tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 25, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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left this evening and we'll bring you news as it happens on the missing plane we want to you set your dvr record "hannity" right here on fox. thanks for being with us see you back here tomorrow night. poll. good night. bill o'reilly is next. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. [shouting] >> even though evidence is overwhelming the malaysian jet crashed into the indian ocean. many refuse to believe that and are getting violent. tonight, we'll tell you why. >> our preference throughout will be to resolve this diplomatically. but i think we are prepared to take the next step if this situation gets worse. >> president obama saying russia will not be punished any further for seizing crimea. but if putin continues his land grab, tough tanks will then be imposed. ed henry with the president will tell us the latest. also tonight, charles krauthammer on the
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president's leadership and congressman paul ryan being called a racist. he will be here in a factor exclusive. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. putin wins. that the is subject of this evening's talking points memo. it is now clear that president obama and the rest of the world will not punish russia and putin for seizing crimea. a few wishy washy sanctions have been put in place. nothing substantial. and today in holland, the president confirmed that however, if putin seizes more of ukraine, mr. obama says he will get tough. >> should russia go further, such sectoral.
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that would be include areas like energy or finance or arm sales. or trade that existst between europe and the united states and russia. the president looks exhausted, doesn't he? the american public does not seem disenhadn'ted with the president on the issue. a new cbs news poll says 61% of americans believe the u.s.a. has no responsibility to do something about the russian ukrainian situation. and 65% do not want the president to provide military aid to ukraine. very high numbers. so what's going on? after iraq and afghanistan americans are rightfully fearful of becoming involved with another international conflict. there is a lot more in play here than most americans know. as talking points has said, what putin does will influence what iran does. what china does, and what north korea does. thus the weak response to putin sends a signal of weakness to the villains of the world. i'm not talking about military action here. i'm suggesting that much tougher economic sanctions
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be imposed on russia. right now putin is winking at joseph stalin as russian expansionism is on the march. what about president obama's attitude toward our military? while putin has expand the the russian military budget by 79%, the president is cutting back meaningful military programs here in america. he wants to down size the army, eliminate many tomahawk missiles. most of our naval fleet is not in use. generally a much weaker nation militarily than we were five years ago. putin knows that he knows barack obama has no appetite for confrontation. therefore, all americans should expect the world to get much more turbulent as iran and other rogue nations unleash aggression. of course that will effect all of us because every time there is a controversy overseas economy takes a hit. gas prices go up. what congress should do immediately is to bolster military spending and oversee our armed forces so they become a true deterrent. the stronger a nation is the less likely it will be
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challenged. right now russia doesn't fear the west. iran believes it could develop a nuke and nothing will happen. and china is just waiting to seize more territory. hello at the at tibet. grim doesn't even seem. where am i going wrong here, charles? >> i'm afraid to say you are going right. obama really is -- looks weak and the allies know he is weak. the russians know he is weak. the allies in the rest of the world outside of europe are scared to death. adversaries are emboldened, there is no question about it. obama this ridiculous bravado. today he actually said in exactly that press conference that russia was just a regional power. we are a super power and was acting out of weakness, acting out of weakness? he just became the first
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person in history to take the crimeaen peninsula without a shot, without a fatality, without so much as a sprained ankle in his army. crimea is soaked in the blood of armies who have marched in and out over the centuries and did he it for free. and obama is now saying well, if you go into the rest of ukraine, we're going to get really tough with sanctions that's exactly what he said 10 at as ago. before he took over crimea. there is no reason in the world putin should fear anything from the united states because under this president, who says he will do x, y, and z, that there is a red line here and there is a red line there and then he will get really tough, the world knows what happens with red lines. they disappear the moment they are crossed. >> all right. now, let's look at the american public. overwhelmingly he doesn't want any action by america
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in defense of ukraine. so, so the president knows that. he can read the polls. he knows that merkel, germany, and the rest of europe not going to back him on sanctions he doesn't want to be out there alone with the american people telling him not to do anything. if you were the president, charles, taking those two things into consideration. what would you do? >> this is not the first time in american history when the polls, the public, was not interested did, not want to get involved, didn't even want to prepare for foreign conflicts the united states was famously widely eye son legsist in the 1930s, but it had a leader called franklin roosevelt who could see what was happening in europe, who knew that america cannot escape the turmoil in europe and who therefore provided the leadership to prepare the united states to get it at least somewhat reddy when the reckoning finally came.
