tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News April 2, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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this point we've got three other victims killed tonight. the number of those injured went from 14 to 16. they're being treated, some seriously injured in a local hospital the focus is on the family of those that have been injured and those that lost loved ones we're asking the public for information to go to the fbi saying we'll get through this. other things we're putting together, we're getting pieces of what happened. as we understand, the shooter went into medical and transportation brigade, firing shots a military female mofr confronted the shooter in a parking lot and she is being heralded tonight as a brave soldier. we learned about the soldier that he was being treated for
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depression, anxiety, psychiatric issues that he apparently faced and we haven't gotten a lot of details of this. there is no question now. there is no definite answer of what the motive is here, they do know the shooter had mental health issues depression, anxiety. we know that he served for about four months in iraq in 2011. they said he was under diagnosis, will make the distinction. they believe it took place in less than 15 minutes we know the shooter used a 45 caliber smith & wesson pistol and he was diagnosed, he reported a traumatic brain injury but was not wounded in action. all of those wounded, 16 of
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them, all those killed, the other three, not including the shooter, were all military. we're learning the weapon was not registered on base we brought up this issue prior to the press conference if you have a weapon on base anywhere it needs to be registered. and we're still awaiting a hospital presser coming as well on the fate of the 16 that are injured. you can see it on the web site, if you're looking now. colonel allen west is with us you know this area well. yes. i know the area, back then 13th course of command and it seems this soldier and it seemed that
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he was a transportation truck driver, so he was in the a combat arms type of soldier. >> hang on. we're going to go back on the scene. casy, thank you. what do you got? >> this happened here. we're monitoring that as well one of the other few headlines i gleaned from lieutenant general mille is that he said this particular soldier had just transferred to fort hood in february from a different military installation here in texas but won't say where that transfer came from. he said they're trying to dig deep to find out what this motive may have been. he did have that self reported
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brain injury. he had not received a purple heart from his tour of duty in iraq in 2011 and had not been officially diagnosed with ptsd. saying it's a lengthy process. there is a lot of evaluation they have to go through. he did confirm he's on types of medication for depression and said the soldier was married. >> i have to interrupt you for just a moment. we're going to head the hospital. there are 16 injured people. and looks like the surge yenz are coming up to microphones to find out the fate of those 16 people. good evening, i'm the chief medical officer at scott & white
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memorial hospital. we're here tonight to give you an update from the activities that we've been involved with since about 5:00 today. and we're first contacted from the authorities at fort hood and accepted to begin patients coming over from the fort first i'd like to extend my condolences to the victims and their victims tonight we know there has been a lot of people suffering. physical injuries and emotional trauma of what has been going on. so far we've received, accepted nine patients who have been sent over from the fort. we have eight of them currently in our facility right now receiving care and there is one more should be arriving there shortly. so this situation appears to be, at this point, well contained
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and that is the extent of the folks we're anticipating getting in for further care. all of the patients are in our icu or will be there shortly. so three are in critical condition. and remaining are all seriously injured we have seven male patients and one female patient with us. our bloot senter closed tonight. there is no need for additional blood supplies. we feel like we're covered in that regard. and we're providing attention to the families, trying to give them as much support as they need to help them through this. and we've had a lot of our volunteer staffçó coming in to help. at this point patients are doing as well as can be expected with the extent of the injuries
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sustained. with that, i'll take questions. >> can you talk about the injuries you're see something >> yes. let me ask my colleagues to address those for us. >> phil, i'll be happy to address thachl we've seen injuries from mild and superficial to life threatening. these have been involving extremities to neck, chest and abdomen. i won't go into too many specific buzz we've seen several types of injuries this evening. >> are they're all in surgery at this point? >> there have been two undergoing surgery here at scott and white. one is in icu in critical condition the other is just finishing in the o.r. >> have the patient families been contacted? >> we're not aware of that. some patients names we don't have yet we're working with our service and arm droe make sure we have identifies for everybody. some of the young men and women are serving a good distance from
