tv The Five FOX News March 29, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> i'm andrea terrentino. it's 5:00 o'clock in new york city and this is "the five". last month president obama made this declaration at the national prayer breakfast. >> promoting religious freedom is a key objective of u.s. foreign policy. and i'm proud that no nation on earth does more to stand up for the freedom of religion around the world than the united states of america. >> he said promoting religious freedom abroad is a priority fos america. now, today he is abroad in saudi arabia and a lot of people, including a bipartisan group of lawmakers, wanted the president to address human rights issuespr
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such as the kingdom's history of abuse against christians.of but according to seniorffic administration officials, thatug issue wasn't broughtht up. eric, is this really a big shocl that the president didn't bring it up? do you think back to his cairo speech when he had the opportunity to speak to theoppo muslim world about the atrocities against christians, against women, against gays, hea didn't do it then. why would he do it now? >> i can't imagine why he would do it now.>> again, we talked aboutading from i behind, this would bee ta taking a step forward andome addressing some of the things he probably should be, as dana points out, at least bringing up. a long't have to have conversation about it. i'm not really sure what goes o. closed doors with the president. he comes out of the meeting with the pope. he says one thing, the pope says another. he has an opportunity to sitsays down and talk to saudi arabia. i don'tt know. did he bow? did anyone know? saudi arabia is very concerned withab syria.
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they're extremely concerned with syria. they wanted president obama to do something to help the rebelst in syria.bels he decided not to.ded the pope is happy he didn' saudi arabia wants him to. he's all over thehe map on foren policy right now.n he doesn't know who he's going to say yes i should, no i shouldn't. bottom line is the middle east is getting very nervous with president obama's indecision on a lot of things. >> saudi arabia, i don't have to tell you, spends billions ofions dollars funding a very anti-west philosophy. is it shocking, though, that the president would have anwoul opportunity maybe to talk abouto radical islam and misses it? in a place like saudi arabia that so clearly promotes propaganda that's anti-west? >> i may take a slightly different viewpoint in i think the current king, despite alle the things that we all see every day, i think that he is at least more mild mannered and modern than in the past.
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also more than other family members that he has to try to manage as they try to hold together their country. the most important thing to theo is stability. to him, i think to the kingdom. it is possible that barak obamas talked to him about radical islam and the concern about a terrorism, but did not bring upn a specific religious freedom in the kingdom because if you're af christian there, you have to pray in private or else you will be -- you could be arrested bydb the religious police, put in jail or worse. i think that in addition to the syria problem, the bigger one is actually on the minds of the saudis is iran.s but they see syria and what's happening there as part of a larger problem happening in iran. there was another issue that happened on this trip that i understand the white house weighed in strongly in favor of a jerusalem post reporter who was traveling with the president on his trip and the saudis denied him a visa and did not allow him to come into the
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country. susan rice, national securityal advisor and also someone at theo state department did apparentlyt make a personal appeal on his behalf. the president didn not. so not only do you have religious freedom, but you haveu press freedom as well. two hot topics on our minds. the issue that was most important to barak obama in my opinion, is probably the reparation of the relationship when it comes to iran and syria because despite all of our differences, we do have a strong alliance with thee saudi. >> bob, you've been very vocal e on this show about radical islam. you worked in the state department, so you know saudi arabia is very hostile towardsot christians. they have this no church polic. what do you think if you'reu're advising president obama?advi how should he handle a meeting like this, even though he's tho hesitant to acknowledge radicale islam is a threat? >> every president, every modern president when they head off toy meet with the head of the saudis are alwaysys encouraged to bring up human rights. that's almost a fixed bill. in this case, you've got a