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without fdr we would not have even begun to be able to respond to the japanese and to the germans after pearl harbor. -- of course americans don't want war. they don't want involvement. and why should they? bismarck once explained the blessed position of the united states gee graphically by saying that we are the only great power in history that has bordered on two sides by weak and friendly neighbors and on the other two sides by fish. compare us to russia or france or germany. people once said that poland between the two world wars was like living in -- poland was like living on the median strip of i-95. german tanks and russian tanks going every which way there is no -- for us to get involved. that's why we have a president and not a computer at the head of the country that reads the poll.
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perceived as a weak leader. have you got to know that what do you say about it? >> well, you know, i would hope so and i would think so. my worst fear is that he doesn't. and i'm beginning to think that he doesn't. >> so he is living in a delusional state? >> he is living in a fantasy world. very clearly described by him and by his secretary of state. john kerry actually says that countries don't go in and invade other countries. for god's sake it's happened in the 24th century. they look down their noses secretary of state putin and say he is a 19th century man. he doesn't understand the rules of the 21st century. obama and kerry are the ones living in a fantasy world.
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putin is a 19th century man. and using the rules of that century in our century, he is just swallowed the ukraine without any price whatsoever. is he looking at eastern ukraine. he has now swallowed, of course, crimea. is he looking at eastern crew crane and he doesn't see anything on the scale coming from the west that would disincline him to take it. >> it's really as i said in the talking points, it's grim. and americans need to understand what's coming down the road as you apply pointed out frankly roosevelt saw it right now, i don't know. i see. >> the president who understands and then a president who is willing to lead, despite the polls, to change the polls. reagan also changed the polls. >> all right. charles krauthammer everybody. next on the rundown, ed henry is with the president. he will join us from the netherlands, congressman
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paul ryan branded racist by some in the house. we will step in the no spin zone. factor exclusive. we are coming right back. you know what phones are supposed to have? buttons. one for each number. so-called smartphones have two, maybe three buttons max. that's neat, but what do you do when you want to dial a four? it's not so smart then, is it? (laughter) nice phone, dude. thanks! smart phones make life easier.
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i don't say this often -- but listen to the ref. i can't believe i said that. don't get blacked out, get the capital one venture card. earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. good on any airline or hotel. what's in your wallet? fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry. so i asked charles krauthammer the question, you know, does president obama understand how weak is he looking and is the word around where you are with all the diplomats that western europe and the u.s.a. not really doing much to stop putin? does everybody understand that? >> i think you are right that the image around the president from around the world is that he is looking weak, the european allies are looking weak. what i think you might be missing though is that the
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president, in the second round of u.s. sanctions last week actually did push back hard against the russian economy. it is having an impact. the weak link here is more the european allies and maybe the president failing to bring them along. but these european allies talk a big game but at the end of the day they wimp out on tough sanctions bus they are worried they are going to boomerang on their own economies. so they want on one hand the just to want them to help the u.s. to protect them prosecute russia and any incurs on the other hand not stepping up. maybe that's part of the president not bringing them along. these european leaders talk a good game and then don't follow through. >> all right. the president looks exhausted to me in that press conference. he was halting, slow talking, looks tired is that the right perception? >> i mean, we have got a time change of five hours in the other direction. he probably has had little sleep. i have had little sleep. i'm probably not looking my best either. look, i think the president definitely you are right looked tired at this thus
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yrches news conference i think he was tired. if you think about it not just about the time change or any of that it's just that the questions he got from the u.s. side were, a, did you misjudge and misunderstand putin's intentions and, b, do you look weak on the world stage? are you failing to move other leaders along? and, oh, by the way, did mitt romney, did he get it right in 2012 that russia was the top geopolitical foe and you were wrong? i think the president was a little bit miffed about that. >> let's run that sound bite about mitt romney right now. >> russia's actions are are a problem. they don't pose the number one national security threat to the united states i continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in manhattan. >> all right. so, going forward, you are heading down after this and nothing else, i don't think, is going to come out of this meeting in the hague. but correct me if i am wrong. then you go to rome and
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saudi arabia. give us a preview. >> he is going to see the pope, and that's interesting. on one hand the president is trying to latch on to the idea that pope francis is talking, basically income inequality. and the president thinks that squares with his message. on the other hand a lot of the social issues that the pope talks about, abortion and others, the president is not in sync with the catholic church. that will be an interesting contrast. then on saudi arabia, a back story there. why is the president flying thousands of miles in europe to stop in saudi arabia. i'm told by well-connected sources in the mideast that king abdullah in saudi arabia that the is very nervous that is it is going to give into iran on nuclear program. i have been told that a message was sent to the white house that the president really needed to meet with the king. because if the u.s. does not stop iran from getting nuclear weapons the saudis are making noses -- noises nuclear program. arms program. other arab nations saying that because weigh are not sure the u.s. will be there to protect us against iran.
