tv The Five FOX News April 2, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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i don't know why. by the way, is nancy pelosi pulling our collective chain? the house minority leader saying obamacare is exactly what our founding fathers envisioned. so i'm going to talk to ben franklin tonight because he's beyond pissed. >> i'm andrea tantaros along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfield. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." we want to tell you about a real war on women, a shocking documentary called honor diaries follows nine muslim women abused and victimized by men in an archaic society. >> from short sleeves to head scarves, being seen talking to a men, they can be seen dishonorable. >> thousands of women have been detained for dressing. like this woman jeeming as she's
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pushed into a police car. >> the honor system in muslim societies is the basis of a lot of harm that is perpetuated against women. >> it's systematic institutionalized misogyny. >> when you do trend with mainstream beliefs, you are ostracized. there's threats of murder, rape, physical mutilation. >> if you think so called moderate muslim rights groups in america are supportive of the film, you would be wrong. they're boycotting it. they claim the producers of the film promote islamophobe yeah. here's a member of the chicago chapter talking to megyn kelly last night. >> we don't have a problem with the context of the film. i understand there are women who participate in this film who are muslim women who work on these serious issues. what i'm disgusted by as a muslim woman, as a feminist, that someone would take this project and use it to promote
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their own hate-filled agenda. >> cara is not saying that this film is not true. they're basically going after people who are -- >> hateful. they're calling other people hateful. >> for voicing the truth, basically, but care says don't worry about the truth. let's focus on smearing the film making. >> i want to commend megyn kelly who was the first in primetime to air this debate, and she did well by it, winning the night last night because i think this is something that in some ways we dance around the issue. we talk about a war on women in this country, understand some people are coming from on the other side on that one, from where i stand. but this is just the reality in many, many countries around the world. not all muslim women. remember last week i talked about the women's initiative that the bush center runs where you have all the women from egypt and tunisia who have come over and are involved in all different sectors of the economy. they are, however, the
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exception. they will be leaders in their country, but something they'll have to fight against is something we strive for in countries and encourage moderation, but moderation on a scale to this, this is almost unfathomable for america that this is actually still happening in 2014 around the world. >> greg, wouldn't cair be better served putting out a statement condemning these violent acts against women and focusing on that issue instead of again, smearing a filmmaker who is airing the truth? >> that's islamophobic, even if you point out the deeds, you're the biggest by exposing their atrocities. i think they should arrest the filmmaker. they have done it before. why not arrest this guy? illustrates two things, two quick points. the folly of the american feminist who is obsessed with demonizing hobby lobby or people who use gender -- don't use gender free pronouns on campus. those are evil, while ignoring truly bar baric actions. where the fluc is fluc.
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forever there's a camera, she will be there. because there are no cameras here, you can't build your career on this stuff. this how tolerance is used as a trojan horse to allow pernicious disgusting behavior to thrive. if you come out against it, you're the islamophobe. this woman who calls herself a feminist is disgusting. >> you have taking on radical islam. it's an issue where the five of us have come together. why don't more democrats, especially women, speak out against these terrible attacks against women which are documented. there was a "time" magazine piece with a woman, you remember her face was cut off by the taliban. why aren't more democrats speaking about this and joining with republicans on an issue they can unite on? >> they should, they all should. so should barack obama. for some reason, i think greg is right. you take these people on what is fact. this is not something they're making up out of whole cloth. these are facts. you can call it islamophobia all you want. it is true. to me, the amazing thing is cair
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got the university of michigan in dearborn to shut this down. what are we talking about? this is a classic case of what happens in muslim countries and we turn our back on it and we shouldn't. >> even the united nations likes the film, eric. >> it's not a film. it's a documentary. that's where the line should be drawn. cair should stop with this. i'm going to pick up on something greg said. the intolerance of the muslim religion. on one end, you have christianity, judaism. on the other end, you have muslim and maybe hateful groups. cair said, they linked on their website, richard silver steen, he said a jew can't be profiled in human rights abuses against muslim woman, he writes it, then cair puts it up on their website, they're taking that point, if you're jewish, you can't profile human rights offenses of muslim people. this is absolutely ridiculous. >> isn't that anti-semitic?
