tv Red Eye FOX News March 27, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
12:00 am let's do this! >> coming up on "red eye." has the pap -- pentagon secretly built a cup cake that can erase your memory? if you president can't remember what i just said you may be eating one right now. and is the president signing an executive order to our national anthem? >> i am not going to wait for congress. we have to go ahead and get it done. >> and finally, is your washer and dryer racist? our panel can properly confront you. >> good to see you. not you. you. m why andy levy filling in for greg gutfeld who is off on his
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book tour. for those who are going to see him, he likes to be massaged. gist walk up and start to rub. he will thank you for it. >> you can him on fox business network at nights. luckily the anti-depressants will help perk her up. it is joanne. and comedian joe devito who will be headlining the anne arbor show march 27th through 29th. and next to me is buck sex ton the's editor and host of real news investigates on the blaze tv. not to be confused with veteran character tuck bexton. loved him on the rockford files. >> a block. the lede. that's the first sorry. >> [inaudible]. >> that was a two-fer.
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got both of us. should those who protect avoid getting wrecked? three secret service agents assigned to president obama in amsterdam were sent home and put on administrative leave after a night of heavy boozing. one of the men was reportedly drunk and passed out in a hotel hallway early sunday morning. sound familiar, kennedy? the agents member of an elite unit of the secret service broke rules that prohibit anyone on an official trip drinking alcohol in the 10 hours before the assignment. as part of the team they would have had a classified briefing ahead of obama's arrival on monday. let's go to our white house correspondent live in amsterdam. >> i just don't think this is the time for soccer. actually i don't think anything is a time for soccer. it is a boring sport.
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>> how dare you? >> many jobs you can get away with drinking or maybe coming to work hung over. the secret service sounds like it is not one of them. >> keep in mind this was an elite unit that was able to get drunk. who goes to amsterdam to get drunk? why are you wasting your time? it is interesting that they have this 10-hour window. are you not supposed to eat a hot dog and then go swimming for half an hour. you have 10 hours between drunkenness and 20 mens before the prostitution. >> basically somebody's mom came up with that rule. >> it is embarrassing to think once again we are in the best of hands. >> absolutely. buck, along those lines, these counter assault team guys are hard core. they go through a ton of training and work long hours and i'm guessing they have a lot of pride. you wouldn't think this would happen with guys like that, would you? >> i'm assuming they can hold their licker.
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but we need to focus on the true villains. the true villains are thef who s and notified the u.s. em bay you see. that's cold, man. there is a code of ethics. when you work in a hotel you see all kinds of stuff. it is animals coming from next door you don't call the po-po. doubt light them up. these are secret service agents in a country with prostitution. i am outraged. they should have kept quiet. >> the animal noise thing sounded personal. >> let it go. >> is this not bad compared to the prostitutes? >> space cakes are trumped by prostitutes. from you inebriated that harsh brands and fountain coke and a little vitamin b12 and you will be fine by morning. by the way, 10 hours before assignment? what really is the assignment? 10 hours before the president gets there? that's fair. he wasn't going to be there until monday. what are they doing during a sunday afternoon briefing?
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fight ninjas? >> they are walking a bomb-sniffing dog around. >> maybe a a security check in advance of the president? >> these counter assault guys are sire buff. i would like to see a calendar perhaps. 2015? >> top 12 drunken members? >> whatever it takes. i'm with buck. they should be able to ham their liquor. >> and not be tattle-taled on. >> one of the guys was passed out on the floor outside his room. >> they must have known you are there and security and working for the president. you are passed out on the floor. are you a vulnerability to the president of united states. >> he wasn't there. >> but they know that you are that guy knocked out on the floor. he is probably good at his job
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and had one too many. >> in the intelligence committee we call it playing possible m so. possum. >> yeah, i'm sure that's what he was. >> just because he had foam it doesn't mean that he couldn't do his job. >> we have a policy like that. do you follow that a? >> it is just the hard liquior i -- liquor i stay away from. >> i don't think that's the policy. >> liquor? >> i think the russians are laughing. sew bough ma -- obama was coming to talk about ukraine. can you imagine how much drinking the russian security do. >> they get sick when they don't drink. >> that takes the edge off. >> they think we are whimpy snuff.