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that's a big back story behind the scenes. and i think that shows the pressure on this president over syria, over iran and over putin and russia. >> all right, ed. you look okay. ed. as far as you look. i mean, you don't look any worse than you usually do. so you, you know, whatever you are doing, you are doing well. >> i think you are saying, yeah. the scale is pretty low for me, i guess. >> no, no, no. >> i got the pocket hankie. >> you got the -- you look dapper and, you know, run up a big tab tonight, let fox news pay for it. all right. ed henry, everybody. directly ahead. factor exclusive, congressman paul ryan branded a racist by congresswoman barbara lee. mr. ryan will be here. later, many people believe the malaysian government covering up what happened to the missing jet. we will tell you why they here's a word you should keep in mind "unbiased". some brokerage firms are but way too many aren't. why? because selling thfunds makes them more money. which makes you wonder. isn't at a conflict? search "proprietary mutual funds". yikes!! then go to e*trade.
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personal story segment tonight. congressman paul ryan under fire for speaking bluntly about poverty. >> we have got this tail spin of culture in our inner cities in particular of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with. >> after hearing that congressman barbara lee released a statement pretty much calling mr. ryan a racist and saying his words quote cannot be tolerated. joining us from washington is congressman ryan. i understand had you a phone call with ms. lee. how did that go? >> well, i have known barbara for many years. look, there was nothing racial whatsoever in what i said. if you listen to all the full context of all of my remarks, it's pretty clear. so what i would like to do and i mentioned this is let's get beyond throwing baseless. let's have a real
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conversation about what we really need to do to fight poverty in america. if the status quo was working so well, then we wouldn't have to do that it's not. the highest poverty rates in a generation. we should have a conversation about addressing these root causes of poverty and the problems that are facing poverty without throwing names at each other. >> did congressman lee apologize? congresswoman lee apologize? >> barbara and i have known each other for many years. i at the present time clarify the point i have been making. >> how did she reply to your clarification? >> she does not believe that i have these views. she knows me well. >> then why did she say you did. >> she knows i don't have a racist bone in my body. >> why did she say that you did. >> you would have to ask barbara that. >> did you ask her? >> i made it very clear that what i said had nothing to do with race. >> are you mad at her? >> no, i'm not mad the at her. >> i would be. >> i'm a big boy i understand if you challenge the status quo. if you get into these issues. sometimes you will be misinterpreted but also i believe we have to have a real conversation about how
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to fix these things. >> they don't want conversation. with all due respect to you because i think you are a good man they don't want a conversation. they don't want to solve the problem. these race hustlers make a big living and get voted into office by portraying their constituents as victims and it's all your fault and my fault it's the rich people's fault. it's the republicans' fault. it's everybody's fault except what's going on. what's going on as you know is a dissolution of the family and you don't have proper supervision of children and they grow one no skills. tattoos on their neck and can't compete in the marketplace. and that's what's going on. if you say that, you are a racist. so no matter what you say, congressman, you are going to be branded because the race hess lers don't want to solve the problem. how is that? >> look. here is what i want to do. i want to solve the problem and talk about how to solve the problem. here is the issue, bill, if it was working so well i put out a study that said we spend $800 billion a year on 100 different government programs to fight poverty and it's not working. why don't we instead of
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looking at the input, how much money we throw at these programs, concentrate on outcomes. what does it take to get people out of poverty. here is another idea. why don't we go listen to people in poverty. why don't we go visit with the poor and see what's working and what's not. if you go do that as i have been doing all year long, you will find tremendously impressive and inspiring stories about people successfully fighting poverty and getting themselves out of it. so there is a lot we can learn instead of just handing ideas down from washington. that's point number one. point number 2 is we've got to focus on outcomes, not on inputs. not on servicing poverty but on solving poverty. that, to he me, is the mind set that's going to have to change. when you question that status quo it's going to upset some people. we need to question that status quo if we are going to solve this problem. >> give me the big one, not the most important but one very vital thing that the federal government can do specifically now, not philosophically, specifically to alleviate