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country that sponsored wahabbiism and pays for them to keep them off their back door and essentially sponsors thesend schools in pakistan that breed terrorists. i would bet you that he dieed bring up terrorism. the thing that bothers me is not just -- maybe he did. i don't know. but the fact that he does not speak out about the deaths of a the christianss. it hasn't happened in saudi arabia. but a lot of other places, saudi arabia probably could influence, i think that's what he would say n he hasn't done it when it comes to persecution of christians in egypt or really anywhere in the world. he had that press conference ata the white house when he was talking about the middle east. he had anhe opportunity to talk about the persecution of christians. every time he doesn't gogo ther. why? >> i think there is very good reason. he put them on the map, put theh on the flight schedule because they basically are threatening to break relations off with us. that's how bad it's gotten. one thing that's apparent, when they hadg all those leak, chela manning now, i'm not sure -- man
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is a woman, when they leaked all that stuff out, you know what was apparent? that we weren't the bat,d guys. the saudis were more concerned about iran during all this time than we were during the bush years. they were pushing us to act and basically be their shield. u so then the -- now that we go out and have this ridiculous deal with iran, the saudis are beside themselves. they're like, are you kidding me? how could youu trust those guys? >> not only the saudis are very good friends, allies, the, israelis are losing it rightosin now. they can't figure out what is going on with president obama. why we're letting the iranians play -- why president obama is letting the iranians play us the way they are.way they're still building centrifuges. they're still enriching uranium to the point it's military capability. they say they aren't, but they are. the whole middle east are friends. the saudis and israelis. people who we should be making d more comfortable are going, what are you doing? what's going on? what's yourc policy?
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it's not working forgo us. >> they're going to end up beint a nuclear nation soon. >> that's not going to a happena because i think what the united states is going to have to do and if we waited long enough and i hate to say this, but it's time for use to join israel and militarily take out their capability to do that. >> but he's going the wrong way. >> wait aa minute. >> we don't know which way he's going. >> you don't know which way way obama is going? >> we don't know what's going oh in the background.>> most of these -- particularly in the middle east, a lot of this stuff gets done in the t background and is not for public consumption. what is said in these meetings, you can take with a grain of salt. >> we w lifted sanctions that wt probably working.obab >> it's probably worthwhile toly lift sanctions to see how far the iranians are willing to go. and what we found out is they're not willing to go so far. >> i hope you're right.ery >> if they don't by the end of this one year -- >> dana, the president alsoili argued for disarming our missile
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defense system because he argues that iran was not a threat. and i'm referring to this because of russia. we don't know exactly what's going on in russia, but vladimir putin seemingly is moving his troops in. president obama gave an interview to cbs's scott pelley and he said he thinks putin is nostalgic for the soviet union. >> i think he's been willing too show a deeply held grievance about what he considers to be be the loss of the soviet union. i think there is a strong senss of russian nationalism and sense that somehow the west has taken advantage of russia in the past and that he wants to in some fashion, reverse that or make up for that. >> all right. telling the russians that he's going to be more flexible after the election, disarming the missiles, drawing red lines that he's not enforcing issues all of
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this seems like a bit of a provocation. >> what's interesting is that the president's tone as well i because it's almost -- it's not that i think he doesn't believe it, but i sort of feel like -- because of no drama obama, like does anything get him agitated?g >> can we got him a cup of coffee? >> some confidence and -- and i don't think that we are w refighting the cold war, but ink do think what we're seeing is residue from the cold war and as happens with most second terms for every president, foreign policy becomes something that even though president obama wants to focus on domesti policy and raising the federal and minimum wage, we actually have live action happening in ukraine, russia, possibly more. you have a situation with the middle east and iran anda, saudn and then the problems with china. foreign policy will end up the having to dominate his administration in the second half. >> we should assume that nothina is being done about that. >> i agree.nist >> we did disband missiles. that's a start.