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he is passed out and we send him home like a kid from summer camp. >> it seems like secret service agents don't have respect for their leadership. should obama be impeached? >> this is clearly his fault. we will add it to the list of reasons why he should be impeached. >> they should certainly repeal obamacare. >> this guy passed out in the hallway. he probably had a secret service id on him. that's not a good thing. >> if he had his id he probably had a badge. >> the other agents did write. >> it was neither secret nor service. >> the two guys are with him. they left a man behind in the hallway. >> i agree with that. do ads against drugs lead with shrugs. they have hit a new low after
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peaking in the leat 80s. late eights. the reports are we were no longer getting bombarded from other causes like curbing texting and dreefg. over the years the effectiveness has been questioned, but recent studies show they might be reaching a certain percentage of teenagers. should we bring back ads like this one? >> your mother found this in your closet? >> i don't know. one of the guys must have lost -- >> must have what? >> where did you get it? >> dad -- >> answer me. who taught you how to do this stuff? >> you, all right! i learned it by watching you. >> parents who use drugs have children who use drugs. >> yeah, drugy dads. and who can forget the just say no campaign?
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80s. are the ads back then the reason you never touched drugs in your life? >> those are the reasons i craved a lot of things and got sober when i was 14. >> really? wow. >> i reminded my mom of that fact the other day. she said oh i know, is that true? oh gosh, what were you doing? those ads were not a deterrent. i think the first ad was a scene from "traffic." steven soderberg was deeply moved by the nancy regan era. >> way before his time. >> if you go to the ronald reagan library there is a just say no board game which is fun when you are drunk. >> buck, it is obvious looking at you you have a serious, serious drug problem. if you had seen more anti-drug ads growing up -- >> it would have turned out differently as to if i would ever get caught. all i can think about is you
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are keeping the weed stash in the cigar box. that is a jv move if i have ever seen one. >> it has an illegal or bizarre substance. >> what is in here? a scientific calculator? >> i expect a little more effort for the kid to hold it away from his dad. >> why couldn't it have been foreign. >> on a serious note, would these ads have been more successful if they were more honest? part of the problem was they were trying so hard to scare teens they would come up with these things like if you try cocaine once you could die. the whole this is your brain on drugs and it would be scrambled eggs. teens would find out you could do cocaine once and you would not die and you could smoke a joint and your brain wouldn't explode. >> they were laughable right off the jump. we used to see the one with
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the egg and we used to think is denny's still open? we are pretty high right now. >> good stuff. it goes to sew you how the tone so so important because people are sophisticated and we know too much. we know marijuana is not bad for you. these ads wouldn't pass. two things make a successful psa. a sad sara mclaughlin song and a guy with a neck hole. you will never see a neck hole guy in a pot commercial because these friends would have made a bong out of him. >> these psa's though, there was a moment of -- the greatest overreach was when they tried to connect selling a little weed on the street corner to basically osama bin laden and al-qaeda and the south american drug cartel. that was when everybody is like, i'm pretty sure there were hippies across the country that are like, bro, come on. >> if you smoke post the terrorists don't win. >> growing up we didn't have tv. we gathered around the radio
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and mayor law -- lagu a ardio read to us. it is different for your generation. you have so many options, tv, phones, internet. is that why? people are not sitting in front of the tv. >> it is only when you add an instance that is perm where -- personal where people rise up. we are bff's forever. i am not that young. it is sad because you do still see this happening. the only ones i think do hit people are the anti-smoking psa's. you are like, i need those fingers to roll a joint. i am not going to smoke cigarettes. jay i think she had more of a lighting -- >> i think she had more of a lighting cigarette problem.
