tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 24, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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he is governor rick perry. don't miss this. 10:00 p.m., the hannity show and up next the o'reilly factor that's right after this. good night from washington. flight 370 ended in the southern indian ocean. >> finally, a definitive answer to the missing jet, an answer that we gave you last week. we'll update our factual reporting tonight and bernie goldberg will address the media chaos o. >> what happened to this flight? what's your theory? >> jesse watters asking the folks about the jetliner and how the massive media coverage has affected them. >> congressman paul ryan has been trying-to-ryan has been trying to pass himself off as the republican expert on solving poverty. >> also tonight the usual race hustlers attacking congressman paul ryan for telling the truth about poverty. george will with some
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thoughts. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the mystery of the missing jet story closer to being solved. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. finally, finally, the malaysian government has told the world where the missing jet is located. >> it is therefore, with deep sadness, and regret, that i must inform you that according to this new data, like -- flight mh 370 ended in the southern indian ocean. that means that 239 people on board are dead it,
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including three americans. reaction was swift. [shouting. our dolences to the families who lost loved ones who. some parts of the plane will be found but not the black box. so the reason why the plane crashed is likely to remain shrouded unless the fbi can pinpoint a motive. they are working on that right now in quantity he co, virginia. and on the journalistic front, the coverage remains scandalous. one week ago, i told you exactly what happened to that plane. >> based upon all the information we have now, can i say that i believe the jet is at the bottom of the indian ocean. now, i'm not a genius. it was obvious. obvious from the facts that the pilot or pilots took the
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plane off course intentionally, and it eventually crashed. let me repeat. that was obvious from radar and satellite information. but the media mislead you. it exploited the airline story to manipulate viewership. it allowed. that denigrated the entire journalism industry. that is the truth. even as late as yesterday the corruption continued. >> we heard bill o'reilly this week saying that overcoverage of a story like this corrupts the news business. >> that's nonsense. >> simply incredible that the "the washington post" would pay a man as foolish as that, the guy who said it's nonsense to do anything for them. it is long past time for we the people to wise up on some very important matters we are simply not being told the truth by the national press. you know that. in many cases we are being actively mislead and exploited in the process. the coverage of the
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malaysian jetliner was embarrassing, irresponsible and dishonest. anyone, anyone who will not admit that is dishonest as well. you simply cannot, as a legitimate journalist, traffic in fiction when more than 200 people's lives are in peril: think about it. what if your husband, wife, son or daughter on that plane and people on national television were telling you it landed some place? i mean, that's just cruel. finally, you guys watch this broadcast to get the truth. i gave you the truth last week. seven full days before the announcement today. for doing that i got hammered by some dishonest contemptible media elm pooh. you just saw one on that clip. they embarrass themselves but they don't care. now, i'm proud why got the story right as usual. we will always tell you the truth on the factor.
