tv Cashin In FOX News March 29, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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>> you like it? >> i think taking advantage of gm. >> worried about the balance sheet. >> wonderful stuff. that's it. have a great weekend. here comes eric bolling and "cashin' in." the united states of america or the united states of entitlement from her -- >> everybody in cleveland got obama phone. >> to him. >> tax dollars. >> to them. prisoners getting free phones from the feds on your dime and it doesn't stop there. big corporations now depending on food stamps for the bottom line. we report, you decide. plus, it's obamacare versus is the free market and our liberty hangs in the balance. the supreme court slamming the gavel on companies opposed to obamacare for religious reasons suggesting they stop whine and start paying up if they don't like it.
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throw the report teaming up with unions into college sports watching the big game may never be the same. "cashin' in" spreading the truth starts right now. hi everyone. i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." our crew wayne rogers, jonathan honoring, michelle fields and juan williams welcome. we're living in a country where more and more are riding in the cart and fewer pulling the thing. here are the number even john stewart can't distort. in five years the federal government will hand out $14 trillion of your money at the same time nearly half of all americans pay no, no, federal income tax at all. america was once filled with proud workers and businesses eager to hire them, becoming a nation of freeloaders looking to get paid without getting off the couch. as cato pointed out in 35 states
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it pays more to get to the unemployment office than to the job site. the united states of america is mor foing into the united states of entitlement. some big corporations rely on food stamps and the government announced plans to give prisoners free cell phones. where are we headed when food stamps and obama phone ladies are rubbing elboss are for milk. >> the entitlement state continues to roll. welfare entitlements are wrong whether it's businesses or individuals it's wrong. it's wrong to take money from one group and give it to another. and it doesn't help those groups either whether it's the welfare recipients or the supposedly business beneficiaries. think about all of the, quote, beneficiaries of the government induced housing boom or the ethanol boom. government in the economy has a bad result and that's the way
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all of this welfare, all of this entitlement nation needs to reverse course and fast. >> some of the spending t medicare and social security, you're talking about around 55 or 60% of all spending that the u.s. does going to these welfare programs. >> and it's going to grow, by the way. >> yeah. the government is basically changing the very fabric of our society. we're now everyone expects a handout. we have over 46 million people on food that program has more t doubled in the past five years. and now we're giving cell phones and bus passes to over 30,000 inmates? why not fix the economy so that americans can i don't know, pay for their own food and businesses to make a profit without having to rely on corporate welfare. i mean it's common sense. >> juan, let's be fair and balanced about this. a couple of companies announced they were -- their bottom lines affected by food stamps. for me that's concerning but what about you? where are you on that one? >> well, i think that you hear
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from walmart this time for the first time saying gee, you know what, in an s.e.c. filing our bottom line is affected because of cuts in food stamps. it tells you that this affects the entire american economy. i should say yesterday, friday, you had the increase in food stamps expire because we're now doing better, you see the housing market coming back, the job market coming back. unemployment down. so why are we punishing the poor and -- >> juan -- don't you see that this is a transfer of wealth? you're taking money from hard working taxpayers, and where does it end up going? ultimately ends up in the hands of big businesses like walmart. you think that's okay? i thought this administration was against big business. >> it wasn't just walmart. so businesses are being affected by the handout. they are also in line at mothers entitlement milk as well. wayne, the sen krus bureau, 151 million americans got aid from
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at least one federal program in 2011. that's almost half the country. >> it's scary, eric. this is a model for a fascist economy. i don't mean politically. economically. fascism is where the big government, big labor, and big business are all combined together to control the economy and that's what's going on. the government is effectively bribed big business to do this. you mentioned walmart. out of 80 billion, 18 billion was walmart. now i'm not just picking on walmart. you're right it's all of these. and they are being -- they are being bribed by the federal government to be hand in glove with the feds to do this. i don't know any way you can stop that when you've got big business on the same side as the federal government. >> that's why we brought it to this show. we are free market, we're libertarian. we don't like it when
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corporations do the same darn thing that we're calling out this surfer dude or you know, or the obama phone lady, we call them out. we call everyone out equally. play the sound bite of nancy pelosi talking about what the benefits of food stamps and unemployment insurance are. listen. >> it's the biggest bang for the buck when you do food stamps and unemployment insurance. >> so john, biggest bang for the buck or how about getting a job? how about working? how about -- look at this steelworker on a girder, risking his life but he's making a contribution to the economy, to life, to society or just a hand-out from the entitlement class. >> what nancy pelosi doesn't understand no one benefits when people's rights are violated. now with the philosophy is that any need is the standard of value. so whether it's poor people, whether it's ethanol, whether it's green energy, whether it's steelworkers everyone has a right to your money. that is profoundly unamerican, it's profoundly wrong and