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>> the only anti-drug ad -- >> it may be her diabetes. >> the faces of meth campaign is a good one. there is no commentary and no bs. this is what it looks like, and you can see the degeneration. you have seen the faces of meth. there are a couple guys at the end who say they look the same. >> some say that is a function of dry mouth. >> it might not be the meth directly causing all of that. people have been worn down, and they rlsz -- they realize that bath salts don't turn people into cannibals and not all kids are snorting smartees. >> i don't want to always blame the president, or do you? that sets an example for the kids that is maybe more than the egg frying thing where
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this is the brain. >> and every other person in power. every other billionaire or president has somehow engaged in mind altering substances and you say if i did a little spear men taigs i could be at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> you switch the ads to moderation. >> god forbid you leave human beings to their own devices. >> the irony is that was the same time they said eggs were bad for us. is it the drugs or the cholesterol we should be worried about? >> this week they are fine. >> it ain't breakfast. >> they care when you swear. ocean city, maryland is cleaning up its act. don't worry there will be trash on the beach and litter on the ground. now you can't curse when you step on it. there will be signs that say no profanity, please, be
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courteous. there is no law out lying profanities so if you swear there is not much they can [bleep] do about it. like stop signs and employees must wash hands. here are highlights from my week on the beach. ♪ >> greg was actually the one that noticed that. i actually think this is a great thing. do you? >> i do. as much as i am a pro pone inept of -- proponent of free speech, i put this in the category of people yelling into their cell phones. you are in public. show a little respect. you can tell somebody is a real jerk if they hold it with the elbow up. shut up. shut up and learn
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how to conduct yourselves in public. i guess if you are in a business since it is a private property, they can ask you to leave. >> but this is public. this is out on the beach. >> they can say you are disturbing the peace? >> if you go too far and you are screaming then they can nail you for disturbing the peace. if you are walking down the street it will be okay. >> i get uncomfortable if i see somebody cursing in front of kids. >> true story a longtime ago, i almost broke up with a girl because we were at dinner and she kept cursing. there was a family near us with little kids and i said you have to stop that. it is wrong. people curse in public. they are ruder than they used to be. can we, as cher would say, turn back time. i have small children and there is a time and place for
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foul language. i love punctuating. i do what i can to keep them away from kids. it is true. it is like have some decorum and respect. that's what bars are for and brothels. >> fair point. buck, saying your name is pretty close to swtaring. >> i can't tell you how many times people are yelling buck! i said what do you want? he said i was not talking to you. the profanity think the truth is the people that are cursing in front of little qidz don't wear. don't care. they are nastier by the sign. if they even know what profanity means. you probably need to spell it out and put a red line don't say this and don't say this. >> i think it is so pervasive that otherwise intelligent
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people do it. >> i agree with the notion that there is a time and place for pro fancy and language. you don't want to add too much pepper. >> last word to you. you are a jersey girl and i'm assuming there is no jersey on the shore. >> it got going with the sag gee pants. they passed an ordinance where you cooperate have low langeing langeing -- low hanging pants. they were actually charging people when this happened. i am all about yeah you need to be mindful. it is not the fact you are cursing. it is the volume. you can curse all you want. but the fact that people hear you, it is your world and way are just living in it. >> coming up, which of our guests was named after a president?
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is too soon? this debate can't happen soon enough meaning it is time for tonight's -- >> "red eye" debate 2014, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate live in the" red eye" debate center. it is sponsored by rock em, sock em robots. when you want raw sound and jolting action it has to be rock em, sock em robots. it is too soon to talk about lady gaga's death? yes, she is still alive. the human research lab had
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subjects rate how funny joke tweets about hurricane sandy were before, during and after the storm. the ratings were the highest before the storm hit and drping as it hit land and then rising as time went on and ceasing to be funny as time passed. humor arises when a concept seems wrpg or threatening -- wrong or threatening, but is okay. suggesting there is a goldie locks zone for each joke. now, a quick word from our sponsor. >> i i can beat up any kid on the block? >> oh yeah? >> yeah. >> a left to the jaw and -- >> my block wassing nod off. >> you can press it right back on. it is rock em, sock em robots. press the lever and he throws a right and then a left. you are the winner. >> you can rock em and sock em with the rock em, sock em robots. >> those were the good old
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days. >> those were fun for like 30 seconds and then you are like, this is the worst toy ever. >> i think comedians know when it is too soon. i remember the day of the boston marathon bombing there were a lot of unfunny tweets out there. i tweeted a good way to know if your joke is funny is nobody who is funny is making boston marathon jokes. >> with twitter there is an idea that i have to be the first guy to get a joke out. if you don't win first place prizes for speed a lot of time the jokes are lake. have i to admit when michael jackson died i had a joke written and i had my hand on the send button. the moment it was official it was like, bing. >> what was the joke? >> it is so lame i can't even. >> you have to say it now. >> it was something like, i just scored tickets to see the jackson four. terrible, terrible.