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it's anti-semitic as i see it. >> another form of intolerance. probably muslims could be the most intolerant group in america. >> you know what is funny? they believe that non-muslims have no right to criticize muslim behavior. i remember a muslim writing a book on jesus in which the media defended it and said he was a muslim scholar writing a critical view of jesus, saying that's okay. it's our job to pull the weirdos of the world into the 21st century. if we don't do that, they pull us back into the 17th century or the 7th century. the only way we can do that is to be proud of our culture as an exceptional culture or we let the crazies take over. >> from the white house, dana, you remember the president's speech in cairo, the infamous address. he didn't address how women, according to the caron, are treated worse than men.
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you go down the list, there's a number of things. instead, the president boasted a, quote, shared history of tolerance. should he had caged it a different way than that? >> it was almost six years ago now that he said he gave the speech, and there's always more that a president can do or that you would like to be able to do, but he certainly had other things, i think, that have gotten in the way of that, including a domestic agenda he has had to basically muscle through bought of the problems he had with that. i think it is incumbent upon us, however, to watch a film like "honor diaries" or read more about what we're discussing. i was remembering earlier, i read about four years ago a book called "girls of riyadh" and it was billed as sort of a sex in the city of saudi arabia. it was about five young women who were good friends and growing up in various degrees of what we're talking about here, and she had to write it anonymously at first in order to get it out, but it was very helpful to see how different
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they approached the world, but young people are young people everywhere, and you go through puberty and hormones and all of that and a lot is repressed and it comes out later with a massive amount of intolerance. i want to ask about what bob mentioned about the university of michigan not airing the film, banning it. banning a video. where in the world would they get the idea it's okay to say that you can't air a video? or that a video will cause riots or a video might cause a terrorist attack? our government is standing by that story and that excuse. >> i was going to say it's a perfect transition into our next topic. today, former cia director mike morrell was on capitol hill, testifying about the fateful night in benghazi. here's his admission, maybe we know why now more people are scared to actually call out radical islam because of what morrell said. listen to this. >> i took out the word islamic in front of extremist. i took it out because we were
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dealing with protests and demonstrations across much of the muslim world as a result of the video. and the last thing i wanted to do was to do anything to further inflame those passions. the second reason i took it out is what other kind of extremists are there in libya? >> greg, from this testimony, we heard numerous times that they knew it was al qaeda from the get-go. morrell admitted that. did he really think that good editing was going to stop them from killing american citizens? is that their mentality in the white house. edit it out and it will make it go away? >> the other thing, and it goes back to me as a broken record about pushing the video. why did they take their word for it that it was a spontaneous conflict? because that was their assumption about the world that they wanted validated about the fact that it's always going to be the western idea, freedom of expression that is at fault, and if you blame it on somebody else, you go back to this thing. it's islamophobic.
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you have to ask yourself, who pushed the video? it will always be president obama and valerie jarrett because it's their nature, that america is always at fault. the other guys are the victims. >> they admitted, eric, morrell admitted even though people on the ground said it was al qaeda, they got reports it was al qaeda, they decided to listen to people in the united states instead of people on the ground. >> the operative thing he said is i took it out. what do you mean you took it out? it was the information that was handed to you. you took out the talking points so they can skew what susan rice and what hillary clinton -- hillary clinton was originally going to deliver the talking points and then she couldn't. you took it out not because you wanted to get to the truth. you took it out because you wanted to be pc. you didn't want to inflame passions. how about getting to the truth? how about we leave the information in and let the american people decide what is truth. >> we can't be trusted. we're going to do something bad. >> let's tell them that, they might get really mad. >> one thing to keep in mind
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here, they function well, the islamists, in silence. that's what they like. they like us not to say anything about it. the other thing morrell said i thought was more damaging is he took the advice of his analysts at langley over people on the ground, the station chief and other cia operatives. now, if he did that, taking advice of an analyst, and i know a lot about analysts at the cia. they're about the last people i would go to for an on the ground breaking situation like this, but somehow, he decided to thak their advice and not the station chief. >> don't you think it's a bunch of nonsense, dana? he also said at the same time he thought it was a demonstration, he thought it was a terrorist attack, too. how could it be a calculated attack where we knew that they followed the ambassador from tripoli back to the consulate, back to the state house? how could it be both if you have that intelligence? >> that's the 40,000 foot view i tried to take, pull back out of all this and think about the character you have to have. the deep sense of judgment and character when you are responsible for so many people
