tv Hannity FOX News March 26, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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somebody offered it to you on the condition you leave the united states and never return again? go to let me know what you think. thanks for watching. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." welcome to this breaking news addition of "hannity." we'll have the latest on the missing flight 370. also tonight, three very special guests joining us in studio over the next hour. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani, rand paul, and george will, but first, the malaysian government has announced a satellite has captured images of 122 objects in the indian ocean that could in fact be debris from the missing boeing 777. they range from 1 yard to 25 yards in length. they're close to where other satellites have previously detected objects. malaysian officials are calling this the most credible lead to date. joining me now with the latest
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on the search from australia, catalina flores is back. good to see you. >> good to see you, sean. as you know from the very beginning, the search has been at the mercy of the weather, and after losing 24 hours to bad weather, yesterday's search was vital. fortunately, the clouds did part to allow 12 aircraft from six nations to scour the area. now four chinese ships and australia's hma success are in the area. that search discovered three objects. unfortunately, they weren't able to relocate it on subsequent passes. malaysian sources say french satellite imagery has found 122 objects of interest floating in the southern indian ocean, about 2 1/2 kilometers off the coast of perth. we were taking they ranged in size from 1 meter to 23 meters in length and are brightly credible. they say it's likely they belong
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to the missing jet. today's search will focus on the area, involving six military aircraft, five civil aircraft, and five ships. we're told the weather is expected to deteriorate later today. >> all right, catalina, as always, another great report. and here to show us exactly where the focus on the search is right now, we're at the hannity big board, the former uk adviser to defense, michael. 122 new objects. french satellite. walk us through what we got. >> the latest imagery from the french satellite is another piece to the jigsaw puzzle. it's a pretty big piece, but i think we've got to keep it in the context of the jigsaw puzzle. we're unlikely to get a silver bullet, so we have to keep putting the pieces together, taking a step back and seeing how much it gives us. to recap, we have the first piece of information briefed by the australian prime minister a few days ago from the u.s.
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satelli satellite. then we had that piece of imagery from the japanese satellite, and then the p-3, and we had the chinese maritime surveillance aircraft that picked out -- >> that 1500 miles out. >> exactly, so we had satellite imagery and two spottings from maritime surveillance aircraft of potential objects as well. the third french imagery, which we've got here, will build another part of the puzzle, but it's key. as you rightly point out, there's 122 objects this time. if we take a look at the satellite picture it is -- >> so, as we look at -- first, can we go back one if we can for a second? we talked originally about this being 125,000 square miles. >> yeah. >> now we have all of this indian ocean. how much further out are we going? >> that's a really good question, sean. that area has gone from 125,000 square miles where we had the
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initial information. this area is now encompassing about 600,000 square miles. as we know, the weather has been impeding search efforts quite considerably. if we go on to the next picture of the actual sate lite of the latest information -- >> what are we seeing? >> you've got to be an analyst to really interpret the information. you can see it's not very clear. what we can see through all of these pictures is there's a lot of objects out there. >> so these necessarily objects that we believe are floating in these specific areas? can we pinpoint the coordinates on that? >> we know, don't we, if we go back to the previous objects spotted by the previous satellites, the p-8 poseidon had a look, and all it saw was a freighter and a couple of pods of dolphins. we have raised expectations and had them dashed a bit through the first two sightings on imagery. >> more confident in this one? >> it's 122 objects, so i think
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in this particular occasion, it would be harder to confuse what we have seen on satellite. if we go to the next picture, with potential confusion such as freighters, containers, refractions, everything else. >> last question, because we have these robots. we understand the depths of areas of the indian ocean go way down. very difficult to find. there are robots that we're sending down into the bottom of the ocean, very long process, and you're talking about a lot of square miles we're covering. tell us about how that process is going to move forward. >> this is key. we hear this analogy of finding the needle in the haystack. we have not found the haystack yet. and these robots will be key. once we find the haystack, which is this potential debris field. >> pinpoint the coordinates. >> get a good idea of where the debris is, all these robots can then go in and start looking for the debris on the surface. remember, if we go back to air france 447, we knew where it