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poverty? one very important thing that you guys could do. >> job training skills. that's a big deal. we have a bill that we passed out of the house people stuck down and out in life can can get the skills they need to get a good career. >> tell us how that would work. >> well, it are about 49 different job training programs against whether they work or not. we passed a bill already in the house consolidating these programs, sending them back to the states so that people can go get a scholarship, a voucher, and get training at a community college, at a technical college, at an employer who imawfs to get a skill they need, to get a job they want, to get a career to get them out of poverty. >> the earned income tax credit that is an idea that came from the right in the first place which makes it pay-to-work. the point i was making in that interview, one of the elecd all these barriers to work from the government. obamacare in and of itself is knocking the 40 hour workweek down to 29 hours. that doesn't help get people out of poverty. the cbo is telling us the
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equivalent of 2.5 million jobs will not be worked by the end of the decade as a result of obamacare. disincentives to work. that hurts the poor the most. remove the barriers to work and you will get a lot of people back in the workforce. >> who would oppose the job training bill? nobody would oppose that will they. >> harry reid won't each let us have a vote on it in the house. >> why? >> that's a good question. taking on the status quo. a lot of bureaucracies. >> he wants to keep the chaos across the nine different agencies instead of consolidating -- >> -- yes. >> so the government can remain as big as it is. >> we want to consolidate and get this aid back to people in our communities so they can get the skills they need to get out of poverty. >> all right, congressman, thanks very much. we appreciate it plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. many around the world do not believe the malaysian government when it says the plane crashed in the indian ocean. we will take a look at it a judge sentences a child molester, a terrible guy to one year in jail. investigating another
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>> and that man is not alone. many around the world do not believe the malaysian government possibly because the media mass touted so many conspiracy theories. with us now monica crowley and alan colmes. how do you see, this monica. >> you are getting that reaction not just from him and members of coming and other people because the malaysian government has been notoriously unreliable in providing inaccurate information throughout this entire episode. secondly i think because of the wild speculation on television, radio, in print, it's given rise to the idea that any explanation is possible. so even though the logical conclusion would be that probably the plane is in the ocean, people are saying why am i going to believe an islamic third world government had they have blown it throughout this whole crisis? >> they based the president of malaysian based his statements on a western company, that tracks planes all over the world with technology. that company came out and said, listen, this what
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happened to it it's not the melees that are doing it they are taking the information that i have examined it, it's solid. >> they have delivered the message. the problem is that the messenger has been painted here. >> i got the mess saget it's logical but haven't seen a degree of evidence. >> something else at play here. i want colmes astute analysis of this story. >> so fascinated ultimate reality show. that's why some networks covered it beginning to end because you didn't the want to miss anything it could happen at any moment and you want to thereby for the conclusion. all along, people saying it was terrorism. went through a black hole in the universe. crazy theories. just was not realistic. it always seemed to me like it was -- it probably had a horrible event happen, fell into the ocean, made a left turn to try to find an airport where it could safely land when it knew it was in trouble. the evidence is it was
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sabotaged by the pilot or pilots. people are now emotionally invested in this story. would you agree with that. >> sure. absolutely. >> they have emotion in it. when you have emotion, then a lot of things are at play. number one, it's hard to admit you are wrong. if you had a theory in the beginning and most people do -- this is like the march madness basketball thing. you rout for a team. voters are rooting to a theory that they subscribe to early on. if you tell them no your theory was wrong they hate you. i will read you mail because i was right about this story last week. you should see the avalanche of mail attacking me for being right. the second thing is that a lot of people are excited by this not by the tragedy and the death but by gee, maybe this is some kind of unbelievable terrorist act. >> intrigue. >> and landed it, you know. >> because when you read greek fiction. >> yeah. you get arrested by this stuff. >> ongoing mystery with a lot of human drama.