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both sides disband missiles. having said that, i think the people who are now mosthe frightened of the polls withor good i think putin probably is goings to take part of ukraine, that is not crimean peninsula and for this reason, their pipelines are going through there. they're worried they'll be sabotaged. i would not be surprised if hele says we're going to defend ourba pipeline. >> that's unacceptable. >> we thought that he was notsad going to go further. >> no, no, no.s. i never said that. >> yes, you did. that's when i lost my temp thaty are day. >> then i withdraw what i said. >> because there are developments and putin is looking to see where are the openings? how far is president putin goint to be able to go before --pr >> what i think is he's going to try to forget his pipelines. >> we could take he's going to cut off access possibly from the black sea from anyone in kiev. by monday at 5:00 o'clock eastern time, they could be inth eastern ukraine. they don't e have 60,000 troops
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just sitting by the border flipping cards and hanging out. >> what would you do abouto it? >> they have to think about it.o if you're look tag interview and trying to catch america's tone and how much he'll tolerate, what do you walk away with thata interview? >> would you commit u.s. troopsy to -- >> i would find a way toco let them know this would be kno unacceptable. how is it goingg so far? >> you can show military might without troops on the ground. >> i'm going to take the side o. bob up until today when everything was going fine up until now. if putin makes a move into other parts of ukraine other than crimean region, then you have another story. y but i would go with economic sanctions. i would not put one boot on the ground. >> we keep talkingon about economic sanctions and boots on the ground, while putin isound assembling real armies that could march.epar take a look at this very strong statement in the form of a selfa by the state department spokeswoman. can we get that picture of her. there it is. she says, to echo barak obama
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today, proud to stand ukraine for ukraine, world should stand together with onone voice. i mean, if you're vladimir putin, what are you thinking?re should we have a marker treaty here? what does that say? >> unbelievable. she should back off and say, wow, that's stupid. instead she doubles down and says hash tag, it's the new black. if you want to know what to do o exactly to send a message, i would immediately stop with theu mre's that haven't arrived. i would start sending some arms to ukraine. they're our friends and allies. they're not a nato nation. i would makeul it clear in a mar announcement before i left overseas that we're going to start doing massive -- - accelerate our natural gas export. >> why can't we do that? >> this whole notion -- on the right, especially on the rightil saying, hurry up, president obama. allow some natural gas permits so we can -- it will never,d
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ever, be able to do that. >> hold on. if you take natural gas, you liquefy it, put it on a ship and send itt anywhere in europe, al, russia has to do is say really? are you kidding me? you want to pay x for this? i'll undercut you and you can never make it economically feasible. >> tell them we're not buying your gas. >> united states senatet passea very strong economic restriction on the soviet union. the house will follow, and rule monetary fund gave $14.5 billion. that's a pretty good chunk of money and my guess is weapons are going in.we >> well, all is what we know. they said they're not. >> dana, where do you come down this? i'm not kidding here, i mean, i would prefer that president obama focus on march madness, maybe help the first lady plan her next junk dt. the last thing i want is for hiu
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to draw a line that he's not really committed to cross, stumbling into another war with the russians. that's just my take. watch house of cards. i don't care what you do. i think hard men and capitol cities have taken notice. this is way too dangerous and he should stayy out. >> i disagree. i thinank the president shouldt forget all that other stuff.op stop the pop culture stuff and all the between two ferns and focus on this. i have two things to say since i was allowing you all to have your argument. first of all, i think in a leadership position, you need two basic things. you could have one or the other. preferably both and it's trust and fear. if you don't have either, if no one trusts you and no one fears you, then you're not in a leadership position. so there is a short range on a long-term thing with president obama should do in my opinion. one is start to repair trust, like i assume he was trying do a ins saudi and also even with the pope yesterday. the short range, immediate thing, what i think the united
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states should be doing this weekend is helping the ukrainians preparing for what i think they're going to see are spontaneous protests of russian native speakers living insts ukraine who all of a sudden say they want a referendum, too. and it will be crazy protests ps and grainian governmentder suffering understand this weakness and not sure if we're going to help them beyond mre's. we should figure out some way to help them protect themselves great protests that are going tv lead to an escalation. >> which will be manufactured. >> yes. >> we'll keep an eye onn it. >> they don't want the eastern ukraine. >> we'll be watching it. they have their eye on the whole thing. next, chris christie holds c his first news conference since january when his bridge scandal broke. what the governor has to sayndal about the investigation thatwh cleared him of any involvement yesterday. plus, megyn kelly got an exclusive sit-down with him tonight. we'll show you a sneak peek exclusively coming up.