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we will always present facts to back it up. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. reaction, with us in our studio the purveyor of bernard goldberg got come. mr. goldberg. all right. let you go. >> sometimes we agree. sometimes we disagree on this you are take on the media i agree with very syllable you said. the central point is that you made the allegation that the media's coverage, the nature of that coverage was corrupting the news business. those were your words. >> right. >> eric whipple of the "the washington post" said that's nonsense. he was wrong. is he dead wrong. anchorman on tv as you know it's a different class of journalists. when an anchorman asks a questit whether the plane could have disappeared into a black hole, that is sue pen dustily stupendously dumb. there are black holes in outerspace, not here that
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person doesn't simply embarrass himself. he embarrasses his entire network. when a retired general goes on this network and talks about how he has sources who tells him the plane is in pakistan or eastern iran, and it will probably be used as a weapon to attack the united states, or an aircraft carrier or israel, that doesn't just embarrass him, that embarrasses, -- that speaks to the credibility, in my view of the entire network. and one more thing, when you go out on cnn and put up a banner that says breaking news and when you go on this channel, not you, but when they go on this channel and they say fox news alert, and the breaking news in the fox news alert is either old news, no news, or just more dumb speculation, well, the boy can cry wolf only so many times before people catch on. and i think this, in the
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long run, is a very bad thing for cable television especially. >> i think this is the epitome of what has been happening for years. see, the journalism industry, the entire industry is in decline in my opinion. when i got into it, and i was in boston university in 1974, we were coming off watergate. my classmates and myself were paying an enormous amount of money to become trained journalists so we could do stories like watergate, so we could watch the powerful. there were motives there. that's all gone now. all right? this is -- inevitably with the competition and the money being the way it is. i understand that but when you just do anything, you will do anything to get viewers. >> right. >> that, you just can't. and that's why i spoke out so harshly about it now, let's take it a step further. you believe that this diminishment of the journalism industry began with the election of president obama? >> i don't know if it began but it certainly got
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noticeably worse. journalists traditionally chronicle the news. they chronicle history. when barack obama came along, because he was historical figure, they decided they wanted to help shape history. i think they moved from covering the news to wanting to shape the news, and they, most importantly, they went from old fashioned media bias, which has been around for a while, to media activism. that's in the old media. >> let me stop you then. so that's the reason that benghazi, libya. >> yes. >> the irs? >> exactly. >> and other important stories. >> exactly. >> because they go to power. and how power is being used. that's why the stories are important. are being virtually ignored by many. >> yeah, that's the ideological part, right. >> and others they are being slanted. oh, it's a republican trick. >> that's right. >> okay. so that's in play. that doesn't really explain
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how intense it is for those of us on television in particular to do what's going to get people to watch. you know. and we go back to network. sib cybil the sooth sayer. everything is cracking. >> well, you know, nostalgia ain't what what it used to be. let's get that straight. when i started at cbs in the early 1970s. cronkite had the biggest ratings. it's easy to say when ratings don't matter when you have them: and you know this is true. it's taken on a whole new meaning. i think there are too many people in the news business today, too many people who
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will do just about anything for ratings. so, if you can go out and hire a psychic to talk about a missing plane, or you have an anchorman who should be fired for suggesting that the plane may have gone into a black hole. >> but he didn't suggest it. he couched it. >> you can't even ask it as a question. >> i have to point this out and you will get the last word. what the technique is now is oh, somebody tweeted. oh, somebody emailed. so they are not asking it. they are asking it on behalf of barron von frankenstein in ba vary i can't. bavaria. they just tweeted it it in. >> when i want to do something like that on a news program, i say, you know, there are some who say you are an idiot. >> right. >> you know, it's not me, bill, but some say you are an idiot. >> but it's usually you. >> it's me, right? >> that's the trick i have actually done that by the
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way. >> of course we have all done that i got this from twitter. the mane went into a black hole. do you think that's possible? no, you don't even ask that. apex wrap this up with bernie and let them go. there were two topless ladies in the maldives who saw the plane. do you remember that? when i saw that in legitimate newspapers i went bye, i'm not reading anymore. bernie goldberg, everybody. the results of our bill o' poll asked is the media overdoing the malaysian airlines story about 15,000 of you voted. 87% say yes. 13% say. no factor viewers perceptive as usual. the moment juan and mary katharine will weigh in on the collapsing in the media president obama trying to rally the world against putin. will he succeed in the factor is coming right back.
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two pretzels. put in on my capital one venture card. i earn unlimited double miles. not bad. can i get your autograph mr. barkley? sure kid. man my fans they love me. that's the price you pay for being world famous. he meant sign the receipt, fool. greg anthony. haha. hey man, could you sign my hat? he wants my autograph. earn unlimited double miles with no blackout dates from the capital one venture card. what's in your wallet?