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a lot of human tragedy as you are seeing in front of us and potential as alan says terrorism or some other nefarious purpose. and people have been on the edges of their seats. i will give you another emotional element of this which is hope. human nature being what it is. people want to hope that somewhere these people are alive. >> miraculously they survive. >> plane preemptive terrorist strike. they are sort of writing their own. >> another store people glommed on two. two russian pilots one serious about religion. the other was a dissident. appeared at the trial of a dissident a couple of days before. >> and i believe that that political situation will be born out when the fbi breaks down their correspondents, these two. finally last night, you know, in the ratings, the factor won again as we always do in raw number. but cnn did a little bit better. but they did most of their prime time on again on nothing. there wasn't anything other than the melee saying you know, cnn, you were wrong.
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that was next. we didn't use that bite. but, again, people just sat there for an hour listening to this. >> people want confirmation that they were either -- they like confirmation that they were right. they want to wrap it up. >> they want to wrap it up in a bow. that's not going to happen. they are not going to find that black box under the indian ocean. >> life unfortunately. very rarely does it get wrapped up. >> therefore it will take on the kennedy investigation. unbelievable conspiracies. >> as time goes on more conspiracies. >> if anybody can make a buck on it, they will make a buck on it. >> another story that goes into the cable news cycle 24 hours. >> we got serious things dealing with krauthammer off the top about the world and how turbulent it's getting. i hope this subsides. all right, crowley and colmes, everyone. when we come right back another outrage. nevada judge sentence ago vicious child molester to one year in jail. legal is next.
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get that? one year in jail, molesting a 6-year-old girl 100 times. he could have gotten life because nevada does have jessica's law. here now to explain exactly what happened attorneys and fox news analyst kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl, how could this happen? travesty of justice. he hadn't opportunity even under the law when acts was committed to 1997 to 1999 over a 10 -- two year period of time life behind bars. clerical error and went back to sentenced him to probation. one year in jail, five years of probation, that's it. >> why the light sentence? was there any justification for the light sentence? did the judge say this is why me, brent adams, this is why i did this? >> he said it was a mistake. he never sentenced him. nothing on the record. no response for him. >> this guy, this outrageous individual, this judge gives
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a man who molested a 6-year-old girl 100 times, no explanation. >> let mow go back, a week before he did that, the second sentence, he issued the first sentence and that was 10 years to life. then inexpickcab i got that wrong. i didn't mean that. >> we all understand that. >> there is no reason given by this judge. >> nothing on the record. >> does the prosecutor know what the reason snches we spoke with the d.a.'s office. they are not going to go on the record about it refers to the court record. very upset with the sentence. they said there was no justification nor whatsoever. >> this guy acts like he is the roman emperor out there, this judge, okay? all guidelines are discarded by him. >> correct. >> everything is discarded. >> is he exploiting a legal loophole though. >> i don't care about that i just want to go on the record as saying. >> he disregarded the law. >> this guy should be impeached immediately. >> he is retiring in four
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months. that doesn't matter you have to it hold them symbolically responsible. >> he was going under the law in 1999, which did allow for probation before jessica's law. that is important. >> it doesn't matter, wiehl, why can't i get this through your head and i want to do it with all due respect. this is simple. and i want everybody to understand this. put the judge's picture up there again. this is simple this isn't about a loophole. it's not about a law before jessica's law. this is about brent adams, knowing that a 6-year-old girl in his county was molested 100 times by a despicable human being. knowing that and this judge takes the family of this girl and the girl herself and says, you know what? >> you don't matter. >> i, brent adams, are going to give one year to this monster, one year. there is no excuse on earth. >> you are right. >> for that and the people in nevada and wash that county.
