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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  March 23, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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[ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. >> announcer: "fox news sunday" is a presentation of fox news. it has turned into one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all >> it has turned into one of the greatest mysteries of all time with 239 souls on board. the mystery of flight 370. tonight we take you inside the story, how it happened as it happened. the riddles that remain. the story starts with the news of the missing plane first breaking on the kelly files friday night march 7th early saturday morning malaysia time. fox news alert. we have breaking news tonight on a missing commercial jet. >> we learned the plane leftko
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allah and never arrived at the destination. families awaiting loved ones will be delayed on the beijing airport. soon it is revealed two stolen passports were used by passengers to board that plane. that detail sparking the first real suspicion that this may have been no accident. the airline calls in a disaster recovery company saying quote we are not ruling anything out. meantime former faa official scott brenner tells us the following. >> one of the advances we have seen in many is the boeing aircraft which they are constantly connected with all of their sports at that tidata. >> sunday march 9th the sports service says the plane may have turned around. not oert knees but south west of the indian ocean. it is off the malaysian east ose
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coast. the monday after the disappearance the search area is expanding. there is wide speculation over the base. the iranians who paid for the journey of the man's stolen passport. they were bought last minute and paid for in cash. they suspect foul play. >> the 777 is such a reliable airplane i can't image there wasn't a structural malfunction that was enough to bring the airplane down. >> the men with the stolen passports are iranian national. they discount any link to terrorism suggesting their goal was to i am great to europe. this as we learn more about the plane's curious track. >> a new twist in the missing malaysian jet with 239 people on
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board. the high ranking official is now confirming flight 370 went hundreds of miles off course before it went off radar. >> conflicting information while the plane's dramatic root changes come under scrutiny. >> con funsed pilots they thought when they made the u turn they were going in the direction they meant to be going. >> with those pilots and their ex piece or experience and others there was something that caused it to go south. >> day five on wednesday they learn the words from the cockpit was seemingly calm all right good night. no mayday was ever issued. concern grows this is deliberate brat. >> ifrng the director stated right now at least it cannot
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rule out terrorism at this point. >> then the chinese release two satellite images of what they suggest might be pieces of the wreckage. they appear off the malaysian's east coast. the next day that lead falls apart. >> the mreen's communication system were shut down manually and not because of catastrophic failure. this plane is new information up to five hours after communications went dark. u.s. investigators are looking at the possibility that it was diverted to a secret location. >> the satellite images were a false alarm. almost a week passed and then. >> then you have a plane that was goinger radically in different directions and was going up and down in weighing it was not supposed to.
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who was controlling the plane at that point? was it someone who didn't know how to fly a plane? >> police have not searched their home. they made changes in altitude after it reversed course. the aircraft may be hidden somewhere. >> that i do not know. i was looking at all air fields 7500 feet in length in pakistan and eastern iran. >> by saturday malaysia declares this is a wril matter. >> this movements are consistent with deliberate brat actions by someone. >> in a bombshell development it was detected by satellites through 8:11 a.m. the day it disappeared. nearly 8 hours after takeoff and
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7 hours after air traffic control lost track of the aircraft. it was off the west coast including a northern and southern track in the indian ocean. sunday march 16th authorities claim the plane's communication system was disabled before the pilot's last words to air traffic control leading to questions about why did the crew did not raise this issue. the surehut down would be calleo question. by the next day... >> you are not missing anything. >> we learn it was the co pilot who uttered the final words of the flight, all right, good night. the number of countries involved in the search has grown from 14 to 26. >> according to federal officials involved in the
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investigation they are telling me at least within the first 26 minutes of that flight pilots were changing the flight path. the plane had gone up basically flying on the original course to beijing and then making it return. we know within the first 26 minutes they reprogrammed the flight plan and were already starting to turn west before they signed off with air traffic control. >> the pilot intentionally changed their path but the reason why remains a mystery. they reveal the communication system could have been shut down between 107 and 1:37 a.m. not necessarily before the co pilot signed off. the total search area is at 2 million square nautical miles. they learned files have been deleted from if the simulator what files and why? the fbi stepped in to help as
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the family for the missing search for answers. potentially big news from australia the prime minister said satellite spotted debris off the west coast that may be long to the missing plane. this lines up with the southern path identified as one goup for the plane. who large objects are spotted in the skies. officials under core it could be unrelated to this plane. >> an internationaler fort to find the plane is in the indian ocean. finding out where it came to rest does not answer the why or the how. just ahead the unavoidable questions about the two men flying this jet. what we know and what we do not. >> hi everyone. (indiscernible)
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>> was this hijacking an act of terror or something else? insider from the intel community all ahead on the mystery of flight 370. don't go away. and everything else all ahead. don't go away. starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve...