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in the impact segment tonight, we continue our lead story setting the record straight on the missing jetliner. joining us from denver mary katharine ham and juan williams, both fox news analyst. you are in the industry. you make money being pundits on tv. bernie and i, you know, we feel strongly about this. but, are you as invested as we are? juan, you start. >> yeah. look. i was trained as a hard news journalist, 20-years plus at "the washington post." i have got to tell you something the basic rule is if you don't have a story, shut up. you have nothing. until you have a story, come back when you have got a story and back it up. in this case, they had nothing. and here's the thing, bill. you called them out. and you said, you guys have nothing. i will tell you you went a step farther, you know. you know, you were doing hard news in addition to to
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whatever was the latest coming out of that story with the airplane. you were doing hard news and saying we need to pay attention to what's taking place with putin, what's going on in this country. you know, with regard to politics. >> we did a segment or two and then we went on to other news. >> right. >> but, look, it's easy for me to sit here and gloat and that's not what i want to do. i'm very happy they went our way, okay? because it just reinforces the validity of this program. doing this now for 18 years. very rarely have we gotten the story wrong. we got this one right. we were the only ones, mary katharine. i will tell you what, i was alone last week. everybody else swirling around, exploiting the story, how do you see he it? >> first of all the news today that hopefully brings a little bit more closure to those families they are moving toward that that's the first thing on my mind. second i think you make a compelling case for the fact that double whammy as bernie put it the problems bias and
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drive for ratings can really turn into a toxic stew and the story like this is not being treated seriously. and granted people are fascinated by the story. so they're rewarding people for speculating because they want to fill that time and hear more about. this it is a news organization's responsibility to be responsible about that and when you have gotten the black holes in psychics it's off the rails. >> there is a strain of opinion that says, juan, if the public wants it, and clearly the segment i everybody should understand last week the o'reilly factor won again in the ratings in every category. we didn't lose any viewers. we won again as we always do every single week for almost 15 years and we did. there were what they call drive by viewers who don't watch a lot of news but who got caught up in this.
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those are the ones that came in did shows an hour on nothing. there is a strain of thought saying look, if the folks want it, you have got to give it to them. particularly if you are on television. have you got to pay the bills. >> hey, look. we all know about ratings and the importance of ratings and some of this, as you are saying, some people wanted just to hear the latest they would pop in to watch the latest with what happened with the airplane. the fact is you can't pander to people. mary katharine says you can pander to people in such a way to hurt people. real information. and it hurt people. it was wrong. so, what you -- you know, to me, the key thing here is, that you, when you call them out, they said o'reilly is doing this because of ratings. he is like a sore loser. >> that's right. >> but they are the ones that acted without responsibility and without any kind of accountability for their journalism. i'm not saying that because i'm your buddy. i'm just telling you what i
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sincerely believe. >> the reason we have you you on here, williams is because you tell the truth. sometimes you are severely misguided in your analysis. tonight you are right on. >> let's not go too far. >> let's just see now if the public backlash or if there is any, there may not be, if the public says, you know what? we are partially responsible for this feeding frenzy of garbage and maybe we won't do that next time. last word, mary katharine? >> part of it, too i will defend the public a little bit on this. part of what was driving this is different from the sort of morbid curiosity murder trial it was a little bit they wanted this to have a happier ending. there was a possibility that maybe these folks were not gone and i think that was part of what was driving the public. it still remains the news organization's responsibility to deal with that in a different way than it was dealt with in many places. >> all right, mary cath rip and juan, thank you. directly ahead, brit hume on trying to get president obama and the world to punish putin.
