tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 27, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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every night. record "hannity" each weekday, start your friends with "fox and friends" each day at 5:00. see you back here tomorrow night flnk. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> are you going to delay the open enrollment beyond march 31st? >> no, sir. >> charles krauthammer says health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius lied again about obamacare. but is that true? we'll have a follow-up report. >> my day started with the great honor of meeting his holiness pope francis. >> the vatican con fronting president obama over forcing nuns over providing birth control insurance. we will tell you what happened in rome today. >> what is the unemployment rate at right now? >> what's the matter, the cat got your tongue? >> tonight, it's an american tradition that some believe is evil.
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others say harmless. spring break. jesse watters with another tough assignment. >> i don't know why you are looking at me. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪. >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. christianity and president obama. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. today, mr. obama met with pope francis at the vatican. and there is some good news and bad news for the president. first, the good news. he and the pope agree on social justice. >> i was grateful to have the opportunity to speak with him about the responsibilities that we all share to care for the least of these, the poor, the excluded. >> christian doctrine demands that the poor and oppressed be given relief by those who can do so. therefore the president's
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social justice philosophy is in line with that of pope francis. the knew ounce here is how to provide social justice. the president believing you take from the affluent in business and you give without any strings to those in need. others like myself believe you set up safety nets to help the poor, but you do it without harming the general population. also, you provide social justice by building a strong nation, which can then afford its citizens opportunity. fair and widespread opportunity equals social justice confiscating wealth does. no i don't know where pope francis stands on the brings of social justice. what i do know is he a compassionate man who is trying to uphold the teachings of jesus. now the bad news for mr. obama. the vatican put forth the policy of catholic nuns to provide birth control insurance including the morning after pill
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considered abortion device by the church is a violation of christian doctrine and a violation of religious rights. the pope did not say that directly to the president, but his representatives did. remember, the pope is a consensus builder. but make no mistake. the vatican believe that president obama is harming american catholics and other christians to forcing them to buy something that violates their religious beliefs. in addition, christian doctrine demands that life be respected. therefore, abortion is considered a grave sin because christians believe life begins at conception. that's very straightforward and stands opposed to president obama's policies. finally the pope is against america deporting legal aliens, something president obama has done. therein lies an interesting conundrum for conservatives. the president has been very aggressive in deporting people who have come to america illegally. which the right generally
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supports. pope francis does not like that policy, believing it disrupts families and harms the poor. so there you have the meeting in rome today. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction, joining us from washington. dr. robert moynahan, the editor and chief of inside the vatican magazine who knows pope francis personally. first of all, i have defined the situation today accurately, doctor? >> you have defined it accurately. but you haven't defined it completely. >> fill in the blanks. >> well, each of these men today was seeking something and they both received it we still have a long story rolling it forward to see what comes out of it they say all roads he lead to rome. and president obama took the road to rome as he did before in 2009. and he tried to get a photo opportunity with a large smile with the pope who has become known as the pope of the poor, the authentic
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pope, and the pope who shoots straight. i the pope received obama because he receives everyone. there were two parts of the meeting. and the first part was a 2 minutes. it went a little bit longer than expected. it might have been a meeting within protocol 20 or 30 minutes. so perhaps double the time. and perhaps part of the reason was that there were two interpreters there but we don't really know the details of that. the second part of the meeting was obama went to speak with two top vatican officials. one is the secretary of state of the vatican named petro who had been a diplomat throughout his life ambassador venezuela most recently. next to him was a man named dominic, the foreign minister of the vatican. they had another meeting and it was in that meeting that the vatican put forward its