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>> flight 370 was delayed mthen missing then feared crashed. this plane had been hijacked. our chief intelligence correspondence has been tracking that story from washington. >> within hours of the disappearance investigators focus on two passengers who use stolen passports aboard flight 370. the men purchased the tickets t through an iranian middleman. >> intelligence officials emphasize while the men profiles run through multiple data bases no positives were found. it was later determined one of the iranians were in flight training they would not rule anything out. >> one is hijacked. >> u.s. officials open to the possibility of terrorism.
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>> we know they are still determined to carry out attacks. >> days later the mal laaysian government was quick to discount hijack reports. >> despite reports the plane was hijacked i wish to be very clear, we are still investigating all of the possibilities as to what caused flight 370 to deviate from the original flight path. >> with 152 chinese nationals beijing said there was no terrism lin the fbi was getting deeply involved. >> we are working with authorities from malaysia with whatever assistance they have.
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>> with dramatic changes in it the aircraft altitude reported intelligence officials say they may have taken heroic action like they did on 9-11. >> there is a struggle with passenger and crew with those carrying out the not in 93. >> they will determine whether flight 370 was taken down by criminal acts. >> fox news aviation analyst and consultant for aviation national assistant defense secretary and holloway is flight instructor. let me start with you on this. in light of the most recent developments looking down on the site of australia many saying it is consistent with the flight path that would have been on auto pilot you believe that terrorism or hijacking is
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diminished? >> well, the other possibility megyn is whoever took control of this aircraft didn't want the aircraft to be found. put it out in the place that was very inhospitable to recovery operations or search operations. so as little as we know about possible motivations i am not ruling any of those -- any of the above out at this point. >> mike, same question to you. >> all we know is the airplane disappeared. at this point in time they are plausible arguments that they could have been in the cockpit. there's other information that has come out misinformation in some cases for the malaysians that would indicate something rotten and it could have been a terrorist act. >> by zombie airplane you mean those on board suffered from decompression and no oxygen and flying incapacitated much as they did in the payne stewart airplane. i want to ask you, if iphillip
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about this. many pilots have said don't throw these pilots under the bus because these may have been heros not villains who were struggling to save this plane from mechanical failure and that may explain the coordinates typed in to get the alternate coordinates winding up some place west of australia. >> i am not ready to throw anybodien der the -- under the at this point. i have been a criminal lawyer for the last 18 years. what i know is a proper investigation begins with acetating facts. the facts suggest this was a crime it was a hijacking. he wrote it a couple nights ago they made a dramatic turn toward the west. they made the turn prior to co pilot making the last transition in air traffic control. at that point the transponders were turned off and the airplane
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went dark. that suggests hijacking. >> that is a key point. scott brenner a former faa official was at the faa on 9-11 is the one who broke that news here. we questioned it the other night. they were saying the transponder was -- tracked the plane prior to that. i think we have to put a question mark on that information. what we do know is the destination that waus west it ws programmed in prior to when they signed off air krafic control. i am not sure we can green from tha -- glean from that. >> they did not put 7500 into the transponders which is the hijack code. it was turned off and again it
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has to lead one to the interrance that it was a human involvement. there has to be a hijacking or a stolen aircraft. >> if someone shhas the airplan that's a stretch. sometime in the next 12 moptnth they might do something with those options. it doesn't look good. we can make excuses but there are too many points here that don't add up. >> they suggests he believes the plane could have made it to pakistan and that's where we need to be looking and that's what we need to be worried about. >> tom is a friend of mine. i understand his theory there. what gives some applause ability to it and i would like to know more about is why israel has reacted so strongly to the