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and the livelihoods of your men and women that are in the military and in the civil service. to actually believe that a video could have done that. don't you ask a critical question, is that true? are you sure? can we check that? can you prove it to me? that's what i think -- the lack of asking questions is a problem across the government, in big corporations. whenever there's a problem like gm, it's a problem because people weren't asking questions and they were afraid to ask questions, just like it seems like we're trying to soft pedal who the extremists really were. >> we have to go, but this is cya, this is morrell walking back on it. i'm going to cover it up because there's no way. does anyone at this table or watching honestly think that the cia at one point wasn't sure if it was either an attack or in response to a video? they must have had all the intel together saying this is what we're going with. this is what we think. the cia doesn't operate, might be this, might be that, could be either one. they don't do that. he's saying that, covers
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everyone's butt. >> they had 33 cia agents on the ground. they decided to ignore them, i suppose, and trust people on the ground. it's like having a car jacking in new york and listening to people in l.a. >> something bob has asked from the beginning, why were there 33 cia agents on the ground? >> that's an even bigger question, and maybe the real answer to why they covered this up. directly ahead, do we have hangover star bradley cooper for obamacare reaching its 7 million goal? we have the back story of the infamous between two ferns interview that led to the gal afunacks effect. we'll tell you about that next on "the five." [announcer] if your dog can dream it,
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fellows for saving obamacare. >> do not go in tbathroom. >> will you put on pants? >> there's a tiger in the bathroom. >> what's going on? >> there's a juggle cat in the bathroom. >> okay, i'll check it out. >> how does a tiger get in the bathroom? he almost killed me. >> bro, you meantime putting on pants? i find it weird -- >> it started after a visit to the white house by bradley cooper. he was brainstorming with valerie jarrett and said if you want to reach young people, have president o. do a funny or die skit with his pal, zach galifianakis. we can thank the guys. >> i wouldn't be with you here today if i didn't have something to plug. have you heard of the affordable care act? >> i heard about that. that's the thing that doesn't work. why would you get the guy who created the zune to make your website? >> works great now, and millions of americans have already gotting health insurance plans and what we want is for people to know that you
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can get affordable health care, and most young americans right now, they're not covered. and the truth is that they can get coverage, all for what it costs you to pay your cell phone bill. >> okay, bob, so guys from "hangover" saved obamacare? >> one thing you have to give this whole thing credit for is when he did do the thing with the galifianakis, the website did have a surge of people coming in. and signing up. so to an extent, we thought it was a bad idea, anybody who thought it was a bad idea, apparently it worked well. >> what do you think? >> it remind me of an afterschool special. dorky obama needs help, so he called up bradley cooper and they get the popular kid, zach galifianakis to help out, to get him to be liked. because if you read the politico story, they actually tell how when the president learned that brad and zach were going to help him, he said, they would really do that for me? there's a skit, all we need is
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music and you have obamacare, the afterschool special. >> what was bradley cooper and zach galifianakis, what were they doing at the white house? >> they're tools, that's all they are. literally and figuratively, they're predictable tools selling a product they don't use. which is nothing new. celebrities sell things they don't use all the time, except this happens to be coercive. they're selling a burden they're immune from. could you imagine if they supported the troops in this manner? troops in conflict, if they supported -- if they supported troops the way they supported government programs, imagine that in hollywood. but this begins the orchestrated media portrayal of obama's vindication. they spent months saying this was a disaster, an ugly, ugly caterpillar, but now it's blossomed into a butterfly. this plot was written. the media knew this was going to go up like this. it was all set. >> how come you guys who were against it didn't say anything? >> i did. >> you did? >> dana, you want to take that
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aspect of it, that they're using bradley cooper, turning it into a butterfly, or the issue that our young people listening to bradley cooper, lebron james, buying this and realizing they bought a thing they don't like or can't use? >> well, one thing we still don't know is, so, they did get a bump out of the web traffic after that two ferns thing. okay, so that's good. maybe the ends justify the means. okay, so i wouldn't have done it. but now i look at it and i think, okay, so what are the liberals, what do the left know that i don't know about communications that works. the ends justify the means for them at this point. however, what we still don't know is out of those people that went to the website, how many signed up? how many paid? how many had insurance before? all those questions that we have been asking, that continues. the other thing i think is interesting is i have admired some of the best speechwriters and communicators and pr people. they never tell the secret of how the president has come up with that great line or that great event. they just let the president have that great event.