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worries and concerns about the pope, about what obama is doing in compelling catholics to go along. >> birth control insurance. let me stop threw. very very concisely, what did pope francis want out of this meeting? >> pope francis wanted to communicate to obama his concern about an enormous danger and gap between people who are suffering in barios and getting to the 26th or 27th of the month and they are running out of funds and they are short. in other words, a greater iniquity, a greater gap between the wealthy and the poor. >> all right. so he wanted to express his for the poor. but, you know, president obama is on that page. now, what did the president want out of the meeting? >> the president wanted a shoring up of his image. now, i also should mention
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that there was no doubt a discussion of syria and i'm sure of ukraine. and so there was we will go owe political concerns and there is a desire in the end to have some kind of a compromise and not have a world war. >> sure, that's always the vatican's position. i remember reporting on the iraq war when it started and pope john paul was against that and i put forth that, listen, you had saddam hussein murdering people at a frightening level and, you know, what is the pope going to do you? are going to pray that he gets deposed so somebody is going to have to do it. i want to ask you one more question. you saw john kerry sitting on the couch in the meeting. secretary of state. is he a catholic, is he a pro-choice man. i have always told these politicians who say and this is always the line as you know i'm personally opposed to abortion because i'm catholic but in public policy i'm going to carry out othe law of the land roe v. wade and not he oppose. my thing is and you correct me if i am wrong, that as a
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catholic and as a christian, you are compelled to protect life. you can't delineate, okay, public policy from you. you have to protect. outwardly protect it. am i wrong on that? >> no, you are absolutely correct. >> all right. so it's a charade when they make this rationalization. now, i wonder if the pope or any of his guys, pulled kerry aside and said this is the deal. you're compelled because his whole career, john kerry as senator has been very ardently pro-choice. i will give you the last word. >> well, there is a certain phrase in scripture, strong delusion. and some ways it's covered elites of our entire society where we have taken positions that are without precedent and among them is this position on abortion. free and unrestricted abortion. the church was fighting in the 1980s against the soviet
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empire. and john paul ii took a turn in the 1990s and he started to fight against what he called the culture of death. and that was a culture which is continuing to be with us and there are two or three phrases they use now today to say there is a kind of prometian neo -- human. >> you bet. well, i appreciate it it, doctor. fascinating day today. thanks for coming on the program. >> next on the rundown, charles krauthammer says kathleen sebelius lied to the nation about obamacare. we will take a look at it it later, stossel has been investigating how much taxpayer money is being used to fund the first family's travels around the world it is astounding. factor is coming right back. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva
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can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. ♪ ♪ ♪
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and in the impact segment tonight, as you may know the obama administration says the individual mandate to buy health insurance will be extended. a few weeks ago, the administration was saying this. >> are you going to delay the mandate that individuals have to buy government approved healthcare or pay a tax? >> no, sir. >> are you going to delay the open enrollment beyond march 31st? >> no, sir. >> can you rule out the idea that the president doesn't delay the individual mandate? >> yes, yes, you i can. >> that will not happen? >> that will not happen. >> now, last night on "special report," charles krauthammer used the l word. >> they were lying when they said it wouldn't change, the deadline wouldn't change. everyone knew they were lying. and now nobody is surprised that they are lying and nobody really cares about it apparently. >> and joining us now from new orleans to reply democratic strategist james carville. i might tell everybody that
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mr. carville believes obamacare is good for the nation, will eventually work and has said that repeatedly on this program so no need to say it again because everybody knows that however, what i do want to say is that charles krauthammer came flat out and said they lied. that means intentionally. a lie is when you know you are uttering a falsehood not that circumstances change. and the evidence is pretty tough that maybe they were lying. and you you say? >> i say that what they said was if you had gone to enroll prior to -- march 31st, before that, he they will extend it for two weeks. if i tell my students -- absolutely due on monday and they say to me professor carville i started working on it and it's taking a little longer. okay i will give to you tuesday. did i lie maybe? i change my mind. people change their mind. >> if i'm the teacher in tulane because it costs so much to go there. i impose discipline on the students the paper is due this date and you are going to have this it this day.