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home we don't have immediate family a lot of the time. but we're working to get. that we have the majority of them. just don't have all of them yet. >> is it true they're all soldiers? >> to the best of my knowledge, yes. >> are they alert and talk something >> several are. yes. three are them are on a vent later and unable to speak now. >> those have been talking is there anything that stands out? >> for the most part it reminds me of the way soldiers have been in the past when taking care of them on a routine basis as well as in 2009. they're resilient and always very positive group of people to be around. and it's an honor to take care of them. >> reflect on today. having had been here then? >> well, we have thought about that a lot over the course of the evening. and you know i was proud of the way the hospital handled that in
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2009. you know i think it shows really the community we have clear at scott & white we've continued over two years to engage our partners at darnel to make sure we're continuously improving our response to emergencies as this. i feel like those efforts paid off and into huge dividends. >> how did the hospital get ready? >> i think there is a tremendous amount of human resources go into that. we have a very well coordinated command center we utilize whenever we have incidents like this. that is activated again tonight. we call in certain core people. then good people that work here who are interested in helping and volunteering time, coming in
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from home, giving me phone calls and asking if i need anything. i know glenn and harry have gotten the same requests as well. community and staff here have been generous in their showings. >> people asking if you need anything. is there anything you need from the community? >> from this point from a hospital resource perspective we're doing fine. i encourage the community to donate because you never know when these situations can occur. we're always looking for healthy donors. in terms of other community support we'll see over coming days what we need in terms of families in terms of the support for soldiers affected by this. >> you had talked about two in surgery the other ones here.
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do you anticipate them going into surgery? >> there are a couple under evaluation? i can't comment on those the remainder appear they will not need surgery. >> you said three in critical. does that mean that six are serious or five serious? >> make sure i don't mess up on that here three are critical. five here i owe wo classify serious probably considered down grading to fair overnight. or upgrading them would be the correct term to a better condition. >> ones on the way do we know anything about that patient? >> i have been told it may be a facial injury. i don't have anymore information on that. >> did the hospital call in extra doctors? >> you know, to be honest we didn't have to. this happened kind of at the end of the normal business day we had a fair number of staff in place we're fortunate on timing in
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regards to that. we had a large number of doctors contacted to us make sure we had staffing needs that we have training facilities to help as well we had, we did have key individuals coming from homes. i mentioned command center and folks came in from outside. >> people calling it command center immediately. so we had ample staff. and folks chose to stay throughout evening hours to be extra hands on deck if needed but we're amply staffed from the moment the first time the first patient arrived. >> i mean it was a very impressive group that rose to the occasion.
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>> i would say the majority are separate from what appears to be gunshot wounds. >> you said it was an honor to receive people from the army. what it like knowing you're trying to save their lives when they've done what they've done for our country. >> it's hard to put into a quick sentence we feel indebted to men and women who serve our country and put themselves in harm's way. it's heart breaking to be so close to such a tragic event as this i know all of us at scott & white feel invested in the community with soldier as cross the way at fort hood we feel a true community sense of them. and i think that any time they hurt, we hurt. we feel indebted to them at baseline and want to help whenever they're struggling. it's important.
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>> conversely what does it say that the community now dealt with two soldier on soldier attacks? >> you know i think there are folks over at fort hood may have better answers i live here, certainly. i think that the internal workings in for the hood i leave to folks and discussions. i will say this community by and large is very safe. you know? and i don't think it's a reflection on the general community. i don't know if glenn has thoughts on that. >> it's a stressful environment and unfortunate it occurred i don't think it's a common tags on fort hood or our military.