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♪ >> one day after an internal report cleared chris christie of wrongdoing in his bridge scandal, he took to the podium to defend his investigation. >> the objectivity ims based on two things, one, the breadth of it and thevi access that they hd without restriction to any and information they wanted.s and secondly, the reputation of the six people who are running this thing. these are sixio former federal prosecutors who i can guarantee you have worked hard to developl the reputations that they've earned over the course of their career and would not give away those reputations to do some type of slip shod job for me. >> megyn kelly got an exclusive interview with the new jersey governor that will air tonight.: here is christie explaining whether he thinks the scandal will hurt his 2016 prospects. >> why should thee american people trust that you are a good judge of the people you should surround yourself with as public servants? >> that's a really goods question. i've askeded myself that over t course of the last 11 weeks.
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i think there are exceptions and sometimes you make mistakes. i said all along to people in new jersey at my town hall at meeting well before this happened that this administration never promised to be perfect, but we promised to do the best we could. >> allni right. so andrea, an internal inquiryc came out yesterday. there have been internal inquiries before from other different entities andve b governments. do you think that what they dif tried to do in the last 4 hours with the christie camp helped them put any of this behind them? >> yes. the internal h inquiry was verye extensive compared with other inquiries. they've been very expansive,co they listed how many sources, the openness with which they lee them talk to staffers with the text messages. i will also say that the man who led this is a renowned, very well-respected, professional stud. i mean, he is hailed in the northeast and beyond as somebods who gets it right, gets it right all the time, and does not compromise his reputation for
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anything other than the best. do i think that it's put it tob bed? no. and here is why. this is not christie's fault. there's a media that just wants to tie chris christie's name every time they say it to the word bridgegate. until we start to hear chris christie jobs, chris christie fixing obamacare, they're going to be explain and in politic,jo when you're explaining, you're losing. again, though, his staff may have espoused his personality. that's what he said. they took on a personality that disaimportanted him. we see it all the time. it doesn't mean he had anything to do with it and there has been no proofof to date showing thati has. until someone gets me the proof, i believe him. >> what about the media part ofb that,ou eric?that has the media did you know irreparable damage to him? >> no. there is no such thing as irreparable damage in anything. i mean, there is almost literally nothing you can do and be irreparable. you can smoke marijuana inir college anred be part of a tune gang and still be president. here is the thing, though.
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once you start hearing chris christie jobs. job obamacare, you're not going to hear that. problem.e you're not going to hear chrisg christie jobs in new jersey or chris christie -- you may hear chris christie taxes because the taxes are so high and going higher. property taxes, thank you very much, my governor, all due respect. he's got a lot of issues. he's got a lot of issues.lot he's a lovable guy. the republicans are probably going, what is going on? this guy would be perfect if he stays out of trouble. he would be. the problem is, if you dig deep into his policy and what is going on in the state of newof jersey, i'm not sure on a grand scale, on n a national scale yoe want that going on. >> bob, your advice always is when you're in a hole, stopp digging and hand a consultant the shovel?what >> yeah. some consultants i would.ld, the best thing second done instead of billing thiss as internal investigation was to have an independentndep investigation. the fact is they do these --
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these people are good, but theyy got what they were given to do their investigation. they did not have access toave everything they wanted to have access to. there is still paper out there and still questions. why they didn't go with an independent, totally independent committee and not six former prosecutors of which he was one baffles me. >> he answered that a little bi- today in one of the millions of questions he took. he said look, i'm tied to almost every new jersey law firm. i have some relationship with all of them.w je these guys, with theirnshi reputation, i went with them and there ism. no one going to be ai to challenge their report if they come forward. c my feeling is, although you didn't ask, unless those two people they fired comes forward and said he told me to do it, i that doesn't happen, this is the beginning of the turn around. karl rove said, you can emerge stronger from this and hethis could -- maybe this was his check. hey, i got to keep the temper in line. i got to not act like i do everything perfect. i have to have a little humilitt