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hume zone segment. president obama and holland putin for annexing crimea. the president began by meeting with the president of china. >> i believe ultimately that by working together, china and the united states can help to strengthen international law, respect for the sovereignty of nations, and establish the kinds of rules internationally that allow all people to thrive. >> joining us now from boca are
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raton, florida. brit hume. the thing that happened today the economic powers threw russia out. they are out. so now it's the g-7. at least something happened. do you believe that president obama will be able to lead the world against putin? >> well, we will see. it's worth noting, however, they didn't throw russia out permanently. what the seven countries said was that we're not going to have the plan g-8 summit in sochi, russia. we are going to meet without russia in brussels in june as the g-7. but, the word was passed through reporters that this is a suspension, not an expulsion and it throws the spotlight on one unmistakable fact about this whole situation as the president tries to rally allies and so forth. it is possible to sanction russia economically in a way that it didn't used to be because it's economy is intertwined with the west. that cuts both ways. countries like germany and
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other countries that trade a lot with russia would bear some real pain if they were to go along with more extensive sanctions than those so far imposed. the second point bill is. this president obama's foreign policy, dealing with place like syria and iran depends upon russian cooperation, getting both those countries to come into line with what is he trying to achieve. so, if he is at a complete dagger's drawn with russia he has got problems in other parts of the world. >> there are a lot of people that say it's folly and mitt romney was one of them on the campaign trail to trust russia and to get into bed with them in any project because they are going to turn around and bite you. and that's happened. it's there is no doubt it has happened. >> it has happened. >> right. >> it's fair to say also that president bush started out on a course not unlike what president obama embarked upon. remember, he said he could
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see into putin's soul and so forth. he became disillusioned when all was said and done. can you make arguments whether he did enough to deter russia when it went into the state of georgia. but having seen that spectacle, it was a little surprising to see president obama so willing to try it again, with vladimir putin pretty well having shown what sort of chap he is now, he was supposedly out of power for a little while with depetrie medvedev who was the president and the president tried to work with him. and putin was behind the scenes now he is he back in front of the scenes. we are where we are which suggests a certain failed concept of what you can do through russia. >> i'm going to ask you to make a prediction. is obama gonna come out of the meeting in holland with stronger sanctions -- right now all they have is they have like 8 guys named lenny something. and they can't come to some restaurant or something.
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all right? that's what they got. all right? is the president going to be able to say, you know what? we're going to use the banks. we're going to do. this we're going to put a heavy hit on them economically. another rally or is it going to be just another embarrassment? >> that's not clear that will come out of this meeting. i think it would be more realistic to look to see what happens in crimea. and whether putin goes beyond that i don't think the administration nor the allies has much stomach in the way of further sanctions unless putin goes farther than crimea. crimea is gone. i mean, the annex is now complete. everybody knows it it's a new fact. >> right. but you could still punish and hold responsible russia for doing what they did to crimea. >> they could. >> you are saying they're not going to do that you better not do it again, putin. you better not do it again, then we will get mad. >> there is nothing that we have heard that came out of
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these discussions today that suggests that that's going to come out of these meetings. it may come later. one imagines that's possible. but i don't think out of, this no. >> i'm going to hold brit over to discuss a provocative question. is hillary clinton trying to distance herself from president obama. then, the race hustlers charging congressman paul ryan is a racist for blunt talk about poverty. up ahead.
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running for president at this point may be trying to put some distance between herself and barack obama. last week she spoke about the nuke deal with iran. >> iran's support for terrorism and its aggressive behavior in the region will remain a threat to our national security and that of our allies. and we cannot rest until we have also dealt with that. now, the odds of reaching that comprehensive agreement are not good. >> so, i think it's pretty obvious that the clintons are not going to be running on the obama platform, brit. >> well, to a considerable extent, bill, she can't really escape it she was the secretary of state when these policies were put into place and pursued for what, four years. she has got benghazi hanging over her. she has the policy toward rush sharks the reset as it was called at the time with russia.