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crashed, the transponder was on, the acars was on, but the black box wasn't found for two years. remember, we have the gps on the black boxes that last for about 30 days. the way these were found was by robots. >> how many square miles last time, very small? >> far smaller than 600,000 square miles. they found the debris field, and it led them to the black boxes. that will be key once we find the haystack, but we have to find it. that's what we're trying to do. >> great report. really appreciate it. >> more breaking news. we heard from chuck hagel who said once again the u.s. still cannot rule out that terrorism is in fact responsibility for some of the disappearance. we welcome in normer new york city mayor rudy giuliani. my first thought from the beginning was terrorism. you and i have discussed it. >> right. >> what does it say? >> you can't rule it out because whether this is debris or isn't debris, what we don't know is
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the reason that the plane was taken off course. pretty certain now it was taken off course. pretty certain it was taken off course deliberately. probably by either the pilots or somebody who knew how to fly the airplane. the minute that happens, you have one or two possibilities. a terrorism plot that went awry or a criminal plot, suicidal plot, other criminal plot. obviously wasn't taken off course for a good reason. so i think that's why the officials probably said you can't rule it out. >> to me, breathtaking incompetence by both the malaysian government and the airline, and i got very disturbed the other day when we know that the victims, if they are victims, families, they got an e-mail or a text saying, oh, by the way, we think that your loved one is gone, without one bit of evidence to pinpoint where this plane might have gone down. >> yeah, i mean, this is an awfully difficult thing to do.
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when to break the news that the wait is over. because you certainly don't do it until you know. i remember having this problem on a much smaller scale on september 11th because even though we were pretty certain within a day or two we weren't going to find anyone, there were a lot of families still hoping, and we kept the search up for three or four more days just to be certainly. >> wasn't there one survivor who was found, a pocket? >> first day, though. >> that was the first day. >> no survivors after the first day. it wasn't apparent that would be the case. to me, until maybe the second day, but we didn't really break it to them until the fourth or fifth and kept up the search as if we were looking for people for three or four days. >> one of the more surprising things to me, but as time goes on and they're incapable of sharing information, that has impeded the search. you would think with an airplane, every time we get on a plane, we're told about, well, your flotation device. you would think there would be something at this point
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floating. >> the key is you have to put out all the information. september 11th, i would preface it by saying i'm going to put out all the information. you're going to get angry at me, some is going to turn out to be wrong, but at least you have it when i have. or you'll have it within an hour of when the governor and i have it. and some did turn out to be wrong, but the reality is it built confidence with the families that we weren't holding anything back from them. so i think that's what's missing here. i don't know if this is on purpose or realize, this is the biggest thing that ever happened to this governor. this is way beyond the capacity of almost any government, much less a government that i imagine isn't the most competent in the world. you can understand why they would make so many mistakes. this is way beyond what they would usually do or accomplish. >> beyond the importance of giving finality to the families if that is in fact the ultimate outcome, there's another important aspect.
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if this was an act of terrorism, we need to know because we need to obviously implement measures -- >> of course, if it was an act of terrorism that had a plan, that got aborted or got interrupted in some way, we need to know that because we have to figure out what the heck follows it. even if it was a criminal act that wasn't a terrorist act, but it may have other parts to it, if it was intended for some other purpose. understanding why this happened is crucially important in terms of securing safety and security. >> i hold out the possibility of mechanical failure. my gut tells me this plane was taken over. >> there's a chance of that, a chance of anything, right, but my gut tells me the same thing. the fact it was turned, the fact the turn was engineered through the computer. the fact the good night signal was given after that. >> although they flipped that story only yesterday. >> we're not sure of that. that's part of why the malaysian government is in such trouble.
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some of the key facts here, facts you should get right, keep changes. they keep shifting. it then creates a suggestion, what's the motive? i happen to think the motive is they're not terribly competent, but i may be wrong. there may be a plan. >> i agree, i think the turn, the fact the route was changed within the airplane's computer system, transponder off, acars off. >> that has to be the working hypothesis. >> always good to see you. thank you so much. and our coverage of the mystery surrounding flight 370 will continue later this hour. first, so much for the march 31st deadline for obamacare. senator rand paul is up next. his reaction to the latest embarrassing delay, and speaking of embarrassment, we're back with this edition of ask sean. also, joirj will joined me in studio as we continue. lobsterfest is the king of all promotions! it's red lobster's lobsterfest!
