tv Media Buzz FOX News March 30, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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best? >> asparagus gets the blood flow and you're ready to go. >> sunday house call, folks. we talk about it all. thank you so much for joining us. see you next sunday. my headline for the day, larry summers amazing assessment of japan -- >> on buzz beater this sunday, chris christie is exonerated in the bridge scandal, at least >> on buzz beater this sunday, chris christie is exonerated in the bridge scandal, at least according to a law firm hired by his office. and journalists, of course, are skeptical. >> does it make you feel clueless? does it make you feel like, what was wrong with me? >> not clueless, but it certainly makes me feel taken advantage of. >> so there's not going to be any e-mails, no phone records, no tape recordings that come out that establish you knew about this? >> no, because i didn't. >> but what if the findings are confirmed? will the media be forced to rehabilitate the governor as a presidential candidate? it seemed like the missing plane drama was officially over with the official exclusion that it was at the bottom of the indian ocean.
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but no, is this tarnishing the media's reputation or giving tv at each other? >> earlier this week, cnn anchor don lemon brought up the theory that something, quote, supernatural could be at play. >> the network is in dire ratings trouble. they get a pulse, okay? so the executive's order, you guys have to do this wall to wall. >> you better be careful, o'reilly, or fox's coverage of cnn's overcoverage will be covered. >> people are getting tired of all those predictable left-right debates on television. >> especially when someone comes on and recites the same points we've heard from the establishment from both parties that, frankly, have screwed over the american people time and time again. >> a conversation about cable news. i'm howard kurtz and this is "media buzz."
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there is no question of the internal investigation commissioned by chris christie's office has its shortcomings, mott notably, the inability to interview two top aides. >> we were told that these lawyers were hired in the public's interest, but judging by the massive report they put out today, it's pretty clear whose interest they're serving, christie's. >> this report is most likely flawed. there are disturbing connections between christie and the law firm he hired for the investigation. >> christie tried to claim vindication in interviews with megan kelly and diane sawyer, but there was pushback. >> i want to get to what everybody is saying about this report, words are used, whitewash, expensive scam that the taxpayers of new jersey just paid for your lawyers to find you blameless.
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as you know, the word bully, bullying comes up over and over again. have you asked yourself did i do anything to create the climate in which this happened? >> sure. spent a lot of time the last 11 weeks thinking about what did i do, if anything, to contribute to this. and i don't believe that i did. >> so how much credence should the media give this internal investigation? joining us now, lauren ashburn, fox contributor, jim garrity, and juan williams, fox news analyst and a columnist for "the hill." interesting choice of diane sawyer. how did she do in that interview with christie? >> i think she handled it well. she asked tough questions, got him to be emotional. she's the new barbara walters. as barbara is fading off the stage, making that decision on her own, she is becoming the person that you have to come and sit down on the couch with in order to rehab your image.
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>> but lauren, how did you feel when you were watching that? >> i felt wonderful. and, you know, it was very difficult for me over those 11 weeks. >> and i couldn't sleep and i couldn't eat. >> my son was talking to me about whether or not i did it. >> now, jim garrity, obviously, this report has limitations and at times it reads like a defense brief. but with msnbc attacking it again and again and again, it almost seems like msnbc is taking the role of the prosecution. >> very accurate. a democratic governor offering here is what my guys said, i'm not responsible for this. i'd be screaming bloody murder. democrats have every right to say, wait a minute, this is your own guy. having said that, the guy who put this together, randy mastro -- >> and public at large. >> randy, the guy who put together this report, in addition to being deputy mayor of new york city was an assistant u.s. attorney, is basically considered one of the top litigators in new york city. he just put his credibility on the line with this report, meaning if at some point there's some memo that comes up that
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says the big guy said he definitely -- >> traffic problems in ft. lee. >> his reputation is ruined. you have to figure, mastro, chances are we're not going to find out much more than is in this report. >> is it fair, juan, for the media to reflect that somebody dismiss this as a whitewash? >> i think if you're in the news business, you're supposed to be skeptical. you're supposed to take on the powers that be. and the powers that be in this case were able to use taxpayer dollars to mount a defense. i think this is public management and so far chris christie has done well with that. i love the part where he said his son said did you do anything, dad? it's emotional, works to some degree. does it stop the investigation? does it stop chris christie's 2016 aspirations? no. >> the fired christie aide was