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that was something she introduced in the famous meeting with the photo on is w. sergei laf rav. she has the obama foreign policy hanging around her neck. she may be trying to distance herself from the president on foreign policy but it's not going to be that easy to do. >> what about the argument when you are the secretary of state you are appointed by the president to represent his interests, to represent his point of view? but you yourself may not agree with that as that's what senator clinton was saying to the jewish congress there that, you know, i knew this wasn't going to work, i knew this was going going to be ongoing problem. ordered to do what i did and i was a loyal soldier. that's always the argument from these politicians is it not? >> well, she would have to come out and make that argument. she came -- she didn't come anywhere doing that reading possibly correctly between the lines and assuming that's what the case she is
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making. but she would have to come out and make it because, you know, can you picture her in a debate with fellow democrats or with a republican nominee attempting to say that she didn't really believe in all that stuff she was doing and then the question would be if you didn't believe in it, why didn't you resign? she finally stepped aside after four years. but she went along with these policies for quite a long time if she didn't agree with them. it's true they took some of the portfolio away from her and all the rest of it. that's a detail that i think would be lost in the public's imagination to say look at her served as she did. >> she is going to have to be challenged then. and, you know, based upon the last two campaigns, as soon as you challenge senator clinton on competency, which is what we are talking about here, look, if you are the secretary of state, and you were saying to the american public, oh, you know, we are going to do better with russia because we have this strategy and it's going to make things better. obviously that's not true. oh we are going to sign this nuke deal with iran and give them a little bit of room to do x and y and now they're
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not going to do it. you look at her and go these are all wrong. so you are not really competent to hold higher office. then you are going to be accused of being a am in -- woman if do you that. >> possibly so. you and i have talked about this before. there has been this question about what is the foreign policy success record from being secretary of state that shield like to run on in the truth is that while she traveled all over the world and visited a lot of people and sort of promoted certain causes, there are precious few concrete achievements she can point to. there is no particular advancement of peace between israel and the palestinians. the iran deal is she is suggesting herself is falling through. the list goes on. is there a clinton doctrine of some kind that she articulated and put forward that she could claim responsibility for that now accepted? no, i don't think so. so while she tried hard and she didn't -- she certainly didn't make any sort of --
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blurt out any stupid comments or anything of the kind, she really doesn't have a huge record of disease to run on. >> then, last question, 40 seconds. why is her approval rating 60%? >> well, because she is a woman who has gone a long way. she has seen as the victim in the clinton scandals. she behaves herself with dignity and she, and a lot of people admire her on a personal basis. she has, i think, personal favorability ratings. but she is not in the arena yet. i think her approval rating the minute she jumped in would drop as it almost inevitably does when someone basically says now i'm back to being a politician. so, you know, i think those numbers are good. but i think even the clinton people belief that they wouldn't survive her announcement. >> all right. brit hume, everybody. thank you. here are the results of our bill o' straw poll for premium members. we asked who would you like to sees a the next democratic presidential nominee? vice president biden wins.
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32%. hillary clinton next. 17%. virginia senator mark warner 12%. new york governor andrew cuomo 11%. thanks to awful you who voted. we come right back, george will on congressman paul ryan being attacked as a racist for talking about poverty. watters on how the intense media coverage of the liner has affected the folks. moments away. that one. it's so quick! it's just like my car insurance. i saved 15% in just 15 minutes. i saved more than that in half the time. i unfriend you. that's not how it works. that's not how any of this works. [ male announcer ] 15 minutes for auote isn't how it works anymore. with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. traditional. in the new new york, we don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas,
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the personal story segment total, congressman paul ryan has made himself a target by talking about poverty. >> we have got this tail spin of culture in our inner cities in particular of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work. so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with. >> and that's true. there is a cultural problem that the factor has documented for years. and that problem holds certain americans back from competing in the marketplace. but as you may know, if you say that, you become a target. you are called a racist as i have been many many times. congressman barbara lee issued this statement after the ryan statement, quote: my colleague, congressman ryan's comments about inner city poverty are thinly
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veiled racial attack and cannot be tolerated. ms. leah notorious race hustler. brand new book a nice little place on the north side. wriggly field at 100.k you a baseball question in a moment. you wrote a column on ryan. and you said this is ridiculous. ryan pinpointed something that is true. so my question to you is why does lee and all of these other people, sharpton, all of them continue to do this, why? >> there are three reasons ascending. reflex on their part to call people racist just as it was for joe mccarthy to call people communist in 1954. people stopped listening to him. people stopped listening to these people. second they are threatened by paul ryan who is a political talent and might be a very strong presidential candidate. most important, they are terrified of his fundamental message which the president himself has said and social scientists have documented that the fundamental problem is cultural.