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make example for the rest of the country. this has to stop. do we all get it? >> we all agree. he is as bad as the predator predator. is he putting this guy back on out on the street. the defendant agreed to life. the defendant agreed. signed the deal. >> right. >> this molester, he is sitting there. >> signed it. and the judge undid it. >> so, i might send watters out to talk to this judge. i might do that so, judge adams, you know, i know what you are going to do. you will run away. that's what you will do, you coward. you will run away because you can't justify this you have the power, he has the power. people of the county gave it time had. they elected him. he took the power and took a 6-year-old girl and he abused the girl. do you get that? >> i get it? >> he did.
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the judge did. >> all right? and this has got to stop in this country. we cannot be the nation that the world looks to if we allow this to happen. every american has got to stand up and say to judges you have to protect the children and punish child molesters. >> and they have to -- >> -- throw them off the bench. >> that's right. there is an impeachment process that has to be -- and the prosecutors have got to speak out, too. i don't want to go "on the record." why not? >> they are not going on the record. >> okay. >> well then go back and look at the record. that was it. that was all we got from them. >> that's wrong. the prosecutor should be there just as vehement as i am tonight. >> he should be impeached. you have to send a message so other judges know this will not be tolerated if you choose not to protect children. >> how many of these kind of stories we have to do?
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back of the book segment tonight, new book called thrive, the third metric to redefining success and creating a life of well-being wonder whoa, what a title. with us now the author and editor and chief of the huffington post arianna huffington. before you get to all wonder. i have got to ask but liberal politics. it's clear to i think most fair-minded people not idealogues that president obama is having a hard time and his policies really
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haven't worked economically certainly overseas really very shaky. there are fervent liberals, i don't know if you are among them who will back the president no matter. what you can explain that to me? >> first of all i would like to say thanks for having me on the show. the huffington post does not reflectively defend anyone. if you look at the site, we have a lot of splashes that criticize the president for what is happening on a lot of issues that we care a lot about, like the failed war on drugs or poverty being at 50%, 50 year high. or the incredibly large number of deportations or incarcerations. there were a are a lot of problems in the country and criticize the obama administration for those. we call coverage beyond left or right. a lot of issues we are facing like the decline of the middle class are issues that do not have an ideology. >> but you know as well as i do that the president has been in office for five
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years. all right? and his programs of bigger government managing the economy and trying to solve the social problems, social justice, hasn't worked. yet, if you turn over to the liberal cable network, every night it's he's the greatest guy in the world still. and i don't really understand that. don't liberals see what's happening here? do they not see it? >> well, there is no question that there are a certain number of idealogues whether it's on one side or the other will always defend their side. >> that's just ideology, that's what it is all about. facts don't matter? i'm backing my guy. i don't care what he does do. >> that's completely inappropriate when it happens. we don't do it. >> can i give you one at this tip though you? need to be more fair on that web site. last night i did a talking points memo that we had called the malaysian airline story seven days prior.
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you covered that story. you didn't mention that that i had called it right. you didn't mention it in fact you went after me that i you usually do. i'm amused by it i like it. it gives me good publicity i want people to read the huffington post to watch the factor. keep doing it. if you want to be fair mention the hard news aspect of the story. >> if we didn't do that, we will do it. >> scold the guy who did that. your book is interesting because you are a very successful woman, okay? and i know you for a long time. >> yes. >> and you work very very hard as do i. all right? so, and people think that success it just comes. it doesn't come. you really have to work hard in this country to achieve success. and if you do so, other things in your life suffer. so this book is designed to make that suffering less. do i have it? >> i think it's a very good way of putting it, what i'm saying and that happened after my own rude awakening after i collapsed from exhaustion and broke my cheekbone and got four
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stitches on my right eye in 2007. so what i asked myself after that is what is success our culture defines success as money and power. by those two metrics of successful i was successful. by the same definition of success i was not if i was lying in a pool of blood. >> literally working yourself into illness? >> exactly. i think this is happening all around us. you see the connection between heart disease and high blood pressure and diabetes and the way people work. i mean, i don't mind hard work. i love my work. it's really when we work ourselves into the ground without recharging ourselves, without nurturing our human. >> you still work hard and still in charge of a big operation. we have a minute left. what was the big thing that you changed after you collapsed and got hurt? >> well, what i recognized is that we are not just material beings. you know, we are a combination of our bodies, minds, and souls and we need to nurture all those parts of ourselves.