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in everything i do. the mid terms are still eight months away. i think he could turn it around. i see him sitting on the stage with the debate and having a legitimate shot to get the nomination. >> the bigger issue is how he'sh treated members of the republican party and how he spoke out against the tea party and libertarians and others. the way he treated rand paulnd when he asked him to have a beer wasn't the greatest. i think that's are bigger problm for him inside the tent, getting the support of the republican party back that he didn't think he needed when he was running for reelection. i think that is first and whe foremost bigger. >> and you may know every law firm in new jersey, but that eve doesn't mean he knows every law firm in new york or pennsylvania or iowa or someplace else. >> i'm sorryeo, dana. look at the economic activity ec going on in new jersey. if that's going on in a national level, then he's probably yourii guy. >> and becauseyo he's head of te republican governors association this year, and there are manyovr governors on the ticket, is chris christie going to use g
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>> we heard about the evils of obamacare, the lives it's ruined. republican stump speeches. those tales turned out to be just that. tales. stories made up. lies, distorted by republicans y to grab headlines for political. advertisers. >> made up by the republicans. that was february 26. now listen to him this week. >> i have never come to the floor, to my recollection, i never said a word about any of the examples that republicans have given regarding obamacare and how it's not very good. it >> somebody is not telling the truth. somebody's nose is growing. somebody forgot we have the videotape. bob? >> i can explain it this he said in that first cut thatht the republicans were taking advantage of everything they could to beshmirch obamacare.
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they told lies with it. he didn't give examples. that's the difference. harry reid has a way to do this he takes words and use them different ways.he but the bottom line is the republicans are still lying about obamacare.are 6 million have signed up for now obamacare. >> let me read this. there are plenty of horrorare. stories told, all of them are untrue. but they're being told allld ovr america. that is not just the examples that were given in he's saying all theat stories ae untrue and he doesn't think we have a -- >> he gives you an example of what he said, did he? >> this is the majority leader! >> how come you're not commenting on 6 million people signing up? >> no rabbit holes right now. this a function of harry reid using the senate floor for other than reasons that it should be used or is this okay? >> this is a great topic.s is the "new york times" had a front page story the democrat strategy between now and the end of the president's term is to use the senate floor basically as the
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way to campaign. >> that's something new. >> right. and they're soin brazen that thy even admit it. in addition,at when people are backed into a corner, when they feel like they're about to lose power, when the mid terms looker bad for them, they will do lots of things. if you have a boss that has a s tendency to say things like mitb romney didn't pay his tax, you r can't back any of it up, then you have a responsibility not to egg him on.n. you have to restrain him.yo but the senate democrats are going into the mid terms with the senate majority leader they have, not the one that theyer would want. >> this is only a month ago. jon stewart will find something you said seven years ago and us it against you. this is a month ago. >> unfortunately, he has memory issues i don't think ginkgo biloba can fix. he came into office when there't wasn't videotape because hefi doesn't recall that we're taping everything they say on theryth senate floor. about using the senate floor for a campaign, why not?n, he uses the senate floor for his campaign. he uses his campaign to fund hiu family members. his he's dirty harry. so to dana's point about lying,
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he's a projector. he says mitt romney doesn't pay his taxes, with no repercussion, nobody holds him accountable when he lies. then he can funnel money to his family members and lie again.fai they're so comfortable lying without any kind of -- he's a'sa liar, plain and simple. no credibility. >> best drama on tv, "house of cards." watch. >> all you're doing is making the inevitable more >> it's not inevitable. he doesn't have the votes yet. >> you really want to fight us on this? >> i don't want to fight you atu all. which is why i suggested to sit down --we >> i neither have the time nor the inclination to negotiate with you! co-sponsor the bill with the damn votes! i'm no longer asking! >> the script is flipped. they're getting strong armed byg the state of maryland. lawmakers are threatening to seize house of hard underer eminent domain.