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that's the word. until the 1960's, we had this serene hope that in jack kennedy's words a rising economic tide will raise all boats. we found a the love boats were stuck on the bottom and we tried to figure out why. pat moynahan and others looked into it and came to the conclusion that family structure is the best predictor of life chances. that is, growing up in a two-parent family. when pat moynahan published his report 49 years ago this month, saying that there is a crisis in, among african-americans because 23.6% of african-american children were born to african-american women. he was called racist. 41% for all american children. this isn't a white-black problem. this is a cultural problem across the board. >> that's what ryan was pointing out. he wasn't saying anything about color. now, we have said that this
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culture problem here on this program we have attacked the entertainment industry for debasing and marketing to children things that you know are going to hurt them. the crucial thing is when you talk about two parents in the home, you are talking about people who have to emphasize education. they have to look at the report cards. they have to emphasize reading. get kids away from the terrible entertainment. they have to create a structure. if you don't have that structure, what's a child gonna do? a child is going to fall back on unless it's an extraordinary child, what's the easiest path? the easiest path is to hang in the hood. >> family is the primary transmitter of social capital. i mean the habits, morass, customs, values that allow to you take advantage of opportunities. the tragedy of america just as the civil rights movement was heroically removing barriers, legal and other barriers to opportunity, social regression set in as a result of the fact that the attitudes, appear
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tiewdz, dispositions necessary to opportunity were not being developed among large cohort of children who didn't have intact families. >> that's right. all right, so that's the truth and ryan stated and then he is attacked as a racist. i want everybody to remember who is doing the attacking. you are a big baseball fan as am i. you are a cubs fan and my condolences to the cubs. greatest park ever, wriggly field. but the team just can't win. simple as that. can't win. it's not going to win this year, why? >> well, that's a good question. one of the problems might be that wriggly field itself is so gorgeous that people sole beautiful. p.k. wrigley one of the owners family said in the 1950s, we are after people not all that interested in basic. >> is it real delay? they don't want to spend the
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money to win? >> they have had inferior leadership. serious business people also passionate baseball fans. >> all right. thought red sox did it the red sox for decades were horrible and now they are one of the best franchises in baseball. are you predicting the cubs are going to turn around? >> yes, but not. >> not in our lifetime? see, i he love going to wrigley. you are right. i love going out there. i don't care if the cubs win because i'm a mets fan. it's a great place. >> the cubs haven't won since 1908. which means they are in their second century. >> they are due. >> second century of rebuilding effort. >> they are due. >> taking a while. >> book is "nice little place on the north side." nice book. jesse watters asking folks about the malaysian jetliner. watters is next. urance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat...
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as we told you in the ta talking points memo, they have released a story about the malaysian jetliner. the interviews were done before the announcement that located the plane crash site this morning. >> what was your theory? >> terrorism. >> but how did the terrorists get into the cockpit? >> complicated instruments. >> it may be connected to what is happening in russia and ukraine. >> do you think putin may have been involved in the hijacking. >> probably, you never know. >> what happened to this flight? what is your theory? >> black holes everywhere. >> somebody took the plane to
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antarctica or somewhere crazy. >> i think the government covered it up. >> which government covered it up? >> obama and whoever was behind them. >> have you been watching a lot of cnn recently? >> no, i see it all the time. >> i think in respect to the families it is better that everybody stop speculating. >> all right, the woman, finally, she is brilliant. here is watters, now, did people watch the tv or hear the coverage? >> everybody watching the news think the media has been irresponsible, but the people who are not hard-core news consumers they were susceptible to this. they were the ones pontificating about it. one said it was a drug shipment. the other hijacked it to take a payoff. >> how did he know that.