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maybe years later, you could read about it in a book. this is two weeks later, they're basically bragging that hollywood came in and gave them the best answer. i like when the president gets to be the one who says the great line. >> now we know bradley cooper talked valerie jarrett into it. >> i'm glad he did. we do now have a lot of information and statistics coming in. we know the people who signed up, 23% did not have insurance before. they're beginning -- >> where do you see that? i respect your number, but where do you get it? >> i read it, i assume the research we did was right and it says 23% of the people rand corporation, a fairly conservative but pretty good -- >> we don't know that. >> they don't know that because the administration hasn't release sas the numbers. >> suggested 23% enrollees had no insurance previously. >> hold on. >> how many were on medicaid? >> i would love to remember who it was who said under 900,000 of
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those people that you are saying only 900,000, not 6 million or 7 million of people. >> you're talking about a report you can't remember. this is the rand corporation. they're pretty accurate. >> there's a big report that was circulating today by a major corporation saying less than a million people that were thrown off their insurance before were the ones counted in the 7 million. >> what about the cbo report, bob, that came out after the bill was passed and said this would cover 19 million? still we have not heard the white house address this. we don't know how many people have enrolled in medicaid. let's say the young people watched between two ferns and decided to get the plans. they haven't paid yet, haven't gotten the bill. and here's another point. jay carney made the point about this is private insurance. this is not the federal -- this is not the marketplace. this is the federal government telling insurance companies what to offer, how to offer it, and who to offer it to, period, end of story. >> i said this yesterday. you guys keep denying all these other groups that are doing it, but rand and mckinsey are pretty
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good barometers and have a long history. they say 85% of people have paid. i'll take their word for it. >> previously uninsured respondents account for 27%. >> we have to know, it was painted as a success. the numbers are both arbitrary and fudged. government, the media, and academia joined forces to pretend the emperor still has new clothes. >> nina is yelling at me. coming up, dana gave dreg an exclusive tour of the george w. bush presidential center last week in dallas. have you seen president bush's cowboy boots? here's a peak. >> so the president was head of the texas rangers. part owner of the texas rangers. >> football team? >> football? look, it has a baseball in it. >> i thought it was a big round thing. >> you're going to disappoint eric. >> i'm sorry. >> more of dana and greg's adventure after the break. don't go away. ♪ can you hear it?
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you may have noticed i haven't been here for a few days, but i'm back and better than ever. i have been on tour to promote my new book. i kicked it off at the bush presidential center in dallas. on thursday, i brought america's press secretary along, actually, she asked to come and what was i going to do? dana interviewed me there, but she knave me a tour of the bush museum and some of our cameras went along. check it out. >> here's greg and i at the bush library. we're two tiny people at this really big place. >> by the way, i hate fountains. >> you do? >> they give me the urge.