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so the issue here is house of cards wants the tax breaks, the delegates in the state of maryland are saying, if youryla threaten to leave us if you leave us, we're going to startan taking your property. >> right. >> you live by the political favors that you ask for and you die by the political favors that you this is a great example of whyth states should have low taxates policies and not give out littlt favors because now if house of cards wants to leave, the democrats -- well, most of the -- he isn't a democrat there. but it was a bipartisan thing. they don't want to lose, and also they put their political futures on the line and they counted on having that money there and the jobs and they'reny about to lose it. >> good can i take that one step further? jobs. 6,000 jobs, house of cards has created in the state. $250 million of economic activity. i'd say they deserve those tax x breaks. >> what i find ironic is to hear
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someone like kevin spacey, the 1ers of the 1ers asking for a special tax cut for himself. c listen, i think they mayut be ai to take their equipment and actually take it because of the kilo case. you are a person is free fromee unreasonable searches and seizures in their own home, but their own home is not. so they can come in and they might be able to actually take this. >> they're shopping around for tax breaks. they're going to go to other states. all these movie companies dodo . first i heard you be for tax breaks. what are they going to do -- >> i say everyone should have a tax break. 100% tax break for everybody. >> targeted tax breaks. they take the set of the oval office, so what? let them t take it. >> this is something theke governor has to sign this. you think there is any way o'malley would sign this into law?ey w >> no, i think they'll work out? a deal prior to that because ith think the colts gavein them the precedent. they left in the middle of the night because maryland was going
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to take all their equipment to prevent them from leaving so they picked up and left in the n middle of the they would do this. >> did you know this? >> of course i know this. >> "noah" is expected to bring in a whopping $40 million in the box office this weekend.llio more drama this certain when the director defended his film on gma. >> what is literalism? doeses literalism exist? when you're dealing with something like noah wheree everything is a miracle, from the deluge, from all the animals two by two, everything that happens is a miracle. as soon as you start tos interpret it, when you cast russell crowe, it's an interpretation. so of course there is going toas be that.>> >> i don't like how darren has been out saying that this is going to be the least biblicalls version. clearly people want value. you can watch star wars and not believe in yoda. why can't you watch this maybe not agree with it, but what's wrong with a lesson ofats
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the ten commands? what's wrong with thou shall not steal? >> the religious right -- >> noah for me has become an greg, if what is to you remember. so manythere has been clips about it and talked about p so much on this show, i feel like i've seen the movie and i don't need to go pay to see it. >> you don't want to make it biblical, make it the why even bring up noah if you it don't want to --ing >> it's a very astute movie critic said this morning, it's a film. documentary. >> ahead, the search for thech missing malaysian plane moves again. what happened and why were theyp so focused so far away? we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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to land, 700 miles away.los here is an australian official on why the search shifted sea course. >> this continuing analysis indicates the plane wasplan traveling faster than was previously estimated, resultings in increased fuel usage and reducing the possible distance o it traveled south into theto indian ocean. >> so crews on several aircraft did spot o objects today floatig in the water.floa they're now analyzing the photos of the items. plus alt satellites from the different nations. andrea, with the weather good and them closer to land, you gor to think by the weekend weo should have some type ofhe breakthrough. >> i hope so. i'm not holding my breath. my question is, why didn't they expand the search in the first place to maybe, oh, i don't know, all of asia?e it's pretty tough to lose 777. if you keep looking in the same place and you're not finding something, you're either not looking hard enough or it's probably not where you'reot looking. it's a little disappointing that weeks in, they're thinking let's expand this. >> it's unbelievable, bob, that