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disappearance of this aircraft. i can't add it any more to what tom has told us based on because he has the sources. a few nights ago we talked about how israel is very concerned and putting their air traffic controllers and air defense systems on high alert. what do they know that the rest of us may not know if anything about the disposition of this aircraft. >> a lot of officials we have had on the broadcast told us even off the air that they believe the american officials probably another more than they are letting on no matter what that information leads to mechanical issues terrorism issues what have you. gentlemen, thank you. >> thank you. >> so many air disasters are blamed on pilot error. what if this one is different. what about the suggestion that these pilots may have intended to cause harm. it wasn't an error it was planned. up next what we have uncovered about the two men in the cockpit. then the search is unfolding
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>> welcome back. whatever happened aboard this missing jetliner there is one thing that did not happen. there was not a single warning, not a radio call, not an emergency beacon, no mayday
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call, no sign of trouble. that resulted in a number of questions between these two men. william loss necessary about the captain and co pilot and what was happening in that cockpit. >> one plane 239,000 miles dependent on the character expertise of these pilots. what happened on flight 370 will always reflect on what these who men did or didn't do. 18,000 of experience. they retrieve files deleted on february 3rdrd. files which could show he pr practiced how to steal there plane or got into the hard drive. >> he is suspect for his politics hours before he took
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control of flight 370 the government, distant relative and opposition leader sent him to jail. to some meaningless to others a motive. >> this all leads toward the cockpit with the pilot himself and co pilot. >> also in focus first officer far reek has been beule ham mede. he joined asian air five years ago and just graduated to the 777. it's his voice last heard before the plane disappeared with no sense of distress. this shows him with two women he invited him into the cockpit for an hour of smoking and flirting. one called the experience friendly but sleazy. >> he was looking her hand saying your hand is creased that means you are a creative person. >> they did not request to fly together today. which suggests if this was a deliberate brat act one pilot would have to incompass state the other.
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it shows it wouldn't be the first time a lone wolf pulled off a mass you are in der. >> back to our panel. fox news aviation analyst former commercial jet pilot and airline instructor and fox news aviation panelist. good to see you back. the lack of a mayday call kathleen that is a point on which so many people want to give the pilot the benefit of the doubt. >> i don't find it unusual. from watching the news the past few days there is first you aviation to flight the airplane then you navigate. if you have time you communicate. it was so sudden they didn't have time to react to the call.
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>> how can you not have time to hit the button and say mayday? >> what would be interesting to find out ahead of time is if we could determine positionbly through air traffic control if there were earlier radio calls made i would be interested to know if we heard the captain's voice at all once they took off. the captain would be on the radio on the ground. if the captain was on the air when they were flying to beijing we hear the last call from the co pilot if there was an in-flight problem or emergency something like that in a crisis what a captain might say is you have the airplane i am going to work the problem. you have the radio. so i would really like to hear those air traffic control tapes and see if the cap continue had been on the radio earlier.
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>> our information had been that the captain had not been on the radio on this airplane. >> your thoughts on it. the actions of the mayday call many people talked about it we learned it in the payne stewart crash and the zombie flight where the passengers everybody was flying no one was flying the aircraft. there wasn't a mayday call in that situation either. >> no. that was because it was as the captain just mentioned a catastrophic incident that took the airplane out. >> it flew for several hours before it crashed. >> that could be the case no question. was the airplane turned by the pilot or the navigation system? there's a lot of plausible answers here the assumption is the trajectory the airplane was making was one they would keep. if it was a hijacked airplane we
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didn't know where it was after that last contact that could have been taken up north, south, east or west. that really complicated the matter. >> something could have gone wrong after the point. >> before i go no history of extremism as far as we can tell. everybody who knows these are good guys no history problems they love their air lean they love to fly airplanes. >> all we found out is the captain has been with the company over 30 years. the co pilot had girls with the cockpit. he is a red flooded 20-year-old guy on the hustle and his technique isn't very good apparently. other than that there's nothing else we know that is negative about these two guys. >> yeah. wound up falling in love and meeting the right woman according to all accounts. the pilot's wife had just left him according to some reports. thank you both. >> thank you megan. whatever happened to the plane searchers are focusing attention more 3500 miles of the south of where the journey started.