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>> to what? >> so greg, these are sculptures of obviously president bush and his dad. >> i think they're incredibly realistic. this is my size, right? >> so are we. >> well, good morning, mr. president. >> hello. >> how are you doing this morning? >> i'm perturbed. >> what's that accent? >> this is my presidential voice. i feel incredibly powerful today. and i feel like it's time to send a message to the world. get me secretary of state palin. yes. now, stat. i think that's the word. yes, i have decided we're bombing narnia. also, a pizza. i want a pizza, extra large with everything except pineapple. people who put pineapple on pizza, that's un-american. >> you can't ask the secretary
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to order you a pizza. >> if i'm the president, i can gebt whatever i want, according to the phone. >> if you want, we can pretend you're the president, you can sit in that chair. he always sits here, and then the vice president, you know, sometimes he would sit here. >> your feet aren't dangling. >> i'm not sitting all the way back. in these meetings, where you're sitting now, in the policy meetings, i sat over there. and the president and i had eye contact and usually vice president china, he would be over here and rest his eyes for a minute. >> these are, of course, pictures of the president, doing presidential things. >> here's the president and mrs. bush with the dalai lama. >> you know what he's doing there? >> what? >> telling them a dirty joke. >> so the president was head of the texas rangers. you remember, he was part owner of the texas rangers. and those are his boots. >> football team? >> wasn't football. look, even has a baseball in it. he was a president who had taken
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risks, had a business, and it was successful. >> nowadays, if you own a business, you're more of a target than you are an inspiration. >> that is from one of the towers. it was at the very top, and they donated it to the library so president bush could help tell the story about what happened that day. the president throughoew out th first pitch at the yankees game and also remember the big megaphone when he was -- this is the megaphone. >> wow. >> yeah, so on the pile on that day. >> i can hear you. the rest of the world hears you. >> it was an incredible moment. it doesn't seem like, what, 13 years ago, at all. >> why is the lion here? >> the lion was a gift to president bush from the president of tanzania. >> how do you give somebody a stuffed lion, and how do you return it? >> it's better than given someone a live lion. >> i would rather have a live lion. >> would you ever think of
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bronzing jasper while he was alive? >> not while he was alive. but it wouldn't be a bad idea. they have spot here, and of course barney. this is when barney tried to take my job. >> uh-huh. >> at the podium. >> he has a more commanding presence. in a fight between barney and jasper, who would win? >> barney. >> oh, really? >> he was a mean pup. but a good one. he was loved by the president. he was an acquired taste. >> there you go. so you ate the dog. >> here we are at the end of your tour of the bush library. did you love it? >> i thought it was great. you're a great tour guide. it's almost like you work at the white house. i thought you were kind of a groupie. i appreciate you doing it because it must bring back lots of memories. it's kind of weird to go to a place that basically documents a period of your life, that everybody else can see. >> it's like a giant scrapbook. >> it is, a giant scrapbook. we're inside your scrapbook. >> thanks for coming. >> my pleasure.
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thanks for having me here. >> i notice that you look a lot -- you look a lot more alive than you did back then. you always looked exhausted in those pictures. >> what was that hairstyle, by the way, that you had? >> look, i set the hairstyle for washington, d.c. in that era. >> you did? >> yeah, people would ask for the dana perino haircut. i'm kidding. i could have done better with my personal appearance. >> i didn't mean it that way. >> you probably had other things on your mind. >> we had fun, though. that was fun, right? >> yeah, eric, you would have liked the 9/11 part. when you're in there, it's kind -- it reminds you of september 10th, how different it was september 10th. >> the megaphone is so iconic. to me, i would probably stop and start bawling at that point. what did it feel like? were you proud? >> i'm not a museum guy, but i liked the museum. interesting stuff. the part of going through and
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reliving all of that. >> that right there? >> that was great. that was great. >> greg, i have to say, seeing you at the desk, it made me think that you were the president, and i got a tingle. >> i turned you into chris matthews. >> my thought was sheer terror. >> exactly. they do have a height requirement. that would make me the shortest president ever. >> i don't think so, because when we were there, we were googling it. >> i remember. >> you have him by an inch. tomorrow, there will be a height contest between you and me. >> we'll finally figure out who is taller in front of actual judges. >> dana and i, of course, we did a q & a with a bunch of "five" fans in dallas. we'll show you some of that tomorrow night. there we are, like a diorama. >> a week after winning a landmark case declaring they could form unions, college athletes hit cliapitol hill urgg lawmakers to continue the fight. the latest after the break. (dad) well, we've been thinking about it and we're just not sure.
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(agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know.
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just last week, a landmark ruling for the national labor relations board gave norlt northwestern players the right to unionize. cane colter was on capitol hill to further his case. >> it's our viewpoint that all athletes, despite your gender, despite what sport you play, division i, ii, iii, you deserve basic protection and right. there's a process we have to go through to getting the goals achieved and this is the start. a lot of peep want to make this the end game, but this is the start and we're going to branch out and maybe reach everybody. >> lawmakers including lharry reid support the ruling.