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if you can't i'm going to take a couple of grades off your paper. >> that might make me a weak teacher. wouldn't make me a liar. >> and i can't with a good conscience call kathleen sebelius or mr. plouffe liars. i don't know what was in their mind. now, charles feels strongly and he did. i can't do it. but i can say that this is the 38th change in obamacare. >> sure. >> 38. all right? in a law that was passed by congress, and that is a farce. i can use the f word, farce. go. my answer is is that congress allowed for these changes because it's very difficult. if you look at the history of the medicare part d. president bush did the same thing. you are right, this thing has had a lot of -- starts. it was a disastrous opening. my point here basically on the whole the thing is starting to move in the right direction. >> had three years to get it at least under control and they couldn't. all right, look. you are right it may work.
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you may be right, carville, you very rarely are but in this case you might. a.p. poll today, 59% of americans believe the president is doing a poor job. that is the highest ever for the associated press. i understand 17 people fainted over there when that number came in because you know how left wing the a.p. is. what is driving the poll numbers down for the president? >> well, i think it's a combination of things. first of all still some leg on the rollout of affordable care act. people say gee, they blame him directly there seems to be -- in the world. number three you and i have talked about this endlessly is that the fruits of the so-called recovery have yet to reach the middle class on down. it's just a recovery for the top 1% in this country and i think that the president is the guy in charge and to some extent they have that feeling. on the other side, i don't know how important it is. he is not going to run for office again. and. >> that's posh for the democratic party though next fall because the president is a standard bearer.
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i'm not going to disagree with your analysis. i think the people if you want to sum it up are running outs of patience with president obama. he is in his sixth year now. also, when you see a guy like putin doing what he is doing, making america look weak, that -- a lot of people are very uneasy about that. >> you know, the thing about poland though, they -- polling though down and go up. >> has been down for a year. >> been down particularly since october. i would be surprised that if the recovery gains momentum and as the news on the healthcare thing improves might come up between a tick or two. it might not be the disaster people are predicting. i don't know that i'm giving you honest answer. >> the chicago cubs might win the pennant but we don't expect that to happen. i bet you a dinner and i want palace. run up a humongous tab on you. that mary landrieu will be
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defeated for the senate. remind you of that bet. if you were advising mary landrieu, would you bring in president obama to campaign for her in louisiana? >> probably not. >> okay. all right. you are an honest man. save your money. okay? i'm not going -- >> we got our dinner commander's palace. >> stossel on how much money americans are paying for the first family's travels, and it is through the roof. later, megyn kelly on another secret service scandal and a scandalous judge in nevada protecting a terrible child molester. those reports up ahead. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to youroctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away
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i hope they had overhead baggage. and there is more. here now to explain fox business anchor john stossel. see him thursday nights on fbn. all right. tell me about the africa trip first. >> it's not so unusual. it's $15 million. >> 15 million? just for the planes. >> air force one cost $200,000 an hour. >> why? why so much? >> i don't know. they don't release that. >> you don't know. >> i don't know. >> i mean, trump will give him his plane i bet you for half that. >> oh, but they have to be in constant communication if they want to doe clair nuclear war while they are in flight. >> about $200,000 an hour for air force one, you figure it's a 10 hour flight down to africa. so that's 2 million each way, right? >> plus, in africa, they
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took a number of trips, he went to senegal, south africa. tanzania. judicial watch comes up with $15,000 for that trip. >> astronomical for the regular folks. >> you say it's in respective, right? >> no worse than bush or clinton. are a three presidents more recently have traveled much more than their predecessor. >> honolulu, that's a far trip. i'm going out there. i'm going out there. i got the frequent flier miles going on. >> george bush went to camp david 149 times. >> camp david? >> hawaii. bush rode his bike there how much does the hawaii thing cost. >> it cost $8 million just for the flight. >> just for the flight for christmas. talk about santa claus goes around the world for a couple hundred grand. >> and we don't know what the secret service overkill costs are. >> what do you mean the secret service because they take another plane, right? >> the secret service did