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described as briefly dating bill stepien right before the famous memo about time for some traffic problems in ft. lee. that drew a lot of criticism, including from msnbc's rachel maddow. >> why would bridget kelly's personal love life and how it was going and whether or not bill stepien be relevant to that question? real life, this is called slut shaming. >> i'm not often agreeing with rachel maddow, but she's right in this instance. events in her personal life may have had some bearing on her subjective motivation and her state of mind. whether or not she has done something or not -- it's pretty clear that she has. sigmund freud has no business being in this report. >> you're saying she's being described as an unbalanced emotional -- >> of course. it's gratuitous. they're talking about her relationship, not about whether or not she can handle how she
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does her job. you know, i've had this. a lot of people attack your personal lives and -- >> we haven't heard her full account. let me play a sound bite for you, jim garrity, because governor christie held another news conference. took a lot of questions. this one was over an hour and he wasn't shy about fencing with reporters. >> i don't know whether you can't take notes or you're not listening, but for you to characterize my last answer as i didn't want to ask her because i didn't want to know is so awful that it's beneath the job you hold. >> it's called beat the press. >> i want to take a moment to take in all of that contrition,
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boy, it hit him hard. the thing coming out of this report, it's not that exculpatory for christie. let's assume it's all 100% accurate. if he says look, i have no idea what was going on with the horrible people that i hired and put into position where they could abuse innocent people. i had no idea what was going on. that's not a fantastic roll out if he wants to run for president inspect. >> but this is typical christie, he's beating up reporters, putting them through their retro spectroscope, whatever that is. >> that's actually covered under obamacare. now, if the other investigations -- and there are unanswered questions here, let me divert for a second to say there was, in this report, the one many people are dismissing as a whitewash, the notation that david wildstein recalls telling christie about the bridge closures, christie doesn't remember that. but if the other investigations, federal, state legislature don't
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pin anything on christie, say the media, the reason this is pinned down, will the media be forced to say he's done, he's on the comeback trail, anything? >> the quality of that comeback story will have to be measured. he appointed these people. he can't totally say, oh, i had nothing to do with it. it's his administration. and then, of course, you go on to the idea that he -- i think you picked up on this, howie, in a piece i read, why are you people so concerned about this scandal? >> i moved the traffic cones. >> that's ridiculous. at that point you start to think how do i feel about it? in america, presidential contests are a matter of character. there's a lot of judgments being made about chris christie's character. >> that's right. let me move on because i thought on monday when the malaysian prime minister came out and said it is our official conclusion that unfortunately flight 370 is
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at the bottom of the indian ocean that the story was going to start to fade from television. boy, was i wrong. still lots of airtime devoted to theories and speculation. let's take a look at some of that. >> was it a pilot plot? a hijacking? mechanical malfunction or something else? >> i feel like we're back at square one. until you show me that plane, i'm not sure that i believe them. >> that's a troubling notion that only a member of the flight crew could have made the boeing 777 do what it did. >> but how? in a nano explosion? or did someone, the pilot, the first officer, a visitor to the cockpit pull the plug? >> this story was even leading the "today" show on friday. >> cnn even tried to rent a 777 so that they could actually have that cockpit. instead, they had to go to
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canada to get it. and they are using that, they're still using the flight sum eye later so you can see what's happening in the cockpit. martin savage is there. i think he lives there. >> but is this too much? >> it's too much, of course it's too much. i was talking to my dad who is in for the weekend and he said wake me up when you really have some news because it's just been -- you know that they're not going to have anything, so you're tuning out. it's actually counterproductive. >> we should just bring your parents on the set. you -- >> i love them. and they're fox viewers. >> but now all this chatter about the pilot and what was he doing, was it nefarious? it could be. we don't know. but i'm wondering if you agree that the continuing speculation after three weeks is a little bit on the reckless side. >> it's undoubtedly one of the great mysteries of our time. what's worth noting is lots of americans fly on planes. you're like, we know -- going
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from one major city to another, not over antarctica or something like that, there's lots of reason for it to happen. that's how you get headline news booking psychics on air and asking them questions and hoping can you divine the path of all that stuff. >> on one hand you're saying, look, it's a fascinating story. we don't know what happens. but on the other hand, you're saying, give me your assessment. word has now moved to inside pages on newspapers, new debris cited, but how many times that happens is a huge breaking news banner. >> until, you know, there's actual news, we only need the once a day checking in. the problem is you can't run the headlines. nothing new today. turn to page a2. >> i know howie and i both grew up in a newsroom where if you didn't have a story, don't come over here. what are you talking to me about? when you have something, come and bring the story, tell me where you got it, how you got it and let's do it. >> no, no, when you didn't have a story, you would write the secondary story which would be questions remain unanswered.