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>> can you go over numbers for us? two have gone to surgery. >> correct. >> three critical. >> correct. >> five in serious condition? >> five in serious one being transported right now. so total of? >> nine are accepted and eight are currently here. >> patients on life support? >> they're on mechanical vent later. >> how many men? how many women? >> one woman, the rest of all men. >> and they're all soldiers? >> as far as i'm aware, yes. >> i believe so. >> we've got them on icu after initial treatments. >> correct. >> yes. >> from being transported or air lifted in? >> i believe by ground, i'm not
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#00% on that. >> are they saying anything? have you had conversations with them? >> nothing as any depth. i'm in the an investigator so ask those questions. we ask questions regarding health care. you know, current condition right now. but like i said, you know, you're amazed at the spirit of people in these moments they're in good spirits. i think that i'm amazed at how resilient people are, our military and again, it's another reason we feel proud to take care of them. they're grateful patients and just good people. >> is there specific instance tonight that makes you say that? >> i would just say the general spirit has been that, that has been my experience with taking care of soldiers at fort hood. >> are they wearing uniforms? >> a few did. some had them removed for
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evaluation prior to arrival here. >> that is about it. we'll take one more question then wrap it up. >> as far as you know are these people here on their home? do they have family members show up seeking information about them? we've had lots of phone calls and phone banks set up. we have several family members who are here. actually. we're making accommodations for them to remain close to the families >> for anyone who may -- the question if one family member is a people here, how do they find out? >> so, i would first i'd ask them to check with the military to find out who has been transported here so we can verify that. we do have an 800 number and a phone line set up
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i can't quote that number. do you have that, andy? >> it's an 888 number, i believe. >> yes. this is, we do have a phone number with it. the number puts them into family phone bank. we don't expect any more this evening. >> do you know if the people treated are at hospitals at this point? >> all we know about are the ones that were sent here. i don't know what the other conditions have been or where they've been transported to. >> are the ones here ones received the most-traumatic injuries? >> you know, again, i don't know conditions of the patients but we're level one trauma center for the region. i'm anticipating the most seriously-injured were transported here. all right. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> thank you very much. >> as you can see they're wrapping up a press conference we have a lot of information and news to recap for you. two news conferences that one scott and white hospital. it's about ten minutes away from the main gate. they have taken in nine patients tonight. 16 we've now confirmed to fox news that are injured. eight of the victims are in their facility they expect one more to arrive sometime this evening. they also pointed out that all of the patients they took in are, and will be in icu. three now in critical condition. you've got seven males, one female. five in serious condition they believe they'll be upgrading that to fair condition. they'll be recovering. but the thee in critical condition, they did specify they're not in need for those in the local area, of any new blood
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supplies at this point. as it relates to injuries they said it went from mild to superficial to life threatening. they saw wounds in the neck, the chest and abdomen of those that came into the hospital in all cases pointed out a single gunshot wound. i can tell you it's a powerful weapon. there are two under surgery. also in critical condition, all of those that went to the hospital, again, scott and white hospital. that is about ten minutes from fort hood. all soldiers and the surgeon said there, it's an honor take care of them so. we'll get to that. also people at the hospital are volunteering to stay. as they said in the past
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tragedy, you can see the worst in people, then, the best of people we're going to continue when we come back we're going recap the presser taking place at fort hood this evening. we don't, we have information about the shooter he was under, under, and it's a clear distinction of ptsd. and this breaking news edition of "hannity" continues here on the fox news channel. (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited. if ...hey breathing's hard...
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in facilities at the moment and expecting one more to arrive shortly. all in icu. three critical. five in serious condition. two went to emergency surgery, injuries from the mild to superficial to life threatening from the neck to the chest, to the abdomen n each case a single gunshot wound. we're also told they're all soldiers to the best of the hospital's knowledge. they say they do not need blood we're told earlier at the press conference by lieutenant general a soldier today fired shots at the first medical brigade and also, first transportation brigade. they went into lock down. that ended about 10:00 ieeaster time. the shooter is dead, self inflicted in that case. the names of the victims have not been named at this hour.