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things like fly over in special military planes vehicles to protect the president. >> you figure the military is the military. that brings me to this. why don't we just have the military fly everybody around? why do we have to pay for the taxpayer? put it into the military budget. let them do it. >> taxpayers pay for the military, too. >> i know, it's already built into the budget. this is all on top of what, you know, we're paying for our services here. look, let's just do this. okay. so then aspen, colorado, the first lady this is february of 13, okay? she takes her two daughters and lovely girls. and they go skiing. all right? in aspen. all right? >> $81,000. >> $81,000. for lodging, $65,000 for a hotel. you can buy a condo, maybe not in aspen but go out to, you know, the bushes --
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burbs and get a condo. >> sash is i and melee. the president went to west palm beach, jordan, three times. l.a., puerto rico, palm springs, ireland. >> all on fun trips? >> no, business. >> business. because i know he has done some fundraising on these trips. and that's another con. we pay for the fundraising trips because he does a little business and then he goes and raises a lot of money. >> he went to california to go on the jay leno show. >> how much did that cost? >> that cost $2 million. >> 2 million to gone 00 leno show. >> all right. when i go on the the leno show i swear to god it costs me a couple hundred bucks. >> also on your show you use satellite. he could just go in a studio. >> i understand the complexity of all of this but it's still astronomical money. >> john stossel, watch him on fbn tonight. watters world, spring break edition. another tough assignment for
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buttons. what phones are supposed to have? one for each number. so-called smartphones have two, maybe three buttons max. that's neat, but what do you do when you want to dial a four? it's not so smart then, is it? (laughter) nice phone, dude. thanks! smart phones make life easier. that's why esurance is introducing video appraisal. you can use your smart phone to video chat with a claims expert. they'll assess the damage and help settle your claim faster than ever. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. week in review from the ingraham angle segment tonight, american children around internet corruption. on long island where i live, there is a twitter account of children doing terrible things. situation was uncovered by
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fox a new york. >> these pictures posted on the long island party stories' twitter page are so crude and inappropriate, fox a has to blur most of them out. >> no clothes on. >> kids, they are too young, they are acting crazy, they are acting wild. it's disgusting. oh my god. >> the images are leaving parents speechless. this high schooler from captured with her pants down urinating in a sink happy birth da tiara. naked in a backyard and this poor jefferson teenager passed out in a stairway. >> i think it's them being like dumb. getting pictures taken of them. thinking they are cool. >> from levit town to linden hurst, more than 22,000 people follow the twitter page. >> also in colorado, a mother embarrasses her daughter on facebook. joining us now from washington to sort it all out, laura ingraham. let's take the twitter thing first, just so everybody
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knows. now if you are a kid, you can take a picture, anything you want, and then you can send it to certain people who then put it up so the whole world can see it that's what was going on here. so, kids would do bad things, their friends would take pictures of it send it there and that's what's going on. perfectly legal. what say you? >> well, look, first of all, it's good that twitter, after fax five got involved suspended the account. bill, this is just part of the perilous journey we have entered with children, right? when social media and public events are concerned. like, for
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kilo meters and 1850 kilo meters west of perth. retasking satellites to capture the area. weather conditions are better in the revised area and ten aircraft revised for the search. a japanese coast guard jet, a japanese orion and c 130 hercules aircraft, a royal new zealand aircraft p 3 orion, a united states navy posiedon aircraft and an australia civil jet acting as communications
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relay. four of the ten are overhead as we speak with six planes flying over the area today. a further p 3 orion has been placed on stand by in western australia to investigate any reported sightings. six ships are relocating to the new search area including hma success and five chinese ships and expected to arrive in the search area by tomorrow night. additionally the chinese maritime is in the area. and safety conference we have the opportunity to do a search and rescue exercise off the
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ship. and policing 21 underwater vehicles have arrived in perth to assist with location and recovery of the black box. these will be fitted to australian defense vessel ocean shield which will arrive in western australia incoming days. the depth of the search area is 2000 meters and 4,000 meters. >> thank you. >> the atsb agency is working with a range of other international expert organizations to analyze available data relating to the flight of mh 370 and determine the best area to search. the key pieces of information being analyzed relate to early