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but by the third or fourth day, you better have a story. >> and this story has dragged on. so in terms of journalists credentials and our reputation with the audience, i have to think that this is damaging because it seems like we're in the entertainment business. it's a great mystery, as jim said. everybody likes it and you can follow the thread day-to-day, but there so no increase in information in the news system. >> while this was going on, we had the terrible mudslide in seattle. in the opening days, it got largely obliterated by the plane coverage. now the plane coverage has ratcheted down a little bit, we get more coverage on that. why not more on that because there's -- >> what about putin? what about crimea? that's been a secondary story on cable to this story. and one other thing, though, i saw a pugh poll this week indicating most coverage has been about right. >> about a third said it was being overcovered. >> but can you imagine?
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>> my problem is not with the volume of coverage, it is with filling the hours with speculation and theories and maybe the plane is still in pakistan. >> cable is a hungry beast, howie. >> you know when this the story will go off cable is in the when the ratings go down. stick around. remember to send me a tweet this hour about our program. we'll read some of your messages towards the end of the program. when we come back, the white house says 6 million people have signed up for obamacare. does that warrant a media celebration? and later, a conversation with laura ingram. celebration? and later, a conversation with laura ingram. when you have diabetes like i do, you want a way to help minimize blood sugar spikes. support heart health. and your immune system. now there's new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. [ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. from the brand doctors recommend most. [ maleof butheyou don't feelat new gluthmosi,
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now it's been extended, i guess if you bring a note from your parents or something you can get more time. jim geherety, 6 million signups. the original target was 7 million. how much of the media kind of embraced this as an unqualified success? >> i think largely. in some corners, people actually cover this who are on this beat say actually, there's questions. they're counting bought meaning you put it into your shopping cart. you talk to the insurers and they'll say anywhere from 15% is a much higher percent, they buy it and then they forget to pay for it. in most stores, that doesn't count as buying. what really gulls me is the administration insists that they have no way of figuring out whether these are people that didn't have insurance before and are now joining the ranks of the insurers or if they have insurance have it canceled under if you like your plan, can keep your plan and then are buying replacement insurance. >> you don't think that has gotten enough -- >> oh, no. that was part of the whole point. >> i would partially disagree that newspaper coverage has been
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diligent in mentioning the factors such as we don't know how these people are going to pay for it. cbs, nightly news, i'm wondering what your take is because this is one of those things where the number soundspinners come in. >> i don't even think it's the numbers. you know, from a totally apolitical point of view, we don't know, right? i mean, the administration says they lack the data. you say why don't they? well, the insurance companies have the data, we'll see. we'll see how it plays out. but i think that the narrative has been driven by conservative critics, especially after the flawed rollout of the website. and as a result -- >> which was highly flawed. >> yes, i said it, the flawed rollout of the website. so it's been a constant criticism of obamacare, rather than what the democrats have failed to deliver for themselves, celebration of a landmark political achievement that expands the social safety net in this country. >> especially on fox? >> especially on fox. i think day in and day out, the
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criticism is unyielding. >> brief response from the conservative critic? >> you know why people think they've been lying about it? because in the past they've lied about it. when they say hey, great news, 6 million people have showed up, i think skepticism is warranted. >> before the cable networks broke away to cover chris christie, they covered the vatican, president obama meeting with pope francis. what's your take on how that happened? >> i think it was all a feel good, the pope is meeting with obama, even though the pope's popularity numbers are almost double what obama's are. but they papered over the true controversy which was the supreme court is hearing a case of religious freedom where the obama administration wants the hobby lobby and conestoga wood