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16 injured in total on top of the three victims killed at fort hood focus they say is on the family and those that have lost loved ones anyone with information should contact, obviously the fbi. certain other information we've learned tonight about the shooter that he was suffering from quote, depression, anxiety, under psychiatric assistance. he was under diagnosis for ptsd. and being treated they did not release the name. go is a name but we're not going to continue until we get further notification. his family has not been notified. they were able to confirm tonight that the shooter served four months in iraq in 2011. there is in answers to motive. we've been told the soldier had, what they describe as mental health issues we know the sooter used a recently purchased 45 caliber
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smith & wesson pistol. these are not usually allowed on bases like fort hood. not ahowed to carry unless it's registered they did confirm that was not a registered gun. we know that the shooter also diagnosed self reported a trauk brain injury from time in iraq. there is no evidence at all they said tonight he was ever wounded in action or received a purple heart. we know that that is what they have up until this point. i want to go back to colonel west. you know, kt mcparl beyond told bus the numbers that are great and having it. and also, trauma these families are experiencing are -- is a part of something we're not paying attention to? >> when you look at the combat tours of duty these men and women are facing not only does it put a stress on them, but also on the family.
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you see that this individual has only served four months in iraq in 2011. we don't know what other appointments he may have been on they may have been deployments. >> i was over in iraq and i got to tell you something i tried to put myself mentally into the position you served 23 years. >> yes. >> to hi you're there for a year under the threat that your life may be taken. i went to a church service church takes on a different meaning in a war zone. it's traumatic. >> absolutely. one of the other things he arrived to for the hood. so we don't know if there are things they have to piece together. >> what can you tell us of
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diagnoseed and under diagnosis? about psychiatric problems and on medications? what do you glean from that? >> well, he had been referred for mental health, there are indicators he gave the chain of command a concern begging the question why would he have been shipped from one installation to another in three months? you were probably want to stabilize a person to make sure they got the right type of care. >> you know, kt mcfarland told me over a third have friends that committed suicide. two thirds of the vets are not getting the mental health treatment they feel they need. 50% of vets wait two months for evaluation. when they're asking for that help themselves is it that bad?
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>> it is that bad. and think about veterans going out there back to vietnam era. you see an active duty military. we're an army engaged whchl talking about cutting back military, enemy has a vote. now you're talking about more. >> when he says no evidence they're not ruling it out? that means it's wide open. >> it is wide open. it appears mental health i'm sure they want to get, definitely know what the motive was before they can say there is nothing terrorist related in this case. >> colonel west, we appreciate you staying around. >> it's my honor. >> coming up we're going to
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when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. i'm not ruling out terrorism i'm saying there is no indication of it at this time we have fbi and appropriate federal agencies and various
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organizations searching all of the internet, fabook and the associations you would do the investigation is ongoing. i'm not ruling that out. >> that was lieutenant general mark a mille at a presser tonight. we go now to jennifer griffin with new information from the fbi about shooter's possible motivation. jennifer? >> hi, sean well fbi sources on the ground in texas tell us that in fact there is no indication at this point in time that the shooter was religiously motivated or any sort of an extremist or a muslim extremist according to background from sources there in texas investigating this. we understand army cid is in the lead and nib a supporting role but nothing to indicate that there was any religious motivation behind this shooting. what is interesting is that in that press conference just moments ago we heard that the shooter was in iraq in 011.