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government needs to get out of the business of choosing who has a right to your life, read your money. it's to protect rights, not violate them which is what the entitlement state is. >> look at the other picture. a kid on a couch, his head phones on. and he's probably going to pick up a check. maybe not this guy specifically but guys like him. is going to pick up a check at the unemployment office. cato pointed out 35 states, better off financially to take welfare than to go to work. >> yes. so what's the incentive to get americans -- americans don't feel like there is incentive to work. it's better. it's a better deal to sit at home and collect the check than look for a job. you make more money living off of the government. what kind of society is this and what kind of society are we showing the next generation, the younger generation. >> juan, we spent trillions upon trillions of dollars in
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assistance programs, and we know this, you and i talked about this quite a bit. poverty is at a 30-year high. the poverty rate a 30-year high in spite of all of the money we're spending. you're a smart guy. what does that tell you to do? >> wait a minute. are you forgetting we had a recession? the things have been tough around here? and you know i can't believe that you guys go on supposedly smart compassionate conservatives go on as if americans don't want to work. people want jobs. people would love to get off the couch and go to work. and i don't know where you're talking about that crazy number about it's better to stay at home an get a job. people witness want to work. >> people are staying on unemployment longer and longerment you know when they get the job about a week after the unemployment benefits run out. they find that's the most aggressive that people are in the job search. after the benefits run out. >> because they are desperate. so you guys want to give up america as a place that has the social safety net for our
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senior, our disabled and children. >> no. no. >> wait. let me bring wayne in. is america supposed to be a safety net or is a free market capitalist group country where people come, they risk, they work and they earn. >> well, i think eric, historically, that's true. and in other words all you got to do is be a student of history and realize when we have a strong economy, everybody benefits. when you have a weak economy the opposite happens. i want to come back to something because i'm going to read you something that jeffrey immelt, the chairman of the board of general electric, wrote in his report to shareholders in 2008. he said the following. the interaction between government and business will change forever in a reset economy the government will be a regulator, an industry policy champion, a financier and a key partner. boy if that's not a definition for fascist economy i don't know
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what is. >> that is a socialist country. jeffrey immelt hasn't really -- let's leave it there. we're going to move on. you can continue the conversation right now on twitter #cashed in. let's make it 10 and get your voice heard. the underscore warning rights a nation's real power is economic power and the more government interferes in the economy the weaker america becomes. #"cashin' in." obama is bruptding our country with his spending trying to save his face. #"cashin' in." it's the obamacare war on business. should companies be forced to cover contraception if it goes against religious beliefs? we report, now the court will decide. ame and not a number? scotade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office.
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they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates.
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supreme court judges deciding if companies should be forced to provide health care even if parts of the coverage like birth control goes against their religious freedom. who knows what the final verdict will be but this may be a clue. during testimony this week justice sotomayor says they can drop coverage and pay the penalty. obamacare waging war on business and freedom too? >> well, what bothers me is when this administration has a problem with obamacare, they go ahead and change it like that. when the american people have a problem with obamacare, there is no compromising. this administration is basically telling the american people either you go against your faith, you go against your belief by following obamacare, or you have to pay a penalty or a fine to the government. that is not okay. what kind of country are we now american families can't even open businesses without having to give up their religious freedom. that's not fair. >> juan, what about it. your union buddies got
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exemptions. nonprofits get exemptions. if you are a for profit business, uh-uh. at least not yet. >> well, that's exactly right. you have exemption for religious institutions, nonprofits, now you have people who are in business to make money they just try to defy the law, i don't understand this. do you think that we should make exemptions for anybody who claims i don't want to pay taxes because that's against my religion. should we have sharia law. >> let's talk about what we're talking about. whether taxes are in your religion. we're talking about hobby lobby specifically who said you know what, iud and the morning after pill are in effect abortions in their view. so if after conception it will kill a live fetus. they have a strong religious pushback to that. that seems to be the defining line. jonathan. >> eric, the only reason that employers are involved with
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health care is because of government. it goes back to world war ii price and wage controls, that created this messed up system and of course obamacare makes it worse by taking individual choice out of the matter completely. there is no such thing as a right to birth control, there is no such thing as a right to health care f. employees of hobby lobby don't like the compensation offered, they should find another job. but religious freedom is freedom and that's what is the under attack with obamacare and the rest of what this administration is doing. >> they could drop it, they can give up health care coverage they wouldn't have to deal with this. >> they can't. they can't. they would get fined in the case of hobby lobby cost $24 million and then they have to go find health care for employees. >> let me bring you in here. >> they can afford it. >> wayne, congress shall maisch no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. guess where that was, right here, first amendment, constitution.