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joke. >> a joke like that, as lame as it is, i couldn't -- that joke had to be immediately or it wasn't going to happen. whatever meager laugh that got you couldn't wait. there is the sweet spot and you can see when people miss it. i did a show two days after the marathon bombing and he opened with a lame joke about that a and the audience was like, uh. you can tell he wasn't trying to be funny. he was trying to get a rise out of you. guys say too soon and no it is your joke sucked. it was never going to be funny, especially not now. >> you will go to funerals and laugh. >> it is a great place to pick up chicks. >> too soon is probably meaning less. >> when i am scrolling through the twitter when you see is a sense you get that people as they are tweeting you say they are about to.
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are they going to make a joke? a lot of careers have been ending. we are not going to repeat that joke, but it is a dangerous game trying to be the first one out there. as the first guy gets out there it it is not too soon. if one person gets out and they are okay they are the trend setter. >> that's a good point. joanne, you are stew young to remember hurricane sandy. >> i am offended by that. my sister lost power and she had to stay with me for a week. it was a terrible week. there was almost a death. >> too soon? >> too soon. i just avoid -- the thing is it is emotional the ties people have to these circumstances. i just avoid emotion awls together. we have an emotional connection to food if we are emotional eaters, but not really. i just do food jokes. blueberry muffins. tomatoes.
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you never have to do that too soon? too soon? >> it is a i don't think joke people make that can't actually make jokes. it is the first thing. >> they say the deliberately lame thing and they say too soon. hurricane sandy i live on the south shore and was hit by the hn. there was a moment where you could make the jokes if you were going through it it at the same time. you are talking about, hey, we are trying to make sense of the awful experience. you can't be somebody who comes in and say well, you live by the water. >> as a new yorker i can, but you have to -- >> it is the same thing. you can find the humor in things. >> i think it can be a legitimate political question. should the rest of the people who live on a fault line? >> humor can be highly
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subjective. people disagree on when a joke is too soon. is there something now where the media jumps on it and it becomes a beg thing whereas in the past nobody would have noticed? >> when everyone is paying attention to a story you are looking for a new angle to exploit. if you are the first person to say something inappropriate, the tallest blade of grass is the first to meet the mower. >> that's a good point. if he had made those jokes in a club it would have been okay. but he did it on twitter. >> coming up, the end of the world. before that happens, hopefully, should game of throqn show more male nudity.
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commute, this mandate or i should say main date -- no i shouldn't. is now being rolled across the country. it may not be eagerly embraced. it is apparently unpopular because it doesn't go with everyone's face and head shape. until now men in north korea had to choose from this list of pre approved steals, all outstanding. nk news .org doused this whole story, but what do they know? buck, you must be so grateful you live here. your life would be ruined if you had to get that haircut. >> that's true, greg -- i mean andy. let's keep going. if everyone has the same haircut it is totalitarian. if it was a magnificent head of hair and not kim junk --
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kim jong-un, then it would be a different story. kim jong-un's father killed his barber, no joke, because he gave him a bad hair haircut. >> do you buy the story? >> totally buy the story. not because kim kim jong-un looks so sac see, but he is a big fan of ryan gosling. joe i was going to say this wouldn't make that much of a difference. >> i keep my fade tight. >> you node to grow it out on top a little bit. and probably lose the neard. >> can you save the beard? >> that haircut does not look good on all of the people who have gone from the starvation and their leadership is forcing on them. like buck mentioned his father had a unusual hair style. their hats are gigantic in the
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north korean army. maybe there is more to the hair styles we know. >> noter dash darn north korean people #r smaller than the south korean people. >> no, they are regulation size. they are lollipop people. their bodies are shrinkingen. >> kim -- kim jong-il wore his hair high. >> and it was like the lead singer of the smashing pumpkins. >> billy corgin is very tall. he is like 6 foot 3. >> that's what i heard. >> i stand on my confidence. >> you stand on the bodies you walked over to get here is what you do. >> pearl jam guy. >> you could lift him over your shoulder. >> eddie vetter. >> he is a turd.