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welcome back to "hannity." the obama administration has made another embarrassing delay to the cornerstone of its domestic policy agenda, also known as the train wreck that is obamacare. this time, the administration is extending the march 31st deadline for those who say they have begun to enroll in a plan but are unable to finish by monday. they will now have until mid-april to ask for an extension. get this, all you have to do for the request, that extension, is check athe website. it's all based on the government honor system. really? whatever happened to all the times the white house promised this? >> will there be any more delays of the aca? >> we're going to continue to implement the affordable care act in as effective a way as we
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can, and i'm not aware of any other changes. >> are you going to delay the open enrollment beyond march 31st? >> no, sir, there is no delay beyond march 31st. >> can you rule out the idea the president doesn't delay the individual mandate? >> yes, i can. >> you can? that will not happen? >> that will not happen. >> here with reaction, kentucky senator rand paul is back with us. how are you? >> good, sean. >> honor system, check the box. two weeks ago, they were saying we will not extend it. >> here's my question. they're also saying if you have a hardship, you can declare a hardship. i have a hardship, sean. i didn't want to sign up for obamacare, and it's costing mere four times my old insurance used to cost. so can i get a hardship exemption. it's full of so many holes, so many arbitrary exemptions. who knows what the rule of law is because he's not supposed to write the law, he's supposed to
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execute the law. so this is really gotten to a point where who knows what obamacare is anymore, and what the exemptions are? >> here's the main question i have, though. remember jonathan turley, democrat, constitutional attorney, has talked about in this country a tipping point as it relates to the constitution and the constitutional crisis. does the administration constitutionally have the right to do this unilaterally? or do they have to go back to congress, the statutory of limitations that were put into the law? >> i think to change the law or to give arbitrary exemptions to certain groups can't be done without congress doing this. so i think what he is doing is unconstitutional. i think if we can get this into court, i think you will find the court is going to agree with this also. yesterday in court, they had the hobby lobby case where they're telling hobby lobby, a privately-owned company, that they have to provide certain types of birth control.
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hobby lobby already provides birth control, but the government says, oh, no, you have to provide what we say is the best kind of birth control. all of these changes to the law eventually i think are going to work their way into court and my hope is the supreme court is going to say, you know what, this is in the purview of the private business. this isn't something the government should mandate. >> the magnitude of this is an epic failure. this has been for the left of the country, since the last 70 years now, they have been pushing for nationalized health care of some kind. what does this say? we haven't seen a government failure like this ever, a magnitude like this ever. what does this say about liberalism itself as a governing philosophy? >> i think what it really says is obamacare is something that is mandatory, full of coercion and mandates, and it's the opposite of what america was founding upon, which was freedom of choice. the other thing is realize what they're mandating you to have. they're mandating that you have
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certain types of birth control and certain types of diet counseling, but when you get cancer, they're telling you you can't go to md anderson, mayo clinic, sloan kettering. i think you had on fox news recently, josie from new york, who has breast cancer. she was scheduled for surgery at sloan kettering and they had to cancel her surgery. my colleague tom coburn is getting treemd at md anderson. they're not going to let him go there. if he does go, it costs $33,000 out of pocket. we're giving up the choice of insurance, but we're giving it up for bobbles like diet counseling, and we're no longer able to go for cancer treatment. people come from all over the world for cancer treatment because we're the most advanced. now that's being excluded or precluded by certain people. >> you can't go to memorial sloan kettering in new york, md houston, some of the best cancer
