreme court this case would be over you guys would wing. all of us are praying for a good outcome thank you for being here. >> i will be back with closing thoughts. stay with us. we will be back in a moment. those litt things still get you. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet
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you don't believe more than the government wants you to believe then we have devolved back to a state of tyranny our founders gave it all to over throw. the first amendment states that congress shall pass no law that prefers or prohibits the free exercise of religion. if obamacare forces hobby lobby and its employees to provide drugs even though the privately owned family run business opposes it on moral grounds then the government decided your faith can only believe so much and when there's a conflict the individual loses to the government. now that my friend is a loss of liberty. this is a fundamentally o outrageous action who believes the constitution was created to keep us free not to keep us from being free. the bill of rights was not written to reign in our freedom and restrict us.
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bill of rights wraas written to reign in government and restrict government. a page on facebook has been created and family research council to give folks like you and me an opportunity to show our support for hobby lobby on march 29th and express their appreciation for their courage in their business to stand for what should be clear-cut constitutional rights. i have a link to the facebook event page on my web site at mike and my facebook page. there is no cost and you aren't buying anything it is a way to express appreciation for hobby lobby and their religious stand. if it doesn't exist for hobby lobby before it is taken from you? enough of government thinking it's got and we owe it to the founders who fled to guarantee our freedom.
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thanks for joining us tonight for this special lye edition of huckabee. we will be back next week. until then from new york ms. hike huckabee. stay tuned for "justice wi -- "e with judge jeanine." >> welcome to a special sunday edition of "justice. i am judge jeanine pirro. new clues in the investigation of missing malaysian airline flight 370. satellite data may show potential from debris from the missing airline. the plane may have been flying as low as 12,000 feet after making that sharp left turn. all the search resumes in one of the most remote areas of the southern indian ocean. in a moment of top-notch top guns elite u.


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