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joanne, could this help every man if every guy has the same hair style women will focus on the personality. >> we focus on wallet and then personality. >> no one in north korea has money in their wallet. >> are they the last people on the plan net? do i have to look there? >> it does president have to be about you. here we voluntarily get our haircut like one person. if you are a guy it is bieber and if you are a girl it is the rachel from "friends." it is the hair. we model ourselves -- or if you are bieber it is miley cyrus. it is interesting to see if it is real or not. >> they call it the chinese smuggler haircut. i am glad they live in a place where that is so easily identified. >> they do that a lot in brooklyn.
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next topic, the end zone dunk will be sunk. nfl officials, a a ka, anti-fun sadists are banning slamming the football over the goalposts after a touchdown. it will warrant a 15-yard penalty. dunkings often bends goalposts and delays the game. >> i have never seen that once. >> jimmy graham plans on changing his ways, tweeting, i impies i will lead the league in penalties. >> how ridiculous is this? >> it is pretty ridiculous. at this time the fox sports robots have more personality. the dunking thing, you think of all of the other things -- you think of the things we have had to look at and all of the problems. rib -- remember a player is saying well at least he didn't kill somebody and now it is like, uh.
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i think they should let them dunk and another team can do a motumbo and block it. >> they can do it it in the canadian football league. >> probably. kennedy doesn't dunking the football seem like an innocuous celebration. >> they shutdown end zone celebrations. that was bad about watching jackson got the moon walk. it was from watching some of those big end -- end zone celebration. what are they made out of? you are telling my a 6 foot 8 safety is going to bend the goalpost. >> are yes, it is ludicrous. >> it is possible if you are an imbecile to shatter the glass. you are obviously not going to vet it.
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>> this is obama's america. >> mayor bloomburg's mothers against nfl -- it is ridiculous. >> what fun thing will they ban next? the cheerleaders ? >> probably if they don't make any money, then probably yeah. the thing i don't get about the end zone celebration, it is their job to get touchdowns. in the office you reply to your e-mails and you will do a dance? >> if it is a good reply. >> i think the bestyou can do as a player is get a touchdown and put the ball down and walk away. of course i just got one. you are not like, look what i just did. i'm really good. >> i like when they are ripping off their shirts and they are wearing sports bras. >> i do too. a personal performance from our guests.
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he is not disgruntled by the lack of full frontal. he plays john snow on "game of thrones" and says in theory there should be more nudity. the british thespian said, quote, it is only right if you are going to do a show where nudity and sex is is a large part of it, that you be a part of that. but harrington's only nude scene last season was dison by a body double because he had conveniently broken his ankle. if his character needs to strip down again he would do it it, but, quote, i wouldn't say i would be happy about it. it would have to bef-ing well deserved.
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he doesn't seem too happy about the prospect. is he able to is a that i if he is a man and women accept they have to disrobe? >> it is more expected for the women to do did. we view the woman's body as the more beautiful of the two sexes. i would rather see -- i know that sounds weird. >> no, it doesn't. >> i would rather see women than men assaulting me with a package. it is uh braye sigh. it is uh braye sigh. >> a big respect to those who won't do nudity. julia roberts says i won't do nudity. to act with my clothes on is a performance and to act with my clothe offs is a documentary. they say that is julia roberts and not the character. >> julia roberts gee i disagree. i want to see "true blood,"" house of cards", game of thrones" and it is only fair.
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>> you peered -- you appeared on there. >> my daughter is like, oh that is a tattoo. >> that was in 1994 when i was not attached in anyway. >> do we have the picture buck wanted us to put up? buck you wanted us to show this is a german poster you have in your bedroom. i am assuming you are all for equalizing. >> gosh. my p90x will payoff soon. i am a game of thrones and nudity expert. sometimes there is nudity nobody wants to see. somebody they say oh it is like a wedge. there is one tooth.