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that includes meditation, prayer, whatever it is that you do to nurture that inner part. and also, sleep. you know, something as basic as sleep. >> get more sleep. >> that we think we don't need. and also giving back. giving back i have scientific evidence that shows how much it recharges us. having a fuller life. >> more rest, don't be selfish, be generous. >> be generous. >> and get nice hobbies to take yourself away. >> and do something that connects yourself with others and with yourself. >> the book is "thrive." if you eat fish, which is healthy, you are going to want to hear this. the tip moments away. frequent heartburn? the choice is yours. chalky. not chalky. temporary. 24 hour. lots of tablets. one pill. you decide. prevacid. ♪ 24 hour
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cincinnati and grand rapids. there are tickets available for upcoming shows in buffalo, honolulu. we'll be on long island april third, big show at liu post college, check did all out. all the shows on billo' 6r7b8 now to the mail. you said eight days ago the plane was in the ocean. that is poor reporting, and bernie should have called you on it. look, roger, if you want to live in a dream world, that's your choice. i have reported and analyzed this story accurately. bill, hope you didn't break your arm patting yourself on the back. the pompous nature of your commentary boggles the mind. bill, there are many ignorant people in the world and some of them hate you for your no holds barred analysis. when you make so many
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journalists look foolish, criticism is going to come your way. i applaud you for your accurate account of flight 370. >> i appreciate that, very much, bill. bill, enjoyed your talking points on the airliner. this story was taken by the liberal media to take attention away from the president's weak response to putin. all the media reported the story, not just the left. we take offense at being lectured by paul ryan and others, who we believe are partially responsible for the problems of the african-american community. i know paul ryan, and he has nothing but good will toward black citizens. renee heffernen from dover, massachusetts. why secular progressives are
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anti-religion is brilliant. i appreciate that, and you can read that story on billo'reilly,.com. your book killing jesus is excellent the footnoting is a story in itself. well, my co author is mostly responsible for that. thanks for reading killing jesus. and finally tonight, the factor tip of the day, recently an urchan asked me if we could go fishing for tilapia. the problem is, there is no fish called tilapia. at your local restaurant you can order tilapia. the same thing with scrod. in new england, many people think there is. what's going on? both tilapia and scrod are a mixture of fish. millions of us are ordering it with capers or something, thinking somebody just caught it
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off the coast of north carolina or somewhere. the factor tip of the day, nothing wrong with tilapia. but if you think you're going to catch one, you're in for a very long day. eating fish is healthy, but you need to know what's going on. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website. which is different from billo' also we'd like you to spout off on the factor in anywhere in the world. word of the day, no codswallop when writing to the factor. thursday, we will have our mad as hell segment, if you are steamed about something, we want to know about it. the different website. it's a different e-mail address. twitter, text -- i'm just overwhelmed. different website,
9:00 pm if you're angry, we want to hear about it. tonight, miss megyn is up next. please always remember, the spin stops right here. we're looking out for yo i'm megyn kelly live in new york city. breaking news on new information just coming in on the final communications on the missing malaysia plane. plus -- >> women must decide our fate. >> a supreme court case asks a far reaching question, how far does the religious freedom on which this country was founded go. >> the president catching heat for this. >> the world's always been messy. see why his message about our military isn't going over well. and then the white house has gone quiet about his anti-gun nominee for surgeon general. the nra has new concerns and
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