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centers in america, not included in the plans, and people are losing their doctors that they already work with. the question is every single thing that was said to the american people is now turned out to not be true. millions have lost their plans. millions are losing their doctors, and millions are paying more, and they're not saving $2,500 per family per year. can you argue that this is a bait and switch? this was sold under false pretense? is there a legal battle here somewhere? >> realize all of this craziness on birth control, hobby lobby offers their employees 45 different birth control pills. they object to four. obama says, oh, no, 49 or nothing. you also realize they're finding hobby lobby $36,000 per employee per day. it adds up to hundreds of millions of fines. it would be cheaper for hobby lobby not to provide any insurance at all and pay the penalty. you know where the penalty came from? it didn't even come from the
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law. some bureaucrat thought up this $36,000 per person per day. it wasn't in the law at all. >> think about this. thirst about our first amendment and the free exercise cause and congress shall make no law establishing a religion or the free exercise thereof. think about what justice sotomayor was asking yesterday when saying you could just pay the fine, that the company doesn't necessarily have to provide the insurance for people. and i'm thinking, but they would have to pay the fine, and she even acknowledged that, so you're paying for your free exercise thereof. isn't that what she was saying? >> absolutely. i think if they don't get that, they really don't get the first amendment. also realize that it's not just the $2,000. that's if you provide no insurance. so the government has built in a financial advantage to not provide any insurance versus faulty insurance. so the government says, if you provide insurance that we don't like, we fine you $36,000 per employee. if you don't provide insurance at all, it's a $2,000 fine per
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employee. the government is giving you an incentive to provide no insurance rather than to try to comply with your religion. >> think about this. this couple, they're a deeply religious evangelical couple. they're running a company. you can't say religious faith stops at the church door the minute they leave church. they live this life. n you now have to pay a fine if you're an evangelical christian or are a catholic or run a catholic charity or you're a hospital or a nun with the sisters of mercy? >> it's a big issue, and i hope that the supreme court will rule correctly on this. to me, it's a fundamental part of america, the bill of rights, and the first amendment that you do get to exercise your religion. you should not pay a penalty for exercising your religion. that's not freedom of religion. >> last point, earlier today on capitol hill, harry reid was up there. he thinks the reason we need the extension that two weeks ago they said was not going to be
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forthcoming, he basically said americans are pretty stupid and don't know how to use the internet. >> you said this is giving people more opportunity to sign up and so on, but when they have these hiccups or delays, doesn't it give the other -- >> there's no hiccup or delay. we have hundreds of thousands of people who tried to sign up, and they didn't get through. there are some people who are not like my grandchildren who can handle everything so easily on the internet. and these people need a little extra time. >> after years of preparing this, now they need more time because we're too stupid to figure out the internet, and obviously, they don't know how to put together a website. >> this is precisely the problem. the air gnls of obamacare is they think they know what is better for you. they know what insurance is standard or substandard. if you don't buy insurance the president approves of, he calls it substandard.
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realizing he's substituting his choice for your choice. you're giving up your freedom to accept coercion and accept something that is mandated, that you have to buy one size fits all, but it's this arrogance that they think you're too dumb to make the choices for youself. >> i wonder how many people would have a hard time, even older people, who would have a hard time finding pornography if they wanted. thank you for being with us. >> thanks, sean. >> up next, the most embarrassing segment of the week. megan is back. no telling what questions she has for me tonight. then we'll take you back to australia where the frantic search for flight 370 continues at this hour. that update. plus an in studio appearance from george will, in the house tonight. ♪ ♪ so you canet out of your element.