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>> i am robert bray in los angeles. crews pulling another body from the debris of a massive mud flu slide in washington. the death toll standing at 4. at least 18 people are still missing. rescue personnel finding no signs of life. one square mile mud slide they are making a high stake visit to europe. they are pushing russia over the kofrnt versie.
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russian deputy defense minister is saying the number of troops does not exceed the limit in international treaties. i am robert gray, back to a special edition of "the kelly files." >> the mystery of flight 370. more than 1,000 miles from where. that is just the beginning of this challenge. trace gallagher has more in the report. >> the reason they are focusing so heavily in the southern indian ocean there's no radar that shows the flight continued flying on a northward path. there is radar data that ind wai cates the plane was for a while flying west and then south. finding debris may be the easier
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part of the church. beyond that the hurdle has become extremely high. they will use mathematical models to see how far it drifted. sonar voice cboo wes can be dro into the water to pick up pings from the black boxes or emergency locator transmitters. they can only be detected from a mile away and batteries only last 30-days. they would send manned or unmanned subs but the plane could be 12,000 feet deep. the crash was back in 2009. it took two years and $100 million to recover the black boxes add to that the indian ocean is known for under water volcanoes earthquakes and land slides and if you have lava or mud on the wreckage, megyn, the astronomical odds get even
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lower. ought thor of air safety investigation and a commercial pilot and aviation accident investigator. and a fox news military contributor. good to see you all. >> let me start with you. the thought of going 2 and a half to three miles under the ocean to try to find bits and pieces that may or may not be there seems overwhelming. how do they start? oo we have done it before in the west indian ocean. we found a 747 south affian airways lost one back in 87 took them two years. they knew roughly where the aircraft was. they didn't get to it while they were still operational. took them a few years they got one of the flight boxes up and answered the riddle.
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>> look at these. did they call this body of ocean the roaring 40's because they are so overwhelming. they are talking about the waves getting up over 32 feet high. how are they supposed to even search out there? >> will you are exactly right extremely challenging. very adverse conditions. part of this is using gps technology which is something that is far more accessible now than some of the past investigations, some of the other guests have talked about. using that technology with no search pattern, that these folks are trained to do this. they know how to do this. that still doesn't have the task at hand. tremendous volumes. >> we are told that once they get odown there they can use binoculars 22 miles away digital
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radars do you feel confident if something is there they will find it. >> it will be difficult megyn. with 32 foot whatevers what you have there are essentially below 302 foot rolling hill that is radar won't penetrate. >> if you have something with the wave it is what you are looking at pops up on the top of a wave and disappears again, you are sweeping your radar or looking out the window it can make it very difficult even though you were looking at the right area at the right time you are still looking through a soda straw and a wave moves in it is gone. >> how much confidence do you place in this particular search area. they would get together and figure out the current and know where to look we assume. that's where you know generally where the trains descended. >> we establish whether or not the debris on top of the water are part of the aircraft.
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then we know where to start. we talked about a needle in the haystack right now we are looking at a needle in februane. we my find a noodle in the hey field. i am confident if we do it the next few weeks when they are operational we will be able to find it if the u.s. navy sends a fleet to petty owe rye ento the area. the owe rye on are the suns we have 150 of the aircraft into the inventory. we want surveillance to the area a couple dozen anyway quickly. >> we have 29 vessels four of them are pursuing the northern ark. those ra are in the know they went south and may be in the south indian ocean. >> edge you are right.
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based on the documents we have now it is pulling to this area. >> hopes are high, hopes not so high. >> i don't think they would be spending the time bringing the prime minister to australia for a news conference to talk about this evidence or this debris that they found and to be concentrating on what is such a desolate part of the planet. they are looking at a particular area of that. something i think led them there in amgd my hopes are up. >> we haare in the most isolate area in the world. the families have had heartbreak and anger and suspicion. how the government handled this thing from the start. that part of the investigation is up. >> one of the family members has
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been taken to the floor and he can't move. >> family members on board that aircraft mutilated in the last 12 days they have been given no information whatsoever. people are (indiscernible) they are trying to stand up. i am reporting to you they are shoving people out of the way literally.