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to be able to carry contraceptions that is against their personal beliefs. and here we have the optics of president obama and the pope -- >> well, first of all, though, haven't many presidents appeared in meetings and photo ops with popular -- and sure, all popes back to -- i'm not sure who. >> 1300 >> not the 1300s, but many presidents have met with the pope. but not at a time like this when -- >> sorry, howie. if you want to, go. >> no, you go. >> when religious freedom was -- this is one of the most landmark cases that will ever happen. >> and the pope and the president have very different stances on it. >> sure. and i think that was seen in the spin, in the readout after this. you have the vatican saying, well, we discussed one thing. then you have the add machine administration saying we discussed another. >> jim, juan, thank you very much for stopping by this sunday. is the coverage on the missing plane getting too snarky? missi plane getting too snarky? stouffer's is proud to make america's favorite lasagna.
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criticism of reckless speculation, then the pushback against the criticism, inevitably, jon stewart getting his turn. >> our job is not to fill the air by telling bedtime stories. >> we will not turn the lack of news for this story into something that sounds like news when it isn't. >> maybe they should have cc'ed that to everyone in the building. >> the plane was clearly manipulated whether it be by the pilots or someone else who may have commandeered the cockpit. >> joe, you said that on this
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plane's story, the pundits are engaging in cannibalism. explain. >> you have hosts and producers jumping into the fray. it's mass hysteria meaning mass media. in the old days, howie, old days being like three years ago, if anchor x wanted to attack anchor y, you would have to sit in the conference room and go through a pitch meeting and have an executive producer approve that segment. now, instant gratification is in play. i don't know if you've heard this, howie, but there may be one or two thousand anchors in -- >> let me -- let's get specific. msnbc's chuck todd tweets cnn is overusing the breaking news banner and what happens? >> well, the problem was at the exact moment that he did that, msnbc had a breaking news banner on the missing coverage. even the next day during todd's show, breaking news banner about basically theory and speculation about no news whatsoever. there needs to be some responsibility here, howie.
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and i think the problem is that the personal tweets of an anchor or a host may not reflect that of the news organization they represent. i think what you'll see going forward is the cable news executives saying you have to use twitter responsibly. you're not just using twitter itself, you're representing our organization, itself. >> in fairness, the anchor doesn't know what banners or breaking news alerts are being put up under his or her face. what does it do to cable news's reputation if it's cnn which has covered it by far the most as a conscious decision and the ratings are up like 84% going into the latest thing i've seen. if it's cnn versus the other networks, then it turns into a bit of a food fight. >> it does, yes. you mentioned it. there's two trades of thought here. i think from a business perspective, you brought up the numbers before. going all in is nothing new for cnn. they did it with the boston bombings and the zimmerman trial last year. you can't argue with the business decision. in terms of actual responsible journalism, if it was 20 years ago, you wouldn't have this
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ability. there was no fox and there was no msnbc. the internal was in its infancy. they're getting criticism for it, but they're not as responsible because there are so many networks out there. >> i think it's healthy for cable news, pundits, commentators to call our people on other networks because a lot of this stuff is garbage about black holes and psychics. people who are on cable news, they tend to pop off on everything. why should other competing news organizations are doing. why should that be sacrosanct. >> i think what you're seeing -- and we saw this with people way back when. o'reilly would never return the favor of saying his name on the air. >> it's his strategy, sure.