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positional information from the aircraft and later calling of a satellite through its aircraft systems new information based on continuing anal sis of radar data about the aircraft movement between south china sea before radar contact was lost. this continuing analysis indicates the plane was traveling faster than previously estimated resulting in increased fuel usage and reducing the possible distance traveling south into the indian ocean. the international investigative team supporting the search continues their analysis of the data. this could result in further refinement of the potential flight path of mh 370. radar has been combined with information about the likely performance of the aircraft, speed, and fuel consumption in particular to arrive at best assessment of the area in which the aircraft is likely to have
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entered the water. information provided by the international investigative team is the most-critical need we have in the search for aircraft wreckage. however, this information needs to be adjusted for the length of time left since the aircraft went missing and likely drifting on the ocean surface. finally, let me stress under international convention, malaysia has investigative responsibility for malaysia airlines flight 370. at this stage the main task is to assist in the search for the aircraft. thank you. we'll answer any questions. >> what is the crash point? flash point? >> this is our best estimate of the area in which the aircraft is likely to have crashed into the ocean. yes. >> consider ing --
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>> we've taken account of drift information as well as likely entry point into the water. >> it's what we've been doing with all of the searches we've conducted so far. and this is day 21 and, of the search for the aircraft as we have using our own in-house systems as well as expert advice from the united states coast guard and commercial companies, it's that the area for 21 days of movement taking into account the actual weather, and the known currents of the area. yes. >> how many -- >> do you see by satellite? >> how much faster was the plane going to according to new analysis? how do you know it continued to go at that faster speed?
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>> this will remain at somewhat an exact science i don't have exact figures of speed but this is estimated speed between south china sea and straight of malaka. >> human control of the plane beyond a certain point? >> aassumption is that it was traveling at a chose to constant speed we reasonably know the aircraft continued to travel as we bring together the team two sets of data. from hulling of the satellite that can give the specified time and aircraft which we rely on the likely performance of the aircraft and matching two sets of data to get points where the
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aircraft is likely to have gone through, and ended up. >> how many of these debris fields could have drifted from that area? >> potential debris field? >> i would not use the term "debris field" associated with satellite imagery. the imagery has seen lots of objects that may or may not be objects what. we do is to seek expert advice from australian geo station intelligence organization to advice us which of those are credible enough to search on. you might recall we've done some of that lately and not found any objects. does that answer your question? >> is the search area previous areas south of remaining active? >> we have moved on from those search areas to newest credible lead and based on the
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information from the accident investigation site that is now our best place to go. and i remind you analysis is the same form started with. it's been refined and it's not a new theory. >> yes. >> you have a range of aircraft and ships from several countries involved in this search. hopefully, now they'll be able to pick out wreckage. is there any agreement or rules that all of this wreckage, debris must wind up in the same country to be properly investigated? could it wind up scattered around the world? >> the answer to that question actually comes from the international convention that relates to accident investigation. which says that it's responsibility of the country of registry of the aircraft to
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initiate an investigation and that that country through their investigator in charge has to secure the wreckage and make it available for the investigation. any wreckage obtained we will hold on behalf of the malaysian investigational team and await their instructions and their continual discussion was the malaysians about the progress of the search and we'll continue to discuss the handling of wreckage. >> would have to hand it over to the australians? >> yes. we're in the search. operating on behalf of the malaysian government. >> i think the previous analysis indicated that the last ping was at 11:00 a.m on that particular morning. does it -- if the plane is flying faster, flying faster burning fuel faster might have gone down earlier.