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all right, welcome ban to "hannity." you have been posting your questions using the hashtag h hashtahashtag #as hashtag #asksean. she enjoyed embarrassing me. megan, welcome back. any more questions of me when i was 4 years old, 10 years old? >> i'm going to use pictures to embarrass you. the last thing. we have to get to the important things first. we have a lot of questions about the missing malaysian airlines flight. why do you think people are so interested in the story? >> first of all, there are a lot of people's lives at stake. number two, 777s don't go missing out of thin air. especially, if i put a gps in your car, i could pinpoint your location, how fast you're going at any given moment, record it real time. so there seems to be, i think
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most of us who look at the transponder off, acars off, the computer system changing its flight path in the route. we look like terrorism to me. 100%? no, it could have been a mechanical failure, yeah. i would suspect we're looking at terror, and we need answers so we can protect other people in the future, and the families need answers. >> cody asked, how could president obama have handled the ukraine situation more effectively? >> look, putin, to me, is a thug and a bully. and this is basic 101 when you're dealing with thugs and bullies and you have to fight back. the president has threatened there's going to be severe consequences and the first thing he does is say, well, nine people can't come to the united states, which makes him look weak and ineffective, and putin basically stuck his middle finger in his face. i would have done three things immediately. i would have told him i was going to do and then done it. i would have gone back to the
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czech republic and poland. and then i would have done the keystone pipeline. especially to europe, which has rendered them impotent. the third thing i would do, which he's never going to do because he's beholden to environmentalists, i would immediately allow more drilling, fraking, coal mining in this country so we're energy independent and can sell oil and energy to our european allies. >> money is power. it takes the power away. we have a video question for you. >> really? >> nicky, here is what she asks. >> i'm interested. >> my name is nicky and i know you really like country music. i was wondering if you have any musical talents of your own? >> marching band. >> absolutely zero. by the way, nicky, you can google hannity, charlie daniels, freedom concert, and watch me sing "the devil went down to georgia" and you'll fully completely understand how bad i am. >> next week. so painful. thinking about it sounds
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painful. >> i started loving country with garth. >> i see you in marching band with a hat. >> no. >> and a trombone, getting your groove on. >> i was a jock, i played basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey. >> you played the glocken spiel. i had a couple photos you posted to twitter. >> you live to embarrass me. >> i found this so curious and strange. so the whole point of social media is to make your life look less mundane and less boring. instead, you poesz these photos of your campbells chunky chicken noodle soup and tell everybody you eat the same thing every day. >> i nuke that and i ate that. when i was looking, i said, this would make a good picture for twitter. >> the only thing that could make you more lame is if you ate oatmeal every day for lunch. >> i don't eat breakfast. >> there's a thing called food
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porn where you take photos of the most luscious food you eat, like a steak. >> put that back up, the one i cooked. you don't like campbell's hearty chunky soup? look at that, so delicious and nice and salty. i love it. >> next in store for you is getting a tattoo of a nerd. >> lipton noodle soup is even better, and i like cheese burgers and steak. >> i'll teach you about food porn. >> food porn. porn. >> operative word being food. >> we could pull my hair this week to see if it was real. no pictures of when i was 7 years old. still ahead tonight, we'll have another update on the search, the frantic search for flight 370, and conservative columnist and author george will is here in studio tonight. before all that, don't forget, we want you to join us every night right here on "hannity." set your dvr before you forget. otherwise we'll miss you. set it for "hannity" the series
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and a 30-tablet free trial. welcome back to our great, great american panel. imus in the morning producer. how are you, cardinal? looking at, fellow. >> also, geraldo rivera, and fox business network sandra smith. it's your job to keep these two safe. >> daunting task. >> it is. i got to see geraldo. he kissed me this week. that will make news when that is seen. >> i kissed a boy and i liked it. >> oh, katy perry. except it's a girl. i'm following this flight. i'm getting angry. they're announcing to families they lost their families and there is zero evidence of where this plane might be, although there's 122 pieces of debris that a french satellite has
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picked up. it's very frustrating. >> very frustrating, and these poor people. this investigation has been so botched since the beginning. the leadership has been horrible. so yes, they're crying out. they don't have answers, sean. this is just going to be one of those things where every new lead is going to be the best lead they've had, but they have an obligation and responsibility to chase down every one of these. the problem is the weather is so awful. >> you can get 20-foot, 30-foot swells. geraldo, you have a big sailboat. >> i was hanging out with sig hansen from "deadliest catch" and he reminds us, it's not just the waves and the wind. it's also the tide. that debris moves 40, 50 miles a day. so to track where it is -- i want to say quickly, in the navigational satellite system, the chinese satellite, the australian satellite, and french satellite, they all agree. that aircraft is in the south indian ocean. i have almost no doubt of that. they would not have announced it