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>> it backfires. you're giving attention to another network and people may say, that's interesting, maybe i should tune in for that. you have these egomaniacs that have to become credibility, have to say how other networks should do their coverage. it shows how insecure people are because they can't keep their opinion to themselves even when they're at home on twitter. >> well, maybe. when the hypocrisy comes in, in my view, that there's too much speculation on the missing plane story on fox news and i played sound from fox news pundits as well as from those and other networks. i think if you're going to get into that argument, you've got to recognize that we live in glass houses. >> you're right, that's true. and i mentioned twitter before as being one angle for anchors to get their opinions out. we also see it -- greta said
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that at o'reilly, as well. i'm going wall to wall, so there's blogs and twitter and everybody is going to have an opinion. there's going to be snarkiness and it's not going to stop. it's only going to increase until executives say, guys, you have to cool it down. >> i have to end this. joe, thank you. >> good to see you, howie. >> in our press picks, this stunning example of click bait. montgomery county carjacking linked to plane disappearance in asia. what was that link? the carjacking took place while the maryland woman was in her car listening to news of the malaysian plane on the radio. talk about a cheap way of generating traffic. ahead on media buzz, what do people hate most about cable news? laura engle has her thoughts. laura engle has her thoughts. when jake and i first set out on our own, we ate anything. but in time you realize the bett you eat, the better you feel. these days we both eat smarter. and i give jake purina cat chow naturals.
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in a biggerland grab in ukraine. a meeting just wrapped up with secretary of state john care are to gi kerry to give the cekremlin's h long, as troops remain armed and ready along the eastern border. death toll rising to 18 now. the number of missing has dropped for 30 after people called in safe. washington's deadliest natural disaster since mount st. helen's erupted. now back to media buzz. before i send you back to media buzz, i'll see you at the top of the hour with a lot more news on fox. cable news stands accused of a variety of sins, sensationalism, superficiality and speculation. not to mention mindless partisanship. how deep are these flaws?
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is it getting worse? i sat down with laura ingram here in studio one. laura ingram, welcome. >> good to be here. this is very fancy. sundays with howie. can't we rename it and call it sundays with howie? i've known you for how long, it's like home being here. how are you? >> good. cable news, which we both spend a lot of time on, seems to chase the sensational. do you think that turns a lot of people off? >> i think it does over time. i mean, i've been talking about what i call tragedy tv since 1996. it's been a long journey from jonbenet ramsey, o.j., and the list goes on and on and on. whether it's a local criminal story that has some fascinating sexy elements, maybe a celebrity involved, maybe an attractive couple, coed is lost in the caribbean, i think they hold some interest for a time and
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especially -- >> then we beat it to death, over and over. >> even when there are no new news developments, that happens a lot. >> flight 370 when we didn't have much, there was speculation. the wrap on fox and msnbc beyond what you call tragedy tv is that they're too partisan, they play to their bases. fair or unfair? >> well, look, i think fox tends to be more fair than the other networks. i know o'reiley, since i know that show the best, he tries to get as many liberals on as possible. a lot of people might not want to go on and tangle with o'reilly because he asks tough questions. i think we see with msnbc's writings, they staked it all and they had a good run on that. then obama was the new phenomenon. it was historic, of course, but then all sorts of amazing things were going to happen to the united states. and there have been a lot of amazing things and a lot of the things that have happened haven't been so good.