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>> don't do anything. >> no, don't do that. >> i need forms and casting notices. >> now you are wench shaming. >> i'm going for it. >> that is not as fair. >> joe, several people who produced or directed shows for hbo were told to up the nudity portion. given the places men should see naked women, should they stop that? >> i would like a list of the places. >> i will send the bookmark file. >> one of the excuses, i couldn't show you my pea nuss because i hurt my ankle. >> he had to jump. >> he hurt his ankle with his penis. >> unfortunately for him. >> sounds like maybe nudity in a mod drn -- modern shows.
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you think these people showered once a year. i am disgusted of them having any physical contact. oh yeah let's get it swinging around. let's get the air circulating. >> you can get past the dragons, but not women not shaving their art pits? >> different stroke for different folks. >> and you have a cleanliness issue. you like be to clean. >> you and your soap love. >> in "game of thrones" they did show penis. >> did they? >> you have never seen the show. >> i don't even know her. second time tonight. >> the first nudity was the ass of dennis franz. ladies. >> nobody wanted to see that. got a comment on the show in
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man: i'm getting a camera! - i'm getting an espresso maker! - i'm getting a new smart phone! female announcer: through sunday at sleep train's big gift event get a $200 best buy gift card with purchase of selected beautyrest, posturepedic or tempur-pedic mattresses. or, get 24-months interest-free financing. - a new tv... - a laptop... - a game console! female announcer: sleep train's big gift event ends sunday. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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next "red eye" return appearances from harris falkner and jim norton. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> no cold play song will ever sound the same again. that's a good thing actually. gwenyth paltrow and her wife chris martin have separated. the actress and cold play front man announced their, quote, conscious uncoupling after 10 years of marriage. the last included rumors of infidelity and visible distance between the two. they released this joint statement to their devastated public. while we love each other very much we will remain separate. we are and always will be a family. in many ways we are closer than we have ever been. that's a load of crap. turns out there was trouble in paradise and not even a
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scientist could turn back the clocks and fix them. kennedy, are you as devastated as i am? here is a hint, you couldn't possibly be. >> i am not surprised, but it is sad. they are the parents of children and for them it is a sad, sad thing. you really hope for the best when you see these ideal couples, but man the va a nity fair rumors alone were enough to torpedo the strongest marriages. >> you have been a wreck. crying and saying things if gweny and chris couldn't make it how will i? >> i will get through it. i never understand with these statements when they say we love each other. we will still be best friends. any exi have i wish physical harm. maybe a little emotional harm as well.
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when you are a celebrity it is sad because all of the marriages never work out. you can afford great counselors. for the kids 10 years you have been together. >> by the way, conscious uncoupling is far superior to unconscious coupling. >> i had that joke. cross that out. are all celebrity marriages destined for failure? is this the one time it may have worked? >> gwen thet -- gwenyth paltrow is an american with a fake accent. her career was up here. she was in the horrible "avengers movie" almost as third as the third batman movie. all of the d-bags playing cold play all the time, overexposed, that's what caused this.
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it is the ego and not a personal thing between them. >> i think this record will do well. he is not doing any before. >> it sounds dark. >> i was reading her statement and imagine what it is like to go from listening to a lot of cold play to listening to none. what tay weight to be lifted off. does she still have the shallow hal fat suit? >> love that movie. >> terrible movie. >> cold play gets a lot of crap, and i think "politics request it is is a good album. >> there were great songs. he is a good pianist. "magic" it is beautiful. you listen to that. >> every time i am at a starbucks. >> i need it for when i take my nightly bubble bath.
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o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> are you concerned that america's influence in the world, your influence in the world is on the decline? >> a new poll says most americans still believe president obama is a strong leader, many descenters are confused. we'll explain the situation. the agency most remote agency annualized the areas one area of the ocean measuring 400 square kilometers were able to identify 122 potential objects. >> searchers closing in on possible debris from the missing jetliner. we will update you on what the u.s.a. is doing to solve this intense m
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