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with the certainty they did. i agree with sandra. they botched it. >> they have been incompetent. they have contradicted themselves. they're now contradicting wihen the flight path was changed, and that was standard belief system up until yesterday. >> they better be careful. they're honking off the chinese government. they'll go nuts on kuala lumpur. it's a disgrace, very sad, and we just hope it gets resolved soon. >> can we agree the latest delay on obamacare, and i'm looking right at you, geraldo, this has been an unmitigated indictment on how poorly big government, bureaucracies work. could you agree with me on that? >> if they compain on obamacare, there could be a reasonable possibility they could win the senate. they are distracted by silly items. they go off on tangents. how many times have you heard there were military forces
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available to go into benghazi and save our troopers? that was absolutely false. >> geraldo, we were lied to on benghazi. we were told this was a spontaneous demonstration. >> stick to the line, what is provable. i don't mean to distract you from the story. >> really? >> i have to put a ps on the malaysia story. there's a "usa today" report that says they're focused solely on the pilot as the person responsible for diverting the liner. there's almost zero evidence of that. the evidence it was an accident, a payne stewart like zombie plane where everybody died, the pilot had -- >> where's the evidence for that? they're making that up. >> you do three things in a plane very brevely. aviate, fly the plane in an emergency. navigate, find a field to land in, and then you communicate. i believe there was a fire. the pilot was frantically changing the 13 buttons on the
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airplane. he diverted it. >> he diverted it to the indian ocean. >> to the nearest field. an island, 13,500 feet -- >> transponder is off, acars is off. >> i believe it could be explained as an accident. >> bernie? >> i'm listening to geraldo. he's alienating, prevaricating, and i don't know. how do you go from obamacare to benghazi to the plane? i'm not following the train of thought. >> what about the senate candidate we were going to talk about from iowa, talking about castrating her opponent. conservatives find a way to lose public support. >> stop it. talking about cutting pork. come on. >> cutting pork by castrating men? >> in iowa, she used to castrate pigs. >> there's a leap from castrating your pigs to castrating your opponent. >> you know, they actually castrate animals and all the food you eat comes from farmers. >> i hear the squeal in the back of my head from the democratic
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opponent. >> i remember the third one, believeiate. where was this lady in the '90s, in the clinton administration, the woman castrating male pigs. we could have used her in the '90s. >> to do what with? >> to cut pork. what do you think? >> a lot of pork in the oval office. >> sandra? >> it's an agricultural reference from an iowa politician. nothing wrong with it. we need more people -- >> living in concrete too long. >> up next tonight on "hannity" -- >> obama and kerry are the ones living in a fantasy world. putin is a 19th century man, and using the rules of that century in our century, he's just swallowed the ukraine. >> some very harsh words from charles krauthammer. george will is going to weighen on this in studio in the latest international embarrassment international embarrassment straight ahead. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer
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and crimea, but our very own charles krauthammer wasn't fooled. >> they look down their noses, meaning the secretary of state, at putin and say he's a 19th century man. he doesn't understand the rules of the 21st century. obama and kerry are in a fantasy world. putin is a 19th century man. >> here with his brand new book "i love baseball" a nice place on the north side, wrigley field at 100, and that means he has a lot of patience. the patience of jobe. fox news contributor george will. good to see you in new york. how are you? >> couldn't be better. >> let me start with what charles is saying there and the president and his actions. more broadly, beyond crimea, vladimir putin, but syria, egypt, the arab spring. how would you assess this foreign policy? >> they really believe the world changed when we turned into the
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21st century. they didn't notice the first thing that happened in the 21st century was an act of war against the united states in downtown manhattan and at the pentagon. they think war is out of date. war is the great human constant. western literature begins with homer, all about war. it's been war ever since, and it won't change. scoop jackson, a great cold war democratic senator said of the soviet union and it's true of putin. the soviet union is like a burglar walking down the hall of a hotel testing all the doors until it finds one that is open and then he goes in. we have to make sure the doors are closed and he believes the doors are closed. >> do you think thee has ambitions beyond crimea, maybe estonia. does he imagine putting the band back together and the soviet union coming back into existence? >> absolute e. he's not hitler, but he's read hitler's play book. two days before the munich