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remember, that is when there is a draw down from iraq. not in any sort of combat role. general mille said he was not a wounded warrior he was being treated for issues for psychiatric problems sxh medication. he had talked about having a traumatic brain injury in iraq. he was part of this 13 sustainment command, an ex-ped yigs unit. and so at this point in time he was not part of any sort of warrior transition unit dh was reported this evening. >> jennifer, great information we'll go back to you later in the hour. joining me now fox's own ck
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steegel. >> there is a lot of press milling around. in these stories we rattle off the numbers this many people injured, this many dead there are 16 in serious, fair, or quite critical. that they reported to work today, one of the largest military installations in the world. reported to work, they were guned down. three innocent solders lost their lives. so these are people's sisters, fathers and daughters the same stories we're going to hear coming out incoming weeks and months, the same types of stories that we heard coming out of here in 2009 when major nadil
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hassan opened fire and killed 13 people, injuring three # others. we heard from that press conference tonight some of the people taken to the hospital are still in surgery. and they're still expecting more patients to arrive. that location, that hospital is a level one trauma center well. know nine patients went there and 77 others were transported to area hospitals. so all of the officials on the ground here are trying to sort out information. at that press conference held behind he we did learn a fair amount of information about the shooter other than his name i know some media outlets reported his name in earl hiker parts of the evening. and they did not officially confirm that. he said he wanted to be able to notify the next of kin. i did say that that shooter is married with a family here
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locally they were in the process of trying to get a hold of them. and that he served in iraq in 2011. that he was diagnosed or was in the process of being potentially diagnosed for ptsd. that he was on some medication for anxiety and depression. and he had been transferred here to fort hood in february. one thing that stuck out is how this happened. originally we have heard this is around 5:00 central time now we're learning it's closer to 4:00 central time 5:00 eastern when the shots rang out they said he walked into one of the units buildings and opened fire. then, he left that building. got into his vehicle, and then, opened fire from inside of the vehicle. he got out of that vehicle, and went into a second building and opened fire. and it was at that point when
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the military police officer, a female officer engaged him, and that is when he pulled a weapon from under his jacket and took his own life. so again, in these stories we hear sta cystics 16 injured. but of course, we know that these are loved ones our thoughts and prayers go out to people going to be fighting for their lives tonight. casy tonight we have three people loste lost loved ones these guys went to work. they're serving their country. many served in iraq and afghanistan. put their lives on the line for us. 16 fighting foir their lives. this is the second incident the
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community had to go through. and three # injured in that case. this is a lot for one community to have to go through. casy stegall thanks for joining us we're joined by our good friends. one of the things shocked me. we have a soldier serving four months in iraq. under diagnosis for ptsd. being treated for mental health issues. and you pointed out these sta cystics just handed to me. why don't you explain what that is? >> this is stub -- stunning. a third of the veterans have friends that committed suicide. half of all veterans thought about suicide two-thirds are not getting
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mental health treatment they feel they need. 50% of veterans wait two months for initial mental health evaluations. >> you got this from the brain room at fox? >> a lot of smart people. >> very smart people. yes. >> but statistics are staggering. >> it's breath taking. >> sometimes average waiting time to get benefits is 300 days. so some people waiting more than a year to get benefits. >> jennifer griffin is reporting. she pointed out there is no indication the shooter was motivator by religious ideology. it appears mental health issues we have ticking time bombs now on the bases? one ideologically driven. we assume at this moment more mental-health related? >> two things come to mind. one is a political thing, another is a leadership problem political thing is why is it
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we're not spending more tax dollars on veterans and families welfare than we are on the welfare for people in this country who do nothing to earn their citizenship. nothing? why is a lieutenant general saying that we have police officers and we have certain response units on this base that will respond to this. someone asks them a question about everybody being armed, why are they so comfortable, these executives so comfortable with sending men and women over to die for freedom? then, bringing them back home and saying look you're not responsible enough? >> we're talking about the presser tonight. what i did say is that if you have a weapon on the base it must be registered this weapon, this pistol was not registered he said it's not allowed on base. soldiers should not carry he gave an opinion there. it's somewhat shocking
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we give these guys arms and tell them to kill people overseas they come back -- >> i'm sure we're going to debate it. >> it's not just there. i am the real deal i was a navy s.e.a.l., right? then i went on and became a federal air marshal then an fbi agent here in new york. it's just as hard for me to get a concealed weapons carry permit in this country as anyone that lives anywhere else. >> took me years i've been trained in the use of a firearm and pistol since i was 11 years old. takes years and a lot of death threats. something is wrong with the system. >> it's ridiculous >> we have a brave woman that is, this military personnel confronted him. then, he shot himself. thank god they were there. because without that weapon, would he have just continued this rampage?