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they're now work on plane speed and what --an >> the question i've got, is>> this piece of information it was flying faster than it should the have, it took 15 or 16 days to get that out? i don't get it. it that is something that is a a significant position. why didn't we know about that?w >> completely agree. why take 20 days to figure out -- if you have the data, you probably are had it 15 or to days ago. tim >> they did talk about information they're not telling the families. so many nations are involved and australia is in the middle?stra i think the malaysians are sonk bad at what they were doing that all these nation high school to getal involved. maybe they were playing wer catch-up. there wa s an oceanographer on shepard smith's show. inspiring.fident shee could explain this is whata we're looking at. she thinks by the weekend that a hopefully they'll have at least more on of a strong lead. >> when they do find this, iff they do find this debris is the
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plane, the low will be 13,000wi people. we have a lot of looking to do.f but first things first.firs let's find out if that's theut plane. we're going to move ahead witha. one more thing. >> we have one more block before that. >> thanks for trying to rush out of here, brian. >> 15 minutes before the top of the hour.inut >> angry case of road rage an caught on tape and there is a lesson here, to not ever flip the bird while driving, bob. stay tuned. that story next hey there can i help you? shhhhhh (whispering) sorry hi, uh we need a new family plan. how about 10 gigs of data to share and unlimited talk and text. oh ten gigs sounds pretty good. yeah really good. yeah and for your family, it's $160 for four lines. (breaks whisper) what! get outta here! (whispering) i'm sorry are we still doing the whisper thing? or? o! sorry! yes yes! we'll take it. introducing our best-ever family pricing.
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for instance, a family of four gets 10 gigs of data, with unlimited talk & text, for $160 dollars a month. only from at&t. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently,
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if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. every mattress at mattress discounters is so comfy! how could they get any better? well, there's one way... brilliant! mattress discounters red tag sale! look at that! $300 off serta perfect sleeper, and sealy posturepedic. plus, free delivery. don't wait to save more green. mattress discounters red tag sale ends soon. now that's a beautiful sight. ♪ mattress discounters
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♪ ♪ lot of crazy people driving on the roads. so you have to be very careful. this video is unbelievable.s a female driver in tampa took tm out her cell phone and startedne recording a guy who wasre tailgating her on a highway.ta she couldn't switchil lanes andn she wasn't going to speed. he went around her and flipped her the bird. f he cut her off and spun out of control and crashed into a utility pole. 23 yearly jeffrey white was out later arrested for leaving the scene of a crash, wreckless a driving and fail to go wear his seatbelt. >> there ir t is. >> the crash is right now?
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>> that's terrible. she laughs? too.u would laugh, >> i would take a picture of the license plate. >> it's interesting that they say 25% of crashes are involving cell phone use. of yet here she is using a cell phone to take into account a crash. here is the question, they don't really impose cell phone -- first of all, the guy had a long record. not surprising. >> i'm the guy who drives back and forth about an hour and a half in and maybe hour and a half out, two hours back.half i use my cell upon a lot. i shouldn't. it's against the law . i know that. if they catch you in the city, i think new jersey, $500 and fiven points on your license. they're really starting to crack down on cell phones. everyone is on their cell phone now. everyone. you just look to the right or left and everyone is. >> that's why i'm such a nervouh passenger. i haven't driven in three years, which is strange for me. i my husband is a good,
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responsible driver. he doesn't talk on the cell phone. he gets on speaker phone.oe even when he's fiddling around with it, gps makes me sohe nervous, but it's not him i'm worried about. it's everybody else. >> exactly. why is there so much road rage i now? seems to be increasing all the time. >> i think people are angry about a lot of other things. i don't think it helps that they're constantly on these devices, they're stressed out, they're communicating. everyone is overstressed and over on technology constantly. i think that's probablygy something to do with i'm guilty of it. i don't flip anyone the bird anymore because i don't want to be w recognized. one time i did and it turned onto the person i did and i were going to the same place. it was uncomfortable. >> brian, do you text when you drive? >> i do, sadly.dly i almost stopped it. when i'm at a light, i know i'mi going to be there forgh five minutes and i can get something done, i'm tempted to be productive. i don't have a microwave, soprod i'll try to answer some e-mails.