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conference, he gave a speech saying there are 10 million ethnic germans living outside the borders of the reich, in the sudetenland, it's intolerable for me to accept this. i would be unworthy to lead the german people. i think putin feels exactly the same way. if he can't bring them home to mother russia, he's going to move russia's borders out to get them. >> before we get to baseball which is one of my other favorite topics, let me ask you about yet another delay. what does the latest delay in obamacare four years into this, how often do you have a midterm election in 2010 and then a midterm election four years later, it's the same topic that is going to drive people to the polls on the very same issue? it doesn't happen. you talk about peace and prosperity driving elections. obamacare for two elections? >> obama is -- this is obama at the improv. that suggests comedy, and this is a comedy, but it's not funny because he is traducing
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fundamental constitutional values and the separation of powers by assuming to himself the right to exclude congress in the writing of statutes and in the rewriting of statutes. it's not permitted, and at the end of the day, congress has to stand up, assert itself, and stop it. >> is jonathan turley right? are we at a constitutional tipping point? >> i think so. remember, this country was founded, sean, in reaction against executive power. it's been a constant theme of american life, trying to containt the president who will expand expand whenever he can. >> okay. over the years i've had opportunities to get to know you, interview you. you're beyond your level of politics you have a passion, a love for baseball. you wrote this book about wrigley field at 100. your beloved cubs are they going to win a world series this year? >> this year! >> i'm looking for my yankees to win this year.
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>> last time was in 1908. two years before mark twain died and before ronald was born. last time was 1945 and i was four years old not this year. >> the chemistry of loyalty makes us loyal to the ballpark, team logo, and colors it's irrational. that is part of fun of it. >> does it bother you that yankees paid for tanaka this year? carlos beltran this year? does it bother you? >> you can't buy a successful team reliably. they watched preseason at home. get who played in post season? tampa, small market teams but n
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inintellige inintelligently-run teams. it just turns out money alone is not enough. it's like in politics you can throw money at the wall and some will stick. if you throw money at problems you'll solve some, but not all of them. you have to have insdwrenls at the end of the day. >> putting aside sister joyeds what about something like human growth hormone? these players have short periods to be eligible to play at a professional level. if it can aid in help in healing, modern medicine make that's possible should that be allowed? >> i don't think so. there is no test yet for human growth hormone. major league baseball helping fund a study to get. that it was human growth hormone causing
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barry bonds in his late 30s, cap sized to change. >> i think it was more testosterone? >> we don't know. we know there was chemistry involveed and we did not want games settled by who has the best chemist. >> okay. good to see you. >> great. . >> i love watching my yankees and mets this year. >> good. >> and still ahead tonight another update on the frantic search for flight 370 from search for flight 370 from australia as ♪ from the classic lines to the elegant trim in each and every piece, ♪ kohler will make your reality a dream.
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called the most-credible yet we know these images were captured by satellite based in france. what they show is 122 objects floating in the water in the search zone off the coast of perth. malaysian authorities say they're brightly colored and range between 1 and 2 # meters in length wech know the search has been quite severe limb pacted by poor weather. we've seen heavy rain, rough seas, low-lying clouds forcing authorities to abandon the search to week. today we're being warned that it could be just as bad. conditions also expected to deteriorate. so the search is still planned to go ahead this morning, six military aircraft and five civil aircraft, five ships racing against time to find the items oochl dan, thanks for joining us from australia tonight. we appreciate that update. that is all the time we have left this evening we want you to set "hannity" to
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record the series so we get to see you every night. thanks for being with us we'll see you back here tomorrow night. breaking right now, a game changer literally. that is rocking the world of college spores. northwestern university football players winning the right to unionize. now, this is going to change everything. and this stunning breaking news sending shock waves through the college sports world. "on the record" investigates in just minutes. also developing now this is what conditions are like in the southern indian ocean. and searchers are just taking off in australia trying to locate a possible flight 370 debris field. we are going to take you there but right now threats. threats of contempt, charges are flying as republican lawmakers spar with the irs commissioner. it happened on capitol hill. republicans demanding the irs turn over emails from lois lerner and others in th
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