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those questions will be answered in days and weeks ahead breaking news continues we now have 16 people injured confirmed three dead, four to include shooter ask self inflicted wound. fort hood. second incident now just a few short years. we'll continue. announcer ] you get sick, you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right so you can breathe and sleep. ♪ fueling the american spirit. ♪ can you hear it? ♪ no matter when, ♪ no matter where, ♪ marathon will take you there. ♪ at any minute... could be a victim of fraud. most people don't even know it. fraud could mean lower credit scores, higher mortgage rates...
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>> this is a fox news alert. we have 16 people injured tonight confirmed and three dead. four do include the shooter. this statement has just been released by fort hood it gives us more in terms of detail beyond a press conference tonight. they say officials reported approximately 4:00 p.m that is central standard time a soldier assigned to 13th sustainment command pierd shots at individuals first medical brigade area. within 15 minutes officials responded to the scene. injured were treated at the scene, transported to area hospitals we learned later that they've received eight patients. five are serious they expect that to be down graded or upgraded. no need for blood supply. one expected out any moment
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the statement goes ton say in regard to investigation there is no indication this incident is related to terrorism. medical officials have confirmed four deceased including the shooter and 16 injured officials continuing to confirm details of the incident. more information will be released as it becomes available our thoughts, prayers go out to deceaseed and families during this time. we'll check back in with our reporters tonight we'll go back to the hospital the nine patients taken to scott & white hospital ten miles from fort hood we'll come back and bring back our panel as this breaking news edition of "hannity" continues [ male announcer ] this is jowoods' first day of work.
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welcome back to fox news we're continuing our coverage of the incident at fort hood earlier today. 16 people injured, and are at area hospitals tonight we continue with our panel. we're speaking during the break. you know i thought casy brought this home. we have thee people dead, 16 soldiers whose only crime is that they went to work today go back to fort hood in the major hassan killing. 14 killed it is, why are the military people, bravest of the people being targeted this way? >> the problem i have if it's a failure of leadership we have a mental health crisis in the united states military. we have had it over a decade we've been at war over a decade this, is not taking us by
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surprise this is an issue our military has known about. they're cutting back on mental health i'm going to make a political comment tonight. the president made a statement. he put out a statement he went to a $32500 a plate dinner and a secondary fund-raiser tonight. in new york city every time a cop or fireman was hurt mayor bloomberg was at the hospital rudy giuliani was at the hospital. i don't understand the priorities here. >> right. >> priorities have to come back in the line when it comes to politics what they think is a campaign, reality is that it affects everybody f you look at israel i bring israel up when it comes to this. awareness is key. if you have a vulnerability have you to fill that vulnerability. right now the biggest vulnerability is awareness on
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bases and politicians do nothing but tamper everybody down making them more unaware. . >> i just think it comes back to the fact i should not have to be talk together same people that witnessed the shooting in 2009. i was reaching out to the same people who have served this country for decades who have been on post who shouldn't be telling me the same quotes they told me in 2009. >> what same quotes? >> i'm speaking with someone earlier standing outside of the hospital on post watching ambulances rush in. my sources there would kill me for describing anything as emotional on their end but it's absurd they have to go through this again. >> there is one thing we can conclude tonight is that we're not doing enough to secure our, certainly at fort hood, we can say our military men and women this needs to be addressed
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i think security is needed on our bases and then, on top of that, they have not ruled out terrorism, it appears this is a mental health issue. we're not doing enough to help 250,000. >> we're not holding anyone responsibility for this. and yet, who is bearing the brunt of this? >> military. >> we keep -- >> again. at the same place. >> and it's just, if not, if someone is reaching out in this case and there are 250,000 you'd think we'd recognize a serious problem here. >> sean just not even five miles from here, at world trade center they had a cut in the fence a sky diver group went there and a 16-year-old.
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>> the guy is sleeping. sleeping. >> that is the culmination. >> thank you for being with us we're going to continue our coverage here. that is all the time we have left we'll see you at our regular hour, 10:00 eastern, tomorrow night. what you wear to bed is your business. so, if you're sleeping in your contact lenses, ask about the they're approved for up totacts 30 nights of continuous wear. ask youroctor about safety information as serious eye problems mayccur. visit for a free one-month trial. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop.
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