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some say the ruling could destroy collegiate athletics as we know it. do you buy that, eric? >> probably. i mean probably, because it's all about collective bargaining, but let's dig deep on what's really going on. in 1990, the union representatives around 17% of the work force. now it's under 10%. union membership is sliding. otherwise, why would the united steel workers be the group behind bringing the louis, getting them behind them. of course, liberals like harry reid are going to jump onboard because they're in bed with the unions. they need other forms of revenue because they're dying, so they look to college athletes. will it destroy college athletics? anytime you introduce this stuff in there, yeah, college at leads are going to say, look, i deserve more, i want more. >> he said something interesting, now they're going to reach out to other sports and women in sports. a friend of mine was talking to me about title nine, the impact on title nine, and by the way, i
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support this, but the question is, what about other sports in university? the fact is the football team does underwrite virtually all of those costs. >> i don't know if unionizing is the answer, however, i'm with you on this, surprisingly with the democrats on this one. the ncaa has become a huge money-making scheme. it was designed to enforce safety regulations. it has become anything but that. they're colluding with the players union. take away the eligibility requirements. let the guys if they want to go pro out of high school, let them do that, but right now, it's a fact, the nlrb is right. these guys devote 40 to 50 hours a week on athletics beyond what most people do. they're considered like employees of the school. they're treated that way, and everyone says, they get scholarships, oh, come on. what they could make, a lot of these guys in the pro, it pales in comparison. they're not primarily students.
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the word student athlete is an oxymoron in my estimate. something has to be done. >> in big time college football, division i, these schools are making a fortune. >> the coaches, too. >> the coaches are making an obscene amount of money, and these players' names are used in advertising, used to sell jerseys. shouldn't they get a cut of that? >> i don't think they're going far enough. i want to see unionization in high school sports, grade school, pop warner. i think we should unionize children and their families because everybody needs to have a voice. this is baloney. you are just adding more ego to a student athlete. student athletes already have more rights than a student. they take the easiest classes. they get the best looking girls. they have the best food. and now you want to give them more power? look, they should spend less time pretending to be students. that's it, because they're not really going to class anyway. so just, college is -- a
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labottomy that costs you $50,000 a year. turn them into employees. i just changed my mind. >> you're right. they in fact are employees. adandrea points out, they're working 40 to 50 hours a week and they're not getting afterschool jobs. they have to be on the field. >> where are the people waging the battle against the war on women? isn't this a war on women? what about women athletes? are they going to get unionized? field hockey. >> can i just -- since everyone seems to be in favor. >> i'm not necessarily in favor. >> since the other three are, what about cheerleaders? >> why not? >> what about the this espians. >> the drama club, the glee club. >> look at the eligibility requirements. if they want to go pro, let them go pro. cheerleaders aren't the ones making the money. if johnny manziel wants to get paid for an autograph, let him get paid for his autograph and he can fund his way through school instead of the taxpayers.
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>> cheerleaders may make some money -- >> no, they don't. >> i wasn't thinking that. >> union tactics on campus, what could possibly go wrong? >> it's going to be awesome. >> represent them, they ought to be able to collectively bargain. what's wrong with that? that's what it's about. >> tom cruise is thinking about his new movie. >> the ohio state university football team go on strike in front of the football stadium. >> that would be a good idea. go on strike. >> they get everything anyway. if there was no student, students would still want to play. it's not necessary. >> i think the minor leagues still is a good idea even though brian kilmeade talked about it. >> think about if the players could go right to the nfl. a lot are getting injures in college. >> directly ahead, who are the worst people to sit near in a restaurant besides greg? the loud talker or the pda couple? we reveal the list of the most annoying next on "the five." [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah.