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>> well, eric, the president has run all over the constitution, we know. that he changed the health care law about 28 times so far, maybe more. i don't remember. but it's gotten so bad. the fact of the matter is there are whole areas here that are very personal. i think not just religion, butily your morals, your politics, they are individual freedoms. it is not the government's business to get into any of those areas and tell you how to run your life. the constitution was written by people who were terrified of the excesses of a central government on the people. and that's why the constitution was written. and that's what we have forgotten. >> employees have the right, the ability to choose what health care coverage they want, the type of health care decisions that they want. hobby lobby already provides the most popular forms of contraception. they are just opposed to a couple forms that are being available. and it's not as if they are
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preventing employees from being able to use that. hobby lobby just wants to be able to have their employees and the government respect their rights just as hobby lobby respects their employees' rights. >> we need to leave it there. we need to leave it there. sto sorry. ran out of time. the fight to unionize college athletes, will it destroy college football and the other sports as we know it? and u'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a widrange of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira.
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have scooped up objects from the new search area. could it be from flight 370. we'll have a live report and the latest developments at the top of the hour. the west coast is dealing with two hits from mother nature in washington state. the search goes on after the massive mud slide. hopes dim as officials don't expect more survivors. after shocks rattle southern california after an earthquake near los angeles. we'll have both of those stories coming up. two legends join mike huckabee. they stop by to fill us in. and a surprise visit from a third legend. all of that at the top of the hour. we'll see you then. >> potential game changer for college sports as we know it. the chicago arm of the national
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labor lelgss board ruling northwestern football player can unionize and qualify as employees. wayne, you are part owner of a pro team but unions and college ballplayers good or bad? >> this is bad, eric. universities have got to make up their minds they are in the bifs educating students or in the business of making money. and the latter one is the wrong move. they allowed college football and sports to get to the point where the money is the deciding factor. the universities are not doing what they are supposed to be doing which is educating the kids. >> michelle, one of the strangest parts of this case is guess who is helping the northwestern players? the united steelworkers. >> well, i think these athletes better be careful what they wish for. if they are deemed employees, they will then have to pay federal taxes, have to pay state taxes, pay union dues. i think they may realize they had a better deal getting a $75,000 a year scholarship untaxed than having to pay taxes. >> juan, i can see it. collective bargaining, guys on
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the field saying you know what, coach, it's hot. look at my contract here. it says i don't have to practice in 100-degree heat. come on. collective bargaining for college kids? >> oh, gee, you guys sound like you are back in the 70s and arguing about whether or not there should be rights for baseball players and football players. that's what happened there. let me say if you don't think that what's going on is a business you're fooling yourself. they raise billions of dollars flew the alumni, through the brand name of the school for the university. on the backs of these kids. and half the time they don't even know how to read. >> let me get jonathan in here. >> what about the cheerleaders? they are a big part of that fan experience. maybe they should unionize too. what about student actors? maybe they should get a cut of box office receipts. >> bringing in billions -- they aren't bringing in billions. >> a lot of money. they are probably entitled too. the steelworkers must be so
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bored, after students. these are kids. >> that's the point. >> 50, $100,000 in scholarships. >> you have to be -- you have to be in the business of making money or educating kids. >> thank you to michelle and juan for joining us. coming up, you got to be kidding me, college kids getting a flunking grade when it comes to politics. why this could spell trouble. >> can you nature one person in the u.s. senate? >> no. >> the senate? >> um. this is sad. ♪ [ male announcer ] how did edward jones become one of the biggest financial services companies in the country? hey. yours? not anymore. come on in. [ male announcer ] by meeting you more tn halfway. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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this is an example of this. exxonmobil i've owned it for over 30 years. i think i started by buying five stairs of stock. i think it served me well. >> what about you, john? >> i'm an investor when i'm right and a trader when i'm wrong. but i'm looking at the gulf states. mes is an etf and exchange traded fund that invests in qatar and the united arab emirates and i'm looking at it. >> very good. thank you. thanks for joining us. before we go just before the break we showed you students who couldn't name a single u.s. senator, not a one. yet they had no problem naming a song from the movie "frozen." what we didn't show you they were students from the american university, a very, very good school and some of those students were political science majors no less. one final note, the american university is located smack dab in our nation's capital, washington, d.c. take a minute today, folks, teach your kids the basics of
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how our free market capitalist republic works and tell them the names of both of your u.s. senators at the very least. i'll see you "on the fives." have a great weekend, everybody. on the second day of searching a new area of the southern indian ocean, australian officials say ships have scooped up what they describe as objects from the ocean. three weeks after it vanished, could we finally be closing in on the fate of flight 370. we'll have the latest developments for uf. after sinking $125 million into its system to sign people up for obamacare, the state of maryland throws in the towel on its glitch-ridden website. we'll have a live report on what the state plans to do next. it's a potential game changer for college football players in northwestern's bid to unionize. appeals are ahead but could it change the way the ncaa operates. sportscasters and fox news contributor jim gray is here
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