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>> i said well if the plane landed with the terrorists, why didn't radar pick it up? he said obama sold the terrorists radar-jamming technology. >> is that right? >> that is right. >> i think cnn wanted -- may want to talk to them. oh, that is a cheap shot, can i take it back? oh, too late. now when you were out there, you talked to somebody -- with fox news. >> it crashed somewhere in the ocean. >> hey, buddy, want to come over here? come here, when you walked by you said that fox news is fascist. do you know what it is? >> it is not nice, or nice, it is an accurate interpretation. you guys rile people up. >> what is fa krfacism is?
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>> maybe one of his friends used the word. >> he eventually said because fox news covered the knockout game too much. he said that was fascist. >> how long have you been doing the watters world? >> about three years. >> time goes fast. >> i sense when people attack you and me and fox news you always ask why don't you like it. and they never have an answer. >> no, they never watch either, they hear it from other sources. i think when people interfere like that, they're emboldened, sometimes the left gets a little cocky. and other times they're desperate and angry. >> anyway, now on thursday watters will be broadcaack with spring break exposition. factor tip of the day, what does god think of the factor? the tip moments away.
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factor tip of the day, on an interview with me about religion. first, one of the best promotions we've ever had is celebrate spring. when you buy one factor t-shirt you get one free, with all kinds of different sloguns, they will tee off, pardon the pun. april fool's day, april first, so get on it, people, and coming up, the bill o'reilly show, go to billoreilly for more information. and mr. o'reilly, i'm so glad you are not the leader of this country. i am amazed about your cavalier
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attitude. and bill, you need to check your facts, chancellor merkel supported us in afghanistan, she sent 5,000 troops, dave, 5,000. come on. and edgewood, minnesota, when you push a snake, putin, too far, be ready to suffer the consequences. when a snake rules, there are even more conveniences, don, and bill, psychics often help law enforcement. you are uninformed. the psychic headline news was so wrong it was painful, patty. so maybe i'm a psychic, and spring hill, florida, what is next for cable news? a witch doctor? did you know any, jack. harriet, spenc pensacola, flori
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will be very happy to hear that, harriet. proper grammar. one takes, one does not spring a pocket handkerchief. and we're on a cruise from new zealand to tahiti, the tvs all on board are tuned to fox news, please send me their name. and i've read all three of the killing books, thank you for spectacular writing. thank you for reading them. "killing jesus" still in the top free, after six months, great read in preparation for easter. and killing jesus is great, but you don't mention jesus saying father forgive them because at the know not what they do. that is because we couldn't confirm it, we're believe jesus said those words but possibly before he was nailed to the
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wood. spectators were kept far away, so nobody could have heard those words except the execution squad, the romans. and i would like to thank dan and rod for donating the money to the freedom fund, you guys are patriots. you will change the lives of ten brave people. finally tonight, factor tip of the day, "the washington post" reporter sally quinn interviewed me about religion, a subject i don't usually talk about it. we posted it on our website, factor tip of the day you might find it interesting, and please let me know what you think about the interview. that is it for us today. please check out the factor website, different from oreilly @fox, brand-new
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word tonight. if you know what this means, you're good. vootery. thank you for joining us, the spin stops here, we're looking out for you. breaking tonight, australia's search for the missing malaysia airlines plane just called today due to bad weather. while around tell world the questions are mounting. in the wake of the prime minister of malaysia insisting today that flight 370 went down in the sea with no survivors. welcome to "the kelly file," everybody, i'm megyn kelly, hours ago, malaysia's prime minister devastated family members declares once and for all that flight 370 crashed into the end ocean. there were lots of questions he did not answer, but here is somewhere of what he did
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