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they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in ve, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never ght about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, they'll find some financial folks who will talk to them about preparing early for retirement and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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spoiled by someone at the other table annoying the heck out of you. while the daily meal website has a list of the ten worst people to sit next to. loud talkers, complainers, pda couples, absentee parents, obnoxious kids, sprawlers, glad-handlers, drunks. andrea, you know about the restaurant scene. what's the worse for you? >> the loud talker, but the loud laugher. the girl with the loud laugh. and then it's jarring, or the loud guy who busts out and you want to glare at them. they have no self-awareness. >> there's a table over here where there's always guys and gals after work, and there's always one girl trying to impress the guy and laughing at all the jokes way too loudly. >> you mean gretchen? >> if you're watching, please stop it. bob, what about you? >> i think what i can't stand is people with babies sitting next to you. the baby is starting to howl and being really loud. the parents are not paying any
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attention to it. then when the baby has to go to the bathroom, i mean, i have literally been driven out of a restaurant from smells. they carry across the entire restaurant. >> you must have a very sensitive nose. >> i do. >> i don't have babies. >> that and -- well, i don't know, obnoxiously loud people, but i include myself in that. >> i don't think you're loud in a restaurant. what about you? >> not sure if i saw it in the list, but the fender backer. i live in a town where everyone sends stuff back. it's incredible. i don't care how bad my food is, i won't eat it or i'll order something else, it's just my thing. in my town, i can guarantee, every time i go out, someone sends something back. >> i agree with you. that should be on the list. how about you? >> foreigners. i'm kidding. anyone guilty of excessive conversation that holds up your drink. the waiter is talking to
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someone, and you're like, you need to get my drink. the fake cough if you're smoking an e-cigarette, shut up, and last but not least, the silent married couple who are sitting and not saying a single word to each other, and you're sitting there and you're going, oh, my god, don't let that happen to me, don't let that happen to me. >> some are really young. old people, you can understand. the old people are done talking to each other. >> i'm with you on the customer etiquette. i don't like it when people switch tables, can i have that table, no wait, this table? >> we talked about this, the booth by the window. everyone wanted the booth by the window, or when you give them their check and say, can we have separate checks for a party of 17. >> >> during the '80s, you couldn't get in to do a line of cocaine. >> all right. >> that's why you freebase. >> okay. >> welcome back, greg. >> "one more thing" is up next.
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>> that is an act of terror. >> the only reason i did this is because i knew greg would react that way. i'm imagining you on a 17-hour flight. i'm imagining myself, because i'm a sleeper, how angry i would get. people think this is great. >> the things i'm thinking, i cannot say. i would be arrested. >> you hate those people. >> dana, you're up. >> i want to take a moment to show you somebody you should know about. you know his father, juan williams. you need to know rafi williams. a young man who has done amazing work in his career. he's a republican unlike his dad, juan. last week, ebony magazine, there was a commentator who said he's just some white guy. of course, he's not. he's an african-american black guy, and he went on sean hannity last night, and what i want to point out is how poised, dignified he is, and that's just his instinct. >> it seems black conservatives can be called the worst names and there seems to be little if
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nor repercussions. why do you think that is? >> we're pushing back against that now. and i think that for so long, we have been quiet because we're respectful people, we want to do our biz diligently. >> bestill my heart. i love him. >> he has a republican brother, as well. >> juan williams has done something right. >> i beg your pardon. >> eric? >> o'reilly and i had a debate last night on the merits of the tesla financing. it's based on 60 minutes did a big piece on it. they touted the virtues of the tesla, no exhaust pipe, no tail pipe. here's a piece of it. >> so what is the future like? apparently, it's fast and smoke-free. the tesla model s is powered by 7,000 battery cells linked to an electric motor. no engine, no transmission, no tail pipe. >> no engine, no transmission, no tail pipe, and no sound either.
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cbs added that sound. you can't make that up. >> they could have had music. >> greg gutfield. >> i went out and saw my mother for a couple days. she's doing a five, even though it doesn't look like it, it looks like something else. >> it looks like the star trek symbol. >> anyway, she's doing all right and she wanted to say hello and say thanks for the cards that i got. i'll be in michigan this weekend, ohio, kentucky, and tennessee. >> you're going to nashville? >> yeah. >> we'll keep her in our prayers. >> speaking of books, my old friend cal thomas who is a conservative, and he and i speak together, ones a liberal and one's a conservative, he's written a new book "what works." and the foreword is done by sean hannity. but cal's contention is there's a lot of solutions done that government keeps trying to come up with new ideas for things that have been resolved. if we went back and looked at what worked and not tried to come up with policy --
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>> what's on his shoulder? >> a groundhog. >> did you write the backword? >> that's very funny. >> don't forget to set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "the five." we'll see you tomorrow. "special report" up next. the man who crafted the infamous benghazi talking points insisted he did not cook the books. at times heated testimony on capitol hill. this is "special report." good evening. i'm bret baier. the former cia official in the crosshairs of republicans investigating the benghazi attacks says he never deliberately misled anyone. mike morrell also pushed back on the notion that he made his e t edits to the now infamous talks points based on a desire to protect president obama and hillary clinton. but what he said today on capitol hill raises new
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