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our best value plans ever for business. people are being shoved by the authorities. so we're >> we are trying to stand up. they are showing people how to delay one of the family members they can't move. 239 family members on board that aircraft. mutilated. they have loved ones on board. in the last 12 days they have been given no information whatsoever. >> pandemonium. that was the scene at a recent dramatic news briefing on the missing malaysian jet. sky news report describing how government officials were dragging out the relative of a
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passenger protesting about how the investigation is being handled and complaints have been heard around the world. aviation analyst and peter brookes back with us former cia officer and mark is a former faa attorney. good to see you all. i spoke with the senior executive of the satellite crew that trapp tracked this plane heading west ward. they knew it two-days later they told malaysian authorities no mater than the wednesday after the plane went missing. still malaysia allowed the focus it be on the east coast of malaysia and didn't come out until 3, four, almost five days later saying we should search on the west coast rather than the east coast. >> there are a lot of things at
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play here. our expectations are high because we are so blessed with having such terrific law enforcement and intelligence and public relation skills in the united states. my view is in some cases i don't know this but my sense is this tragedy if it is a tragedy as we believe it is now the fact of the that thor is our expectations are high because of the country we live in and it's a different culture in malaysia. it is not a smoking gun. they didn't want to get everybody engaged on the wrong coast before they had confidence
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without the information right. that's one of the many things the malaysian government has done that concerned people. >> i think the flow of information has been very troubling in terms of not only the speed or lack of speed, but also the fact that they haven't really provided it as being reliable information. i think it's very difficult. the facts are simply not there yet. the malaysian government are sitting and waiting as it relates to locating the airplane. the investigation was started but it's difficult to investigate an aircraft accident if they have located the aircraft. >> how much of this ang wauish frustration the tragedy struck and there are no answers to get. >> i think you put your finger on it in terms of the scenes we have seen with the families. i have handled many, many airline accidents on behalf of the airlines, the number one thing is the families want is information. the airlines that we represent,
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i represent are very sophisticated in healing the information. we train very hard. malaysian airlines have procedures for this sort of thing. the families want information. that information doesn't come from the airlines. it comes from the investigators. they are the malaysian government. >> mike, you have to image how terrible it is for these families. one day it is hijacking next day it is catastrophic mechanical failure next day it is terrorism. next day the chinese are saying it's over here fbi saying it's over here. we get the report of awes traoc have to sit and wonder about your loved ones. >> the anguish must be intolerable for these people. the three words you learn a term you learn when you are trying to
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explain what happened and that is we don't have any information at this time. we don't know. you don't let anything out unless you are sure it is accurate. we can't accuse the malaysians of doing.we had misinformation n this thing lost contact, when it made a turn. we have misinformation that it made a turn then two-days later they tell us it made a turn. they handled this best and competently. you have to ask yourself the question. >> you do. you see the anguish there which would be existent no matter what here. with all of the conflicting information and crazy turns this he have have gages has taken you have to feel especially for these families. gentlemen, thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, how is the missing malaysia plane affecting the flying public? an interesting look at the question next. [dog] larry? larry? larry? wanna play?
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>> the mystery of in missing plane catches the world's attention. what it is making people about flying? >> watch what happens. >> you heard from the expert now let's hear from the american people. how many of you are nervous to fly based on what is going on right now. why are you nervous? >> i would be nervous to fly internationally that's for sure. it doesn't seem like the type of background checks or the checks they are doing overseas in these other countries like malaysia even come close to what we put forward here if we are even that competent. >> there was only one american on mon that plane. clearly we weren't targeted. >> i was checking it out and if we had profiling before, and
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better screening. >> you want profiling? >> yes. >> racial profiling? >> no. they go through the background and political activity. >> who else is nervous about flying right now because of what's going on? >> i feel more comfortable flying with the airline. they c -- (indiscernible). >> they got on the plane with stolen passports that really scares me. >> stay with us. our kelly file mystery flight 370 will continue right after this. me. >> stay with us, our special coverage of the missing flight 370 continues right after this. here's a word you should keep in mind "unbiased".
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kings". ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. >> thank you. great audience here tonight. and welcome to huckabee. we are live tonight from the fox news studios in new york city. well, there's been so much speculation and conjecture as to what happened in malaysia 370, and we're going to triey to bri some perspective to the various theories and answer some of the most often asked and least answered questions in tonight's live broadcast, but one thing this mystery has done, it's caused a


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