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did that previous analysis now contradicted in that time line? >> no the previous analysis had a range of possible aassumptions about aircraft speed. thoseeing refined. what is tested is aircraft speed and likely position against the arcs that come out from the satellite. so bringing those two together gives you the most-credible path for the aircraft. it's an interesting process and being refined over time. what we have at the moment these are the most-credible locations of the enry and therefore, to place the search. >> the area is still very remote. what does that mean for a sortie, your ability to put the planes over the area? >> we'll get better time on scene. we started nearly 3,000 kilo
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meters from perth. now, we'll get, you might recall talking in terms of 1 to 2 hours. we're now doing better than that. any other benefit from moving further north is the search area moved out of the 40s creating very adverse weather and frequently. i'm not sure we'll get perfect weather out there but it's likely to be better more often than we've seen in the past we'll see what that does in terms of satellite imagery. >> which way would wreckage likely drift? towards the mainland of australia? or further into the ocean? >> i'll have to get back to you. i think it's towards east. >> continuing analysis there are
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actually new radar can you be specific from data you're talking about? which country, etc.? >> the data is a matter in detail for malaysians. released by the country responsible for the investigation. there is a set of radar data but most of the work is closer analysis of existing data. >> can you explain about their role and what satellite we have that we can retask? to have a pass over the area? how good would their imagery about? >> australian geo space investigation is providing a service for government agencies we take it as a consumer. so, they are looking through all of the satellite imagery
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available. and they are -- i'm sure they take it from commercial sources and government sources they provide us with the best leads that are available. i think if you want to detail this explanation you'll need to talk to them. >> the debris spotted or potential debris spotted support the current search area? >> given they expected it's drifted from that area? >> we're referring to the new area, aircraft advantage arrived on scene today we'll need to wait to see what emerges. in regards to the all areas we have not seen any debris. boy not wish to classify any of the satellite imagery as debris. nor would i want to classify any of the few visual sightings as debris. that is just not justifiable from what we have seen.
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>> the search has been a waste of time given you've been focusing on the southwest area? >> the search to date has been what we had at that time. and i might add, that is nothing unusual for search and rescue operations this is happening to us all of the time. that new information will emerge and will sequence with the operation itself. and i remember occasions when at least on one occasion we searched for six days for a missing helicopter in victorian era. it was only on the seventh day we got a break from sun who had been camping in the area, seen it, phoned information in, we refocused some distance and found the aircraft. so this is the normal business of search and rescue operations that new information comes to light for refined analysis taking you to different places. i don't count original work a waste of time.
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>> sorry. >> the press release says it's still subject to refinement. the one after resignment or before that, are you still working on that? >> the new area is based on bee fined data. that is the best information we have on care afl nal s-- analyss i'm just warning further analysis may change that again we don't expect significantly but there are no guaranteed. >> just a little more detail about the data you've refined we've had various things like succession of pings that came out once an hour or whatever. and various radar. what are you refining here?
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>> the relationship between assessments about the aircraft performance, speed and fuel, but the overall performance of a triple seven and pinging of the satellites. that gives a distance from a satellite to within a reasonable approximation bringing to assessment various projections of aircraft performance against information about distance at given times of the aircraft which is an arc. trying to derive the best end point looking beyond that where the search is best, therefore, located. >> do all engines stop at once or will it go straight down? >> there are a range of scenarios. that is one of the reasons why the search area remains a large one. this is something we probably
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should under line. i'm sure mr. young would have a comment on this. this is an attempt to search a very large area. for surface debris which would give us an indication of where the main aircraft wreckage is likely to be. this has a long way to go, yes. >> gentlemen there are indications that the plane changed course several times z this was what one of the reasons that foul play was suggested can you explain the current thinking? is that still the belief? >> the radar data i was talking about is related to that initial stages there was some changing of course of the aircraft. best assessment is that aircraft headed south into the indian ocean and what we now have been doing is working out the most-likely flight path based on information available tteam.