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>> is segments, we've all seen too many of them. it's a few talking points with each other. do you think that that's getting kind of tired? >> i do to a certain extent. look, especially when someone comes on and recites the same points that we've heard from the establishment in both parties, that frankly have screwed over the american people time and time again on issue after issue. >> i like when guests surprise me. >> i do, too. this happened with me on a number of occasions on fox news where i'll be on a panel and we have real disagreements. and i think that's good, right? because there are real disagreements in the conservative movement on immigration, on foreign policy, on how we should cut or not cut the military or foreign aid. these are important issues and it's vibrant. i think it's much more exciting and i can tell from twitter
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hits, youtube hits, webb conversations, people appreciate that. they want to know that what is going on around the table isn't just scripted, it's everyone is going to -- well, the gop has the answers, the democrats have the answers. in fact, i think we can conclude that both parties haven't had the answers for the american people in a long time. >> and not what you just said is the stupidest thing i ever heard. >> right. >> we're in washington, we talk about politics all the time. do you think average people particularly not in the middle of an election just get a little tired of it? >> it's a small part of people's daily lives. but here is where i think someone like o'reilly really has gotten it. people want to believe and want to think there's someone out there really swinging for them, who really wants to help them. so o'reilly, i'm looking out for you. and i think he has this overriding sense. he and i go at it a lot, too. but i think he has this innate sense of fairness. so people get mad at him when he did his obama interview. why didn't you do this or do that? he asks the questions he thinks can get decent answers for and
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that will educate the people. and that will hold people accountable. i think that's the secret to his success. we need more people on television who look like they're fighting for the average guy versus for the gop or democrats or hillary or jeb. i think people are tired of that. >> it's no secret that cnn has struggled with ratings. let's say you're running cnn instead of jeff zucker. how do you put on shows that people want? >> i think you need some tent pole talents. you need some really big talents to, i think, rock prime time. >> but not necessarily idealogical? >> you have to have a point of view and you have to -- i think it's, on the one hand. on the other hand. that gets old, too. most people have an opinion. i don't think most people walk around saying, i don't really care about that issue. i think most people, when you press them, they think well, it's a good idea for us to stick
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up for the ukraine if we can. but pretend that your objective on cable news? i think that's a lark. i think people like anderson cooper, who is a really good reporter, that's done a lot of investigative stuff, the challenge is transitioning that to hosting. it's hard because it's cable. people want to see to some extent an outside personality but matched with real substance and not just a bunch of fluff. you have to know your stuff. if you're talking about russia, you better know the czarist history of russia. you better know what the ukraine has been through. you have to know who bobby r. is. >> why have you stayed on the radio rather than going to tv full time? >> well, you know, i love radio. larry king, he and i don't agree on a lot of political issues, but he once said to me, don't ever give up your radio show because it is that intimate connection and that instant feedback that you get every day talking to people across the country.
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it's weird. so when people come up to me -- and they do this to television personalities, too. they feel like they know me and i would tell you howard, i've known you for so long, i feel like you're family back up the other day, i got on the air and i had a big ice back on my back because on my way out of my front door i fell down the -- like four steps to the bottom of my living room. >> i'm so sorry to hear this, >> my producers get on the air and said what is wrong with you? but it's real. and i wasn't at the top of my game but -- >> but it's real life and it's kind of fun and it's not like, coming up or we'll be back and reading the teleprompter stuff. it's more me. >> you're a single mom with three kids and two jobs. >> yes. >> doesn't it take a ridiculous amount of juggling to do that? >> yeah. well, look, i have it pretty good compared to most people. my mother was a waitress. she didn't have the most easy life.
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we were very middle class and she put me through college on her tips and, you know, god bless her. she had a hard life. i have a very -- >> compared to that -- >> compared to that, i can't complain. it's great. i love being a mom. it is the most fun thing i've ever done. i know you love being a dad and all this is great. i love fox, i love -- but being a mom is the most important thing in my life. i want to do it right. >> very nice for being here. coming up, under fire for forecasting a senate win for the republicans. why some pundits just don't like this guy. ♪
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people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. there was a time back in 2012 when liberals loved nate silverman and these days he's getting heat from the left. silver is the data guru who blogged from the "new york times" when he predicted that barack obama had a 90% chance of winning re-election. this guy even predicted when turkeys would get a white house pardon. >> and once again, nate silver completely nailed it. >> he relaunched his 538 blog where he holds polls on how many calories you burn during sex. now he's forecasting the republicans have a 60% chance of winning back the senate this fall.