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>> i have a solution. first of all, when what you need to do, everybody put your phone on silent.on that way it's not dinging so you're tempted to check it. >> good i >> then try something i learned on oprah years ago. put it in the back seat. that way if you get in an accident, you'll have access to it., it's not in the trunk. and also -- i don't know what that meant. traffic. i wrote traffic. >> you're a parent with a 16-year-old ready to drive, you can get a box that will cut off the texting capability.of >> really? >> that's very good. by the way, i'm the only onet's here that does not text 'cause i don't know how to. one more thing is up next. ♪
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it's time for one more thing. i will kick it off. listen to this,it karen agnes, o is running an organization called the network of enlightened women, has a really good idea for college campuses.d she has chapters on college campuses where she's encouraging women to nominate the most gentlemanly man on campus. they will get o a $500th scholarship. it's encouraging meney to step p and be men and it's sort of a play on now, her organization, and ew, network of enlightened women. and i'm guessing boys, if you win this award, you're going tor get more than $500.
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>> i'd have won that. >> you would not have won that! >> i forget who is next. >> dana. >> i'm next. yesterday i was in you remember we were on the show, greg and i were down at the bush center? we had this event talk being his book, there we are. i wanted to read an excerpt from a letter that was hand given to me by kristy. i thought this was kind of nice. she said, you make me want to be more gracious to those i to disagree with. i'm an immigrant to these fine united states and "the five" not only keeps me informed, but stirs my pride for my adopted country. you and the entire team who produce the program should becou proud of the fife and the intelligent and respectfulre manner in which topics arescus discussed. many blessings to you, especially bob, who is a very good sport. isn't that nice? i thought we should -- >> dana, what were you pointing at? >> i was doing "the five". >> roberto? >> i want to give a shout out t
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a very important person in my life, dr. paul -- dan paul. saved a couple fingers of mine.d he did a wonderful job. he does a lot of wonderful work for people who cannot afford to get this done.this so i very much appreciate it.soi he's a good man and give him a call. >> every time you give me the finger, no one knows. >> that's exactly right. >> he's been doing it all show. >> eric? >> okay. that show "cashin' in," 11:30rrw tomorrow morning.ead bob's head will explode if he watches it. is it now the united states ofof entitlement and we're going to talk about obamacare's war onar businesses. here is a little taste. >> biggest bang for the buck or how have getting a job in look at this more steelworker on a girder, working his life. but he's making a a contribution to the economy, to life, tocono society. or just a handout for the
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entitlement class? >> what nancy pelosi doesn'tass understand is no one benefits when people's rights arehts violated. >> that's not nice. >> i'm talking about -- >> jonathan is great. >> it's a great show. j we'llch tune in. >> brian? >> it was a short time ago that i wa as alerted this conversatin took place on "the five." let's look at it.ok a >> i bet nobody is going to remember this, quisp. brian kilmeade grew up on quispn no one heard of it and quisp sent him a box of cereal this week. >> i brought that up, similar time people talk being their favorite cereal. everybody thought i had a lisp.s quaker oats tweeted me.. it's a space alien and i loved it because i loved that and i loved the look of little hatsook that taste like styrofoam. so i am going to donate this to the show. this was mailed to me. i'm not sure if -- it's almost open. it cost about 8 bucks now.
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it's a rarity. this is my gift for having me here. >> thank you, brian, for being here. >> don't forget to set your vcr. we'll see you back here on monday. have a great weekend, everybody. "special report," up next. hello, everyone. i'm arthel neville. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> i'm gregg jarrett. topping the news, the deadly mudslide in washington state taking another grim turn with the hope of finding any survivors all but lost. we're live with the latest on this tragedy. and a new search area for flight 370, but the same old results, clues in the water, but still no sign of the missing plane. the latest on the hunt as it enters its fourth week. >> and new jersey governor chris christie making a high profile
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