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sorry. >> to narrow down the search area what lead to you think is -- are you looking at other events, other leads from malaysian investigation on radar? or satellite data? >> the question about search, i'm sorry, mr. young should answer first. >> can i start by saying that two primary methods we've had so far are these analysis. and which are about movements of the aircraft. that, in fact is the best information we can have. anything we can have about movements of the aircraft create the greatest degree of confidence we've had satellite imagery. satellite imagery has been followed up it's not reduced any assignments
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for us but that may change in the future. we use oceanographic modelling to determine where objects will move in terms of keeping search area confined, knowing what happens to the water is very important. this is 21 days after the event was expected to happen. there will be a significant amount of random dispersing of objects the search area gets bigger with time we've been fortunate with the previous search areas, and that the water movement was small. low. not movement at all. therefore, the search area doesn't rapidly get bigger. and in direct answer to your question, we will put data marker buoys that report back
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their movement by satellite to the australian maritime safety authority into that area so we know with accuracy where water is moving and that provides us the best way to keep the search area confined. raerng than accept it goes anywhere in the area and becomes bigger. >> it's a complicated issue. >> all of the information currently available to the investigation that is relevant to the likely movements of the aircraft has been made and analysis that have has been made available to the search. we will continue to do that. we are not at this stage but will continue to consult with our international colleagues howing how lines of information that are likely to add much information to what is on the table. thank you everyone. thank you very much.
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>> right. there you've heard from john young of the australian maritime association. the general manager of that. then we heard from chief commissioner for australia transportation safety bureau. they both talking about what is going on now with the new lead being processed for the missing malaysian airline flight mh 370 went down march 8th. the missing plane search area shifting now because of a new credible lead. this all coming from satellite information. the new search areas closer to perth, australia they believe ask officials are stating new analysis is showing that the plane was going faster than previously estimated a lot of questions wondering as to why it was going faster. did pilots lose control? where did the plane land?
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six ships as well as ten planes will search this area the new area based on refined data. they're warning further analysis, while may be a chance again thinking about they'd find it in south indian ocean but they're saying this has a long way to go in processing this. when asked why this search, they said because of the credible information going on to say it's nothing new to search as well as conduct rescue ragss it happens all the time. this is the normal business of search and rescue operations. new information coming at us all the time. he says quote i don't discount any new information we received but we must pursue it. you can stay with us for more of the developing story. we'll take you back now live to "o'reilly factor" already in progress. leg must be feeling tingles,
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too. just the fact you thought the super bowl was soft, defines you as a zealot, it designates organizations not the individual acts that you cite. that was obvious. and jim parmwell, i was both amused and angered by kirsten powers splitting hairs, and asking about leadership qualities is not the same as leadership itself. and even though the youth mob in louisville was all black, you said the attacks were not racial, you are distorting the news, blacks were victims, the victims define the situation, that is like saying mafia crimes are white power actions, wise up. austin jones, bedford, kentucky, the black youth situation is out
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of control in louisville and city leaders remain silent, there were hundreds of perpetrators, and no arrests, something needs to be done. and o'reilly, you covered it while complaining about other people covering it. wrong, wade, we covered the story accurately and responsibly. i complained about exploitation and over-coverage. denise and mike, hudson falls, new york, we love you and miller together, o'reilly, the content is relevant and the pepartee entertaining. well, you should see us in person. and fargo, rapid city, south dakota. here we can,, and killing jesus is great historical content but why didn't you mention peter cutting off the ear of the soldier and jesus healing him?
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because miracles were not documented and killing jesus is a historical book. we do write reports about miracles that authorities were getting because those are documented. jim, south carolina, mr. o, whoever put that suit and tie combination on you last night really likes you. well, i usually dress myself unless i'm unconscious. and finally, the factor tip of the day, our pal, jeff dunham has a new movie which debuts on the country music channel tomorrow evening. in said movie, dunham mocks me. >> it is a town of pinhead and the biggest pinheads of all are the families that harbored the terrorists. and they're the subject of my new books. >> america is a country of laws and due process, but in the wilson case, the drone strike is too good for them. >> they're the subject of my new
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book, killing the wilsons, killing the wilsons. >> believe me, dunham will pay, i know where he lives. watch dunham's movie tomorrow, that is it for us tonight, check out the fox mnews factor websit, which is different from, also, we would like you to spout off from anywhere, name and town if you wish to opine, word of the day, do not be capricious when writing to the factor. if you're watching from somewhere in the world it is a little off the beaten path. please let us know and we'll have a little segment on that. also as i mentioned, mad as hell segment, we had to ditch it tonight because of other stuff going on, if you're angry about something, and something has you
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