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>> republicans need six seats. what's the projection? how many are they going to pick up? >> i'd say exactly six. that's probably six plus or minus five. that could be -- >> they could pick up 11 seats? >> they could. >> the dems have fallen out of love with their guy. the democratic senate campaign committee put out a rebuttal saying silver's forecast in 2012 was wrong. also issuing a fundraising alert based on silver's scary and shocking predictions about this year's term. silver called that hypocritical. it didn't take long for the party's argument to pop up on msnbc. >> you may recall silver inaccurately predicted the 2010 midterms and forecasted a 62% chance republicans would claim the majority in august 2012. >> meanwhile, silver had to apologize in the controversy surrounding a piece he ran on climate change. a times columnist paul
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a times columnist paul krugman is calling his blog something between disappointment and a disaster. silver struck back with data detailing how the criticism on the blog turned negative after silver left the "new york times." this might be related to silver dismissing two-thirds of the op-ed columnists for writing, in his words, crap. after the break, scolding each other over that missing plane story. and a female guest plays the gender card in a heated argument over obamacare with chris hayes. argument over obamacare with chris hayes. i'm rdy, and i quit smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i've helped many people in the last 23 years, but i needed help in quitting smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix varenline is pron to help peop quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions
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a sharp disagreement and it got rather personal. >> can we go for news school? i'll tell you why. everyone stop for a second. >> come on. stop and relax. i have to ask to you bring it down and relax a bit. i think you're a little upset. >> it's 17 minutes past the hour. we shouldn't be talking about theories. if you want to go to a network that has theories about pakistan just blared across for hours and hours and hour, you've got many choices. >> just bring it down a little, relax? come on. see, here you go. and she was making a valid point. >> she was. >> well, look. i like the point that mika was
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making, but she was scolding scarborough like a schoolboy and he was acting like a schoolboy. >> i give this an eight. good for mika, you go, girl. >> they both didn't behave that well. the fun of the show is watching to see each week whether they're flirting or feuding. but who was uncomfortable? i'm giving it a four. >> eight. >> chris hayes was really going at it with jennifer stepano in a debate about obamacare. and then things really got heated. >> it's not like that got you you into politics. why not just be honest about it? >> you you know nothing about me. you have no idea what i do -- excuse me. you don't know when i wake up, you know nothing about me, you
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know nothing about -- >> so you were working on the extension? >> you don't know how dare you t the voice of a woman simply because she disagrees with you. >> i credit chris hayes for bringing on a c ing oing on con did go too far. >> too far? >> go ahead. jump in. >> seriously, he made it personal. he was being a bad host. heid he do? insulted her. >> they were both being obnoxious, but she also went too far when you said it's because i'm a woman. >> she was trying to make a point and he said you don't really care about medicaid. >> it was hard to watch, but i'm giving it a five. >> two. still to come, your top
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aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition inharge™. here are a few of your top tweets. having to do with the plane story, riley writes -- annoyed that flight 370 isn't cooperating with their attention spans. boo-hoo. and i believe the report exonerates christie from the scandal. liberal media will not see it that way. no coverage of the blatantly sexist undertones of the report. and from facebook. fox is trying to keep it in the middle of the road for the most part. msnbc radicals are salivating preparing to storm the castle. cnn checking to see if he was on the passenger list.
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>> he's always on facebook and has great things to say. thank you for the kudos that we kept it down the middle. cnn, he's right. if there's a plane story, they're on it. if it isn't, they don't know about it. anthony weiner brings a combination of brashness and wonkyness, he isn't afraid to throw elbows. >> hello. i can't believe we are giving this guy a column or someone is. i don't care what he has to say. he's a washed-up politician. he exposed himself on twitter. >> he's a former congressman with a big mouth. >> so what? that doesn't mean you give them a column. >> as long as they're just opinions. >> are you defending them? >> i think apparently they like a variety of voices. that's it for this edition. let's continue the conversation on twitter. give our facebook page a like. we post videos there.
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check out our home page as well. we are back on sunday mornings at 11:00 and 5:00 eastern with the latest buzz. i'm chris wallace. vladimir putin makes a surprise phone call to president obama to discuss how to resolve the standoff with ukraine. >> if the russian leadership stays on its current path -- >> surge of troops ignites fear of another invasion. we'll get the latest from mike rogers, chairman of the house intelligence committee. it's a fox news sunday exclusive. then vulnerable democrats propose changes to obama care. >> is this a joke?
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